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付显惠  王瑜  马玉彤  江聪  张雪 《菌物学报》2023,(5):1087-1101
稻巨座壳引起的稻瘟病是一种重要的农作物真菌病害,该病害的发生和流行限制了水稻的产量,威胁全球粮食安全。细胞凋亡和自噬在稻巨座壳的致病性中起重要作用,抗细胞凋亡的存活因子Svf1在禾谷镰刀菌和核盘菌中被报道与致病力相关,但是其在稻巨座壳中的详细功能却并未见报道。本研究对MoSvf1进行序列分析,发现Svf1在真菌中高度保守。对其进行基因敲除并观察表型,发现Mosvf1突变体菌落生长减慢,菌丝形态异常,但其产孢量相比野生型有显著性增多。说明MoSvf1正调控稻巨座壳的营养生长,负调控孢子的形成。Mosvf1突变体的附着胞形成和致病力无可见缺陷。为进一步完善MoSvf1的互作调控网络,我们通过IP-MS的方法鉴定MoSvf1的互作蛋白,发现其中包含多个与胞内信号传导及细胞凋亡有关的蛋白。对MoSvf1互作蛋白的分析有助于进一步揭示MoSvf1的调控模式和作用途径,为阐明稻巨座壳的生长和凋亡打下重要基础。  相似文献   

2014年,自云南省沧源县及耿马县陆稻地方品种上分离99个稻瘟病菌稻巨座壳单孢菌株,采用4个已知交配型的标准菌株对其进行育性和交配型测定.结果 表明,两地稻巨座壳菌株具较高的育性,平均可交配率高达90.8%,且可育菌株中,MAT1-1和MAT1-2菌株分别占60.9%和39.1%;分别随机对沧源县南撒村和班考村同一田块...  相似文献   

为明确江西水稻种植区稻巨座壳菌(稻瘟病病菌)的年际变化规律,本研究采用7个中国鉴别寄主与30个单基因鉴别品系两套鉴别寄主分别鉴定分析了2006-2018年间从江西37个水稻主要种植县市分离的1 161个稻瘟病单孢菌的生理小种、致病力、致病类型与无毒基因型等。研究结果表明,江西稻瘟病菌可以分成7群49个生理小种,其中ZA、ZB、ZC群为优势种群,ZB13为优势小种,出现频率为18.00%,以毒性较强的强致病力菌株为主;江西稻瘟病菌在生理小种构成、优势小种、致病力年际变化方面均具有3-5年的周期性;江西历年稻瘟病菌的致病类型较为丰富且存在年度差异,菌株致病类型占各年度总菌株数的82.79%-98.21%,优势致病型菌株占当年总菌株的3.57%-5.77%;历年稻瘟病菌的无毒基因个数为24-29个,其中Avr-PiztAvr-Piz5Avr-PikAvr-Pik(C)在历年供试菌株中出现频率较高,说明与之相对应的抗瘟基因在江西抗病育种与抗性品种布局中具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

栎枯萎病菌是造成栎枯萎病的致病菌,也是我国进境植物检疫性病原菌。该病菌目前主要分布于美国,主要侵染栎属和栗属植物,可造成毁灭性危害。国内对此病菌研究较少,不利于对该病菌的认识和控制。本文对国内外关于栎枯萎病菌的研究进行了总结,重点归纳了栎枯萎病菌的分类学、分布、寄主、症状、形态学和生物学特征、检疫鉴定技术、侵染循环及防治措施等方面的信息。截至目前,该病害的防治工作方面仍面临挑战,扎实开展检疫工作仍然是防控该病菌的最重要手段。为应对栎枯萎病可能对我国林业生产造成的威胁,应加强口岸检疫鉴定、监测、处理工作及开展国内外合作。  相似文献   

段维军  段丽君  陈先锋  蔡磊 《菌物学报》2016,35(12):1503-1513
自进境乌克兰玉米中夹杂的向日葵籽上,采用常规平板分离法获得1株疑似向日葵间座壳菌Diaporthe helianthi的菌株76782-5。形态特征观察结果表明,该菌株在PDA上产生分生孢子器和大量β型分生孢子,但未见有性阶段。经rDNA ITS和β-tubulin基因序列比对分析,发现该菌株与GenBank中多个向日葵间座壳菌菌株的基因序列同源性达99%以上,位于同一个发育分支。致病性测定结果表明,该菌株可侵染向日葵根茎部,引起典型茎溃疡病症状。研究结果表明,进境乌克兰玉米中夹杂的向日葵籽上携带有向日葵间座壳菌D. helianthi,这是我国首次截获该种检疫性真菌。  相似文献   

座壳孢及其有性型是一类重要的虫生真菌,隶属子囊菌门、粪菌纲、肉座菌目、麦角菌科,能寄生粉虱和蚧类昆虫,可开发成一种环境友好型的生物农药。座壳孢及其有性型属成员广泛分布于热带和亚热带地区,该类群物种、栖息环境和生态适应的多样性使它们的代谢产物化学结构及其生物活性彰显出多样性特点,结构和功能多样的真菌代谢产物已成为发现新药先导化合物的重要资源。虫生真菌因其独特的生活方式和多种生存环境形成了与众不同的适应寄主特性及代谢通路,明显提高获得新颖结构、显著活性的代谢产物的几率,目前已是药物重点研发的领域。在座壳孢及其有性型代谢产物研究中已报道了萜类、黄酮类、醌类、环肽和甾醇等多种化合物,并具有抗肿瘤、抗疟疾、抗菌和杀虫等多种生物活性,可在农业、工业和医药保健等方面应用。本文对近年座壳孢及其有性型代谢产物的化学成分和生物活性等方面的研究进展进行概述,为促进座壳孢及其有性型代谢产物的深入研究、开发利用和新药创制提供参考。  相似文献   

目的:研究内生细菌B10对水稻稻瘟病菌的抑制作用,为菌株的应用提供理论依据。方法:采用菌丝生长速率法、孢子萌发法和田间试验测定内生细菌发酵上清液和菌液对稻瘟病菌的抑制作用。结果:内生细菌B10发酵上清液对稻瘟病菌菌丝生长和孢子萌发有较强的抑制作用,100倍稀释液对菌丝生长的抑制率为79.37%,对孢子萌发的抑制率为63.42%,对稻瘟病的田间防治效果达70.2%以上。结论:内生细菌B10对稻瘟病有较强的抑菌作用。  相似文献   


Rice blast is the leading fungal disease which is caused by Magnaporthe oryzae that contributes for the significant decline in the rice yield throughout the globe. There is a need for the understanding of biochemical changes in rice plant during blast infection for the development of novel disease control strategies. In the present study, we isolated M. oryzae from the local paddy fields and the fungal isolates (VCF and PON) were identified by ITS-PCR using genomic DNA samples. Further, we inoculated resistant (BR2655 and TUNGA) and susceptible (INTAN and HR12) rice cultivars with PON and VCF isolates. PON isolate showed relatively high virulence compared to VCF and standard MTCC fungal strains. Therefore, we evaluated the effect of PON on the total protein content and plant defence-related key enzymes (peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, phenylalanine ammonia lyase, β-glucosidase, chitinase and lipoxygenase) activities between 24- and 120-hour post-inoculation (hpi). The results demonstrated the decrease in total protein content in all the inoculated cultivars. In addition, we observed the variation in the activity of peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, β-glucosidase, chitinase and lipoxygenase at different time points in all the tested rice plants compared to respective controls. However, no significant difference was observed in the phenylalanine ammonia lyase activity relative to its control. Taken together, this study emphasizes on the variation in the activities of plant defence enzymes in different plant cultivars against the tested fungal pathogen and also implementation of defence enzymes as biochemical markers for resistant breeding.  相似文献   

Actin assembly at the hyphal tip is key for polar growth and pathogenesis of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. The mechanism of its precise assemblies and biological functions is not understood. Here, we characterized the role of M. oryzae Twinfilin (MoTwf) in Moryzae infection through organizing the actin cables that connect to Spitzenkörper (Spk) at the hyphal tip. MoTwf could bind and bundle the actin filaments. It formed a complex with Myosin2 (MoMyo2) and the Woronin body protein Hexagonal peroxisome 1 (MoHex1). Enrichment of MoMyo2 and MoHex1 in the hyphal apical region was disrupted in a ΔMotwf loss-of-function mutant, which also showed a decrease in the number and width of actin cables. These findings indicate that MoTwf participates in the virulence of M. oryzae by organizing Spk-connected actin filaments and regulating MoHex1 distribution at the hyphal tip.  相似文献   

Okinawa, the only subtropical area in Japan with numerous island ecosystems, is expected to have diverse microbial resources. Recently, we reported the construction of a culture filtrate library with microbes originally isolated from soils in Okinawa, including the Yaeyama Archipelago, and validated its phylogenetic diversity. In the present study, we investigated the inhibitory effect of the cell extract (CE) from microbial isolate 3–45 against Magnaporthe oryzae in rice (Oryza sativa). Abnormal appressorium formation by M. oryzae was induced in the presence of the CE from isolate 3–45. Additionally, melanization of appressoria was inhibited in the presence of CE from isolate 3–45. Sequence analysis of the 16S rDNA region of isolate 3–45 indicated that it shared similarities with Streptomyces erythrochromogenes. When rice leaves were inoculated with M. oryzae in the presence of CE from isolate 3–45, blast lesion formation was inhibited compared to leaves treated with M. oryzae in the absence of CE from isolate 3–45. In addition, M. oryzae infective activity was significantly inhibited in rice leaf sheaths treated with CE from isolate 3–45. Furthermore, abnormal appressorium formation was observed in the presence of heat‐treated CE from isolate 3–45. These results suggest that CE from isolate 3–45 can protect rice from blast disease caused by M. oryzae. Further studies are required to identify the active compounds present in 3–45‐CE and to clarify its mechanism of inhibition in full detail. The present study on isolate 3–45 might contribute to the development of a new fungicide for controlling rice blast disease caused by M. oryzae.  相似文献   

Rice blast caused by Magnaporthe oryzae is the most destructive disease of rice worldwide. Development of resistant varieties is considered as the most cost‐effective and sustainable way to manage rice blast. However, there remains a lack of knowledge about the resistance of rice varieties to blast disease in Australia. This study was conducted to determine if there was any resistance existing among the rice varieties grown in Australia to M. oryzae isolates from this country that belong to different races. There was a resistant reaction of the variety SHZ‐2 to all the five races of IA‐1, IA‐3, IA‐63, IB‐3 and IB‐59, with a percent disease index (%DI) less than 40. Varieties NTR587, BR‐IRGA‐409, Ceysvoni and Rikuto Norin 20 showed a resistant reaction to races IA‐3, IA‐63, IB‐3 and IB‐59; and the variety Kyeema exhibited a resistant reaction to races IA‐3, IB‐3 and IB‐59. For the races IA‐1 and IB‐59 with more than one isolate, varieties with differential disease reactions across different isolates belonging to the same race were also revealed: five varieties, Langi, Opus, Sherpa, Viet 1 and Topaz, exhibited differential disease reactions to the three IA‐1 isolates; 10 varieties showed differential disease reactions to the four IB‐59 isolates; in addition, the varieties that had differential disease reactions to the IA‐1 isolates also exhibited differential disease reactions to the IB‐59 isolates of race. This study provides valuable resistance sources for breeding programmes to develop rice varieties with resistance to multiple races of M. oryzae in Australia.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction may be cryptic or facultative in fungi and therefore difficult to detect. Magnaporthe oryzae, which causes blast, the most damaging fungal disease of rice, is thought to originate from southeast Asia. It reproduces asexually in all rice‐growing regions. Sexual reproduction has been suspected in limited areas of southeast Asia, but has never been demonstrated in contemporary populations. We characterized several M. oryzae populations worldwide both biologically and genetically, to identify candidate populations for sexual reproduction. The sexual cycle of M. oryzae requires two strains of opposite mating types, at least one of which is female‐fertile, to come into contact. In one Chinese population, the two mating types were found to be present at similar frequencies and almost all strains were female‐fertile. Compatible strains from this population completed the sexual cycle in vitro and produced viable progenies. Genotypic richness and linkage disequilibrium data also supported the existence of sexual reproduction in this population. We resampled this population the following year, and the data obtained confirmed the presence of all the biological and genetic characteristics of sexual reproduction. In particular, a considerable genetic reshuffling of alleles was observed between the 2 years. Computer simulations confirmed that the observed genetic characteristics were unlikely to have arisen in the absence of recombination. We therefore concluded that a contemporary population of M. oryzae, pathogenic on rice, reproduces sexually in natura in southeast Asia. Our findings provide evidence for the loss of sexual reproduction by a fungal plant pathogen outside its centre of origin.  相似文献   

【目的】鉴定湖南省桃江病圃稻瘟病菌无毒基因型,为合理搭配种植湖南省水稻抗瘟品种和抗病育种提供依据。【方法】在湖南桃江病圃采集水稻品种"丽江新团黑谷"(LTH)稻瘟菌病样,用单孢分离法分离稻瘟病菌单孢并纯化获得单孢菌株,用针刺离体法将菌株接种到以"LTH"为轮回亲本培育而成的24个含单抗瘟基因的水稻5叶期第5叶片上,对供试菌株进行无毒基因鉴定,并应用联合致病性系数和联合抗病性系数分析抗瘟基因组合间的互作。【结果】供试92个稻瘟病单孢菌株含有全部的24个无毒基因,对24个已知含单抗瘟基因的水稻材料表现出不同程度的毒力水平,含水稻抗瘟基因Pi-20对供试菌株抗菌频率最高,达54.35%;通过联合致病性系数和联合抗病性系数分析抗瘟基因组合间的互作,结果表明最佳搭配组合为Pi-20×Pi-k~s(RAC=0.28,PAC=0.23)。【结论】湖南省桃江病圃稻瘟病菌致病力较强,24个抗瘟基因多已感病化,含抗性基因Pi-20与Pi-k、Pi-k~s、Pi-3组合的水稻品种目前可在湖南省推广利用,但需研究引进新的抗瘟基因。  相似文献   

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