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Shading is known to produce vivid perceptions of depth. However, the influence of specular highlights on perceived shape is unclear: some studies have shown that highlights improve quantitative shape perception while others have shown no effect. Here we ask how specular highlights combine with Lambertian shading cues to determine perceived surface curvature, and to what degree this is based upon a coherent model of the scene geometry. Observers viewed ambiguous convex/concave shaded surfaces, with or without highlights. We show that the presence/absence of specular highlights has an effect on qualitative shape, their presence biasing perception toward convex interpretations of ambiguous shaded objects. We also find that the alignment of a highlight with the Lambertian shading modulates its effect on perceived shape; misaligned highlights are less likely to be perceived as specularities, and thus have less effect on shape perception. Increasing the depth of the surface or the slant of the illuminant also modulated the effect of the highlight, increasing the bias toward convexity. The effect of highlights on perceived shape can be understood probabilistically in terms of scene geometry: for deeper objects and/or highly slanted illuminants, highlights will occur on convex but not concave surfaces, due to occlusion of the illuminant. Given uncertainty about the exact object depth and illuminant direction, the presence of a highlight increases the probability that the surface is convex.  相似文献   

Because light conditions in the forest understory are highly heterogeneous, photosynthetic acclimation to spatially variable irradiance within a crown is important for crown‐level carbon assimilation. The effect of variation in irradiance within the crown on leaf nitrogen content and photosynthetic rate was examined for pinnate compound leaves in saplings of Cedrela sinensis, a pioneer deciduous tree. Five shading treatments, in which 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of leaves were shaded, were established by artificial heavy shading using shade screen umbrellas with 25% transmittance. Although the nitrogen content of leaves was constant regardless of shading treatment, ribulose 1·5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) content and light‐saturated photosynthetic capacity were lower in shade leaves within partially shaded crowns than within fully shaded crowns. Shade leaves within partially shaded crowns contained higher amount of amino acids. Most shade leaves died in partially shaded crowns, whereas more than half of shade leaves survived in totally shaded crowns. Assumptions on photosynthetic acclimation to local light conditions cannot explain why shade leaves have different photosynthetic capacities and survival rates in between partially and totally shaded crowns. Irradiance heterogeneity within the crown causes a distinct variation in photosynthetic activity between sun and shaded leaves within the crown.  相似文献   

Cuttlefish rapidly change their appearance in order to camouflage on a given background in response to visual parameters, giving us access to their visual perception. Recently, it was shown that isolated edge information is sufficient to elicit a body pattern very similar to that used when a whole object is present. Here, we examined contour completion in cuttlefish by assaying body pattern responses to artificial backgrounds of 'objects' formed from fragmented circles, these same fragments rotated on their axis, and with the fragments scattered over the background, as well as positive (full circles) and negative (homogenous background) controls. The animals displayed similar responses to the full and fragmented circles, but used a different body pattern in response to the rotated and scattered fragments. This suggests that they completed the broken circles and recognized them as whole objects, whereas rotated and scattered fragments were instead interpreted as small, individual objects in their own right. We discuss our findings in the context of achieving accurate camouflage in the benthic shallow-water environment.  相似文献   

The mating performance field cage test is a required periodic quality‐control assessment for factory‐reared fruit flies used for the sterile insect technique. The FAO/IAEA/USDA guidelines for assessing fly quality state that if during tests a large proportion of flies call and mate on cage walls, away from host trees, then environmental conditions within the cage need to be adjusted and tests repeated. Here we test effects of cage design, specifically mesh colour (green, white) and addition of supplementary shade, on the mating behaviour of Queensland fruit fly (Q‐fly), Bactrocera tryoni Froggatt (Diptera: Tephritidae). Observations were made over a 4‐h period at dusk when these flies mate. Changes in environmental conditions in each cage over the dusk period varied with cage design. We recorded the highest proportion of matings taking place on trees as opposed to cage walls (>90%) in the unshaded white cage, the shaded white and un‐shaded green cages being intermediate (ca. 70%), and the shaded green cage had the least (ca. 40%). The effects of field cage colour and supplementary shade on mating behaviour are discussed. We recommend that Q‐fly field cage tests should be conducted in cages with a light coloured mesh, and that supplementary shading should only be applied if there is a need to adjust temperature and light within the cage.  相似文献   

In this study we explore the impact of asymmetrical vs. uniform crown shading on the mortality and growth of upper and lower branches within tree crowns, for two conifer species: shade intolerant lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and shade tolerant white spruce (Picea glauca). We also explore xylem hydraulics, foliar nutrition, and carbohydrate status as drivers for growth and expansion of the lower and upper branches in various types of shading. This study was conducted over a two-year period across 10 regenerating forest sites dominated by lodgepole pine and white spruce, in the lower foothills of Alberta, Canada. Trees were assigned to one of four shading treatments: (1), complete uniform shading of the entire tree, (2) light asymmetric shading where the lower 1/4–1/3 of the tree crown was shaded, (3) heavy asymmetric shading as in (2) except with greater light reduction and (4) control in which no artificial shading occurred and most of the entire crown was exposed to full light. Asymmetrical shading of only the lower crown had a larger negative impact on the bud expansion and growth than did uniform shading, and the effect was stronger in pine relative to spruce. In addition, lower branches in pine also had lower carbon reserves, and reduced xylem-area specific conductivity compared to spruce. For both species, but particularly the pine, the needles of lower branches tended to store less C than upper branches in the asymmetric shade, which could suggest a movement of reserves away from the lower branches. The implications of these findings correspond with the inherent shade tolerance and self-pruning behavior of these conifers and supports a carbon based mechanism for branch mortality – mediated by an asymmetry in light exposure of the crown.  相似文献   

弱光胁迫对不同基因型玉米生长发育和产量的影响   总被引:54,自引:5,他引:54  
以不同基因型玉米为材料,在玉米生长发育的3个主要阶段(苗期、穗期、粒期)进行分期遮光试验,研究不同时期弱光胁迫对不同基因型玉米生长发育和产量的影响。结果表明,遮光延缓了玉米叶片的出生速度,使叶片变薄;遮光可以延缓叶片的衰老,但遮光解除后则加速叶片的衰老;遮光造成植株高度增加,但恢复正常光照后,其株高却逐渐低于对照;遮光使干物质积累下降,抽雄吐丝日期推迟,尤其是吐丝日期推迟更多,并使产量降低,但不同基因型玉米不同遮光处理下降程度不同。试验的4个品种中,掖单2 2和豫玉2号受遮光影响较小,而掖单36 38和丹玉13受影响较大,即不同基因型玉米对弱光胁迫的敏感性不同  相似文献   

The reduction of the biomass of three main problem species of submerged aquatic macrophytes was proportional to the light at the stream surface both under artificially shaded sections of stream and in naturally shaded areas when compared to the biomass in adjacent open and unshaded sections of stream. The effect of marginal vegetation in varying the shading effect given to streams of differing width and orientation are described. It is recommended that light should be reduced to about half that presently available in the open, by shading from marginal vegetation but it is warned that too much shade is detrimental to the fish populations of the stream and leads to accentuated local accumulations of leaves. The long term effects are considered but it is expected that partial shading will increase the diversity of submerged plant species. It is suggested that the practice of stream realignment is discontinued and that the natural tendency of streams to create their own meandering channels is allowed but within some defined and generally acceptable framework.  相似文献   

Perceived depth is conveyed by multiple cues, including binocular disparity and luminance shading. Depth perception from luminance shading information depends on the perceptual assumption for the incident light, which has been shown to default to a diffuse illumination assumption. We focus on the case of sinusoidally corrugated surfaces to ask how shading and disparity cues combine defined by the joint luminance gradients and intrinsic disparity modulation that would occur in viewing the physical corrugation of a uniform surface under diffuse illumination. Such surfaces were simulated with a sinusoidal luminance modulation (0.26 or 1.8 cy/deg, contrast 20%-80%) modulated either in-phase or in opposite phase with a sinusoidal disparity of the same corrugation frequency, with disparity amplitudes ranging from 0’-20’. The observers’ task was to adjust the binocular disparity of a comparison random-dot stereogram surface to match the perceived depth of the joint luminance/disparity-modulated corrugation target. Regardless of target spatial frequency, the perceived target depth increased with the luminance contrast and depended on luminance phase but was largely unaffected by the luminance disparity modulation. These results validate the idea that human observers can use the diffuse illumination assumption to perceive depth from luminance gradients alone without making an assumption of light direction. For depth judgments with combined cues, the observers gave much greater weighting to the luminance shading than to the disparity modulation of the targets. The results were not well-fit by a Bayesian cue-combination model weighted in proportion to the variance of the measurements for each cue in isolation. Instead, they suggest that the visual system uses disjunctive mechanisms to process these two types of information rather than combining them according to their likelihood ratios.  相似文献   

When etiolated radish (Raphanus sativus var. hortensis f. gigantissimus Makino) hypocotyls were subjected to a continuous unilateral illumination with white fluorescent light at 0.05, 0.1, or 1 watt per square meter, the suppression of the growth rate on the lighted side depended on the light intensity. The growth rate at the shaded side was only a little affected by the illumination at 0.05 and 0.1 watt per square meter but considerably suppressed by that at 1 watt per square meter. Upon a continuous unequal bilateral illumination, the growth rate was more strongly suppressed on the side of the higher intensity than on the side of the lower one, resulting in phototropic curvature toward the light source of the higher intensity. It was calculated from correlation analysis of light intensity and growth rate that, on an average, 6.9% of the irradiation applied to one side reached the opposite side. The amounts of cis- and trans-raphanusanins and raphanusamide in hypocotyls subjected to unilateral or unequal bilateral illumination increased much more at the side of the lighted or the higher intensity than at the opposite side. The present study demonstrates that phototropism in radish hypocotyl is correlated with and we conclude caused by a gradient of growth inhibition in the hypocotyl, depending on irradiation-induced amounts of cis- and trans-raphanusanins and raphanusamide.  相似文献   

The influence of shade on the growth and sink activity of youngflower heads and peduncles of white clover (Trifolium repensL.) plants was measured in controlled environments. Measurementof the peduncle elongation rate using a linear voltage displacementtransducer showed that when the inflorescence alone was shaded,peduncle elongation was higher than in the light. Translocationstudies using 11C-labelling techniques showed that shading theinflorescence alone had little effect on translocation of assimilatesinto the inflorescence but induced a major change in partitioningof assimilates within it. Peduncle elongation induced by shadeaccompanied an increase in partitioning of photoassimilatesto the peduncle, at the expense of the flower head. Key words: White clover, partitioning, translocation  相似文献   

As people become better informed about the harmful effects of prolonged exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR, 280–400 nm) they will seek the protection of shade, particularly in tropical locations such as Townsville (19° south). Using broad-band radiation sensors for solar ultraviolet-B (280–315 nm), ultraviolet-A (315–400 nm) and daylight (400–800 nm) radiation, the exposure levels were measured in both the horizontal (shaded and unshaded) and vertical (shaded and unshaded) directions. The measurements were conducted at eight locations (shade settings) in Townsville during the period between December 1997 (summer) and May 1998 (beginning of winter). The quality of protection was assessed by the ratio of unshaded to shaded radiation exposure, the UVB/shade protection ratio (UVB-SPR). The UVB-SPR varies considerably between the different shade settings, with a beach umbrella showing the least protection and dense foliage the highest protection. The roof of a house verandah can provide only little protection if the verandah catches the afternoon sun. Increasing cloud cover decreases the UVB-SPR for all settings because of the increase in the diffuse fraction of the radiation. Only one setting provided a UVB-SPR of 15 or higher, as suggested for protective shading against solar UVB radiation. Shade from direct sunlight alone does not provide enough protection against high levels of solar UVR. Apart from the transmission qualities of the shading material, it is the construction of the whole shade setting that determines the exposure levels underneath. A shade structure with enough overhang is recommended so that high levels of scattered radiation do not reach the skin. Received: 26 February 1999 / Accepted: 9 June 1999  相似文献   

When plants are subjected to leaf canopy shade in forest understories or from neighboring plants, they not only experience reduced light quantity, but light quality in lowered red : far red light (R : FR). Growth and other developmental responses of plants in reduced R : FR can vary and are not consistent across species. We compared how an invasive liana, Celastrus orbiculatus, and its closely related native congener, C. scandens, responded to changes in the R : FR under controlled, simulated understory conditions. We measured a suite of morphological and growth attributes under control, neutral shading, and low R : FR light treatments. Celastrus orbiculatus showed an increase in height, aboveground biomass, and total leaf mass in reduced R : FR treatments as compared to the neutral shade, while C. scandens had increased stem diameter, single leaf area, and leaf mass to stem mass ratio. These differences provide a mechanistic understanding of the ability of C. orbiculatus to increase height and actively forage for light resources in forest understories, while C. scandens appears unable to forage for light and instead depends upon a light gap forming. The plastic growth response of C. orbiculatus in shaded conditions points to its success in forested habitats where C. scandens is largely absent.  相似文献   

D. A. Hughes 《Hydrobiologia》1966,27(3-4):439-459
Summary During the survey reported in Part I, it became apparent that vegetational shading affected the incidences of certain species. The extent to which the distribution of stream fauna is influenced by direct or indirect consequences of shade or illumination was examined and an attempt was made to determine which species or groups are affected.Three pairs of comparable sampling stations (stickles) were selected on the basis of their physical similarity, one of each pair being shaded and the other illuminated. Samples taken from these stations were compared and species found predominantly in shaded or exposed reaches were assessed.Although certain species appeared influenced in their distribution, it appears that the population density is minimally affected and there is no overall effect on any group or family.  相似文献   

When etiolated radish (Raphanus sativus var. hortensis f. gigantissimus Makino) hypocotyls were subjected to a continuous unilateral illumination with white fluorescent light (0.1 watt per square meter), the growth rate at the lighted side was strongly inhibited for the first 2 hours, while that at the shaded side showed no change. After 2.5 hours growth on the lighted side recovered gradually, while that on the shaded side was slightly inhibited. The neutral growth inhibitors, cis- and trans-raphanusanins and raphanusamide, were determined in the lighted and shaded sides from 1 hour before until 2 hours after the start of unilateral illumination. In the lighted side, cis- and trans-raphanusanins increased by 0.5 hour after the start of illumination, reached 3 to 3.5-fold greater concentrations than in the shaded side after 1 hour, and then decreased gradually. Raphanusamide increased in the lighted side to a 3-fold greater concentration than that in the shaded one 2 hours after the start of the illumination. Unilateral applications of cis- and trans-raphanusanins and raphanusamide suppressed the growth of the hypocotyl on the applied side more than that on the opposite one, causing the hypocotyls to bend towards the site of application. The data suggest that phototropic curvature in radish is caused by the light-induced synthesis of growth-inhibiting cis- and trans-raphanusanins, and raphanusamide at the site of illumination.  相似文献   

Increased cell number and cell length both contribute to shade induced elongation of petioles which enables stoloniferous plants to place their leaf lamina higher up in the canopy. Although petiole elongation is assumed to be beneficial, it may also imply costs in terms of decreased biomechanical stability. We test the hypothesis that shade induced elongation changes the biomechanical properties of petioles and that the underlying mechanisms, cell division and cell elongation, differentially affect biomechanical properties. This was done by subjecting 14 genotypes differing in the relative contribution of cell size and cell number to shade induced elongation responses to high light conditions and to simulated canopy shade. Developmental traits (cell size and cell number), morphological traits characterizing the petioles, as well as biomechanical characteristics were measured. Our results show that, comparable to stems of non-clonal plants, the rigidity of a petiole’s tissue (the Young’s modulus) increases, leading to increased flexural stiffness of petioles subjected to shading. Increased flexural stiffness proved to be associated with increased performance under shaded conditions. Our results also indicate that cell number affected the material properties and the flexural stiffness of petioles. However, the degree and pattern of the effects differed between light environments. Shade induced increase in cell number translated into shade induced increase of Young’s modulus and flexural stiffness. Genotypes producing relatively larger cells under shaded conditions experienced a decrease in tissue rigidity. In concert our results indicate that the pattern of selection on flexural stiffness, and thereby also on shade induced changes of cell number and cell size differs among light environments. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Eelgrass Zostera marina was collected in spring and autumn from a light-saturated environment with low-organic sediments and a light-limited environment with organic-rich sediments in Denmark. The eelgrass and sediment responses to reduced light conditions were studied in 2-week shading experiments. Z. marina responded to reduced light conditions by decreasing growth rates and a loss of above-ground biomass. The spring plants were most sensitive to light reductions and the relative leaf elongation rates were reduced with up to 58% and the shoot densities with 33-36%. There was no difference in light response in relation to sediment organic matter contents. The sulfate reduction rates were reduced in the shaded low-organic sediments with up to 67%, whereas there was no effect of shading on rates in the organic-rich sediments. The lack of effect of shading in the organic-rich sediments was attributed to a limited coupling between Z. marina production and sediment bacterial carbon cycling. In contrast to the sulfate reduction rates, the pools of reduced sulfur were increased with up to 89% in the shaded, low-organic sediments, suggesting that the reoxidation of sulfides was reduced. Shading had no effect on the pools of sulfides in the organic-rich sediments due to much larger pools of sulfides. The enhanced sensitivity of spring plants to shading was probably due to a low above- to below-ground ratio compared to the autumn plants, which limited the plant-mediated oxidation of the sediments and thus the reoxidation of sulfides. The shaded plants were possibly more exposed to anoxic and sulfidic conditions affecting their growth and survival.  相似文献   

When we look at the world—or a graphical depiction of the world—we perceive surface materials (e.g. a ceramic black and white checkerboard) independently of variations in illumination (e.g. shading or shadow) and atmospheric media (e.g. clouds or smoke). Such percepts are partly based on the way physical surfaces and media reflect and transmit light and partly on the way the human visual system processes the complex patterns of light reaching the eye. One way to understand how these percepts arise is to assume that the visual system parses patterns of light into layered perceptual representations of surfaces, illumination and atmospheric media, one seen through another. Despite a great deal of previous experimental and modelling work on layered representation, however, a unified computational model of key perceptual demonstrations is still lacking. Here we present the first general computational model of perceptual layering and surface appearance—based on a boarder theoretical framework called gamut relativity—that is consistent with these demonstrations. The model (a) qualitatively explains striking effects of perceptual transparency, figure-ground separation and lightness, (b) quantitatively accounts for the role of stimulus- and task-driven constraints on perceptual matching performance, and (c) unifies two prominent theoretical frameworks for understanding surface appearance. The model thereby provides novel insights into the remarkable capacity of the human visual system to represent and identify surface materials, illumination and atmospheric media, which can be exploited in computer graphics applications.  相似文献   

? Here, we examined whether fungal endophytes modulated host plant responses to light availability. First, we conducted a literature review to evaluate whether natural frequencies of endophyte symbiosis in grasses from shaded habitats were higher than frequencies in grasses occupying more diverse light environments. Then, in a glasshouse experiment, we assessed how four levels of light and the presence of endophyte symbioses affected the growth of six grass species. ? In our literature survey, endophytes were more commonly present in grasses restricted to shaded habitats than in grasses from diverse light environments. ? In the glasshouse, endophyte symbioses did not mediate plant growth in response to light availability. However, in the host grass, Agrostis perennans, symbiotic plants produced 53% more inflorescences than nonsymbiotic plants at the highest level of shade. In addition, under high shade, symbiotic Poa autumnalis invested more in specific leaf area than symbiont-free plants. Finally, shade increased the density of the endophyte in leaf tissues across all six grass species. ? Our results highlight the potential for symbiosis to alter the plasticity of host physiological traits, demonstrate a novel benefit of endophyte symbiosis under shade stress for one host species, and show a positive association between shade-restricted grass species and fungal endophytes.  相似文献   

Prey camouflage is an evolutionary response to predation pressure. Cephalopods have extensive camouflage capabilities and studying them can offer insight into effective camouflage design. Here, we examine whether cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis, show substrate or camouflage pattern preferences. In the first two experiments, cuttlefish were presented with a choice between different artificial substrates or between different natural substrates. First, the ability of cuttlefish to show substrate preference on artificial and natural substrates was established. Next, cuttlefish were offered substrates known to evoke three main camouflage body pattern types these animals show: Uniform or Mottle (function by background matching); or Disruptive. In a third experiment, cuttlefish were presented with conflicting visual cues on their left and right sides to assess their camouflage response. Given a choice between substrates they might encounter in nature, we found no strong substrate preference except when cuttlefish could bury themselves. Additionally, cuttlefish responded to conflicting visual cues with mixed body patterns in both the substrate preference and split substrate experiments. These results suggest that differences in energy costs for different camouflage body patterns may be minor and that pattern mixing and symmetry may play important roles in camouflage.  相似文献   

Plants of barley were grown under controlled conditions andthe first or second leaves covered with tubular shades thusreducing the light intensity at the leaf surface to low levels.Expansion of the shaded leaves was not prevented, but appearanceof the next leaf but one and all subsequent leaves on the mainstemwas delayed by up to 3 days. Primordia of the first four leaveswere present in the dry grain. Shade treatment delayed slightlythe initiation of the eighth and subsequent leaves and transitionto the double ridge stage at the mainstem apex. Shading the first leaf caused a temporary reduction in the rateof dry-matter increase of plants, but after 14 days the ratewas similar to that of control plants. Smaller effects werefound when the second leaf was shaded. Dry-matter productionfollowed two logarithmic phases in the period prior to awn emergence,and rates for the whole plant and for plant parts were similarfor control and shaded plants. Thus, apart from the initialperturbation, shading had no effect on growth in terms of rateof dry-weight gain. Shade treatment did not affect weight per grain or numbers ofgrain per ear, but over-all yield of grain was significantlyreduced since shading delayed the appearance of tillers andalso reduced the number of tillers bearing grain. The effectof shade was especially marked on tillers originating on primarytillers. Similar qualitative effects on tiller development werefound in an experiment on wheat.  相似文献   

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