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Getting a grip on non-native proteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is an underappreciated fact that non-native polypeptides are prevalent in the cellular environment. Native proteins have the folded structure, assembled state and cellular localization required for activity. By contrast, non-native proteins lack function and are particularly prone to aggregation because hydrophobic residues that are normally buried are exposed on their surfaces. These unstable entities include polypeptides that are undergoing synthesis, transport to and translocation across membranes, and those that are unfolded before degradation. Non-native proteins are normal, biologically relevant components of a healthy cell, except in cases in which their misfolding results from disease-causing mutations or adverse extrinsic factors. Here, we explore the nature and occurrence of non-native proteins, and describe the diverse families of molecular chaperones and coordinated cellular responses that have evolved to prevent their misfolding and aggregation, thereby maintaining quality control over these potentially damaging protein species.  相似文献   

Underpinned by a database of more than a dozen different crystal structures, an increasingly complete and coherent picture of polymerase structure and function is emerging. Recently determined structures of DNA and RNA polymerases have revealed some of the molecular features and structural changes governing catalysis, oligomerization, processivity and fidelity. Despite having minimal similarities in sequence and protein topology, the polymerases all display a functionally analogous set of subdomains that bind the primer, template and nucleotide substrates in similar though not identical fashions. The two-metal-ion mechanism for nucleotide incorporation, however, is shared even by nonhomologous polymerases.  相似文献   

Misfolding and aggregation of proteins into nanometer-scale fibrillar assemblies is a hallmark of many neurodegenerative diseases. Aggregation of the human alpha-synuclein protein is implicated in the etiology of Parkinson’s disease. A particularly relevant question is the role of early oligomeric aggregates of alpha-synuclein in modulating the dynamics of protein aggregation, and in the interactions with essential cellular components. However, very little is known about the molecular details of these aggregate species. For large protein aggregates, such as alpha-synuclein oligomers, it is very difficult to determine the number of monomers that form an oligomer using conventional techniques. We have developed a method that uses sub-stoichiometric labeling, that is, only a fraction of the monomers contains a fluorescent label, in combination with single-molecule photobleaching to determine the number of monomers per oligomer (Zijlstra et al., 2012). The number of bleaching steps gives the number of fluorescent labels per oligomer. Knowing the exact label density, that is, the fraction of labeled monomers at the start of the aggregation, we can correlate the number of fluorescent labels per oligomer to the total number of monomers. Using this method, we can determine the composition, probe the distribution in the number of monomers per oligomer, and investigate the influence of the fluorescent label on the aggregation process. For wild-type alpha-synuclein, we find no distribution in the number of monomers per oligomer and find a single, well-defined oligomeric species consisting of ~30 monomers per oligomer. On the other hand, for oligomers formed in the presence of dopamine, we find a distinctly bimodal distribution suggesting the existence of two populations of oligomeric species.  相似文献   

The first structure of a pre-mRNA processing factor bound to heptad repeats from the C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II is revealed in a crystal of capping guanylyltransferase complexed with a four-repeat phosphopeptide.  相似文献   

Human beings have been credited with unparalleled capabilities for digital prehension grasping. However, grasping behaviour is widespread among tetrapods. The propensity to grasp, and the anatomical characteristics that underlie it, appear in all of the major groups of tetrapods with the possible exception of terrestrial turtles. Although some features are synapomorphic to the tetrapod clade, such as well‐defined digits and digital musculature, other features, such as opposable digits and tendon configurations, appear to have evolved independently in many lineages. Here we examine the incidence, functional morphology, and evolution of grasping across four major tetrapod clades. Our review suggests that the ability to grasp with the manus and pes is considerably more widespread, and ecologically and evolutionarily important, than previously thought. The morphological bases and ecological factors that govern grasping abilities may differ among tetrapods, yet the selective forces shaping them are likely similar. We suggest that further investigation into grasping form and function within and among these clades may expose a greater role for grasping ability in the evolutionary success of many tetrapod lineages.  相似文献   

To investigate conformations of C-cadherin associated with functional activity and physiological regulation, we generated monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that bind differentially to monomeric or dimeric forms. These mAbs recognize conformational epitopes at multiple sites along the C-cadherin ectodomain aside from the well known Trp-2-mediated dimer interface in the N-terminal EC1 domain. Group 1 mAbs, which bind monomer better than dimer and the Trp-2-mutated protein (W2A) better than wild type, recognize epitopes in EC4 or EC5. Dimerization of the W2A mutant protein via a C-terminal immunoglobulin Fc domain restored the dimeric mAb-binding properties to EC4-5 and partial homophilic binding activity but did not restore full cell adhesion activity. Group 2 and Group 3 mAbs, which bind dimer better than monomer and wild type better than W2A, recognize epitopes in EC1 and the interface between EC1 and EC2, respectively. None of the mAbs could distinguish between different physiological states of C-cadherin at the cell surface of either Xenopus embryonic cells or Colo 205 cultured cells, demonstrating that changes in dimerization do not underlie regulation of adhesion activity. On the cell surface the EC3-EC5 domains are much less accessible to mAb binding than EC1-EC2, suggesting that they are masked by the state of cadherin organization or by other molecules. Thus, the EC2-EC5 domains either reflect, or are involved in, cadherin dimerization and organization at the cell surface.  相似文献   

A recent Molecular Cell paper by Randell et al. (2006) sheds light on the role of ATP hydrolysis by Cdc6 in promoting the stable loading of the Mcm2-7 complex onto origins of DNA replication.  相似文献   

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