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Within a primate species, diet can be highly variable in composition, even at small spatial scales within the same forest, or temporally, suggesting that primates use different plant species and parts to meet similar nutritional needs. To test whether such differences in the plant species and parts that primates eat affects the nutrient concentrations that they obtain, we observed feeding of seven groups of red colobus monkeys ( Procolobus rufomitratus) residing in Kibale National Park, Uganda. The different groups consumed mostly young leaves from many of the same plant species, but spent different amounts of time feeding on them. As protein and fibre are suggested to be important determinants of colobine food choice and abundance, we analysed multiple samples of 47 food species for protein and fibre. Despite the differences in the plant species and parts eaten, the protein and fibre concentrations for the seven red colobus groups were similar. Our results suggest that colobus monkeys eating diets with differing amounts of species and parts may ultimately receive similar concentrations of nutrients.  相似文献   

Summary Wolf-ungulate interactions were studied in the pristine deciduous and mixed forests of the Bialowiea National Park in 1985–1989. The study period included two severe and two mild winters. The community of ungulates inhabiting Bialowiea National Park consisted of red deer Cervus elaphus, 55% of all ungulates; wild boar Sus scrofa, 42%; and roe deer Capreolus capreolus, moose Alces alces, and European bison Bison bonasus, about 1% each. The average size of red deer groups increased from 2.7 (SD 2.35) in spring and summer to 6.9 (SD 6.84) in autumn and winter. In winter the group size of red deer was positively correlated with the depth of snow cover and negatively correlated with the mean daily temperature. Average group size of wild boar did not change significantly between seasons; it was 6.8 (SD 5.16) in spring and summer and 5.7 (SD 4.67) in autumn and winter. Analysis of 144 wolf scats showed that wolves preyed selectively on red deer. In October–April, Cervidae (mostly red deer) constituted 91% of biomass consumed by wolves, while wild boar made up only 8%. In May–September deer formed 77% of prey biomass, and the share of wild boar increased to 22%. In all seasons of the year wolves selected juveniles from deer and boar populations: 61% of red deer and 94% of wild boar of determined age recovered from wolves' scats were young <1 year old. Analysis of 117 carcasses of ungulates found in Bialowiea National Park showed that predation was the predominant mortality factor for red deer (40 killed, 10 dead from causes other than predation) and roe deer (4 killed, none dead). Wild boar suffered most from severe winter conditions (8 killed, 56 dead). The percentage of ungulates that had died from undernutrition and starvation in the total mortality was proportional to the severity of winter.  相似文献   



Nodular Oesophagostomum genus nematodes are a major public health concern in some African regions because they can be lethal to humans. Their relatively high prevalence in people has been described in Uganda recently. While non-human primates also harbor Oesophagostomum spp., the epidemiology of this oesophagostomosis and the role of these animals as reservoirs of the infection in Eastern Africa are not yet well documented.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The present study aimed to investigate Oesophagostomum infection in terms of parasite species diversity, prevalence and load in three non-human primates (Pan troglodytes, Papio anubis, Colobus guereza) and humans living in close proximity in a forested area of Sebitoli, Kibale National Park (KNP), Uganda. The molecular phylogenetic analyses provided the first evidence that humans living in the Sebitoli area harbored O. stephanostomum, a common species in free-ranging chimpanzees. Chimpanzees were also infected by O. bifurcum, a common species described in human populations throughout Africa. The recently described Oesophagostomum sp. found in colobine monkeys and humans and which was absent from baboons in the neighboring site of Kanyawara in KNP (10 km from Sebitoli), was only found in baboons. Microscopic analyses revealed that the infection prevalence and parasite load in chimpanzees were significantly lower in Kanyawara than in Sebitoli, an area more impacted by human activities at its borders.


Three different Oesophagostomum species circulate in humans and non-human primates in the Sebitoli area and our results confirm the presence of a new genotype of Oesophagostomum recently described in Uganda. The high spatiotemporal overlap between humans and chimpanzees in the studied area coupled with the high infection prevalence among chimpanzees represent factors that could increase the risk of transmission for O. stephanostomum between the two primate species. Finally, the importance of local-scale research for zoonosis risk management is important because environmental disturbance and species contact can differ, leading to different parasitological profiles between sites that are close together within the same forest patches.  相似文献   

Elephants are locally concentrated in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Vegetation damage attributable to elephants appears to be increasing and may result in the modification of the forest. We examined the implied selectivity of stem damage due to elephants. We followed 26.84 km of recent elephant trails and used 122 plots to document tree damage in relation to species, stem sizes and locations. Of 897 trees (DBH ≥2 cm), 542 (60.4%) were intact, 22 (2.5%) debarked, 274 (30.5%) toppled and 172 (19.2%) had broken branches. Small trees were more likely to be pushed over or have their branches broken, whereas large trees were more commonly debarked. The species most frequently selected for damage included mid‐successional species such as Newtonia buchananii, Myrianthus holstii and Chrysophyllum albidum. These species may be vulnerable to increasing elephant numbers. Our analyses using general linear models indicate that elephants are selective concerning where, how and what tree stems they damage. We found a higher incidence of elephant damage per‐tree stem in open areas than in more closed areas, suggesting feedback in which elephants maintain open habitats that may be conducive for other species such as mountain gorillas. More work is needed to better determine how changing elephant numbers may influence Bwindi's conservation values.  相似文献   

Changes in the vegetation of stabilized sand dunes of Doñana National Park in the last four centuries have been analysed, combining ecological and historical sources of information.Quantitative vegetation data have been obtained from 5 inventories of a 15 km long transect, consisting of 34 points where nearby woody plants have been recorded. Inventories were taken in 1636, 1647, 1652, 1682 and 1859. The analysis of these data, combined with climatic and management information on the area, reveals that until 1636 a mediterranean forest dominated byQuercus suber, existed; it was used as a game preserve. From 1636 to 1682 vegetation underwent profound changes with a marked drop in trees and mature scrub. The vegetation was replaced by a pioneer scrub species. This rapid change was brought about by the introduction of cattle and pigs, timber and cork exploitation, and the use of prescribed fire. The climatic crisis that arose circa 1700 led to erosion of the sandy soils, which made the vegetation change irreversibly. Livestock pressure hampered natural forest regeneration until 1737 whenPinus pinea plantations started. From then onwards little change in vegetation is known to have occurred.It is suggested that the main steps of change in Doñana vegetation history may have occurred in many other areas of the Mediterranean Basin.  相似文献   

Amphibian chytridiomycosis, caused by infection with the non-hyphal, zoosporic chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), is an emerging infectious disease recognised as a cause of recent amphibian population declines and extinctions worldwide. The Do?ana National Park (DNP) is located in southwestern Spain, a country with widespread Bd infection. This protected area has a great diversity of aquatic habitats that constitute important breeding habitats for 11 native amphibian species. We sampled 625 amphibians in December 2007 and February to March 2008, months that correspond to the early and intermediate breeding seasons for amphibians, respectively. We found 7 of 9 sampled species to be infected with Bd and found differences in prevalence between sampling periods. Although some amphibians tested had higher intensities of infection than others, all animals sampled were apparently healthy and, so far, there has been no evidence of either unusually high rates of mortality or amphibian population declines in the DNP.  相似文献   

The Addo Elephant National Park in the warm-temperate Eastern Cape was proclaimed in 1931 to protect one of the four elephant populations in South Africa which survived into the present century. However, since the late 1970s, a major objective of the Park is to protect intact a viable example of succulent thicket – the regional ecosystem. Succulent thicket is endemic to the Eastern Cape and forms the major component of the Albany Centre, a floristic region of high diversity and endemism, especially among succulent shrubs and geophytes. This ecosystem is poorly represented in the reserve system and is highly threatened by overgrazing and clearing for agriculture. Under the present stocking rate of more than two elephants/km2, succulent thicket in the Park has been severely impacted: in particular, biomass, stature and plant diversity have been reduced. We show that the flora of the Park is of great regional significance. Of a total of 581 species, 12.4% were classified as regional endemics and/or Red Data Book species (collectively termed 'species of special concern), and 32.2% were not known to be conserved in any other succulent thicket protected area. Relative to the remainder of the flora, both categories of species were over-represented among succulent shrubs (predominantly Euphorbiaceae and Mesembryanthemaceae) and geophytes (predominantly Asphodelaceae and Hyacinthaceae). This taxonomic and biological profile coincides with that of species vulnerable to local extinction as a result of elephant impacts. The Park authorities will need to find a solution to the conflict between maintaining a large population of megaherbivores, and maintaining the structure and diversity of succulent thicket.  相似文献   

A list of 212 Microlepidoptera species found in the territory of the Curonian Spit (both in its Russian and Lithuanian parts) is given: Micropterigidae (1), Eriocraniidae (1), Nepticulidae (16), Opostegidae (1), Heliozelidae (1), Adelidae (3), Prodoxidae (2), Incurvariidae (2), Tineidae (8), Psychidae (1), Douglasiidae (2), Bucculatricidae (3), Gracillariidae (26), Yponomeutidae (12), Plutellidae (3), Acrolepiidae (2), Glyphipterigidae (3), Lyonetiidae (1), Ethmiidae (1), Depressariidae (12), Elachistidae (20), Chimabachidae (1), Oecophoridae (9), Stathmopodidae (1), Batrachedridae (2), Coleophoridae (25), Momphidae (3), Blastobasidae (2), Cosmopterigidae (3), Choreutidae (1), Schreckensteiniidae (1), Epermeniidae (1), Alucitidae (1), Pterophoridae (7) and Pyralidae (35 species). 113 species of 24 families have been collected in the territory of the “Kurshskaya Kosa” National Park, including 45 species new to the Curonian Spit and 32 species new to Kaliningrad Province.  相似文献   

Biological Trace Element Research - Mercury (Hg) use in artisanal gold mining in the Colombian Amazon is widespread, and little is known about the exposure on local indigenous people. The aim of...  相似文献   

Long-term bird population changes in response to natural or anthropogenic factors have been relatively well documented in the temperate zone, but rarely in the tropics, where there are few long-term data sets. Here, we analyze a 25-yr sequence of records of two species of Lophura pheasants, Siamese Fireback L. diardi and Silver Pheasant L. nycthemera in Khao Yai, Thailand's oldest national park. These data suggest that the number and proportion of detections of the lowlands-inhabiting L. diardi have increased significantly in relation to those of the higher elevation inhabitant L. nycthemera . Environmental factors mediated by changing climate are the most plausible explanation for the changing proportions of sightings of the two species. Further work is needed to explore in detail microhabitat selection of these birds and whether changes in microsite conditions on the forest floor or other factors are driving the observed distribution. Long-term monitoring of the avifauna along an elevational gradient is also recommended in tandem with increased monitoring of local climatic conditions.  相似文献   

National parks are an important tool for conserving biodiversity, particularly in areas of high biodiversity and endemism such as the tropical Andes. However, national parks often face a variety of stressors related to recreation, road construction and illegal extraction of natural resources. Unfortunately, the influence of these stressors for biodiversity is rarely well documented. Cajas National Park in Ecuador is no exception. Despite being traversed by the Cuenca-Molleturo-Naranjal road, effects of the road construction on biodiversity have not been determined. We therefore assessed the influence of road proximity on bird species richness and abundance as well as composition of bird habitat groups in Cajas National Park using transect walks at 25 m and 250 m distance to the road (overall 18 transects, each 1 km length). In total, we recorded 1110 individuals of 28 páramo bird species. Overall species richness did not differ between transects near and far from the road. Nevertheless, the average abundance of shrubby páramo species was significantly higher far from the road than near the road (Far = 36, Near = 25). Moreover, we found a tendency towards differences in the composition of bird habitat groups between transects near and far from the road. One aspect potentially driving the observed patterns was the increasing proportion of planted non-native woody tree species within páramo grassland near the road, which may have caused reduced abundances of shrubby páramo bird species there. While roads represented a clear impact on the composition of bird species in the páramo, the major effect seems to be driven by the introduction of non-native plant species along the roadside. In order to reduce the impact of roads to a minimum, we suggest that park managers should control the introduction of such plant species.  相似文献   

Temporal variations of fish abundance and species richness in two sites of a secondary channel of the Middle Paraná Floodplain (Argentina) have been analyzed from 2010 to 2012. Relationships of these ecological attributes with alternations of floods and dry periods were appraised. Permutational analyses of variance were applied to determine significance in temporal changes of the fish community, taking into account catch per unit effort and species richness of the whole community, by groups of distinct reproductive strategy and considering fish sizes. The results reveal significant differences in structure and composition of fish assemblages at distinct stages of the hydrological regime. Those temporal differences are associated with changes in timing, duration, and magnitude of floods since the three groups have shown distinct responses to the hydrological variations. Long-distance migrants depend on major inundations for a successful reproduction, short-distance migrants seem to have distinct responses to floods according to the kind of species, and sedentary fish-developing parental care essentially needs high floodplain connectivity for juvenile development.  相似文献   

Improved management of carbon storage by terrestrial biomes has significant value for mitigating climate change. The carbon value of such management has the potential to provide additional income to rural communities and provide biodiversity and climate adaptation co-benefits. Here, we quantify the carbon stores in a 49,300-ha landscape centered on the cloud forest–grassland transition of the high Andes in Manu National Park, Peru. Aboveground carbon densities were measured across the landscape by field sampling of 70 sites above and below the treeline. The forest near the treeline contained 63.4 ± 5.2 Mg C ha−1 aboveground, with an additional 13.9 ± 2.8 Mg C ha−1 estimated to be stored in the coarse roots, using a root to shoot ratio of 0.26. Puna grasslands near the treeline were found to store 7.5 ± 0.7 Mg C ha−1 in aboveground biomass. Comparing our result to soil data gathered by Zimmermann and others (Ecosystems 13:62–74, 2010), we found the ratio of belowground:aboveground carbon decreased from 15.8 on the puna to 8.6 in the transition zone and 2.1 in the forest. No significant relationships were found between carbon densities and slope, altitude or fire disturbance history, though grazing (for puna) was found to reduce aboveground carbon densities significantly. We scaled our study sites to the study region with remote sensing observations from Landsat. The carbon sequestration potential of improved grazing management and assisted upslope treeline migration was also estimated. Afforestation of puna at the treeline could generate revenues of US $1,374 per ha over the project lifetime via commercialization of the carbon credits from gains in aboveground carbon stocks. Uncertainties in the fate of the large soil carbon stocks under an afforestation scenario exist.  相似文献   

A quantitative hydrogeomorphic approach was applied to an extensive survey of temporary wetlands in the Doñana National Park (SW Spain) in search for quantitative thresholds for wetland classification. Twenty freshwater ponds on the aeolian sand mantle and 46 sites on silty-clay substrate, located in the southern marshland, were surveyed during the heaviest rainy period so far recorded (October 1995–September 1997). On average, temporary ponds showed higher water depth, longer flooding period, lower conductivity (<0.5 mS cm?1), lower pH (6.7), lower phosphate concentration (0.4 μM) and a more balanced proportion of Ca2+/Na+ than temporary marshes. During floods, marshland sites exhibited higher water transparency, pH (9.5), alkalinity (3.5 meq l?1), conductivity (8.2 mS cm?1), phosphate concentration (0.7 μM), Na+ and Ca2+ concentrations (97.2 and 3.5 meq l?1, respectively) than ponds. Study sites were significantly segregated (ANOSIM test: R = 0.88, < 0.01, n = 92) in relation to water depth and conductivity. A conductivity of 1.6 mS cm?1 is proposed as a threshold between marshland sites and ponds during floods. Marshland sites were further segregated into two groups (ANOSIM test: R = 0.777, P < 0.01, n = 23) according to the Na+/Ca2+ ratio (in meq l?1) at a threshold value of 25. An ordination by PCA showed that five variables grouped 81.4% of the total variance in two axes. The first PCA axis (60.7% of variance) separated temporary wetlands into ponds and marshland sites according to variables related to substrate and hydrology (Na+/Ca2+ ratio, conductivity, water depth and flooding period). Other variables (e.g., water transparency, alkalinity, pH, submersed macrophyte biomass, phosphate, nitrate and planktonic chlorophyll concentrations) did not produce a significant segregation between marshland and pond sites during floods. Further discrimination within each wetland type was thus not achieved.  相似文献   

Károly Schöll 《Biologia》2009,64(5):951-958
Gemenc floodplain lies between river kilometres km 1503 and 1469 of the Danube River; it is a part of the Danube-Dráva National Park in Hungary. The floodplain is one of the largest in Europe with an 18,000 hectares (Natura 2000) area, and various characteristic side arms and backwaters which lie completely in the floodplain. The area needs hydrological revitalization because of the sinking of the river bed caused by the regulation of the main arm at the end of the 19th century. For this revitalization an exhaustive knowledge of the hydrobiological relationships among the different water bodies is required. The aims of this study were to explore connections among the hydrological events, physico-chemical parameters of the water bodies and the diversity of the planktonic rotifer assemblages. From 2002 to 2004, 56 planktonic and 15 tychoplanktonic rotifer taxa were found in the area. The diversity of rotifer assemblages was generally higher in the parapotamal water bodies than in the main arm and in the plesio/paleo-potamal water bodies, which could be explained by the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. The diversity, dominance, and evenness of the assemblages were correlated with water flow and water temperature. The most important factors influencing the diversity patterns were the occurrence of flow (retention time) as a disturbance, connectivity with the main arm, and habitat diversity of the given water body. Most of these factors are determined by the water level fluctuation of the main arm.  相似文献   

A list of 243 Microlepidoptera species found in the territory of the Curonian Spit (both in its Russian and Lithuanian parts), in addition to that in the first part of the present publication (Sinev and Shapoval, 2013), is given: Gelechiidae (33), Tortricidae (138), and Crambidae (72 species). 142 species have been collected in the territory of the “Kurshskaya Kosa” National Park, including 49 species new to the Curonian Spit, 30 species new to Kaliningrad Province and 3 species (Scrobipalpa obsoletella, Scrobipalpa pauperella, and Catoptria osthelderi) new to the fauna of Russia.  相似文献   

Cover of higher plants (in 4 × 4 m plots), groundwater table height, and water chemistry in boreholes were sampled at 43 sites along three cross-sectional transects in a flat floodplain of the Upper Vltava River in the Šumava Mountains (Šumava National Park, Czech Republic). The goal was to describe the relationships between vegetation and alluvial environment. Correlations between hydrochemical and plant community characteristics were calculated, and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was used to express relationships between the abiotic factors and vegetation. The following characteristics were significantly correlated with the vegetation pattern: mean height of the water table, distance from the river, pH, and concentration of NH4 and humic acids in the groundwater. Two distinct zones were distinguished in the floodplain: Zone I was under direct influence of the river, and exhibited higher pH and ammonium content in a fluctuating groundwater table. Zone II, covering more than half of the floodplain extent, was under the prevailing influence of water coming from the adjacent upland, and exhibited lower pH, higher content of humic acids, and a higher and relatively stable groundwater table. A diverse mosaic of the riparian communities, especially of tall-sedge and tall-grass marshes and alluvial meadows, was typical for the former zone, while peatland vegetation characterised the latter one. The floodplain exhibited a rather oligo- to mesotrophic status with only very local eutrophication, and harboured diverse and valuable plant communities. The protection of this floodplain should be among the priorities of the National Park authorities.  相似文献   

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