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吕文君  徐慧  万佐玺  黄升 《广西植物》2017,37(10):1279-1289
该研究对苦苣苔科的蛛毛苣苔属[Paraboea(C.B.Clarke)Ridley]、马铃苣苔属(Oreocharis Bentham)、报春苣苔属(Primulina Hance)、吊石苣苔属(Lysionotus D.Don)、台闽苣苔属(Titanotrichum Solereder)、半蒴苣苔属(Hemiboea C.B.Clarke)、长蒴苣苔属(Didymocarpus Wallich)、光叶苣苔属(Glabrella Mich.MollerW.H.Chen)进行属间远缘杂交,对马铃苣苔属的马铃苣苔组、川滇马铃苣苔组、大叶石上莲组进行组间远缘杂交,统计不同杂交组合的结实情况及播种后的种子萌发情况,以明确不同属(组)间远缘杂交亲和性,为通过远缘杂交进行苦苣苔科种质资源的创新奠定基础。结果表明:(1)不同属作为父本,与同一母本进行杂交,以及同一属内不同种作为父本,与同一母本进行杂交,结实情况差异显著。(2)不同属作为母本,与同一父本进行杂交,以及同一属内不同种作为母本,与同一父本进行杂交,结实情况同样存在显著差异。(3)相同两个种正反交杂交成功率也并不一致。(4)马铃苣苔属与半蒴苣苔属,报春苣苔属与吊石苣苔属,吊石苣苔属与报春苣苔属和半蒴苣苔属,光叶苣苔属与报春苣苔属和吊石苣苔属之间部分种进行远缘杂交能够正常结实,且杂交种子能够正常萌发。(5)马铃苣苔属内组间杂交无明显生殖隔离的现象。  相似文献   

弥勒苣苔属是苦苣苔科的单种属,仅分布于中国西南部。为探讨弥勒苣苔在苦苣苔亚科中的系统位置,我们选择了苦苣苔亚科116个类群,外类群为苦苣苔亚科以外的7个物种。用最大简约法(MP)和贝叶斯分析(BI),对以上类群的核基因ITS以及两个叶绿体基因trnL-F、atpB-rbcL数据进行了独立和联合分析。在三个片段联合分析的结果中,弥勒苣苔与马铃苣苔属、后蕊苣苔属、金盏苣苔属、直瓣苣苔属以及川鄂粗筒苣苔构成一个强烈支持的分枝。MP树中,此分枝为并系,而在BI分析中,弥勒苣苔与川鄂粗筒苣苔、直瓣苣苔属互为姐妹类群。同时,第一次报道了弥勒苣苔的染色体数目(2n=34)。根据前人报道,马铃苣苔属、后蕊苣苔属、粗筒苣苔属和直瓣苣苔属的染色体数目同为2n=34,这进一步支持我们的分子系统发育分析。  相似文献   

单种属弥勒苣苔属系统位置研究 基于分子和细胞学数据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弥勒苣苔属是苦苣苔科的单种属,仅分布于中国西南部。为探讨弥勒苣苔在苦苣苔亚科中的系统位置,我们选择了苦苣苔亚科116个类群,外类群为苦苣苔亚科以外的7个物种。用最大简约法(MP)和贝叶斯分析(BI),对以上类群的核基因ITS以及两个叶绿体基因trnL-F、atpB-rbcL数据进行了独立和联合分析。在三个片段联合分析的结果中,弥勒苣苔与马铃苣苔属、后蕊苣苔属、金盏苣苔属、直瓣苣苔属以及川鄂粗筒苣苔构成一个强烈支持的分枝。MP树中,此分枝为并系,而在BI分析中,弥勒苣苔与川鄂粗筒苣苔、直瓣苣苔属互为姐妹类群。同时,第一次报道了弥勒苣苔的染色体数目(2n=34)。根据前人报道,马铃苣苔属、后蕊苣苔属、粗筒苣苔属和直瓣苣苔属的染色体数目同为2n=34,这进一步支持我们的分子系统发育分析。  相似文献   

本文根据雄蕊、花冠及柱头的形态特征将后蕊苣苔属的9种植物划分为4组,并讨论了这4群的亲缘关系及地理分布.作者同意B.L.Burtt的看法,即汕头后蕊苣苔组可能源于粗筒苣苔属,而后蕊苣苔组等其它3个组可能源于马铃苣苔属。  相似文献   

云南十种苦苣苔科植物的染色体数目报道   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
首次报道了产于云南的苦苣苔科Gesneriaceae2族7属10种植物的染色体数目。其中,1)芒毛苣苔属Aeschynanthus 2种:显苞芒毛苣苔A.bracteatus的染色体数目为2n=32,黄杨叶芒毛苣苔A.buxifolius2个居群的染色体数目不同,金平居群为2n=32,可能为二倍体,屏边居群的染色体数目为2n=64,可能为四倍体。2)吊石苣苔属Lysionotus 1种:吊石苣苔L.pauciflorus为2n=32。3)珊瑚苣苔属Corallodiscus 1种:石胆草 C.flabellatus的染色体数目为2n=40。4)唇柱苣苔属Chirita3种:圆叶唇柱苣苔Ch.dielsii,大叶唇柱苣苔Ch.macrophylla和美丽唇柱苣苔Ch.speciosa的染色体数目均为2n=18。5)半蒴苣苔属Hemiboea 1种:贵州半蒴苣苔H.cavaleriei为2n=32。6)马铃苣苔属Oreocharis 1种:黄马铃苣苔O.aurea为2n=34;7)石蝴蝶属Petrocosmea1种:髯毛胡蝶P.barbata为2n=32。  相似文献   

花部形态是马铃苣苔属属下划分和种间界定的关键性状,缺乏花器官的描述直接导致了一些存疑物种的存在。网叶马铃苣苔(Oreocharis rhytidophylla C. Y. Wu ex H. W. Li)自1956年最后被采集到并于1983年发表,由于没有花的特征,在《中国植物志》《中国苦苣苔科植物》和Flora of China均存疑,但该种在随后的60余年间再无相关的采集记录。作者经过多年的跟踪调查,于2017年在其模式产地重新发现并采集了带花的凭证标本。该文作者根据已经采集到的具花标本,确定这个种是个自然种,并基于新收集到的材料,补充描述了花的形态特征。网叶马铃苣苔的重新发现,为探索其系统位置提供了重要的依据。  相似文献   

花部形态是马铃苣苔属属下划分和种间界定的关键性状,缺乏花器官的描述直接导致了一些存疑物种的存在。网叶马铃苣苔(Oreocharis rhytidophylla C. Y. Wu ex H. W. Li)自1956年最后被采集到并于1983年发表,由于没有花的特征,在《中国植物志》《中国苦苣苔科植物》和Flora of China均存疑,但该种在随后的60余年间再无相关的采集记录。作者经过多年的跟踪调查,于2017年在其模式产地重新发现并采集了带花的凭证标本。该文作者根据已经采集到的具花标本,确定这个种是个自然种,并基于新收集到的材料,补充描述了花的形态特征。网叶马铃苣苔的重新发现,为探索其系统位置提供了重要的依据。  相似文献   

岩壁珍珠重放异彩──辐花苣苔寻踪杨成华,张廷忠1905年,法国传教士埃斯基罗尔(Esquirol)在中国贵州省西南部采到一种开堇色花的苦苣苔科植物。后经勒威利(Leveille)鉴定为马铃苣苔属一新种,并于1911年定名发表,拉丁名为Oreochar...  相似文献   

报道了江西省新记录种子植物3种,头花水玉簪Burmannia championii Thw.、长序母草Lindernia macrobotrys Tsoong和千家峒马铃苣苔Oreocharis curvituba J.J.WeiW.B.Xu.,以及齐云山地区新记录种子植物4种,宽翅水玉簪Burmannia nepalensis(Miers)Hook.f.、大齿马铃苣苔Oreocharis magnidens Chun ex K.Y.Pan、小小斑叶兰Goodyera yangmeishanensis T.P.Lin和狭穗阔蕊兰Peristylus densus(Lindl.)Santap.et Kapad.。  相似文献   

江西省种子植物区系新资料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了江西省植物分布新记录3种,均发现于井冈山地区,分别为:肾萼金腰Chrysosplenium delavayi Franch.、圆苞山罗花Melampyrum laxum Miq.和窄叶马铃苣苔Oreocharis argyreia Chun ex K. Y. Pan var. angustifolia K. Y. Pan。  相似文献   

广西植物的新记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李光照 《广西植物》2001,21(2):99-102
报道了近年发现的广西新记录植物 2 1种 ,同时还对广西金秀县特有种大齿马铃苣苔的形态特征做了补充记述。这些新记录植物的绝大多数种类系采自广西猫儿山自然保护区 ,是猫儿山植物区系的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

在福建省中药资源普查及本土植物全覆盖调查中,陆续发现福建省新记录植物6种(亚种),即洪氏半边莲(Lobelia hongiana Q. F. Wang & G. W. Hu)、假半边莲[Lobelia alsinoides subsp. hancei (H. Hara) Lammers]、落地梅(Lysimachia paridiformis Franch.)、大齿马铃苣苔(Oreocharis magnidens Chun ex K. Y. Pan)、翼茎阔苞菊[Pluchea sagittalis (Lam.) Cabrera]、美洲马?儿(Melothria pendula L.)。凭证标本存放于福建中医药大学标本馆。  相似文献   

Ten new species, three new varieties and a new section of the family Gesneriaceae are described from China in the present paper. They are Tremacron urceolatum K. Y. Pan from Muli of SW Sichuan, T. obliquifolium K. Y. Pan from Miyi and Yanyuan of SW Sichuan, T. aurantiacum K. Y. Pan from Mabian and Pinshan of S Sichuan, lsometrum Sect. Chorianthera W. T. Wang et K. Y. Pan (with I. eximium Chun as the section type), Isometrum eximium Chun ex K. Y. Pan from Jiulong, Muli and Jinyang of SW Sichuan; Ancylostemon mairei (Levl.) Craib var. emeiensis K. Y. Pan from Mt. Emei of Sichuan, A. aureus (Franch.) Burtt var. angustifolius K. Y. Pan from Zhenkang of SW Yunnan, A. gamosepalus K. Y. Pan from Hanyuan, Yanyuan and Yuexi of SW Sichuan, A. rhombifolius K. Y. Pan from Meigu of SW Sichuan, A. ronganensis K. Y. Pan from Rong an of Guangxi; Corallodiscus flabellatus) (Craib) Burtt var. puberulus K.Y. Pan from Zhongdian and Deqin of NW Yunnan, Nanchuan of S Sichuan and Zayü of Xizang (Tibet), Beccarinda minima K. Y. Pan from Jinxiu and Xiangzhou of Guangxi, Boeica stolonifera K. Y. Pan from Fangcheng, Shiwandashan, Pingnan and Dongxing of S Guangxi, B. multinervia K. Y. Pan from Yingjiang of W Yunnan, and Paraboea barbatipes K. Y. Pan from Napo of W Guangxi and Xichou of SE Yunnan.  相似文献   

The genus Oreocharis as circumscribed here consists of 27 species including 5 varieties, of which 5 species and 4 varieties are described as new in the present paper. In the work analysed were the external morphology and geographic distribution and examined under SEM were pollen exine of 22 species and seed coat of 16 species. As a result, three types of the corolla, two types of the anther, three types of the pollen exine and three types of the seed coat are distinguished here in the paper. It is discovered that the corolla in the genus is relatively stable, though diverse, and highly correlated with the characters of pollen grains and seeds. The corolla clearly bilabiate but constricted at the throat, occurring in O. auricula, O. cordatula, O. aurantiaca, etc., for an example, is correlated with smooth, reticulate pollen exine and partial tectum and the reticulate and smooth seed coat. For this reason the subdivision of the genus in the paper is mainly based on the characters of the corolla, but combined with those of the anther, pollen and seed coat. The genus is divided into four sections in the present classification. Dasydesmus Craib, based on a single species. O. bodinieri, is reduced here, and the reasons are given. The genus is distributed mainly in the subtropics, and less frequently in the tropics, of China south of 32.5°N and east of 98.5°E, with only two species beyond the border, O. hirsuta in Thailand (only a single locality in Chiengmai) and O. aurea also found in north Vietnam (see Fig. 1, Table 3). Sect. 1. Stomactin (Clarke) Fritsch. Corolla urceolate-tubular, constricted at the throat, with limb distinctly bilabiate; anthers broad-oblong; seed coat reticulate, smooth, rarely minutely tuberculate; pollen exine fine-reticulate, tectum partial and smooth, luminae slightly unequal in size. Sect. 2. Orthanthera K. Y. Pan Corolla campanulate or campanulate-tubular; anthers broad-oblong; seed coat reticulate, muri smooth, rarely spiny-processed; pollen exine fine-reticulate, with partial and smooth tectum and luminae slightly unequal in size, rarely exine insular and fine-tuberculate, tectum perforate. Setc. 3. Oreocharis Corolla thin-tubular; anthers broad-oblong; seed coat densely spinyprocessed, rarely fine-tuberculate; pollen exine insular, densely spiny-processed, rarely finereticulate and smooth, luminae unequal in size. Sect. 4. Platyanthera K. Y. Pan Corolla campanulate; anthers hippocrepiform; seed coat densely spiny-processed; pollen exine fine-reticulate, tectum perforate, luminae small, nearly equal in size. In the section Stomactin, although the constriction of corolla at its throat is a specialized character, the characters of seed coat, pollen grains and anthers are apparently primitive. Therefore it may be said at least that more primitive characters are preserved in the section. In the section Oreocharis, on the contrary, the characters of corolla, seed coat and pollen exine are all advanced. And in the section Platyanthera, the seed coat, pollen (with perforate tectum) and anthers have developed rather specialized characters.  相似文献   

芍药属牡丹组分类新注   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自我们近年发表一系列牡丹组分类文章以来, 国内外基本上赞同我们8个种的分类系统,但对一些问题仍有不同见解。本文进一步申述牡丹Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews 是一个独立的种而不是人工杂种, 以及银屏牡丹P. suffruticosa ssp. yinpingmudan是牡丹P. suffruticosa的野生类型而不是逸生的P. ostii的理由。上述论点也得到了分子树的支持。P. jishanensis T. Hong &; W. Z. Zhao是一个合法名称, 而P. spontanea (Rehder) T. Hong &; W. Z. Zhao则确实是一个多余名。太白山紫斑牡丹的学名应是P. rockii ssp. atava (Brühl) D. Y. Hong &; K. Y. Pan, 因此P. moutan Sims ssp. atava Brühl不应是可疑的分类群。本文还对Halda的6个组合和两个杂交种名作了处理。结果, 本文包括了5个新异名和一个新组合。  相似文献   

Oreocharis duyunensis Z.Y. Li, X.G. Xiang et Z.Y. Guo (Gesneriaceae), endemic to Guizhou, China, is described as a new species. The new species is easily distinguished from other Oreocharis species by having a white, stellate ring‐like disc. Morphologically, the species is similar to Oreocharis chienii (Chun) Mich. Möller & A. Weber but differs by its densely white pilose leaves, mixed brown‐pilose, pubescent and glandular‐pubescent peduncle and pedicle, white stellate ring‐like disc, and linear‐lanceolate capsule. Based on phylogenetic reconstruction and interspecific genetic distances of nuclear ITS and chloroplast trnL‐F regions, O. duyunensis is a new species with uncertain phylogenetic position.  相似文献   

牡丹一新种——中原牡丹,及银屏牡丹的订正   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分子证据和新增加的形态证据显示,银屏牡丹Paeonia suffruticosa ssp.yinpingmudan作为新亚种发表时所依据的两份标本实为两个实体,产自安徽巢湖的(潘开玉和谢中稳9701,模式)实为凤丹户P.ostii的成员,而产自河南嵩县的(洪德元等H97010)实为一个新分类群。本文把P.suffruticosa ssp.yinpingmudan处理为P.ostii的异名,并依据河南的标本描述了一个新种——中原牡丹P.cathayana D.Y Hong&K.Y.Pan。中原牡丹与风丹和矮牡丹P.jishanensis近缘,区别在于前者下部叶有ll-15片小叶,花白色:后者小叶背面有毛,裂片多,萼片顶端圆钝,花白色。  相似文献   

Some new taxa of the genus Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae) are described from the Hengduan Mountains of China. They are Saxifraga yezhiensis C. Y. Wu, S. subomphalodifolia J. T. Pan, S. gonggashanensis J. T. Pan, S. setulosa C. Y. Wu, S. maxionggouensis J. T. Pan, S. yunlingensis C. Y. Wu, S. pellucida C. Y. Wu, S. baimashanensis C. Y. Wu, S. nanelloides C. Y. Wu, S. draboides C. Y. Wu, S. deqenensis C. Y. Wu, S. implicans var. weixiensis C. Y. Wu, S. omphalodifolia var. callosa C. Y. Wu, S. omphalodifolia var. retusopetala J. T. Pan, S. diversifolia var. angustibracteata (Engl. et Irmsch.) J. T. Pan, In addition, one newname (S. dianxibeiensis J. T. Pan) is included.  相似文献   

新疆的芍药属   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
产于我国新疆的芍药属Paeonia L.植物虽然种类不多,但分类上却一直未予澄清。按《FL.URSS》(Tom.7)有两种,P.anomala L.和P.hybrida Pall.,按Stern(1946)有一种,包括两个变种,即P.anomala L.和P.anomala var.intermedia(C.A.  相似文献   

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