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The abundant centre hypothesis (ACH) assumes that population abundance, population size, density and per‐capita reproductive output should peak at the centre of a species' geographic range and decline towards the periphery. Increased isolation among and decreased reproductive output within edge populations should reduce within‐population genetic diversity and increase genetic differentiation among edge relative to central populations. The ACH also predicts asymmetrical gene flow, with net movement of migrants from the centre to edges. We evaluated these ecological assumptions and population‐genetic predictions in the endemic flowering plant Leavenworthia stylosa. Although populations were more spatially isolated near range edges, the geographic centre was surrounded by and not coincident with areas of peak population abundance, and plant density increased towards range edges. Per‐capita seed number was not associated with distance to the range centre, but seed number/m2 increased near range edges. In support of ACH predictions, allelic diversity at 12 microsatellite loci declined with distance from the range centre, and pairwise FST values were higher between edge populations than between central populations. Coalescent analyses confirmed that gene flow was most infrequent between edge populations, but there was not an asymmetric pattern of gene flow predicted by the ACH. This study shows that among‐population demographic variability largely did not support the ACH, while patterns of genetic diversity, differentiation and gene flow were generally consistent with its predictions. Such mixed support has frequently been observed in tests of the ACH and raises concerns regarding the generality of this hypothesis for species range limits.  相似文献   

Aim The abundant‐centre hypothesis (ACH) is based on the assumption that physiological constraints limit populations at the edges of their distributional range, yet the geographical variation of physiological performance or life‐history traits has rarely been examined. Here we examine the applicability of the ACH in a marine system by testing whether physiological predictions are reflected in large‐scale variations of life‐history traits. Location The Chilean coast (18°–42° S), encompassing more than 2500 km along the Pacific coast of South America. Methods Five porcelain crab species (Petrolisthes granulosus, Petrolisthes laevigatus, Petrolisthes tuberculatus, Petrolisthes violaceus and Allopetrolisthes angulosus) were sampled on intertidal boulder beaches at 13 sampling sites. For each species and site we evaluated: (1) relative abundance (density), (2) maximum size, (3) size at maturity, (4) sex ratio, (5) proportion of ovigerous females, and (6) presence of recruits. The shape of the spatial distribution of each trait was evaluated statistically against the prediction of four hypothetical models (normal, ramped‐south, ramped‐north and abundant‐edge). Results The relative abundance and life‐history traits showed different spatial patterns among species. Relative abundance (across sites) was fitted by a normal model in only two species. No model fitted the spatial variation in body size and size at first maturity, which showed a slight but monotonic poleward increase in all species. Sex ratio showed a prominent hump‐shaped pattern, with females prevailing in the centre of the ranges and males dominating towards the range boundaries; this pattern was statistically significant in three of the five studied species. The proportion of ovigerous females showed no clear latitudinal trends, and mature individuals were observed across most of the geographical range of the species. However, recruits tended to be absent towards the southern (poleward) boundaries of the distribution. Main conclusions The ACH does not apply to all species equally. The link between abundance and life‐history traits is complex and variable among the porcelain crab species studied. Overall, the observed patterns were consistent with the idea that equatorward boundaries might be controlled by physiological restrictions mainly affecting adult survival, whereas poleward boundaries might be shaped by limitations in reproductive output and larval survival. Our results underline the importance of incorporating ecological, physiological and life‐history studies in future tests of the ACH.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic patterns in wide-ranging species in southern Africa remain largely unexplored, especially in areas north of South Africa. Here, we investigate population structuring, demographic history, and the colonization pattern of the western rock skink (Trachylepis sulcata), a rock-dwelling species with a range extending from southwestern South Africa into Angola. Using 1056 bp from the mitochondrial marker ND2 and > 2.5 kb from three nuclear genes (EXPH5, KIF24, RAG-1), we constructed allele networks, generated extended Bayesian skyline plots and performed population clustering analyses. Analyses of historical demographic patterns show an overall southward range expansion from Northern Namibia into Southern Namibia and South Africa, although we find contrasting genetic breaks across these geographic regions using nuclear and mitochondrial data. We suggest that mtDNA has introgressed across a nuclear break corresponding to the Knersvlakte region of South Africa, a previously proposed biogeographic barrier for rupicolous species. This pattern of mitochondrial variation contrasts sharply to that of other South African taxa previously investigated, which all show significant mtDNA differentiation across the Knersvlakte region. Additionally, while other taxa show divergences dating to the Pliocene, T. sulcata appears to be a recent arrival in southern Africa, having crossed this barrier and colonized South Africa in the mid-Pleistocene. The complex phylogeographic history of T. sulcata corroborates the intricate patterns of genetic variation found in South African taxa and provides novel insight into historical processes affecting species distributed across Namibia.  相似文献   

J. Sneyd Taylor 《Ostrich》2013,84(2):83-85
Summerhayes, C. P., Hofmeyr. P. K. &; Rioux, R. H. 1974. Seabirds off the southwestern coast of Africa. Ostrich 45: 83–109.

The distribution of seabirds off the southwestern coast of Africa was observed during April. May and November, and observed south of Africa in March. Most seabirds off the west coast were concentrated near to the coast or over the edge of the continental shelf. These are sites where forms of upwelling bring water rich in nutrients to the surface of the sea. The most birds were seen in March, April and May, the least in November. Most common over the shelf-edge were, in order of abundance, Blackbrowed Albatross, Cape Hens, Shy Albatross, Yellownosed Albatross, Wilson's Storm Petrels, Cape Gannets, Common/Arctic Terns, and Antarctic Skuas. Seasonal shifts in their ranges and population densities probably reflect the influence of breeding and migration.

Comparable concentrations of seabirds were only seen as the cold, nutrient-rich waters of the Subantarctic were approached south of Africa. Here turbulence breaks up the front of the Subtropical Convergence and, in moving large masses of cold water northwards, provides a “corridor” which Southern Ocean species may follow to reach Africa.

(Contribution No. 2687 of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution).  相似文献   

Despite its economic and social importance for Namibia and South Africa, limited documented information exists regarding key aspects of the biology of deep-water hake, including its life cycle. This study utilizes data collected through the demersal surveys of the R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen in South Africa and F/V Blue Sea 1 in Namibia to describe the migratory patterns of deep-water hake in space and time. Furthermore the study investigates aspects of the life cycle of this important species in the Benguela region. Results show that deep-water hake spawns between the western Agulhas Bank and Elands Bay in South Africa with the main nursery ground between Hondeklip Bay and the northern tip of Orange Banks. Deep-water hake in Namibia (up to the Kunene River) and along the south coast of South Africa (eastwards to Port Alfred) originate from these grounds, and undertake long-range migrations across latitudes and longitudes, respectively. This hypothesis is supported by the finding that spawning has not been observed in Namibia and there are no small juveniles along the South African south coast from the eastern border of the Agulhas Bank. The proposed pattern implies an interconnection between the Namibian and the South African components of the stock and the consequent need for a revision of the present management regime based on the assumption of stocks confined within the respective national jurisdictions. This study has used length frequency distributions in space and time in order to investigate the life cycle, in terms of origin, movement and population structure in particular, an approach that may also be useful for other widely distributed species.  相似文献   

Clinus cottoides is a fish endemic to the coast of South Africa, predominantly inhabiting rock pools. All South African clinids are viviparous, but probably breed throughout the year; as such, their dispersal may be limited, unlike species with pelagic larval stages. We analysed 343 fish from 14 localities on the west, south and east coasts using two mitochondrial genes and the second intron of the S7 ribosomal gene. Mitochondrial DNA analyses recovered significant genetic differentiation between fish populations from the east coast and other sampling locations, with a second break found between Gansbaai and Cape Agulhas on the south coast. Nuclear DNA recovered shallower, but significant, levels of population structure. Coalescent analyses suggested remarkably asymmetrical gene flow between sampling locations, suggesting that the cold Atlantic Benguela Current and Indian Ocean Agulhas counter‐current play important roles in facilitating dispersal. There was no gene flow between the east coast and the other sites, suggesting that these populations are effectively isolated. Divergence times between them were estimated to at least 68 000 years. Neutrality tests and mismatch distributions suggest recent population expansions, with the exception of peripheral western and eastern populations (possibly a consequence of environmental extremes at the edge of the species distribution). Analyses of the current South African marine protected areas network show that it is not connected and that De Hoop, one of South Africa's largest marine reserves, appears to be an important source population of recruits to both the south and southwest coasts.  相似文献   

The research presented here offers new information on the recent evolution of Khoisan populations of southern Africa through the new study of Holocene skeletons. When combined with subfossil and historical remains, these archeological specimens provide a skeletal record for the last 5000–9000 years of southern African prehistory. Multivariate statistical analyses of cranial measurements were used to determine patterns of morphological variation in the skeletal record with which hypotheses of biocultural evolution were tested. These analyses yielded the following results. First, the traditional distinction between Bushmen and Hottentots holds for recent inland individuals. Second, there is a suggestion of a morphologically distinct San population living on the coast of South Africa. The idea of a “Strandloper” population suggested by early scholars is here revived. The third result is that there is little evidence of complete population succession on the coast of South Africa, suggesting that there were no massive population movements associated with the spread of Hottentot pastoralism throughout southern Africa.  相似文献   

Only three mainland sites are known among the total 27 breeding colonies of the African Penguin, Spheniscus demersus: two in South Africa and one in Namibia. The latter is a unique cave site near the northern extreme of the species' range on the edge of the Namib Desert. To determine the colony size, long-term viability and any difference in breeding ecology relative to more southern sites we combined data from previous visits to the site with four visits in 2001. We found that about 240 to 300 birds use the Sylvia Hill cave, and about 90 nests are active with a laying peak in January. Eggs are laid on top of guano mounds not in burrows as is usual for this species. Smaller clutches (1.68 eggs/nest) but larger broods (x = 1.31 chicks/nest) were apparent in this colony than those farther south. Larger mean clutches farther south suggest a latitudinal trend in clutch size for Namibia's penguins. We found no evidence for a population decline over 17 years, and thus no evidence that birds at the periphery of their range moved southwards into core areas. We conclude that the colony is healthy and thriving despite a general decline in penguin numbers in southern Africa.  相似文献   

In this study we revise the biogeographic delimitation, and large-scale patterns of community structure of the intertidal rocky shores of southern Africa. We use binary (presence/absence) and per-species biomass data collected at fifteen localities and thirty-seven different rocky sites, encompassing the shores of southern Namibia, South Africa and southern Mozambique. Multivariate analyses revealed that the shores of southern Africa (south of 25°) can be divided into three main biogeographic provinces: the west coast or Namaqua province, the south coast or Agulhas province and the east coast or Natal province. The biomass structure of the intertidal rocky shores communities of southern Africa varied at a large scale, corresponding to biogeographic differences, while local-scale variation accorded with the intensity of local wave action. The average biomass of west coast communities was on average significantly greater than that of the south and east provinces. At a local scale, the community biomass on exposed shores was an order of magnitude greater than on sheltered shores, within all biogeographic provinces. Semi-exposed shores exhibited intermediate average biomass. The trophic structure of these communities varied significantly with wave action: autotrophs, filter-feeders and invertebrate predators were more prevalent on wave exposed than sheltered shores, whereas grazers were more abundant on sheltered and semi-exposed shores. Exposed shores were consistently dominated by far fewer species than semi-exposed and sheltered shores, independently of biogeographic differences. Within all biogeographic provinces semi-exposed and sheltered shores were more diverse than exposed shores. West coast intertidal communities therefore had high levels of biomass, but were consistently species-poor. Several working hypotheses that could explain these large and small-scale patterns are presented.  相似文献   

Mangroves are species of halophytic intertidal trees and shrubs derived from tropical genera and are likely delimited in latitudinal range by varying sensitivity to cold. There is now sufficient evidence that mangrove species have proliferated at or near their poleward limits on at least five continents over the past half century, at the expense of salt marsh. Avicennia is the most cold‐tolerant genus worldwide, and is the subject of most of the observed changes. Avicennia germinans has extended in range along the USA Atlantic coast and expanded into salt marsh as a consequence of lower frost frequency and intensity in the southern USA. The genus has also expanded into salt marsh at its southern limit in Peru, and on the Pacific coast of Mexico. Mangroves of several species have expanded in extent and replaced salt marsh where protected within mangrove reserves in Guangdong Province, China. In south‐eastern Australia, the expansion of Avicennia marina into salt marshes is now well documented, and Rhizophora stylosa has extended its range southward, while showing strong population growth within estuaries along its southern limits in northern New South Wales. Avicennia marina has extended its range southwards in South Africa. The changes are consistent with the poleward extension of temperature thresholds coincident with sea‐level rise, although the specific mechanism of range extension might be complicated by limitations on dispersal or other factors. The shift from salt marsh to mangrove dominance on subtropical and temperate shorelines has important implications for ecological structure, function, and global change adaptation.  相似文献   

Distributional change, expressed as range expansion or contraction , has been observed in many marine populations and related to changes in the environment. The extent of such distributional changes is also expected to increase in response to future climate change. The Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME) which adjoins the south-western coast of Africa is a global marine hotspot with long-term warming occurring over a large area. The area is also an important centre of marine food production for three countries—South Africa, Namibia and Angola and is considered to be vulnerable to future climate change or increased climate variability. In this study we analysed change in distribution and range size of several demersal fish species in the BCLME over the period 1985–2010, including both commercial and non-commercial fish populations. Some of the observed changes in distribution and range size correspond to what is expected with increased warming whereas others appear to the contrary. Overall the results of the study highlight the complex nature of the response of fish population to climate change.  相似文献   

R. K. Brooke 《Ostrich》2013,84(3):164-169
Crawford, R. J. M., Cooper, J. &; Shelton, P. A. 1982. Distribution, population size, breeding and conservation of the Kelp Gull in southern Africa. Ostrich 53:164:177.

The Kelp Gull Lams dominicanus in Africa occurs coastally between Luanda, Angola and Delagoa Bay, Moçmbique. It breeds between Cape Cross Lagoon, South West Africa/Namibia and Riet River, eastern Cape, South Africa. Censuses of nests and breeding birds at all known southern African breeding localities in the period 1976–1981 indicated that 11 199 pairs bred at 52 localities; 79.5% of this population occurred in South Africa, 57,1% in the Saldanha Bay to Dassen Island region, southwestern Cape. Of the breeding pairs 83% occurred on offshore islands and rocks. Colony size at islands is related to their surface area andMayalso be influenced by food availability and the level of human disturbance. The species breeds in a wide variety of habitats ranging from cliffs and rock stacks to wooden platforms, lowlying vegetation among sand dunes and estuarine sandbars. Any available material is used in the construction of nests, whichMaybe as dense as 4/m2 Clutch size is 2–3 eggs. In 1978 breeding took place earlier in South Africa than in South West Africa/Namibia. 92% of the population breeds m sites which are legally protected. Kelp Gulls have decreased or increased in numbers at some breeding localities but there is no clear overall trend. Any increases in colony size near urban areasMayresult in added airstrike hazards.  相似文献   

Variation in the abundance, distribution and size of four species of mangrove littorinid gastropods (genus Littoraria) was investigated using a nested sampling design at different spatial scales along the East African coast, from Tanzania to South Africa. Littorinid abundance and diversity decreased abruptly south of Inhaca Island at the southern end of the study area. All species presented a large-scale spatial variation in abundance, with L. subvittata showing the greatest abundance while L. intermedia was rare. Littoraria scabra and L. intermedia were found mainly at the seaward edge of the forests. Littoraria subvittata increased in abundance in the middle of the forest and towards the landward side. Littoraria pallescens occurred mainly at the seaward edge and in the middle areas in the Rhizophora zone. These small-scale variations show contrasting specific distribution patterns within the mangrove, likely reflecting different tolerances to physical factors and biological interactions. All species appeared decreased in shell height from north to south. Littoraria scabra was always significantly larger than other species at all mangrove study sites. Handling editor: P. Viaroli  相似文献   

The Damara Tern Sterna balaenarum is a rare, near-endemic breeder along the southwestern coast of Africa. Found predominantly in Namibia, its world population was once believed to be 4000 birds. Population surveys in the northern Namib Desert have recently estimated that 12,000 adults exist. The aims of this study were to (1) determine the population status along the southern coast, thereby completing Namibian surveys, (2) assess latitudinal trends (over 10̀) in relation to ocean upwellings for the entire coast and (3) determine breeding habitat preferences. This was completed in 1994 and 1996 using random sampling techniques. Survey squares of 1 km2, randomly plotted on 1:50,000 maps, were located in the desert with a Global Positioning System (GPS) unit and searched for breeding terns. A total of 1780 km2 was sampled in the southern desert and extrapolations indicated that about 1450 adult terns occur in this region. This gives a global population estimate of 13,500 adult Damara Terns. Significant habitat preferences were apparent with terns nesting most often on gravel plains in the north but switching to salt pans in the south. Lower salt pan temperatures in the south may account for these trends. The peak density was in central areas (23|dGS) with a decreasing density north and south along Namibia's 1470 km-coast. This is parallel to recent findings for linear shorebird densities and macro-invertebrate density. This suggests that primary productivity of the Benguela is highest in the central regions and not where the upwellings occur 400 km south. We propose a delayed blooming effect to account for these trends and conclude that this diminutive tern is influenced in many aspects of its life history by Namibia's cold offshore upwellings.  相似文献   

Many plant and animal species have higher densities at the centre of their distribution, with a gradual decline in abundance towards the edge of the range, though reasons for this pattern is not well known. We examined the abundance of the leaf miner Cameraria sp. nova over the range of its host plant Quercus myrtifolia in Florida and addressed how bottom-up and top-down factors varied over its whole distribution. Leaf miner densities, plant quality and natural enemy effects on mine survivorship were evaluated in 40 sites and spatially structured models were used to determine the effects of spatial location on the abundance of Cameraria and effects of both bottom-up (tannin concentration, foliar nitrogen, soil nitrogen, and leaf area) and top-down factors (larval parasitism and predation) on abundance and survivorship. Cameraria mines were, on average, three times more abundant on edge/coastal sites compared to centre/inland sites and did not support the hypothesis of higher abundance on the centre of the distribution. Differences in plant quality, larval parasitism and successful emergence of mines on edge versus central sites might be partially responsible for this finding. A trend surface equation with latitude and longitude combined explained almost 52% of the variation in Cameraria density and a trend surface map also revealed peaks of Cameraria abundance on the edges of the plant distribution. Correlograms also indicated a significant spatial structure of Cameraria as mines were positively spatially autocorrelated at small distances (≈122 km). Partial regression analyses indicated that 69% of the variation in Cameraria abundance was explained by the effects of latitude, longitude, elevation and percentage of foliar nitrogen. Our results indicated that variation in Cameraria abundance was mostly explained by spatial position and significant effects of bottom-up and top-down factors were not detected in our large-scale study.  相似文献   

Nine species of Teloschisies are recorded from the area and details of their morphology (including considerable ecotypic variation) and distribution are given. All species are illustrated. All relevant type specimens were examined. Four species ( T. chry-sophthalmus, T. exilis, T. flavicans and T. hypoglaucus ) are common in this part of Africa and are also widely distributed elsewhere. T. perrugosus , whose taxonomy has been revised, seems to be endemic to central and southern Africa. T. capensis and T. puber are well-defined endemics of the Atlantic coast in South Africa and Namibia, whereas T. chrysocarpoides occurs in Namibia only. T. pulvinaris , now established as a distinct species, is known only from the type locality in Cape Province.  相似文献   

Species around the world are shifting their ranges in response to climate change. To make robust predictions about climate‐related colonizations and extinctions, it is vital to understand the dynamics of range edges. This study is among the first to examine annual dynamics of cold and warm range edges, as most global change studies average observational data over space or over time. We analyzed annual range edge dynamics of marine fishes—both at the individual species level and pooled into cold‐ and warm‐edge assemblages—in a multi‐decade time‐series of trawl surveys conducted on the Northeast US Shelf during a period of rapid warming. We tested whether cold edges show stronger evidence of climate tracking than warm edges (due to non‐climate processes or time lags at the warm edge; the biogeography hypothesis or extinction debt hypothesis), or whether they tracked temperature change equally (due to the influence of habitat suitability; the ecophysiology hypothesis). In addition to exploring correlations with regional temperature change, we calculated species‐ and assemblage‐specific sea bottom and sea surface temperature isotherms and used them to predict range edge position. Cold edges shifted further and tracked sea surface and bottom temperature isotherms to a greater degree than warm edges. Mixed‐effects models revealed that for a one‐degree latitude shift in isotherm position, cold edges shifted 0.47 degrees of latitude, and warm edges shifted only 0.28 degrees. Our results suggest that cold range edges are tracking climate change better than warm range edges, invalidating the ecophysiology hypothesis. We also found that even among highly mobile marine ectotherms in a global warming hotspot, few species are fully keeping pace with climate.  相似文献   

Cooper, J., Brooke, R.K., Cyrus, D.P., Martin, A.P., Taylor, R.H. & Williams, A.J. 1992. Distribution, population size and conservation of the Caspian Tern Sterna caspia in southern Africa. Ostrich 63: 58–67.

The Caspian Tern Sterna caspia occurs along the whole southern African coastline and on large river systems and water bodies away from the coast. A total of 28 definite breeding localities has been recorded in southern Africa. Breeding has occurred recently at at least 14 coastal localities between Swakopmund, Namibia, and Lake St Lucia, Natal, South Africa. Inland breeding has been recorded in recent years at Sua Pan, Botswana and Kalkfonteindam, Orange Free State, South Africa. Based on censuses conducted between 1980 and 1991, the southern African breeding population is estimated to be of the order of 500 pairs, 91% of which breed coastally and 89% breed on islands. Up to 290 pairs (58%) bred at Lake St Lucia. Seventyone per cent of the 1980–1991 breeding population falls within eight nature reserves. Conservation of the Caspian Tern in southern Africa requires protection at breeding localities, including commercial salt and soda ash extraction works, against the effects of changing water levels, human disturbance and predation. Pesticide levels of addled and abandoned eggs should be measured at selected breeding localities.  相似文献   

Brooke, R.K., Allan, D.G., Cooper, J., Cyrus, D.P., Dean, W.R.J., Dyer, B.M., Martin, A.P. & Taylor, R.H. 1999. Breeding distribution, population size and conservation of the Greyheaded Gull Larus cirrocephalus in southern Africa. Ostrich 70 (3&4): 157–163.

The Greyheaded Gull Larus cirrocephalus occurs throughout southern Africa, both coastally and inland, and has bred at one time or another at 67 known localities since the 1860s. Most of these sites have been occupied by small numbers of birds, even single pairs, and for only one or a few years. The two principal breeding areas are the East Rand in Gauteng and Lake St Lucia in KwaZulu-Natal, both in South Africa. The next most important sites are Walvis Bay, Namibia and Lake Ngami, Botswana. The total southern African breeding population is estimated as about 2000 pairs. The Greyheaded Gull is not a threatened species in southern Africa, with 27 breeding sites supporting more than half the breeding population within formally conserved areas.  相似文献   

The Namaqua sandgrouse, Pterocles namaqua, is a highly nomadic granivore of semiarid to arid habitats. As a result of nomadic movements in response to rainfall, the size of the breeding population in any one area fluctuates dramatically between breeding seasons. This high mobility in response to spatial and temporal abundance of food resources is expected to result in little population genetic structuring. Namaqua sandgrouse also shows a seasonally predictable partial migration between the southeast and northwest regions of South Africa, and a further possible north-south migration between southwestern South Africa and central Namibia. It is unclear whether birds migrating between these regions breed in only one or both regions. If populations breed in only one region of their migratory range, then population genetic structuring is predicted to occur. This study addresses Namaqua sandgrouse movements with the analysis of mitochondrial DNA control region sequences. In general, little population genetic structure was evident, yet strong signals of population growth were detected. Several populations have private alleles, which is in direct contradiction to the spatial genetic pattern expected under high levels of gene flow. We suggest that the inference of high levels of female gene flow could be an artifact of population growth and that additional loci will allow a greater understanding of Namaqua sandgrouse movements.  相似文献   

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