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In order to identify the effects of soil properties on the transfer of Cd from soil to wheat under actual field conditions, 126 pairs of topsoil and wheat samples were collected from the Yangtze River delta region, China. Relevant parameters (Cd, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, N, P, K, S, pH, total organic carbon, and speciation of soil Cd) in soil and wheat tissues were analyzed, and the results were treated by statistical methods. Soil samples (19.8%) and 14.3% of the wheat grain samples exceeded the relevant maximum permissible Cd concentrations in China for agricultural soil and wheat grain, respectively. The major speciations of Cd in soil were exchangeable, bound to carbonates and fulvic and humic acid fraction, and they were readily affected by soil pH, total Ca, Mg, S and P, DTPA-Fe, Ex-Ca, and Ex-Mg. Cadmium showed a strong correlation with Fe, S, and P present in the grain and the soil, whereas there was no significant correlation in the straw or root. Generally, soil pH, Ca, Mg, Mn, P, and slowly available K restricted Cd transfer from soil to wheat, whereas soil S, N, Zn, DTPA-Fe, and total organic carbon enhance Cd uptake by wheat.  相似文献   

We analyzed bioavailability, photoreactivity, fluorescence, and isotopic composition of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) collected at 13 stations in the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta during various seasons to estimate the persistence of DOC from diverse shallow water habitat sources. Prospective large-scale wetland restorations in the Delta may change the amount of DOC available to the food web as well as change the quality of Delta water exported for municipal use. Our study indicates that DOC contributed by Delta sources is relatively refractory and likely mostly the dissolved remnants of vascular plant material from degrading soils and tidal marshes rather than phytoplankton production. Therefore, the prospective conversion of agricultural land into submerged, phytoplankton-dominated habitats may reduce the undesired export of DOC from the Delta to municipal users. A median of 10% of Delta DOC was rapidly utilizable by bacterioplankton. A moderate dose of simulated solar radiation (286 W m−2 for 4 h) decreased the DOC bioavailability by an average of 40%, with a larger relative decrease in samples with higher initial DOC bioavailability. Potentially, a DOC-based microbial food web could support ≤0.6 × 109 g C of protist production in the Delta annually, compared to ≈17 × 109 g C phytoplankton primary production. Thus, DOC utilization via the microbial food web is unlikely to play an important role in the nutrition of Delta zooplankton and fish, and the possible decrease in DOC concentration due to wetland restoration is unlikely to have a direct effect on Delta fish productivity.  相似文献   

Summary An attempt has been made to find out the productivity and periodicity of the phytoplankton in relation to the physical and chemical characteristics of the river Ganges, between University Ghat and Raj Ghat at Varanasi. The observations were taken during a single year (i.e., March 1957 to March 1958). The chemical analyses of the water and estimates of the number of phytoplankton were made on samples collected fortnightly.The phytoplankton has proved to be eutrophic and polymixic in nature. Diatoms formed the largest bulk, blue-greens being the second major constituent while the green algae formed the third in order of abundance with, however, large number of species. A definite phytoplankton periodicity has been noticed and found to be seasonal in character.Correlations between the phytoplankton periodicity and population maxima, with the habitat factors revealed depletion of nutrients like, nitrogen, phosphate, silica, carbon, magnesium and sulphates.Changes in the phytoplankton populations were clearly evident more in relation to physical than to chemical conditions of the water. Changes in water-level, transparency and temperature affected the growth of the phytoplankton.High alkalinity and buffering capacity resulted in preferential growth of diatoms and blue-green algae. Rich phosphates and silicates coupled with moderate nitrogen contents were responsible for high phytoplankton yields in summer and winter seasons.The abundance of blue-greens may be due to the higher values of pH, temperature, dissolved organic matter, phosphate, nitrogen, and relatively high values of dissolved oxygen. Green algae showed a wide range of adaptability but could not develop in any abundance.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an approach to calculate the time series of cumulative carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions between 1995 and 2014 based on industrial energy consumption data in three Eastern China jurisdictions in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang during these two decades. Using the Hodrick-Prescott filter, the fluctuation components of the cumulative CO2-emission time-series data in the three provinces are obtained. Subsequently, a grey correlation-based change-point search algorithm is used to determine change-points in these data. Additionally, the CO2-emission time-series is divided into stages based on the change-points. The cycle characteristics of national energy policies, laws, and regulations are compared with those of the cumulative CO2-emission cycle of the three provinces to analyse the impact of energy policies on CO2 emissions. This study shows that, although the industrial structure and trends in the CO2 emission time-series data of the three provinces are different, their cumulative CO2-emission cycle remains the same from 1995 to 2014. The variation characteristics of the cumulative CO2 emissions for each cycle during this period are well aligned with the stage characteristics of energy policies, laws, and regulations, indicating that energy policies play a consistent role in regulating such emissions. This study examines low-carbon production and sustainable energy development, and offers suggestions for issuing and perfecting energy policies, laws, and regulations, considering the indicators of energy consumption and CO2 emissions.  相似文献   


Aims and methods

Concentrations of heavy metals such as Cd, As, Hg, Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn and Ni in different tissues (seeds, roots and shoots) of the mature canola (Brassica napus L.) plants and in the associated rhizosphere soils from Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region of China, were determined to evaluate the heavy metals’ pollution in the soils and the canola seeds, and to discuss their accumulation and translocation characteristics in canola plants. At the same time, the phytoextraction potential of the canola plant for the above heavy metals was theoretically calculated and discussed on the basis of above measured data.


The results showed that the concentration ranges of Cd, As, Hg, Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn and Ni in the rhizosphere soils were 0.115–0.481, 3.40–20.5, 0.069–0.682, 9.92–27.4, 46.8–86.6, 17.7–253.3, 65.2–511.7 and 16.0–37.8?mg?kg?1, respectively. The concentrations of Cu, Zn and Hg at some sampling sites exceeded the 2nd grade threshods of Chinese national environmental quality standard for soils. The potential ecological risk of heavy metals in the canola rhizosphere soils decreased in the order of Zhejiang > Shanghai > Jiangsu provinces. The concentration ranges of above heavy metals in the canola seeds were 0.032–0.067, 0.002–0.005, 0.001–0.005, 0.053–0.165, 0.191–0.855, 3.01–13.20, 34.82–96.95 and 0.343–2.86?mg?kg?1, respectively, with Cu and Zn at some sampling sites exceeding the permissible concentrations in foods of China. Heavy metals’ concentrations in canola seeds didn’t increase with their increasing concentrations in the rhizosphere soils. The bioconcentration factors (BCFs) of most heavy metals in the canola seeds decreased with their increasing concentrations in the associated rhizosphere soils. The average BCFs of heavy metals decreased in the order of Zn (0.488)>Cd (0.241)>Cu (0.145)>Ni (0.038)>Hg (0.021)>Pb (0.005)=Cr (0.005)>As (0.000) in the canola seeds, Cd (1.550)>Cu (0.595)>Zn (0.422)>Hg (0.138)>Ni (0.085)>Pb (0.080)>As (0.035)>Cr (0.031) in the roots, and Cd (0.846)>Zn (0.242)>Cu (0.205)>Hg (0.159)>Ni (0.031)>Pb (0.025)>As (0.012)>Cr (0.007) in the shoots, respectively. The accumulation capacity for most of the above heavy metals in the mature canola tissues was root > shoot > seed, with the exceptions of seed > root > shoot for Zn and shoot > root > seed for Hg. Except Hg from root to shoot and Zn from root to seed, translocation factors (TFs) of above heavy metals were lower than 1.0.


The concentrations, BCFs and TFs of above heavy metals in the canola tissues indicated that the investigated canola plants did not meet the criteria of hyperaccumulators for the above heavy metals. The phytoextracton potential of the studied canola plants for the above heavy metals from the polluted soils was very limited. It would take 920, 3,170 and 3,762?years (assuming two crops per year) to reduce the initial soil Zn, Cu and Hg concentrations, respectively, from the most polluted soil concentrations to the 2nd grade thresholds of Chinese national environmental quality standard for soils.  相似文献   

Many tree-ring-based climate reconstructions are based on the assumption that the climate reaction of trees is independent of their size. Here, we test this assumption for New Zealand kauri (Agathis australis), one of the longest tree ring-based proxies for the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The most recent kauri chronology contains a large amount of archaeological material, e.g. timber for which the original tree size is often unknown. We analyzed the climate–growth relationship of different-sized kauri in a pristine forest using different temporal scales, i.e. annually, monthly and daily data on tree growth and climate conditions. Trees of different life stages exhibited approximately the same seasonal growth peaks during austral spring (October and November). The dormancy period overlaps with the period where weekly air temperature maxima are below ca. 17–18 °C, and where the corresponding daily minima are below ca. 8 °C. However, both correlation functions between annual growth and seasonal climate as well as Kalman filter regressions between daily growth and climate conditions suggest an influence of tree size on the climate–growth relationship for kauri. Smaller trees (DBH < 40 cm) contain weaker climate signals than larger trees. Therefore, the precautionary stripping of near-pith material (first 20 cm) from kauri chronologies may result in more uniform responses to climate forcing and thus enhance the reliability of long-term climate reconstructions.  相似文献   

The length–weight relationships (LWRs) for seven fish species belonging to five families in the Yangtze River Estuary and its adjacent waters are presented. Cynoglossus gracilis, Cynoglossus macrolepidotus, Ctenotrypauchen chinensis, Collichthys niveatus, Ophichthus apicalis and Erisphex potti were collected monthly in 2009 using trammel nets (the size of smaller mesh net was 1.5 m × 15 m × 4 panels with mesh sizes of 2.5, 3.4, 4.3 and 5.8 cm; the size of larger-mesh net was 2.4 m × 30 m × 4 panels with mesh sizes of 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0 cm; soaking overnight). Lophiogobius ocellicauda were collected December in 2020 using shrimp trawl nets (mesh size 2.0 cm). The precision of measurement for the fish specimens is 0.1 cm total length and 0.1 g total weight. The estimated ranges of the parameters a and b for the seven fish species were from 0.0001 to 0.0289 and 2.718 to 3.541, respectively. Two new maximum total length were recorded for Ctenotrypauchen chinensis and Ophichthus apicalis.  相似文献   

We have developed a machine vision–based method for automatically tracking deformations in the body wall to monitor ecdysis behaviors in the hornworm, Manduca sexta. The method utilizes naturally occurring features on the animal’s body (spiracles) and is highly accurate (>95 % success in tracking). Moreover, it is robust to unanticipated changes in the animal’s position and in lighting, and in the event tracking of specific features is lost, tracking can be reestablished within a few cycles without input from the user. We have paired our tracking technique with electromyography and have also compared our in vivo results to fictive motor patterns recorded from isolated nerve cords. We found no major difference in the cycle periods of contractions during naturally occurring ecdysis compared to ecdysis initiated prematurely through injection of the peptide ecdysis-triggering hormone, and we confirmed that the ecdysis period in vivo is statistically similar to that of the fictive motor pattern.  相似文献   

Aims Reed (Phragmites australis) is a typical perennial rhizomatic plant with extensive tolerance to environmental stress. In order to better understand the adaptation and tolerance of reeds subjected to heavy metal pollution in different levels of water, we conducted a study on the effects of Pb pollution on growth, biomass and photosynthesis of reeds in flood and drought environment. This research would provide theoretical basis for application of reeds in wetland restoration and remediation. Methods We conducted a pot experiment with destructive sampling after 90 days of growth. The water treatments were main plot, including two water levels. The Pb treatments were secondary plot (nested within water treatments), including five levels (0, 500, 1 500, 3 000, 4 500 mg·kg–1). There were 10 treatments with 12 replicates per treatment. Important findings In the flood environment, Pb pollution significantly inhibited the growth of buds and rhizomes, but had no significant effect on the number of offspring shoots. The offspring shoots had higher growth rate per day, net photosynthetic rate and biomass compared to the parent shoots. In the drought environment, Pb pollution inhibited the growth of roots, buds and rhizomes, and biomass accumulation of parent and offspring shoots as well as photosynthetic parameters. These parameters were lower under the drought condition than in the flood environment. The Pb was mostly concentrated in roots compared to rhizomes and offspring shoots. In both flood and drought environments, the concentration of Pb in parent shoots was about three times of that in offspring shoots. The Pb concentration in offspring shoots under the flood condition was less than that in the drought environment. Overall, these results indicated that the synergistic effect of Pb and drought significantly inhibited the growth, biomass accumulation and photosynthesis of reeds, which might result in reduced offspring productivity and population density and may lead to population decline. However, the flooded reeds could adopt some strategies of Pb allocation to alleviate the negative effect of Pb on the growth, physiology and clonal propagation, benefiting the population reproduction and stabilization. © 2018 Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) rate and plant density (PD) are important factors for sustainable cotton production. The objective of this study is to examine the effects of nitrogen rate and plant density on plant growth, source–sink relationship, and cotton yield. A split-plot arrangement was used in the field experiment with the main plots assigned to N rate (120 and 180 kg/ha), and the sub-plots assigned to plant density (8, 10, and 12 plants/m2). Results showed significant N and PD interaction on plant growth, leaf gas exchange, and yield. Higher plant growth and cotton yield were noted under low nitrogen rate and high planting density than other treatment combinations. Leaf photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2, transpiration rate, and water use efficiency were considerably influenced by planting density and nitrogen rate. Maximum values of these traits were obtained under low nitrogen rate with high planting density or high nitrogen rate with medium planting density, while the least values were under low nitrogen rate with low planting density. Correlation analysis revealed highly significant and positive relation between leaf gas exchange and cotton yield.  相似文献   

Volkov  S. V.  Pozdnyakov  V. I. 《Biology Bulletin》2021,48(8):1332-1341
Biology Bulletin - Data on the spring phenology and reproductive parameters of Ross’s Gull were collected during the period 1980–2013 on the delta of Lena River, northern Yakutia...  相似文献   

1. Conditions have been established for the sulphate-limited growth of Torulopsis utilis in continuous culture. 2. Mitochondria prepared from sulphate-limited cells lack both piericidin A sensitivity and the first energy-conservation site (site 1). Sensitivity to antimycin A or cyanide and the second and third energy-conservation sites were apparently unaffected by sulphate-limited growth. 3. Aerobic incubation for 8h of sulphate-limited cells with a low concentration of sulphate (50mum or less) resulted in the recovery of mitochondrial piericidin A sensitivity and site 1. The use of higher concentrations of sulphate (250mum or more) still resulted in the recovery of mitochondrial piericidin A sensitivity and site 1, but also resulted in the appearance of a non-phosphorylating oxidase, which mediated oxidation of the respiratory chain at about the level of cytochrome b in an antimycin A- and cyanide-insensitive manner. Both this alternative route and the conventional normal route of respiration were shown to coexist and to intercommunicate at the level of cytochrome b. 4. Low-temperature spectroscopy failed to identify any new respiratory component to explain the alternative route. 5. The apparent affinity of the alternative route for oxygen was similar to that for the conventional route through cytochrome oxidase, namely half-maximal activity at 0.1mum-oxygen or less. 6. The non-haem iron concentration of submitochondrial particles was unaffected by sulphate limitation, whereas the acid-labile sulphide concentration was lowered tenfold. Marked increases (between four- and 30-fold) in the acid-labile sulphide concentration of submitochondrial particles were observed in sulphate-limited cells after aerobic incubation with various concentrations of sulphate. The lowest increase (fourfold) was observed without added sulphate, the highest (30-fold) with 1.0mm added sulphate. 7. The ratio of non-haem iron to acid-labile sulphide in submitochondrial particles varied with different growth conditions from a maximum of 15.0 to a minimum of 0.72. It is suggested that analytical measurements of non-haem iron are an inadequate guide to the concentration of iron-sulphur protein in complex systems. 8. The effects of sulphate-limited growth on site 1 and piericidin sensitivity are interpreted to indicate a role for iron-sulphur protein in these properties. 9. The aerobic incubation of sulphate-limited cells with cycloheximide resulted in the recovery by mitochondria of site 1 but not of piericidin sensitivity. 10. The appearance of the alternative route for cyanide- and antimycin-A (but not piericidin A-) insensitive respiration on incubating sulphate-limited cells with sulphate concentrations higher than 250mum indicates that the alternative route involves an iron-sulphur protein.  相似文献   


Kabata separated species of Pseudocharopinus Kabata, 1964 and Charopinus Krøyer, 1863 in 1964 based mainly on four characteristics. Currently Pseudocharopinus has 11 species while Charopinus consists of three species considered valid. Pseudocharopinus malleus (Rudolphi in Nordmann, 1832) and Charopinus dubius T. Scott, 1900 were collected and studied from hosts off South Africa. Additional to previous reports from South African waters, P. malleus is reported from Torpedo sinuspersici Olfers and T. fuscomaculata Peters while C. dubius is reported from Leucoraja wallacei (Hulley) and Rajella dissimilis (Hulley), all new host records. In an attempt to estimate the evolutionary relationships among Pseudocharopinus spp. a cladistic analysis was performed by means of parsimony using described and illustrated features of the adult females. Due to the mostly unresolved 50% majority rule tree, a key for the identification of the adult females of Pseudocharopinus spp. is compiled. Additionally, a key for the identification of adult females of Charopinus spp. is provided.


The sterile alpha motif (SAM) domain of the protein ANKS6, a protein–protein interaction domain, is responsible for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Although the disease is the result of the R823W point mutation in the SAM domain of the protein ANKS6, the molecular details are still unclear. We applied molecular dynamics simulations, the principal component analysis, and the molecular mechanics Poisson–Boltzmann surface area binding free energy calculation to explore the structural and dynamic effects of the R823W point mutation on the complex ANKS6–ANKS3 (PDB ID: 4NL9) in comparison to the wild proteins. The energetic analysis presents that the wild type has a more stable structure than the mutant. The R823W point mutation not only disrupts the structure of the ANKS6 SAM domain but also negatively affects the interaction of the ANKS6–ANKS3. These results further clarify the previous experiments to understand the ANKS6–ANKS3 interaction comprehensively. In summary, this study would provide useful suggestions to understand the interaction of these proteins and their fatal action on mediating kidney function.  相似文献   

Strain 2–79 is a biocontrol agent of take-all, an important root disease of wheat caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici. In the rhizosphere, strain 2–79 produces the antibiotic phenazine-1-carboxylic acid as the primary means of disease suppression. Barriers to the commercial use of phenazine-producing pseudomonads, such as strain 2–79, include the lack of liquid-culture and formulation technologies needed to optimize cost-effective mass production and application. For instance, there is little published research concerning the impact of growth culture physiological state and associated metabolites on the biocontrol qualities of the cells harvested and formulated in seed coatings, i.e., efficacy, phytotoxicity, and storage survival. To enable exploration of these issues, cells of strain 2–79 in various physiological states were obtained by harvesting fermentors at 24-h intervals after inoculation. Cells formulated in 0.5% methylcellulose suspended in either water (MW) or metabolite-bearing, spent culture broth (MSB) were applied as wheat-seed coatings, air dried, and stored at 4°C. Younger cells (24–48?h) had twice the drying survival rate but only half of the storage life demonstrated by older cells (72–96?h) (P?0.05). Cell populations surviving drying were 3.5 times higher in MW than in MSB formulations and they remained viable up to 3 times longer (P?0.05). This effect of formulation on viability was attributable to the culture nutrients but not the metabolites present in the spent broth. Disease suppression in bacterized seed treatments was significant (P?0.05) relative to unbacterized controls and averaged 9.1%, but did not vary significantly (P?0.24) with culture age, encapsulation medium, or storage time. Relative seedling height improvement increased with relative disease suppression (P=0.003) and significantly decreased with lengthening storage time (P=0.004). This latter decline in plant growth promotion coincided with the deterioration of biocontrol agent viability during storage. Seed batches inoculated with cells in both MW and MSB encapsulations suffered significant germination losses due to phytotoxic metabolites. The extent of loss was an interactive result of encapsulation medium and storage time (P?0.01), and the rate of loss was much higher for seeds with MSB than with MW coatings, i.e. 54% compared to 11% loss after 6 months storage.  相似文献   

Potential long-term health effects from tobacco products can be estimated by measuring changes in biochemical indicators of disease mechanisms like inflammation. This study assesses the potential relationships between biomarkers of potential harm (BOPH) and biomarkers of cigarette smoke exposure (BOE) based on data from the NHANES (2007–2012, n?=?17,293 respondents). Statistically significant relationships were observed between white blood cells (WBC) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and BOE; between WBC and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and smoking status; and between WBC and HDL and smoking intensity. This analysis suggests that WBC and HDL are useful BOPH in studies assessing the health risks of cigarette smoking.  相似文献   

Understanding what factors generate geographic variation in species richness is a fundamental goal of ecology and biogeography. Water and energy are considered as the major environmental factors influencing large-scale patterns of species richness, but their roles vary among taxa and regions. Pteridophytes are an ideal group of organisms for examining the relationship between species richness and their environment because the distribution of pteridophytes is usually in equilibrium with contemporary climate to a greater degree than those of seed plants and most terrestrial vertebrates partly due to the lightness of their spores, which is highly capable of long-distance dispersal by wind, and partly due to their single-spore reproduction strategy. Using correlation and regression analyses and structural equation modeling technique, we examine the relationship of pteridophyte species richness in 151 localities from across China with environmental factors representing energy, water, and energy–water balance. We found that pteridophyte species richness is correlated to water availability more strongly than to ambient energy. Furthermore, we found that of all environmental variables considered, energy–water balance has played the most important role in regulating pteridophyte species richness gradients in China.  相似文献   

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