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Several mathematical models of human thermoregulation have been developed, contributing to a deep understanding of thermal responses in different thermal conditions and applications. In these models, the human body is represented by two interacting systems of thermoregulation: the controlling active system and the controlled passive system. This paper reviews the recent research of human thermoregulation models. The accuracy and scope of the thermal models are improved, for the consideration of individual differences, integration to clothing models, exposure to cold and hot conditions, and the changes of physiological responses for the elders. The experimental validated methods for human subjects and manikin are compared. The coupled method is provided for the manikin, controlled by the thermal model as an active system. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is also used along with the manikin or/and the thermal model, to evaluate the thermal responses of human body in various applications, such as evaluation of thermal comfort to increase the energy efficiency, prediction of tolerance limits and thermal acceptability exposed to hostile environments, indoor air quality assessment in the car and aerospace industry, and design protective equipment to improve function of the human activities.  相似文献   


1. 1. The convective heat transfer coefficient of the human body is essential to predict convective heat loss from the body.

2. 2. The object of this paper is to calculate the convective heat transfer coefficient of the human body using heat flow meters and to estimate the thermally equivalent sphere and cylinder to the human body.

3. 3. The experimental formulae of the convective heat transfer coefficient for the whole body were obtained by regression analysis for natural, forced and mixed convection.

4. 4. Diameters of the thermally equivalent sphere and cylinder of the human body were calculated as 12.9 and 12.2 cm, respectively.

Author Keywords: Convective heat transfer coefficient; human body; forced convection; natural convection; heat flow meter  相似文献   

 Human thermal physiological and comfort models will soon be able to simulate both transient and spatial inhomogeneities in the thermal environment. With this increasing detail comes the need for anatomically specific convective and radiative heat transfer coefficients for the human body. The present study used an articulated thermal manikin with 16 body segments (head, chest, back, upper arms, forearms, hands, pelvis, upper legs, lower legs, feet) to generate radiative heat transfer coefficients as well as natural- and forced-mode convective coefficients. The tests were conducted across a range of wind speeds from still air to 5.0 m/s, representing atmospheric conditions typical of both indoors and outdoors. Both standing and seated postures were investigated, as were eight different wind azimuth angles. The radiative heat transfer coefficient measured for the whole-body was 4.5 W/m2 per K for both the seated and standing cases, closely matching the generally accepted whole-body value of 4.7 W/m2 per K. Similarly, the whole-body natural convection coefficient for the manikin fell within the mid-range of previously published values at 3.4 and 3.3 W/m2 per K when standing and seated respectively. In the forced convective regime, heat transfer coefficients were higher for hands, feet and peripheral limbs compared to the central torso region. Wind direction had little effect on convective heat transfers from individual body segments. A general-purpose forced convection equation suitable for application to both seated and standing postures indoors was h c=10.3v 0.6 for the whole-body. Similar equations were generated for individual body segments in both seated and standing postures. Received: 21 May 1996/Accepted: 27 November 1996  相似文献   

This study aims at investigating drag and convective heat transfer for cyclists at a high spatial resolution. Such an increased spatial resolution, when combined with flow-field data, can increase insight in drag reduction mechanisms and in the thermo-physiological response of cyclists related to heat stress and hygrothermal performance of clothing. Computational fluid dynamics (steady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes) is used to evaluate the drag and convective heat transfer of 19 body segments of a cyclist for three different cyclist positions. The influence of wind speed on the drag is analysed, indicating a pronounced Reynolds number dependency on the drag, where more streamlined positions show a dependency up to higher Reynolds numbers. The drag and convective heat transfer coefficient (CHTC) of the body segments and the entire cyclist are compared for all positions at racing speeds, showing high drag values for the head, legs and arms and high CHTCs for the legs, arms, hands and feet. The drag areas of individual body segments differ markedly for different cyclist positions whereas the convective heat losses of the body segments are found to be less sensitive to the position. CHTC-wind speed correlations are derived, in which the power-law exponent does not differ significantly for the individual body segments for all positions, where an average value of 0.84 is found. Similar CFD studies can be performed to assess drag and CHTCs at a higher spatial resolution for applications in other sport disciplines, bicycle equipment design or to assess convective moisture transfer.  相似文献   

In the present study, an attempt has been made to investigate the distribution of aluminum in different regions of brain and body organs of male albino rats, following subacute and acute aluminum exposure. Aluminum was observed to accumulate in all regions of the brain with maximum accumulation in the hippocampus. Subcellular distribution of aluminum indicated that there was maximum localization in the nucleus followed by cytosolic, microsomal, and mitochondrial deposition. Elution profile of cytosolic proteins on G-75 Sephadex column revealed a substantial amount of aluminum bound to high-mol-wt protein fraction. Aluminum was also seen to compartmentalize in almost all the tissues of the body to varying extents, and the highest accumulation was in the spleen.  相似文献   

BackgroundIodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which are crucial for proper growth and development of the human body. In particular, a great body of literature has been published on the link between thyroid hormones and brain development and functioning. However, there is a lack of knowledge on the iodine levels in the human brain. The aim of this work was to determine the brain iodine levels and to contribute to the establishment of “reference” levels for iodine in the different anatomical and functional regions of normal (i.e., subjects without neurological or psychiatric diseases) human brain.MethodsThe iodine levels were determined in 14 brain regions of 52 dead subjects without evidence of neurological or psychiatric disease (n = 728 samples). Iodine was extracted from brain samples using a standard procedure and determined by inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).ResultsFour subjects presented abnormally high brain iodine levels (26.0 ± 14.2 μg/g) and were excluded from the overall data analysis. The average brain iodine levels for the remaining 48 subjects was 0.14 ± 0.13 μg/g dry weight. Iodine showed very heterogeneous distribution across the different brain regions, with the frontal cortex, caudate nucleus and putamen showing the highest levels. Interestingly, these brain regions are closely related to cognitive function. Iodine levels also showed a tendency to increase with age. The high levels observed in four subjects seemed to be related to previous exposure to iodine-based contrast agents widely used in radiology and computed tomography exams.ConclusionsThis paper provides important data on iodine levels at different brain regions in “normal” people, which can be used to interpret eventual imbalances in subjects with mental disorders and neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

初乳中的微生物在婴儿生长发育过程中具有多种有益作用。【目的】本研究分析了影响初乳微生物组成的多个因素,为后续探讨人初乳菌群的相关研究提供新思路。【方法】通过PacBio SMRT测序技术对37份采集自湖北恩施地区人初乳样本中细菌16S rRNA基因序列进行测序,并结合公共数据库中已公布的来自内蒙古、海南、广西、河北、黑龙江和江苏等地区的62份人初乳中微生物组数据,探究不同地区人初乳中菌群组成与结构特点。【结果】99份人初乳样本共注释到345个属,937个种,其中乳酸乳球菌(Lactococcuslactis)、Ralstoniainsidiosa、溶血孪生球菌(Gemella haemolysans)等是人初乳中的优势菌种。基于jaccard距离的主坐标分析(principal coordinate analysis, PCoA)显示,不同地区之间的人初乳菌群呈现显著分离趋势。同时比较影响初乳微生物组成因素的R2大小发现:地区>婴儿喂养方式>妊娠期健康状态>分娩方式>胎次。【结论】本研究通过比较多个因素对人初乳中细菌菌群的影响,发现不同地区是影响人初乳微生物组成...  相似文献   

Colonic contents were obtained from two human sudden-death victims within 3 h of death. One of the subjects (1) was methanogenic, the other (2) was a non-CH, producer. Measurements of bacterial fermentation products showed that in both individuals short-chain fatty acids, lactate and ethanol concentrations were highest in the caecum and ascending colon. In contrast, products of protein fermentation, such as ammonia, branched chain fatty acids and phenolic compounds, progressively increased from the right to the left colon, as did the pH of gut contents. In Subject 1, cell population densities of methanogenic bacteria (MB) increased distally through the gut and methanogenic activity was lower in the right (0.78–1–18 μmol CH4 produced/h/g dry wt contents) than in the left colon (1.34 μmol CH4 produced/h/g dry wt contents). Methane production rates did not correlate with MB numbers.
Sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) were not found and dissimilatory sulphate reduction was not detected in any region of the colon. Methanogenic bacteria did not occur in subject 2, but high numbers of SRB were present throughout the gut ( ca 109/g dry wt contents). Sulphate reduction rates were maximal in the ascending and transverse colons (0.24 and 0.22 μmol 35SO2–4 reduced/h/g dry wt contents, respectively). Short-chain fatty acid production by caecal contents was up to eight-fold higher than contents from the sigmoid/rectum. These findings demonstrate significant differences in fermentation reactions in different regions of the large gut.  相似文献   

Steady state expression of lipoprotein lipase was compared in abdominal and gluteal subcutaneous adipose tissue of nonobese men and women. In both regions enzyme activity and lipoprotein lipase mRNA levels were significantly higher in women than in men. In men the enzyme activity was higher in abdominal than in gluteal adipose tissue (P less than 0.01) whereas the opposite was observed in women (P less than 0.05). In both sexes, however, lipoprotein lipase mRNA levels were threefold higher in the abdominal as compared to the gluteal site, whether they were determined in isolated fat cells or in fat segments (P less than 0.01). This regional difference persisted when the mRNA values were expressed as a function of the mRNA concentration for beta-actin. There was a correlation between the two adipose tissue regions as regards the values for enzyme activity and mRNA level (r = 0.6-0.8). Northern blot analysis revealed two mRNA species of 3.5 and 3.7 kilobases, respectively. It is concluded that there are regional variations in the steady state expression of lipoprotein lipase in human subcutaneous adipose tissue. This involves site variations in gene expression as well as posttranslational modification of lipoprotein lipase enzyme activity and may contribute to the characteristic variations in adipose tissue mass and distribution between men and women.  相似文献   

Many animals display static coloration (e.g. of feathers or fur) that can serve as a reliable sexual or social signal, but the communication function of rapidly changing colours (as in chameleons and cephalopods) is poorly understood. We used recently developed photographic and mathematical modelling tools to examine how rapid colour changes of veiled chameleons Chamaeleo calyptratus predict aggressive behaviour during male–male competitions. Males that achieved brighter stripe coloration were more likely to approach their opponent, and those that attained brighter head coloration were more likely to win fights; speed of head colour change was also an important predictor of contest outcome. This correlative study represents the first quantification of rapid colour change using organism-specific visual models and provides evidence that the rate of colour change, in addition to maximum display coloration, can be an important component of communication. Interestingly, the body and head locations of the relevant colour signals map onto the behavioural displays given during specific contest stages, with lateral displays from a distance followed by directed, head-on approaches prior to combat, suggesting that different colour change signals may evolve to communicate different information (motivation and fighting ability, respectively).  相似文献   

Structural changes in different parts of the brain in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients have been reported. RA is not regarded as a brain disease. Body organs such as spleen and lung produce RA-relevant genes. We hypothesized that the structural changes in the brain are caused by changes of gene expression in body organs. Changes in different parts of the brain may be affected by altered gene expressions in different body organs. This study explored whether an association between gene expressions of an organ or a body part varies in different brain structures. By examining the association of the 10 most altered genes from a mouse model of spontaneous arthritis in a normal mouse population, we found two groups of gene expression patterns between five brain structures and spleen. The correlation patterns between the prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, and spleen were similar, while the associations between the other three parts of the brain and spleen showed a different pattern. Among overall patterns of the associations between body organs and brain structures, spleen and lung had a similar pattern, and patterns for kidney and liver were similar. Analysis of the five additional known arthritis-relevant genes produced similar results. Analysis of 10 nonrelevant-arthritis genes did not result in a strong association of gene expression or clearly segregated patterns. Our data suggest that abnormal gene expressions in different diseased body organs may influence structural changes in different brain parts.  相似文献   

The Oberhautchen of scales from the dorsal, parietal, and ventral regions of Sceloporus occidentalis (Iguanidae), Gerrhonotus multicarinatus (Anguinidae), and Anniella pulchra (Anniellidae) were examined with a scanning electron microscope. At low magnification, all scales of S. occidentalis exhibit well-defined outlines of cells belonging to the Oberhautchen layer and the previously overlying clear layer. The dorsal and parietal cells of this species exhibit a minutely dentate Oberhautchen that forms tooth-like spinules 0.2 to 0.5 μ long and arranged in irregular rows. Minute pits 0.1 to 0.3 μ in diameter characterize the Oberhautchen of a ventral scale. Cell outlines are not evident on the scales of G. multicarinatus. The Oberhautchen of dorsal and parietal scales of this species is prominently laminated. Laminae are less prominent on scales of the lateral fold, and no intrinsic surface structure is evident on a ventral scale. In contrast, the fossorial anguinomorph Anniella pulchra exhibits Oberhautchen surfaces with practically no intrinsic microornamentation. However, what appear to be outlines of Oberhautchen cells are visible on the dorsal and ventral scales. These observations suggest that modifications of Oberhautchen microornamentation may have evolved to reduce friction with the substrate or other scales. The lack of pronounced microornamentation of the Oberhautchen on some body scales may indicate that a complex interdigitation between clear layer and Oberhautchen cells is not essential to the sloughing process.  相似文献   

Male Wistar rats, initially maintained at an ambient temperature (Ta) of 23.8 degrees C, were subjected to one of seven different heat acclimation schedules under a 12:12-h light-dark cycle (lights on at 0600 h). Two groups of rats were exposed to Ta of 32.4 degrees C all day for 5 (HC5) or 10 (HC10) days. The other four groups were exposed to Ta of 32.8 degrees C for 5 h/day during the last half of the dark phase for 5 (NI5) or 10 (NI10) consecutive days or during the last half of the light phase for 5 (DI5) or 10 (DI10) consecutive days. Control rats (C) were kept at 23.8 degrees C throughout the experiment. Hypothalamic temperature (Thy) was measured every 5 min with a chronically implanted thermocouple from 1 day before the beginning to 2 days after the end of the heat acclimation periods. During the heat acclimation periods, daily mean Thy rose significantly in HC5 and HC10 rats but decreased significantly in NI5 and NI10 rats. Daily mean Thy did not change in C, DI5, and DI10 rats. Thy in HC10 rats sharply decreased at the end of the heat acclimation periods and remained at low levels for approximately 3 h. On the 2nd postacclimation day, however, mean Thy returned and remained at a significantly higher level. In NI10 rats, the mean Thy in the postacclimation period was significantly lower than the preacclimation values. No such changes in mean Thy were observed in DI10 rats. Five-days of heat exposure had little effect on the postacclimation Thy.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Our previous study suggested that the alarm pheromones in rats could be divided into at least two functionally different categories: one evoking autonomic responses and the other evoking behavioral responses, and the present study was conducted to test this hypothesis. Four regions of the body surface, i.e. the whisker pad, neck, rump and perianal region, of an anesthetized male Wistar rat were electrically stimulated (donor) and, after removal of the donor, the recipient rat was introduced into the same box and its behavioral and autonomic changes were recorded. Electrical stimulation of the perianal region of anesthetized donor rats provoked the release of odor that subsequently augmented core body temperature in other awake male rats. By contrast, electrical stimulation of the whisker pad of anesthetized donor males provoked the release of odor that augmented sniffing, rearing and locomotor activity in other awake male subjects. These results suggest that the alarm pheromone released from the face modifies behavior and that from the anal area induces autonomic stress responses in recipients.  相似文献   

Comparison of fermentation reactions in different regions of the human colon.   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Colonic contents were obtained from two human sudden-death victims within 3 h of death. One of the subjects (1) was methanogenic, the other (2) was a non-CH4 producer. Measurements of bacterial fermentation products showed that in both individuals short-chain fatty acids, lactate and ethanol concentrations were highest in the caecum and ascending colon. In contrast, products of protein fermentation, such as ammonia, branched chain fatty acids and phenolic compounds, progressively increased from the right to the left colon, as did the pH of gut contents. In Subject 1, cell population densities of methanogenic bacteria (MB) increased distally through the gut and methanogenic activity was lower in the right (0.78-1.18 mumol CH4 produced/h/g dry wt contents) than in the left colon (1.34 mumol CH4 produced/h/g dry wt contents). Methane production rates did not correlate with MB numbers. Sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) were not found and dissimilatory sulphate reduction was not detected in any region of the colon. Methanogenic bacteria did not occur in subject 2, but high numbers of SRB were present throughout the gut (ca 10(9)/g dry wt contents). Sulphate reduction rates were maximal in the ascending and transverse colons (0.24 and 0.22 mumol 35SO4(2-) reduced/h/g dry wt contents, respectively). Short-chain fatty acid production by caecal contents was up to eight-fold higher than contents from the sigmoid/rectum. These findings demonstrate significant differences in fermentation reactions in different regions of the large gut.  相似文献   

Summary Two differently stained regions of lateral asymmetry were observed in the long arm of the human Y chromosome, following FPG staining. The first asymmetry was confined to band q12 of the long arm. The second asymmetrically stained region was located at the junction between bands q11 and q12. In the non-fluorescent Y chromosomes only one region of lateral asymmetry was found at the end of the long arm and its staining properties were similar to the region situated at the junction between q11 and q12 bands in the fluorescent Ys. The two morphologically distinguishable regions of lateral asymmetry are presumed to indicate sites containing different satellite DNAs in the human Y chromosome.  相似文献   

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