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记述采自云南省石林县陆生贝类1新种,大叠水真管螺Euphaedusa dadieshuiensis sp.nov.,文中对新种形态特征、栖息环境进行了描述,并对其相似种进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

Aggressive behavior can be studied as either offensive or defensive responses to a stimulus. The studies discussed in this review are focused on the peripubertal development of offensive aggression in male golden hamsters and its responsiveness to repeated social stress. Quantitative and qualitative changes in offensive responses were analyzed during this period. Quantitative changes in offensive responses were observed as decreased frequency of attacks. Qualitative changes were observed as changes in attack types, as animals reorient their attacks gradually from the face to the lower belly and rump. These developmental changes were altered by repeated exposure to social stress during early puberty. Daily exposure to aggressive adults during early puberty accelerated the qualitative development of offensive responses and the onset of adult-like offensive responses. In contrast, social stress had little effect on the quantitative changes associated with early puberty. However, social stress was associated with higher attack frequency during adulthood. These effects of stress during early puberty contrast with those observed with animals in late puberty. At that time, repeated exposure to aggressive adults inhibits offensive aggression. These data constitute the basis for a new theory on the development of agonistic behavior that includes the following hypotheses. First, it is hypothesized that mid-puberty is marked by a change in responsiveness to repeated social stress. As such, differences in stress responsiveness from social interactions are interpreted as a basic distinction between play fighting and adult aggression. Second, it is also hypothesized that a common neural circuitry mediates the activation of offensive responses during play fighting and adult aggressive interactions.  相似文献   

The division of labor is a central theme in the study of social insects. In bees and wasps, this activity is regulated by age polyethism. Important physiological and morphological changes have been widely studied in the polyethism of honeybee workers. In contrast, this is a relatively unexplored subject in social vespids. Our goal was to determine if there are detectable morphological changes in the body of the Epiponini wasp Polybia paulista Von Ihering or in certain glands in relation to age polyethism. We observed changes in the body weight, the salivary gland, and the mandibular gland that were associated with age, and our results suggest that social relationships and task performance are important to these changes. This contrasts with observations in Polistes and is different from the Apis mellifera Linnaeus age polyethism model.  相似文献   

Social interactions help group-living organisms cope with socio-environmental challenges and are central to survival and reproductive success. Recent research has shown that social behaviour and relationships can change across the lifespan, a phenomenon referred to as ‘social ageing’. Given the importance of social integration for health and well-being, age-dependent changes in social behaviour can modulate how fitness changes with age and may be an important source of unexplained variation in individual patterns of senescence. However, integrating social behaviour into ageing research requires a deeper understanding of the causes and consequences of age-based changes in social behaviour. Here, we provide an overview of the drivers of late-life changes in sociality. We suggest that explanations for social ageing can be categorized into three groups: changes in sociality that (a) occur as a result of senescence; (b) result from adaptations to ameliorate the negative effects of senescence; and/or (c) result from positive effects of age and demographic changes. Quantifying the relative contribution of these processes to late-life changes in sociality will allow us to move towards a more holistic understanding of how and why these patterns emerge and will provide important insights into the potential for social ageing to delay or accelerate other patterns of senescence.  相似文献   

Social organisms often show collective behaviors such as group foraging or movement.Collective behaviors can emerge from interactions between group members and may depend on the behavior of key individuals.When social interactions change over time,collective behaviors may change because these behaviors emerge from interactions among individuals.Despite the importance of,and growing interest in,the temporal dynamics of social interactions,it is not clear how to quantify changes in interactions over time or measure their stability.Furthermore,the temporal scale at which we should observe changes in social networks to detect biologically meaningful changes is not always apparent.Here we use multilayer network analysis to quantify temporal dynamics of social networks of the social spider Stegodyphus dumicola and determine how these dynamics relate to individual and group behaviors.We found that social interactions changed over time at a constant rate.Variation in both network structure and the identity of a keystone individual was not related to the mean or variance of the collective prey attack speed.Individuals that maintained a large and stable number of connections,despite changes in network structure,were the boldest individuals in the group.Therefore,social interactions and boldness are linked across time,but group collective behavior is not influenced by the stability of the social network.Our work demonstrates that dynamic social networks can be modeled in a multilayer framework.This approach may reveal biologically important temporal changes to social structure in other systems.  相似文献   

Social stress is frequently used as a model for studying the neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying stress-induced behavioral inhibition, depression, and fear conditioning. It has previously been shown that social subordination may result in increased glucocorticoid release and changes in brain signaling systems. However, it is still an open question which neuroendocrine and behavioral differences are causes, and which are consequences of social status. Using juvenile rainbow trout of similar size and with no apparent differences in social history, we demonstrate that the ability to win fights for social dominance can be predicted from the duration of a behavioral response to stress, in this case appetite inhibition after transfer to a new environment. Moreover, stress responsiveness in terms of confinement-induced changes in plasma cortisol was negatively correlated to aggressive behavior. Fish that exhibited lower cortisol responses to a standardized confinement test were markedly more aggressive when being placed in a dominant social position later in the study. These findings support the view that distinct behavioral-physiological stress coping styles are present in teleost fish, and these coping characteristics influence both social rank and levels of aggression.  相似文献   

Clearly the brain controls behavior but can behavior also "control" the brain? On an evolutionary time scale, selective ecological pressures shape the sensory and motor capacities as well as the body and behavior. Correspondingly, in development, behavior acts in concert with the environment to cause structural changes in the brain lasting a lifetime. Surprisingly, in "real time" social behavior can also cause changes, typically reversible, in the brain in adult animals. Changes caused by behavioral interactions can be dramatic, and in many instances, these interactions are directly related to reproductive behavior. Understanding how behavior sculpts the brain in the course of behavioral interactions is a major challenge. Analyzing such changes requires a model system allowing control of the biological and behavioral environment of many animals simultaneously yet allowing access to physiological, cellular and molecular processes being regulated. The mouthbrooding cichlid Haplochromis (Astatotilapia) burtoni (Günther) from Lake Tanganyika lends itself to the study of social influences on the brain. It has complex, though easily observable individual and social behaviors regulated by two distinct classes of males, those with territories and those without. Many features of the animals are shaped by social encounters including the maturation of juveniles, the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, the growth rate, the basal stress level among others. How does social information effect change in the brain and body? Animals must attend to the social scene to identify their chances. Learning how social information is transduced into cellular changes in this species should help understand how this happens in other social animals.  相似文献   

Behaviours that always appear playful (play markers) are distinguished from behaviours that appear playful in some contexts, but not others (context-dependent play components). Age changes in the frequency of performance of both kinds of playful behaviours are described, as are age changes in the frequency with which context-dependent play components accompany play markers in baboon social interactions. Some quantitative properties of social interactions containing and lacking play markers are compared. Interactions with play markers last longer and have a higher rate of change of constituent behaviours than interactions without. Animals are also more persistent in the face of changes in their partner's behaviour in interactions with play markers. It is suggested that an attempt to produce a definition of play is not a useful enterprise, but that it is important to investigate causal mechanisms underlying behaviours that appear playful to human observers, and to clarify the relationships among those mechanisms. Data are presented suggesting that at least two sets of mechanisms, not totally separate, underly the performance of baboon social play. Functions of the behaviours controlled by these mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

The social environment is known to modulate adult neurogenesis. Studies in mammals and birds have shown a strong correlation between social isolation and decreases in neurogenesis, whereas time spent in an enriched environment has been shown to restore these deficits and enhance neurogenesis. These data suggest that there exists a common adaptive response among neurogenic niches to each extreme of the social environment. We sought to further test this hypothesis in zebrafish, a social species with distinct neurogenic niches within primary sensory structures and telencephalic nuclei of the brain. By examining stages of adult neurogenesis, including the proliferating stem/progenitor population, their surviving cohort, and the resulting newly differentiated neuronal population, we show that niches residing in sensory structures are most sensitive to changes in the social context, and that social isolation or novelty are both capable of decreasing the number of proliferating cells while increasing the number of newborn neurons within a single niche. Contrary to observations in rodents, we demonstrate that social novelty, a form of enrichment, does not consistently rescue deficits in cell proliferation following social isolation, and that cortisol levels do not negatively regulate changes in adult neurogenesis, but are correlated with the social context. We propose that enhancement or suppression of adult neurogenesis in the zebrafish brain under different social contexts depends largely on the type of niche (sensory or telencephalic), experience from the preceding social environment, and occurs independently of changes in cortisol levels. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 74: 1053–1077, 2014  相似文献   

The teleost fish nonapeptides, arginine vasotocin (AVT) and isotocin (IT), have been implicated in the regulation of social behavior. These peptides are expected to be involved in acute and transient changes in social context, in order to be efficient in modulating the expression of social behavior according to changes in the social environment. Here we tested the hypothesis that short-term social interactions are related to changes in the level of both nonapeptides across different brain regions. For this purpose we exposed male zebrafish to two types of social interactions: (1) real opponent interactions, from which a Winner and a Loser emerged; and (2) mirror-elicited interactions, that produced individuals that did not experience a change in social status despite expressing similar levels of aggressive behavior to those of participants in real-opponent fights. Non-interacting individuals were used as a reference group. Each social phenotype (i.e. Winners, Losers, Mirror-fighters) presented a specific brain profile of nonapeptides when compared to the reference group. Moreover, the comparison between the different social phenotypes allowed to address the specific aspects of the interaction (e.g. assessment of opponent aggressive behavior vs. self-assessment of expressed aggressive behavior) that are linked with neuropeptide responses. Overall, agonistic interactions seem to be more associated with the changes in brain AVT than IT, which highlights the preferential role of AVT in the regulation of aggressive behavior already described for other species.  相似文献   

Many studies would appear to support an important relationship between behavior and the regulation of the immune response, at the core of the developing field of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). However, wide variations are noted in the strength of this relationship, even for the same species under very similar circumstances. The present paper reviews work from our laboratory in both young and adult pigtail and bonnet macaques describing the ranges of variability in both behavioral and immunological responses to social separation and social conflict. It is shown that the magnitude of immune changes that follow a social stressor often covary with the magnitude of the behavioral changes that are observed. Second, there is support for the observation that there are specific behaviors such as social affiliation that may mitigate untoward behavioral and immunological consequences of social stressors. Finally, studies are reviewed which suggest that assessment of autonomic reactivity as reflected in cardiovascular regulation might provide an important clue to the relative risk for immune modulation under challenge. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The early-life social environment has profound effects on brain development and subsequent expression of social behavior. Oxytocin and vasopressin are expressed and released in the brain and are important regulators of social behavior. Accordingly, the early social environment may alter social behaviors via changes in the oxytocin and/or vasopressin systems. To test this hypothesis, and to gain mechanistic insights, rodent models mimicking either a deprived (e.g. maternal separation) or enriched (e.g. neonatal handling) early social environment have been utilized. Findings indeed show that differences in the quality of the early social environment are associated with brain region-specific alterations in oxytocin and vasopressin expression and oxytocin receptor and vasopressin 1a receptor binding. Early social environment-induced changes in oxytocin and vasopressin systems were associated with changes in several forms of social behavior, including maternal care, aggression, play-fighting, and social recognition. First studies provide evidence for a causal link between altered vasopressin responsiveness and impairments in social recognition in rats exposed to maternal separation and a role for epigenetic mechanisms to explain persistent increases in vasopressin expression in mice exposed to maternal separation. Overall, initial findings suggest that oxytocin and vasopressin systems may mediate early social environment-induced alterations in social behavior. Additional comprehensive studies will be necessary to advance our understanding to what extent changes in oxytocin and vasopressin underlie early social environment-induced alterations in social behavior. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Social Behavior.  相似文献   

This work assessed the changes in both social interactions and estrogen metabolite excreted in feces in eight group-living Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). We tested the hypothesis that the social behavior of pregnant females shows significant changes during the late prepartum and early postpartum period. We also tested the hypothesis that the marked fluctuation in estrogen levels during the perinatal period is associated with the changes in social behavior. We found that pregnant females withdrew from the social life of their group in preparation for parturition and only slowly regained their normal social activity after delivery. These changes were correlated with the fluctuation in estrogen conjugate excreted in feces, giving further evidence that hormones can enhance responsiveness to the infant and may predict maternal competence in macaques. We also found that the high frequency of self-grooming by pregnant females during the perinatal period may be a functional way to improve the quality of care toward an infant by a simple shifting from the care for oneself to the care for the infant after parturition.  相似文献   

Extreme environmental events and demographic changes can have variable effects on the social structure of animal populations. This study compared the social structure of a community of Atlantic spotted dolphins in the Bahamas before and after two hurricanes. Approximately 36% of the individuals were lost, with no subsequent increase in immigration. The majority of the social structure characteristics were consistent with results from a long‐term study covering the previous 12 yr, including community structure with definitive social clusters, sex preferences and overall association patterns. However some changes occurred, though still constrained within sex preferences. Posthurricane there was a decrease in social differentiation and increased cohesion within clusters and across age class. Males retained or made new first order alliances, however, only one second order alliance was evident, revealing a simplified alliance structure. Juvenile individuals made alliance level associations, unprecedented from long‐term analysis. Although other studies have shown stark restructuring, this study showed that less drastic changes within overall social structure stability can occur. Persistence and evolutionary changes in populations through environmental and/or demographic perturbations may depend on the social structure of a population or community. Understanding the processes involved in social development is paramount for conservation of diverse populations.  相似文献   

Social environments are notoriously multifactorial, yet studies in rodents have suggested that single variables such as maternal care can in fact be disentangled and correlated with specific DNA methylation changes. This study assesses whether non-detrimental social environmental variation in a highly plastic social insect is correlated with epigenomic modifications at the DNA methylation level. Honey bee workers perform tasks such as nursing and foraging in response to the social environment in the hive, in an age-linked but not age-dependent manner. In this study, the methylation levels of 83 cytosine-phosphate-guanosine dinucleotides over eight genomic regions were compared between the brains of age-matched bees performing nursing or foraging tasks. The results reveal more changes correlated with task than with chronological age, and also hive-associated methylation at some sites. One methylation site from a gene encoding Protein Kinase C binding protein 1 was consistently more methylated in foragers than nurses, which is suggested to lead to production of task-specific protein isoforms via alternative splicing. This study illustrates the ability of the neural epigenome to dynamically respond to complex social stimuli.  相似文献   

Sex steroids can both modulate and be modulated by behavior, and their actions are mediated by complex interactions among multiple hormone sources and targets. While gonadal steroids delivered via circulation can affect behavior, changes in local brain steroid synthesis also can modulate behavior. The relative steroid load across different tissues and the association of these levels with rates of behavior have not been well studied. The bluebanded goby (Lythrypnus dalli) is a sex changing fish in which social status determines sexual phenotype. We examined changes in steroid levels in brain, gonad and body muscle at either 24 hours or 6 days after social induction of protogynous sex change, and from individuals in stable social groups not undergoing sex change. For each tissue, we measured levels of estradiol (E2), testosterone (T) and 11-ketotestosterone (KT). Females had more T than males in the gonads, and more E2 in all tissues but there was no sex difference in KT. For both sexes, E2 was higher in the gonad than in other tissues while androgens were higher in the brain. During sex change, brain T levels dropped while brain KT increased, and brain E2 levels did not change. We found a positive relationship between androgens and aggression in the most dominant females but only when the male was removed from the social group. The results demonstrate that steroid levels are responsive to changes in the social environment, and that their concentrations vary in different tissues. Also, we suggest that rapid changes in brain androgen levels might be important in inducing behavioral and/or morphological changes associated with protogynous sex change.  相似文献   

We describe details of Herero residential units and discuss the meaning of household among Herero ranchers of northwestern Botswana and conclude that there is no single meaningful household. Rather there is a dual system of local social units. From the male perspective, a household is a hamlet with the associated herd and huts or hut clusters within it. From the female perspective, a household is a hut or hut cluster with dependent children that she maintains and manages. There have been dramatic social and economic changes in this century. Herero were destitute refugees from a genocidal war in 1904, while today they are one of the wealthiest groups in the region. They suffered from infertility before antibiotics became available around 1960, so that the TFR has changed from about 2.7 to 7.0 in the last three decades. We discuss the effects of these changes on local organization.  相似文献   

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