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金属结合蛋白基因及其在清除重金属污染中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
焦芳婵  毛雪  李润植 《遗传》2002,24(1):82-86
一些微生物和植物由于对毒性金属具有独特的抗性机制,使得利用它们来清除日益严重的环境污染已发展成为一种十分有效的技术——生物修复。研究表明,不同的金属结合蛋白(如MT 和PC),在生物忍耐和降解过量重金属毒性机制中起重要作用。愈来愈多的MT 和PC基因被克隆,并已成功地应用于生物遗传转化,这些转基因生物在清除重金属污染方面已显示出潜在的应用价值。 Abstract:Heavy metal pollution has become a global environmental hazard.The use of microorganisms and plants for the decontamination of heavy metals is recognized as a low lost and high efficiency method for cleaning up metal contamination.It shows that various metal-binding proteins such as metallothioneins (MTs) or phytochelatines (PCs) play an important role in defense systems and detoxification to heavy metals in organisms.Many genes of MTs and PCs have been cloned and utilized successfully in genetically modified bacteria and plants for increasing remediation capacity.These transgenic organisms have been displayed a great potential in bioremediation and phytoremediation of heavy metals.  相似文献   

While microbial nitrogen transformations are sensitive indicators of trace metal toxicity in soils, studies that quantify the impacts of heavy metal pollution in polluted rice soils on microbial communities and their activities remain limited. We examined changes in the abundance, composition and activity of ammonia oxidizing communities in two paddy fields that have been polluted by metal mining and smelting activities for more than three decades. The results showed a shift in the community structure of ammonia oxidizing archaea (AOA) and, to a lesser extent, of ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) under metal pollution in the soils. All the retrieved AOB sequences in this study belonged to the genus Nitrosospira. Among them, the species in Cluster 3 a.1 seemed to be more sensitive to heavy metal pollution. Both AOB abundance and nitrification activity were not affected by heavy metal pollution in the two sites; whereas, AOA abundance increased. Our results suggested an effect of metal pollutants on communities of ammonia oxidizers, the degree of which varied in accordance with the amount of metal pollution. Therefore, it is difficult to quantify the relationship between the AOB/AOA communities and nitrification activity in the polluted soil.  相似文献   

黑土中几种重金属的化学形态   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在自然界中,重金属元素的总浓度不能正确反映出它们对生物的效应和地球化学的过程。重金属的毒性在很大程度上取决于它们存在的化学形态。重金属进入土壤这个有机、无机复合体后,通过溶解、沉淀、凝聚、络合、吸附等各种反应,形成重金属的不同化学形态,并表现出不同的活性。东北地区的黑土,其主要特征是富含有机质,为了探索土壤有机质含量与土壤重金属的亲合力及其在土壤中存在的各种形态,我们用A.Tesser等提出的连续浸提法,作了重金属元素在黑土中存在形态的研究,这对进一步研究土壤净化功能与土壤环境容量具有一定意义。  相似文献   

重金属对水稻和小麦DNA甲基化水平的影响   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
和对照相比,0.025(或0.05)-0.1mmol/L的Cu^2 (或0.05)-1.0mmol/L的Cd^2 或Hg^2 导致水稻(或小麦)叶DNA中的5-甲基胞嘧啶百分含量大幅度上升;当Cu^2 浓度>0.1mmol/L时,小麦和水稻叶DNA中5-甲基胞嘧啶的百分含量随Cu^2 浓度的增高略有下降,但仍高于对照。0.1-1.0mmol/L的Cu^2 ,Cd^2 和Hg^2 也导致小麦穗DNA为5-甲基胞嘧啶的百分含量随Cu^2 ,Cd^ 和Cd^2 能使小麦和水稻根系DNA中5-甲基胞嘧啶的百分含量显著高于对照,而0.1-1.0mmol/L的Hg^2 以及1.0mmol/L的Cu^2 和Cd^2 则造成小麦和水稻根系DNA中5-甲基胞嘧啶的百分含量显著低于对照。  相似文献   

1 前 言土壤重金属污染常常是两种或两种以上元素同时作用形成的复合污染 ,如污泥土地利用、污水灌溉等往往是多元素同时进入土壤 植物系统。近十几年来 ,国内外学者特别关注复合污染方面的研究 ,认为元素间的联合作用对作物的产量及元素在作物体内的再分配有着至关重要的影响[1~ 3 ]。同时 ,多元素的联合作用是一个相当复杂的过程。美国Wallace等将重金属的联合作用分为协同、竞争、加和、屏蔽和独立作用[4 ,5 ]。多元素相互作用产生的生态效应受多种因素的影响 ,诸如作物的种类、元素的不同组合、元素浓度等。本文探讨了土壤中…  相似文献   

5种湿地植物对土壤重金属的富集转运特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选择芦苇、水葱、千屈菜、扁秆藨草、长苞香蒲5种湿地植物进行盆栽实验,比较它们对土壤中的5种重金属镉、铬、汞、铅、锌的富集特性,分析重金属在各植物体和土壤中的动态分布,以评价所测植物对土壤中重金属的综合富集能力,为利用植物修复金属污染土壤提供理论依据和技术支持。结果表明:(1)种植湿地植物对土壤重金属的富集效果显著高于无植物对照,且随着处理时间的延长,土壤中重金属镉、铬、汞、铅、锌的含量均呈下降趋势。(2)湿地植物对重金属镉、铬、汞、铅、锌的富集效果差异显著,其中水葱根部对重金属镉的富集系数最大,芦苇根部对重金属铬、汞、铅、锌的富集系数均最大,千屈菜、扁秆藨草和长苞香蒲根部对5种重金属的富集系数均较小;芦苇地上部分对金属镉的富集系数最大,千屈菜地上部分对金属铬、汞、铅的富集系数均最大,水葱地上部分对金属锌的富集系数最大。(3)5种湿地植物对重金属镉、铬、汞、铅、锌的转移系数差异显著,其中扁秆藨草对土壤中镉、铬、铅、锌的转移系数均为最大,对铬和锌的转移系数均大于1,长苞香蒲对铬的转移系数大于1,仅次于扁秆藨草。其他3种植物对5种重金属的转移系数均小于1。研究表明,5种湿地植物对重金属Cd、Cr、Hg、Pb、Zn都有富集和转移的能力,但不同植物对不同重金属的富集效果不同。  相似文献   

重金属胁迫引起的水稻和小麦幼苗DNA损伤   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
供试浓度的重金属Cu2 、Cd2 和Hg2 能在不同程度上导致水稻和小麦DNA损伤。 (1)Hg2 ≥ 0 .0 2 5mmol L、Cu2 和Cd2 ≥ 0 .1mmol L处理使水稻幼苗期外DNA合成速率显著高于对照 ,且当Cu2 、Cd2 和Hg2 浓度进一步增高时 ,水稻幼苗期外DNA合成速率呈现先上升而后较最大值有所下降的规律。 (2 ) 0 .1~1.0mmol L的Cu2 及 0 .1mmol L的Cd2 、Hg2 能引起水稻、小麦叶内DNA和蛋白质交联 ,并且这种和DNA交联的蛋白质易被胰蛋白酶水解。 (3) 0 .1~ 1.0mmol L的Hg2 及 1.0mmol L的Cd2 还能使水稻、小麦叶片内DNA链间发生交联  相似文献   

地衣对重金属的累积效应用于大气监测的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以采自不同污染区的3个种共18个地衣样本作为试验材料,利用原子吸收分光光度计,测定样品中铅、镉的含量,评估环境质量。结果表明:铅是其中两个样点中的重要沉积物,在各地衣样品中有不同程度的积累,离子积累的浓度与污染源的相对位置具有直接的关系。根据累积浓度不同,可以推测当地的空气质量。  相似文献   

This work has examined sewage sludge of the following heavy metal concentrations (mg/kg): Cd-3.43; Co-5.25; Cu-131; Fe-51300; Mn-177; Ni-37.5; Pb-104; Zn-3300. Metals speciation by sequential extraction according to Tessier et al. (1979), and Rudd et al. (1988), and a procedure recommended by European Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) (Ure et al., 1993; Quevauiller et al., 1996; Davidson et al., 1999), as well as analysis of chemical forms of metals, have been carried out. It has been found that only Zn concentration is higher than the value permissible for agricultural sewage sludge application (2500 mg/kg). The results obtained by Tessier et al. (1979) Tessier, A., Campbell, P. C. and Bisson, M. 1979. Sequential extraction procedure for the speciation of particulate trace metals.. Anal. Chem., 51: 844851. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], and BCR procedures (Ure et al., 1993; Quevauiller et al., 1996; Davidson et al., 1999) appeared to be consistent. A comparison of the sequential analysis and the analysis of chemical forms of metals indicates that the sum of metal concentrations for the exchangeable, carbonate and bound to Fe/Mn oxyhydroxides forms (found by Tessier et al., 1979, and BCR analyses (Ure et al., 1993; Quevauiller et al., 1996; Davidson, et al., 1999)) corresponds to the sum of sulfate, oxide, metallic and siliceous forms. The concentrations of the forms bound to organic matter or sulfides correspond to the sulfide form while the residue corresponds to the ferrate form. Preparative extraction of metals from the sewage sludge using sodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA-Na), sodium pyrophosphate (V) and ammonia water has also been investigated. As far as the examined leaching agents are concerned, EDTA-Na appeared to be the best. Single leaching with this agent results in the following metal concentrations remaining in the sludge (mg/kg): Cd-1.1; Co-2.1; Cu-105; Fe-17700; Mn-28.3; Ni-12.8; Pb-44; Zn-1200. They meet the requirements of Polish regulations concerning the use of sewage sludge as a soil fertilizer.  相似文献   

水稻抗寒剂的效应及其施用技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用KNO3(5g/L)和Na2HPO4(2g/L)及KH2PO3(2g/L)组合成抗寒剂(I),混合比为1:1:1处理水稻种子和喷施幼苗能减轻早春寒害对幼苗的损伤;在寒露风来临之际,用KH2PO4(10g/L),Na2HPO4(2.5g/L)和尿素(10g/L)组成的抗寒剂(II)混合比为1:1:1喷施稻叶面能提高植株的抗冷性,促进颖花开裂,增加受精率和结实率,可以减轻寒露风对水稻产量的影响。  相似文献   

Field and laboratory research has repeatedly shown that free-living soil nematodes differ in their sensitivity to soil pollution. In this paper, we analyze whether nematode genera proved sensitive or tolerant toward heavy metals and organic pollutants in six long-term field experiments. We discuss overlaps between nematode physiological responses to heavy metals and to organic pollutants, which may explain why nematodes can exhibit co-tolerance toward several contaminants. We propose a simple method for separating direct effects of soil contamination on nematode populations from indirect effects mediated through the food chain. Finally, we analyze the extent to which nematodes exhibited consistent responses across the experiments analyzed. Our results show that (a) indirect effects of pollution were generally strong; (b) fewer nematode genera were tolerant than sensitive; (c) many genera, including practically all Adenophorea, exhibited a common response pattern to contaminants; and (d) several genera of the Secernentea exhibited differential tolerance toward particular pollutants. We conclude that bioindication of soil contamination should preferentially be based on tolerant, and less on sensitive, nematodes. We provide a list of nematode genera that may potentially serve as differential bioindicators for specific soil contaminants.  相似文献   

福建漳州市香蕉园土壤重金属污染调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查福建省漳州市香蕉园土壤重金属Cd、Pb、Hg、Cr、Cu及非重金属有害元素As含量,并采用单项污染指数法和综合污染指数法进行评价。结果表明,以福建土壤背景值为评价标准,漳州市部分香蕉园土壤受到重金属污染,单项污染指数的顺序为Hg(1.60)> Pb(1.26)> Cd(1.07)> Cu(0.76)> As(0.50)> Cr(0.38),污染元素主要为Cd、Pb、Hg,其中Cd、Hg为中度污染;综合污染指数为1.16,属轻度污染。而以土壤环境质量二级标准为评价标准,其综合污染指数为0.34,表明未受污染。对不同取样点土壤重金属污染情况比较分析,说明道路交通、生活垃圾及生活污水均会造成香蕉园土壤不同程度的重金属污染,主要表现为Cd、Pb、Hg的污染。  相似文献   

植物金属硫蛋白(metallothioneins, MT)被认为在植物应答重金属胁迫方面发挥了重要作用,但该基因的转录调控机制目前仍不清楚.我们以前的研究初步鉴定出位于-331/-194的水稻MT基因(ricMT)启动子区对于金属激活ricMT的表达是必需的.为了明确 -331/-194启动子序列在控制ricMT表达中的作用,本课题开展了该序列 与核因子的结合特性研究.从2周龄水稻嫩叶中提取了几乎不含叶绿体污染的细胞核,并制备 了核蛋白用于凝胶阻滞实验,发现核因子能够与-331/-194启动子序列特异 结合.本研究还进一步考察了重金属对核因子结合活性的影响,发现在结合体系中去除重金 属离子,核因子与-331/-194序列的结合能力会丧失,而在结合体系中加入重金属离子, 结合能力则会随着外加的离子浓度提高而增强,证明这种结合确实依赖于重金属.这些证据 结合以前的结果表明,某些金属响应的核因子可能通过结合-331/-194启动子区域来调控 ricMT基因表达.  相似文献   

为了提高竹炭去除废水中重金属离子能力,采用交联法设计合成新型的磁性壳聚糖改性竹炭复合吸附剂,并采用傅里叶红外光谱对改性竹炭复合吸附剂进行表征,同时开展不同Cu2+初始浓度、吸附剂投加量、吸附时间、pH和温度等因素对Cu2+吸附去除率的影响。结果表明,吸附效率与Cu2+初始浓度和吸附剂投加量成正效应;吸附平衡时间约8 h;在作用温度范围内,吸附效率随温度升高而上升;pH为7时吸附效果最好。振荡条件吸附效果优于静置处理。该结果为废水重金属深度处理及水环境保护提供依据。  相似文献   

With the aim of metal decontamination, migration and stabilization of multiply heavy metals in an aged contaminated soil under a constant 1 V cm?1 parallel-plate electric field were investigated through monitoring the metal migration in the anolyte, as well as analyzing their species distribution residual in soil. Besides anionic Cr(VI), cationic metals were also found in the anolyte, primarily by the concentration-gradient-driven diffusion of free ions, especially when the produced H+ considerably increased their levels in the soil. After 295 h, parts of Cu, Cr, Ni, and Zn were found to electro-migrate into the intermediate area, but no obvious Pb migration was observed, likely ascribed to its own great inertia and precipitation with the present Cr(VI). However, in the whole, only 5.3% of Zn and 2.7% of Ni were separated, while the release of other heavy metals was almost ignorable. Although Pb mobility in the soil near the anode even increased three times, the overall metal mobility in all sample locations was found to significantly reduce under the electric field, indicating an effective stabilization approach. Moreover, compared with the bottom soil, the top soil near the anode was found to have a lower pH, higher moisture, lower heavy metal concentrations, and less soil oxidant demand; these phenomena may be due to a faster electro-migration of charged ions, especially H+, in the top soil. Therefore, such a divergence may considered to improve the current simulation approach for a realistic estimation of the actual metal and H+ electro-migration rate and the associated behavior under an electric field.  相似文献   

The objective of the investigation was to evaluate the effect of immobilizing substances and NaCl salinity on the availability of heavy metals: Zn, Cd, Cu, Ni, and Pb to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). In greenhouse pot experiment, a sewage sludge amended soil was treated with the following immobilizing substances: three clay minerals (Na-bentonite, Ca-bentonite and zeolite), iron oxides (goethite and hematite), and phosphate fertilizers (superphosphate and Novaphos). The pots were planted with wheat and were irrigated either with deionized or saline water containing 1600 mg L?1 NaCl. Wheat was harvested two times for shoot metal concentrations and biomass measurements. Metal species in soil solution were estimated using the software MINEQL+.

The addition of metal immobilizing substances to the soil significantly decreased metal availability to wheat. The largest reduction in metal bioavailability was found for bentonites. The irrigation with saline water (1600 mg L?1 NaCl) resulted in a significant increase in metal chloride species (MCl+ and MCl2 0). The highest metal complexation with Cl occurred for Cd, which was about 53% of its total soil solution concentration. The total concentration of Cd (CdT) in soil solution increased by 1.6–2.8-fold due to saline water. The NaCl salinity caused a significant increase in uptake and shoot concentration of Cd for two harvests and small but significant increase in shoot Pb concentration for the second harvest. It was concluded that the use of bentonites is the most promising for the reduction of heavy metal availability to plants. Saline water containing 1600 mg L? 1 NaCl increased the availability of Cd and Pb to wheat and decreased the efficiency of bentonites to immobilize soluble Cd.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Pb, Zn, Cd, Ni, Cu, Cr, and Mn were determined to assess the impact of automobiles on heavy metal contamination of roadside soil. Soil samples at four polluted sites and a control site were collected at a depth of 0, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30?cm. A comparison of elemental levels between polluted and control sites exhibited exceptionally higher concentrations at the former sites. The Pb levels in polluted sites varied from 70 to 280.5?µgg?1and it rapidly decreased with depth. Similarly, mean concentrations of Zn, Cd, Ni, Cu, Cr, and Mn were significantly higher at polluted sites and followed a decreasing trend with the increase in depth. Correlation coefficients between heavy metals and traffic density were positively significant except for nickel. Profile samples showed that Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, and Mn were largely concentrated in the top 5?cm confirming airborne contamination. The vertical movement and partitioning of metals, except Ni and Cr, exhibited predominant association with soil pH and organic carbon. The results have been presented using Heavy Metal Index.  相似文献   

The feasibility of using a biodegradable surfactant, surfactin from Bacillus subtilis, for the removal of heavy metals from a contaminated soil (890?mg/kg zinc, 420?mg/kg copper, 12.6% oil and grease) and sediments (110?mg/kg copper, 3300?mg/kg zinc) was evaluated. Results showed that after one and five batch washings of the soil, 25 and 70% of the copper, 6 and 25% of the zinc, and 5 and 15% of the cadmium could be removed by 0.1% surfactin with 1% NaOH, respectively. From the sediment, 15% of the copper and 6% of the zinc could be removed after a single washing with 0.25% surfactin/1% NaOH. The geochemical speciation of the heavy metals among the exchangeable, oxide, carbonate, organic, and residual fractions was determined by selective sequential extraction procedure. For both matrices, the exchangeable fractions were minimal, while the carbonate and the oxide fractions accounted for over 90% of the zinc present and the organic fraction constituted over 70% of the copper. Results after washing indicated that surfactin with NaOH could remove copper from the organic fraction, zinc from the oxide, and cadmium from the carbonate fractions. The residual fraction remained untouched. These experiments indicate that the sequential extraction studies could be useful in designing soil-washing procedures.  相似文献   

春玉米与生姜间作不同种植方式农田生态效应研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
春玉米与生姜间作不同种植方式农田生态效应研究姚向高王爱玲(河南农业大学农学院,郑州450002)StudyoftheEcologicalEfcctsofDiferentTreatmentofIntercroppingofSpringMaizeand...  相似文献   

植物硒生理及与重金属交互的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
硒是一种重要的微量元素,在低浓度时对生物有益,但高浓度时呈现与重金属类似的毒性。植物作为人体硒摄入的主要来源,其硒代谢对于植物硒积累乃至人体硒营养水平十分重要。研究植物硒吸收、代谢和积累机理能指导富硒粮食的生产,是解决人体硒摄入不足/超量问题的有效途径。本文在阐述土壤硒含量、形态、生物有效性及分布的基础上,综述了植物对硒的吸收、代谢机理的研究进展,并讨论了农业生物强化以及遗传育种生物强化等两种硒生物强化的实践方法,以及利用硒生物强化缓解重金属毒性减少积累;最后,提出了植物硒代谢及硒生物强化研究的前沿问题,以期为改善人体硒营养水平提高人体健康状况提供理论和实践依据。  相似文献   

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