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Bacillus stearothermophilus strains PV 72 and ATCC 12980 carry a crystalline surface layer (S-layer) with hexagonal (p6) and oblique (p2) symmetry, respectively. Sites of insertions of new subunits into the regular lattice during cell growth have been determined by the indirect fluorescent antibody technique and the protein A/colloidal gold technique.During S-layer growth on both bacillus strains the following common features were noted: 1. shedding of intact S-layer or turnover of individual subunits was not seen; 2. new S-layer was deposited in helically-arranged bands over the cylindrical surface of the cell at a pitch angle related to the orientation of the lattice vectors of the crystalline array; 3. little or no S-layer was inserted into pre-existing S-layer at the poles, and 4. septal regions and, subsequently, newly formed cell poles were covered with new S-layer protein.  相似文献   

Bacterial cell surface layers (S-layers) which show a crystalline structure, defined pores, and a regular arrangement of functioal groups can be used for production of isoporous ultrafiltration membranes and as a matrix for immobilization of macromolecules. S-layer-carrying cell wall fragments from thermophilic Bacillaceae possess an extremely thin peptidoglycan-containing layer with pores larger than those in the S-layer lattice. Thus, they can directly be used for biotechnological applications, when an S-layer protein pool is stored in the rigid cell wall layer which is released during cell wall preparation, forming an inner S-layer. In the present study, a synthetic medium for Bacillus stearothermophilus PV 72 was developed by applying the pulse and shift technique with the aim to produce cell wall fragments with before-mentioned properties by varying the growth conditions in condtinuous culture. The organism was grown at 57 degrees C in a bioreactor with 1 L working volume equipped with exhaust gas analysis and connected to a PC-based process control system. Biomass concentration was 2.2 g/L out of 8 g/L glucose at a dilution rate of 0.3 h(-1), giving a biomass productivity of 0.66 g/L h. Although the organism was grown under different conditions, no change in peptidoglycan composition, extent of peptidoglycan crosslinking, and content of secondary cell wall polymers was observed. The amount of S-layer protein pool stored in the rigid cell wall layer and the autolytic activity depended mainly on the specific growth rate. Cell wall fragments with properties required for ultrafiltration membrane production could be produced by parameter settings in continuous culture. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Stable synthesis of the hexagonally ordered (p6) S-layer protein from the wild-type strain of Bacillus stearothermophilus PV72 could be achieved in continuous culture on complex medium only under oxygen-limited conditions when glucose was used as the sole carbon source. Depending on the adaptation of the wild-type strain to low oxygen supply, the dynamics in oxygen-induced changes in S-layer protein synthesis was different when the rate of aeration was increased to a level that allowed dissimilation of amino acids. If oxygen supply was increased at the beginning of continuous culture, synthesis of the p6 S-layer protein from the wild-type strain (encoded by the sbsA gene) was immediately stopped and replaced by that of a new type of S-layer protein (encoded by the sbsB gene) which assembled into an oblique (p2) lattice. In cells adapted to a prolonged low oxygen supply, first, low-level p2 S-layer protein synthesis and second, synchronous synthesis of comparable amounts of both types of S-layer proteins could be induced by stepwise increasing the rate of aeration. The time course of changes in S-layer protein synthesis was followed up by immunogold labelling of whole cells. Synthesis of the p2 S-layer protein could also be induced in the p6-deficient variant T5. Hybridization data obtained by applying the radiolabelled N-terminal and C-terminal sbsA fragments and the N-terminal sbsB fragment to the genomic DNA of all the three organisms indicated that changes in S-layer protein synthesis were accompanied by chromosomal rearrangement. Chemical analysis of peptidoglycan-containing sacculi and extraction and recrystallization experiments revealed that at least for the wild-type strain, a cell wall polymer consisting of N-acetylglucosamine and glucose is responsible for binding of the p6 S-layer protein to the rigid cell wall layer.  相似文献   

Structural studies were carried out on lipoteichoic acids obtained from defatted cells of 10 Bacillus strains by phenol-water partition followed by chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel and Octyl-Sepharose columns. A group of the tested bacteria (group A), Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, and Bacillus pumilus, was shown to have a diacyl form of lipoteichoic acids which contained D-alanine, D-glucose, D-glucosamine, fatty acids, and glycerol in molar ratios to phosphorus of 0.35 to 0.69, 0.07 to 0.15 to 0.43, 0.06 to 0.11, and 0.95 to 1.18, respectively, whereas the other group (group B), Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus megaterium, had diacyl lipoteichoic acids which contained D-galactose, fatty acids, and glycerol in molar ratios to phosphorus of 0.05 to 0.42, 0.06 to 0.12, and 0.96 to 1.07, respectively. After treatment with 47% hydrogen fluoride, the lipoteichoic acids obtained from group A strains commonly gave a hydrophobic fragment, gentiobiosyl-beta (1----1 or 3)diacylglycerol, in addition to dephosphorylated repeating units, glycerol, 2-D-alanylglycerol, N-acetyl-D-glucosaminyl-alpha (1----2)glycerol, and D-alanyl-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminyl-alpha (1----2)glycerol, whereas the lipoteichoic acids from group B strains yielded diacylglycerol in addition to glycerol and D-galactosyl-alpha (1----2)glycerol. The results together with data from Smith degradations indicate that in the lipoteichoic acids of group A strains the polymer chains, made up of partially alanylated glycerol phosphate and glycosylglycerol phosphate units, are joined to the acylglycerol anchors through gentiobiose. However, in the lipoteichoic acids of group B strains, the partially galactosylated poly(glycerolphosphate) chains are believed to be directly linked to the acylglycerol anchors.  相似文献   

Intact cells of Bacillus stearothermophilus PV72 revealed, after conventional thin-sectioning procedures, the typical cell wall profile of S-layer-carrying gram-positive eubacteria consisting of a ca. 10-nm-thick peptidoglycan-containing layer and a ca. 10-nm-thick S layer. Cell wall preparations obtained by breaking the cells and removing the cytoplasmic membrane by treatment with Triton X-100 revealed a triple-layer structure, with an additional S layer on the inner surface of the peptidoglycan. This profile is characteristic for cell wall preparations of many S-layer-carrying gram-positive eubacteria. Among several variants of strain PV72 obtained upon single colony isolation, we investigated the variant PV72 86-I, which does not exhibit an inner S layer on isolated cell walls but instead possesses a profile identical to that observed for intact cells. In the course of a controlled mild autolysis of isolated cell walls, S-layer subunits were released from the peptidoglycan of the variant and assembled into an additional S layer on the inner surface of the walls, leading to a three-layer cell wall profile as observed for cell wall preparations of the parent strain. In comparison to conventionally processed bacteria, freeze-substituted cells of strain PV72 and the variant strain revealed in thin sections a ca. 18-nm-wide electron-dense peptidoglycan-containing layer closely associated with the S layer. The demonstration of a pool of S-layer subunits in such a thin peptidoglycan layer in an amount at least sufficient for generating one coherent lattice on the cell surface indicated that the subunits must have occupied much of the free space in the wall fabric of both the parent strain and the variant. It can even be speculated that the rate of synthesis and translation of the S-layer protein is influenced by the packing density of the S-layer subunits in the periplasm of the cell wall delineated by the outer S layer and the cytoplasmic membrane. Our data indicate that the matrix of the rigid wall layer inhibits the assembly of the S-layer subunits which are in transit to the outside.  相似文献   

An oscillatory behavior in population density was observed when a transformant of Bacillus stearothermophilus carrying a rocombinant plasmid pZAM26 was cultivated continuously in a well-stirred reactor vessel at a fixed dilution rato. Among the transformant cells that were subjected to the continuous culture, the fraction of cells harboring p2AM26 was found to be as high as 0.98-1.00 despite the emergence of the oscillation. Cells whose plasmids underwent rearrangement of DMA in terms of structural change could not be found throughout. With reference to this observation, the dynamics of the genetic-engineered bacterium was analyzed within the category of both the linearized stability principle and the bifurcation theory. It was concluded that Hopf bifurcation was most probable to account for the experimental oscillation.  相似文献   

The initial rates of phosphorylation of glucose catalysed by glucokinase from Bacillus stearothermophilus were measured over a wide range of glucose, MgATP2-, MgADP- and glucose 6-phosphate concentrations. The results of the effects of the inhibitors on the initial rates suggest that the reaction mechanism is essentially the ordered Bi Bi, in which glucose adds to the enzyme before MgATP2- and glucose 6-phosphate is released from the enzyme after the dissociation of MgADP-, and also suggest that the final step in which glucose 6-phosphate is released is irreversible. For many reaction schemes, the rate equations were derived on the basis of the pseudo-steady-state assumption and were used to correlate the experimental rate data. From this result, we concluded that the reaction obeys the ordered mechanism accompanied by the formation of a non-productive ternary complex, glucose-MgADP--enzyme. By using the experimental Dalziel coefficients phi i, some kinetic parameters were evaluated. The enzyme was characterized by the thermal stability and the low Michaelis constant, the values of which were 54 microM for glucose and 32 microM for MgATP2-.  相似文献   

Growth kinetics of 2Nitrobacter strains (N.w. and L) coexisting in the same soil are studied in batch and continuous culture. Monod's parameters are estimated numerically from experimental data in the case of the batch experiment, and from steady-state equations in the case of the chemostat. In both cases, the 2 strains show different values for their growth parameters. N.w. may be characterized by its high max-Ks values, relative to strain L. But for each strain, max is significantly lowered between batch and continuous culture. In this latter case, at N-NO2 concentrations less than 1.5g·ml–1, the 2 strains exhibit similar growth rates showing that for concentrations of the limiting substrate prevailing in the soil, they may compete for this substrate.  相似文献   

During growth of Bacillus stearothermophilus NRS 2004/3a in continuous culture on complex medium, the chemical properties of the S-layer glycoprotein and the characteristic oblique lattice were maintained only if glucose was used as the sole carbon source. With increased aeration, amino acids were also metabolized, accompanied by liberation of ammonium and by changes in the S-layer protein. Depending on the stage of fermentation at which oxygen limitation was relieved, two different variants, one with a more delicate oblique S-layer lattice (variant 3a/V1) and one with a square S-layer lattice (variant 3a/V2), were isolated. During the switch from the wild-type strain to a variant or from variant 3a/V2 to variant 3a/V1, monolayers of two types of S-layer lattices could be demonstrated on the surfaces of single cells. S-layer proteins from variants had different molecular sizes and a significantly lower carbohydrate content than S-layer proteins from the wild-type strain did. Although the S-layer lattices from the wild-type and variant strains showed quite different protein mass distributions in two- and three-dimensional reconstructions, neither the amino acid composition nor the pore size, as determined by permeability studies, was significantly changed. Peptide mapping and N-terminal sequencing results strongly indicated that the three S-layer proteins are encoded by different genes and are not derived from a universal precursor form.  相似文献   

The optimal culture conditions for Bacillus stearothermophilus NUB3621 (BGSC 9A5) in chemostat were studied. The results obtained showed that the optimal culture conditions in terms of biomass concentration and maximum growth rate were 65 degrees C, pH 6.8 to 7.2. Dissolved oxygen became growth limiting at pO(2) levels below 10%. Furthermore, this strain was transformed with three new hybrid vectors (pPAM2, pPCH2, or pPLY2) constructed by cloning in pRP9, a plasmid based on the thermophilic replicon, pBC1, and three heterologous genes: the alpha-amylase gene from Bacillus licheniformis, the cholesterol oxidase gene from Streptomyces sp., and the lipase gene from Pseudomonas fluorescens. The influence of several fermentative conditions on segregational and structural stability of the recombinant B. stearothermophilus NUB3621 transformants was studied.The parameters of plasmid loss, that is, rate of plasmid loss (R) and specific growth rate difference (deltamu), were calculated. B. stearothermophilus NUB3621 carrying pRP9 showed great segregational stability in all the assayed conditions, exceeding more than 300 generations without significant plasmid loss, whereas NUB3621 carrying pPAM2, pPCH2, or pPLY2 exhibited relatively low plasmid stability. The segregational instability of the recombinant constructs increased by increasing the fermentation temperature, decreased by increasing the dilution rate, and was not affected by the level of dissolved oxygen. On the other hand, plasmid maintenance decreased in minimal medium if compared with the results obtained in complex medium. Restriction analyses carried out on cultures of NUB3621 carrying pRP9, pPAM2, pPCH2, or pPLY2, grown for 200 generations on nonselective media, revealed that all the clones tested contained the parental plasmids. These results indicate that the heterologous inserts did not affect the structural stability of the recombinant plasmids. (c) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 53: 507-514, 1997.  相似文献   

Several metabolic fluxes were analyzed during gradual transitions from aerobic to oxygen-limited conditions in chemostat cultures of Pseudomonas mendocina growing in synthetic medium at a dilution rate of 0.25 h-1. P. mendocina growth was glucose limited at high oxygen partial pressures (70 and 20% pO2) and exhibited an oxidative type of metabolism characterized by respiratory quotient (RQ) values of 1.0. A similar RQ value was obtained at low pO2 (2%), and detectable levels of acetic, formic, and lactic acids were determined in the extracellular medium. RQs of 0.9 +/- 0.12 were found at 70% pO2 for growth rates ranging from 0.025 to 0.5 h-1. At high pO2, the control coefficients of oxygen on catabolic fluxes were 0.19 and 0.22 for O2 uptake and CO2 production, respectively. At low pO2 (2%), the catabolic and anabolic fluxes were highly controlled by oxygen. P. mendocina showed a mixed-type fermentative metabolism when nitrogen was flushed into chemostat cultures. Ethanol and acetic, lactic, and formic acids were excreted and represented 7.5% of the total carbon recovered. Approximately 50% of the carbon was found as uronic acids in the extracellular medium. Physiological studies were performed under microaerophilic conditions (nitrogen flushing) in continuous cultures for a wide range of growth rates (0.03 to 0.5 h-1). A cell population, able to exhibit a near-maximum theoretical yield of ATP (YmaxATP = 25 g/mol) with a number of ATP molecules formed during the transfer of an electron towards oxygen along the respiration chain (P/O ratio) of 3, appears to have adapted to microaerophilic conditions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Several metabolic fluxes were analyzed during gradual transitions from aerobic to oxygen-limited conditions in chemostat cultures of Pseudomonas mendocina growing in synthetic medium at a dilution rate of 0.25 h-1. P. mendocina growth was glucose limited at high oxygen partial pressures (70 and 20% pO2) and exhibited an oxidative type of metabolism characterized by respiratory quotient (RQ) values of 1.0. A similar RQ value was obtained at low pO2 (2%), and detectable levels of acetic, formic, and lactic acids were determined in the extracellular medium. RQs of 0.9 +/- 0.12 were found at 70% pO2 for growth rates ranging from 0.025 to 0.5 h-1. At high pO2, the control coefficients of oxygen on catabolic fluxes were 0.19 and 0.22 for O2 uptake and CO2 production, respectively. At low pO2 (2%), the catabolic and anabolic fluxes were highly controlled by oxygen. P. mendocina showed a mixed-type fermentative metabolism when nitrogen was flushed into chemostat cultures. Ethanol and acetic, lactic, and formic acids were excreted and represented 7.5% of the total carbon recovered. Approximately 50% of the carbon was found as uronic acids in the extracellular medium. Physiological studies were performed under microaerophilic conditions (nitrogen flushing) in continuous cultures for a wide range of growth rates (0.03 to 0.5 h-1). A cell population, able to exhibit a near-maximum theoretical yield of ATP (YmaxATP = 25 g/mol) with a number of ATP molecules formed during the transfer of an electron towards oxygen along the respiration chain (P/O ratio) of 3, appears to have adapted to microaerophilic conditions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Minimal chemically defined media for Bacillus stearothermophilus were developed at 60°C and quantitative requirements for each nutrient were determined. A prototrophic strain of B. stearothermophilus was grown in medium containing only glucose and mineral salts whereas auxotrophic strains in addition required biotin, thiamine, nicotinic acid and DL-methionine. Metabolic interaction between L-valine and L-leucine was observed with auxotrophic organisms. The presence of L-leucine in minimal medium necessitated the addition of L-valine. Growth took place in the absence of both amino acids.  相似文献   

The structural gene for a thermostable alpha-amylase from Bacillus stearothermophilus was cloned in plasmids pTB90 and pTB53. It was expressed in both B. stearothermophilus and Bacillus subtilis. B. stearothermophilus carrying the recombinant plasmid produced about fivefold more alpha-amylase (20.9 U/mg of dry cells) than did the wild-type strain of B. stearothermophilus. Some properties of the alpha-amylases that were purified from the transformants of B. stearothermophilus and B. subtilis were examined. No significant differences were observed among the enzyme properties despite the difference in host cells. It was found that the alpha-amylase, with a molecular weight of 53,000, retained about 60% of its activity even after treatment at 80 degrees C for 60 min.  相似文献   

Recombinant E. coli strains expressing the Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579T resD and resE genes fused with the ubiquitin gene were constructed, and purification of the ResD and ResE proteins was performed. The approach used in the study allowed us to increase the protein yield of the electrophoretic homogeneous ResD and ResE proteins without denaturation steps up to 150 mg per gram of wet cell weight.  相似文献   

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