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The use of East African freshwater wetlands for agriculture has increased in recent decades, raising concerns about potential impacts on wetlands and the long-term sustainability of such land use trends. WET-health is an indicator-based rapid wetland assessment approach developed in South Africa. It allows determining the conditions of wetlands in four assessment modules (hydrology, geomorphology, vegetation, and water quality) by observing the degree of deviation of a wetland from its anticipated natural reference state. We tested the transferability of the WET-health concept for East African inland valley swamps and floodplain wetlands based on 114 assessment units at four study sites. Due to large wetland areas and different environmental settings in East Africa, we modified the original approach using a random selection of assessment units and an assessment scheme based on disturbance types (Appendices A and B). Estimated WET-health impact scores were matched with biophysical and socioeconomic variables using a generalized linear mixed model. Land use included largely undisturbed wetland units occurring side by side with seasonally cropped or grazed units, and drained, permanently cultivated units. A strong differentiation of impact scores between the four assessment modules was apparent with highest scores for vegetation and lowest scores for geomorphology. Vegetation and water quality responded most sensitively to land use changes. The magnitude of wetland disturbance is predominantly determined by management factors such as land use intensity, soil tillage, drainage intensity, and the application of agrochemicals and influences vegetation attributes and the provision of ecosystem services. The proposed modification of WET-health enables users to assess large wetland areas during relatively short periods of time. While further studies will be required, WET-health appears to be a promising concept to be applied to wetlands in East Africa and possibly beyond.  相似文献   

辽河三角洲湿地区域生态风险评价   总被引:92,自引:12,他引:80  
生态风险评价区别于生态影响评价的重要特征在于其强调不确定性因素的作用,区域生态风险评价相对于一般生态风险评价而言,其所涉及的风险源以及评价受体等都在区域内具有窨异质性,即具有区域分异现象,因而更具复杂性,以辽河三角洲湿地(盘锦市)为研究范围进行区域生态风险评价理论和方法的探讨,针对辽河三角洲主要生态风险源洪涝、干旱、风暴潮灾害和油田污染事故的概率进行了分级评价;并提出度量生态环境重要性和脆弱性的指标,分析了风险源的危害作用;运用遥感资料和地理信息系统(GIS)技术,完成了区域生态风险综合评价。  相似文献   

1. Aquatic macrophyte composition and abundance is required by the European Union's Water Framework Directive for determining ecological status. Five metrics were produced that can be combined to determine the deviation of aquatic macrophytes from reference conditions in Northern Ireland's rivers. 2. Species optima and niche breadths along silt, nitrate, pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen gradients were generated from aquatic macrophyte and water quality surveys conducted at 273 sites throughout Northern Ireland using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). Five metric scores based on these environmental gradients were determined at new monitoring sites using the mean optima of the species occurring at the site, weighted by percentage cover and niche breadth of each species. 3. A preliminary reference network of 32 sites of high physico‐chemical and hydromorphological quality, and representative of the range of river types in Northern Ireland, enabled reference metric scores to be produced for each river type. Five unimpacted and twenty impacted sites were used for testing the performance of the metrics. By subtracting reference metric scores from metric scores at a monitoring site measures of ecological impact could be determined along five different impact gradients. Metrics were also combined to give a measure of total ecological change. 4. The metrics system distinguished unimpacted from impacted sites and correctly identified 77% of the known impacts. The metrics distinguished different types of impact, e.g. silt and nitrate. 5. Aquatic macrophyte occurrence and abundance has high natural variability at a site, both temporally and spatially. This method was designed to be sensitive to ecological change whilst reducing noise caused by natural variation.  相似文献   

Wetlands are important providers of ecosystem services and key regulators of climate change. They positively contribute to global warming through their greenhouse gas emissions, and negatively through the accumulation of organic material in histosols, particularly in peatlands. Our understanding of wetlands’ services is currently constrained by limited knowledge on their distribution, extent, volume, interannual flood variability and disturbance levels. We present an expert system approach to estimate wetland and peatland areas, depths and volumes, which relies on three biophysical indices related to wetland and peat formation: (1) long‐term water supply exceeding atmospheric water demand; (2) annually or seasonally water‐logged soils; and (3) a geomorphological position where water is supplied and retained. Tropical and subtropical wetlands estimates reach 4.7 million km2 (Mkm2). In line with current understanding, the American continent is the major contributor (45%), and Brazil, with its Amazonian interfluvial region, contains the largest tropical wetland area (800,720 km2). Our model suggests, however, unprecedented extents and volumes of peatland in the tropics (1.7 Mkm2 and 7,268 (6,076–7,368) km3), which more than threefold current estimates. Unlike current understanding, our estimates suggest that South America and not Asia contributes the most to tropical peatland area and volume (ca. 44% for both) partly related to some yet unaccounted extended deep deposits but mainly to extended but shallow peat in the Amazon Basin. Brazil leads the peatland area and volume contribution. Asia hosts 38% of both tropical peat area and volume with Indonesia as the main regional contributor and still the holder of the deepest and most extended peat areas in the tropics. Africa hosts more peat than previously reported but climatic and topographic contexts leave it as the least peat‐forming continent. Our results suggest large biases in our current understanding of the distribution, area and volumes of tropical peat and their continental contributions.  相似文献   

城市河流健康评价指标体系构建及其应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
邓晓军  许有鹏  翟禄新  刘娅  李艺 《生态学报》2014,34(4):993-1001
健康的城市河流既能够维持其生态系统的自然运转,又能够满足城市社会经济的正常需求,还能够为人类提供休闲娱乐的场所。基于城市河流健康的内涵,构建出包含自然生态、社会经济和景观环境等3个方面24个指标的城市河流健康评价指标体系。以漓江市区段为例,通过建立基于层次分析法的模糊综合评价模型对其进行健康评价。结果表明:漓江市区段复合生态系统的评价结果为(0.2193,0.3004,0.3261,0.1137,0.0405),处于中健康状态;其自然生态子系统、社会经济子系统和景观环境子系统的健康状态分别为中、优和良;水量、防洪能力、鱼类多样性指数和底栖动物多样性是漓江市区段健康的主要影响因素。该评价指标体系可为其它城市河流的健康评价提供参考。  相似文献   

意愿价值评估法 (CVM)的评估结果是否具有时间稳定性是其可靠性检验中的重要问题,决定其能否应用于我国的生态系统服务价值评估.本文以上海城市内河生态恢复为评估对象,设计相隔1个月和2年的3次意愿价值评估方案,分别对3次调查的426、498和200份问卷进行了对比分析.结果表明: 3次支付意愿均值分别为14.2、14.1和18.0元,中位数分别为5、5和10元.进一步对支付意愿分布和主要统计值、影响因素、模型时间变量的显著性分析结果表明,相隔1个月的CVM 结果具有时间上的稳定性,而相隔2年的CVM 结果表现出一定差异.  相似文献   

Wetlands offer many social and ecological benefits, including by being highly productive environments, regulating climate and the global nitrogen cycle, supporting biological diversity, providing recreational and cultural services, reducing flood peaks, retaining sediment and contaminants, purifying water, acting as preferred groundwater recharge and discharge areas and providing habitat for wildlife. However, wetlands in urban regions are often threatened by development, which can fragment them, thus reducing the biodiversity and long term survival of such wetlands. On average, 50–55% of total wetland area has been lost in the United States and Canada since the European settlement. Many communities have therefore developed strategies, regulations and programs to protect their remaining wetlands. These initiatives often require that permit providers or planners who design such conservation strategies evaluate the costs and benefits of wetlands to society, but rarely that they define a method for this assessment. This study presents a method that was developed in collaboration with the City of Quebec to systematically assess the ecological value of wetlands within its boundaries. An index was created with a group of experts using the MACBETH approach. This process resulted in all 1347 wetland complexes in Quebec City being classified based on their ecological value. The model created on the basis of the decisions taken by consensus during the workshop appears to be an effective tool to provide an overview of the wetlands in Quebec City. The results are convincing and they accurately represent the perceptions expressed by the expert panel.  相似文献   

城市绿地生态评价研究进展   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:14  
城市绿地的科学评价为绿地的规划和管理提供了参考,对人们正确认识和改造绿地建设起着重要的作用,为城市绿地生态功能的发挥提供了重要的依据和保障。以绿地结构的评价为基础,总结了城市绿地生态功能、服务评价、健康评价的方法和研究进展;提出了城市绿地生态风险评价的基本方法并概括了城市绿地可持续评价的研究方向。结果显示:当前城市绿地的生态评价在范围上逐渐从微观尺度发展到宏观尺度,日益强调绿地的生态服务功能,重点关注于绿地的碳储量与降温增湿功能与效益评价以及价值化研究;城市绿地的健康评价和可持续性评价均尚处于初级的探索阶段。指出了城市绿地生态评价的关键在于评价结果在管理和规划中的应用,在评价内容上必须关注各部分的结合,在评价方法上应该借助基础研究的长期监测、评价的量化以及多学科交叉的渗透。  相似文献   

快速城市化背景下,太湖流域城市河流水环境与生态功能退化问题日益突出,系统开展城市河流生境评价尤为重要。本研究参考和修正了英国城市河流调查评价体系,基于太湖流域城市河流特点,构建了太湖流域城市河段生境质量指数(SHQI)评价体系,分析太湖流域城市河流生境现状及空间差异。结果表明: 50 个河段的SHQI值介于8~21,3个河段的SHQI值为好,6个为较好,27个为一般,9个为较差,5个为差。太湖流域城市河流生境中植被指数情况较好,物理生境、材质指数情况较差。生境总体状况在空间上表现为镇江>湖州>杭州>嘉兴>苏州>无锡>常州,各城市的物理生境、材质指数与污染指数存在显著差异。干流河段与支流河段的SHQI值无显著差异,但干流河段与支流河段的材质指数和污染指数差异显著。本研究构建的评价体系较好地反映了太湖流域城市河流生境现状,可为城市河流生态修复工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Trees in the city not only have an ornamental function but also a role in improving the ecological function in urban ecosystems that has been substantially disturbed by human activities such as environmental pollution. Today the ecological role of urban greenery is clearer than ever and is included in the new scientific field of ecological engineering, which is the design of sustainable ecosystems that integrate human society with its natural environment for the benefit of both. Trees in an urban environment show many difficulties in surviving in it because the ecological conditions that exist in the cities are worse than these of the nature. One of these seems to be the heavy wind loads. But even though rough surfaces slow down the wind speed, tall buildings can cause wind tunnel effects that stress a tree as much or even more than if it was positioned in an exposed, unprotected site. An urban tree must be able to endure all the damages and loads from the wind throughout its life. The ability of a tree to withstand wind loads of gale forces depends on its shape and its dimensions. The objective of this paper is the evaluation of tree stability based on the aboveground silvicultural characteristics in order to create an empirical index which can correlate tree stability with these features. Silvicultural characteristics that play the greatest role on tree stability are crown ratio (CR), crown asymmetry index (CAI), and tree height (H). Consequently, tree stability index (TSI) is formed by them. According to TSI values, tree stability was classified in three categories (classes): high, moderate and crucial stability. The limits of the transition from one class to another, as the classes themselves are depended on the number of variables that represent silvicultural characteristics.  相似文献   

城市非点源污染控制的景观生态学途径   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
城市非点源污染是伴随城市快速发展而出现的新问题.城市土地利用的特殊性、不透水层面积的增加,使城市非点源污染不同于农业非点源污染,而控制难度更大.治理城市非点源污染的常用方法是最佳管理措施(BestManagementPractices,BMPs),主要采取一些局部修复措施在地表径流迁移过程中控制污染物.但城市土地利用格局的改变对非点源污染的影响十分显著,结合局部的BMPs和区域的景观规划是控制城市非点源污染的一个理想途径.城市非点源污染控制的景观生态学途径首先需要了解城市景观格局对非点源污染源、污染物迁移过程和受纳水体的影响,明确非点源污染与景观格局的关系,判定造成非点源污染的主要原因和关键环节.在此基础上,根据城市非点源污染控制要求,针对性地重新组合原有景观格局或引入新的景观要素以构建新的景观格局,并将BMPs融入规划之中,将景观规划与管理有机结合,增强城市景观异质性,实现对城市非点源污染的有效控制.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic disturbances, like roads, increase the landscape fragmentation and affect wildlife migration and biodiversity. Such disturbances often prevent migration of wildlife due to increased barriers and mortality effects.

The aim of our simulation based approach is to assess the landscape permeability considering anthropogenic disturbances. The developed framework SimapD imposes an abstract view of a habitat network, based on an undirected graph. The simulation is done by an individual-oriented approach, where individuals explore the idealized network. Based on the information gained during the simulation, an overall network permeability index is calculated, which can be used to compare different scenarios of landscape development. Disturbances are represented by sub-models, from which appropriate resistance and mortality rates can be deduced. In this paper this is demonstrated by the construction of a fuzzy road kill model for the federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany. The utilization of the network permeability index and a comparison to other fragmentation measures is shown by an exemplary application.  相似文献   

城市生态环境质量评价方法   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25  
城市生态环境质量评价是城市生态学研究的重要领域,是城市区域规划、生态管理的基础,研究从城市生态系统结构、城市生态效能与城市环境各个方面出发,基于科学性、目的性、系统性与可操作性原则,提出了生态服务用地指数、人均公共绿地指数、物种丰富指数、非工业用地指数等10类城市生态环境质量评价指数,根据专家经验赋权重方法,建立了城市生态环境质量评价指标.研究选择青岛、上海、长春等7个城市作为评价对象,进行了城市生态环境质量评价,结果表明,青岛城市生态环境质量优,昆明、上海、成都、长春、重庆城市生态环境质量较好,乌鲁木齐城市生态环境一般,生态环境质量评价结果与现状基本相符,可为城市规划、城市生态环境整治和城市生态环境管理提供重要基础.  相似文献   

生态廊道具有维持或恢复生态连通性的功能,对于连接生物栖息地、保护物种多样性具有重要意义。现有的生态廊道研究主要集中于陆地,而海洋生态系统具有水体广泛连通、缺乏直观的景观斑块等特点,导致海洋生态廊道的研究成为长期以来的科学难题。以栖息地位于厦门湾的国家一级保护动物中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis)为对象,尝试基于物种分布模型和最小成本路径分析法建立海洋生态廊道的识别方法。研究采用物种分布模型识别厦门湾内中华白海豚的适宜生境分布区和节点,并利用模型产出的生境适宜性结果生成海洋中的阻力表面,模拟计算节点与节点间在阻力表面上的最小成本路径,从而生成物种扩散网络。研究结果显示,厦门湾中华白海豚的分布主要受到航道距离、到岸线距离和叶绿素浓度三项因素的影响,主要适宜生境位于西海域至九龙江口和大嶝海域。潜在的核心生态廊道面积93.19km2,次级生态廊道面积170.41km2,九龙江口-鼓浪屿南侧-黄厝-大小嶝岛沿线可能是厦门湾中华白海豚的主要迁移路线。在此基础上,从用海空间重叠和桥梁影响两方面开展了人类活动对廊道的干扰评估。评估结果显示旅游活动和...  相似文献   

We review progress toward developing a data-analysis system using invertebrate species lists in wetland evaluation procedures. Species lists for Mollusca, Carabidae (Coleoptera), Empidoidea and Syrphidae (Diptera), derived from samples collected at six stations along a transect established at a site on the floodplain of the River Loire (France) provide the raw data. An initial analysis using a traditional ordination method (Correspondence Analysis) is carried out. A data base was established for the 118 mollusc, carabid and syrphid species recorded, and each species was then treated not as a simple integer, but as an amalgam of digitised attributes deemed responsive to wetland conditions, in a correspondence analysis on instrumental variables. Despite the generalized nature of the attributes as defined for this example, the approach demonstrates a marked increase in interpretability of the output of analysis, in respect of the relation between the species and the floodplain environment. It also highlights the value of use of data pertaining to more than one taxonomic group and of selecting these taxonomic groups on the basis of complementarity of their bioindicator potential.Corresponding Editor: J.T.A. Verhoeven  相似文献   

The responses of urban park woodlands to large disturbances provide the opportunity to identify and examine linkages in social‐ecological systems in urban landscapes. We propose that the Panarchy model consisting of hierarchically nested adaptive cycles provides a useful framework to evaluate those linkages. We use two case studies as examples – Cherokee Park in Louisville, Kentucky, USA and Tijuca Forest in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In the Cherokee Park case study, the disturbance, a destructive tornado, triggered bottom‐up societal responses that created new institutions that influenced park management and shifted the woodland community from a successional pathway dominated by invasive exotic plants to one where native plant species are regaining importance. In the Tijuca Forest example, the disturbance, large scale land‐use changes during the 18th century, triggered primarily top‐down societal responses to create the world's largest urban forest through a transformative programme of intensive multispecies forest replanting and management. Currently, fine scale disturbances – primarily anthropogenically caused fire – threaten portions of Tijuca Forest through loss of forest structure and establishment of flammable invasive plants, and again elicited top‐down societal responses to stop further destruction and promote greater native plant regeneration. These case studies illustrate that either natural or anthropogenic disturbances to natural systems can alter the direction and magnitude of interactions between social and natural domains in urban landscapes in a co‐adaptive manner that alters structures and processes in both system components.  相似文献   

袁嘉  欧桦杰  金晓东  钱深华 《生态学报》2023,43(4):1703-1713
荒野是地球表面未受人类开发建设影响或基本不受人类活动干扰的自然区域,在城市的局部人为干扰极低区域也存在荒野片段。城市荒野作为城市内部及周边区域中以自然过程主导的景观单元,其物种组成、结构、过程和功能处于基本不受人类活动干扰的状况,因此具有高度自我调节的生态过程,以及良好的生态系统服务潜力,是城市生态系统的高保护价值区域。城市荒野有别于一般人工生态系统的生态特征及生物多样性保育等高价值服务功能开始引起人们的广泛重视,被认为是完善城市生态网络、保护城市生物多样性以及应对人类世人地矛盾激化的重要机遇。当前,国内外城市荒野研究尚处在初级阶段,有关城市荒野辨识、分类及生态特征等方面的研究滞后,制约了城市荒野的价值判断与保护决策。研究系统分析了城市荒野生态研究的进展与趋势,深入辨析了城市荒野的概念、分类与生态特征,探讨了城市荒野与人类的共存挑战和协同机遇,针对现有研究不足提出了保护和修复对策,并就值得进一步关注的研究方向给出了相关建议。研究旨在阐明基于城市荒野恢复城市与自然联系的机遇和挑战,可为城市生物多样性可持续管理提供科学依据,对城市自然资本保护与增强城市生态系统韧性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

1. The ’hydrogeomorphic‘ approach to functional assessment of wetlands (HGM) was developed as a synthetic mechanism for compensatory mitigation of wetlands lost or damaged by human activities. The HGM approach is based on: (a) classification of wetlands by geomorphic origin and hydrographic regime (b) assessment models that associate variables as indicators of function, and (c) comparison to reference wetlands that represent the range of conditions that may be expected in a particular region. In this paper, we apply HGM to riparian wetlands of alluvial rivers. 2. In the HGM classification, riverine wetlands are characterized by formative fluvial processes that occur mainly on flood plains. The dominant water sources are overbank flooding from the channel or subsurface hyporheic flows. Examples of riverine wetlands in the U.S.A. are: bottomland hardwood forests that typify the low gradient, fine texture substratum of the south-eastern coastal plain and the alluvial flood plains that typify the high gradient, coarse texture substratum of western montane rivers. 3. Assessment (logic) models for each of fourteen alluvial wetland functions are described. Each model is a composite of two to seven wetland variables that are independently scored in relation to a reference data set developed for alluvial rivers in the western U.S.A. Scores are summarized by a ’functional capacity index‘ (FCI), which is multiplied by the area of the project site to produce a dimensionless ’functional capacity unit‘ (FCU). When HGM is properly used, compensatory mitigation is based on the FCUs lost that must be returned to the riverine landscape under statutory authority. 4. The HGM approach also provides a framework for long-term monitoring of mitigation success or failure and, if failing, a focus on topical remediation. 5. We conclude that HGM is a robust and easy method for protecting riparian wetlands, which are critically important components of alluvial river landscapes.  相似文献   

左倬  朱雪诞  胡伟  张陆军 《生态学杂志》2012,31(9):2437-2444
利用Winscanopy2006冠层分析仪测定2009年7月初至11月初小兴安岭白桦次生林、谷地云冷杉林、阔叶红松林的有效叶面积指数(LAIe),并将经过木质部分所占比率、冠层水平集聚和簇内集聚校正的11月初LAIe作为真实叶面积指数(LAIt),结合凋落物法测定3种林型的LAIt及其季节动态.结果表明: 调查期间,白桦次生林的LAIe在7月达到峰值(2.21),谷地云冷杉林、阔叶红松林的LAIe在8月达到峰值,分别为2.57、2.68.白桦次生林、谷地云冷杉林、阔叶红松林的LAIt均在7月达到峰值,分别为3.44、3.86、6.93;相对于本文探讨的方法,光学仪器所测定的LAIe在最高叶面积指数期分别低估33.1%、32.9%、66.0%;而在整个调查期内,谷地云冷杉林和阔叶红松林LAIe平均低估22.8%和56.5%,白桦次生林平均高估13.2%.

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