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The aim of this study was to develop an immunological model of avian Aspergillosis by studying the humoral response of pigeons toAspergillus fumigatus antigens. Immunization was performed by administering weekly injections ofA. fumigatus extracts for 70 days (10 weeks). A new booster injection was given 270 days (9 months) following the last immunization. Results showed an earlyAspergillus-specific humoral immunoresponse which reached a maximum level at 42–63 days (6–9 weeks) post-immunization. Using the ELISA method, it could be observed thatA. fumigatus-specific IgG became elevated in the 2nd week and reached a maximum titre at 63rd day (9th week). In contrast,A. fumigatus-specific IgM levels appeared early showing maximum levels at the 2nd week, after which they declined despite the maintenance of antigenic stimulation. Termination of immunization resulted in the decrease of specific humoral immunoresponse with minimal levels of specific antibodies detectable 210 days (7 months) later. A booster injection given at 270 days (9 months) induced a very fastAspergillus-specific IgM and IgG immunoresponse, reaching levels of antibodies similar to those observed during the immunization period.  相似文献   

Metabolic responses of homing pigeons to flight and subsequent recovery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines metabolic changes occurring during short to endurance flights and during subsequent recovery in free-flying pigeons, in particular the change towards lipid utilization with increasing flight duration, lipid supply to the flight muscles, protein utilization and the time needed to metabolically recover. Eight plasma metabolite concentrations were measured in homing pigeons released from sites 20–200 km from the loft (0.3–4.8 h flight duration) just after landing and after keeping birds fasting at rest for 30 and 60 min, respectively, after their return. Birds kept in the loft fasting at rest were used as controls. Plasma free fatty acid and glycerol concentrations increased rapidly with flight duration and leveled off after about 1.5 h. This indicates a marked change towards a high and stable lipid utilization from adipose tissues within 1–2 h of flight. Plasma triglyceride levels and very-low-density lipoproteins were decreased after short flights, but subsequently regained or surpassed fasting levels at rest. This indicates that re-esterification of free fatty acids and delivery as very-low-density lipoproteins to the flight muscles to circumvent constraints of fatty acid supply, as described previously for small passerines, is not as significant in the pigeon which has a much lower mass-specific energy rate. An initial increase in plasma glucose levels and a transient decrease to fasting levels at rest was observed and may reflect the initial use and subsequent exhaustion of glycogen stores. Contrary to other birds and mammals, -hydroxy-butyrate levels increased markedly with flight duration. This may suggest a more important sparing of carbohydrates and protein as gluconeogenic precursors in the pigeon than in other species. Plasma uric acid levels increased linearly up to about 4 h flight duration. This indicates an accelerated protein breakdown during flight which may primarily serve to deliver amino acids as glucogenic precursors and citrate cycle intermediates. With increasing flight duration, the energy sources change from an initial phase based primarily on carbohydrates to a lipid-based endurance phase. It is discussed whether this metabolic change depends on the level of power output or the performed work (energy spent) since the start of flight. During the first hour of recovery, most metabolites reached or approached fasting levels at rest, indicating a marked reduction in lipolysis and protein breakdown. -hydroxy-butyrate levels remained at flight levels and glucose levels increased slightly, indicating a restoration of glycogen stores.Abbreviations VLDL very-low-density lipoproteins - FFA free fatty acids  相似文献   

The protective effects of various divalent cations against the irreversible damage of myocardium, a phenomenon termed the Ca2+-paradox, were examined in the isolated perfused pigeon heart. All cations examined were added at a concentration of 200 mol l–1 in the calcium-free medium. In hearts perfused with low calcium, upon normal calcium repletion, the maximal recovery of the contractile tension (in the 2nd minute) was approximately 115% and the recovery obtained at the end of reperfusion was 81.5% (compared to the equilibration period value). From the other divalent cations examined, the presence of cobalt, nickel, manganese or barium during calcium depletion powerfully protected the pigeon heart. Upon calcium repletion, the maximal recovery of contractile tension was approximately 60%, 76.5%, 100% and 85%, the recovery estimated at the end of reperfusion was 40%, 12%, 70% and 53%, and the resting tension estimated at the end of reperfusion was 2.69±0.18 g, 6.40±0.50 g, 1.20±0.10 g and 1.90±0.10 g for cobalt, nickel, manganese and barium, respectively. On the contrary, strontium exerted no protective effects. The protective effects were also indicated by reduced total protein and lactate dehydrogenase activity release into the effluent perfusate and maintenance of electrical activity. The effectiveness of the added divalent cations (with the exception of strontium) showed a strong dependence upon their ionic radius. The most potent inhibitors of this phenomenon in the pigeon heart were the divalent cations having an ionic radius closer to the ionic radius of calcium. These results are discussed in terms of the possible mechanisms involved in the protective effects of these cations.Communicated by: G. Heldmaier  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the basic haematological parameters in feral and racing pigeons and to compare these parameters according to age, sex and season in healthy feral pigeons as well as between Chlamydophila-serologically positive and negative feral pigeons. Red blood cells (RBC), packed cell volume (PCV), haemoglobin (Hb), mean cell volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), white blood count (WBC), thrombocyte count and differential WBC, were determined in 366 pigeons (Columba livia forma domestica) captured in the City of Zagreb between 1999 and 2002. Of these, 232 feral (179 adult and 53 juvenile, 104 male and 75 female) and 57 racing pigeons (25 male and 32 female) were clinically healthy and bacteriologically and serologically negative, but 77 birds had antibody titres against Chlamydophila sp. Significantly lower values of RBC, PCV, Hb, MCH, WBC and thrombocyte (P<0.05) were observed in young compared to adult pigeons, while the differences in MCV and MCH were not significant between age classes. In differential WBC of young pigeons, a significantly higher percentage of heterophils, eosinophils, basophils and monocytes and a significantly smaller percentage of lymphocytes (P<0.01) was found than in adult pigeons. Significant sex-related differences were seen only in MCV values and in the percentage of lymphocytes (higher in females) and neutrophils (higher in males). PCV, Hb, MCV and MCH increased, while WBC decreased during wintertime (P<0.05). In differential WBC, percentage of heterophils was low in summer and autumn. At the same time, a higher percentage of basophils was found. Low numbers of monocytes were found in summer and low values of eosinophils in winter. In racing pigeons, values of eosinophils and basophils were significantly lower than in feral pigeons. Pigeons which had antibodies against Chlamydophila sp. possessed a higher percentage of monocytes and less lymphocytes than sero-negative animals, while WBC was significant lower than in sero-negative feral pigeons.  相似文献   

Summary The avian juvenile food pigeon milk was studied for its chemical composition and effect on growth in vivo and in vitro. Pigeon milk on a wet weight basis consisted of 9–13% protein, 9–11% fat, 0.9–1.5% carbohydrate, 0.8–1.1% ash, 0.10–0.12% non-protein nitrogen, energy content 5.6–6.8 kcal·g-1. Except for proteins there was little or no decrease in pigeon milk constitutents during the first week of secretion. Pigeon milk proteins consisted of trichloroacetic acid (precipitable), trichloroacetic acid (soluble), and free amino acid components in the ranges 8.4–12.1%, 0.5–0.7% and 1.4–2.5%, respectively; whereas the level of trichloroacetic acid (precipitable) and trichloroacetic acid (soluble) components decreased by about 30%, that of the free amino acids increased by 9% in the first week. About 0.6–1.0% of pigeon milk sugar was found in the trichloroacetic acid (soluble) fraction and increased by 67% in the first week. The remainder was found in the trichloroacetic acid (precipitable) fraction and did not change during this period. Major lipids of pigeon milk were the neutral lipids (7.8–8.4%); the minor lipids were glycolipids (0.9–1.6%), phospholipids (0.5–1.4%) and cholesterol (0.5–0.6%). Squabs fed pigeon milk increased their body weight by 22-fold in the first 3 weeks after hatching, and crude extracts of pigeon milk stimulated the growth of cultured hamster ovary cells. These results reflect the ability of pigeon milk to stimulate growth both in vivo and in vitro.Abbreviations AOAC association of official analytical chemists - BRIT board of radiation and isotope technology - CHO chinese hamster ovary - DNA deoxyribonucleic acid - EDTA ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid - FCS foetal calf serum - GF growth factor - GS goat serum - MEM minimum essential medium - NPN nonprotein nitrogen - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - PM pigeon milk - TCA(P) trichloroacetic acid precipitable fraction - TCA(S) trichloroacetic acid soluble fraction  相似文献   

Summary Calcium and phosphorus were measured in the yolk and albumen of fertile pigeon (Columba livia) eggs incubated for 0–17 days, and in embryos and hatchlings. Shell provided most of the calcium for skeletal mineralization of the embryos, whereas phosphorus was derived from the yolk and albumen. Mobilization of calcium from the shell to the embryo commenced at approximately day 11 of incubation, accumulating both in the embryo and the yolk sac. There was 1.4 times more calcium in squab yolk sacs than that contained in newly laid egg yolks. The results suggest that whereas general patterns of calcium and phosphorus accumulation during embryogenesis in altricial birds closely resemble those of precocial birds, calcium mobilization from the shell begins later, proceeds at a slower rate and results in a less mineralized hatchling.CIDA/NSERC Visiting Research Associate Permanent address: Department of Animal Science, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of VIP- and TRH-immunoreactivity in neurons and processes within the hypothalamus of the pigeon was investigated with light-microscopic immunocytochemical techniques. Most of the VIP-containing neurons are concentrated in the middle and caudal parts of the hypothalamus, with the greatest concentration of perikarya occurring in the medial and lateral part of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus and the infundibular nucleus. These cells give rise to axons that seem to extend into the median eminence. An extensive network of VIP-immunoreactive fibers and varicosities occupy the external layer of the median eminence. The majority of TRH-containing neurons is found in the anterior hypothalamus with the greatest concentration of cells in the magnocellular preoptic, medial preoptic, suprachiasmatic and paraventricular nuclei. TRH-immunoreactive fibers and varicosities form a dense arborization in the external layer of the median eminence. Lactation seems to induce substantial changes in VIP as well as in TRH-immunostaining in the median eminence and other hypothalamic regions as compared to control, sexually active animals. Furthermore, TRH-immunoreactivity decreased in the median eminence following 60-min exposure to cold. These results suggest that VIP- and TRH-containing pathways in the pigeon hypothalamus are involved in the mediation of neuroendocrine responses.  相似文献   

The amniote hippocampal formation plays an evolutionarily-conserved role in the neural representation of environmental space. However, species differences in spatial ecology nurture the expectation of species differences in how hippocampal neurons represent space. To determine the spatial response properties of homing pigeon (Columba livia) HFneurons, we recorded from isolated units in birds freely navigating a radial arena in search of food present at four goal locations. Fifty of 76 neurons displayed firing rate variations that could be placed into three response categories. Location cells (n=25) displayed higher firing rates at restricted locations in the arena space, often in proximity to goal locations. Path cells (n=13) displayed higher firing rates as a pigeon moved between a subset of goal locations. Arena-off cells (n=12) were more active when a pigeon was in a baseline holding space compared to inside the arena. Overall, reliability and coherence scores of the recorded neurons were lower compared to rat place cells. The differences in the spatial response profiles of pigeon hippocampal formation neurons, when compared to rats, provide a departure point for better understanding the relationship between spatial behavior and how hippocampal formation neurons participate in the representation of space.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Direkte Belichtung oder Lichtreizung der Lateralaugen lösen im zentralen Teil der Taubenepiphyse keine elektrische Aktivität aus. Im Stielabschnitt sind dagegen kleine, durch Licht nicht beeinlußbare Dauerentladungen zu beobachten. Die Lage der Ableitungspunkte wurde durch den histologischen Nachweis der elektrolytisch gesetzten Eisenmarken bestimmt. Diese Ableitungsstellen befinden sich im Epiphysenparenchym. Ein stärkeres versilberbares Nervenbündel verläuft im Stiel der Epiphyse. Adrenerge Nervenfasern, die grün fluoreszieren, begleiten die Kapselgefäße und dringen mit diesen in das follikuläre Epiphysengewebe ein. Das Epiphysenparenchym zeigt nach Falck-Hillarp eine Gelbfluoreszenz mit umschriebenen apikalen oder basalen Anreicherungen der fluoreszierenden Substanz. Mit Reserpin kann nur ein Teil dieses Materials entspeichert werden. Elektronenmikroskopisch lassen sich in der Taubenepiphyse keine typischen pinealen Rezeptorzellen nachweisen. Regelmäßig lamellierte Außenglieder fehlen vollständig. Es finden sich lediglich cytoplasmareiche bulböse Zilien und zirkuläre Lamellenkomplexe, die in Tubuli übergehen. Die letzteren können sich mit einem dichten körnigen Material füllen. An einigen Stellen haben solche Lamellenverbände einen Zusammenhang mit keulenförmig verdickten Zilien. Diese Zone ist aber anders strukturiert als das für retinale und pineale Lichtsinneszellen charakteristische Verbindungsstück. Die Zeichen der sekretorischen Aktivität der Taubenepiphyse sind überzeugender als die für einen lichtempfindlichen Sinnesapparat sprechenden Strukturmerkmale. Ein bestimmter Typ der Pinealocyten ist reich an 800–1200 Å großen granulierten Vesikeln, die sowohl am apikalen als auch am basalen, auf die Blutgefäße ausgerichteten Zellpol angehäuft sein können. An den manchmal gelappten basalen Endfüßen sind Zeichen der Ausschleusung des Vesikelinhalts bzw. eines Materialschwundes aus dem granulierten Vesikelkern zu erkennen. Die sekretorische Aktivität der Taubenepiphyse wird mit Hinweis auf die in ihr reichlich vorkommenden 5-Hydroxyindole (Quay) und das Problem der Melatonin-Bildung diskutiert. Erörtert wird auch die Möglichkeit einer Stimulierung dieser Sekretion über den Sympathikus.
Ultrastructural and functional studies of the pineal organ in the pigeon (Columba livia)
Summary Direct illumination or stimulation with light of the lateral eyes induced no electrical activity in the central part of the pineal organ in the pigeon. In the pineal stalk, however, a train of impulses was observed that failed to respond to changes of illumination. The position of the tip of the recording electrode (iron deposit), was histologically clearly determined to be in the pineal parenchyma. A distinct nerve bundle could be traced down the pineal stalk. Adrenergic nerve fibers showing a green fluorescence accompanied pineal capsular vessels into pineal follicular tissue. Using the method of Falck-Hillarp, the pineal parenchyma showed high concentrations of yellow fluorescent material in the apical or basal parts of the pinealocytes. Only a part of the fluorescent material could be dispersed with reserpine. In the electron microscope, no typical photoreceptor cells were identified in the pineal organ. Only large bulbous cilia, and circular lamellar or tubular complexes, were observed; they sometimes contained a dense granular material. Occasionally, the lamellar complexes had a direct relation to cilia of club-shaped appearance. Signs of secretory activity were more definitive in the pigeon pineal organ than sensory structures. One type of pinealocytes contained many 800–1,200 Å diameter granular vesicles concentrated in the apical or basal (apposed to blood vessels) cell parts. At the occasionally lobulated basal end-feet, a disappearance of the content of the granular vesicles indicated a release mechanism. This secretory activity was discussed in relation to the 5-hydroxyindole content of the pigeon pineal organ (Quay) and the general problem of melatonin synthesis; also, the possibility was considered that the secretory activity may be stimulated by sympathetic nerve fibers.
Ob die von Mihail und Molnár (1965) bei der Taube beschriebenen Epiphysektomie-effekte (Wirkung auf den Inselapparat und Zuckerstoffwechsel) auch in diesen Funktionskreis gehören, muß erneut geprüft werden.  相似文献   

We carried out magnetic and nonmagnetic experiments on fresh, upper-beak skin tissue samples isolated from six pairs of homing pigeons to test whether the tissue contains magnetite particles. Results of (1) room-temperature isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) acquisition and alternating field (AF) demagnetization, (2) low-temperature demagnetization of saturation IRM acquired at 5 K in a field of 5 tesla (T) (SIRM5 K) after zero-field cooled (ZFC) and field cooled (FC) treatments, and (3) cycling of the saturation IRM acquired at 300 K in a field of 5 T (SIRM300 K) between 5 and 300 K, indicate the presence of magnetite in the measured samples. A significant loss of SIRM5 K below 20 K suggests the dominance of superparamagnetic (SPM) particles. The SIRM acquisition capacity of the female pigeon is stronger than that of the male pigeon in all four measured pairs, suggesting for the first time that the magnetite concentration is probably sex dependent. Light microscopic observation on the histological sections stained with Prussian Blue detected the presence of some tiny, dotted, dark-blue staining Fe3+ aggregates (size 1–4 μm) located directly beneath the subcutis within strands of connective tissue, nearby the rim of the regions full of red nuclei. The results of this study support the idea that homing pigeons may have a magnetite-based receptor, which potentially could be used for sensing the Earth’s magnetic field during navigation.  相似文献   

The blood parameters—red blood cell (RBC) count, hematocrit (Ht), hemoglobin concentration (Hb), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)—were studied for the first time in free ranging pigeons Columba livia f. urbana. The aim of the study was to establish a set of reference values for this ubiquitous urban species and to examine a potential influence of the factors such as sex and phase of the breeding cycle on the hematological parameters. Blood was sampled from the adult individuals of both sexes during the breeding cycle. Significant variations in Ht and Hb were observed, while RBC count remained unchanged. The lower hematocrit value and hemoglobin concentration found in both males and females during molt probably resulted from the increase of plasma volume not accompanied by an increase in RBC. On the other hand, a significant physiological stress of nutritional deficiency during this energy-consuming stage may manifest itself in the decreased Ht and Hb values. The higher values of Ht and Hb during the laying phase could be related to the dehydration status. There were no overall differences in MCV, MCH, and MCHC values in either of the breeding stage. A lack of sex dimorphism in the measured and calculated blood parameters was apparent. Data collected herein contribute to the better understanding of general physiology of the ubiquitous urban species. The knowledge of variation in the blood indexes with respect to sex and breeding stage is crucial before blood parameters can provide an useful information on physical condition of the bird.  相似文献   

Photographs, especially of humans, are widely used as stimuli in behavioural research with pigeons. Despite their abundant use, it is not clear to what extent pigeons perceive photographs as representing three-dimensional objects. To address this question, we trained 16 pigeons to identify individual, real-life humans. This discrimination depended primarily on visual cues from the heads of the persons. Subsequently, the pigeons were shown photographs of these individuals to test for transfer to a two-dimensional representation. Successful identification of a three-dimensional person did not facilitate learning of the corresponding photographs. These results demonstrate limitations of cross-recognition of complex objects and their photographs in pigeons.  相似文献   

James Hagler 《BioControl》2009,54(3):351-361
The predatory activities of commercially-purchased adult Hippodamia convergens Guérin-Méneville and two laboratory-reared strains of adult Geocoris punctipes (Say) were compared with their feral counterparts. In single prey choice feeding tests, commercially-purchased and feral H. convergens were provided copious amounts of silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring adults or eggs of pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders). Commercially-purchased H. convergens devoured more pink bollworm eggs and at a faster rate than the feral H. convergens. In contrast, feral H. convergens consumed more adult whiteflies and at a faster rate than commercial H. convergens. In multiple feeding choice tests, two distinctly different laboratory-reared strains and feral G. punctipes were provided a cotton leaf disk containing copious amounts of silverleaf whitefly eggs, nymphs, and adults. Virtually no predation was observed on whitefly eggs, but both laboratory strains of G. punctipes fed on more whitefly nymphs and adults than the feral G. punctipes. Moreover, both of the laboratory strains had a significantly faster feeding rate on adult whiteflies and spent significantly less time feeding on plant tissue than the feral strain. These results suggest that the augmentative biological control candidates retained their ability to prey on these selected prey items, even after being displaced from their overwintering site (H. convergens) or being reared in captivity (G. punctipes) for over 40 generations. Handling editor: Patrick De Clercq. This article reports the results of research only. Mention of a proprietary product does not constitute an endorsement or a recommendation for its use by the USDA.  相似文献   

In October 2004, a free-living Stock Dove (Columba oenas) was found infected with Trichomonas spp. in the district of Soest, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. A huge buccal nodular lesion caused an occlusion of the esophagus and an external swelling. The bone of the mandibula was already softened and nearly solubilised. The microscopical examination of a wet swab sample from the carcass detected Trichomonas spp. in huge numbers. The morphological diagnosis of the flagellate revealed T. gallinae. Although trichomonosis is well described for several other columbid species around the world, this is probably the first described case of a trichomonosis in a free-living Stock Dove. The possible prevalence in the dove population is discussed.  相似文献   

Large numbers of woodpigeons (Columba palumbus) winter each year in southwestern Spain and Portugal, where they feed on acorns. Although mortality in these wintering roosts is generally low, in winter and spring 2001 approximately 2,600 woodpigeons died from trichomoniasis. Diagnosis of the disease was based on postmortem examination, culture and identification of the parasite, Trichomonas gallinae, by PCR. Other viral, bacterial or fungal pathogens were ruled out as cause for the die-off. The gathering of the woodpigeons at game bird feeders set up for red-legged partridges may have contributed to the outbreak. Mortality ceased after treatment with dimetridazole via the game bird feeders. Supplementary feeding of game birds constitutes a risk factor for the appearance of disease outbreaks. Close monitoring of infectious diseases in these populations is important, but treatment of free-living birds should be avoided in favour of other measures, as it poses risks.  相似文献   

The developmental stage is the most rapid period for the accumulation of somatic mutations. Epidemiological studies have also suggested a significant role of early life for cancer susceptibility, showing a protective effect of modest dietary restriction early in life. To determine if mutation rate, diet, and cancer risk are related, we have investigated the effect of dietary restriction on somatic mutations early in life. The diet of mouse dams was restricted during pregnancy and lactation by 10% from ad libitum control. F1 pups (SWR×Muta™Mouse) were weaned at 3 weeks of age. Pups from dams that were on a restricted diet were kept under dietary restriction (40% until 5 weeks of age and then 20% until sacrifice). Only females from litters of seven or eight were used in this study. A portion of pups from both groups were treated with N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU, 50 mg/kg, i.p.) at 5 weeks of age and all mice were sacrificed at 10 weeks of age. The frequency of induced mutations was reduced by about 30% at the three loci studied, lacZ (P=0.028) and cII (P=0.042) and Dlb-1 (P=0.032) in the small intestine in the restricted group. A similar decrease in the lacZ mutant frequency was observed in the bone marrow, but the results did not reach statistical significance (P=0.074). Few differences in the lacZ mutant frequency were observed in the colon and the mammary epithelium, but variability of the mutant frequencies was such that an effect of similar magnitude could not be excluded statistically. Analysis of 47 cII mutants revealed that the majority of MNU-induced mutations were G:C to A:T transition at non-CpG sites, with no difference in the mutation spectrum between the two dietary groups.  相似文献   

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