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工业生态学研究现状与展望 总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13
工业生态学是一门新兴交叉学科,自诞生10多年来,其理论研究与实践活动已经取得了长足的进展。首先介绍了工业生态学的缘起,综述了目前国外工业生态学在原料与能量流动(工业代谢)、物质减量化、技术变革和环境、生命周期规划设计与评价、为环境设计、延伸生产者的责任、生态工业园(工业共生系统)、产品导向的环境策略、生态效益等主要领域的研究进展;分析了我国工业生态学的研究现状,并结合国际发展趋势提出了我国工业生态学未来的研究框架和主要研究领域 相似文献
松鼠由于受到非法猎捕、栖息地破坏及欧洲部分地区的北美灰松鼠生态入侵,导致种群数量锐减,现已被世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)列为近危种,我国吉林省已将其列入省重点保护野生动物名录.分子生物学研究方法的快速发展,尤其是基于mtDNA片段开展的相关研究,以及已筛选出并能应用于松鼠研究的微卫星位点的应用,使松鼠分子生态学研究不断深入.本文对松鼠的分子系统发育、遗传多样性和分子系统地理学等分子生态学内容进行了综述,并提出松鼠分子生态学未来研究的展望:进一步探讨松鼠与日本松鼠的系统分化关系;松鼠连续种群、隔离种群和集合种群的遗传多样性比较分析;利用核基因其他标记分析松鼠分子系统地理学问题;探讨亚洲是否存在第四纪冰期避难所. 相似文献
松鼠由于受到非法猎捕、栖息地破坏及欧洲部分地区的北美灰松鼠生态入侵,导致种群数量锐减,现已被世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)列为近危种,我国吉林省已将其列入省重点保护野生动物名录.分子生物学研究方法的快速发展,尤其是基于mtDNA片段开展的相关研究,以及已筛选出并能应用于松鼠研究的微卫星位点的应用,使松鼠分子生态学研究不断深入.本文对松鼠的分子系统发育、遗传多样性和分子系统地理学等分子生态学内容进行了综述,并提出松鼠分子生态学未来研究的展望:进一步探讨松鼠与日本松鼠的系统分化关系;松鼠连续种群、隔离种群和集合种群的遗传多样性比较分析;利用核基因其他标记分析松鼠分子系统地理学问题;探讨亚洲是否存在第四纪冰期避难所. 相似文献
分子生态学研究与运行多样性保护 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
分子生态学的发展揭开了生物多样性保护研究的新篇章,分子技术的应用克服了传统生态学法中的一些难题,如野外调查周期长,分辨率有限,实验条件不易控制等,应用各种分子标记(如:RFLP,VNTR,RAPD,DNA测序等)可以分析种群地理格局和异质种群动态,确定种群间的基因流,研究瓶颈效应对种群的影响以及确定个体间的亲缘关系等等,所有这些研究都是指导物种保护和淑危种群的恢复所必要的,种或品系特异性的分子标记技术能够解决形态分类中的模糊现象,确定基于遗传物质的谱系关系,还可以用来分析近缘种间杂交问题,这些问题的解决有助于确定物种优先保护顺序,选择保护地工,近年来引起重视的主要组织人性复合体(MHC)NDA异分析可能会在研究种群对疾病的易感性第一系列种群特异性问题方面非常有用,随着分子技术的不断发展,会有更多的保护生物学问题得到解决,尤其是结合野外调查统计数据应用多个分子标记对目标种群进行研究,所得到的结果会更精确,更有说服力。 相似文献
重金属污染生态学研究现状与展望 总被引:79,自引:6,他引:79
重金属污染生态学的研究迄今已有近 5 0 a的历史 ,在土壤重金属元素背景值和环境标准的制定、重金属在环境中的迁移转化、重金属污染治理、元素分析测定方法和规范、对生物体的毒性及生物体的响应等方面取得了很多研究成果 ,出版了很多专著。在对重金属污染生态学研究进行简要回顾的基础上 ,以重金属在生物体内的行为特征 (吸收、迁移、富集、毒害、解毒和抗性等 )为主线 ,从微观和宏观水平 ,系统综述了目前该领域的研究现状 ,分析了尚存在的一些问题 ,最后从生物对重金属污染适应的分子机理、治理方法和技术的创新性、复合污染下环境标准制定的科学化以及重金属污染条件下全球生物进化的趋势预测等方面作了研究展望 相似文献
分子生态学研究与动物多样性保护 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
分子生态学的发展揭开了生物多样性保护研究的新篇章。分子技术的应用克服了传统生态学方法中的一些难题,如野外调查周期长、分辨率有限、实验条件不易控制等。应用各种分子标记(如:RFLP 、VNTR、 RAPD、 DNA测序等)可以分析种群地理格局和异质种群动态、确定种群间的基因流、研究瓶颈效应对种群的影响以及确定个体间的亲缘关系等等。所有这些研究都是指导物种保护和濒危种群的恢复所必需的。种或品系特异性的分子标记技术能够解决形态分类中的模糊现象,确定基于遗传物质的谱系关系,还可以用来分析近缘种间杂交问题。这些问题的解决有助于确定物种优先保护顺序,选择保护地区。近年来引起重视的主要组织相容性复合体(MHC)DNA变异分析可能会在研究种群对疾病的易感性等一系列种群特异性问题方面非常有用。随着分子技术的不断发展,会有更多的保护生物学问题得到解决,尤其是结合野外调查统计数据应用多个分子标记对目标种群进行研究,所得到的结果会更精确,更有说服力。 相似文献
红豆属(Ormosia)隶属豆科(Fabaceae),全属约130种,均为木本植物,我国有37种,广东、广西、云南、海南为主要分布区。该属野外自然更新能力较差,对生存环境要求严格。由于该属大部分物种具有极高的经济价值和开发利用价值,因此人为干扰及盗伐现象严重,分布范围收缩且野外种群数量减少。本文在查阅文献的基础上,对红豆属植物的生态学特征、组织培养、生理生化、遗传、濒危现状与保护对策等方面的研究成果进行归纳总结并进行了展望,以期为深入研究红豆属植物、拯救红豆属物种提供参考。 相似文献
蜡梅群落生态学研究与展望 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
本文从群落分布与群落环境,区系组成、外貌和结构,种群结构及生理生态学等方面综述了蜡梅群落生态学研究的最新进展,指出了现今研究中存在的一些问题,提出了今后研究的若干重点领域和方向。 相似文献
四爪陆龟生态学研究概况及保护现状 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
1991-1992年,于新疆霍城以散放观察法为主对四爪陆龟(Testudohorsfieldi)野外生态进行了研究。结果表明:四爪陆电3-4月出蛰,日活动节律可分为转身期、日光浴期、前活动期、避暑期、后活动期和夜息期,7-8月入蛰;生境可分为阳坡、阳坡、坡顶和沟底,偏爱活动于沟底;记录其取食植物47种,喜食拉拉藤、旋花等种类;亚成体日食量4.1±1.8g,日取食时间10.3±3.4min.;成体日食量9.7±7.3g,日取食时间27.8±21min.;观察到2窝卵,产于5月中旬,窝印数3枚,孵化率16.7%,成活率为零,孵化期120天;现实际分布面积180km2,科群密度6只/kkm2,性比1∶1,年龄集中在9-15年,体重300-500g最多,背甲长主要为9-15cm;四爪陆电受人为捕杀严重,濒临绝迹。 相似文献
C. M. Shuttleworth 《Mammal Review》1999,29(1):63-68
This paper describes the results of a 4-year study examining the use of nest boxes by Red Squirrels. Two different designs of nest box were erected in a conifer woodland which supported a high density of animals; spring population estimates were between 3.5 and 4.0 individuals per hectare. Boxes were used by adults, subadults, lactating females and their young. Breeding females more frequently used the larger of the two box designs, although this preference was not statistically significant. There was no difference in the mean sizes of litters found within the two box types. The mean size of litters present in boxes was 2.7 (n = 31, SE = 0.23) which was similar to the mean litter size of 2.5 (n = 8, SE = 0.50) found in dreys. Thus, nest boxes proved to be a valuable research tool for monitoring parturition dates, litter sizes, nestling sex ratios, and preweaning mortality. 相似文献
凉水自然保护区松鼠巢址选择的特征 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
2006 年6 月11 日至9 月27 日和2007 年8 月14 日至9 月21 日采用样线法,并结合定位观察的方法在凉水国家级自然保护区对松鼠的巢址选择进行了定量研究,共获取107 个巢样方和230 个对照样方。对每个样方分别测定了12 个巢树参数和7 个环境参数。统计分析结果表明,松鼠仅在针叶树上营巢,59.8 ± 4. 7% 的巢建于红松上,但对枝叶比红松更为浓密的云杉和臭冷杉有显著的选择性,而且显著倾向于在以云杉、臭冷杉为优势树种的生境中营巢。松鼠选择比较高大(树高21.5 ± 0.4 m)、活动通道比较多(3.6 ±0.1)的树营巢,巢树周围的树木密度(169 ± 4 株/ hm2 )和多样性(辛普森指数0.51 ± 0.01)显著高于对照样方。巢址生境多位于南向的中、下坡位。巢址高12.4 ± 0.4 m,紧贴树干,多朝南。红松树上的巢多建于树冠的中下部,云杉和臭冷杉树上的巢多建于树冠的上部。松鼠巢对包括道路在内的林隙没有显著的回避。 相似文献
Cone-cores discarded by Eurasian red squirrels were used to study the habitat selection of Korean pine-seeds hoarding, in forest patch Nos. 16 and 19 in Liangshui Nature Reserve, China. Ten transects with a total length of 15 km were uniformly set, and data from 343 valid samples were collected in a 369 hm2 area. One hundred and eighty four were hoarding samples which were determined according to the cluster analysis based on the number of the cone-cores, while the other 159 were control samples. The principal component analysis, using 11 habitat factors, suggested that the distance from Korean pine forest, forest type, number of Korean pine seedlings, density and type of bush significantly influenced the habitat selection of hoarding by Eurasian red squirrels. The results of Bailey’s method indicated that the squirrels showed (1) preference for natural coniferous forest, natural fir and spruce forest and planted spruce forest; (2) avoidance of planted Korean pine forest and planted larch forest; and (3) random use of natural Korean pine forest. Moreover the distance from the Korean pines in the range of 150–600 m showed no effect on the habitat selection of hoarding by the Eurasian red squirrels. More than 50% of the cone-cores were discarded in either fringe or gap of the Korean pine forest with more cone-cores found at <300 m than at 300 m away (One-Way ANOVA; df = 3, 183, F = 5.76, p = 0.0009). This demonstrated that the Eurasian red squirrels could take the cone-cores out of the Korean pine forest. The density of bushes in samples of hoarding area was significantly lower than that in control samples (Kruskal–Wallis test; df = 1, χ2 = 83.99, p < 0.0001). The number of the Korean pine seedlings in samples of hoarding area was significantly higher than that in the control samples (Kruskal–Wallis test; df = 1, χ2 = 104.13, p < 0.0001). This illustrated that the hoarding habitat favoured the germination of the Korean pine seedlings. In conclusion the behavior of hoarding Korean pine seeds by the Eurasian red squirrels can promote the regeneration and dispersal of the Korean pines. 相似文献
凉水自然保护区松鼠和星鸦贮食生境选择差异 总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7
2003 年9 月30 日~2005 年10 月8 日,在黑龙江凉水国家级自然保护区,应用样方调查法, 采用Vanderploeg和Scavia 选择系数Wi和选择指数Ei作为衡量指标,对松鼠和星鸦贮食生境选择进行了研究。结果表明, 二者贮食生境选择优先顺序略有不同,松鼠偏爱的贮食生境依次是: 云杉林、原始红松林、人工红松林、针阔混交林、人工云杉林、白桦林、针叶混交林、人工落叶松林、阔叶混交林、冷杉林和其它。星鸦对贮食生境的偏爱程度依次为: 人工红松林、原始红松林、云杉林、人工云杉林、针阔混交林、阔叶混交林、白桦林、针叶混交林、人工落叶松林、冷杉林和其它。在对贮食微生境因子的选择利用上, 二者大致相同,只是在对优势灌丛的选择上略有差异, 松鼠优先选择在狗枣猕猴桃优势灌丛内贮藏红松种子, 而星鸦优先选择在刺五加优势灌丛内贮食。松鼠和星鸦贮食生境选择的差异将对随后的红松天然更新过程产生不同的影响。 相似文献
The effects of hoarding habitat selection of Eurasian red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) on natural regeneration of the Korean pines 下载免费PDF全文
Cone-cores discarded by Eurasian red squirrels were used to study the habitat selection of Korean pine-seeds hoarding, in forest patch Nos. 16 and 19 in Liangshui Nature Reserve, China. Ten transects with a total length of 15 km were uniformly set, and data from 343 valid samples were collected in a 369 hm2 area. One hundred and eighty four were hoarding samples which were determined according to the cluster analysis based on the number of the cone-cores, while the other 159 were control samples. The principal component analysis, using 11 habitat factors, suggested that the distance from Korean pine forest, forest type, number of Korean pine seedlings, density and type of bush significantly influenced the habitat selection of hoarding by Eurasian red squirrels. The results of Bailey’s method indicated that the squirrels showed (1) preference for natural coniferous forest, natural fir and spruce forest and planted spruce forest; (2) avoidance of planted Korean pine forest and planted larch forest; and (3) random use of natural Korean pine forest. Moreover the distance from the Korean pines in the range of 150–600 m showed no effect on the habitat selection of hoarding by the Eurasian red squirrels. More than 50% of the cone-cores were discarded in either fringe or gap of the Korean pine forest with more cone-cores found at <300 m than at 300 m away (One-Way ANOVA; df = 3, 183, F = 5.76, p = 0.0009). This demonstrated that the Eurasian red squirrels could take the cone-cores out of the Korean pine forest. The density of bushes in samples of hoarding area was significantly lower than that in control samples (Kruskal–Wallis test; df = 1, χ2 = 83.99, p < 0.0001). The number of the Korean pine seedlings in samples of hoarding area was significantly higher than that in the control samples (Kruskal–Wallis test; df = 1, χ2 = 104.13, p < 0.0001). This illustrated that the hoarding habitat favoured the germination of the Korean pine seedlings. In conclusion the behavior of hoarding Korean pine seeds by the Eurasian red squirrels can promote the regeneration and dispersal of the Korean pines. 相似文献
车前属(Plantago L.)植物生态与进化生物学研究进展 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
车前属植物是理论生态学、生理生态学、进化生物学研究的理想材料。本文综述了近年来国内外学者在车前属生态学、进化生物学、系统分类学方面的研究概况。 相似文献
松鼠几项生态生理指标季节变化的比较 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
研究了分布于我国大、小兴安岭林区松鼠体重、身体热值、脂肪含量、灰分含量以及水分含量的季节变化。松鼠体重存在明显的季节性变化和性别差异 ,春季 ,雄性松鼠体重明显小于雌性个体 ,而其它季节 ,雄性大于雌性。冬季体重最低(3 3 1 .9~ 3 45 .1 g) ,秋季体重最高 (3 78.1~ 3 89.9g) ,体重降低了 9.41 %~ 1 4.0 7%。大、小兴安岭松鼠身体热值、脂肪含量和水分含量季节变动范围为 6.2 71~ 8.60 9k J/g和 6.891~ 8.41 3 k J/g,8.81 %~ 2 1 .3 7%和 9.47%~ 2 2 .0 1 % ,67.1 2 %~73 .3 8%和 66.3 5 %~ 71 .73 % ;灰分含量不存在季节差异 ,大、小兴安岭年平均值分别为 1 2 .0 4%± 1 .1 7%和 1 1 .2 7%±2 .0 7%。环境温度、食物资源和繁殖状况是影响东北松鼠体重和身体组成季节性差异的主要因素 相似文献
Cone-cores discarded by Eurasian red squirrels were used to study the habitat selection of Korean pine-seeds hoarding, in forest patch Nos. 16 and 19 in Liangshui Nature Reserve, China. Ten transects with a total length of 15 km were uniformly set, and data from 343 valid samples were collected in a 369 hm2 area. One hundred and eighty four were hoarding samples which were determined according to the cluster analysis based on the number of the cone-cores, while the other 159 were control samples. The principal component analysis, using 11 habitat factors, suggested that the distance from Korean pine forest, forest type, number of Korean pine seedlings, density and type of bush significantly influenced the habitat selection of hoarding by Eurasian red squirrels. The results of Bailey’s method indicated that the squirrels showed (1) preference for natural coniferous forest, natural fir and spruce forest and planted spruce forest; (2) avoidance of planted Korean pine forest and planted larch forest; and (3) random use of natural Korean pine forest. Moreover the distance from the Korean pines in the range of 150–600 m showed no effect on the habitat selection of hoarding by the Eurasian red squirrels. More than 50% of the cone-cores were discarded in either fringe or gap of the Korean pine forest with more cone-cores found at <300 m than at 300 m away (One-Way ANOVA; df = 3, 183, F = 5.76, p = 0.0009). This demonstrated that the Eurasian red squirrels could take the cone-cores out of the Korean pine forest. The density of bushes in samples of hoarding area was significantly lower than that in control samples (Kruskal–Wallis test; df = 1, χ2 = 83.99, p < 0.0001). The number of the Korean pine seedlings in samples of hoarding area was significantly higher than that in the control samples (Kruskal–Wallis test; df = 1, χ2 = 104.13, p < 0.0001). This illustrated that the hoarding habitat favoured the germination of the Korean pine seedlings. In conclusion the behavior of hoarding Korean pine seeds by the Eurasian red squirrels can promote the regeneration and dispersal of the Korean pines. 相似文献
Kathryn Fingland Samantha J. Ward Adam J. Bates Samantha Bremner-Harrison 《Mammal Review》2022,52(1):26-38
- Urban growth and intensification are projected to increase as the global human population increases. Historically, urban areas have been disregarded as suitable wildlife habitat, but it is now known that these areas can be biodiverse and that wildlife species can adapt to the environmental conditions. One such urban-dwelling species is the Eurasian red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris, which has suffered population declines in several countries throughout its range in recent decades.
- The current published literature was systematically reviewed to determine whether or not urban habitats are suitable refugia for red squirrels, through identifying and discussing key topics regarding the urban ecology of red squirrels.
- Urban environments can support higher population densities of red squirrels than rural areas, probably due to the widespread and reliable provision of anthropogenic supplemental food alongside natural food sources. The availability and quality of urban greenspaces are important determinants of the suitability of urban habitats for red squirrels, as they provide natural food sources and nesting sites. Despite the barriers present in urban landscapes (e.g. roads), red squirrels can still disperse and maintain gene flow at the population level.
- Road traffic accidents appear to be a significant cause of mortality in some urban red squirrel populations, and seasonal peaks of mortality occur during the autumn months. Diseases (e.g. squirrelpox virus) can also be a significant cause of mortality, although effects differ between populations and depend on whether grey squirrels Sciurus carolinensis are present. Many of the predation events that affect red squirrels appear to be due to free-ranging domestic and feral cats Felis catus, although there is currently little evidence to suggest that predation is a limiting factor for urban red squirrel populations.
- We conclude that urban areas can be suitable refugia for red squirrels, provided that high-quality greenspaces are maintained. Mitigation measures may also be necessary to reduce population mortality and to prevent disease outbreaks.