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Despite the current progress in cancer research and therapy, breast cancer remains the leading cause of mortality among half a million women worldwide. Migration and invasion of cancer cells are associated with prevalent tumor metastasis as well as high mortality. Extensive studies have powerfully established the role of prototypic second messenger cAMP and its two ubiquitously expressed intracellular cAMP receptors namely the classic protein kinaseA/cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) and the more recently discovered exchange protein directly activated by cAMP/cAMP-regulated guanine nucleotide exchange factor (EPAC/cAMP-GEF) in cell migration, cell cycle regulation, and cell death. Herein, we performed the analysis of the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) dataset to evaluate the essential role of cAMP molecular network in breast cancer. We report that EPAC1, PKA, and AKAP9 along with other molecular partners are amplified in breast cancer patients, indicating the importance of this signaling network. To evaluate the functional role of few of these proteins, we used pharmacological modulators and analyzed their effect on cell migration and cell death in breast cancer cells. Hence, we report that inhibition of EPAC1 activity using pharmacological modulators leads to inhibition of cell migration and induces cell death. Additionally, we also observed that the inhibition of EPAC1 resulted in disruption of its association with the microtubule cytoskeleton and delocalization of AKAP9 from the centrosome as analyzed by in vitro imaging. Finally, this study suggests for the first time the mechanistic insights of mode of action of a primary cAMP-dependent sensor, Exchange protein activated by cAMP 1 (EPAC1), via its interaction with A-kinase anchoring protein 9 (AKAP9). This study provides a new cell signaling cAMP–EPAC1–AKAP9 direction to the development of additional biotherapeutics for breast cancer.  相似文献   

Exchange protein directly activated by cAMP (EPAC) is a mediator of a cAMP signaling pathway that is independent of protein kinase A. EPAC has two isoforms (EPAC1 and EPAC2) and is a cAMP-dependent guanine nucleotide exchange factor for the small GTPases, Rap1 and Rap2. Recent studies suggest that EPAC1 has both positive and negative influences on cancer and is involved in cell proliferation, apoptosis, migration and metastasis. We report that EPAC1 and EPAC2 expression levels were significantly lower in bladder cancer tissue than in normal bladder tissue. In addition, bladder cancer cell lines showed reduced EPAC1 mRNA expression. Furthermore, EPAC1 overexpression in bladder cancer cell lines induced morphologic changes and markedly suppressed cell migration without affecting cell viability. The overexpressed EPAC1 preferentially localized at cell-cell interfaces. In conclusion, reduced EPAC1 expression in bladder tumors and poor migration of EPAC1-overexpressing cells implicate EPAC1 as an inhibitor of bladder cancer cell migration.  相似文献   

We have recently demonstrated that light chain 2 (LC2) of the microtubule-associated protein MAP1A interacts with the cyclic AMP (cAMP)-binding domain of exchange protein directly activated by cyclic AMP 1 (EPAC1). In the present study we used a simultaneous expression system and found that LC2 enhances both basal and 8-(4-chloro-phenylthio)-2'-O-methyladenosine-3':5'-cyclic monophosphate (8-CPT-2Me-cAMP)-stimulated Rap1 activation by EPAC1. LC2 is known to stabilize microtubules; therefore we examined whether microtubules enhanced Rap1 activation by LC2. Nocodazole inhibited Rap1 activity in cells transfected with EPAC1 alone but had little effect on Rap1 activity in cells transfected with both EPAC1 and LC2. This indicates that part of the actions of LC2 in enhancing EPAC1 activity may be through stabilization of microtubules. We also found that in cells transfected with LC2, Rap1 was more sensitive to activation by 8-CPT-2Me-cAMP. Moreover, LC2 enhanced the ability of transfected and endogenous EPAC1 to interact with cyclic AMP-agarose, indicating that LC2 elicits conformational changes in the cAMP domain of EPAC1, enhancing its ability to be activated by cyclic AMP. We also found that disruption of the interaction of endogenous EPAC1 and LC2 with antibodies to the cAMP domain of EPAC1 abolished Rap1 activity in PC12 cell lysates, demonstrating the importance of LC2 for EPAC1 activation in these cells. Consistent with a role of EPAC1 in controlling integrin activity, we found that cell adhesion to laminin was enhanced in LC2- and EPAC1-transfected cells stimulated with 8-CPT-2Me-cAMP. LC2 is therefore a biological enhancer of EPAC1 activity toward Rap1 and associated downstream signaling mechanisms.  相似文献   

"Exchange protein directly activated by cAMP" (Epac) is a newly discovered cAMP receptor that mediates the intracellular cAMP actions in addition to the classic cAMP-dependent protein kinase system. In this study, we show that Epac interacts directly with tubulin, co-purifies with cellular microtubules, and co-localizes with the mitotic spindle assembly. Association with microtubules suppresses Epac-mediated Rap1 activation, while the binding of Epac promotes microtubule formation. These results demonstrate that Epac plays an important role in connecting the microtubule cytoskeleton network and intracellular cAMP-signalling.  相似文献   

Tsalkova T  Mei FC  Cheng X 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e30441


The discovery, more than ten years ago, of exchange proteins directly activated by cAMP (EPAC) as a new family of intracellular cAMP receptors revolutionized the cAMP signaling research field. Extensive studies have revealed that the cAMP signaling network is much more complex and dynamic as many cAMP-related cellular processes, previously thought to be controlled by protein kinase A, are found to be also mediated by EPAC proteins. Although there have been many important discoveries in the roles of EPACs greater understanding of their physiological function in cAMP-mediated signaling is impeded by the absence of EPAC-specific antagonist.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To overcome this deficit, we have developed a fluorescence-based high throughput assay for screening EPAC specific antagonists. Our assay is highly reproducible and simple to perform using the “mix and measure” format. A pilot screening using the NCI-DTP diversity set library led to the identification of small chemical compounds capable of specifically inhibiting cAMP-induced EPAC activation while not affecting PKA activity.


Our study establishes a robust high throughput screening assay that can be effectively applied for the discovery of EPAC-specific antagonists, which may provide valuable pharmacological tools for elucidating the biological functions of EPAC and for promoting an understanding of disease mechanisms related to EPAC/cAMP signaling.  相似文献   

The exchange protein directly activated by cAMP (EPAC) is a key receptor of cAMP in eukaryotes and controls critical signaling pathways. Currently, no residue resolution information is available on the full-length EPAC dynamics, which are known to be pivotal determinants of allostery. In addition, no information is presently available on the intermediates for the classical induced fit and conformational selection activation pathways. Here these questions are addressed through molecular dynamics simulations on five key states along the thermodynamic cycle for the cAMP-dependent activation of a fully functional construct of EPAC2, which includes the cAMP-binding domain and the integral catalytic region. The simulations are not only validated by the agreement with the experimental trends in cAMP-binding domain dynamics determined by NMR, but they also reveal unanticipated dynamic attributes, rationalizing previously unexplained aspects of EPAC activation and autoinhibition. Specifically, the simulations show that cAMP binding causes an extensive perturbation of dynamics in the distal catalytic region, assisting the recognition of the Rap1b substrate. In addition, analysis of the activation intermediates points to a possible hybrid mechanism of EPAC allostery incorporating elements of both the induced fit and conformational selection models. In this mechanism an entropy compensation strategy results in a low free-energy pathway of activation. Furthermore, the simulations indicate that the autoinhibitory interactions of EPAC are more dynamic than previously anticipated, leading to a revised model of autoinhibition in which dynamics fine tune the stability of the autoinhibited state, optimally sensitizing it to cAMP while avoiding constitutive activation.  相似文献   

Exchange protein activated by cyclic AMP (EPAC1) suppresses multiple inflammatory actions in vascular endothelial cells (VECs), partly due to its ability to induce expression of the suppressor of cytokine signalling 3 (SOCS3) gene, the protein product of which inhibits interleukin 6 (IL6) signalling through the JAK/STAT3 pathway. Here, for the first time, we use the non-cyclic nucleotide EPAC1 agonist, I942, to determine its actions on cellular EPAC1 activity and cyclic AMP-regulated gene expression in VECs. We demonstrate that I942 promotes EPAC1 and Rap1 activation in HEK293T cells and induces SOCS3 expression and suppresses IL6-stimulated JAK/STAT3 signalling in HUVECs. SOCS3 induction by I942 in HUVECs was blocked by the EPAC1 antagonist, ESI-09, and EPAC1 siRNA, but not by the broad-spectrum protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor, H89, indicating that I942 regulates SOCS3 gene expression through EPAC1. RNA sequencing was carried out to further identify I942-regulated genes in HUVECs. This identified 425 I942-regulated genes that were also regulated by the EPAC1-selective cyclic AMP analogue, 007, and the cyclic AMP-elevating agents, forskolin and rolipram (F/R). The majority of genes identified were suppressed by I942, 007 and F/R treatment and many were involved in the control of key vascular functions, including the gene for the cell adhesion molecule, VCAM1. I942 and 007 also inhibited IL6-induced expression of VCAM1 at the protein level and blocked VCAM1-dependent monocyte adhesion to HUVECs. Overall, I942 represents the first non-cyclic nucleotide EPAC1 agonist in cells with the ability to suppress IL6 signalling and inflammatory gene expression in VECs.  相似文献   

cAMP has largely inhibitory effects on components of macrophage activation, yet downstream mechanisms involved in these effects remain incompletely defined. Elevation of cAMP in alveolar macrophages (AMs) suppresses FcgammaR-mediated phagocytosis. We now report that protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitors (H-89, KT-5720, and myristoylated PKA inhibitory peptide 14-22) failed to prevent this suppression in rat AMs. We identified the expression of the alternative cAMP target, exchange protein directly activated by cAMP-1 (Epac-1), in human and rat AMs. Using cAMP analogs that are highly specific for PKA (N6-benzoyladenosine-3',5'-cAMP) or Epac-1 (8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-2'-O-methyladenosine-3',5'-cAMP), we found that activation of Epac-1, but not PKA, dose-dependently suppressed phagocytosis. By contrast, activation of PKA, but not Epac-1, suppressed AM production of leukotriene B(4) and TNF-alpha, whereas stimulation of either PKA or Epac-1 inhibited AM bactericidal activity and H(2)O(2) production. These experiments now identify Epac-1 in primary macrophages, and define differential roles of Epac-1 vs PKA in the inhibitory effects of cAMP.  相似文献   

Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based biosensors for the quantitative analysis of intracellular signaling, including sensors for monitoring cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), are of increasing interest. The measurement of the donor/acceptor emission ratio in tandem biosensors excited at the donor excitation wavelength is a commonly used technique. A general problem, however, is that this ratio varies not only with the changes in cAMP concentration but also with the changes of the ionic environment or other factors affecting the folding probability of the fluorophores. Here, we use a spectral FRET analysis on the basis of two excitation wavelengths to obtain a reliable measure of the absolute cAMP concentrations with high temporal and spatial resolution by using an “exchange protein directly activated by cAMP”. In this approach, FRET analysis is simplified and does not require additional calibration routines. The change in FRET efficiency (E) of the biosensor caused by [cAMP] changes was determined as ΔE = 15%, whereas E varies between 35% at low and 20% at high [cAMP], allowing quantitative measurement of cAMP concentration in the range from 150 nM to 15 μM. The method described is also suitable for other FRET-based biosensors with a 1:1 donor/acceptor stoichiometry. As a proof of principle, we measured the specially resolved cAMP concentration within living cells and determined the dynamic changes of cAMP levels after stimulation of the Gs-coupled serotonin receptor subtype 7 (5-HT7).  相似文献   

Epigenetic silencing is one of the mechanisms leading to inactivation of a tumor suppressor gene, either by DNA methylation or histone modification in a promoter regulatory region. Mitogen inducible gene 6 (MIG-6), mainly known as a negative feedback inhibitor of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) family, is a tumor suppressor gene that is associated with many human cancers. To determine if MIG-6 is inactivated by epigenetic alteration, we identified a group of human lung cancer and melanoma cell lines in which its expression is either low or undetectable and studied the effects of methylation and of histone deacetylation on its expression. The DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) inhibitor 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (5-aza-dC) induced MIG-6 expression in melanoma cell lines but little in lung cancer lines. By contrast, the histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA) induced MIG-6 expression in lung cancer lines but had little effect in melanoma lines. However, the MIG-6 promoter itself did not appear to be directly affected by either methylation or histone deacetylation, indicating an indirect regulatory mechanism. Luciferase reporter assays revealed that a short segment of exon 1 in the MIG-6 gene is responsible for TSA response in the lung cancer cells; thus, the MIG-6 gene can be epigenetically silenced through an indirect mechanism without having a physical alteration in its promoter. Furthermore, our data also suggest that MIG-6 gene expression is differentially regulated in lung cancer and melanoma.  相似文献   

Human mesenchymal stem cells are primary multipotent cells capable of differentiating into several cell types including adipocytes when cultured under defined in vitro conditions. In the present study we investigated the role of cAMP signaling and its downstream effectors, protein kinase A (PKA) and exchange protein directly activated by cAMP (Epac) in adipocyte conversion of human mesenchymal stem cells derived from adipose tissue (hMADS). We show that cAMP signaling involving the simultaneous activation of both PKA- and Epac-dependent signaling is critical for this process even in the presence of the strong adipogenic inducers insulin, dexamethasone, and rosiglitazone, thereby clearly distinguishing the hMADS cells from murine preadipocytes cell lines, where rosiglitazone together with dexamethasone and insulin strongly promotes adipocyte differentiation. We further show that prostaglandin I(2) (PGI(2)) may fully substitute for the cAMP-elevating agent isobutylmethylxanthine (IBMX). Moreover, selective activation of Epac-dependent signaling promoted adipocyte differentiation when the Rho-associated kinase (ROCK) was inhibited. Unlike the case for murine preadipocytes cell lines, long-chain fatty acids, like arachidonic acid, did not promote adipocyte differentiation of hMADS cells in the absence of a PPARγ agonist. However, prolonged treatment with the synthetic PPARδ agonist L165041 promoted adipocyte differentiation of hMADS cells in the presence of IBMX. Taken together our results emphasize the need for cAMP signaling in concert with treatment with a PPARγ or PPARδ agonist to secure efficient adipocyte differentiation of human hMADS mesenchymal stem cells.  相似文献   

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