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【目的】研究我国最大的林区之一——大兴安岭森林火烧后不同演替阶段土壤细菌多样性动态,为天然林保护工程对于生物多样性的影响增添新的认识。【方法】以空间替代时间的方法分析大兴安岭森林演替对于土壤细菌多样性动态的影响。大兴安岭森林火烧后典型的自然演替序列为火烧迹地(LG-BA)、灌丛(SHR)、白桦林(BP)、白桦落叶松混交林(BP-LG)、落叶松林(LG-OM)。在演替序列的每个典型样地上采集0-10 cm土样,采用Illumina Mi Seq高通量测序技术测定土壤细菌群落组成及其多样性。【结果】细菌操作分类单位(OTU)数量从少到多的顺序为火烧迹地落叶松白桦混交林灌丛落叶松林白桦林。随着森林演替,多样性指数Simpson先增高后降低;Shannon指数先增加后减少再增加;OTU的丰度变化比较平缓,表明物种变化较小。在各演替阶段中,土壤细菌种类主要有变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes),4个门的种类含量随演替顺序都呈现先增加后减少的趋势。主成分分析表明不同演替阶段土壤细菌群落存在一定的差异性。冗余分析表明有机质(SOM)、全氮(TN)、全磷(TP)和p H对于土壤细菌群落变化有影响。【结论】随着森林演替,大兴安岭地区土壤细菌种类和生物多样性会发生变化,其变化与土壤化学成分和p H有关。  相似文献   

王润  丁圣彦  卢训令  宋博 《生态学报》2017,37(7):2225-2236
在农业景观中,传粉昆虫的生存繁衍与半自然生境的面积大小有关。集约化生产方式使半自然生境比例逐渐减少,农田比例不断增加,随着景观简化梯度的变化(农田比例逐渐增大),传粉昆虫群落多样性将会发生怎样的变化?选择黄河中下游典型农区巩义市为研究区域,采用诱捕盘法(Pan traps)进行农田、林地的传粉昆虫取样,以21个样点作为景观简化梯度(农田比例范围5%—86%)的呈现,基于每个样点的传粉昆虫多度和丰富度变化来探究景观简化对传粉昆虫多样性的影响。结果显示:区内累计捕获传粉昆虫39660头,优势类群包括双翅目(Diptera)、膜翅目(Hymenoptera)、鞘翅目(Coleoptera)等。采用逐步回归分析及线性拟合后发现景观简化程度与传粉昆虫多度和丰富度呈显著负相关(P0.05);景观简化对传粉昆虫类群间的影响也是有差异的,其中对鞘翅目多度的影响最为密切(R~2=0.27),同时对膜翅目和双翅目也有较大影响(R~2=0.14、R~2=0.11),景观简化与鳞翅目多度呈正相关;随景观简化的程度加深,农田生境中膜翅目多度呈显著下降趋势(P0.05),而林地中膜翅目多度变化不明显。在未来的景观规划中,应着重考虑传粉昆虫中鞘翅目类群的栖息地变化及食物资源状况。依据研究结果建议林地生境中应注重保护现有的自然植被群落,在人工林中可以种植一定面积的蜜粉源植物;农田生境内对杂草群落、半自然生境斑块进行合理规划的基础上,还可以种植线性景观植物作为传粉昆虫的食物源。  相似文献   

The fragmentation and transformation of land cover modify the microclimate of ecosystems. These changes have the potential to modify the foraging activity of animals, but few studies have examined this topic. In this study, we investigated whether and how the foraging activity of the leaf-cutter ant Atta cephalotes is modified by microclimatic variations due to land cover change from forest to pasture. We characterized the microclimate of each habitat and identified alterations in foraging behavior in response to relative humidity (RH), air temperature, and surface temperature along ant foraging trails by synchronously assessing foraging activity (number of ants per 5 min including incoming laden and unladen and outgoing ants) and microclimatic variables (air temperature, RH, and maximum and minimum surface temperature along the foraging trail). There were climatic differences between habitats during the day but not throughout the night, and A. cephalotes was found to have a high tolerance for foraging under severe microclimatic changes. This species can forage at surface temperatures between 17 and 45°C, air temperatures between 20 and 36°C, and an RH between 40% and 100%. We found a positive effect of temperature on the foraging activity of A. cephalotes in the pasture, where the species displayed thermophilic behavior and the ability to forage across a wide range of temperatures and RH. These results provide a mechanism to partially explain why A. cephalotes becomes highly prolific as anthropogenic disturbances increase and why it has turned into a key player of human-modified neotropical landscapes.  相似文献   

The Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest, one of the most endangered ecosystems worldwide, is also among the most important hotspots as regards biodiversity. Through intensive logging, the initial area has been reduced to around 12% of its original size. In this study we investigated the genetic variability and structure of the mountain lion, Puma concolor. Using 18 microsatellite loci we analyzed evidence of allele dropout, null alleles and stuttering, calculated the number of allele/locus, PIC, observed and expected heterozygosity, linkage disequilibrium, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, F(IS), effective population size and genetic structure (MICROCHECKER, CERVUS, GENEPOP, FSTAT, ARLEQUIN, ONESAMP, LDNe, PCAGEN, GENECLASS software), we also determine whether there was evidence of a bottleneck (HYBRIDLAB, BOTTLENECK software) that might influence the future viability of the population in south Brazil. 106 alleles were identified, with the number of alleles/locus ranging from 2 to 11. Mean observed heterozygosity, mean number of alleles and polymorphism information content were 0.609, 5.89, and 0.6255, respectively. This population presented evidence of a recent bottleneck and loss of genetic variation. Persistent regional poaching constitutes an increasing in the extinction risk.  相似文献   

Understanding how gene flow shapes contemporary population structure requires the explicit consideration of landscape composition and configuration. New landscape genetic approaches allow us to link such heterogeneity to gene flow within and among populations. However, the attribution of cause is difficult when landscape features are spatially correlated, or when genetic patterns reflect past events. We use spatial Bayesian clustering and landscape resistance analysis to identify the landscape features that influence gene flow across two regional populations of the eastern massasauga rattlesnake, Sistrurus c. catenatus. Based on spatially explicit simulations, we inferred how habitat distribution modulates gene flow and attempted to disentangle the effects of spatially confounded landscape features. We found genetic clustering across one regional landscape but not the other, and also local differences in the effect of landscape on gene flow. Beyond the effects of isolation‐by‐distance, water bodies appear to underlie genetic differentiation among individuals in one regional population. Significant effects of roads were additionally detected locally, but these effects are possibly confounded with the signal of water bodies. In contrast, we found no signal of isolation‐by‐distance or landscape effects on genetic structure in the other regional population. Our simulations imply that these local differences have arisen as a result of differences in population density or tendencies for juvenile rather than adult dispersal. Importantly, our simulations also demonstrate that the ability to detect the consequences of contemporary anthropogenic landscape features (e.g. roads) on gene flow may be compromised when long‐standing natural features (e.g. water bodies) co‐exist on the landscape.  相似文献   

赵永欣  李孟华  赵要风 《遗传》2017,39(11):958-973
中国地方绵羊品种资源丰富,部分品种具有繁殖力高、毛皮品质好、多角、多乳头、大尾脂、抗逆性强等独特性状,这些遗传资源引起了学者们对其进行深入研究的兴趣,但目前仍然存在绵羊起源问题的争议,缺乏对我国绵羊的遗传多样性进行全面系统研究等问题。本文综述了绵羊起源、品种分化等方面的研究进展,并从父系、母系、常染色体分子标记等不同层面介绍了中国绵羊遗传多样性的研究概况,为中国绵羊遗传资源的保护和利用、绵羊新品种(系)的培育以及我国绵羊产业良性发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Summary The landscape modification model proposed by McIntyre and Hobbs (1999) was used to assess the modification of Tasmania’s native vegetation and its potential implications for biodiversity conservation. The inclusion of new ‘substates’ in the model allowed the varying degrees of landscape variegation and fragmentation observed in Tasmania to be quantified. The mapped extent of Tasmania’s native vegetation is approximately 5.06 million ha or 74% of the land area. The extent of native vegetation varies across bioregions from a low of around 36% in the Tasmanian Northern Midlands bioregion to a high of 94% in the Tasmanian West bioregion. Overall, the Tasmanian landscape can be described as medium variegated as the State retains 76% cover of native vegetation, by area. Two of Tasmania’s nine bioregions are in an intact state, four are variegated, and three are fragmented. Seven of the State’s 48 catchments are in an intact state, 24 catchments are variegated, and 17 are fragmented. Tasmania was estimated to support 33 760 patches of native vegetation. Fewer than 3% of these patches exceed 50 ha in area. Small and medium patches occur predominantly on freehold land with grazing as a major land use, whereas large patches occur predominantly on crown land with conservation and production forestry as the major land uses. One feature of the State’s native vegetation is the large tract of native vegetation ecosystems in western Tasmania. Opportunities arise to sustain the resilience of these native ecosystems both by consolidating the formal protection of vegetation within catchments such as the Arthur and Pieman and by strengthening environmental management in adjacent areas. Bioregions and catchments where climate change may be of particular concern for biodiversity conservation and management include the Tasmanian Northern Midlands bioregion and Cam catchment in north‐western Tasmania. The maintenance and enhancement of patches of remnant vegetation in these areas will be challenging and appears likely to require strategic, multiscale and coordinated natural resource management over decades. Limiting the loss of native vegetation across the entire range of landscape states in Tasmania appears essential to mitigate the further decline of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Impact of selection and breeding on the genetic diversity in Douglas-fir   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Genetic changes following domestication of Douglas-fir were studied using isozyme data derived from two generations of seed orchards and their 49 wild progenitor populations. In addition, the breeding, production, and infusion populations used in the seed orchards were compared to their wild counterparts. Several parameters of gene diversity were measured (number of alleles per locus N a, per cent of polymorphic loci PLP, and expected heterozygosity H, and population divergence D). These measures were similar or higher in the domesticated populations compared to their natural progenitors, indicating that early selection and breeding of a highly polymorphic species does not significantly reduce genetic variation. The two generations of seed orchards also did not differ, indicating that genetic variation may remain stable over future generations of forest plantations. Interestingly, compared to the natural populations, heterozygosity was higher in the seed orchards, probably due to pooling of widely distributed natural populations; however, rare localized or private alleles seemed to be less frequent in the domesticated populations. Differentiation values were not significant between the first generation orchards and the natural populations, but significant differences were observed between the second generation orchards and the wild progenitor populations, probably due to the interbreeding that forms the advanced generation seed orchards.  相似文献   

In many applications of population genetics, particularly in the field of conservation biology, estimates of molecular diversity are used as surrogate indicators of less easily acquired measures of genetic variation for quantitative traits. The general validity of this approach to inferring levels of quantitative genetic variation within populations is called into question by the demonstration that estimates of molecular and quantitative-genetic variation are essentially uncorrelated in natural populations of Daphnia, one of the few organisms for which multiple estimates of both quantities are available. On the other hand, molecular measures of population subdivision seem to give conservatively low estimates of the degree of genetic subdivision at the level of quantitative traits. This suggests that although molecular markers provide little information on the level of genetic variation for quantitative traits within populations, they may be valid indicators of population subdivision for such characters.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that climate change constrains biota. Yet, because of the lack of consistent multisite and multitaxon surveys, few studies have addressed general rules about how climate change impacts on structure and diversity of animal communities. Especially, the relative influence of nonclimatic anthropogenic disturbances on this impact is fairly unknown. Here, we present for the first time a meta-analysis assessing the effect of global warming on stream organisms. Fish communities of large rivers in France undergoing various anthropogenic pressures showed significant increase in proportions of warm-water species and of specific richness during the last 15–25 years. Conversely, the equitability decreased, indicating a gradual decrease of the number of dominant species. Finally, the total abundance increased, coupled with rejuvenation and changes in size-structure of the communities. Interestingly, most of these effects were not depressed by the strength of nonclimatic anthropogenic disturbances. Conversely, geographical location of communities and especially closeness of natural barriers to migration could influence their response to climate change. Indeed, increase in the proportion of southern species seemed hindered at sites located close to the southern limit of the European species' geographical ranges. This work provides new evidence that climate change have deep impacts on communities which, by overtaking the effects of nonclimatic anthropogenic disturbances, could be more substantial than previously thought. Overall, our results stress the importance of considering climate change impacts in studies addressing community dynamics, even in disturbed sites.  相似文献   

Abstract The northern elephant seal (NES) suffered a severe population bottleneck towards the end of the nineteenth century. Theoretical expectations for the impact of population bottlenecks include the loss of genetic diversity and a loss of fitness (e.g. through a disruption of developmental stability); however, there are few direct demonstrations in natural populations. Here, we report on the comparison of archive samples collected prior to and following the NES population bottleneck. Measures of genetic diversity show a loss of variation consistent with expectations and suggest a strong disruption in the pattern of allele frequencies following the bottleneck. Measures of bilateral characters show an increase in fluctuating asymmetry.  相似文献   

This study evaluated how the edge effect influences the structuration of fruit-feeding butterfly assemblages in swamp forest fragments of the subtropical Atlantic Forest, Southern Brazil. Sampling was carried out twice in 10 fragments using baited traps placed in sampling units both at the forest edge and 50 m within the forest interior, with the habitats being defined by a set of environmental variables. Richness and abundance were higher for edge habitats with an effect of temperature depending on humidity and luminosity. The subfamily/tribe composition of fruit-feeding butterflies was segregated between edge and interior and was predicted by wind speed and the interaction between humidity and luminosity. Fifty meters within the forest interior is not sufficient to cause homogenization of butterfly composition between the edge and interior of swamp forest fragments, indicating distinct assemblages in each habitat. The interior harboured forest-loving butterfly groups while the edge harboured generalist sun-loving and common butterflies associated with disturbed areas, suggesting resistance to the effects of habitat fragmentation. We highlight the importance of using fruit-feeding butterfly groups, instead of species, to evaluate edge effects. We also suggest that a heterogeneous matrix with native habitats and distinct semi-natural land-use systems be maintained to manage subtropical areas by increasing connectivity within the landscape. Considering the impacts that the Atlantic Forest suffers, increased knowledge of modifications caused at small and regional scales is crucial for the maintenance of ecological processes and represents a tool for conservation planning and environmental agendas.  相似文献   

Potential impacts of regeneration practices ongenetic diversity in the Australian nativeforest species Eucalyptus sieberi L.A.S.Johnson. (silvertop ash) were assessed usingDNA markers. Three different silviculturaltreatments were examined: clear-felling withaerial re-sowing, and the seed tree system withsite preparation by either burning ormechanical disturbance. In addition, twounharvested stands were chosen as controls. Atotal sample of 825 trees were genotyped at 35Mendelian markers: 26 single-copy nuclear RFLPsand 9 microsatellites. No significantdifferences were found among the treatments inany of four population genetic statistics:allelic richness, effective number of alleles,expected heterozygosity and the panmictic index(f). Rare alleles were prevalent, and a MonteCarlo simulation showed that the apparent lossof four rare alleles from the saplingregenerants was highly statisticallysignificant. There was no evidence for recentbottlenecks from analyses of either the levelsof expected heterozygosity relative to thatexpected under mutation drift equilibrium, orthe allele frequency profiles. A dendrogram ofthe relationships between the sampledpopulations suggested that the seed tree systemmay result in the promotion of genetic drift(slight expansion of the dendrogram) whileaerial re-sowing of clear falls with the sameseedlot will lead to genetic homogenisation(contraction of the dendrogram). The apparentgenetic robustness of E. sieberi tonative forest regeneration practices isattributed to its local abundance combined withthe favourable properties of its reproductivebiology, as well as to the limitation that onlya single rotation was examined.  相似文献   

Aim The diversity of reproductive modes among amphibians constitutes a striking example of how differences in the biology of species provide important explanations for species distribution patterns on a broad scale. We hypothesize that sites with a higher humidity level will support more modes of reproduction than drier sites and will consequently exhibit a higher phylogenetic diversity. Furthermore, if there is a gradient in the tolerance of reproductive modes to desiccation, there will be a nested pattern in the composition of reproductive modes among sites. Location Twenty‐seven forest sites in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Methods Through a path analysis approach, we evaluated the direct and indirect effects of the humidity level on the number of reproductive modes, as well as the relative importance of both variables on amphibian phylogenetic diversity. A nestedness analysis was used to quantify the extent to which the compositions of both species and reproductive modes in drier sites correspond to subsets of those in sites with higher annual precipitation. Results We found that the reproductive modes present in drier sites are non‐random subsets of those present in sites with higher humidity levels. Because reproductive modes are phylogenetically conserved among amphibians, sites with a greater number of reproductive modes supported greater phylogenetic diversity. Sites with high precipitation throughout the year provided suitable environmental conditions for a larger number of reproductive modes, whereas sites with low precipitation and typical seasonal climates supported only those reproductive modes specialized to resist desiccation. Main conclusions Our results show that humidity‐related variables are key environmental factors related to both the richness of reproductive modes and phylogenetic diversity. Our results support the hypothesis that the higher phylogenetic diversity found in moister sites reflects differences in the tolerance to desiccation among different reproductive modes. Given that reproductive modes are associated with susceptibility to desiccation, their incorporation into explanatory models may trigger a significant advance in the understanding of the mechanisms regulating the species richness and composition of amphibian communities.  相似文献   

Forests of the Dahomey Gap are considered as refugia for many species. They play a crucial role in providing ecosystem services in an area devoid of forests. However, the impact of the way they are managed on the biodiversity they host has barely been investigated. Wild yams existing in these forests play a crucial role in maintaining the genetic diversity of cultivated yams. Indeed, studies of farmer practices have shown that, by way of ennoblement, wild yams collected and selected in the forests and old fallow areas are integrated into the cultivated pool. However, the genetic structure of wild yams is poorly understood. Using nine microsatellite loci, we investigated the population genetics of Dioscorea praehensilis in five forests in Benin, involving different management strategies and bioclimatic areas. Populations of D. praehensilis were strongly differentiated, consistent with an ancient separation of the forests. While the D. praehensilis population in a holly forest was undergoing mutation and drift equilibrium, the population collected from the most conserved forest was in a bottleneck. Moreover, in two forests with different management strategies, accessions from other forests were found, resulting from the displacement of yams following farmer migrations. No isolation by distance was detected, but a differentiation was found between populations of the Sudano-Guinean climate and the Guineo-Congolian climate. Our findings suggest differentiation due to forest isolations under past climatic conditions and more recent tuber flow through anthropogenic impacts.  相似文献   

章彦  骆有庆  石娟  涂蔷  任利利  王壮 《生态科学》2009,28(6):487-494
通过对浙江富阳36块不同马尾松混交比率及不同松材线虫危害程度林地的调查,定量分析了这些林分受不同程度的松材线虫入侵干扰后,其乔灌草三层植物多样性的变化规律。分析结果表明:松材线虫的入侵减小了不同林分比例的马尾松群落之间乔灌草三层多样性的差异;随着松材线虫危害程度的加重,不同树种组成松林的乔灌草三层多样性指数出现新的特点,即两极化→趋于一致→两极化。进一步分析表明:浙江富阳地区的群落类型处在常绿阔叶林前期向中期演替的过程中;并且随着这种复合干扰程度的不断增加,加快了松林从常绿阔叶林演替前期向中期发展的进程。  相似文献   

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