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A coupled model of stomatal conductance, photosynthesis and transpiration   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
A model that couples stomatal conductance, photosynthesis, leaf energy balance and transport of water through the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum is presented. Stomatal conductance in the model depends on light, temperature and intercellular CO2 concentration via photosynthesis and on leaf water potential, which in turn is a function of soil water potential, the rate of water flow through the soil and plant, and on xylem hydraulic resistance. Water transport from soil to roots is simulated through solution of Richards’ equation. The model captures the observed hysteresis in diurnal variations in stomatal conductance, assimilation rate and transpiration for plant canopies. Hysteresis arises because atmospheric demand for water from the leaves typically peaks in mid‐afternoon and because of uneven distribution of soil matric potentials with distance from the roots. Potentials at the root surfaces are lower than in the bulk soil, and once soil water supply starts to limit transpiration, root potentials are substantially less negative in the morning than in the afternoon. This leads to higher stomatal conductances, CO2 assimilation and transpiration in the morning compared to later in the day. Stomatal conductance is sensitive to soil and plant hydraulic properties and to root length density only after approximately 10 d of soil drying, when supply of water by the soil to the roots becomes limiting. High atmospheric demand causes transpiration rates, LE, to decline at a slightly higher soil water content, θs, than at low atmospheric demand, but all curves of LE versus θs fall on the same line when soil water supply limits transpiration. Stomatal conductance cannot be modelled in isolation, but must be fully coupled with models of photosynthesis/respiration and the transport of water from soil, through roots, stems and leaves to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Yu  Gui-Rui  Kobayashi  Tatsuaki  Zhuang  Jie  Wang  Qiu-Feng  Qu  Le-Qing 《Plant and Soil》2003,249(2):401-415
The study presents a theoretical basis of a stomatal behavior-based coupled model for estimating photosynthesis, A, and transpiration, E. Outputs of the model were tested against data observed in a maize (Zea mays L.) field. The model was developed by introducing the internal conductance, g ic, to CO2 assimilation, and the general equation of stomatal conductance, g sw, to H2O diffusion, into models of CO2 and H2O diffusion through the stomata of plant leaves. The coupled model is easier for practical use since the model only includes environmental variables, such as ambient CO2 concentration, leaf temperature, humidity and photosynthetic photon flux received at the leaves within the canopy. Moreover, concept of g ic, and factors controlling A and E were discussed, and applicability of the model was examined with the data collected in the maize field.  相似文献   

Blackspot, caused by the Ascomycete fungus Diplocarpon rosae, is the most widespread and pernicious disease of cultivated roses. While some species of rose possess resistance to D. rosae, none of the modern-day rose cultivars are fully resistant to the pathogen. In the current study, Biolistic gene delivery was used to introduce a rice gene, encoding a basic (Class I), chitinase into embryogenic callus of the blackspot-susceptible rose (Rosa hybrida L.) cv. Glad Tidings. The plasmid used for transformation carried the neomycin phosphotransferase (nptII) gene facilitating the selection and regeneration of transgenic plants on medium containing 250 mg/l kanamycin. Southern analysis confirmed integration of 2–6 copies of the chitinase gene into the rose genome; gene expression was confirmed by enzyme assay. Bioassays demonstrated that expression of the chitinase transgene reduced the severity of blackspot development by 13–43%. This degree of resistance to the pathogen correlated with the level of chitinase expression in the transgenic rose plants. The introduction of disease defence genes into rose provides a method of producing blackspot-resistant rose cultivars sought by breeders and growers.  相似文献   

Abstract. The ability of a plant to survive severe water deficits depends on its ability to restrict water loss through the leaf epidermis after stomata attain minimum aperture. At this stage, the rate of water loss is regulated by the epidermal conductance (gc). Low gc would be a useful selection criterion to identify genotypes with enhanced survival capability. Consequently, variation in gc among Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench genotypes was evaluated. Since there is little conclusive evidence linking g c with leaf waxiness, alternative hypotheses relating g c to stomatal trails were also examined. Epidermal conductance varied from 6.3 to 17.6mmol m−2 s−1 among sorghum genotypes. It was unrelated to stomatal pore length which varied with genotype and to pore depth which was similar for all genotypes measured. However, g c, increased with increasing stomatal density. This indicates that stomatal density plays a direct role in water loss even at very low conductances. The association of low stomatal density with low g c is consistent with the hypothesis that at the smallest stomata aperture, water loss from the epidermis above guard cell teichodes becomes a significant source of leaf water loss. Since low g c is directly related to crop survival under severe water deficits, it is recommended that genotypes with low g c. be selected using the selection criterion of stomatal density.  相似文献   

Currently, the most important source of uncertainty in stomatal ozone flux ( FO3) modelling is the stomatal conductance ( gst) factor. Hence FO3 model accuracy will strongly depend on the gst model being implemented. In this study the recently developed semi-empirical Gst model of Dewar was coupled to the widely known biochemical photosynthesis ( An) model of Farquhar. The Gst performance of this model combination was evaluated with a 4-month time series of beech ( Fagus sylvatica L.) measurements. The Gst model was hereto optimized in two steps to a 4-day and a 8-day period. A comparison between the modelled and measured gst to O(3) (gstO3) revealed a rather good overall performance (R(2)=0.77). Errors between the model combination and the measurements are thought to be largely caused by a moderate performance of the AN model, due to poor parameterization. Two 2-day periods with distinctly differing soil and meteorological conditions were chosen to give a picture of the daily gst performance. Although instant relative differences between modelled and measured gstO3 are sometimes high, the model combination is able to simulate the rough daily courses of gstO3 and hence FO3 reasonably well. Further improvement on full parameterization of the gst model and a well-parameterized An model to be linked to are needed to draw founded conclusions about its performance. Future efforts hereto are certainly justified since the model's mechanistic nature makes it a tool able to model gst variation in space and time, O(3) effects on gst, and effective FO3.  相似文献   

This paper deals with changes in leaf photosynthetic capacity with depth in a rose (Rosa hybrida cv. Sonia) plant canopy. Measurements of leaf net CO2 assimilation (Al) and total nitrogen content (Nl) were performed in autumn under greenhouse conditions on mature leaves located at different layers within the plant canopy, including the flower stems and the main shoots. These leaves were subjected (i) to contrasting levels of CO2 partial pressure (pa) at saturating photosynthetic photon flux density (I about 1000 μ mol m ? 2 s ? 1) and (ii) to saturating CO2 partial pressure (pa about 100 Pa) and varying I, while conditions of temperature were those prevailing in the greenhouse (20–38 °C). A biochemical model of leaf photosynthesis relating Al to intercellular CO2 partial pressure (pi) was parameterized for each layer of leaves, supplying corresponding values of the photosynthetic Rubisco capacity (Vlm) and the maximum rate of electron transport (Jm). The results indicated that rose leaves growing at the top of the canopy had higher values of Jm and Vlm, which resulted from a higher allocation of nitrogen to the uppermost leaves. Mean values of total leaf nitrogen, Nl, decreased about 35% from the uppermost leaves of flower stem to leaves growing at the bottom of the plant. The derived values of non‐photosynthetic nitrogen, Nb, varied from 76 mmolN m ? 2leaf (layer 1) to 60 mmolN m ? 2leaf (layer 4), representing a large fraction of Nl (50 and 60% in layer 1 and 4, respectively). Comparison of leaf photosynthetic nitrogen (Np = NlNb) and I profiles supports the hypothesis that rose leaves acclimate to the time‐integrated absorbed I. The relationships between I and Np, obtained during autumn, spring and summer, indicate that rose leaves seem also to acclimate their photosynthetic capacity seasonally, by allocating more photosynthetic nitrogen to leaves in autumn and spring than in summer.  相似文献   

A common approach for estimating fluxes of CO2 and water in canopy models is to couple a model of photosynthesis (An) to a semi‐empirical model of stomatal conductance (gs) such as the widely validated and utilized Ball–Berry (BB) model. This coupling provides an effective way of predicting transpiration at multiple scales. However, the designated value of the slope parameter (m) in the BB model impacts transpiration estimates. There is a lack of consensus regarding how m varies among species or plant functional types (PFTs) or in response to growth conditions. Literature values are highly variable, with inter‐species and intra‐species variations of >100%, and comparisons are made more difficult because of differences in collection techniques. This paper reviews the various methods used to estimate m and highlights how variations in measurement techniques or the data utilized can influence the resultant m. Additionally, this review summarizes the reported responses of m to [CO2] and water stress, collates literature values by PFT and compiles nearly three decades of values into a useful compendium.  相似文献   

Representation of stomatal physiology in models of plant-atmosphere gas exchange is minimal, and direct application of process-based models is limited by difficulty of parameter estimation. We derived simple models of stomatal conductance from a recent process-based model, and cross-validated them against measurements of sap flux (176-365 d in length) in 36 individual trees of two age classes for two Eucalyptus species across seven sites in the mountains of southeastern Australia. The derived models - which are driven by irradiance and evaporative demand and have two to four parameters that represent sums and products of biophysical parameters in the process model - reproduced a median 83-89% of observed variance in half-hourly and diurnally averaged sap flux, and performed similarly whether fitted using a random sample of all data or using 1 month of data from spring or autumn. Our simple models are an advance in predicting plant water use because their parameters are transparently related to reduced processes and properties, enabling easy accommodation of improved knowledge about how those parameters respond to environmental change and differ among species.  相似文献   

表油菜素内酯对月季切花衰老的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
0.5mg·L~(-1)表油菜素内酯明显缓解水分对月季切花的胁迫,促进切花体内水分平衡的改善和还原糖含量的增加,抑制花瓣溶质外渗,从而延缓切花衰老。  相似文献   

A model is presented which solves simultaneously for leaf-scale stomatal conductance, CO2 assimilation and the energy balance as a function of leaf position within canopies of well-watered vegetation. Fluxes and conductances were calculated separately for sunlit and shaded leaves. A linear dependence of photosynthetic capacity on leaf nitrogen content was assumed, while leaf nitrogen content and light intensity were assumed to decrease exponentially within canopies. Separate extinction coefficients were used for diffuse and direct beam radiation. An efficient Gaussian integration technique was used to compute fluxes and mean conductances for the canopy. The multilayer model synthesizes current knowledge of radiation penetration, leaf physiology and the physics of evaporation and provides insights into the response of whole canopies to multiple, interacting factors. The model was also used to explore sources of variation in the slopes of two simple parametric models (nitrogen- and light-use efficiency), and to set bounds on the magnitudes of the parameters. For canopies low in total N, daily assimilation rates are ~10% lower when leaf N is distributed uniformly than when the same total N is distributed according to the exponentially decreasing profile of absorbed radiation. However, gains are negligible for plants with high N concentrations. Canopy conductance, Gc should be calculated as Gc=Aσ(fslgsl+fshgsh), where Δ is leaf area index, fsi and fsh are the fractions of sunlit and shaded leaves at each level, and gsi and gsh are the corresponding stomatal conductances. Simple addition of conductances without this weighting causes errors in transpiration calculated using the ‘big-leaf’ version of the Penman-Monteith equation. Partitioning of available energy between sensible and latent heat is very responsive to the parameter describing the sensitivity of stomata to the atmospheric humidity deficit. This parameter also affects canopy conductance, but has a relatively small impact on canopy assimilation. Simple parametric models are useful for extrapolating understanding from small to large scales, but the complexity of real ecosystems is thus subsumed in unexplained variations in parameter values. Simulations with the multilayer model show that both nitrogen- and radiation-use efficiencies depend on plant nutritional status and the diffuse component of incident radiation, causing a 2- to 3-fold variation in these efficiencies.  相似文献   

The theoretical basis for the link between the leaf exchange of carbonyl sulfide (COS), carbon dioxide (CO(2)) and water vapour (H(2)O) and the assumptions that need to be made in order to use COS as a tracer for canopy net photosynthesis, transpiration and stomatal conductance, are reviewed. The ratios of COS to CO(2) and H(2)O deposition velocities used to this end are shown to vary with the ratio of the internal to ambient CO(2) and H(2)O mole fractions and the relative limitations by boundary layer, stomatal and internal conductance for COS. It is suggested that these deposition velocity ratios exhibit considerable variability, a finding that challenges current parameterizations, which treat these as vegetation-specific constants. COS is shown to represent a better tracer for CO(2) than H(2)O. Using COS as a tracer for stomatal conductance is hampered by our present poor understanding of the leaf internal conductance to COS. Estimating canopy level CO(2) and H(2)O fluxes requires disentangling leaf COS exchange from other ecosystem sources/sinks of COS. We conclude that future priorities for COS research should be to improve the quantitative understanding of the variability in the ratios of COS to CO(2) and H(2)O deposition velocities and the controlling factors, and to develop operational methods for disentangling ecosystem COS exchange into contributions by leaves and other sources/sinks. To this end, integrated studies, which concurrently quantify the ecosystem-scale CO(2), H(2)O and COS exchange and the corresponding component fluxes, are urgently needed.  相似文献   

This study was initiated to investigate effects of damage by 0, 5 and 10 aphids/plant on the physiology of faba bean plants throughout different feeding periods and at two plant development stages. Immediately following removal of Aphis fabae, measurements showed 84–229% increase in transpiration rate. These changes were proportional to the number of aphids and infestation duration. Injury by A. fabae caused the stomatal conductance to be much higher in the leaves of infested plants. Leaf stomatal conductance of the infested plants increased significantly by 51–224% depending on initial aphid densities and feeding intervals. This increase was proportional to the infestation level for each date. Length of infestation period and plant growth stage seemed to have no clear effect on stomatal apertures. Aphid feeding caused a damage of about 7–33% of crude protein levels in the leaf tissue. This reduction increased with increasing infestation levels and time, except for 28‐day‐old plants on 28 days. The physiological effects of aphid feeding on water vapour and chemical composition of damaged leaves are particularly serious when the population is high.  相似文献   

Stomatal conductance (gs) and mesophyll conductance (gm) represent major constraints to photosynthetic rate (A), and these traits are expected to coordinate with leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf) across species, under both steady‐state and dynamic conditions. However, empirical information about their coordination is scarce. In this study, Kleaf, gas exchange, stomatal kinetics, and leaf anatomy in 10 species including ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms were investigated to elucidate the correlation of H2O and CO2 diffusion inside leaves under varying light conditions. Gas exchange, Kleaf, and anatomical traits varied widely across species. Under light‐saturated conditions, the A, gs, gm, and Kleaf were strongly correlated across species. However, the response patterns of A, gs, gm, and Kleaf to varying light intensities were highly species dependent. Moreover, stomatal opening upon light exposure of dark‐adapted leaves in the studied ferns and gymnosperms was generally faster than in the angiosperms; however, stomatal closing in light‐adapted leaves after darkening was faster in angiosperms. The present results show that there is a large variability in the coordination of leaf hydraulic and gas exchange parameters across terrestrial plant species, as well as in their responses to changing light.  相似文献   

冬小麦叶片气孔导度模型水分响应函数的参数化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
植物气孔导度模型的水分响应函数用来模拟水分胁迫对气孔导度的影响过程, 是模拟缺水环境下植物与大气间水、碳交换过程的关键算法。水分响应函数包括空气湿度响应函数和土壤湿度(或植物水势)响应函数, 该研究基于田间实验观测, 分析了冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)叶片气孔导度对不同空气饱和差和不同土壤体积含水量或叶水势的响应规律。一个土壤水分梯度的田间处理在中国科学院禹城综合试验站实施, 不同水分胁迫下的冬小麦叶片气体交换过程和气孔导度以及其他的温湿度数据被观测, 同时观测了土壤含水量和叶水势。实验数据表明, 冬小麦叶片气孔导度对空气饱和差的响应呈现双曲线规律, 变化趋势显示大约1 kPa空气饱和差是一个有用的阈值, 在小于1 kPa时, 冬小麦气孔导度对空气饱和差变化反应敏感, 而大于1 kPa后则反应缓慢; 分析土壤体积含水量与中午叶片气孔导度的关系发现, 中午叶片气孔导度随土壤含水量增加大致呈现线性增加趋势, 但在平均土壤体积含水量大于大约25%以后, 气孔导度不再明显增加, 而是维持在较高导度值上下波动; 冬小麦中午叶片水势与相应的气孔导度之间, 随着叶水势的增加, 气孔导度呈现增加趋势。根据冬小麦气孔导度对空气湿度、土壤湿度和叶水势的响应规律, 研究分别采用双曲线和幂指数形式拟合了水汽响应函数, 用三段线性方程拟合了土壤湿度响应函数和植物水势响应函数, 得到的参数可以为模型模拟冬小麦的各类水、热、碳交换过程采用。  相似文献   

构建一个普适性的植物叶片气孔导度(gs)对CO2浓度响应(gs-Ca)的模型, 对定量研究植物叶片gs对CO2浓度的响应变化尤为必要。该研究运用便携式光合仪(LI-6400)测量了大豆(Glycine max)和小麦(Triticum aestivum)光合作用对CO2的响应曲线(An-Ca), 在比较传统的Michaelis-Menten模型(M-M模型)和叶子飘构建的CO2响应模型拟合大豆和小麦An-Ca效果的基础上, 构建了gs-Ca响应新模型。然后用新构建的模型拟合大豆和小麦的gs-Ca曲线, 并将拟合结果与传统模型的拟合结果, 以及与其对应的观测数据进行比较, 以判断所构建模型是否合理。结果显示: 叶子飘构建的An-Ca模型可较好地拟合大豆和小麦的An-Ca曲线, 确定系数(R2)均高达0.999。M-M模型拟合大豆和小麦的An-Ca曲线时的R2虽然也较高, 但在较高CO2浓度时的拟合曲线偏离观测曲线。因此, 基于叶子飘的An-Ca模型构建gs-Ca模型更为可行。新构建的gs-Ca模型可较好地拟合大豆和小麦的gs-Ca曲线, R2分别为0.995和0.994, 而且还可以直接给出最大气孔导度(gs-max)、最小气孔导度(gs-min), 以及与gs-min相对应的CO2浓度值(Cs-min)。拟合得到大豆和小麦的gs-max分别为0.686和0.481 mol·m-2·s-1, 与其对应的观测值(分别为0.666和0.471 mol·m-2·s-1)之间均不存在显著差异; 同样, 拟合得到的大豆和小麦的gs-min分别为0.271和0.297 mol·m-2·s-1, 与其对应的观测值(分别为0.279和0.293 mol·m-2·s-1)之间也均不存在显著差异; 此外, 新构建的gs-Ca模型给出大豆和小麦的Cs-min值分别为741.45和1 112.43 μmol·mol -1, 与其对应的观测值(732.78和1 200.34 μmol·mol -1)也不存在显著差异。由此可见, 该研究新构建的gs-Ca模型可作为定量研究植物叶片气孔导度对CO2浓度变化的有效数学工具。  相似文献   

Abstract. A model of photosynthesis (PGEN) is presented. The model assumes that optimal use is made of the leaf nitrogen available for partitioning between the carboxylase and thylakoid components. This results in predictions of Rubisco and chlorophyll concentrations very similar to those measured elsewhere. A function is incorporated which represents the detrimental effects of negative leaf water potentials on the Calvin cycle, producing a quantitative and mechanistic trade-off between CO2 entering, and H2O leaving, the leaf. Thus, an optimal stomatal conductance and associated internal partial pressure of CO2 exists for any given set of environmental conditions. The model calculates this optimal state for the leaf, which is its output. The model was subjected to changes in the following parameters: soil water potential, irradiance, ambient CO2 partial pressure, leaf temperature, leaf-to-air vapour pressure deficit, wind speed, atmospheric pressure, leaf nitrogen content, root dry weight and leaf width. These perturbations resulted in changes in predicted optimal conductance which were very similar to what has been observed. In general, as the capacity of the leaf to fix CO2 increased, so did the predicted optimal conductance, with the internal partial pressure of CO2 being maintained close to 22Pa.  相似文献   

A synthetic model of photosynthesis-transpiration was established based on a comprehensive consideration of models of CO2 and H2O fluxes controlled by stomata of plant leaves.The synthetic model was developed by introducing the internal conductance to CO2 assimilation, gic, and the general equation of stomatal conductance model to H2O diffusion, gsw = g0+a1Amf(Ds)/(Cs-Γ), into models of CO2 and H2O diffusion through the plant leaves stomata. In the above expression, g0 and a1 are coefficients, Cs ambient CO2 concentration at leaf surface, Γ CO2 compensation point, and f(Ds) the general function describing the response of stomatal conductance to humidity. Using the data observed in maize (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max Merr.) plants grown in the field, the parameters in the model were identified, and the applicability of the model was examined. The verification indicated that the developed model could be used to estimate net assimilation rate, transpiration rate, and water use efficiency with a high enough level of precision. The examination also showed that when f(Ds) = hs or f(Ds) = (1+Ds/D0)−1 was employed, the estimation precision of the synthetic model was highest. In the study, the parameter gic was estimated by means of a linear function of QP because it was shown to be mostly correlated with photosynthetic photon flux, QP, among various environmental factors.  相似文献   

Repeated measures analysis was used to evaluate the effect of long-term CO2 enhancement on seasonal trends of light-saturated rates of net photosynthesis (Asat) and stomatal conductance to water vapour (gsat) of 9-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) trees grown in a 2 × 2 factorial experimental design of nutrition and water. A significant interaction effect of CO2 and nutrition on mean Asat was observed for juvenile foliage. Also, juvenile foliage exposed to +350 μmol mol?1 CO2 had a higher rate of increase of Asat between late summer and early autumn. This would lead to a greater potential for recharging carbohydrate reserves for winter. Mature foliage was affected by COsat, water and nutrient treatments in two ways. First, Asat was significantly increased as a result of elevated CO2 in January, a period when stomatal conductance was only 47% of the maximum observed rate. Secondly, the rate of increase of Asat from winter to early spring was accelerated as a result of both nutrient + water and + 350 μmol mol?1 CO2 treatments. This accelerated response resulted in a greater potential for photosynthate production during the period when growth initiation occurred. Nutrient, water or carbon dioxide treatments did not significantly alter trends in gsat for mature or juvenile foliage. A significant nutrition × CO2 interaction was observed for the mature foliage, suggesting that gsat increased with increasing CO2 and nutrition. These results may have important consequences for the determination of the water use efficiency of loblolly pine. In spite of low gsat in the winter to early spring period, there was a substantial gain in Asat attributable to elevated CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

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