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The habitat use and seasonal migratory pattern of birds in Ethiopia is less explored as compared to diversity studies. To this end, this study aimed at investigating the patterns of distribution related to seasonality and the effect of habitat characteristics (elevation, slope, and average vegetation height) on habitat use of birds of Wondo Genet Forest Patch. A stratified random sampling design was used to assess the avian fauna across the four dominant habitat types found in the study area: natural forest, wooded grassland, grassland, and agroforestry land. A point transect count was employed to investigate avian species richness and abundance per habitat type per season. Ancillary data, such as elevation above sea level, latitude and longitude, average vegetation height, and percent slope inclination, were recorded with a GPS and clinometers per plot. A total of 33 migratory bird species were recorded from the area, of which 20 species were northern (Palearctic) migrants while 13 were inter‐African migrants. There was a significant difference in the mean abundance of migratory bird species between dry and wet seasons (t = 2.13, p = .038, df = 44). The variation in mean abundance per plot between the dry and wet seasons in the grassland habitat was significant (t = 2.35, p = .051, df = 7). In most habitat types during both dry and wet seasons, omnivore birds were the most abundant. While slope was a good predictor for bird species abundance in the dry season, altitude and average vegetation height accounted more in the wet season. The patch of forest and its surrounding is an important bird area for migratory, endemic, and global threatened species. Hence, it is conservation priority area, and the study suggests that conservation coupled with ecotourism development is needed for its sustainability.  相似文献   

Invertebrates have a low public profile and are seriously underrepresented in global conservation efforts. The promotion of flagship species is one way to generate interest in invertebrate conservation. Butterflies are frequently labeled invertebrate flagships, but clear definitions of the conservation actions they are meant to catalyze, and empirical assessments of their popularity amongst non-Western audiences are lacking. To improve the use of invertebrate flagships, we examine how butterflies compare with other taxa in terms of popularity. We then identify characteristics of individual species that are appealing and explore whether these may be used to derive a set of guidelines for selecting invertebrate flagships. We conducted questionnaire-based surveys amongst two target audiences: rural residents (n = 255) and tourists (n = 105) in northeast India. Invertebrates that were aesthetically appealing, or those that provided material benefits or ecological services were liked. Butterflies were the most popular group for both audiences, followed by dragonflies, honeybees and earthworms. A combination of large size and bright colours led to high popularity of individual species, whilst butterflies with unique features were liked by tourists but not rural residents. These results provide empirical evidence that butterflies appeal to diverse audiences and have the potential to be deployed as flagships in different contexts. However, prior to promoting invertebrate flagships, their intended uses need to be specified. Here we define an invertebrate flagship as an invertebrate species or group that resonates with a target audience and stimulates awareness, funding, research and policy support for the conservation of invertebrate diversity. In conclusion we outline a set of heuristic guidelines for selecting flagships to raise awareness of invertebrate diversity and conservation.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the floral diversity of the Lagos coastal environments by sampling 21 points using the quadrat method. The study revealed two major aquatic ecosystem types (mangrove and freshwater swamp) and recorded 125 species belonging to 108 genera and 49 families. While Alchornea cordifolia and Raphia hookeri were found as the most frequent, Acalypha crenata and Acrostichum aureum were the least abundant species. The highest and lowest species-rich locations were Unilag (n = 125 species) and Abule Osun (n = 2 species), respectively. The vegetation structure of the LCE is dominated by herbaceous species. Our findings provide insights on the flora diversity of the LCE, and a guideline for the effective conservation of near-threatened species such as Nauclea diderrichii and Mitragyna stipulosa in this coastal ecosystem is presented.  相似文献   

Conservation umbrellas are charismatic species, the conservation of which also conserves the high diversity of associated plants and animals. The Large Blue butterfly, Phengaris [Maculinea] arion (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae), is a textbook example of a charismatic endangered invertebrate, intensively studied throughout Europe and protected by the EU Habitat Directive. While surveying P. arion at the westernmost outskirts of the Carpathians (Javorniky and Vsetinske Mts.), within a stronghold of the species in the Czech Republic, we asked whether occupied sites differed from unoccupied ones in the composition of vascular plants and butterfly assemblages. The occupied sites (n = 65) were small pastures, including abandoned ones, with S to W exposure, located on rugged terrain and displaying a high microtopographic heterogeneity; the unoccupied sites (n = 101) were typically mown or intensively grazed. The vegetation of occupied sites was characteristic for non-intensive submountain pasture, butterfly assemblages were species richer, contained more specialised species, and significantly higher proportion of red-listed species. P. arion thus may act as an umbrella for a high number of species associated with traditional land use in the study area and elsewhere. Its survival will depend on the continuation of small-scale land use varying in space and time, and can be threatened by uniformisation of management, even if practised under the guise of agri-environmental payments.  相似文献   

为探索三亚沿海地区(自东向西)从滨海雨林过渡到半落叶季雨林、落叶季雨林的物种多样性及种间关系的变化趋势.该文采用植物群落学调查方法对三种植被类型进行群落调查,进一步使用物种丰富度指数(dGL)、Shannon-Wiener指数(H)、Simpson指数(P)和Pielou均匀度指数(E)来表征各植被类型的物种多样性水平...  相似文献   

Many animals aggregate into organized temporary or stable groups under the influence of biotic and abiotic factors, and some studies have shown the influence of habitat features on animal aggregation. This study, conducted from 2002 to 2004 in the Dzanga-Ndoki National Park, Central African Republic, studied a herd of forest buffaloes (Syncerus caffer nanus) to determine whether spatial aggregation patterns varied by season and habitat. Our results show that both habitat structure and season influenced spatial aggregation patterns. In particular, in open habitats such as clearings, the group covered a larger area when resting and was more rounded in shape compared to group properties noted in forest during the wet season. Moreover, forest buffaloes had a more aggregated spatial distribution when resting in clearings than when in the forest, and individual positions within the herd in the clearing habitat varied with age and sex. In the clearings, the adult male (n = 24) was generally, on most occasions, located in the centre of the herd (n = 20), and he was observed at the border only four times. In contrast, females (n = 80) occupied intermediate (n = 57), peripheral (n = 14) and central positions (n = 9) within the group. Juveniles (n = 77) also occurred in intermediate (n = 64) and peripheral positions (n = 13). Based on these results, we concluded that habitat characteristics and social behaviour can have relevant effects on the spatial distribution of animals within a group.  相似文献   

The role of ecotourism in conservation: panacea or Pandora’s box?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Does ecotourism contribute towards conservation of threatened species and habitats or is it just a marketing ploy of the tourism industry? Using 251 case studies on ecotourism from the literature, I looked at the distribution of case studies over continents, habitats and flagship species types and what factors influenced whether an ecotourism regime was perceived as ecologically sustainable by authors. Over 50% of ecotourism case studies were reported from Africa and Central America. The overall distribution of ecotourism case studies did not reflect vertebrate endemism, nor overall tourism distribution in terms of tourist numbers and receipts. There were significant differences between continents and habitats with regard to the proportion of sustainable case studies: ecotourism is perceived to be less sustainable in South America and Asia, and in island and mountain habitats. The type of flagship species also influenced whether ecotourism was classified as sustainable or not: ecotourism with no flagship species was rarely classified as sustainable while charismatic bird and mammal species were associated with a higher probability of sustainability. In a multivariate analysis, flagship species type and local community involvement were important predictors of sustainability in ecotourism. Detailed a priori planning, local involvement and control measures were perceived by authors of case studies to increase the success of ecotourism in conservation. They also perceived that ecotourism can only be an effective conservation tool under certain conditions. If these are met, the evidence indicates that ecotourism can make a contribution to conservation.  相似文献   

Animal host–microbe interactions are a relevant concern for wildlife conservation, particularly regarding generalist pathogens, where domestic host species can play a role in the transmission of infectious agents, such as viruses, to wild animals. Knowledge on viral circulation in wild host species is still scarce and can be improved by the recent advent of modern molecular approaches. We aimed to characterize the fecal virome and identify viruses of potential conservation relevance of diarrheic free‐ranging wolves and sympatric domestic dogs from Central Portugal, where a small and threatened wolf population persists in a highly anthropogenically modified landscape. Using viral metagenomics, we screened diarrheic stools collected from wolves (n = 8), feral dogs (n = 4), and pet dogs (n = 6), all collected within wolf range. We detected novel highly divergent viruses as well as known viral pathogens with established effects on population dynamics, including canine distemper virus, a novel bocavirus, and canine minute virus. Furthermore, we performed a 4‐year survey for the six wolf packs comprising this endangered wolf population, screening 93 fecal samples from 36 genetically identified wolves for canine distemper virus and the novel bocavirus, previously identified using our metagenomics approach. Our novel approach using metagenomics for viral screening in noninvasive samples of wolves and dogs has profound implications on the knowledge of both virology and wildlife diseases, establishing a complementary tool to traditional screening methods for the conservation of threatened species.  相似文献   

Information on site fidelity and ranging patterns of wild animals is critical to understand how they use their environment and guide conservation and management strategies. Delphinids show a wide variety of site fidelity and ranging patterns. Between September 2013 and October 2015, we used boat‐based surveys, photographic identification, biopsy sampling, clustering analysis, and geographic information systems to determine the site‐fidelity patterns and representative ranges of southern Australian bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops cf. australis) inhabiting the inner area of Coffin Bay, a highly productive inverse estuary located within Thorny Passage Marine Park, South Australia. Agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) of individuals’ site‐fidelity index and sighting rates indicated that the majority of dolphins within the inner area of Coffin Bay are “regular residents” (n = 125), followed by “occasional residents” (n = 28), and “occasional visitors” (n = 26). The low standard distance deviation indicated that resident dolphins remained close to their main center of use (range = 0.7–4.7 km, X ± SD = 2.3 ± 0.9 km). Representative ranges of resident dolphins were small (range = 3.9–33.5 km2, X ± SD = 15.2 ± 6.8 km2), with no significant differences between males and females (Kruskal–Wallis, χ2 = 0.426, = .808). The representative range of 56% of the resident dolphins was restricted to a particular bay within the study area. The strong site fidelity and restricted ranging patterns among individuals could be linked to the high population density of this species in the inner area of Coffin Bay, coupled with differences in social structure and feeding habits. Our results emphasize the importance of productive habitats as a major factor driving site fidelity and restricted movement patterns in highly mobile marine mammals and the high conservation value of the inner area of Coffin Bay for southern Australian bottlenose dolphins.  相似文献   

Habitat restoration is an integral feature of wildlife conservation. However, funding and opportunities for habitat restoration are limited, and therefore, it is useful for targeted restoration to provide positive outcomes for non‐target species. Here, we investigate the possibility of habitat creation and management benefitting two threatened wetland specialists: the Green and Golden Bell Frog (Litoria aurea) and the Large‐footed Myotis (Myotis macropus). This study involved two components: (i) assessing co‐occurrence patterns of these species in a wetland complex created for the Green and Golden Bell Frog (n = 9) using counts, and (ii) comparing foraging activity of Large‐footed Myotis in wetlands with low and high aquatic vegetation (n = 6 and 7, respectively) using echolocation metres. Since Large‐footed Myotis possesses a unique foraging behaviour of trawling for aquatic prey, we hypothesised that foraging activity of this species would be higher in wetlands with low aquatic vegetation coverage. Additionally, we provide observations of its potential prey items. We identified one created wetland where both species were found in relatively high numbers, and this wetland had a permanent hydrology, was free of the introduced fish Gambusia (Gambusia holbrooki) and had low aquatic vegetation coverage. We also found that Myotis feeding activity was significantly higher in low aquatic vegetation coverage wetlands (x? = 65.72 ± 27.56 SE) compared to high (x? = 0.33 ± 0.33 SE, P = 0.0000). Although this is a preliminary study, it seems likely that Green and Golden Bell Frog and Large‐footed Myotis would gain mutual benefit from wetlands that are constructed to be permanent, that are Gambusia free, low in aquatic vegetation coverage, and are located in close to suitable roosting habitat for Large‐footed Myotis. We encourage adaptive aquatic vegetation removal for Green and Golden Bell frog as this may have benefits for Large‐footed Myotis. The evidence suggests that the former may be a suitable umbrella species for the latter.  相似文献   

The ecology and conservation status of Central Asian populations of Montagu’s Harriers Circus pygargus are poorly known. We studied the breeding biology of this species during 3 years in the Naurzum region, north-central Kazakhstan. Most Montagu’s Harriers in the study area nested in the forest-steppe transition area, in bushy areas dominated by dogrose Rosa canina, which was apparently the nesting vegetation type providing highest and densest nest cover in the study area. Laying occurred from 26 April to 7 June (average 13 May, n = 49) and, although it varied significantly between years, was earlier than in western European populations of similar latitude. Mean (±SD) clutch size was 4.44 ± 0.86 (range 2–6; n = 50), in the higher range observed for the species. There was no significant interannual variation in clutch size, despite large variations in the abundance of small mammals in the area. Diet was mainly composed of lizards (54.2%, n = 533 identified prey in all 3 years), with small mammals (17.1%), passerine birds (14.3%) and insects (13.6%) also being consumed. Mean brood size at the last visit was 2.55 ± 2.10 (range 0–6; n = 51). Failure rate was relatively high; the main identified cause of nest failure was predation. We compare the data obtained in this population breeding in natural steppes with breeding parameters from the well-studied western European populations, and discuss the implications for the conservation of this species.  相似文献   

Blackberry anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum spp., is an important disease of cultivated blackberry in the world. In Colombia, it is the number one limiting factor for commercial production. This study was conducted to determine the species of Colletotrichum infecting blackberry plants as well as the organ distribution, pathogenicity and response to benomyl of the isolated strains. Sixty isolates from stems (n = 20), thorns (n = 20) and inflorescences (n = 20) were identified as Colletotrichum acutatum and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides by a species‐specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Both Colletotrichum species were found in the same plant but on different organs. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides species predominated in thorn lesions (n = 16) and C. acutatum in stems (n = 15) and inflorescence (n = 15). Pathogenicity assays on detached blackberry organs demonstrated differences between the two species with an average period of lesion development of 8.7 days for C. gloeosporioides and 10.3 days for C. acutatum. Wound inoculated organs had 90% disease development compared to 17.5% in non‐wounded. All C. acutatum isolates (n = 34) were benomyl tolerant, whereas C. gloeosporioides isolates (n = 26) were 30.7% sensitive and 69.2% moderately tolerant. Phylogenetic analysis with ITS sequences of a subset of 18 strains showed that strains classified as Cgloeosporioides had 100% identity to Colletotrichum kahawae, which belongs to the C. gloeosporioides species complex, whereas C. acutatum strains clustered into two different groups, with high similarity to the A2 and the A4 molecular groups. These data demonstrate for the first time the differential distribution of both species complexes in blackberry plant organs and further clarifies the taxonomy of the strains.  相似文献   

Four arthropod datasets of different taxonomic detail were compared on their discriminatory power for various environmental characteristics in a lowland floodplain area along the river Rhine. The arthropod datasets comprised ground-dwelling arthropods at class-order level (n = 10), beetle families (n = 32), ground beetle genera (n = 30) and ground beetle species (n = 68). Environmental characteristics included vegetation characteristics, hydro-topographic setting, physical–chemical soil properties and soil contamination levels. Relations between arthropod assemblages and environmental factors were assessed with variance partitioning: a multivariate statistical approach that attributes variation in community composition to specific explaining variables. The variance partitioning showed comparable results for the four datasets. A substantial part of the variation (31–38%) could be ascribed to vegetation characteristics. Variance could further be attributed to physical–chemical soil properties (7–10%), hydro-topographic setting (3–7%) and soil metal contamination (2–4%). Thus, in strongly heterogeneous landscapes like lowland river floodplains, relatively coarse taxonomic data can already provide a valuable indication of the relative importance of different environmental factors for structuring arthropod communities. However, the ground beetles showed a higher specificity for different vegetation types and a more distinct relation to soil contamination levels than the other arthropod datasets. Hence, a higher degree of taxonomic detail will be beneficial for investigating the consequences of for example environmental pollution or vegetation characteristics in terms of taxonomic diversity or community composition.  相似文献   

Vegetation of arid and semiarid environments has in general a patchy distribution. Our objective was to (a) determine several qualitative and quantitative analytical characteristics of vegetation patches in an arid zone of Patagonia, Argentina, and (b) investigate relationships between them. Annual precipitation in this area was 200 mm during 1999–2005. Eight transects involving ten patches each were studied within a 15 × 15 km area. Mean (±1 SE) values (n = 80) in the vegetation patches were 315 ± 25 and 207 ± 16 cm for the greatest and lowest patch diameter, respectively; 23 ± 2 cm for mound height; 113 ± 12 cm for maximum vegetation height; and 170 ± 18 cm and 58 ± 2% for distance to the next vegetation patch and vegetation patch cover within a transect, respectively. Correlations between greatest and lowest diameters, mound height, maximum plant height and distance to the closest vegetation patch were all significant (P < 0.01; n = 80). In all vegetation patches, the greatest and lowest frequencies were found for the grass Stipa spp. (71.2%) and the shrub Grindelia chiloensis (Cornel.) Cabrera (12.5%). Stipa spp. and the shrub Atriplex lampa (Moq.) D. Dietr. showed the highest simultaneous frequency (50%). A reasonable association among species (>45%) was found for Stipa spp., Atriplex lampa and the shrubs Larrea divaricata Cav., Lycium chilense Miers ex Bertero and Junellia ligustrina (Lag.) Moldenke. Larrea divaricata and Atriplex lampa contributed more than 84% of the total patch standing crop (5,777 ± 435 g). Average patch size and specific diversity were 5.93 ± 0.33 m2 and 1.31 ± 0.11, respectively. Aboveground standing crop of the two dominant shrubs decreased as plant species diversity increased (P < 0.05). Conservation of vegetation patches is crucial to prevent increased soil erosion and desertification in the study ecological system.  相似文献   

Four species of pagophilic phocid seals in the Western Arctic—bearded (Erignathus barbatus), ringed (Phoca hispida), ribbon (Phoca fasciata), and spotted (Phoca largha)—are particularly vulnerable to arctic warming trends. Documenting diet composition over time is one way in which the flexibility of a species, in the face of broad ecosystem changes, can be measured. Because the fatty acid (FA) composition of depot lipids has long been known to reflect diet, we analysed the FA composition of blubber samples collected from bearded (n = 30), ringed (n = 15), ribbon (n = 32) and spotted seals (n = 24). All animals were taken near Little Diomede Island in May and June 2003, providing a unique opportunity to study interspecies differences with minimal effects of spatial and temporal variation. Bearded seal FA composition was significantly different from all other seals (P < 0.001 in all cases), ringed seal FA composition was significantly different from that of both ribbon and spotted seals (P < 0.001), but ribbon and spotted seal FA compositions could not be distinguished from each other. Overall, the blubber FA compositions of ribbon, ringed and spotted seals implied diets dominated by pelagic prey. Inferences we made about current diets of bearded and ringed seals suggest that certain prey important to them in this area in the 1970s remain important today, despite notable changes in the ecosystem. We believe that blubber FA analysis will be a useful tool in assessing the response of ice-associated pinnipeds and their ecosystem to changes associated with arctic warming.  相似文献   

The threatened California Black Rail lives under dense marsh vegetation, is rarely observed, flies weakly and has a highly disjunct distribution. The largest population of rails is found in 8–10 large wetlands in San Francisco Bay (SF Bay), but a population was recently discovered in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains (Foothills), within a wetland network comprised of over 200 small marshes. Using microsatellite and mitochondrial analyses, our objectives were to determine the origins, connectivity and demography of this recently-discovered population. Analyses of individuals from the Foothills (n = 31), SF Bay (n = 31), the Imperial Valley (n = 6) and the East Coast (n = 3), combined with rigorous power evaluations, provided valuable insights into past history and current dynamics of the species in Northern California that challenge conventional wisdom about the species. The Foothills and SF Bay populations have diverged strongly from the Imperial Valley population, even more strongly than from individuals of the East Coast subspecies. The data also suggest a historical presence of the species in the Foothills. The SF Bay and Foothills populations had similar estimated effective population size over the areas sampled and appeared linked by a strongly asymmetrical migration pattern, with a greater probability of movement from the Foothills to SF Bay than vice versa. Random mating was inferred in the Foothills, but local substructure among marshes and inbreeding were detected in SF Bay, suggesting different dispersal patterns within each location. The unexpected dimensions of Black Rail demography and population structure suggested by these analyses and their potential importance for management are discussed.  相似文献   

During serological surveillance of peste des petits ruminants (PPR) disease, it required capture of randomly selected herds of gazelles as part of a study to determine the epidemiological role of these species in the circulation of peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV). The study targeted capturing 135 Grant's gazelles (Gazella granti) from the Serengeti ecosystem, Tanzania. A modified netting technique was used aiming at providing safe, efficient and cost‐effective method for capture of gazelles. Locally available materials were used, and wildlife professionals guided the process of manufacturing supporting frame for the nets. Twenty (20) black metal pipes, 20 metal bars, four nets and three vehicles were used in the procedure. A total of 136 Grant's gazelles and nine Thomson's gazelles were captured in three missions. The Grant's gazelles were captured as per sample size calculated in all locations: Loliondo (n = 25), Serengeti National Park (n = 44) and Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) (n = 67) using less time and minimum cost than estimated. Injuries of three fawns (2%) inadvertently captured with the groups of adults and sub‐adult animals were recorded. Comparing with 2014 and other studies, modified netting technique showed high animal and operator safety levels with minimal injuries. With this technique, it was possible to capture even flighty animals that behave nervously because of hunting and other human activities, including Thomson's gazelles, a species previously found to be difficult to capture by netting.  相似文献   

While there is agreement that both habitat quality and habitat network characteristics (such as patch size and isolation) contribute to the occupancy of patches by any given species, the relative importance of these factors is under debate. This issue is of fundamental ecological importance, and moreover of special concern for conservation biologists aiming at preserving endangered species. Against this background we investigated patch occupancy in the violet copper Lycaena helle, one of the rarest butterfly species in Central Europe, in the Westerwald area (Rhineland-Palatinate, Western Germany). Occupied (n = 102) differed from vacant (n = 128) patches in altitude, size, connectivity, availability of wind shelter, in the abundance of the larval host-plant, in the abundance of a grass species indicating favorable habitat conditions and in the abundance of nitrophilous plants. Overall, patch occupancy was primarily determined by patch size, connectivity and the abundance of the larval host plant, while all other parameters of habitat quality were of subordinate importance. Therefore, our findings suggest that even for extremely sedentary species such as L. helle habitat networks are decisive and—next to the preservation of habitat quality—need to be an integral part of any conservation management for this species.  相似文献   

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