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紫外分光光度法测定破壁灵芝孢子粉提取物总三萜含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
确定一种破壁灵芝孢子粉提取物总三萜紫外分光光度测定方法。采用紫外分光光度法,以熊果酸为对照品测定样品。溶液在波长548 nm处具有最大吸光度,熊果酸含量在14~54μg范围内呈良好的线性关系,r为0.999 4,平均回收率为92.94%。提示使用上述方法绘制标准曲线可计算出样品中三萜类化合物的含量。测定方法操作简便、检验快速、稳定性高、重复性好,可以用于灵芝孢子粉产品的质量控制。  相似文献   

薄层色谱-分光光度法测定樟芝菌粉中的总三萜含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用薄层色谱(TLC)-分光光度法测定樟芝菌粉中的总三萜含量.结果表明,适宜的展开剂组成为氯仿:甲醇=9:1.该方法排除了樟芝菌粉中含有的脂肪等物质对测定总三萜含量的干扰,其准确度明显高于直接分光光度法和重量法,同时该方法具有较好的精密度,准确度及稳定性.  相似文献   

张倩倩  黄青 《菌物学报》2018,37(12):1792-1801
本文报道了基于香草醛-高氯酸显色反应的分光光度法定量测定灵芝三萜的修正方法,并对该方法应用进行了探讨和优化。采用此方法检测了灵芝子实体中含量较高的几种三萜酸,结果表明若采用齐墩果酸为标准品检测灵芝三萜,检测结果远低于真实值。在光谱分析上,研究表明对紫外-可见光扫描吸收峰进行面积积分,获得的标准曲线的线性关系更优。  相似文献   

分光光度法测定地骨皮中牛磺酸含量   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用分光光度法测定地骨皮中是否含有牛磺酸。在一定条件下,牛磺酸与乙酰丙酮和甲醛反应生成带色的配合物,建立了测定牛磺酸含量的分光光度法。结果表明,地骨皮中含有牛磺酸,已测定样品1中牛磺酸的质量分数为3.124 mg.g-1,样品2中牛磺酸的质量分数为6.203 mg.g-1,且样品2中的牛磺酸质量分数极显著高于样品1(p<0.01)。研究结果表明,地骨皮中含有牛磺酸,而且分光光度法成本低,干扰少,是测定地骨皮中牛磺酸质量分数的较好方法。  相似文献   

黑灵芝中三萜及其皂苷类化合物总量的光度测定   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用正交试验法优化了香草醛高氯酸法测定黑灵芝三萜及其皂苷类化合物总量的显色条件,建立了测定黑灵芝中三萜及其皂苷类化合物总量的分光光度法,检测波长为550 nm,回归方程为:A=0.0093C-0.0032(μg),R2=0.9986(n=6),齐墩果酸对照品在0~128.4μg范围内呈良好线性关系,RSD为4.09%,对样品进行加标实验,平均回收率为103.9%.用于黑灵芝中三萜及其皂苷类成分的溶剂回流提取、超声提取的测定,结果证明这种方法是可靠的,可供灵芝质量控制.  相似文献   

分光光度法测定叶绿素含量及其比值问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以水稻、棉花、玉米以及喜荫植物吉祥草为材料,采用分光光度法比较了不同性能的分光光度计对叶绿素含量及其比值测定的影响。结果表明,狭缝宽度过小或过大均导致叶绿素定量结果的相对误差增大,但仪器的波长偏移是引起测定结果误差的主要原因。波长偏差超过1nm时会影响混合溶液中叶绿素b的定量结果以及叶绿素的相对比值(Chla/Chlb),波长“蓝移”引起Chla/Chlb偏高,波长“红移”则导致Chla/Chlb偏低。波长偏移及波长重现性差是造成Chla/Chlb比值偏离其“理论比值”、导致测定数据之间缺少可比性的原因。选择具有波长自动校准功能、波长精度高、狭缝宽度在1-2nm的分光光度计用于叶绿素含量及其比值的测定则可获得可比性强、重现性好、准确度高的结果。  相似文献   

紫外分光光度法测定甘草黄酮含量   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:23  
吕欣  付玉杰  王微  祖元刚 《植物研究》2003,23(2):192-194
采用分光光度法,测定了甘草中总黄酮的合量,检测波长为500nm,标准曲线相关系数R^2为0.9994,相对标准偏差为0.20%,平均加样回收率为100.20%。结果表明,此法准确度较高,为甘草生药及成品药中甘草黄酮合量测定提供了一种切实可行的方法  相似文献   

目的:对天花粉中总三萜皂苷含量进行测定,为天花粉质量评价提供依据。方法:选用熊果酸为对照品,5%香草醛-冰醋酸和高氯酸为显色剂,以紫外分光光度法测定天花粉中总三萜皂苷的含量。结果:标品在16~48μg范围内有良好的线性关系(r=0.9905)。样品在10~40min内稳定,加样回收率为97.22%,RSD=1.59。结论:该方法操作简便,快速,灵敏度高和重复性好,可用于天花粉及其相关产品的质量控制。  相似文献   

采用分光光度法测定了苦参中微量元素铜的含量,探讨了测定条件,并与火焰原子吸收光度法进行了对比。结果表明,两种方法的测定结果吻合,平均回收率分别为95.2%和101.6%,相对标准偏差分别为1.82%和1.10%,结果可靠,特别是分光光度法仪器价格低,操作简便,适用范围广,可用于实际样品的测定。  相似文献   

以pH3.5的冰醋酸-醋酸钠(HAc-NaAc)为溶剂,在检测波长为295 nm下用UV-2102c型紫外分光光度计测定巴洛沙星的吸光度。结果表明,巴洛沙星的浓度在2~20μg/mL范围内线性关系良好,r=0.999 8;平均回收率为99.07%,相对标准偏差RSD=0.17%(n=3)。该方法快速、简便、准确,可用于生产巴洛沙星原料药及其制剂过程中的质量控制。  相似文献   

灵芝三萜是灵芝中主要的活性成分之一,前期研究发现油酸可以促进灵芝三萜液态深层发酵下的发酵合成。本研究主要对油酸促进灵芝三萜液态深层发酵的工艺进行优化,并进行3L发酵罐规模的验证。通过单因素实验考察油酸的添加方式、添加时间和添加浓度对灵芝三萜的影响,结合响应面实验,获得最优工艺条件并进行验证:在发酵第32h添加1.21%高温灭菌油酸,最高灵芝三萜含量为42.69mg/g;在发酵第7h添加1.35%过滤除菌油酸,最高三萜含量为43.38mg/g,分别比对照提高2.04倍和2.08倍。在1 000mL摇瓶中添加高温灭菌油酸和过滤除菌油酸,灵芝三萜含量分别为32.18和32.48mg/g,为对照的1.96倍和1.95倍;在3L发酵罐规模下灵芝三萜含量分别为28.66和25.13mg/g,为对照的1.62倍和1.42倍。本研究系统优化了油酸促进灵芝三萜液态深层发酵的工艺条件,并在与工业生产相对应的3L发酵罐上进行验证。该研究可为灵芝三萜的规模化发酵提供重要参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

冯娜  岳亚文  程池露  杨梅  汪旵  张劲松 《菌物学报》2022,41(9):1341-1353
菌丝体作为灵芝生长发育过程中的一个特定生理阶段,会产生不同于子实体和孢子的特定结构的灵芝酸类三萜化合物。本文总结了灵芝菌丝体中已发现和鉴定的三萜化合物结构、生物活性及其构效关系的研究进展,以期为灵芝菌丝体三萜在生物合成、代谢调控等的基础研究及相关产品的开发应用提供科学参考。  相似文献   

通过液体振荡-静置两阶段发酵获得灵芝菌丝体,并采用硅胶柱色谱层析、反相柱层析和甲醇重结晶的方法,从中分离得到4个三萜类化合物。根据NMR、MS等波谱数据分析,化合物分别被鉴定为lanosta-7,9(11),24-trien-3α-acetoxy-26-oic acid(1)、灵芝酸R(2)、灵芝酸T(3)和灵芝酸S(4),其中化合物1的核磁信号全归属为首次报道。4个三萜类化合物均具有较好的抑制肿瘤细胞L1210及K562增殖的活性,且化合物1的体外抗肿瘤活性为首次证实,其对肿瘤细胞L1210及K562增殖的半数抑制浓度IC50分别为22.17μmol/L和54.79μmol/L。  相似文献   

We have developed a spectrophotometric assay method which continuously records esterase activity at 510 nm by monitoring absorbance changes due to the formation of a diazo dye complex. In our method, α-naphthyl ester substrates are hydrolyzed by enzymatic action to α-naphthol which couples to Fast Blue RR salt (a diazonium salt) forming a diazo dye complex. Our method is unique in directly monitoring the formation of the diazo dye complex without extracting the color of the complex as in other methods that use naphthyl esters and diazo coupling of reaction products. The method appears to be limited to α-naphthyl ester substrates, however, since β-naphthyl esters did not give a linear change in absorbance in the enzymatic reactions tested. With this assay method, one can use a single substrate both to determine esterase units quantitatively in solution and to detect esterase staining activity on gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Two new lanostane triterpenes, named methyl ganoderate A acetonide (1) and n-butyl ganoderate H (2), were isolated from the fruiting bodies of Ganoderma lucidum together with 16 known compounds (3-18). Extensive spectroscopic and chemical studies established the structures of these compounds as methyl 7β,15α-isopropylidenedioxy-3,11,23-trioxo-5α-lanost-8-en-26-oate (1) and n-butyl 12β-acetoxy-3β-hydroxy-7,11,15,23-tetraoxo-5α-lanost-8-en-26-oate (2). Because new compounds exhibiting specific anti-acetylcholinesterase activity are being sought as possible drug candidates for the treatment of Alzheimer's and related neurodegenerative diseases, compounds 1-18 were examined for their inhibitory activities against acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase. All of the compounds exhibited moderate acetylcholinesterase-inhibitory activity, with IC(50) values ranging from 9.40 to 31.03μM. In contrast, none of the compounds except lucidadiol (13) and lucidenic acid N (14) exhibited butyrylcholinesterase-inhibitory activity at concentrations up to 200μM. These results indicate that these lanostane triterpenes are preferential inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase and may be suitable drug candidates.  相似文献   

杨梅  岳亚文  张劲松  唐庆九  冯娜  韩伟 《菌物学报》2022,41(9):1519-1528
多篇文献报道灵芝三萜具有良好的抗肿瘤活性,但其构效关系和作用靶点尚未系统比较。本研究以45种灵芝三萜为研究对象,通过对小鼠白血病细胞L1210的增殖抑制测定,来评价化合物抗肿瘤的能力。结果表明,灵芝菌丝体三萜和子实体中性三萜的活性较强。进一步采用Discovery Studio分子对接技术探讨了12种活性较强的灵芝三萜与5种抗肿瘤作用相关蛋白p53、Bcl-xl、EGFR、IL-2和VEGFR2之间可能的作用靶点,推测三萜化合物抗肿瘤能力与其结构上的乙酰氧基和母环上的共轭双键有关。其中,具有这一特征的含有3个乙酰氧基的ganoderic acid T,其抗肿瘤活性最强。本研究为灵芝三萜活性位点的寻找和结构改造提供了参考。  相似文献   

A detailed chemical analysis of the benzene extract of western white pine bark was conducted. The extract consisted of 13% phlobaphenes, 18% strong acids, 21% polar weak acids, 6.5% fatty acids, 9.5% resin acids, and 32% neutrals. The fatty acids consisted mainly of C20:0, C22:0, and C24:0 acids. The resin acids were identified as: isopimaric, anticopalic, dehydroabietic, sandaracopimaric, abietic, 6,8,11,13-abietatetraen-18-oic and pimaric acids. The neutrals on saponification gave fatty acids, sterols, wax alcohols, nonsaponifiables, and other components. The esterified fatty acids consisted primarily of the C16:0, C18:0, C20:0 and C24:0 acids. The sterols included major amounts of sitosterol, campesterol, and stigmasterol, and traces of cholesterol. Over 70 individual compounds were isolated and identified from the nonsaponifiables. These included borneol, sesquiterpenes, diterpenes, steroidal ketones, as well as lanostane and serratane triterpenes. The characterization of12 new natural products or natural products isolated for the first time from Pinus species is reported.  相似文献   

A mixture of Ti(IV) and 4-(2-pyridylazo)resorcinol was found to be useful in the spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of hydrogen peroxide. The absorbance at 508 nm was proportional to the concentration of hydrogen peroxide added. The reagent was successfully applied to the assay of free fatty acid in serum through the combined use of acyl-CoA synthetase and acyl-CoA oxidase. The latter enzyme produces H2O2. As a result, hydrogen peroxide was produced through the enzymatic oxidation of free fatty acid. It was possible to determine free fatty acid in 50 μl of serum at concentrations ranging from 0.02 to 1.5 mm. The coefficient of variation was less than 3% at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 1.5 mm. In the present method, there is the advantage of minimal influence from reducible substances as well as greater simplicity and accuracy.  相似文献   

Introduction – The fruit bodies of Fomes officinalis are used for the treatment of coughs, gastric cancer, rheumatism and hydropsia; however, no method is currently available to assess the quality of this medicinal fungus based on quantitative profile of its main triterpenes. Objective – To develop a simple and accurate HPLC‐UV method for the simultaneous quantification of five lanostane‐type triterpenes in the fruit bodies of F. officinalis. Method – Separations were performed on an Agilent Zorbax Eclipse XDB‐C18 column by gradient elution using acetonitrile : formic acid. Analytes were identified by HPLC coupled with electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry experiments. The quantitative HPLC‐UV method was validated for linearity, precision, accuracy and limits of detection and quantification. Results – Calibration curves presented good linear regression (r > 0.9996) within test ranges. The relative standard deviation of this method was less than 1.7% for intra‐ and inter‐day assays and overall recoveries were 96.4–104.1% for the five compounds analysed. The method was successfully applied to the quantification of five triterpenes in 16 samples of F. officinalis collected from different regions. Conclusion – The developed assay could be considered as a suitable quality control method for F. officinalis. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

运用高效液相建立灵芝孢子粉中脂溶性成分的分析测定方法。通过色谱柱、洗脱条件、ELSD参数的优化,建立了12种脂溶性成分的测定方法,结果表明,该方法简单、准确、稳定,可以实现孢子粉中甘油三酯、脂肪酸、甾醇三类脂溶性成分的同时提取、分析;破壁孢子粉中脂溶性成分为301.49-397.37mg/g,孢子油产品中脂溶性成分的含量为626.00-713.07mg/g,远高于三萜含量;1,2-二油酸-3-棕榈酸甘油酯、甘油三油酸酯、1,2-二油酸-3-亚油酸甘油酯是主要的脂溶性成分,脂肪酸以不饱和脂肪酸亚油酸及油酸为主,甾醇中麦角甾醇含量最高。研究结果明确了灵芝孢子粉中脂溶性成分的物质基础,为深入研究其活性成分、全面评价孢子粉质量提供了依据。  相似文献   

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