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黄林娟  于燕妹  安小菲  余林兰  薛跃规 《生态学报》2022,42(24):10264-10275
以天坑内部-边缘-外部森林植物群落为研究对象,通过调查植物的群落结构、叶功能性状,探究天坑内外森林植物群落叶功能性状、物种多样性和功能多样性变化特征及其内在关联,为深入了解负地形森林生态系统的功能和恢复退化喀斯特地区的植被提供一定参考。研究结果如下:(1)比叶面积(SLA: 198.75 cm2/g))、叶面积(LA: 42.70 cm2)、叶磷含量(LPC: 1.70 g/kg)和叶钾含量(LKC: 10.27 g/kg)在天坑内部最高,叶组织密度(LTD: 0.32 g/cm3)和叶干物质含量(LDMC: 0.41 g/g)在天坑外部最高,天坑内外森林均易受到磷限制,表明随天坑内部-边缘-外部生境变化,植物对环境的适应机制和生存策略发生了部分调整,物种的防御策略增强,生长投入策略减弱。(2)Shannon-Wiener指数(2.82)、Simpson指数(0.92)和Pielou’s均匀度指数(0.87)均以天坑外部最高,功能丰富度(1.05)、功能离散度(1.88)和Rao’s二次熵(4.52)以天坑内部最高,表明随天坑内部-边缘-外部生境的变化,植物功能性状的差异减少,物种分布及其功能性状分布总体上更为均匀、物种数量增多。(3)物种多样性指数之间、功能多样性指数之间存在较强的相关性,表明物种多样性指数之间、功能多样性指数之间存在不同的制约关系。(4)叶功能性状与物种多样性、功能多样性的相关性强,物种多样性和功能多样性之间相关性较弱,表明叶性状对生态学过程的变化较为敏感,叶功能性状与物种多样性之间存在较强的耦合关系。  相似文献   

Tropical forests have been facing high rates of deforestation driven by multiple anthropogenic disturbances, with severe consequences for biodiversity. However, the understanding of such effects on functional diversity is still limited in tropical regions, especially considering different ecological groups responses. Here, we evaluated the functional responses of birds to forest loss at the threatened Brazilian Atlantic forest, considering the complete assemblage, and both forest-dependent and non-forest-dependent species. Birds were surveyed in 40 forest sites with a forest cover gradient, located in two regions showing different land use types. We tested different models to assess the responses of functional diversity indices to forest loss in these sites. Although functional diversity did not differ between regions, forest and non-forest birds showed divergent responses to forest loss. Deforested landscapes presented an increase in functional richness (SESFRic) and evenness for forest species and an increase of functional dispersion for non-forest birds. Additionally, forested landscapes harbor birds presenting lower body mass and wing length, and non-forest species with lower tarsus length. The maintenance of some functional metrics through forest loss resulted from a compensatory dynamic between forest and non-forest birds, indicating that only evaluating the complete assemblage may mask important idiosyncratic patterns of different ecological groups. Although non-forest species are relatively capable to maintain bird functional diversity in deforested landscapes, forest birds are facing a drastic ongoing collapse in these sites, representing an alarming signal for the maintenance of forest ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Rivers in central Amazonia experience annual water-level fluctuations of up to 14m, flooding vast areas of adjacent forest for periods ranging from a few to 270 days per year. At different sites, variation in the duration and type of flooding results in a mosaic of habitats that includes lakes, grasslands, forests, and streams. To study the effects of flood duration on plant species richness and floristic composition, two river margin sites were surveyed on the rivers Jaú and Tarumã-Mirim. Both areas are seasonally flooded by blackwaters, and plots were made at different topographic levels (lower, middle and upper slopes). All woody plants with DBH>5cm were inventoried in five 10 × 40m plots in each of the three topographic levels, which varied in length of flood duration and mean water level. Plant species richness did not vary significantly between topographic levels, but species composition varied substantially. At both study sites, the species composition exhibited distinctive distribution patterns with respect to the three topographic levels and river site. Differences in the distribution of dominant species in both sites probably relate to the ability of species to withstand seasonal flooding, although other edaphic factors associated with the topographic levels may also be important, especially for less-dominant, locally rare, and habitat generalist species. Species composition overlap among topographic levels at the two sites was highly variable ranging from 15% to 43%. Knowledge about the complex pattern of species composition and distributions between and among topographic levels and river sites is important for the preservation of the diverse flora of the blackwater forests and for the creation of future conservation management plans and design of protected areas in this ecosystem that will maintain the biodiversity.  相似文献   

Plant functional traits reflect individual and community ecological strategies. They allow the detection of directional changes in community dynamics and ecosystemic processes, being an additional tool to assess biodiversity than species richness. Analysis of functional patterns in plant communities provides mechanistic insight into biodiversity alterations due to anthropogenic activity. Although studies have consi‐dered of either anthropogenic management or nutrient availability on functional traits in temperate grasslands, studies combining effects of both drivers are scarce. Here, we assessed the impacts of management intensity (fertilization, mowing, grazing), nutrient stoichiometry (C, N, P, K), and vegetation composition on community‐weighted means (CWMs) and functional diversity (Rao's Q) from seven plant traits in 150 grasslands in three regions in Germany, using data of 6 years. Land use and nutrient stoichiometry accounted for larger proportions of model variance of CWM and Rao's Q than species richness and productivity. Grazing affected all analyzed trait groups; fertilization and mowing only impacted generative traits. Grazing was clearly associated with nutrient retention strategies, that is, investing in durable structures and production of fewer, less variable seed. Phenological variability was increased. Fertilization and mowing decreased seed number/mass variability, indicating competition‐related effects. Impacts of nutrient stoichiometry on trait syndromes varied. Nutrient limitation (large N:P, C:N ratios) promoted species with conservative strategies, that is, investment in durable plant structures rather than fast growth, fewer seed, and delayed flowering onset. In contrast to seed mass, leaf‐economics variability was reduced under P shortage. Species diversity was positively associated with the variability of generative traits. Synthesis. Here, land use, nutrient availability, species richness, and plant functional strategies have been shown to interact complexly, driving community composition, and vegetation responses to management intensity. We suggest that deeper understanding of underlying mechanisms shaping community assembly and biodiversity will require analyzing all these parameters.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of the lowland tropical rain forest has resulted in loss of animal and plant species and isolation of remaining populations that puts them at risk. At Los Tuxtlas, Mexico, lowland rain forests are particularly diverse in the avian fauna they contain and while most of the forests have been fragmented by human activity, many of the fragments still harbor diverse assemblages of bird species. In these landscapes, linear strips of residual rain forest vegetation along streams as well as linear strips of vegetation fences (live fences) crossing the pastures might provide some connectivity to bird populations existed in forest fragments. We investigated bird species richness and relative abundance in one 6-km long section of live fences (LF) bordering a dirt road and in two 6-km long sections of residual forest vegetation along a river (MR) and one permanent stream (BS). We used point count procedures which resulted in the count of 2984 birds representing 133 species. At the LF site we detected 74% of the species, 72% at the BS site and 57% at the MR site. Only 38% of the species were common among sites. Neotropical migratory birds accounted for 34–41% of the species counted at all sites. While edge and open habitat birds accounted for 6–10% of the species and for 50% of the records at the three vegetation strips, about 90% of the species were forest birds. Distance to forest fragments and degree of disturbance of the vegetation seemed to negatively influence bird species presence at the BS and MR strips. Rarefaction analysis indicated that the LF strip was richer in species than the other two sites, but the occurrence of the three vegetation strips in the landscape seem to favor the presence of many more species. We discuss the value of these vegetation strips to birds as stepping stones in the fragmented landscape.  相似文献   

This study examined differences in stand structure, tree species richness, and tree species diversity in relation to population density in Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia. Tree data were obtained from a 1997 forest inventory involving 60 clusters (540 plots) systematically distributed over 30% of the provincial forest area. Spatially referenced population data were obtained from the 1998 national population census. The average number of trees per cluster was 356/ha, the average basal area, 23 m2/ha, the average stand volume, 217 m3/ha, and the average aboveground biomass, 273 Mg/ha for all trees of DBH 10 cm and larger. The average species richness per cluster was 37 species, while average species diversity was measured as 0.916 using Simpson’s index and 2.98 by Shannon’s index. Significant negative correlations were generally found between population density surrounding clusters and tree density, basal area, stand volume, aboveground biomass, and species richness and diversity for three examined diameter classes (DBH of 10–30, ≥30, and ≥10 cm). As the distance from clusters for calculating population density increased, the correlation levels increased up to 5 or 7 km, depending on the variables and diameter class, and then stayed relatively constant for stand structure variables and decreased for species richness and diversity. The results indicate that evidence of disturbance was more pronounced at higher population density up to around 5 to 7 km. We suggest that introduction of greater controls on human disturbance should be a high priority for resource management and conservation in Kampong Thom Province and, presumably, Cambodia as a whole.  相似文献   

1. The relative growth rate of saplings of 12 species from an oligotrophic lowland rain forest were measured in treefall gaps and understorey. Mean relative height growth ( R H) within treefall gaps was found to be slowest for tall-tree species with branched saplings, intermediate for subcanopy trees and fastest for tall-tree species with unbranched saplings. Most species had similar R H within the understorey. R H values were not related to leaf mass per unit area (LMA) or foliar N concentrations.
2. Allometric relationships between the total leaf area (TLA) and height were dependent upon light conditions; in general saplings of a given height had a greater TLA in treefall gaps than in understorey. The species with the largest estimated TLA values in gaps tended to have the greatest R H values in gaps; no such trend emerged in the understorey. The values of the allometric coefficients were not related to foliar properties.
3. The relationship between stem diameter and height was only weakly dependent on light conditions and the relationship between the growth rates in these dimensions was also weak. The lack of plasticity may reflect the fact that the height–diameter relationship has little bearing on a sapling's tolerance of shade.
4. One way of accommodating the dependence of allometry upon irradiance is to add R H as a covariate. We derive a relationship between growth rates from this resource-dependent allometric equation and show that it reasonably describes measurements taken in the caatinga forest.  相似文献   

Waterbird communities are prone to strong temporal changes both seasonally and annually, but little is known about how this affects their functional diversity and community assembly. Detecting temporal trends in taxonomic and functional diversity within (alpha diversity) and between (beta diversity) communities in breeding and wintering seasons could give insight into the ecological processes driving those trends. In this study, we investigated trends in wintering and breeding waterbirds within and between eleven wetlands in Mediterranean Spain, using a 28‐year time‐series up to 2017. We assessed the temporal trends in taxonomic and functional diversity measures, and compared observed functional diversity values with null expectations, in order to explore the mechanisms driving community assembly. We found increases over time in species richness and in the occupied functional space for both wintering and breeding communities, indicating that species with distinct functional roles were added in both seasons. However, the distribution of the abundances in the functional space was different for breeding and wintering communities. Dissimilarity of species and functional traits decreased among wetlands, suggesting that some of the same functional traits were added to the different wetlands, increasing regional homogenization through time. This is reflected in increases over time in mean body mass, diet plasticity and in the importance of fish in waterbird diets, plus declines in the dietary importance of invertebrates and in plasticity of feeding strata. Furthermore, species composition between wintering and breeding communities, but not trait composition, has become more similar through time. Our results highlight that annual changes, and especially seasonal changes, in the composition of waterbird communities have different effects on their functional diversity, and are influenced by opposing community assembly mechanisms.  相似文献   

Much of the world's tropical forests have been affected by anthropogenic disturbance. These forests are important biodiversity reservoirs whose diversity, structure and function must be characterized across the successional sequence. We examined changes in structure and diversity along a successional gradient in the lowlands of New Guinea. To do this, we measured and identified all stems ≥5 cm diameter in 19 0.25 ha plots ranging in age from 3 to >50 yr since disturbance. We also measured plant functional traits related to establishment, performance, and competitive ability. In addition, we examined change in forest structure, composition, species diversity, and functional diversity through succession. By using rarefaction to estimate functional diversity, we compared changes in functional diversity while controlling for associated differences in stem and species density. Basal area and species density increased with stand age while stem density was highest in intermediate secondary forests. Species composition differed strongly between mature and secondary forests. As forests increased in basal area, community‐weighted mean wood density and foliar carbon increased, whereas specific leaf area and proportion of stems with exudate decreased. Foliar nitrogen peaked in medium‐aged forests. Functional diversity was highest in mature forests, even after accounting for differences in stem and species diversity. Our study represents one of the first attempts to document successional changes in New Guinea's lowland forest. We found robust evidence that as succession proceeds, communities occupy a greater range of functional trait space even after controlling for stem and species density. High functional diversity is important for ecological resiliency in the face of global change.  相似文献   

干热河谷植物叶片,树高和种子功能性状比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
植物功能性状 (plant functional trait)是近年来生态学研究的热点。以云南怒江和澜沧江干热河谷36种木本植物为研究对象,选取比叶面积 (SLA)、植株高 (H) 和种子干重 (SM) 3个功能性状,研究它们的相互关系,比较其在河谷间、河谷内的差异。结果表明:1)两个河谷内36种木本植物的以上3种功能性状间没有显著的相关性 (P值分别为0.8739,0.5763,0.5517);2)河谷间的比叶面积存在显著差异 (P=0.02944),植株高和种子干重无显著差异 (P分别为0.4070, 0.8867);3)两个河谷内木本植物功能性状中,种子干重差异最大,植株高次之,比叶面积最小。  相似文献   

Passeriformes is the largest and most diverse avian order in the world and comprises the Passeri and Tyranni suborders. These suborders constitute a monophyletic group, but differ in their ecology and history of occupation of South America. We investigated the influence of biogeographic history on functional and phylogenetic diversities of Passeri and Tyranni in forest and savanna habitats in the Brazilian Amazon. We compiled species composition data for 34 Passeriformes assemblages, 12 in savannas and 22 in forests. We calculated the functional (Rao's quadratic entropy, FDQ) and phylogenetic diversities (mean pairwise distance, MPD, and mean nearest taxon distance, MNTD), and the functional beta diversity to investigate the potential role of biogeographic history in shaping ecological traits and species lineages of both suborders. The functional diversity of Passeri was higher than for Tyranni in both habitats. The MPD for Tyranni was higher than for Passeri in forests; however, there was no difference between the suborders in savannas. In savannas, Passeri presented higher MNTD than Tyranni, while in forest areas, Tyranni assemblages showed higher MNTD than Passeri. We found a high functional turnover (~75%) between Passeri and Tyranni in both habitats. The high functional diversity of Passeri in both habitats is due to the high diversity of ecological traits exhibited by species of this group, which enables the exploitation of a wide variety of resources and foraging strategies. The higher Tyranni MPD and MNTD in forests is likely due to Tyranni being older settlers in this habitat, resulting in the emergence and persistence of more lineages. The higher Passeri MNTD in savannas can be explained by the existence of a larger number of different Passeri lineages adapted to this severe habitat. The high functional turnover between the suborders in both habitats suggests an ecological strategy to avoid niche overlap.  相似文献   

基于激光雷达技术获取冠层结构为森林生态学研究增加了新的维度。搭载于多旋翼无人机的近地面激光雷达相比于固定翼有人机的机载激光雷达,能够更加灵活高效地获取森林群落样地高密度点云。但在实际操作中,往往出现局部低密度点云数据,影响了冠层结构参数提取的准确性。使用4块森林动态样地的近地面激光雷达点云数据;利用航带分解方法分析各样地低密度样方成因;采用点云抽稀模拟算法计算并拟合偏差曲线,对比不同样地、参数和取样尺度间的点云密度对冠层结构参数提取准确性的影响;根据偏差曲线计算各条件下保证参数提取准确性的最低点云密度。结果发现:1)低密度区域主要受地形或(和)近地面遥感设计规划的影响。地形复杂的测区(西双版纳和古田山样地),遥感规划难度大,整体难以获取高密度点云(在30点/m2左右),容易在沟谷和高海拔处出现低密度样方。平坦测区(长白山两块样地)虽可获取高密度点云(均超过150点/m2),但欠佳的遥感规划设计导致长白山1测区北部出现1hm2低密度区域。2)冠层参数提取准确性随点云密度减少而迅速降低,呈负指数幂函数关系。这一变化趋势在不同...  相似文献   

森林作为陆地生态系统的主体,其林冠承载了地球上大约40%的现存物种,叶际微生物作为冠层生物多样性的重要组成部分, 在维持植物健康、提高宿主抵御能力和参与全球生物地球化学循环等生态功能中发挥着重要作用,然而相对于根际微生物,目前关于冠层叶际微生物群落组成的研究还比较缺乏。本研究以吉林省长白山自然保护区内阔叶红松林为主要研究对象,使用高通量测序技术分析6种优势树种(红松、紫椴、蒙古栎、色木槭、水曲柳、春榆)的叶际真菌群落特征,并测定宿主的14种叶片功能性状,对比研究了不同优势树种叶际真菌群落组成与功能群异同,探讨真菌群落组成与叶片功能性状的关联性。结果表明:叶际真菌的优势门和纲分别为子囊菌门、担子菌门,座囊菌纲和外囊菌纲;不同树种林冠叶际真菌组成存在明显差异。LEfSe分析表明,除春榆和色木槭外,其余树种都有显著的差异指示种,如红松的圆孢多臂菌属和蒙古栎的柱隔孢属;对比FUNGuild数据库发现,叶际真菌主要功能群为病理寄生型;冗余分析和envfit分析结果表明,与植物养分获取和抵御病虫害相关的性状是影响林冠叶际真菌群落结构的主要因子。  相似文献   

厘清叶片功能性状的变异及性状间的权衡关系,对揭示植物对环境变化的响应及适应策略具有重要意义。以中亚热带柯(Lithocarpus glaber)-青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)常绿阔叶林为对象,测量了1 hm2固定监测样地内6个优势树种的叶面积(LA)、比叶面积(SLA)、干物质含量(LDMC)、叶片厚度(LT)、叶片碳(LC)、叶片氮(LN)、叶片磷(LP)含量和叶片碳氮比(LCLN)8个功能性状,采用多重比较、主成分分析(PCA)法分析了群落叶片功能性状的生活型、种内和种间变异及性状间关系。结果表明:(1)群落内叶片功能性状种内、种间差异显著,变异中等(CV: 0.02-0.59),其结构性状的可塑性较化学性状保守,变异格局符合"性状空间变异分割假说";针叶树种的LA、SLA显著低于阔叶树种,常绿树种的LC和LDMC最小,而落叶树种的SLA、LNLP最大以及LTLCLN最小。(2)群落叶片功能性状变异主要来源于生活型和种间变异,种内变异亦有显著贡献;生活型对多数性状的贡献率较大,其对LDMC、LCLN的贡献分别高达93.11%和91.76%;种间变异(LDMC除外)对结构性状的贡献率均高于化学性状;种内变异对LP的贡献率(23.66%)较种间变异高。(3)叶片性状之间多表现出显著相关关系,针叶树和阔叶树在PCA排序图中聚集于不同区域,叶经济型谱在柯-青冈群落中具有适用性。不同树种通过叶片结构、化学性状之间的权衡策略来适应环境变化,从而实现群落物种共存。结果可为理解森林群落物种的环境适应策略、预测群落动态变化和制定植被恢复措施提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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