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DNA condensation with polyamines I. Spectroscopic studies   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
The addition of polyamines with three or four positive charges to very dilute solutions of phage T7 DNA leads to a co-operative condensation. The reaction is very rapid and the DNA remains in the B-form as characterized by circular dichroism. The particles which are formed are roughly the size of a phage particle when they are prepared for electron microscopy. This aspect is discussed more completely in the accompanying paper (Chattoraj et al., 1978).Most of the experiments were performed at low ionic strength (roughly 0.002 m) with the triamine, spermidine. The reaction also occurs in 0.15 m-sodium chloride but here the experiments are accompanied by slow irreversible effects which are evidently due to aggregation since they are accompanied by a commensurate increase in turbidity. Consequently, most of the experiments have been done under the reversible low ionic strength conditions.Neither Mg2+ nor the diamine putrescine produce the reaction at concentrations similar to those found in bacterial cells. The tetramer spermine, on the other hand, which is not found in bacterial cells, is a very strong condensation agent in the μm region. The spermidine analog, bis-(3-aminopropyl)amine is very similar in behavior to spermidine.The role which polyamines might play in the condensation of DNA in phage heads is discussed.  相似文献   

DNA condensation with polyamines. II. Electron microscopic studies   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Approximately 75% of the wheat and rye genomes consist of repeated sequence DNA. Three-quarters of the non-repeated or few copy sequences in wheat are less than 1000 base-pairs long, whilst in rye approximately half of the non-repeated or few copy sequences are in this size class. Most of the remaining non-repeated or few copy sequences appear to be a few thousand base-pairs long.In this paper a somewhat novel approach has been used to quantitatively analyse the linear organisation of the large proportion of repeated sequence DNA as well as the non-repeated DNA in the wheat and rye genomes. Repeated sequences in the genomes of oats, barley, wheat and rye have been used as probes to distinguish and isolate four different groups of repeated sequences and their neighbouring sequences from the wheat and rye genomes. Radioactively labelled wheat or rye DNA fragments ranging from 200 to over 9000 nucleotides long were incubated separately with large excesses of denatured unlabelled oats, barley, wheat and rye DNAs to Cot values which enable all the repeated sequences of the unlabelled DNA to renature. The following parameters were then determined from the proportions of total labelled DNA in fragments which had at least partially renatured. (1) The proportions of the repeated sequences in the labelled DNAs that were able to hybridise to each unlabelled DNA; (2) the mean distance apart of the hybridising sequences on the longer labelled fragments; and (3) the proportion of the genome in which the hybridising sequences were concentrated. Analysis of these results, together with those of separate experiments designed to quantitatively estimate the nature of sequences unable to reanneal with the repeated sequences of each of the probe DNAs, have enabled schematic maps to be drawn which show how the repeated and non-repeated sequences are arranged in the wheat and rye genomes.Both genomes are constructed from millions of relatively short sequences, most of them considerably shorter than 3000 base-pairs. This structure was recognised because adjacent sequences can be distinguished by their frequency of repetition (i.e. repeated or non-repeated) or by their evolutionary origin. Approximately 40 to 45% of the wheat genome and 30 to 35% of the rye genome consists of short non-repeated sequences interspersed between short repeated sequences. Approximately 50% of the wheat genome and 60% of the rye genome consists of tandemly arranged repeated sequences of different evolutionary origins. It is postulated that much of this complex repeated sequence DNA could have arisen from amplification of compound sequences, each containing repeated and non-repeated sequence DNA.Short repeated sequences with a number average length of around 200 base-pairs and which occupy about 20% of the wheat and rye genomes are related to repeated sequences also found in oats and barley. They are concentrated in 60 to 70% of the wheat and rye genomes, being interspersed with different short repeated sequences and a significant proportion of the short non-repeated sequences.Rye chromosomes contain more DNA than wheat chromosomes. This is principally, but not entirely, due to additional repeated sequence DNA. Many quantitative changes appear to have occurred in both genomes, possibly affecting most families of repeated sequences, since wheat and rye diverged from a common ancestor. Both species contain species-specific repeated sequences (24% of rye genome; 16% of wheat genome) but a large proportion of these are closely interspersed with repeated sequences found in both genomes.  相似文献   

We have applied a theory of dynamic light scattering from large anisotropic particles, developed by Aragón and Pecora [J. Chem. Phys. 66 , 2506–2516 (1977)] to calculate the scattering expected from T-even phage models. The results indicate that the off-center rotation of the massive virus head with respect to the center of frictional resistance introduces significant rotational contributions to the light-scattering time autocorrelation function. The effect is particularly important when the fibers of the phage are extended. Reanalysis of previously published data [J. B. Welch III and V. A. Bloomfield, Biopolymers 17 , 2001–2014 (1978)], taking into account rotational corrections, confirms the equality of molecular weights of the slow- and fast-sedimenting forms of T2L bacteriophage.  相似文献   

A study of gellan has been made using the technique of photon correlation spectroscopy. It has been confirmed that gellan gels are largely stationary at a molecular level like other polysaccharide gels and quite unlike the gels of flexible polymers such as polyacrylamide. Solution-gel transitions of deacetylated gellan in 0.025MNaCl have been studied both as a function of concentration and temperature, and the results compared with those of a parallel investigation of agarose. The interstitial spaces within gellan gels have also been studied by measuring the diffusion coefficients of dextran fractions within the gels. Since all gels are nonergodic systems, the theory of dynamic light scattering from such systems is discussed insofar as it affects the present work. It has been shown that the gellan and agarose aqueous systems are fundamentally different, in that agarose does not from a solution at very low concentrations, but splits up into macroscopic gel particles. At very low concentrations, gellan forms a solution in the presence of both gelleing and nongelling ions, the molecules of which shows little change in hydrodynamic diameter with temperature in the range 20–80°C. At higher concentrations where gels are formed, both gellan and agarose exhibit hystersis in their tempertature transitions from gel to solution and solution to gel, the solution being of large molecular aggregates. The transitions are sharp, but in both cases ther is a continous rearrangement in the structural morphology over the entire temperature range on heating, rendering the system more homogeneous prior to dissociation. In the case of gellan, however, there are two distincit phases in these structural changes—this is not true of agarose. The mean mass per unit length of the gellan fibre in the presence of 0.025M NaCl is 19 k daltons/nm at 0.7% concentration and varies with concentration to the power 0.15. The mass per unit length of the agarose fibre is much larger (ca. 110 k Daltons/nm), this difference being consistent with the difference in properties at very low concentrations. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Measurements of Euglena gracilis motion parameters have been performed by the spectral analysis of the scattered laser light. Samples were oriented by a radiofrequency field to obtain easily interpretable spectra. Cell rotation frequency and flagellar beating frequency distributions were obtained from the homodyne spectra, whereas the Doppler lines obtained at small observation angles by heterodyne detection yielded the swimming speed distributions. We discuss the broadening of the heterodyne spectra at large angles of observation. An application of this method to the study of the photo-kinetic effect is also described.  相似文献   

Precipitation of DNA by polyamines: a polyelectrolyte behavior.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Conditions of double-stranded DNA precipitation by the polyamines spermidine and spermine have been determined experimentally and compared to theoretical predictions. The influence of the concentrations of DNA and added monovalent salt, and of the DNA length has been investigated in a systematic manner. Three regimes of DNA concentrations are observed. We clarify the dependence of these regimes on the monovalent salt concentration and on the DNA length. Our observations make possible a rationalization of the experimental results reported in the literature. A comparison of the precipitation conditions of different kinds of polyelectrolytes suggests a general process. Our experimental data are compared to the "ion-bridging" model based on short-range electrostatic attractions. By starting from the spinodal equation, predicted by this model, and using the limiting form of Manning's fractions of condensed counterions, analytical expressions of the precipitation conditions have been found in the three regimes. Experimental and theoretical results are in good agreement.  相似文献   

R Rigler  P Thyberg 《Cytometry》1984,5(4):327-332
The rotational swimming motion of human spermatozoa is evaluated from measurements of depolarized dynamic laser light scattering at zero angle. The analysis is based on a Maxwellian angular velocity distribution and yields a rotational frequency of about 4 Hz that is ascribed to the rotation of the sperm head. From comparison with the translational swimming motion, a propelling efficiency of about 10 micron per turn is deduced. This parameter describes the linkage between the rotational and translational swimming motion and is likely to be discriminatory in the analysis of physiological and pathological sperm motions.  相似文献   

Depolarized laser light-scattering theory was applied to derive the autocorrelation function of laser light scattered by motile spermatozoa, assuming that each spermatozoon is a chain of rotatable rigid ellipsoids of revolution and also that the rotational velocity about an axis perpendicular to the symmetry axis of the ellipsoid is constant for times of the order of the characteristic decay time of the autocorrelation function. The rotations are produced by flagellar movements of the spermatozoa. The correlation function thus obtained was related to the second-order coefficient of a Legendre polynomial expansion of the rotation of the direction angle of the ellipsoidal axis. The experimental fact that the correlation function for dead spermatozoa of sea urchin resembled that for flagella mechanically separated from spermatozoa indicated to us that the depolarized light was scattered mainly by flagella. The rotational velocity distribution of the flagella was determined by comparing the theoretical analysis with the experimentally obtained correlation functions for the motile and dead spermatozoa. The value of the average velocity caused by the flagellation, 230 rad/s, was in good agreement with that measured under an optical microscope.  相似文献   

The unknown molecular weight and chemical structure of melanin place the study of these pigments outside the range of the classical biochemical techniques; thus in this paper the problem of characterizing these heterogeneous biopolymers was approached by means of light scattering techniques, static and dynamic. The static technique allowed us to identify the macromolecular properties (MW and R(g)(2)(1/2)) of melanin extracted from sepia inksac and of two synthetic analogues: L-Dopa melanin obtained by autooxidation and by enzymatic oxidation by Tyrosinase. By dynamic light scattering (DLS), the hydrodynamic radius R(h) was measured to monitor the temporal behaviour of the polymerization and aggregation processes and R(h) variation by changing the chemical constraints of the polymerization medium, such as pH and ionic strength. The fractal dimension d of the aggregates of melanin, both natural and synthetic, in the past only recognized during the aggregation of the synthetic one by lowering the pH of the medium, was a useful parameter to further investigate and compare the structure of melanin granules of differing origins, revealing for the natural sample, a structure with clusters that are spherical, not largely hydrated and self-assembled, following a reaction limited aggregation kinetics (d=2.38).  相似文献   

We synthesized a pentamine (3-3-3-3) and two hexamine (3-3-3-3-3 and 3-4-3-4-3) analogues of the natural polyamine, spermine (3-4-3) and studied their effectiveness in condensing pGL3 plasmid DNA, using light scattering and atomic force microscopic (AFM) techniques. The midpoint concentration of the polyamines on pGL3 condensation (EC50) was 11.3, 10.6, 1.5, 0.49 and 0.52 µM, respectively, for 3-4-3, norspermine (3-3-3), 3-3-3-3, 3-3-3-3-3 and 3-4-3-4-3 in 10 mM Na cacodylate buffer. Dynamic laser light scattering study showed a decrease in hydrodynamic radii of plasmid DNA particles as the number of positive charges on the polyamines increased. AFM data showed the presence of toroids with outer diameter of 117–191 nm for different polyamines, and a mean height of 2.61 ± 0.77 nm. AFM results also revealed the presence of intermediate structures, including those showing circumferential winding of DNA to toroids. The dependence of the EC50 on Na+ concentration suggests different modes of binding of spermine and its higher valent analogues with DNA. Our results show a 20-fold increase in the efficacy of hexamines for DNA condensation compared to spermine, and provide new insights into the mechanism(s) of DNA nanoparticle formation. These studies might help to develop novel nonviral gene delivery vehicles.  相似文献   

An apparatus is described by means of which the power versus frequency spectrum of the photomultiplier current can be obtained for laser light scattered by streaming cytoplasm in the algal cell Chara corallina. A Doppler peak is noted in the spectrum which is abolished when cytoplasmic streaming is arrested by electrical stimulation. For 5 cells of Chara, this simple laser-Doppler velocimeter gave streaming velocities (46-7 mum s-1, S.D. +/- 4-8 at 20 degrees C) similar to those obtained for the same cells using the light microscope (44-3 mum s-1, S.D. +/- 5-3 at 20 degrees C). A narrow distribution of streaming velocities is indicated. The technique described provides a rapid, quantitative assay of the in vivo rheological properties of cytoplasm.  相似文献   

K S Schmitz  R Pecora 《Biopolymers》1975,14(3):521-542
The quasi-elastic light-scattering (homodyne) time-correlation functions of calf thymus and λDNA are shown to contain contributions from at least two relaxation processes. A method of asymptotic analysis is described and used to obtain an estimate of the longest relaxation time as well as the “average” relaxation time and the mean-squared dispersion in this average. Most theories of scattering from macromolecules in the limit of inifinite dilution predict that the longest relaxation time is due to translational self-diffusion. The data obtained, however, indicate that the longest time is not simply related to the translational self-diffusion coefficient of unaggregated macromolecules. It is also shown that the longest relaxation time of λDNA decreases in the later stages of the denaturation transition region. Some possible mechanisms for the origin of this long time are discussed, including a model of restricted motion of a molecule by its neighbors.  相似文献   

The interaction between a variety of polyamines, both naturally occurring and synthetic, and calf thymus DNA has been studied using 23Na NMR. The relaxation behaviour of 23Na reflects the extent of interaction of Na+ with DNA phosphate groups and therefore the extent of charge neutralisation of DNA phosphate groups (P) by polyamine amino and imino groups (N) in solutions of DNa, polyamine and Na+. The studies reveal that whereas spermine and spermidine are capable of expelling nearly all of the Na+ ions from DNA at N/P approximately 1, diamines such as putrescine and homologues of spermine and spermidine are capable of neutralising only roughly 50% of DNA phosphates. The results provide a challenge to current models of DNA-polyamine interactions.  相似文献   

Laser light scattering has been employed to determine the swimming speed distribution and the fraction of motile cells in samples of bovine spermatozoa. As predicted from theory, average trajectory velocities determined by laser light scattering were approximately four times the average translational speed estimated using light microscopy. The proportion of motile spermatozoa decreased with time at the same rate when samples were prepared in either HEPES or phosphate buffers. However, whereas the mean swimming velocity declined slowly in HEPES buffer, it dropped rapidly when phosphate buffer was used. Dilution (in the range 40–0.4×106 spermatozoa·ml-1) in either of these two buffers reduced the fraction of motile spermatozoa in the sample, but the mean swimming velocity of the remaining active spermatozoa was unchanged. Lowering the temperature from 37° C to 15° C reduced the mean swimming speed by a factor of 2–3 and the fraction of motile cells by a factor of 4–5.  相似文献   

The polyamines spermidine and spermine are essential for cell proliferation and differentiation. By two independent fluorescence cytochemical methods as well as by immunocytochemistry, we have studied the distribution of these molecules in fetal rat liver. Strong reactions for polyamines were found in highly condensed chromatin, present in chromosomes in mitotic cells, and in condensed nuclei in late erythropoietic cells. Moreover, polyamines were so closely associated with DNA in condensed chromatin that DNase pretreatment was necessary for making them available for reaction with antibodies. In other cells, polyamines were mainly localized to the cytoplasm. Studies of cells at different stages in erythropoiesis revealed that polyamines become associated with DNA during its condensation and inactivation. Our data strongly indicate that polyamines participate in the condensation of DNA.  相似文献   

We synthesized analogues of spermine and studied the effects of chemical structure, ionic strength, and temperature on lambda-DNA nanoparticle formation. Effective concentration of polyamines for DNA condensation (EC50) was lowest for hexamines (0.2 microM) and highest for spermine (tetramine, 4.2 microM). The EC50 value increased with [Na+]. Dynamic light scattering showed nanoparticles with hydrodynamic radii (R(h)) of 40-50 nm. Effect of temperature on R(h) was measured between 20 and 70 degrees C. For spermine, R(h) remained relatively stable until 50 degrees C and increased significantly at >60 degrees C. In contrast, the hexa- and penta-valent analogues exhibited a gradual increase in R(h) between 20 and 70 degrees C. The nanoparticles were mainly toroidal, as revealed by electron microscopy (EM). EM studies showed changes in morphology and size of condensed structures with an increase in temperature. A possible mechanism for the differential effects of temperature on DNA nanoparticles might involve different modes of DNA-polyamine interactions.  相似文献   

Linear and circular lambda-DNA at different ethidium bromide concentrations have been studied by means of polarized light scattering, namely the S14, S34, S33 and S13 elements of Mueller matrix. While S33 at low angle appears well correlated with the total light scattering evaluated by optical density measurements at 632.8 nm for linear and circular DNA of the same mass, the magnitude and slope of the S14, S34 and S13 signals display significant changes for the circular lambda-DNA depending on the degree of negative superhelical density as induced by the different ethidium bromide concentrations. At the same time, for linear lambda-DNA the signal remains invariant, making explicit for the differential scattering of polarized light the possibility to obtain additional information by its angular dependence. Strikingly also the effect of 0.2% glutaraldehyde versus ethanol fixation on the native lambda-DNA structural properties appears to confirm earlier findings by other well-established probes. Results are discussed in terms of first physical principles and of their potential bearings towards our understanding of the mechanism controlling gene expression.  相似文献   

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