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Gunnar  Rofstad 《Journal of Zoology》1986,208(2):299-323
The growth and morphology of nestling Hooded crows, Corvus corone cornix , were studied at Trondheim, Central Norway, during 1980 and 1981. The sexual size dimorphism of the nestlings developed while they were in the nest, but was less pronounced than that of the juvenile birds. Female young grew relatively faster than the males. The size variation of the morphological characters studied was greater in the males than in the females, during the entire nestling period. The order of development of the different morphological characters seemed to be adapted to the needs of the nestlings during the nestling period. Growth of the bone and bill characters was the highest priority, body weight and feather characters the lowest. In general, the sizes of the different morphological characters were highly intercorrelated, particularly those that developed at the same time during the growth period. In the favourable breeding season of 1981, the nestlings were larger than in the unfavourable season of 1980. The high priority characters of the males increased more in size than did those of the females, and the low priority characters of the females increased more in size than did those of the males. About 75% of the nestlings could be correctly sexed from their external morphological characteristics. The findings support the view that the parental cost of rearing a male offspring is greater than that of a female.  相似文献   

Jon Loman 《Ecography》1980,3(1):26-35
Nest density was stable during the 8-year study period. The mean clutch size was 4.3, and the production of fledglings was 2.0 per pair. Incubation started, on average, when there were still two eggs to be laid and lasted for 18 days. Few eggs were lost but 23% of all broods of nestlings were lost to predators. Single nestlings in a brood were not lost to predators but often starved to death, this applied to 25% of all nestlings. A large proportion of the nestlings were probably infected by Syngamus tracheae , and some of these succumbed during the first weeks after fledging. A comparison with other studies of crow populations shows that the major causes of breeding failure are different in different populations. The causes of variation in breeding success between populations are discussed, especially considering the role of nonbreeding crows.  相似文献   

To assess the possible involvement of catecholaminergic neurotransmitters in maintenance of spatial cognition, the present work investigated the effects of dopaminergic and noradrenergic receptor antagonists on memory performance of rats in a partially baited radial eight-arm maze. Food-deprived rats were first trained to enter the arms baited with chocolate, and each subject was then randomly assigned to receive further training in either a place version or a cue version of the task. A specific pattern with four arms being baited was used throughout experimentation as the procedure for the place task; whereas four randomly chosen arms, each cued with a piece of sandpaper on the arm entrance, were baited from trial to trial as the procedure of the cue task. For drug evaluation, well-trained subjects were challenged with systemic injections of SCH23390, spiperone, haloperidol, prazosin, yohimbine, and propranolol. Regarding the place task, SCH23390, haloperidol, and propranolol, but not the other three drugs, significantly impaired behavioral performance by increasing the number of arm entries as well as the time to complete the task. The accuracy of performance as measured by the number of entries on the cue task was not significantly affected by any of these drugs tested. However, the times to complete the cue task were significantly increased with all drugs except yohimbine. These data show that blocking different catecholaminergic receptor subtypes produced distinct deficit patterns on the retention performance in a partially baited radial eight-arm maze. Evidently, both D1 and D2 dopamine receptors as well as beta noradrenergic receptors are important in expression of spatial memory.  相似文献   

The developmental patterns of mean heart rate (MHR) and instantaneous heart rate (IHR) were investigated in embryos and chicks of altricial Corvuscorone and Corvus macrorhynchos. The MHR of embryos increased linearly with time from 250 beats · min−1 at mid-incubation to 290 beats · min−1 in hatchlings. MHR during the pipping period was maximal, but only marginally higher than in hatchlings. MHR was stable at about 290–300 beats · min−1 during the 1st week after hatching. Spontaneous heart rate (HR) decelerations and accelerations were found in embryos and chicks, disturbing the baseline HR with increasing frequency during development. However, the IHR accelerations developed later and were less frequent than in precocial species. IHR and body temperature decreased during mild cold exposure (23–25 °C) and IHR accelerations were reduced in nestlings during the 1st week. We suggest that the development of parasympathetic control of HR in crows occurs at 60% of incubation, similar to precocial embryos, but sympathetic control may be delayed and suppressed in contrast to precocial embryos. Accepted: 3 March 1999  相似文献   

A study was conducted in an eight-arm radial maze to determine if cattle with various foraging experiences could facilitate location of feeding sites by other cattle. Heifers assigned as "followers" (n=24) were initially trained to expect straw at the end of each arm. Initial training of heifers assigned as "leaders" (n=12) differed based on the three following treatments:(1) no-experience, (2) barley in the same two arms, and (3) barley in two arms but locations changed daily. During training, leaders with barley in fixed locations foraged more efficiently by traveling to fewer (P<0.05) arm ends to find barley than leaders in the variable treatment. After training, two followers were placed in the maze with a leader, and barley was available in two arms. Leaders facilitated the location of barley by followers. In 61% of the occasions that followers first found barley, leaders were at the feeding site. Eighty-one percent of followers later located barley without leaders in the maze. Followers with experienced leaders did not find barley consistently more often than heifers with inexperienced leaders. Cattle can apparently learn feeding site locations from other animals, but additional research is needed to evaluate the behavioral mechanisms that influence social facilitation during foraging.  相似文献   

We studied how the ratio K of the internal to external diameter of gas- and marrow-filled avian long bones follows the biomechanical optima derived for tubular bones with minimum mass designed to fulfil various mechanical requirements. We evaluated radiographs of numerous humeri, femora and tibiotarsi in Corvus corone cornix and Pica pica. The K-values of the gas-filled humerus (K=0.78+/-0.03) and the marrow-filled femur (K=0.79+/-0.02) in Corvus are practically the same, while K of the marrow-filled tibiotarsus (K=0.71+/-0.04) is significantly smaller. The same is true for the gas-filled humerus (K=0.78+/-0.02) and the marrow-filled femur (K=0.77+/-0.02) and tibiotarsus (K=0.67+/-0.05) in Pica. K in Corvus is slightly larger than K in Pica, but the differences are statistically not significant. The standard deviation DeltaK of the tibiotarsi (DeltaK=0.04-0.05) is approximately two times as large as that of the humeri (DeltaK=0.02-0.03) and femora (DeltaK=0.02) in both species. Accepting the assumption of earlier authors that the ratio Q of the marrow to bone density is 0.5, our data show that the marrow-filled tibiotarsi of Corvus and Pica are optimized for stiffness, while the marrow-filled femora are far from any optimum. The relative wall thickness W=1-K of the gas-filled avian humeri studied is much larger than the theoretical optimum W*=1-K*=0.07, and thus these bones are thicker-walled than the optimal gas-filled tubular bone with minimum mass.  相似文献   

Recently, the number of hooded crows (Corvus cornix) in Slovenia has increased, which has resulted in a higher number of situations perceived as human–wildlife conflicts. The purpose of our survey was to provide a basis for population management measures of hooded crows that would be both feasible and acceptable to the public. An online survey based on snowball sampling received 1,042 responses, representing about 0.05% of the total and 0.13% of the active human population of the Republic of Slovenia. The major findings are that the majority of respondents were interested in learning more about problems caused by crows and think that crow numbers should be reduced, but by measures that would not cause their death. About one-third of respondents would be willing to participate in measures directed to controlling the crow population; however, about one-third would actively oppose such measures. They would even sign a petition regarding control measures. From the results, we conclude that the most suitable strategies in terms of acceptability would be passive, by educating people about how to avoid conflict with crows, and by better management of the resources affecting their foraging success.  相似文献   

Aprocta matronensis (Nematoda, Spirurida) has been found in the orbital cavities of carrion crows. Hooded crows and crows from the hybrid crow zone in the studied areas were not infected. The parasite population showed the typical morphology described for this species. This is the first record of A. matronensis in crows in Italy and in Corvus corone corone. Some hypotheses about the distribution of the parasites in crow populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Capsule: Hooded Crows Corvus cornix selected nesting trees based on species, height, grouping and distance from an occupied house. Nest re-use was common and pairs that re-used old nests produced more fledglings than those that built a new nest.

Aims: To determine the features of trees that influenced whether they were used by Hooded Crows as nest sites, to establish what factors influenced nest re-use between years and to explore potential costs or benefits of nest re-use.

Methods: In a large area of Orkney, Scotland, the features of trees that contained a Hooded Crow nest were compared to those of trees where nests were absent. Patterns of nest re-use between years were examined in relation to the availability of alternative sites, previous nesting success and the number of equivalent options to the tree used previously within 200?m of this site.

Results: Hooded Crows favoured spruce and pine trees as nest sites, above the most locally abundant tree species, elder and willow. Preference for trees increased with tree height, local tree density and distance from occupied houses. Over half of the crows studied re-used an old nest when one was available and crows that re-used an old nest fledged more offspring than those that built a new nest. The likelihood of a new nest being built increased as the number of potential locations to build increased. Territories where a nest survived the winter were more likely to be reoccupied the following year than those where nests fell, while territories with fewer trees around the old site were most likely to be abandoned, suggesting that those were territories of lower quality.

Conclusions: Hooded Crows displayed strong preferences for nest sites that might favour nesting success by offering concealment, shelter and protection from ground-based predators. Nest re-use was common, especially when alternative sites were scarce, and appeared to facilitate greater reproductive output.  相似文献   


Three rookeries in Hawke's Bay were studied during 1966–68. First or replacement clutches were started between 26 August and 23 October. First clutches averaged 4.3 eggs and replacements 3.7 eggs. The mean size of first clutches varied between years from 4.1 to 4.6 eggs. Incubation took 17–18 days. Most losses occurred around hatching, when about 40% of the eggs or young were lost. Incubated eggs and small nestlings incurred losses of 20% and 10% respectively, and all nestlings older than 10 days survived to at least 20 days. On average, 1.4 young were reared per nest in which eggs were laid; successful nests averaged 2.2 young. First clutches averaged 1.3 young (2.4 per successful first clutch). During the season, mean clutch size declined from 4.2 to 3.5, the mean number of young hatched declined from 2.0 to 0.6 per clutch, and the mean number of young fledged from all clutches declined from 1.3 to 0.4 per clutch. Mean nestling weight increased with age from 14 g on the first day after hatching to 360 g on the 19th day. The causes of egg and nestling mortality and the adaptiveness of clutch size are discussed.  相似文献   


Throughout a year gizzards from 160 adult and juvenile rooks and 105 large young in rookeries were collected from Hawke's Bay. The main foods were invertebrates (especially Diptera larvae and Coleoptera adults) during the warmer months and walnuts and acorns in autumn and winter. When these foods were scarce cereals were taken, mainly from stubble. Other important food items were carrion, earthworms, peas, grass, and clover. Foods fed to young rooks were similar to those eaten by adults except that the young were fed more striped dung fly (Hybopygia varia) larvae (P < 0.025) and fewer blow fly (Calliphoridae) larvae (P < 0.025).  相似文献   

We trained jungle crows to discriminate among photographs of human face according to their sex in a simultaneous two-alternative task to study their categorical learning ability. Once the crows reached a discrimination criterion (greater than or equal to 80% correct choices in two consecutive sessions; binomial probability test, p < .05), they next received generalization and transfer tests (i.e., greyscale, contour, and ‘full’ occlusion) in Experiment 1 followed by a ‘partial’ occlusion test in Experiment 2 and random stimuli pair test in Experiment 3. Jungle crows learned the discrimination task in a few trials and successfully generalized to novel stimuli sets. However, all crows failed the greyscale test and half of them the contour test. Neither occlusion of internal features of the face, nor randomly pairing of exemplars affected discrimination performance of most, if not all crows. We suggest that jungle crows categorize human face photographs based on perceptual similarities as other non-human animals do, and colour appears to be the most salient feature controlling discriminative behaviour. However, the variability in the use of facial contours among individuals suggests an exploitation of multiple features and individual differences in visual information processing among jungle crows.  相似文献   

The morphological variation of the Hooded crow at Trondheim, Norway, was studied, based on a sample of 734 birds collected during a six year period. Mouth colour, plumage colour, skull thickness and feather length were found to be characters which could readily be used to separate juveniles from adults. Females aged 15–19 months had a thinner skull roof than older female birds. Low coefficients of variation were found for the lengths of the third primary and of the tail feathers. A discriminant analysis showed that of the various body dimensions studied bill height and bill length distinguished the sexes most precisely. A high degree of sexual dimorphism was also found to exist in body weight and in the thickness of the skull roof.
Those body structures which develop at about the same stage during the juvenile growth period were associated with the same principal component, viz. the lengths of bony structures, parts that develop early on in life, were intercorrelated (wing bones, tarsus, bill basis and the width of foramen magnum). The lengths of the primaries and of tail feathers were also intercorrelated, structures which develop late.
The mean body weight of the Hooded crow population studied in Norway was intermediate between that of the Hooded crow in Germany and of the Carrion and Hooded crows in England and Scotland. No such differences were found in wing length. Norwegian Hooded crows have shorter tails than German ones, but their bills are much larger, in particular for the females. Therefore, the degree of sexual dimorphism in bill size seems to be reduced at high latitudes.  相似文献   

The experiments were carried out on rats of Wistar (W) and Krushinsky-Molodkina (KM) lines, differing in the level of task performance in conditions of multiple choice of food sources in a 12ray radial symmetrical maze. It is shown that in the radial maze, the rats of both lines use a number of behavioural tactics. To determine the influence of changes of environmental spatial characteristics while preserving the main experimental strategy--never revisit the places of reinforcement,--on the peculiarities of tactics manifestations maze modifications were elaborated. Besides the environmental procedure was changed. Under all conditions the rats of W line solved the task. According to the situation, they either preserved former tactics or developed some new ones. The rats of KM line could not solve the task in changed conditions. In most sessions, appearance or absence of given tactics was not adequate to new conditions. The presence of the necessary tactics not always facilitated the task solving. Thus, for the realization of adequate reactions, the presence of necessary tactics is not sufficient: their "tuning" is needed depending on situation. The possibility is supposed of genetic determination of rats ability to some tactics. However, it is emphasized, that tactics are not strongly fixed, as their realization depends on environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract Aim To investigate the information content of place‐names regarding the habits, habitat and biogeography of ravens in Britain over the past millennium. Location England, Scotland and Wales. Methods Linguistic and ecological analysis of over 400 British place‐names that have a putative ‘raven’ derivation. Results Most of the ‘raven’ place‐names are Old English in origin. Some of these (a minority), however, derive from personal names. The derivations of most names reflect landscape rather than man‐made features; the majority relating to high, craggy ground or coastal features, a minority to wooded situations or human habitations. In lowland Scotland and the Scottish borders the colloquial name corbie dominates ‘raven’ place‐names, perhaps reflecting French influence. In the Highlands and the Western Isles the Gaelic fitheach and its derivatives are predominant. Relatively fewer place‐names that have ‘raven’ roots have been educed in other parts of the Celtic West, i.e. Wales and Cornwall (only one traced in the latter). Main conclusions Comparison of the geographical distribution of ‘raven’‐derived place‐names with the present‐day distribution of the species in Britain reveals the extent of the contraction in the raven's range to the West over historical time, most notably during theprevious two centuries, associated with changed land‐management practices in particular.  相似文献   

The number of neurons in the endbrain [correction of forebrain] of two avian species--carrion crows and rock pigeons--was assessed. It was shown that the higher development of reasoning activity of crows is associated with greater number of cells in evolutionary new fields of hyperstriatum and greater number of cell complexes than in pigeons.  相似文献   

Regional mapping of relative (14C)-glucose (GLU) uptake was analyzed in Balb/c mice at 3 time intervals (5 min., 1 hr., 3 hrs.) after either the first (Day 1) or the last (Day 9) daily sessions of a spatial discrimination testing procedure in an eight-arm radial maze. On Day 1, increased labelling was found 5 min. post-training in subcortical, hippocampal and cortical regions. Decreased GLU uptake was observed 1 hr. later in the same regions, followed at 3 hrs. post-training by a retarded activation in the above areas and particularly in thalamic and cortical structures. On Day 9, there was only an early (5 min.) post-training increase in metabolic activity followed by a subsequent monotonic decrease over 3 hrs. post-training period.  相似文献   

Allogrooming, where an individual grooms another, has been extensively studied in various social animals to understand its role in the evolution of cooperation/prosociality. In existing studies in mammals, allogrooming has been suggested to exhibit not only a hygiene but also a social function. Allopreening, a topic of increasing interest in mammals but recently also in birds, has been studied mostly with mature animals. However, in some species immature individuals also show allopreening and its function remains poorly understood. Crows, Corvus spp., are an ideal model to study this phenomenon, because juveniles form year-round aggregates during their long juvenile stage (e.g., throughout 3–4 years). Here, we investigated the function of allopreening in juvenile groups of wild-caught large-billed crows (C. macrorhynchos). Allopreening frequency and duration for three groups of wild-caught juveniles were analysed to determine whether there was a symmetrical (i.e., reciprocal) or asymmetrical allopreening pattern, and if sex composition of the dyad and/or relative dominance of donor and recipient had an effect. We found that both the frequency and duration of male allopreening correlated with frequency of aggression. Allopreening between both males and females occurred unidirectionally from dominants to subordinates but not in the opposite direction. On the contrary, allopreening between a male and a female was found to be reciprocated, though the absolute frequency and duration were both greater in males than in females. These results suggest that the social function of allopreening in juvenile crows differs depending on the sex composition of the dyad, functioning as a dominance signal for same-sex dyads, and serving a social bonding function for opposite-sex dyads. These findings may reflect the potentially crucial roles of allopreening in within-sex competition and opposite-sex attraction during the 3 year-long juvenile stage affecting future mate choice in lifelong monogamy.  相似文献   

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