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Polyembryony in maize (PEm) contributes to improving the nutritional properties of the grain, as well as an increase in yield, since it generates multiple plants per seed, opening the possibility of developing new varieties. However, it is unknown whether polyembryony in maize is the product of chromosomal abnormalities. Based on the above, in this research a cytogenetic study was proposed to verify if chromosomal abnormalities are related to the maize polyembryony. For a meiotic study, maize genotypes with variable proportions of polyembryony (PEm), from the UA-IMM-BAP population and non-PEm (monoembryonic) maize were used, while for a mitosis analysis, 30 families of maternal half-siblings (MHS) from two different populations with high polyembryony, denominated as BHP (brachytic, high polyembryony) and NHP (normal height, high polyembryony) were used. All these genotypes were planted in the Buenavista Agricultural Experimental Station-UAAAN at Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. The frequency of PEm was estimated in all genotypes. It was found that the polyembryony occurs at frequencies from 34 to 66% in the D-02, BHP group, and from 13 to 21% in the segregating groups of the G3-0202 and G3-0201. The squash technique was used for both cytogenetic analyses. Different meiotic irregularities in maize chromosomes were detected, such as irregular association of 10% of chromosomes in metaphase 1, and agglomeration of chromatin in 100% of the cells. In addition, pollen viability was estimated by the staining technique with 1% acetocarmine dye, and it was found that the polyembryonic ones have pollen viability of 100%. In meiosis in prophase, I sub-phase diakinesis, ten pairs of bivalents were confirmed, confirming 2n = 20, both in non-PEm and PEm maize, corroborating mating, and balanced segregation, without the presence of univalent or multivalent. In the chromosomal count carried out in cells in mitosis, only in the BHP-200 polyembryonic family was registered two out of twenty triploid plants. This condition of ploidy is atypical in maize, so it is recommended to analyze more plants from this family.  相似文献   

Synthetic varieties (SVs) are populations generated by randomly mating their parents. They are a good alternative for low-input farmers who grow onions, maize, and other allogamous crops since the seed produced by a SV does not change from one generation to the next. Although SV progenitors are commonly pure lines, in this case a synthetic (SynTC) whose parents are t three-way line crosses, a very common type of maize hybrid grown in Mexico, is studied. The aim was to develop a general and exact equation for the inbreeding coefficient of a SynTC SynTC because of its relationship with the mean of economically important traits. This objective arose due to the need for a more advanced study in terms of determining whether SynTC can be applied specifically and accurately for any number of parents (t), plants per parent (m) and inbreeding coefficient (IC) of the initial lines (FL). A formula for the IC of the SynTC was derived that, given any values of FL (0 ≤ FL ≤ 1) and t, is specific for any value of m, not just for “large” numbers associated with the context in which the Hardy-Weinberg law is stated. It was found that SynTC is very sensitive to changes in m when m is not greater than eight, after which it tends to stabilize very quickly. In summary, unlike previously derived formulas, SynTC is exact for any values of t, m and FL.  相似文献   

Kernel size-related traits, including kernel length, kernel width, and kernel thickness, are critical components in determining yield and kernel quality in maize (Zea mays L.). Dissecting the phenotypic characteristics of these traits, and discovering the candidate chromosomal regions for these traits, are of potential importance for maize yield and quality improvement. In this study, a total of 139 F2:3 family lines derived from EHel and B73, a distinct line with extremely low ear height (EHel), was used for phenotyping and QTL mapping of three kernel size-related traits, including 10-kernel length (KL), 10-kernel width (KWid), and 10-kernel thickness (KT). The results showed that only one QTL for KWid, i.e., qKWid9 on Chr9, with a phenotypic variation explained (PVE) of 13.4% was detected between SNPs of AX-86298371 and AX-86298372, while no QTLs were detected for KL and KT across all 10 chromosomes. Four bulked groups of family lines, i.e., Groups I to IV, were constructed with F2:3 family lines according to the phenotypic comparisons of KWid between EHel and B73. Among these four groups, Group I possessed a significantly lower KWid than EHel (P =0.0455), Group II was similar to EHel (P =0.34), while both Group III and Group IV were statistically higher than EHel (P <0.05). Besides, except Group IV exhibited a similar KWid to B73 (P =0.11), KWid of Groups I to III were statistically lower than B73 (P <0.00). By comparing the bulked genotypes of the four groups to EHel and B73, a stable chromosomal region on Chr9 between SNPs of AX-86298372 to AX-86263154, entirely covered by qKWid9, was identified to link KWid with the positive allele of increasing phenotypic effect to KWid from B73, similar to that of qKWid9. A large amount of enzyme activity and macromolecule binding-related genes were annotated within this chromosomal region, suggesting qKWid9 as a potential QTL for KWid in maize.  相似文献   

Cerium oxide nanoparticles (CeO2NPs) are likely to have dramatic impacts on plant performances, yet the effects of CeO2NPs on seed germination and seedling growth have not been fully explored. In this study, the seed germination and seedling growth of subshrub species Vitex negundo under different concentrations of CeO2NPs (low-1 mg/L, medium-100 mg/L, high-500 mg/L) have been discussed. Results showed that: (1) The seed germination rate reduces by 11.25% and 2.5% under the low and medium concentrations of CeO2NPs, respectively, but increased by 7.08% under the high concentration; (2) CeO2NPs had significant effects on the growth traits (root length, shoot height and biomass) of seedlings, being the highest under the medium concentration and the lowest under the highest concentration; (3) The superoxide dismutase activity was the maximum (355.91 U/g), but the protein concentration was the minimum (3.85 ug/mL) under the high concentration of CeO2NPs. Our results indicated that the effects of CeO2NPs on seed germination and seedling growth are concentrationdependency, i.e., low and medium concentrations inhibited while high concentration promoted seed germination, however, seedling growth showed opposite responses. Therefore, appropriate CeO2NPs concentrations are beneficial to the seed germination and seedling growth of Vitex negundo and improve the physiological performance of seedlings and enhance their adaptability to environmental adversity.  相似文献   

It is known that the high level of sugar including glucose suppresses seed germination through ABA signal. ABI5 is an essential component to mediate ABA-dependent seed germination inhibition, but underlying mechanism needs more investigation. Previous study demonstrated the PIF4 activated the expression of ABI5 to suppress seed germination in darkness. Here we reported that PIF4 also mediated the seed germination inhibition through ABI5 under high concentration of glucose treatment. Furthermore, we found that PIF4 interacted with PAP1, the central factor to control anthocyanin biosynthesis. Such interaction was confirmed in vitro and in planta. Biochemical and physiological analysis revealed that PAP1 bond the promoter of ABI5 to suppress its expression, thus enhanced seed germination under high concentration of glucose treatment. Specially, PAP1 competed with PIF4 to antagonize the activation of PIF4 on ABI5 expression, thus promoted seed germination under high glucose treatment. Given these, we uncover a novel role for PIF4 and PAP1 in controlling seed germination under high glucose treatment, and reveal their antagonistic mechanism by which coordinates ABI5 expression to control seed germination in response to the glucose signal.  相似文献   

玉米胚乳细胞中纯化的细胞质Hsp70蛋白有低水平的ATPase 活性,它在50 ℃、pH5 .8 、20 mmol/L的KCl 条件下活性最高,Ca2+和Mg2+ 抑制其活性。大肠杆菌DnaJ蛋白能将玉米细胞质Hsp70 的ATPase 活性提高6倍,而GrpE 蛋白对其影响很小。8 种不同的人工合成多肽均能刺激该蛋白的ATPase 活性,增加幅度从2 .5 倍到10 倍不等。亲水性不同的氨基酸对Hsp70 的ATPase 活性影响不同。玉米细胞质Hsp70 是一个三磷酸核苷酸酶,除ATP 外,它还能催化UTP、GTP、CTP和ITP的水解  相似文献   

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), when exposed to abiotic stress such as salinity, suffers significant losses in yield and productivity. The present study evaluated the salinity tolerance of 12 alfalfa cultivars in vitro using five concentrations of sodium chloride (NaCl), ranging from 0 to 250 mmol L−1 . The results obtained in the current study revealed that the Saudi cultivars, Kasimi and Hassawi, and the German cultivar (Berlin) had the highest salinity tolerance in terms of germination percentage (GP), corrected germination rate index (CGRI), days to reach 50% germination (GT50), and ability to form cotyledonary and true leaves. Under mmol L−1 NaCl, the Saudi cultivar Kasimi cultivar showed GP, CGRI, and GT50 of 55.20%, 123.15, and 3.77 days, respectively. Similarly, the German cultivar (Berlin) showed GP, CGRI, and GT50 of 50.06%, 86.61, and 5.17 days, respectively. These findings might reveal a pivotal aspect in salt tolerance in alfalfa. Our results will help to select salt-tolerant alfalfa cultivars that could thrive in arid and semi-arid areas with salinity problems.  相似文献   

Allantoin as the metabolite of purine catabolism can store and remobilize nitrogen for plant growth and development. However, emerging evidence suggests it also contributes to plant tolerance to stress response through altering abscisic acid (ABA) and reducing reactive oxygen species (ROS) level. 1-CYS PEROXIREDOXIN (PER1) is a seed-specific antioxidant that enhances seed longevity through scavenging ROS over-accumulation. High temperature (HT) suppresses seed germination and induces seed secondary dormancy, called as seed germination thermoinhibition. However, the mechanism that allantoin and PER1 regulate seed germination thermoinhibition remains unknown. In this study, we reported that allantoin treatment enhances seed germination under HT stress. Consistently, the aln mutants displayed higher seed germination, as well as more accumulation of endogenous allantoin, than that of wild-type control. Further biochemical and genetic analyses showed that allantoin reduces ABA content under HT, and allantoin targets PER1 to efficiently scavenge HT-induced ROS accumulation, meanwhile, the function of allantoin requires PER1 during seed gemination thermotolerance. Collectively, our finding proposes a novel function of allantoin in enhancing seed germination tolerance to HT, and uncovers the underlying mechanism by which allantoin regulates seed germination through altering ABA metabolism and PER1-mediated ROS level under HT stress.  相似文献   

Medicinal herbs are well known and studied over the past millennia in most of the developing countries as a rational means of treatment against various diseases and disorders. Wedelolactone (WDL), a major bioactive compound in Eclipta prostrata L (Eclipta alba L), has been reported with potential benefits in human health against chronic diseases. However, a comprehensive study on WDL pharmacological benefits in various ailments, to the best of our knowledge, is not yet reported. Thereof, the present review provides the recent therapeutic applications in reference to biological and functional activities against major human chronic diseases, including cardiovascular, cancer, diabetes mellitus, liver disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and androgenetic alopecia. In this study, we collected all the relevant experimental information on WDL from Scientific databases such as PubMed, Web of Science, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. Conclusively, WDL is recognized as a key anti-oxidant with both specific regulator and inhibitor of major drug targetable proteins in human chronic diseases and disorders. Hence, WDL as a novel therapeutic bioactive molecule is advised to explore further for relevant pharmacological activities.  相似文献   

Endosperm mutants are critical to the studies on both starch synthesis and metabolism and genetic improvement of starch quality in maize. In the present study, a novel maize endosperm mutant A0178 of natural variation was used as the experimental material and identified and then characterized. Through phenotypic identification, genetic analysis, main ingredients measurement and embryo rescue, development of genetic mapping population from A0178, the endosperm mutant gene was located. The results showed that the mutant exhibited extremely low germination ability as attributed to the inhibited embryo development, and amounts of sugars were accumulated in the mutant seeds and more sugars content was detected at 23 days after pollination (DAP) in A0178 than B73. Employing genetic linkage analysis, the mutant trait was mapped in the bin 5.04 on chromosome 5. Sequence analysis showed that two sites of base transversion and insertion presented in the protein coding region and non-coding region of the mutant brittle-1 (bt1), the adenylate translocator encoding gene involved in the starch synthesis. The single base insertion in the coding region cause frameshift mutation, early termination and lose of function of Brittle-1 (BT1). All results suggested that bt1 is a novel allelic gene and the causal gene of this endosperm mutant, providing insights on the mechanism of endosperm formation in maize.  相似文献   

The effects of ultradry storage on the starch mobilization in maize (Zea mays L.) seed after aging were investigated. The results indicated that there were no significant differences in the content of ATP,starch, and soluble sugar, as well as the activity of amylase, between ultradried seeds and seeds stored at -20 ℃ during germination. These results were consistent with the higher level of vigor of the ultradried seed. Sieve tube introduction of a fluorescence dye (carboxyl fluoresceindiacetate) and laser confocal microscopy were used to study the development of plasmodesmata in the ultradried seeds. The results indicated that plasmodesmata developed well in ultradried seeds. Fluorescence analysis also showed that the fluorescence intensity in the radicle of ultradried seeds was stronger than that in seeds with a higher moisture content. This suggests that ultradry treatment has no adverse effects on the seeds. After seed imbibition, cell orgaelles could be resumed. It is concluded that ultradry seed storage is beneficial for maintaining seed vigor and that starchy mobilization proceeds regularly during germination.  相似文献   

Brassica rapa var. rapa (turnip) is an important crop in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) with anti-hypoxic effect. Turnip is rich in glucosinolates, isothiocyanates and phenolic compounds with diverse biological activities, involving anti-oxidant, anti-tumor, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, hypolipidemic, cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, nephroprotective and analgesic properties. In this study, the ethyl acetate (EtOAc) and butanol parts of Brassica rapa were first revealed with inhibitory effects on α-glucosidase, whereas the water part was inactive. Subsequent bioassay-guided isolation on the EtOAc and butanol parts yielded 12 compounds, involving three indole derivatives, indole-3- acetonitrile (1) 4-methoxyindole-3-acetonitrile (2) and indole-3-aldehyde (3) two flavonoids, liquiritin (4) and licochalcone A (5) two phenylpropanoids, sinapic acid (6) and caffeic acid (7) two phenylethanol glycosides, 2-phenylethyl β- glucopyranoside (8) and salidroside (9) and three other compounds, syringic acid (10) adenosine (11) and (3β, 20E)-ergosta-5, 20 (22)-dien-3-ol (12) Licochalcone A (5) and caffeic acid (7) showed α-glucosidase inhibitory activity with IC50 values of 62.4 ± 8.0 μM and 162.6 ± 3.2 μM, comparable to the positive control, acarbose (IC50 = 142 ± 0.02 μM). Docking study suggested that licochalcone A (5) could well align in the active site of α-glucosidase (docking score = -52.88) by forming hydrogen bonds (Gln1372, Asp1420, Gln1372, Arg1510), hydrophobic effects (Tyr1251, Tyr1251, Trp1355, Phe1560, Ile1587, Trp1355, Phe1559, Phe1559) and π-π stacking interaction (Trp1355). This study provides valuable information for turnip as a new resource in searching anti-diabetic candidates.  相似文献   

The effects of ultradry storage on the starch mobilization in maize (Zea mays L.) seed after aging were investigated. The results indicated that there were no significant differences in the content of ATP, starch, and soluble sugar, as well as the activity of amylase, between ultradried seeds and seeds stored at -20℃ during germination. These results were consistent with the higher level of vigor of the ultradried seed. Sieve tube introduction of a fluorescence dye (carboxyl fluoresceindiacetate) and laser confocal microscopy were used to study the development of plasmodesmata in the ultradried seeds. The results indicated that plasmodesmata developed well in ultradried seeds. Fluorescence analysis also showed that the fluorescence intensity in the radicle of ultradried seeds was stronger than that in seeds with a higher moisture content. This suggests that ultradry treatment has no adverse effects on the seeds. After seed imbibition, cell orgaelles could be resumed. It is concluded that ultradry seed storage is beneficial for maintaining seed vigor and that starchy mobilization proceeds regularly during germination.  相似文献   

不同类型玉米籽粒的营养品质及其与籽粒质地的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
测定普通玉米、爆裂玉米、糯玉米和甜玉米4种类型玉米籽粒不同发育时期的直链淀粉、支链淀粉、总淀粉、可溶性糖和蛋白的含量,分析这些营养物质与角质率的关系。结果表明:灌浆期间4种类型玉米的直链淀粉、支链淀粉和总淀粉含量呈上升趋势,总蛋白含量呈下降趋势,可溶性糖含量变化规律不明显。爆裂玉米的直链淀粉含量始终最高(4.7%-23.1%),甜玉米(1.4%-4.6%)和糯玉米(2.3%-4.9%)的始终较低;甜玉米的支链淀粉含量一直最低(15.7%-35.5%),除授粉10d以外,糯玉米的支链淀粉含量一直最高(65.5%-69.8%);甜玉米总淀粉含量始终最低(17.1%36.1%)、总蛋白含量(15.2%-26.9%)和授粉30d后的可溶性糖含量最高(14.2%-17.6%)。高蛋白含量可能是爆裂玉米和甜玉米角质率高的原因,糯玉米的角质率低可能与支链淀粉含量高和蛋白积累少有关。  相似文献   

The phenotypic variation and its distribution among species, morphotypes, and among and within populations was estimated in 71 populations pertaining to 15 morphotypes of three domesticated species of Capsicum from Mexico. Collections were made in the states of Sinaloa, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Tabasco, and Yucatán in two agroecosystems: Backyard-garden and monoculture. Fifteen phenotypic characteristics were analyzed through one-way variance analysis and multivariate analyses of principal components analysis (PCA) and hierarchical clustering using Ward’s method. The study was performed in a uniform greenhouse experiment. A high variation was found among and within populations in all the measured characteristics. Of the total variation, 13.0% was distributed among species, 27.9% among morphotypes, 8.1% among populations, and 51.0% within populations. Because plants grew in a uniform environment, these results indicate that the differences observed among and within species, morphotypes, and populations have a genetic basis. Univariate and multivariate analyses clearly differentiated morphotypes, suggesting that the category of morphotypes must be used to nominate the infraspecific variation in the domesticated Capsicum. The principal components analysis identified a total of 15 principal components that contributed to explain the total variation. The first two components explained 59.64% of the total variation and seven components explained more than 90% of the total variation. Among the measured characteristics, number of seed per fruit, weight of the fruit, width of the fruit, length of the fruit, stem diameter, days to flowering, and height of the plant contributed to component 1 variation, whereas width of the leaf, length of the leaf, and number of locules, number of fruits and number of seeds per plant contributed to component 2. The hierarchical clustering separated the populations and the morphotypes in two large different groups. One group consisted of populations collected in monoculture conditions and the other group corresponded to population collected from backyard-garden conditions. The monoculture populations were characterized mainly by their longer, wider, and higher weight fruits, plants were of less height, had smaller stem diameters, and lower number of fruits than the populations collected from the backyard-garden conditions. The backyard-garden populations of the Capsicum annuum and Capsicum frutescens species, considered wild or semi-domesticated, constituted a non-differentiated phenotypic group that does not allow dividing them in different species.  相似文献   

The lignocellulosic crop Miscanthus spp. has been identified as a good candidate for biomass production. The responses of Miscanthus sinensis Anderss. to salinity were studied to satisfy the needs for high yields in marginal areas and to avoid competition with food production. The results indicated that the relative advantages of the tolerant accession over the sensitive one under saline conditions were associated with restricted Na+ accumulation in shoots. Seedlings of two accessions (salt-tolerant ‘JM0119’ and salt-sensitive ‘JM0099’) were subjected to 0 (control), 100, 200, and 300 mM NaCl stress to better understand the salt-induced biochemical responses of genes involved in Na+ accumulation in M. sinensis. The adaptation responses of genes encoding for Na+ /H+ antiporters, NHX1 and SOS1 to NaCl stress were examined in JM0119 and JM0099.The cDNA sequences of genes examined were highly conserved among the relatives of M. sinensis based on the sequencing on approximate 600 bp-long cDNA fragments obtained from degenerate PCR. These salt-induced variations of gene expression investigated by quantitative real-time PCR provided evidences for insights of the molecular mechanisms of salt tolerance in M. sinensis. The expression of NHX1 was up-regulated by salt stress in JM0119 shoot and root tissues. However, it was hardly affected in JM0099 shoot tissue except for a significant increase at the 100 mM salt treatment, and it was salt-suppressed in the JM0099 root tissue. In the root tissue, the expression of SOS1 was induced by the high salt treatment in JM0119 but repressed by all salt treatments in JM0099. Thus, the remarkably higher expression of NHX1 and SOS1 were associated with the resistance to Na+ toxicity by regulation of the Na+ influx, efflux, and sequestration under different salt conditions.  相似文献   

Xu Gao  Ziqi Shen  Jinliang Xu  Min Fan  Qiang Li 《Phyton》2023,92(7):1987-1999
Phytophthora nicotianae causes substantial economic losses in most countries where tobacco is produced. At present, the control of P. nicotianae mainly depends on chemical methods, with considerable environmental and health issues. We investigated the effects of ethanol extracts from Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi (SBG) and Magnolia officinalis (MO). On mycelial growth, sporangium formation, and zoospore release of P. nicotianae. Both extracts inhibited the growth of P. nicotianae, with mycelial growth inhibition rates of 88.92% and 93.92%, respectively, at 40 mg/mL, and EC50 values of 5.39 and 5.74 mg/mL, respectively. The underlying mechanisms were the inhibition of sporangium formation, the reduction of zoospore number, and the destruction of the mycelium structure. At an SBG extract concentration of 16.17 mg/mL, the inhibition rates for sporangia and zoospores were 98.66% and 99.39%, respectively. At an MO extract concentration of 2.87 mg/mL, the production of sporangia and zoospores was completely inhibited. The hyphae treated with the two plant extracts showed different degrees of deformation and damage. Hyphae treated with SBG extract showed adhesion and local swelling, whereas treatment with MO extract resulted in broken hyphae. Mixture of the extracts resulted in a good synergistic effect.  相似文献   

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