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N Carter 《Bio Systems》1985,18(1):111-119
A simulation model explaining the population dynamics of the grain aphid (Sitobion avenae), a serious pest of wheat in Western Europe, is described. The model includes the effects of crop development and some natural enemies on the biology of the aphid. It is concluded that although much of the population dynamics of the aphid, especially in relation to its host plant, is now well understood, many uncertainties still remain concerning natural enemies. As these organisms seem able to prevent cereal aphid outbreaks, in some years, these gaps are presently preventing the development of a reliable forecasting scheme.  相似文献   

Some cereal seedlings exhibit antibiotic and antixenotic resistance to the aphids Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker) and Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), because the seedlings contain hydroxamic acids or gramine. The association between tolerance to aphids and aphid antibiosis was investigated for three cereals, Dollarbird wheat Vulcan wheat and Yagan barley. The dry biomass gained by the aphids and the simultaneous reduction in the biomass of the plants (biomass conversion ratio) quantified tolerance. Biomass production and the density dependence of biomass production by the aphids quantified antibiosis more effectively than fecundity. Vulcan wheat, which has more hydroxamic acid than Dollarbird wheat showed the highest level of antibiosis, and the barley was not antibiotic for either aphid. The biomass conversion ratio was a constant; the biomass of an infested plant was reduced by 3 mg for each mg of aphid biomass gained, regardless of aphid species, plant cultivar, or aphid density. The three plants showed no differential tolerance to the aphids, and therefore tolerance is not associated with antibiosis in this case.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated sodium channels are the primary target of pyrethroid insecticides. Numerous point mutations in sodium channel genes have been identified in pyrethroid-resistant insect species, and many have been confirmed to reduce or abolish sensitivity of channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes to pyrethroids. Recently, several novel mutations were reported in sodium channel genes of pyrethroid-resistant Aedes mosquito populations. One of the mutations is a phenylalanine (F) to cysteine (C) change in segment 6 of domain III (IIIS6) of the Aedes mosquito sodium channel. Curiously, a previous study showed that alanine substitution of this F did not alter the action of deltamethrin, a type II pyrethroid, on a cockroach sodium channel. In this study, we changed this F to C in a pyrethroid-sensitive cockroach sodium channel and examined mutant channel sensitivity to permethrin as well as five other type I or type II pyrethroids in Xenopus oocytes. Interestingly, the F to C mutation drastically reduced channel sensitivity to three type I pyrethroids, permethrin, NRDC 157 (a deltamethrin analogue lacking the ??-cyano group) and bioresemthrin, but not to three type II pyrethroids, cypermethrin, deltamethrin and cyhalothrin. These results confirm the involvement of the F to C mutation in permethrin resistance, and raise the possibility that rotation of type I and type II pyrethroids might be considered in the control of insect pest populations where this particular mutation is present.  相似文献   

Cysteine proteinase inhibitors (cystatins) confer resistance to plant-parasitic nematodes when expressed in transgenic plants. The survival and growth of nymphs of the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae, were adversely affected when cystatins were added to artificial diets. When aphids were clip-caged onto transgenic plants expressing chicken egg white cystatin (CEWc) there was no adverse effect on aphid fitness. Field populations of aphids on transgenic Desiree potatoes, expressing CEWc or a modified version of oryzacystatin I, were not significantly different from populations on control Desiree plants. The effect of other nematode management options on aphid numbers was also studied. A conventionally bred cultivar, with partial nematode resistance, supported higher populations of aphids than the transgenic lines at the beginning of the sampling period. Peak aphid densities on the untreated control and untreated transgenic lines were 7 and 5.2 aphids per plant. Aldicarb, commonly used to control nematodes on potatoes, reduced the value to less than 0.2 aphids per plant. The results demonstrate that levels of expression in the plant tissue actually consumed are important in determining the risk of cystatins to nontarget invertebrates. The study also highlights the importance of including currently used management options in any assessment of the impact of transgenic plants on nontarget organisms.  相似文献   

Population trends of cereal aphids and their associated parasitoids inhabiting wheat plantations were monitored by yellow sticky traps. The identified aphids exhibited one seasonal peak for each and were found to be active during the first half of March. Data revealed that, Rhopalosiphum padi L peak occurred one week later than both of Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) and Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch). The numbers of aphid complex was recorded more at 90 than at 30 and 60 cm height. Hymenopterous parasitoids activity is synchronised with aphid species, whereas they appeared in small numbers at early and late wheat season and showed their peak on March, with a positive correlation coefficient with aphid populations. The tested compounds (Karate, Biscaya, Match 5% EC, Tracer 24% SC and Neem Azal T/S) showed 100% reduction in aphid numbers after 24 h post application. However, the general reduction percentages indicated 99.31 > 98.32 > 97.97 > 97.06 > 95.66%, by using the abovementioned compounds, respectively.  相似文献   

Oenococcus oeni strains from traditional Italian red wines of the Basilicata region were investigated on the basis of their physiological and molecular response to different temperatures and ethanol concentrations. All strains were highly resistant to different ethanol concentrations and it has been observed that 7% ethanol was able to stimulate the growth of strains in wine, and 12–13% of ethanol allowed their proliferation. Moreover, strain tolerances to 18 and 42 °C were observed. Fingerprinting analysis with fluorescent differential display-PCR and investigation of changes in gene expression during the tolerance process were carried out. The expression gene pattern reflects mechanisms involved in tolerance to environmental conditions. This study establishes and validates a method that enables, with a high reproducibility, different gene expression identification under stress conditions in lactic acid bacteria.  相似文献   

As the earth's climate has warmed, many tropical species have expanded their ranges poleward and encountered high‐latitude seasonal temperature regimes, in which further permanent expansion is limited by physiological vulnerability to cold temperatures. The barnacle Megabalanus coccopoma is native to shorelines from Baja California to Peru and has been introduced to many locations worldwide, including the southeastern USA. The ability of larvae to develop successfully at local temperatures can be an important factor limiting the spread of invasive species. To determine if cold temperatures limited larval success near the northern range limit of M. coccopoma along the Atlantic southeastern USA coast, we measured lower temperature limits to larval development, examined the effects of temperature on larval growth and energy accumulation, and calculated a larval energy budget to estimate the extent of potential larval dispersal in this region. Larvae were able to develop through metamorphosis at 16°C, which is much colder than sea surface temperatures during the spawning season in their invasive range, making it unlikely northern range limits are set by a lower temperature limit to larval development. Energy budgets suggest that for larvae produced at the northern end of the invasive range, long distance dispersal to sites far poleward of the current range limit is possible. Similar to the findings of the handful of other studies on cold tolerances of tropical marine invertebrate larvae, larvae should be successful far poleward of current adult distributions.  相似文献   

Predators will often respond to reductions in preferred prey by switching to alternative prey resources. However, this may not apply to all alternative prey groups in patchy landscapes. We investigated the demographic and aggregative numerical and functional responses of Common Buzzards Buteo buteo in relation to variations in prey abundance on a moor managed for Red Grouse Lagopus lagopus scotica in south‐west Scotland over three consecutive breeding and non‐breeding seasons. We predicted that predation of Red Grouse by Buzzards would increase when abundance of their preferred Field Vole Microtus agrestis prey declined. As vole abundance fluctuated, Buzzards responded functionally by eating voles in relation to their abundance, but they did not respond demographically in terms of either breeding success or density. During a vole crash year, Buzzards selected a wider range of prey typical of enclosed farmland habitats found on the moorland edge but fewer Grouse from the heather moorland. During a vole peak year, prey remains suggested a linear relationship between Grouse density and the number of Grouse eaten (a Type 1 functional response), which was not evident in either intermediate or vole crash years. Buzzard foraging intensity varied between years as vole abundance fluctuated, and foraging intensity declined with increasing heather cover. Our findings did not support the prediction that predation of Red Grouse would increase when vole abundance was low. Instead, they suggest that Buzzards predated Grouse incidentally while hunting for voles, which may increase when vole abundances are high through promoting foraging in heather moorland habitats where Grouse are more numerous. Our results suggest that declines in their main prey may not result in increased predation of all alternative prey groups when predators inhabit patchy landscapes. We suggest that when investigating predator diet and impacts on prey, knowledge of all resources and habitats that are available to predators is important.  相似文献   

Plants possess anti‐herbivore defences that could be exploited for crop protection. The potential for deploying physical defence traits for more sustainable pest management (i.e. reduced pesticide application) has not been fully realised. Using a perennial crop (red raspberry, Rubus idaeus), we take the novel approach of quantifying within‐ and between‐genotype variation in a resistance trait, leaf trichome density, to determine precisely the effect of trichomes on host plant preference and suitability for two shoot‐feeding arthropods, the European large raspberry aphid (Amphorophora idaei) and two‐spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae). Additionally, we tested whether this trait influenced searching behaviour of a generalist herbivore predator (lacewing larvae, Chrysoperla carnea). Although there was no consistent genotypic variation in R. idaeus suitability for T. urticae, our hypothesis that T. urticae would avoid high leaf trichome density was supported on certain genotypes. The deterrent effect was mainly on egg deposition rather than leaf selection by adults, with up to sixfold differences in leaf preference depending on the genotypes offered. By contrast, there was significant genotypic variation in R. idaeus suitability for A. idaei (10‐fold variation in aphid abundance), but, contrary to our prediction, aphid preference and infestation levels were unrelated to leaf trichome density. Instead, A. idaei performed best on vigorous genotypes, indicating that plant tolerance traits contributed to R. idaeus suitability for aphids. Leaf trichomes had little effect on the behaviour of the beneficial control agent C. carnea larvae. We conclude that physical anti‐herbivore defences, specifically leaf trichomes, could be deployed to deter particular arthropod pests. However, the mechanistic approach adopted here is necessary to avoid antagonistic effects on other pests or on natural enemies.  相似文献   

Coastal communities are under threat from many and often co‐occurring local (e.g., pollution, eutrophication) and global stressors (e.g., climate change), yet understanding the interactive and cumulative impacts of multiple stressors in ecosystem function is far from being accomplished. Ecological redundancy may be key for ecosystem resilience, but there are still many gaps in our understanding of interspecific differences within a functional group, particularly regarding response diversity, that is, whether members of a functional group respond equally or differently to anthropogenic stressors. Herbivores are critical in determining plant community structure and the transfer of energy up the food web. Human disturbances may alter the ecological role of herbivory by modifying the defense strategies of plants and thus the feeding patterns and performance of herbivores. We conducted a suite of experiments to examine the independent and interactive effects of anthropogenic (nutrient and CO2 additions) and natural (simulated herbivory) disturbances on a seagrass and its interaction with two common generalist consumers to understand how multiple disturbances can impact both a foundation species and a key ecological function (herbivory) and to assess the potential existence of response diversity to anthropogenic and natural changes in these systems. While all three disturbances modified seagrass defense traits, there were contrasting responses of herbivores to such plant changes. Both CO2 and nutrient additions influenced herbivore feeding behavior, yet while sea urchins preferred nutrient‐enriched seagrass tissue (regardless of other experimental treatments), isopods were deterred by these same plant tissues. In contrast, carbon enrichment deterred sea urchins and attracted isopods, while simulated herbivory only influenced isopod feeding choice. These contrasting responses of herbivores to disturbance‐induced changes in seagrass help to better understand the ecological functioning of seagrass ecosystems in the face of human disturbances and may have important implications regarding the resilience and conservation of these threatened ecosystems.  相似文献   



Antibiotics can act as signal molecules and affect bacterial gene expression, physiology and virulence. The purpose of this study was to determine whether subinhibitory antibiotic concentrations alter gene expression and physiology of Listeria monocytogenes.

Methods and Results

Using an agar‐based screening assay with promoter fusions, 14 of 16 antibiotics induced or repressed expression of one or more stress and/or virulence genes. Despite ampicillin‐induced up‐regulation of PinlA‐lacZ expression, Caco‐2 cell invasion was not affected. Subinhibitory concentrations of ampicillin and tetracycline caused up‐ and down‐regulation of stress response genes, respectively, but both antibiotics caused increased sensitivity to acid stress. Six combinations of gene‐antibiotic were quantified in broth cultures and five of the six resulted in the same expression pattern as the agar‐based assay.


Antibiotics affect virulence and/or stress gene expression; however, altered expression could not predict changes in phenotypic behaviour. Subinhibitory concentrations of antibiotics led to increased acid sensitivity, and we speculate that this is attributed to changes in cell envelope or reduced σB‐dependent gene expression.

Significance and Impact of the Study

Although subinhibitory concentrations of antibiotics affect gene expression in L. monocytogenes, the changes did not increase virulence but did enhance the acid sensitivity.  相似文献   

In the present study, the pituitary growth hormone (GH) response to graded doses of GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) was determined in intact (n = 3) and chronically orchidectomized (n = 3) adult rhesus monkeys (Mucaca mulatta). GHRH in doses of 0, 6.25, 12.5 and 25 microg/kg BW was infused through a teflon cannula implanted in the saphenous vein. Blood samples were collected 60 min before and 90 min after the injection of the neurohormone at 15 min intervals. All bleedings were carried out under ketamine hydrochloride anesthesia. The plasma levels of GH were determined by using AutoDELFIA time-resolved flouroimmunoassay, whereas plasma levels of testosterone and estradiol were determined using specific radioimmunoassay systems. The GH responses to GHRH were not significantly different between intact and chronically orchidectomized monkeys at any of the dose levels tested (p > 0.05). The administration of GHRH resulted in a significant (p < 0.05) stimulation of GH secretion at all the doses tested and in both the groups studied. In both intact and orchidectomized animals, the greatest response was observed at 6.25 microg/kg and no further increase was noted with the higher doses of GHRH. In conclusion, the present study suggests that chronic orchidectomy does not influence the sensitivity of the pituitary somatotropes to GHRH stimulation implying that the responsiveness of the pituitary somatotropes to GHRH is independent of testicular steroid modulation.  相似文献   

Queensland fruit fly [Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt), Diptera, Tephritidae] is the most devastating insect pest impacting Australian horticulture. The Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) is an important component of tephritid pest management programs. However, mass‐rearing and irradiation (to render insects sterile) may reduce the fitness and performance of the insect, including the ability of sterile males to successfully compete for wild females. Manipulation of the gut microbiome, including the supplementation with bacterial probiotics shows promise for enhancing the quality of mass‐reared sterile flies, however there are fewer published studies targeting the larval stage. In this study, we supplemented the larval stage of mass‐reared B. tryoni with bacterial probiotics. We tested several individual bacteria that had been previously isolated and characterized from the gut of wild B. tryoni larvae including Asaia sp., Enterobacter sp., Lactobacillus sp., Leuconostoc sp. We also tested a consortium of all four of these bacterial isolates. The fitness parameters tested included adult survival in field cages, laboratory mate selection of bacteria supplemented males by bacteria nonsupplemented females, and laboratory locomotor activity of adult flies. None of the bacterial probiotic treatments in the current study was significantly different to the control for field survival, mate selection or locomotor activity of adult B. tryoni, which agree with some of the other studies regarding bacterial probiotics fed to the larval stage of tephritids. Future work is needed to determine if feeding the same, and/or other probiotics to adults, as opposed to larvae can positively impact survival, mating performance, mating competitiveness and locomotor activity of B. tryoni. The bacterial group(s) and function of bacterial species that increase fitness and competitiveness is also of interest to tephritid mass‐rearing programs.  相似文献   

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