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戴君惕 Geng  S. 《遗传学报》1990,17(3):161-167
运用多元分析方法定义了拓广表型方差(?)(generalized phenotypic variance),拓广遗传方差(?)(generalized genetic variance),拓广遗传力(?)(generalized heritability)和拓广遗传相关系数(?)(generalized genetic correlation coefficient): 这些参数可用来对多个数量性状总体的变异、协变异及不同组向量之间的相关性进行轮廓分析(profile analysis)。用棉花和紫花苜蓿的两个实例说明了这些参数的估算和应用。  相似文献   

为有效评价和利用杜鹃红山茶基因资源、挖掘其优良性状,以37个杜鹃红山茶无性系为研究材料,对14个叶片的表型性状进行测定,分析各性状的变异系数、不同性状间的相关关系,并进行主成分分析和聚类分析研究。结果显示:14个叶片表型性状的变异系数为5.30%~47.00%,平均变异系数为18.52%,表明杜鹃红山茶叶片主要数量性状的变异较大,遗传多样性较丰富。叶长与叶形指数间的相关性系数达0.967,叶面积与叶片干重的相关性系数为0.942,叶柄长和叶柄长/叶长的相关性系数为0.828。14个性状可以综合为5个主成分,前5个主成分累计贡献率达80%,表明这些性状具有较强的代表性。根据系统聚类将37个杜鹃红山茶无性系划分为5个组。  相似文献   

番茄ILs果实性状的主成分分析与聚类分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用以栽培番茄Lycopersicon esculentum(加工番茄M82)为背景创建的L.pennellii LA716渐渗系群体(ILs,introgression lines),对7个番茄果实主要性状进行了主成分和聚类分析。结果表明,7个果实性状可简化为3个主成分,分别为果实质量因子、果形因子和品质因子,累计贡献率85.435%。利用欧式距离,类平均法可将77份渐渗系分为3大类群,第Ⅰ类群包括70个渐渗系材料,在D=17.53的水平又可将第Ⅰ类群分为2个亚群,果实性状较好的材料主要集中在这个类群中;第Ⅱ类群包括1个材料,说明此材料的独特性;第Ⅲ类群包括6个材料。  相似文献   

Linseed is a multipurpose crop and the crop needs further improvement to increase production and yield due to its high value and demand. This study aimed to assess the extent and pattern of genetic variability of forty linseed genotypes based on diverse agro–morphological and yield attributes. The field experiment was conducted following a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Linseed germplasm showed a wide range of phenotypic expression, genetic variability and heritability for 30 studied traits. A low to high phenotypic coeffi- cient of variation (PCV) and genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) were observed. The lowest genotypic (σ2 g) and phenotypic variances (σ2 p) were found in capsule diameter (CD), length of calyx (LC), capsule length (CL), seed length (SL), and seed breadth (SB). High broad-sense heritability (h2b) with high genetic advance as a percentage of mean (GAM) were observed in days to germination started (DGS), days to 80% emergence (DE), plant height at 28 and 40 DAS, number of flowers (NFPP), filled capsules (NFCPP) and yield per plant (YPP) indicating additive gene action exists for these characters. Hierarchical cluster analysis separated 40 genotypes into five clusters, where Clusters I to V assembled with 13, 4, 4, 5 and 14 genotypes, respectively. Considering yield and yield attributes, Cluster-IV (G3, G4, G6, G10 and G31) genotypes showed promising while, Cluster-II (G2, G16, G35, G36) and Cluster-III (G1, G33, G39 and G40) genotypes were dominant on plant morphological traits. Based on principal component analysis (PCA), few characters such as YPP, NFPP, NFCPP, days to first flowering and capsule formation, early emergence, days to branch initiation and plant heights at different growth stages revealed important and effective traits for consideration in the selection of linseed breeding programs.  相似文献   

中国温带糯玉米自交系遗传及品质性状分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用SSR标记研究了40份中国温带常用糯玉米自交系的遗传变异,用32对扩增带型稳定的引物,从供试材料中检测出152个等位基因变异,每对引物检测等位基因2~9个,平均4.75个,平均多态信息量0.632;遗传多样性和聚类分析把40份供试糯玉米自交系分为4个类群;对40份糯玉米自交系籽粒的蛋白质、可溶性糖、还原糖、淀粉和赖氨酸含量进行测定,结果表明,糯玉米籽粒营养成分中蛋白质与淀粉之间存在消长关系,可溶性糖与还原糖含量之间存在显著正相关,且随着蛋白质含量的增加,与营养品质密切有关的赖氨酸含量随之增加.  相似文献   

The availability of favorable genetic diversity is a thriving vitality for the success of a breeding program. It provides a firm basis of selecting superior breeding lines for the development of high yielding crop genotypes. In this context, present investigation aimed to generate information on genetic divergence and character association in a diversity panel of 123 local and exotic soybean genotypes. Analysis of variance revealed significant response of the evaluated genotypes based on studied attributes. It depicted the probability of selecting desirable soybean genotypes by focusing on character association studies and genetic diversity analysis. Correlation analysis revealed that seed yield per plant showed high positive correlation with 100-seed weight followed by pods per plant and plant height. Furthermore, path coefficient analysis exposed that pods per plant had maximum direct contribution in seed yield per plant followed by 100-seed weight, days to flowering and SPAD measurement. Genotype named “G-10” showed maximum yield per plant followed by 24607, G-52, 24593, Arisoy, 24566, 17426, A-3127, 24570 and 24567. Genetic diversity analysis grouped the evaluated germplasm into 17 clusters. All clusters showed zero intra-cluster variability; while inter-cluster divergence ranged from 9.00 to 91.11. Cluster V showed maximum inter-cluster distance with cluster XII followed by that of between V and VIII. Moreover, cluster IV with superior genotypes (G-10, 24607, 24593 and 24566), VI (17426 and 24567), XIII (24570) and X (Arisoy and G-52) showed above mean values for most of the studied characters. Overall, the results of hybridization between the superior genotypes of these cluster pairs might be useful for soybean breeding with improving agronomic traits and adaptability.  相似文献   

三倍体芒草自然杂交后代数量性状遗传多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以三倍体芒草奇岗的自然杂交后代为研究对象,对后代群体的16个数量性状分别进行变异分析、主成分分析和聚类分析。研究结果表明:(1)该杂交群体的变异系数在14.41%~151.85%之间,平均变异系数为51.22%,说明杂交后代变异广泛。(2)主成分分析结果表明,前4个主成分反映原变量的80.206%的信息。第1主成分贡献率为48.74%,较大载荷性状有分蘖数、丛径、基部周长、单株鲜重和单株干重;第2主成分贡献率为16.313%,较大载荷性状有外径、内径、单茎干重、单茎鲜重和含水量;第3主成分贡献率为7.775%,仅有腋芽数一个较大载荷性状;第4主成分贡献率为7.378%,仅叶片数一个较大载荷。(3)聚类分析结果表明,将66份奇岗自然杂交后代和6份母本奇岗种质分为4大类。第Ⅰ类材料因本身各性状不足,产量很低,不适合筛选高产种质;第Ⅱ类材料各性状变异系数普遍较小,性状稳定,适合作为育种的备选类群;第Ⅲ类材料因枯黄较少,更适合做发酵类能源草或青贮牧草;第Ⅳ类材料生物产量因子及其产量构成因子都明显优于母本,是较好的育种材料。以上研究结果对筛选芒属植物优良种质、创新芒属植物种质资源有积极意义,并为芒属植物多倍体育种提供理论依据和材料基础。  相似文献   

利用大棚栽培设施开展果桑一年二造栽培试验,探讨二造栽培中植株梢果生长性状及其相关性。结果表明,第一造枝梢生长性状中结果枝长度(42.20 cm)、结果枝占枝梢的比率(98.40%)明显高于第二造结果枝长度(36.90 cm)、结果枝占枝梢比率(43.30%);果实生长性状中结果枝着果数(5.00粒·枝-1)、单果重(5.60 g)亦均高于第二造(3.60粒·枝-1、2.20g)。梢果相关性分析表明,结果枝粗度与着果数、单果重、果穗长相关性较好,果实单果重与果穗长、果径及果柄长均存在极显著正相关。  相似文献   

1IntroductionCanon~,whichhavehighcontentOfoilandprotein,areanimPOrtantnutrientr~eforfaceandforage.~areanewgenerationresultedfromfertilndionOff~eandmalegarnetes,butmOStOfseednutrientSareprovidedbymat~plantSonwhichseedsbeal.Therefore,seedtTaitS~besdriltaneouslyconchedbyednucleargenes,cytOPhangenes,andmaternalplantnucleargenes.SeeddireCteffectsandmaternaleffeCtshavebendetectedforseedquantitativetraitsinsomecrOPssuChasrapeseed(PleinesandFriedt,1989),andbarley(KaePplerandRasmusson,1991).I…  相似文献   

Appropriate knowledge of the parental cultivars is a pre-requisite for a successful breeding program. This study characterized fruit yield, quality attributes, and molecular variations of ten tomato cultivars during three consecutive generations under greenhouse conditions. Peto 86, Castle Rock, and Red Star cultivars showed the highest fruit yield (kg/plant), total phenolic compounds (TPC), and sap acidity. Principal component analysis categorized the evaluated fruit yield into three groups based on their quality attributes. A robust positive correlation appeared among traits inside each group. A positive correlation was likewise noticed between the first and the second groups. However, a negative correlation was detected between the first, the second and the third group. Molecular profiling, using seven inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) primers, produced 60 loci, including 49 polymorphic loci. The molecular analysis also pinpointed the highest genetic similarity (0.92) between P73 and Moneymaker, while the lowest genetic similarity (0.46) was observed between Castle Rock and Moneymaker. The cultivars P73 and Moneymaker showed the lowest genetic distance (2.24), while the highest genetic distance (5.92) was observed between Super Marmand and Peto86, on the one hand, and between Castle Rock and Moneymaker, on the other hand. The chemical analysis of fruit sap indicated the highest levels of TPC, total flavonoids, anthocyanin, ascorbic acid and total soluble solids in Peto 86 and Castle Rock cultivars. Phylogeny analysis of tomato cultivars based on morphological and molecular attributes indicated four distinct clades. Peto 86, Castle Rock, and Red star cultivars can be recommended for the tomato hybridization breeding programs in the future, with other tomato cultivars as potentially high-yielding parents.  相似文献   

叶俊伟  田斌 《生物多样性》2021,29(12):1629-E3451
扁核木(Prinsepia utilis)为中国西南地区温带森林重要的木本油料植物, 但对其野生资源种群遗传结构及成因的了解严重不足。我们采用核微卫星分子标记, 对32个扁核木自然种群共377个个体的群体演化历史进行了探讨, 并评估其遗传资源。研究发现扁核木种群自西向东可划分4个遗传群组, 即喜马拉雅、横断山以及云贵高原西部和东部群组。其中, 最大的遗传分化存在于喜马拉雅和其他区域种群间。与喜马拉雅和云贵高原东部群组相比, 横断山和云贵高原西部群组混合了其他群组的遗传成分。种群动态历史分析显示中部2个群组在喜马拉雅和云贵高原东部群组形成后形成, 不同群组间的分化均发生在更新世晚期。地理隔离和环境隔离分析表明扁核木种群间的遗传分化主要由环境差异导致。环境差异分析显示不同群组间的气候存在不同程度的差异, 其中喜马拉雅和云贵高原东部群组与中部2个群组间的差异显著。此外, 结合该物种不同时期的生态位模拟数据, 我们认为喜马拉雅和云贵高原地区的遗传资源在未来需要优先保护。  相似文献   

利用与抗病基因Lr46/Yr29/Pm39、Sr2/Yr30和Lr68等紧密连锁的分子标记,对小麦品种(系)‘RL6077’和‘西农979’构建的BC1F1和F2群体进行抗病基因遗传分析,结合主要农艺性状分析,探究小麦抗病基因Lr46/Yr29/Pm39、Sr2/Yr30和Lr68的遗传特性及其与主要农艺性状的关联性;并对检测的聚合有3个抗慢锈病基因(Lr68+Sr2/Yr30+Lr46/Yr29/Pm39)位点的聚合体进行SSR标记遗传背景回复率检测。结果表明:(1)F2群体中Lr68基因的传递率(65.41%)比理论值(75%)偏低,Lr46/Yr29/Pm39基因和Sr2/Yr30基因的传递率(分别为75.83%、74.53%)与理论值(75%)相符合;BC1F1群体中Lr68基因的传递率(44.27%)比理论值(50%)偏低,Lr46/Yr29/Pm39基因和Sr2/Yr30基因的传递率(分别为56.64%、55.11%)均比理论值(50%)偏高。(2)Lr46/Yr29/Pm39和Sr2/Yr30基因位点均与株高、穗长、穗下茎长、穗下节长呈极显著正相关关系;Lr68和Sr2/Yr30基因位点均与穗粒数呈显著或极显著正相关关系;Lr46/Yr29/Pm39基因位点与千粒重呈显著负相关、与单株成穗数呈显著正相关关系。(3)对BC1F1群体中聚合有Lr68+Sr2/Yr30+Lr46/Yr29/Pm39基因位点的92个聚合体的遗传背景回复率检测发现,轮回亲本‘西农979’遗传背景回复率最高达91.67%,其中遗传回复率达90%以上的聚合体有3株,占回交群体(655株)总体的0.46%。该研究结果为优异抗病基因资源‘RL6077’的进一步利用提供了理论参考,对创制小麦多种抗病新种质具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The predatory mite Neoseiulus womersleyi shows a significant correlation between its olfactory response and dispersal tendency in different geographical populations. This study investigated the genetic background of the relationship using isofemale lines. Y-tube olfactometer tests confirmed that there was a genetic component in predator response to herbivore-induced plant volatiles. Wind tunnel tests in the absence of the herbivore-induced plant volatiles revealed that the dispersal tendencies of N. womersleyi exhibited genetic variation among isofemale lines, and other experiments revealed the existence of significant differences in prey consumption rate, fecundity, and developmental time. However, there was no genetic correlation between behavioral traits (olfactory response, innate dispersal) and the other traits, suggesting that the positive correlation between the behavioral traits was not caused by genetic factors.  相似文献   

The division of the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases in two classes is compared with a division of the amino acids in two classes, obtained from the AAIndex databank by a principal component analysis. The division of the enzymes in Classes I and II follows to a great extent a division in the chemical and biological properties of their cognate amino acids. Furthermore, the phylogenetic trees of Classes I and II enzymes are highly correlated with dendrograms obtained for their cognate amino acids by using the indices in the AAIndex database. We argue that the evolution of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases was determined by the characteristics of their corresponding amino acids. We interpret these results considering models for the origin and evolution of the genetic code in which an initial version, containing fewer amino acids, was modified by the incorporation of new amino acids following duplication and divergence of previous synthetases and tRNA molecules.  相似文献   

Drought is a serious problem in many parts of the world where wheat, barley and other small-grained cereals are part of the staple diets. Even in parts of South-eastern Europe, seasonal rainfall for winter cereals has been falling gradually for many years. Thus, since 1981 across three sites in Yugoslavia (Novi Sad, Kragujevac and Zajear), rainfall fell from a mean of 511 mm for October to July in 1981--1982 to about 453 mm during the same period for the 1995--1996 season. Nevertheless, average wheat yields for new varieties in Yugoslav Commission trials during this period have shown a steady increase from 7.6 to 8.8 t ha–1. This is due to increasing the yield potential of the new varieties, even in trials giving low average yields, caused largely by drought. Thus, breeders in Yugoslavia are succeeding in improving drought resistance in new wheat varieties. However, future progress in improving drought resistance may be helped by focusing on specific traits which will help to improve either crop water use, water-use efficiency or harvest index. Thus, for example, rapid early leaf area development not only improves subsequent crop growth rates, but increases competition with weeds for water and nutrients. The rate of leaf area development is closely associated with embryo size, so selection for large embryo size should improve early growth rates. Osmotic adjustment in wheat in response to drought appears to be important for maintaining yields, and selection for high osmotic adjustment has improved drought yields. Carbon 13 discrimination () is an integral measure of plant water-use efficiency. Selecting for low has also resulted in increased yield under drought conditions. Other constitutive and induced traits, such as phenology, leaf xeromorphy, excised-leaf water loss, rooting behaviour, senescence and stored assimilates are also discussed in relation to improving yields in small-grain crops. Opportunities for marker-assisted selection are also considered. Incorporating specific drought resistance traits in breeding programmes should facilitate more rapid improvement in the drought resistance of wheat and other small-grained cereals.  相似文献   

Rice stem borer (Chilo agamemnon Bles.) is a primary insect pest of rice and is a major limiting factor to rice production. Breeding for insect-resistant crop varieties has been an economic way of integrated pest management (IPM) as it offers a viable and ecologically acceptable approach. This study was aimed to evaluate rice genotypes for their resistance against rice stem borer. Seven parental genotypes with twenty one F1 crosses were evaluated for genotypic variation in field experiments. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences for the studied traits in almost all crosses and parents. In addition, the mean squares of parents versus their crosses were signifi- cant for stem borer resistance and other associated traits. Moreover, both general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) variances were highly significant for all characters studied in the F1 generation. Based on GCA, 4 genotypes (Sakha101, Gz6903-3-4-2-1, Gz9577-4-1-1 and Hassawi) exhibited highly significant negative values for stem borer resistance (–0.53, –1.06, –0.18 and –0.49, respectively) indicating they are the best combiners for stem borer resistance. Based on SCA analysis, nine cross combinations showed highly significant negative effects for stem borer resistance. Similarly, the cross Giza178 Hassawi was the best combination with significantly highest value for early maturity. In addition, seven crosses showed highly significant negative SCA for plant height trait. On the other hand, for panicle length, number of primary branches/panicle, panicle weight and 1000-grain weight, seven, four, eight and six crosses showed highly significant positive SCA, respectively. The result further revealed that the non-additive dominance genetic variance was higher than the additive variance for all evaluated traits indicating that non-additive genetic variances have a role in their inheritance. The broad-sense heritability estimates were high for all the studied traits. The stem borer resistance was significantly correlated with panicle weight and 1000-grain weight, which also showed a highly significant correlation with grain yield/plant. Thus these traits can be effectively employed in a breeding program to confer resistance against stem borer infestation in rice. It was further supported by biplot analysis, which clustered these potentially important traits into two quadrants showing their importance in any future breeding program to control stem borer infestation. This study has contributed valuable information for evaluation of genetic diversity in the local rice germplasm and its utilization in futuristic rice genetic improvement programs.  相似文献   

公路生态景观建设不仅是公路建设的重要组成部分,也是美丽乡村建设和生态园林城市建设的重要标志,对于实现社会经济的可持续发展具有重要作用.公路生态景观质量的评价指标和方法是衡量公路及其外部环境建设质量的重要依据.本研究以江苏省南通市5条主要干线高速公路G15、G228、G204、S334和S335为例,建立了定量和定性评价指标相结合的公路生态景观质量评价指标体系,包括景观功能、生态效能和安全设计3大类12个评价指标.通过现场调查和计算,建立了12个评价指标的变量矩阵,并进行了主成分(PC)分析.结果表明: 公路绿化景观生态评价综合得分模型为: H=0.694PC1+0.191PC2+0.115PC3, 5条高速公路得分排序结果为: G204>G15>S334>G228>S335.本研究结果将为高速公路生态景观质量评价提供方法和参考.  相似文献   

The concentrations, distribution, possible sources, and potential risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface soils were studied in Kunming, which is situated in a lake basin of the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau. 15 PAHs were analyzed in 40 surface soil samples (0–5 cm layer) collected from six types of land uses in the Kunming urban area. Meanwhile, the potential sources of PAHs in surface soils of Kunming were investigated by PAH composition ratios, isomer ratios, and principal component analysis (PCA). The total concentrations of 15 PAHs ranged from 101.64 to 6,208.25 ng/g (dry weight basis). The concentrations in different land uses increased in an order as: green space (541.43 ng/g) < education area (756.49 ng/g) < business area (810.17 ng/g) < residential area (1,034.36 ng/g) < industrial area (1,166.79 ng/g) < roadside greens (2,146.76 ng/g). The results of sources identification suggested that PAHs in surface soils of the Kunming urban area were greatly affected by combustion activities which came mainly from coal combustion and vehicular traffic. In addition, the toxic equivalency factors (TEFs) were used to estimate benzo[a]pyrene-equivalent concentration in surface soils of Kunming, and the risk level of PAHs in Kunming's urban surface soils was low as a whole.  相似文献   

李粉玲  常庆瑞  申健  刘京   《生态学杂志》2015,26(12):3811-3817
基于主成分分析耦合植被指数、湿度指数、地表温度和裸土指数4个遥感评价指标,对黄土高原丘陵沟壑区陕西省富县1995—2014年的生态环境质量进行评价.结果表明: 基于主成分分析确定权重的遥感生态指数能客观定量揭示区域生态环境的变化;富县生态环境现状整体上属于良好级别,植被覆盖度较高,生物多样性较丰富;1995—2014年,富县生态环境总体上得到了较大改善,生态环境质量综合指数由3.17上升到3.53,牛武镇的生态环境质量整体状况最好,全县由西北方向到东南方向,生态环境质量改善的幅度逐渐递增,其中,交道镇和南道德乡变化最大;研究期间,生态环境质量等级下降地区的面积占全县总面积的16.7%,生态质量等级提高的面积占富县总面积的42.7%,生态环境等级提高的地区主要分布在县域中部的高塬和丘陵沟壑地、县东北部的土石低山区、西南的子午岭自然保护区.  相似文献   

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