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The rate of RNA synthesis in chloroplasts from the primary leavesof Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Canadian Wonder was measured invitro as plant age increased. The rate per leaf began to fallbefore the leaf was 70% expanded. At full expansion, activityhad fallen by 70%. Chloroplast RNA synthesis per unit chlorophyllwas falling before the leaf was 25% expanded. When all parts of the plant above the mature primary leaveswere removed (detopping) chloroplast RNA synthesis in theseleaves rose within 36 h. The rate increased to a maximum 3–4d after detopping, when it was 5–10 times control values;thereafter it fell again. The chlorophyll content began to increaseabout 4 d after detopping, eventually rising by 100%. Detoppingcaused a 3-fold increase in the Triton X-100-soluble DNA contentof chloroplast preparations, measured after 3.5 d. At that timethe rate of RNA synthesis per unit Triton-soluble DNA was thesame in chloroplasts from the primary leaves of intact and detoppedplants. Detopping also resulted in an increase in the depthof the leaf palisade layer. The effects of detopping on chloroplasts were prevented by darknessand reduced by shading. Increased chloroplast RNA polymerase activity was also inducedin the primary leaves by placing a polythene bag over intactplants, enclosing everything above these leaves. Removal ofthe roots from detopped plants prevented the rise in the rateof chloroplast RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Chloroplast preparations from the young primary leaves of Phaseolusvulgaris L. cv. Canadian Wonder carry out the DNA-dependentincorporation of UTP into RNA at rates between 8 and 14 pmolUTP µg–1 chlorophyll h–1. It is estimatedthat 90% of the activity was localized in the chloroplasts.The incorporation proceeded for between 20 and 30 min at 35°C. The maximum rates of RNA synthesis were attained atpH 8.3, in the presence of 15 mM MgCl2. Chloroplasts were alsoactive, to a lesser extent, with 1.5 mM MnCl2. The simultaneouspresence of MnCl2 and MgCl2 resulted in inhibition of activity.Nuclear material prepared from young P. vulgaris leaves incorporatedUTP at a rate of about 12 pmol UTP µg–1 DNA h–1.On a chloroplast (Tritonsoluble) DNA basis chloroplast activitywas over 40-fold that of nuclei. Methods of solubilizing chloroplastRNA polymerase were explored. Yields of over 75% were achieved,but methods suitable for one species were not always successfulwhen applied to another. The highest yields of the P. vulgarisenzyme were obtained using EDTA and KCl. All methods resultedin solubilization of DNA. RNA synthesis by the soluble P. vulgarisenzyme proceeded for more than 40 min at 35 °C.  相似文献   

Mutant chickens, Hy-1 and Hy-2, show abnormalities in growth and differentiation of the lens epithelium. In this study, neural retinal cells (NR cells) from 3.5-day-old embryos of these mutants were cultured, and the differentiation in vitro was compared with the cells of the normal strain. Hy-1 cells in vitro were characterized by a delay in the first appearance of neuronal cells (N-cells) and by excessive production of this cell type at later stages. By contrast, the Hy-2 cells were indistinguishable from the normal cells in the early phase of culturing. In spite of the marked difference of Hy-1 NR cells in neuronal differentiation up to about 7 days in culture, the transdifferentiation of lens and pigmented cells occurred to a similar extent and with the same time schedule as cultures of normal cells. A number of lentoid bodies were formed by about 10 days. The relative composition of the three major classes of crystallins in transdifferentiated lens cells was almost identical between normal and Hy-1 strains. The results were discussed in comparison with the previous results of cell culture of NR of 8-day embryonic mutant chickens, and it was concluded that the process of transdifferentiation in cell culture is different between NR from 3.5-day-old and 8-day-old embryos.  相似文献   

The rate of nonphosphorylating electron transport (in the absence of ADP and inorganic phosphate) in well-coupled (ATP/2e = 0.9-1.1) maize mesophyll chloroplasts is not modulated by external pH (6.5-8.5), low levels of ADP or ATP, or energy transfer inhibitors, e.g. triphenyltin and Hg2+ ions. In contrast nonphosphorylating electron flow in pea chloroplasts is sensitive to alterations in medium pH, and to the presence of adenine nucleotides and energy transfer inhibitors in the assay medium. Although ATP is without effect on the rate of basal electron transport in maize chloroplasts, steady-state proton uptake is stimulated 3- to 5-fold by low levels of ATP. These results suggest that differences may exist in the manner in which the coupling factor complex controls proton efflux from the intrathylakoid space in C3 and C4 mesophyll chloroplasts.  相似文献   

As part of an extensive analysis of the factors regulating photosynthesis in Agropyron smithii Rydb., a C3 grass, we have examined the response of leaf gas exchange and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase activity to temperature. Emphasis was placed on elucidating the specific processes which regulate the temperature response pattern. The inhibitory effects of above-optimal temperatures on net CO2 uptake were fully reversible up to 40°C. Below 40°C, temperature inhibition was primarily due to O2 inhibition of photosynthesis, which reached a maximum of 65% at 45°C. The response of stomatal conductance to temperature did not appear to have a significant role in determining the overall temperature response of photosynthesis. The intracellular conductance to CO2 increased over the entire experimental temperature range, having a Q10 of 1.2 to 1.4. Increases in the apparent Michaelis constant (Kc) for RuBP carboxylase were observed in both in vitro and in vivo assays. The Q10 values for the maximum velocity (Vmax) of CO2 fixation by RuBP carboxylase in vivo was lower (1.3-1.6) than those calculated from in vitro assays (1.8-2.2). The results suggest that temperature-dependent changes in enzyme capacity may have a role in above-optimum temperature limitations below 40°C. At leaf temperatures above 40°C, decreases in photosynthetic capacity were partially dependent on temperature-induced irreversible reductions in the quantum yield for CO2 uptake.  相似文献   

The influence of nicotianamine (NA) on the distribution of ironinto apoplast and symplast of a NA-containing tomato wild-typeand its NA-less mutant was investigated. Isolated protoplastsfrom wild-type and mutant leaves are able to reduce exogenousiron(III)citrate at equal rates. In spite of this, protoplastsfrom mutant leaves take up more iron from iron(III)citrate thanwildtype protoplasts. The mutant leaves accumulate higher amountsof iron in apoplast and symplast than wild-type leaves withan iron supply of 10 µM FeEDTA in nutrient solution. NAtreatment of the mutant leaves decreases both apoplasmic andsymplasmic iron in the direction of wild-type values. It isconcluded that NA is not essential for iron transport throughthe plasmalemma of protoplasts, but that endogenous NA decreasesthe high amount of iron in protoplasts by affecting the feed-backregulation of iron uptake by leaf cells.  相似文献   

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