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松鼠由于受到非法猎捕、栖息地破坏及欧洲部分地区的北美灰松鼠生态入侵,导致种群数量锐减,现已被世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)列为近危种,我国吉林省已将其列入省重点保护野生动物名录.分子生物学研究方法的快速发展,尤其是基于mtDNA片段开展的相关研究,以及已筛选出并能应用于松鼠研究的微卫星位点的应用,使松鼠分子生态学研究不断深入.本文对松鼠的分子系统发育、遗传多样性和分子系统地理学等分子生态学内容进行了综述,并提出松鼠分子生态学未来研究的展望:进一步探讨松鼠与日本松鼠的系统分化关系;松鼠连续种群、隔离种群和集合种群的遗传多样性比较分析;利用核基因其他标记分析松鼠分子系统地理学问题;探讨亚洲是否存在第四纪冰期避难所.  相似文献   

松鼠由于受到非法猎捕、栖息地破坏及欧洲部分地区的北美灰松鼠生态入侵,导致种群数量锐减,现已被世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)列为近危种,我国吉林省已将其列入省重点保护野生动物名录.分子生物学研究方法的快速发展,尤其是基于mtDNA片段开展的相关研究,以及已筛选出并能应用于松鼠研究的微卫星位点的应用,使松鼠分子生态学研究不断深入.本文对松鼠的分子系统发育、遗传多样性和分子系统地理学等分子生态学内容进行了综述,并提出松鼠分子生态学未来研究的展望:进一步探讨松鼠与日本松鼠的系统分化关系;松鼠连续种群、隔离种群和集合种群的遗传多样性比较分析;利用核基因其他标记分析松鼠分子系统地理学问题;探讨亚洲是否存在第四纪冰期避难所.  相似文献   

2004年6~7月,在云南省大理白族自治州苍山和洱海国家自然保护区选取4种年龄段(6~10、11~15、16~20、31~40年)的松林和保护区周围的非保护区选取7种年龄段(1~5、6~10、11~15、16~20、21~30、31~40、50年以上)的松林,每种松林设3个重复,共33个样地,在样地内随机选取3个5m×5m的样方,调查并记录样方内草本植物和灌木的种类、数量、覆盖度。在每个样地按5条样线布笼100个捕捉小兽,每天检查捕获的种类和数量。计算珀氏长吻松鼠和赤腹松鼠在小兽群落中物种优势度、时间生态位宽度、两种小兽的时间生态位重叠度;用逐步回归分析两种松鼠与松林栖境因子的关系。上述结果表明,在保护区珀氏长吻松鼠出现的时间早于(6~10年的松林开始捕获到)赤腹松鼠(16~20年的松林内开始捕获到);在非保护区,分别在31~40年和21~30年的松林内才捕到珀氏长吻松鼠和赤腹松鼠。保护区31~40年的松林内珀氏长吻松鼠和赤腹松鼠种群数量分别是同年龄段非保护区松林的3倍和3·75倍。松林底层的灌木对两种小兽的种群数量有重要影响。珀氏长吻松鼠种群数量与灌木密度呈正相关;赤腹松鼠种群数量与灌木覆盖度呈正相关,而与草本植物覆盖度呈负相关。非保护区树底植被的异质性降低,延迟了两种松鼠在松林里建立种群的时间。  相似文献   

复合种群理论是近年来景观生态学和保护生物学研究的热点之一,但有关复合种群的野外试验研究大多集中在面积和隔离度等方面,对影响复合种群动态因子的具体报道较少。事实上,复合种群的影响因子还有很多,如连通性、扩散和生境质量等。本文就复合种群中扩散进行了综述,主要包括以下的几个方面:(1)扩散的影响因子。生境质量、斑块连通性和种群自身密度等;(2)扩散方向与测定。扩散的方向是有选择的,在其方向的测定中微卫星标记(microsatellitemarker)得到了较广泛的应用;(3)扩散距离与测定。扩散的距离除受到物种自身特性的影响外,还受到踏脚石等生境因素的影响;(4)扩散对复合种群的影响。扩散受到复合种群空间结构以及生境质量等自身条件的影响,同时又反作用于复合种群的动态变化,在以后物种保护工作中必须加以重视。  相似文献   

扩散生态学及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扩散研究是生态学研究中的一个热点领域 ,而扩散生态学则是生物学领域一门新的分支学科。本文综述了扩散生态学研究的一些基本理论问题 ,包括扩散的定义、扩散生态学的研究内容及其与生物学其它分支学科的关系 ,并阐述了研究扩散的重要意义。扩散生态学的研究内容十分广泛 ,既涉及所有生物 (从微生物到脊椎动物 )的生态学 (如复合种群、群落、生态系统多样性、复杂性和稳定性 )和进化 (如种化 )等理论问题 ,又涉及物种保护、生物多样性保育、有害生物 (包括外来物种 )的控制、流行病防范、环境保护和人口管理等应用问题。因此 ,研究生物的扩散具有十分重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

昆虫种群空间格局研究方法的最近进展   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
马占山 《昆虫知识》1992,29(4):240-243
<正> 昆虫种群空间格局是由物种的行为内禀特征与栖境相互作用而形成的种群个体在空间的分布状况。它的研究无论在生态学理论,还是生产实践上都具有重要意义。空间格局的研究方法可归纳为3类:(1)频次分布拟合x~2检验法;(2)扩散型指数法;(3)回归模型分析法。随着对大量昆虫种群空间格局的实际研究,  相似文献   

鉴于植物种群克隆遗传 -生态学研究日趋受到国内外广泛重视 ,已经开始成为植物种群生态学中一门新兴分枝学科。现就植物种群克隆遗传 -生态学的几个问题进行讨论。1 植物种群克隆遗传 -生态学植物克隆是“由遗传上相同的单元 (多指分株 (ramet) )组成的集合体 ,不管这些单元有  相似文献   

内蒙古达茂旗腾格淖尔地区大沙鼠种群繁殖习性的调查   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
鼠类繁殖生态学的研究是其种群生态学研究的一个重要方面 ,它不但为研究鼠类种群数量变动规律对种群数量进行预测预报提供重要的生态学基础资料 ,也为控制鼠害措施的制定提供依据 ,同时也具有重要的流行病学意义。大沙鼠 (Rhombmysopimus)广泛分布于中亚细亚、哈萨克斯坦、伊朗、阿富汗和蒙古国等地 ,在我国主要分布于内蒙古西部、甘肃北部和新疆 ,是荒漠—半荒漠地区的重要害鼠。我国对其生态学方面多注重于种群分布格局的研究[1~ 5] ,在繁殖方面的研究甚少[6] 。 1 979~1 980年和 1 995~ 1 996年对内蒙古包头市达尔罕茂…  相似文献   

贵州雷公山秃杉的种群结构和空间分布格局   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在贵州雷公山秃杉分布区域选择6类典型样地,运用相邻格子法,对秃杉种群进行生态学调查,采用空间序列代替时间序列的方法,编制种群的特定时间生命表与存活曲线,并应用均值(-X)、聚集度指数(I)、聚集指数(Ca)、扩散系数(C)、负二项分布指数(K)等聚集强度指数分析种群分布格局,为贵州雷公山秃杉种群的保护提供一定的理论依据。研究结果表明:(1)秃杉种群年龄结构呈金字塔形,幼苗严重不足,成年阶段个体较为丰富,种群有衰退趋势;(2)秃杉种群的死亡率qx从Ⅰ龄级至Ⅶ龄级增大,其中在Ⅴ龄级与Ⅵ龄级有两次死亡高峰,存活曲线基本接近DeeveyⅡ型;(3)种群分布格局整体上呈聚集分布。  相似文献   

繁殖期巢域的研究对了解繁殖期间动物的社群关系、种群动态、繁殖策略等有重要作用。2009 年3 ~12月和2010 年3 ~9 月对洪雅县赤腹松鼠的巢域面积变化进行观察。使用最小凸多边形(Minimum convex polygon,MCP)法计算赤腹松鼠各时期的巢域面积,结果显示: (1)整个繁殖期,雄性赤腹松鼠的巢域面积为1.34 ±0. 34 hm2 ,显著大于雌性的巢域面积(0.60 ± 0. 08 hm2 ); (2)雄性赤腹松鼠在求偶交配期主动增加其巢域面积,可能会增加雄性与雌性的遇见率,从而增加与雌性的交配数量;雌性赤腹松鼠在求偶交配期不主动增加巢域面积,而是具有较为稳定的活动范围。在妊娠育幼期雌性的巢域面积会减小,这可能是雌性为提高后代的成活率,在增加能量和降低捕食风险两者间做出的权衡;(3)整个繁殖期,雌性赤腹松鼠间无巢域重叠现象,而雄性间存在巢域重叠。两性之间仅在求偶交配期存在巢域重叠现象,因此,雌性赤腹松鼠在繁殖期有较强的领域性。  相似文献   

In late 1984 10 young Red Squirrels ( Sciurus vulgaris ) trapped in Scotland were released into Regent's Park and monitored by radio-telemetry. We wanted to investigate the reasons why the introduced Grey Squirrel has replaced the Red over much of Britain; disease, aggression and ecological competition have all been suggested as the cause. The relevant guidelines governing policy on reintroductions were followed. A few months after release, the animals appear well established. They benefit from a specially-designed hopper which allows them to feed from it but prevents Grey Squirrels doing so.  相似文献   

J. BRYCE 《Mammal Review》1997,27(4):171-176
Changes in the distribution of Red and Grey Squirrels in Forestry Commission land were examined using a replacement index for the period of 1980–94. Data from each administrative region in Scotland were examined separately. No region was found to have experienced a significant replacement of Red Squirrels by Grey Squirrels. However, significant trends in the area occupied by one or both Squirrel species were observed in the Borders and Strathclyde. Other areas appear to have experienced little or inconsistent changes in the last 15 years.  相似文献   

Supplementary feeding of birds, particularly in urban areas, is often associated with increased population size and fecundity. In the UK, the non‐native Grey Squirrel Sciurus carolinensis is common in rural and urban habitats. It exploits supplementary feeders and may induce interference competition by excluding birds, but empirical evidence of this is unavailable. Using controlled model presentation experiments, we demonstrate that Grey Squirrels could reduce bird use of supplementary feeders and induce interference competition. Total bird resource use was reduced by 98% and most species exhibited similar sensitivities. The likelihood and magnitude of interference competition will depend on how rapidly displaced birds find alternative food sources; it will be greatest where there are high Grey Squirrel densities and few supplementary feeders. Other studies suggest that supplementary feeding increases Grey Squirrel numbers, and the species is also predicted to expand its non‐native range across most of Europe. Our data indicate that Grey Squirrels may eventually alter the net effect of supplementary feeding on bird populations across the European continent; increased use of squirrel‐proof feeders may help to minimize such effects.  相似文献   

Members of the genus Sciurus store seed when plentiful by scatterhoarding. Such caches are impossible to defend and vulnerable to both interspecific and intraspecific competitors. In view of the delicate position held by Red Squirrels Sciurus vulgaris L. in Britain it is of value to extend to this species studies of the methods whereby such competition is reduced. Caching behaviour in a population of Red Squirrels living in a protected reserve and receiving supplementary food was studied for 18 months. Two main aspects were investigated; their ability to find caches they had not made, and their efforts to reduce competition for caches they did make. Stapanian & Smith (1978) predicted that caches are made at an optimal density and that the entire 360d? arc around a resource is used. This study upheld this second prediction but not the first for the population of Red Squirrels in question. In addition, it is suggested that caching cannot be considered to be permanent under conditions of surplus food.  相似文献   

Diet analyses are central to the study of avian trophic ecology, and stable isotope analyses have made an increasing contribution in the last two decades. Few isotopic studies have assessed the diet of raptor species, which are more frequently analysed by conventional diet methods such as pellet analysis. In this study, we compare prey consumption estimates of nestling Bonelli's Eagles Aquila fasciata from conventional pellet analysis (in terms of items and biomass) and stable isotopic mixing models (SIAR) using δ13C, δ15N and δ34S of feathers. The pellet analysis showed that European Rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus, pigeons (mainly Common Wood Pigeons Columba palumbus and Domestic Pigeons Columba livia dom.), Red‐legged Partridges Alectoris rufa, passerines, Yellow‐legged Gulls Larus michahellis and Eurasian Red Squirrels Sciurus vulgaris were the main prey, so they were selected for diet reconstructions in SIAR. At the population level, mean prey consumption estimates were similar for pellets (both items and biomass) and SIAR. At the territory level, the weighted kappa statistic showed good ordinal scale agreement in main prey consumption between items or biomass and SIAR. Although the intraclass correlation coefficient showed poor method agreement when considering all prey in the same analysis, the intraclass correlation coefficients for each prey category showed significant agreement between pellets and SIAR when estimating the consumption of Rabbits, pigeons and Gulls, with lower agreement for passerines and Squirrels. Lastly, there was poor method agreement for estimates of Partridges. Our results suggest an overall agreement between the pellet analysis and SIAR when estimating nestling Bonelli's Eagle diet at both the population and, to a lesser extent, the territory level, supporting the usefulness of isotopic mixing models when identifying the terrestrial and marine components of raptor diets.  相似文献   

This study examined the interrelationships of the fall seed-foraging guild with Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) and its regeneration. The study took place in old-growth and secondary-growth forests in Northeastern China. Foraging behavior, seed transportation distance, and cache location of various birds and mammals were observed. Regeneration characteristics of Korean pine were also analyzed using plots in various vegetation cover types, successional stages, and topographical situations. Ten species of vertebrates were able to harvest seed from the closed-cone Korean pine. Of these, the Eurasian nutcracker, Eurasian nuthatch, red squirrel, and Siberian chipmunk were found to be potential seed dispersal agents. The nutcracker was the most important dispersal agent, easily acquiring seed with its large pointed bill, carrying up to 62 seeds in one trip, carrying seed at least 4 km, and placing seed in a variety of sites 2.5–3 cm deep in the soil. The Eurasian nuthatch carried a single seed per trip at distances less than 50 m, needed nutcrackers to open the cones and expose seed before they could acquire seed, and occasionally cached seed in the soil. Red squirrels were uncommon visitors to the tree tops of Korean pine, carried cones shorter distances than nutcrackers, and were only found under forest canopies. Human harvest of cones by knocking off branches also affected squirrel behavior and reduced future cone crops. Siberian chipmunks also collected seed from cones in trees and appeared to transport seed less than 50 m. Six other species were observed in this study successfully harvesting seed from cones but were not potential seed dispersers. Natural seedling establishment was found to be over 1000 seedlings/ha except on old-growth pine-hardwood sites. Squirrels were commonest here, but few seedlings survived past the 2nd year due to the intense shading. Second-growth forest types, including aPicea plantation where nutcrackers cached seed daily, and an old-growth pine-hardwood selective-harvest site, had the greatest regeneration. In conclusion, most natural regeneration of Korean pine in this part of its range is due primarily to the Eurasian nutcracker. Nutcrackers can aid forest managers in reaching desired stocking levels after disturbance, as well as a more natural-appearing forest. Squirrels, chipmunks, and nuthatches are minor seedling establishment agents. Korean pine seed is an important food source used by at least 22 species of forest wildlife.  相似文献   

The distributions of the Red and Grey Squirrel were surveyed in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland between 1994 and 1996. Survey methods differed between the two studies. In the former, all suitable habitat, of at least 15 ha, was inspected for species presence or absence. In the Republic, data were gathered through questionnaires to governmental and independent wildlife bodies. The combined results indicate that the Red Squirrel remains widespread and locally abundant, and is present in all but two counties. The Grey Squirrel is now more widespread than ever before, and can be found in 22 of the 32 counties. Its range expansion has varied from 0 km/yr to an estimated 13.4 km/yr, as various geographical features, principally rivers, have hindered its progress in certain directions.  相似文献   

利用红外相机技术于2017年冬季对河北太行山东坡南段的野生动物进行了调查。通过系统抽样,野外选取4个样区共安置红外相机78台,实际工作4753个相机日,获有效照片1903张。结果表明:共鉴定出兽类4目7科7种,鸟类9目14科27种,其中国家Ⅱ级重点保护鸟类有勺鸡(Pucrasia macrolopha)、雀鹰(Accipiter nisus)、灰林鸮(Strix aluco)和燕隼(Falco subbuteo)。物种相对丰度指数较高的兽类和鸟类分别为岩松鼠(Sciurotamias davidianus)(10.10)和红嘴蓝鹊(Urocissa erythroryncha)(5.49)。对拍摄率较高的前6种兽类的日活动节律进行了分析,发现野猪(Sus scrofa)和蒙古兔(Lepus tolai)主要集中在晨昏和夜间活动,西伯利亚狍(Capreolus pygargus)和岩松鼠多在昼间活动,赤狐(Vulpes vulpes)和黄鼬(Mustela sibirica)则为全天性活动。土门—黄北坪乡样区和鹿头乡样区具有较高的物种数(24种和23种)和Shannon-Weiner指数(2.35和2.06)。该地区农业开发程度高、森林景观破碎化程度大、人类活动干扰重,应加强野生动物栖息地的保护与恢复。  相似文献   

Captive and field studies both provide valuable and complementary information that lead to a better understanding of a species' behavioral ecology. Here, we review studies from wild, captive, and semi-free ranging populations of squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sp.), in order to (a) provide a more current (1985-2010) review of Saimiri behavioral ecology and (b) illustrate that integrating data collected in a variety of settings is an effective approach to addressing ecological questions in primates. Captive environments, such as zoological facilities and research colonies, can be advantageous to researchers by allowing longitudinal studies of behavior and reproduction, as well as providing opportunities for gathering data on life history, because physiological and life history data are known for individual animals. Studies of field populations can provide contextual information regarding the adaptive nature of behaviors that are studied in captivity. Squirrel monkeys are small, neotropical primates that have extensively been used in captive research. As the last in-depth review of Saimiri biology was published in 1985 [Rosenblum & Coe, The squirrel monkey. New York: Academic Press], we review studies since conducted on Saimiri ecology, life history, social behavior, reproduction, and conservation. Our review indicates that there is much variation in socioecology and life history traits between Saimiri species and, surprisingly, also between populations of the same species studied at different locales. In addition, much is known about squirrel monkey reproductive physiology, basic ecology, and vocal communication, but data are still lacking in the fields of life history and some adaptive components and social behavior. In particular, longitudinal studies in the field would be particularly relevant for a genus with a slow life history such as Saimiri. Finally, few data (captive or wild) are available on S. ustus and S. vanzolinii, though at least one of these species is threatened.  相似文献   

In the last years, new approaches use scats analysis in ecological studies, like gas chromatographic techniques, has been developed. The aim of this study is to use VOCs (volatile organic compounds) released from scats to distinguish three mammal species: the ungulates red and fallow deer and the carnivore Eurasian otter through the application of SPME/GC × GC–ToFMS. This chromatographic technique has never been used in ecological studies. Chromatogram contour plot was effective in distinguishing between the carnivore Eurasian otter and the two ungulates. Additionally, a subset of 21 selected compounds, including hydrocarbons, ketones, aldehydes, alcohols and terpenes, allowed a distinction between Eurasian otter, red deer and fallow deer. Eurasian otter scats were characterized mainly by the presence of aldehydes that may arise from oxidative degradation of unsaturated fatty acids present in fish species, included in their diet. Red deer volatile profile is characterized by terpenes compounds, presumably related with diet, while fallow deer achieved also chemical communication markers: 2-propanone and hexane. The scat volatile profiles provide information that explains their odour and also the type of diet (herbivorous or carnivorous) and intra-specific communication through chemical signals. Being able to distinguish species using the proposed methodology is an asset to wildlife ecology and management studies.  相似文献   

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