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LH activates a cascade of signaling events that are propagated throughout the ovarian preovulatory follicle to promote ovulation of a mature egg. Critical to LH-induced ovulation is the induction of epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like growth factors and transactivation of EGF receptor (EGFR) signaling. Because the timing of this transactivation has not been well characterized, we investigated the dynamics of LH regulation of the EGF network in cultured follicles. Preovulatory follicles were cultured with or without recombinant LH and/or specific inhibitors. EGFR and MAPK phosphorylation were examined by immunoprecipitation and Western blot analyses. By semiquantitative RT-PCR, increases in amphiregulin and epiregulin mRNAs were detected 30 min after recombinant LH stimulation of follicles and were maximal after 2 h. LH-induced EGFR phosphorylation also increased after 30 min and reached a maximum at 2 h. EGFR activation precedes oocyte maturation and is cAMP dependent, because forskolin similarly activated EGFR. LH-induced EGFR phosphorylation was sensitive to AG1478, an EGFR kinase inhibitor, and to inhibitors of matrix metalloproteases GM6001 and TNFalpha protease inhibitor-1 (TAPI-1), suggesting the involvement of EGF-like growth factor shedding. LH- but not amphiregulin-induced oocyte maturation and EGFR phosphorylation were sensitive to protein synthesis inhibition. When granulosa cells were cultured with a combination of neutralizing antibodies against amphiregulin, epiregulin, and betacellulin, EGFR phosphorylation and MAPK activation were inhibited. In cultured follicles, LH-induced MAPK activation was partially inhibited by AG1478 and GM6001, indicating that this pathway is regulated in part by the EGF network but also involves additional pathways. Thus, complex mechanisms are involved in the rapid amplification and propagation of the LH signal within preovulatory follicles and include the early activation of the EGF network.  相似文献   

Y Yarden  J Schlessinger 《Biochemistry》1987,26(5):1434-1442
The membrane receptor for epidermal growth factor (EGF) is a 170,000-dalton glycoprotein composed of an extracellular EGF-binding domain and a cytoplasmic kinase domain connected by a stretch of 23 amino acids traversing the plasma membrane. The binding of EGF to the extracellular domain activates the cytoplasmic kinase function even in highly purified preparations of EGF receptor, suggesting that the activation occurs exclusively within the EGF receptor moiety. Conceivably, kinase activation may require the transfer of a conformational change through the single transmembrane region from the ligand binding domain to the cytoplasmic kinase region. Alternatively, ligand-induced receptor-receptor interactions may activate the kinase and thus bypass this requirement. Both mechanisms were contrasted by employing independent experimental approaches. The following lines of evidence support an intermolecular mechanism for the activation of the detergent-solubilized receptor: the EGF-induced receptor self-phosphorylation has a parabolic dependence on the concentration of EGF receptor, cross-linking of EGF receptors by antibodies or lectins stimulates receptor self-phosphorylation, immobilization of EGF receptor on various solid matrices prevents EGF from activating the kinase function, and cross-linking of EGF receptors increases their affinity toward EGF. On the basis of these results, an allosteric aggregation model is formulated for the activation of the cytoplasmic kinase function of the receptor by EGF. This model may be relevant to the mechanism by which the mitogenic signal of EGF is transferred across the membrane.  相似文献   

The vertebrate lens provides an excellent model to study the mechanisms that regulate terminal differentiation. Although fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are thought to be important for lens cell differentiation, it is unclear which FGF receptors mediate these processes during different stages of lens development. Deletion of three FGF receptors (Fgfr1-3) early in lens development demonstrated that expression of only a single allele of Fgfr2 or Fgfr3 was sufficient for grossly normal lens development, while mice possessing only a single Fgfr1 allele developed cataracts and microphthalmia. Profound defects were observed in lenses lacking all three Fgfrs. These included lack of fiber cell elongation, abnormal proliferation in prospective lens fiber cells, reduced expression of the cell cycle inhibitors p27kip1 and p57kip2, increased apoptosis and aberrant or reduced expression of Prox1, Pax6, c-Maf, E-cadherin and α-, β- and γ-crystallins. Therefore, while signaling by FGF receptors is essential for lens fiber differentiation, different FGF receptors function redundantly.  相似文献   

Studies in both mammalian and nonmammalian ovarian model systems have demonstrated that activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and protein kinase C (PKC) signaling pathways modulates steroid biosynthesis during follicle development, yet the collective evidence for facilitory versus inhibitory roles of these pathways is inconsistent. The present studies in the hen ovary describe the changing role of MAPK and PKC signaling in the regulation of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (STAR) expression and progesterone production in undifferentiated granulosa cells collected from prehierarchal follicles prior to follicle selection versus differentiated granulosa from preovulatory follicles subsequent to selection. Treatment of undifferentiated granulosa cells with a selective epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and ERBB4 receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor (AG1478) both augments FSH receptor (Fshr) mRNA expression and initiates progesterone production. Conversely, selective inhibitors of both EGFR/ERBB4 and MAPK activity attenuate steroidogenesis in differentiated granulosa cells subsequent to follicle selection. In addition, inhibition of PKC signaling with GF109203X augments FSH-induced Fshr mRNA plus STAR protein expression and initiates progesterone synthesis in undifferentiated granulosa cells, but inhibits both gonadotropin-induced STAR expression and progesterone production in differentiated granulosa. Granulosa cells from the most recently selected (9- to 12-mm) follicle represent a stage of transition as inhibition of MAPK signaling promotes, while inhibition of PKC signaling blocks gonadotropin-induced progesterone production. Collectively, these data describe stage-of-development-related changes in cell signaling whereby the differentiation-inhibiting actions of MAPK and PKC signaling in prehierarchal follicle granulosa cells undergo a transition at the time of follicle selection to become obligatory for gonadotropin-stimulated progesterone production in differentiated granulosa from preovulatory follicles.  相似文献   

We consider a model of early events in signaling by the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR). The model includes EGF, EGFR, the adapter proteins Grb2 and Shc, and the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Sos, which is activated through EGF-induced formation of EGFR-Grb2-Sos and EGFR-Shc-Grb2-Sos assemblies at the plasma membrane. The protein interactions involved in signaling can potentially generate a diversity of protein complexes and phosphoforms; however, this diversity has been largely ignored in models of EGFR signaling. Here, we develop a model that accounts more fully for potential molecular diversity by specifying rules for protein interactions and then using these rules to generate a reaction network that includes all chemical species and reactions implied by the protein interactions. We obtain a model that predicts the dynamics of 356 molecular species, which are connected through 3749 unidirectional reactions. This network model is compared with a previously developed model that includes only 18 chemical species but incorporates the same scope of protein interactions. The predictions of this model are reproduced by the network model, which also yields new predictions. For example, the network model predicts distinct temporal patterns of autophosphorylation for different tyrosine residues of EGFR. A comparison of the two models suggests experiments that could lead to mechanistic insights about competition among adapter proteins for EGFR binding sites and the role of EGFR monomers in signal transduction.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that platelet-activating factor (PAF) is present in very high levels in the ovine fetal lung and circulation and that PAF serves as an important physiological vasoconstrictor of the pulmonary circulation in utero. However, it is not known whether PAF stimulates pulmonary vascular smooth muscle cell (SMC) proliferation. In this study, we used ovine fetal pulmonary venous SMCs as our model system to study the effects and mechanisms of action of PAF on SMC proliferation. We found that PAF induced SMC proliferation in a dose-dependent manner. PAF also stimulated activation of both ERK and p38 but not c-Jun NH(2) terminal kinase (JNK) mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathways. PAF (10 nM) induced phosphorylation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Specific inhibition of EGFR by AG-1478 and by the expression of a dominant-negative EGFR mutant in SMCs attenuated PAF-stimulated cell proliferation. Inhibition of heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (HB-EGF) release by CRM-197 and inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) by GM-6001 abolished PAF-induced MAP kinase activation and cell proliferation. Increased alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity after PAF treatment in AP-HB-EGF fusion construct-transfected SMCs indicated that PAF induced the release of HB-EGF within 1 min. Gelatin zymography data showed that PAF stimulated MMP-2 activity and MMP-9 activity within 1 min. These results suggest that PAF promotes pulmonary vascular SMC proliferation via transactivation of EGFR through MMP activation and HB-EGF, resulting in p38 and ERK activation and that EGFR transactivation is essential for the mitogenic effect of PAF in pulmonary venous SMC.  相似文献   

T suppressor cell differentiation factor (TsDF) induces the differentiation of alloantigen-primed suppressor T cells (MLR-Ts) to expression of their effector function, i.e., to active TsF production. The initial activation stimulus to Ts is provided by alloantigen binding; after this binding, Ts are functionally responsive only for a period of hours to the additional stimulus provided by TsDF. The present studies addressed the possibility that MLR-Ts responsiveness to TsDF reflects the induced and transient display of TsDF-binding receptors. TsDF receptor expression was investigated by determining the capacity of TsDF-responsive MLR-Ts to adsorb TsDF activity and to respond to that TsDF pulse by TsF production. Primed Ts populations that were alloantigen restimulated for 8 hr adsorbed TsDF in a cell dose-dependent fashion and produced TsF in response to that adsorption, whereas alloantigen-stimulated naive cells or primed but nonrestimulated cells neither responded to nor bound TsDF. Primed and restimulated L3T4-Ly-2+ but not L3T4+-Ly-2--enriched T cells bound TsDF. TsDF adsorption was saturable and time and temperature dependent. Glutaraldehyde fixation did not prevent TsDF adsorption by restimulated MLR-Ts, whereas pronase treatment abolished their TsDF-binding capacity. Kinetic analyses demonstrated that the capacity to bind TsDF developed rapidly after alloantigen reexposure, with maximal binding within 8 hr, followed by rapid decay with loss of TsDF binding by 36 hr. The kinetics of TsDF-induced TsF production correlated precisely with those of TsDF binding. These observations provide strong evidence that TsDF affects primed alloantigen-reactive Ts by interaction with antigen-induced and transiently expressed cell surface receptors. TsDF-receptor binding is then the stimulus for expression of Ts effector function.  相似文献   

The idea of a receptor reserve in mediating cellular function is well known but direct biochemical evidence has not been easy to obtain. This study stems from our results showing that L15 of epidermal growth factor (EGF) is important in both EGF receptor (EGFR) binding and activation, and the L15A analog of human EGF (hEGF) partially uncouples EGFR binding from EGFR activation (Nandagopal et al., [1996] Protein Engng 9:781-788). We address the cellular mechanism of mitogenic signal amplification by EGFR tyrosine kinase in response to L15A hEGF. L15A is partially impaired in receptor dimerization, shown by chemical cross-linking and allosteric activation of EGFR in a substrate phosphorylation assay. Immunoprecipitation experiments reveal, however, that L15A can induce EGFR autophosphorylation in intact murine keratinocytes by utilizing spare receptors, the ratio of total phosphotyrosine content per receptor being significantly lower than that elicited by wild-type. This direct biochemical evidence, based on function, of utilization of a receptor reserve for kinase stimulation suggests that an EGF variant can activate varying receptor numbers to generate the same effective response. L15A-activated receptors can stimulate mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) that is important for mitogenesis. The lack of linear correlation between levels of receptor dimerization, autophosphorylation, and MAPK activation suggests that signal amplification is mediated by cooperative effects. Flow cytometric analyses show that the percentages of cells which proliferate in response to 1 nM L15A and their rate of entry into S-phase are both decreased relative to 1 nM wild-type, indicating that MAPK activation alone is insufficient for maximal stimulation of mitogenesis. Higher concentrations of L15A reverse this effect, indicating that L15A and wild-type differ in the number of receptors each activates to induce the threshold response, which may be attained by cooperative activation of receptor dimers/oligomers by van der Waal's weak forces of attraction. The maintenance of a receptor reserve underscores an effective strategy in cell survival.  相似文献   



Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is the most common histological type of esophageal cancer, with a poor prognosis. Deregulation of WNT and NOTCH signaling pathways is important in ESCC progression, which can be due to either malfunction of their components or crosstalk with other pathways. Therefore, identification of new crosstalk between such pathways may be effective to introduce new strategies for targeted therapy of cancer. A correlation study was performed to assess the probable interaction between growth factor receptors and WNT/NOTCH pathways via the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and Musashi1 (MSI1), respectively.


Levels of MSI1/EGFR mRNA expression in tumor tissues from 48 ESCC patients were compared to their corresponding normal tissues using real-time polymerase chain reaction.


There was a significant correlation between EGFR and MSI1 expression (p?=?0.05). Moreover, there was a significant correlation between EGFR/MSI1 expression and grade of tumor differentiation (p?=?0.02).


This study confirms a direct correlation between MSI1 and EGFR and may support the important role of MSI1 in activation of EGFR through NOTCH/WNT pathways in ESCC.

Three different receptor tyrosine kinases, epidermal growth factor (EGF), c-erbB-2/neu, and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptors, have been found to be present in the mouse mammary epithelial cell line HC11. We have investigated the consequences of receptor activation on the growth and differentiation of HC11 cells. HC11 cells are normal epithelial cells which maintain differentiation-specific functions. Treatment of the cells with the lactogenic hormones glucocorticoids and prolactin leads to the expression of the milk protein beta-casein. Activation of EGF receptor has a positive effect on cell growth and causes the cells to become competent for the lactogenic hormone response. HC11 cells respond optimally to the lactogenic hormone mixture and synthesize high levels of beta-casein only if they have been kept previously in a medium containing EGF. Transfection of HC11 cells with the activated rat neuT receptor results in the acquisition of competence to respond to the lactogenic hormones even if the cells are grown in the absence of EGF. The activation of PDGF receptor, through PDGF-BB, also stimulates the growth of HC11 cells. Cells kept only in PDGF do not become competent for lactogenic hormone induction. The results show that activation of the structurally related EGF and c-erbB-2/neu receptors, but not the PDGF receptor, allows the HC11 cells to subsequently respond optimally to lactogenic hormones.  相似文献   

A chimeric expression vector which encoded for a molecule encompassing the extracellular domain of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR) and the intracellular domain of the ret kinase (EGFR/ret chimera) was generated. Upon ectopic expression in mammalian cells, the EGFR/ret chimera was correctly synthesized and transported to the cell surface, where it was shown capable of binding EGF and transducing an EGF-dependent signal intracellularly. Thus, the EGFR/ret chimera allows us to study the biological effects and biochemical activities of the ret kinase under controlled conditions of activation. Comparative analysis of the growth-promoting activity of the EGFR/ret chimera expressed in fibroblastic or hematopoietic cells revealed a biological phenotype clearly distinguishable from that of the EGFR, indicating that the two kinases couple with mitogenic pathways which are different to some extent. Analysis of biochemical pathways implicated in the transduction of mitogenic signals also evidenced significant differences between the ret kinase and other receptor tyrosine kinases. Thus, the sum of our results indicates the existence of a ret-specific pathway of mitogenic signaling.  相似文献   

Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and epidermal growth factor both enhance prolactin synthesis and substrate adhesion (a morphological change called stretching) of GH4 rat pituitary cells. We have examined TRH- and EGF-induced cell stretching using genetic and pharmacologic approaches. We selected and isolated a series of GH4 cell variants nonresponsive to TRH-induced cell stretching (str-). This selection yielded several variants that were nonresponsive to both TRH- and EGF-induced stretching but were still responsive to stretching induced by several other agents (tetradecanoylphorbol acetate [TPA], butyrate, and Neplanocin A). One of the str- variants (a14) was examined in detail. TRH, EGF, and TPA each enhanced prolactin synthesis in a14 cells, indicating that the a14 variant contained functional receptor binding sites for all 3 ligands as well as the capacity to generate those intracellular signals required for enhanced prolactin synthesis. Because the str- variants were isolated without selective pressure for EGF-induced stretching and because the possibility of more than one selectable mutation in all the variants is unlikely, we suggest that TRH and EGF share a common mechanism to induce cell stretching. We next examined whether the str- variants had a defect in a signaling pathway or in the biochemical endpoint for TRH- and EGF-induced cell stretching. A pharmacologic approach was utilized to investigate the biochemical basis for induced cell stretching. A synthetic Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser tetrapeptide (RGDS), specific for fibronectin and vitronectin adhesion receptors, inhibited TRH-, EGF-, and TPA-induced GH4 cell stretching and attachment to fibronectin- and vitronectin-coated dishes. These results suggest that the interaction between fibronectin and/or vitronectin and their receptor(s) may be a biochemical endpoint by which several agonists induced stretching of GH4 cells. Because the str- variant has RGDS-specific binding sites for fibronectin and vitronectin and responds to some agents that induce cell stretching via an RGDS receptor, we conclude that the a14 str- variant has a defect in an intracellular signaling pathway, shared by TRH and EGF, which induces cell stretching.  相似文献   

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) regulated growth and function of the ovarian follicle was previously thought to be mediated solely through activation of G(s)-coupled receptors. In this study, we show for the first time that this function is predominantly mediated through the alternatively spliced and novel growth factor type 1 receptor (oFSH-R3) that is also present in the ovary. Immortalized granulosa cells lacking endogenous FSH receptors, when transfected with either oFSH-R3 cDNA (JC-R3) or the G(s)-coupled oFSH-R1 (JC-R1), expressed the corresponding glycosylated receptor. In JC-R3 or JC-R1 cells labeled with bromodeoxyuridine or [(3)H]thymidine, FSH stimulated the cells to progress through S-phase and divide. The growth promoting effect of recombinant FSH in JC-R3 cells was preceded by the rapid activation of ERK1 and ERK2. This effect was hormone-specific and transient. In JC-R3 cells inhibitors like calphostin C, PD98059, Ag 18, or calcium chelators EGTA or 1,2-bis(O-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid/AM inhibited both mitogen-activated protein kinase activation and bromodeoxyuridine incorporation. FSH induced phosphorylation of the FSH-R3 receptor was blocked by pretreating cells with calphostin C. There was no cAMP induction by FSH in JC-R3 cells. The cAMP independent growth promoting effect of FSH is mediated by activation of Ca(2+) and mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent pathways. Thus, alternative splicing of a G-protein coupled receptor creates the expression of a novel receptor motif that can mediate a widely recognized function of the glycoprotein hormone.  相似文献   

Hyperosmotic stress can be encountered by the kidney and the skin, as well as during treatment of acute brain damage. It can lead to cell cycle arrest or apoptosis. Exactly how mammalian cells detect hyperosmolarity and how the cell chooses between cell cycle arrest or death remains to be established. It has been proposed that hyperosmolarity is detected directly by growth factor receptor protein tyrosine kinases. To investigate this, we tested whether growth factors and osmotic stress cooperate in the activation of signaling pathways. Receptors responded normally to the presence of growth factors, and we observed normal levels of GTP-bound Ras under hyperosmotic conditions. In contrast, activation of Raf, Akt, ERK1, ERK2, and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase was strongly reduced. These observations suggest that hyperosmotic conditions block signaling directly downstream of active Ras. It is thought that apoptotic cell death due to environmental stress is initiated by cytochrome c release from the mitochondria. Visualization of cytochrome c using immunofluorescence showed that hypertonic conditions result in a breakup of the mitochondrial network, which is reestablished within 1 h after hypertonic medium is replaced with isotonic medium. When we carried out live imaging, we observed that the mitochondrial membrane potential disappeared immediately after the onset of hyperosmotic shock. Our observations provide new insights into the hypertonic stress response pathway. In addition, they show that signaling downstream of Ras and mitochondrial dynamics can easily be manipulated by the exposure of cells to hyperosmotic conditions. protein tyrosine kinases; Ras; mitogen-activated protein kinase; hyperosmotic shock  相似文献   

Lv N  Lin S  Xie Z  Tang J  Ge Q  Wu M  Xie X  Xie X  Wei W 《Cancer epidemiology》2012,36(4):341-346
Aims: The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is an available target of effective anti-EGFR therapy for human breast cancer. KRAS, the human homolog of the Kirsten rat sarcoma-2 virus oncogene, encodes a main downstream signaling molecule in the EGFR pathway. The aim of this study was to assess the presence of EGFR and KRAS gene mutations in breast cancer. Materials and methods: EGFR and KRAS gene mutations were investigated in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues from 143 Chinese female patients with breast cancer by means of real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Results: Based on RT-PCR, 2/143 (1.4%) samples and 1/143 (0.7%) had EGFR and KRAS gene mutations, respectively. Overall, none of the cases was identified with mutations of both of these two genes. Conclusions: In this study, both EGFR and KRAS mutations were present rarely in this cohort of samples with breast cancer. This suggested that mutation analyses for EGFR and KRAS are not useful as screening tests for sensitivity to anti-EGFR therapy for breast carcinomas.  相似文献   

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