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大丽轮枝菌微菌核的萌发条件及致死温度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微菌核是大丽轮枝菌在土壤中的主要存活结构和初侵染源,在土壤中可存活14年之久,其数量及存活状况直接影响着大丽轮枝菌型黄萎病的发生为害程度。以棉花黄萎病菌Verticillium dahliae XJ2008菌株为试材,研究了微菌核萌发的最佳条件、致死温度及土壤温度对微菌核存活的影响。结果表明,20℃、pH8.0是微菌核萌发的最佳条件。大丽轮枝菌微菌核具有很强的耐高温特性,随着处理时间的延长,微菌核的萌发率呈下降趋势,在55℃及以上处理时其萌发率下降迅速,而在50℃及以下处理时其萌发率下降相对较慢,在55℃处理360min可使微菌核完全致死,而在40℃、45℃和50℃处理1,440min,仍然有少量的微菌核存活,但其萌发率随着时间的推移呈下降趋势。土壤微菌核模拟试验结果表明,土壤温度对微菌核有很强的致死作用,40℃条件下处理4d后土壤中的微菌核已全部死亡。该研究结果为通过覆膜增温防治作物黄萎病提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

大丽轮枝菌微菌核形成能力的遗传   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田黎  王克荣 《菌物系统》1997,16(3):197-201
带有硝酸盐利用缺陷型遗传标记的大丽轮枝菌Verticillium dahliae黑色菌核型和白色菌丝型菌株在25℃下配对培养,形成野生型融合菌落带,对融合带的分生孢子后代进行遗传分析的结果表明,融合带中的异核体表现不稳定,分布不均匀。微菌核遗传因子可随亲本细胞质在异核体中的运动和交换而发生迁移。  相似文献   

带有硝酸盐利用缺陷型遗传标记的大丽轮技菌Verticilliumdahliae黑色菌核型和白色菌丝型菌株在25℃下配对培养,形成野生型融合菌落带,对融合带的分生孢子后代进行遗传分析的结果表明,融合带中的异核体表现不稳定,分布不均匀。微菌核遗传因子可随亲本细胞质在异核体中的运动和交换而发生迁移。  相似文献   

大丽轮枝菌是一种重要的土传植物病原真菌,以休眠结构微菌核作为初始接种体,可侵染660多种植物引致黄萎病。微菌核是致密的多细胞结构,表面附着大量的DHN黑色素。许多报道指出,在微菌核发育过程中,传统的DHN黑色素合成途径中有5种催化酶编码基因Vd PKS、Vd T4HR、Vd SCD、Vd T3HR和Vd LAC均被诱导表达,但这些基因与微菌核形成的关系目前尚无报道。本研究通过基因敲除技术,系统研究了传统DHN黑色素合成通路上这5种关键酶编码基因及一种缩链催化酶编码基因Vayg1在大丽轮枝菌黑色素合成及微菌核形成中的作用。结果表明,大丽轮枝菌DHN黑色素合成需要Vayg1基因的参与,且Vayg1和Vd T3HR基因还参与微菌核的形成过程。因此,Vayg1基因和Vd T3HR基因可作为黄萎病防治的新靶标。  相似文献   

采用ATMT技术建立大丽轮枝菌落叶型菌株XJ2008菌株的T-DNA插入突变体文库,共获得6 043个突变体。从中随机挑选104个突变体,以野生型XJ2008菌株为参照,评价其致病性、菌落生长速率、分生孢子及微菌核的产生能力等。结果表明,有12.5%的突变体丧失产孢能力,4.8%的突变体的生长速率显著减慢,8.7%的突变体的生长速率显著加快,12.5%的突变体丧失产生微菌核的能力,47.1%的突变体的致病性显著低于野生型菌株XJ2008,且突变体2-736、2-740、2-745的病情指数分别约为野生型菌株XJ2008的0.184、0.168和0.197倍。该突变体库突变体遗传稳定性好,性状多样性丰富。  相似文献   

大丽轮枝菌 Verticillium dahliae是一种典型的土传病原真菌,可侵染400多种植物引致黄萎病,造成巨大的经济损失。微菌核是大丽轮枝菌的特殊休眠结构,能够在土壤中存活14年之久,是病害的主要初侵染来源。本研究在前期微菌核萌发表达谱的基础上,选择上调倍数最高的环戊酮1,2-单加氧酶基因( VDAG_03943),进行克隆与功能分析。结果表明,该基因全长1 929bp,cDNA序列全长1 668bp,编码555个氨基酸组成的蛋白,命名为 VdCPMO。与野生型菌株JY相比,敲除突变体菌株的菌落生长减慢,微菌核萌发率显著降低,芽管平均长度明显较短,而互补突变体菌株与野生型菌株JY间无显著性差异。致病力测定结果显示,敲除突变体菌株的微菌核丧失了对棉花的致病力。  相似文献   

带有硝酸盐利用缺陷型遗传标记的大丽轮技菌Verticilliumdahliae黑色菌核型和白色菌丝型菌株在25℃下配对培养,形成野生型融合菌落带,对融合带的分生孢子后代进行遗传分析的结果表明,融合带中的异核体表现不稳定,分布不均匀。微菌核遗传因子可随亲本细胞质在异核体中的运动和交换而发生迁移。  相似文献   

种子萌发和休眠的调控   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
种子的萌发和休眠受外界因子和种子本身的特征如种子的结构、植物激素的含量以及种子所携带的遗传信息等的影响。在种子发育后期,种子成熟脱水,处于发育停滞(develop-mental arrest)。在这个阶段,种子可能是休眠(初生休眠)或者是非休眠(图1)。休眠种子不可能被完全适合的萌发条件诱导萌发。通常应用一定的温度范围能够打破干燥种子的  相似文献   

明确水稻旱作对棉田土壤细菌群落多样性及黄萎病菌(Verticillium dahliae)微菌核数量的影响,对提高新疆棉花黄萎病的防控水平有积极意义.利用Illumina Miseq高通量测序平台对采自棉田的棉花、旱作水稻根际土壤进行测序分析,并结合选择性培养基检测土壤中黄萎病菌微菌核的数量.结果 表明,在97%相似水...  相似文献   

白蜡树属树种种子休眠及其萌发的调控   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
介绍了白蜡树属(Fraxinus L.)树种种子的休眠及其萌发调控的研究进展。  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt of olive, caused by Verticillium dahliae Kleb., is the most severe disease affecting this crop in most olive growing countries. In this study, the presence of viable structures of V. dahliae in dried inflorescences from wilted olive shoots was investigated. The pathogen was found inside peduncles and flowers, by assessing the number of typical star‐shaped microsclerotial colonies formed onto the modified sodium polypectate agar medium. Microsclerotia of V. dahliae were observed inside the peduncles under the stereoscopic microscope. The presence of microsclerotia in these easily decomposable olive tissues shows that infected inflorescences can act as a source of inoculum for Verticillium wilt epidemics.  相似文献   

The interactions between microsclerotia (ms) of the fungal plant pathogen Verticillium dahliae and the mycoparasite Talaromyces flavus were followed in soil and on agar medium. Germinability of ms, which had been incubated for 14 days in soil treated with 0.5% of a T. flavus ‐ wheat bran preparation, decreased from 84% to 17%, as compared with 81% and 74% in untreated soil and in soil treated with a sterilized biocontrol preparation respectively. Germinability of ms which had been buried in treated soil for 4 days decreased to 70%, all ms being parasitized by T. flavus. Upon transfer of the ms to untreated soil for 10 more days, germinability decreased further to 20%, indicating that T. flavus continued to parasitize sclerotia in the untreated soil. Scanning electron micrographs showed heavy fungal colonization and typical T. flavus conidia on the surface of the ms buried in the treated soil, but not in control soils. Transmission electron micrographs of ms incubated with T. flavus on agar revealed parsitism involving invasion of some host cells by means of small penetration pegs; the host cell walls were mainly lysed at their site of contact with the parasite hyphal tips. Further colonization of the ms cells occurred simultaneously with the degradation of the invaded host cell contents, rather than the cell walls. Mycoparasitism of V. dahliae ms by T. flavus hyphae may be involved in the biological control of verticillium wilt disease.  相似文献   

Circadian clocks are endogenous auto-regulatory mechanisms that allow organisms, from bacteria to humans, to advantageously time a wide range of activities within 24 h environmental cycles. Here we report the identification and characterization of an MYB-related gene, designated Circadian 1 (CIR1), that is involved in circadian regulation in Arabidopsis. Expression of CIR1 is transiently induced by light and oscillates with a circadian rhythm. The rhythmic expression of CIR1 is controlled by the central oscillator. Constitutive expression of CIR1 resulted in a shorter period length for the rhythms of four central oscillator components, and much lower amplitude for the rhythms of central oscillator components CCA1 and LHY. Furthermore, CIR1 over-expression severely affected the circadian rhythms of its own RNA and those of the slave oscillator EPR1 and effector genes Lhcb and CAT3. Plants that constitutively expressed CIR1 displayed delayed flowering, longer hypocotyls and reduced seed germination in the dark. These results suggest that CIR1 is possibly part of a regulatory feedback loop that controls a subset of the circadian outputs and modulates the central oscillator.  相似文献   

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