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Cells belonging to the germ lineage segregate physically and molecularly from their somatic neighbors during embryogenesis. While germ line‐specific chromatin modifications have been identified at later stages in the Caenorhabditis elegans nematode, none have been found in the single P4 germ line founder cell that arises at the beginning of gastrulation. Using light and electron microscopy, we now report that the chromatin organization in the germ line founder cell of the early C. elegans embryo is distinct from that in the neighboring somatic cells. This unique organization is characterized by a greater chromatin compaction and an expansion of the interchromatin compartment. The ultrastructure of individual chromatin domains does not differ between germ line and somatic cells, pointing to a specific organization mainly at the level of the whole nucleus. We show that this higher order reorganization of chromatin is not a consequence of the P4 nucleus being smaller than somatic nuclei or having initiated mitosis. Imaging of living embryos expressing fluorescent markers for both chromatin and P granules revealed that the appearance of a distinct chromatin organization in the P4 cell occurs approximately 10 min after its birth and coincides with the aggregation of P granules around the nucleus, suggesting a possible link between these two events. The higher order reorganization of chromatin that is reported here occurs during the establishment of definitive germ cell identity. The changes we have observed could therefore be a prerequisite for the programming of chromatin totipotency.  相似文献   

Cdt1 is an essential component for the assembly of a pre-replicative complex. Cdt1 activity is inhibited by geminin, which also participates in neural development and embryonic differentiation in many eukaryotes. Although Cdt1 homologues have been identified in organisms ranging from yeast to human, geminin homologues had not been described for Caenorhabditis elegans and fungi. Here, we identify the C. elegans geminin, GMN-1. Biochemical analysis reveals that GMN-1 associates with C. elegans CDT-1, the Hox protein NOB-1, and the Six protein CEH-32. GMN-1 inhibits not only the interaction between mouse Cdt1 and Mcm6 but also licensing activity in Xenopus egg extracts. RNA interference-mediated reduction of GMN-1 is associated with enlarged germ nuclei with aberrant nucleolar morphology, severely impaired gametogenesis, and chromosome bridging in intestinal cells. We conclude that the Cdt1-geminin system is conserved throughout metazoans and that geminin has evolved in these taxa to regulate proliferation and differentiation by directly interacting with Cdt1 and homeobox proteins.  相似文献   

Macdonald LD  Knox A  Hansen D 《Genetics》2008,180(2):905-920
Reproductive fitness in many animals relies upon a tight balance between the number of cells that proliferate in the germ line and the number of cells that enter meiosis and differentiate as gametes. In the Caenorhabditis elegans germ line, the GLP-1/Notch signaling pathway controls this balance between proliferation and meiotic entry. Here we describe the identification of the proteasome as an additional regulator of this balance. We show that a decrease in proteasome activity, through either genetic mutation or RNAi to core components of the proteasome, shifts this balance toward excess germ-line proliferation. We further demonstrate that there are likely two or more proteasome targets that contribute to excess germ-line proliferation when proteasome activity is reduced. One of these targets is likely a component or regulator of the Notch-signaling pathway, while the other functions on one of the two major redundant genetic pathways downstream of GLP-1/Notch signaling. We propose a model in which the proteasome degrades proteins that are necessary for proliferation as cells switch from proliferation to meiotic entry.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans normally exists as one of two sexes: self-fertilizing hermaphrodite or male. Development as hermaphrodite or male requires the differentiation of each tissue in a sex-specific way. In this review, I discuss the genetic control of sex determination in a single tissue of C. elegans: the germ line. Sex determination in the germ line depends on the action of two types of genes:--those that act globally in all tissues to direct male or female development and those that act only in the germ line to specify either spermatogenesis or oogenesis. First, I consider a tissue-specific sex-determining gene, fog-1, which promotes spermatogenesis in the germ line. Second, I consider the regulation of the hermaphrodite pattern of germ-line gametogenesis where first sperm and then oocytes are produced.  相似文献   

The Caenorhabditis elegans germ line provides a model for understanding how signaling from a stem cell niche promotes continued mitotic divisions at the expense of differentiation. Here we report cellular analyses designed to identify germline stem cells within the germline mitotic region of adult hermaphrodites. Our results support several conclusions. First, all germ cells within the mitotic region are actively cycling, as visualized by bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) labeling. No quiescent cells were found. Second, germ cells in the mitotic region lose BrdU label uniformly, either by movement of labeled cells into the meiotic region or by dilution, probably due to replication. No label-retaining cells were found in the mitotic region. Third, the distal tip cell niche extends processes that nearly encircle adjacent germ cells, a phenomenon that is likely to anchor the distal-most germ cells within the niche. Fourth, germline mitoses are not oriented reproducibly, even within the immediate confines of the niche. We propose that germ cells in the distal-most rows of the mitotic region serve as stem cells and more proximal germ cells embark on the path to differentiation. We also propose that C. elegans adult germline stem cells are maintained by proximity to the niche rather than by programmed asymmetric divisions.  相似文献   

Germ granules are cytoplasmic assemblies of RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) required for germ cell development and fertility. During the first four cell divisions of the Caenorhabditis elegans zygote, regulated assembly of germ (P) granules leads to their selective segregation to the future germ cell. Here we investigate the role of DLC-1, a hub protein implicated in stabilization and function of diverse protein complexes, in maintaining P granule integrity. We find that DLC-1 directly interacts with several core P granule proteins, predominantly during embryogenesis. The loss of dlc-1 disrupts assembly of P granule components into phase-separated organelles in the embryos, regardless of whether or not DLC-1 directly interacts with these proteins. Finally, we infer that P granule dispersal in the absence of dlc-1 is likely independent of DLC-1’s function as a subunit of the dynein motor and does not result from a loss of cell polarity.  相似文献   

By controlling the subcellular localization of growth factor receptors, cells can modulate the activity of intracellular signal transduction pathways. During Caenorhabditis elegans vulval development, a ternary complex consisting of the LIN-7, LIN-2 and LIN-10 PDZ domain proteins localizes the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) to the basolateral compartment of the vulval precursor cells (VPCs) to allow efficient receptor activation by the inductive EGF signal from the anchor cell. We have identified EGFR substrate protein-8 (EPS-8) as a novel component of the EGFR localization complex that links receptor trafficking to cell fate specification. EPS-8 expression is upregulated in the primary VPCs, where it creates a positive feedback loop in the EGFR/RAS/MAPK pathway. The membrane-associated guanylate kinase LIN-2 recruits EPS-8 into the receptor localization complex to retain the EGFR on the basolateral plasma membrane, and thus allow maximal receptor activation in the primary cell lineage. Low levels of EPS-8 in the neighboring secondary VPCs result in the rapid degradation of the EGFR, allowing these cells to adopt the secondary cell fate. Extracellular signals thus regulate EGFR trafficking in a cell type-specific manner to control pattern formation during organogenesis.  相似文献   

The intestinal cells of Caenorhabditis elegans embryos contain prominent, birefringent gut granules that we show are lysosome-related organelles. Gut granules are labeled by lysosomal markers, and their formation is disrupted in embryos depleted of AP-3 subunits, VPS-16, and VPS-41. We define a class of gut granule loss (glo) mutants that are defective in gut granule biogenesis. We show that the glo-1 gene encodes a predicted Rab GTPase that localizes to lysosome-related gut granules in the intestine and that glo-4 encodes a possible GLO-1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor. These and other glo genes are homologous to genes implicated in the biogenesis of specialized, lysosome-related organelles such as melanosomes in mammals and pigment granules in Drosophila. The glo mutants thus provide a simple model system for the analysis of lysosome-related organelle biogenesis in animal cells.  相似文献   

The importin alpha family of nuclear-cytoplasmic transport factors mediates the nuclear localization of proteins containing classical nuclear localization signals. Metazoan animals express multiple importin alpha proteins, suggesting their possible roles in cell differentiation and development. Adult Caenorhabditis elegans hermaphrodites express three importin alpha proteins, IMA-1, IMA-2, and IMA-3, each with a distinct expression and localization pattern. IMA-2 was expressed exclusively in germ line cells from the early embryonic through adult stages. The protein has a dynamic pattern of localization dependent on the stage of the cell cycle. In interphase germ cells and embryonic cells, IMA-2 is cytoplasmic and nuclear envelope associated, whereas in developing oocytes, the protein is cytoplasmic and intranuclear. During mitosis in germ line cells and embryos, IMA-2 surrounded the condensed chromosomes but was not directly associated with the mitotic spindle. The timing of IMA-2 nuclear localization suggested that the protein surrounded the chromosomes after fenestration of the nuclear envelope in prometaphase. Depletion of IMA-2 by RNA-mediated gene interference (RNAi) resulted in embryonic lethality and a terminal aneuploid phenotype. ima-2(RNAi) embryos have severe defects in nuclear envelope formation, accumulating nucleoporins and lamin in the cytoplasm. We conclude that IMA-2 is required for proper chromosome dynamics in germ line and early embryonic mitosis and is involved in nuclear envelope assembly at the conclusion of mitosis.  相似文献   

This review addresses the role of cell-cell interactions in the development of the Caenorhabditis elegans germ line: specifically, the relative contributions of germ-line-soma interactions versus autonomous processes are considered. Current knowledge of the interacting cell types and the genes essential for various aspects of germ-line development is discussed.  相似文献   

Interactions between the somatic gonad and the germ line influence the amplification, maintenance, and differentiation of germ cells. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the distal tip cell/germline interaction promotes a mitotic fate and/or inhibits meiosis through GLP-1/Notch signaling. However, GLP-1-mediated signaling alone is not sufficient for a wild-type level of germline proliferation. Here, we provide evidence that specific cells of the somatic gonadal sheath lineage influence amplification, differentiation, and the potential for tumorigenesis of the germ line. First, an interaction between the distal-most pair of sheath cells and the proliferation zone of the germ line is required for larval germline amplification. Second, we show that insufficient larval germline amplification retards gonad elongation and thus delays meiotic entry. Third, a more severe delay in meiotic entry, as is exhibited in certain mutant backgrounds, inappropriately juxtaposes undifferentiated germ cells with cells of the proximal sheath lineage, leading to the formation of a proximal germline tumor derived from undifferentiated germ cells. Tumors derived from dedifferentiated germ cells, however, respond to the proximal interaction differently depending on the mutant background. Our study underscores the importance of strict developmental coordination between neighboring tissues. We discuss these results in the context of mechanisms that may underlie tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

One hundred years after Weismann's seminal observations, the mechanisms that distinguish the germline from the soma still remain poorly understood. This review describes recent studies in Caenorhabditis elegans, which suggest that germ cells utilize unique mechanisms to regulate gene expression. In particular, mechanisms that repress the production of mRNAs appear to be essential to maintain germ cell fate and viability.  相似文献   

Mutations in human caveolin-3 are known to underlie a range of myopathies. The cav-1 gene of Caenorhabditis elegans is a homologue of human caveolin-3 and is expressed in both neurons and body wall muscles. Within the body wall muscle CAV-1 localises adjacent to neurons, most likely at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). Using fluorescently tagged CAV-1 and pre- and post-synaptic markers we demonstrate that CAV-1 co-localises with UNC-63, a post-synaptic marker, but not with several pre-synaptic markers. To establish a model for human muscular dystrophies caused by dominant-negative mutations in caveolin-3 we created transgenic animals carrying versions of cav-1 with homologous mutations. These animals had increased sensitivity to levamisole, suggesting a role for cav-1 at the NMJ. Animals carrying a deletion in cav-1 show a similar sensitivity. Sensitivity to levamisole and locomotion were also perturbed in animals carrying a dominant-negative cav-1 and a mutation in dynamin, which is a protein known to interact with caveolins. Thus, indicating an interaction between CAV-1 and dynamin at the NMJ and/or in neurons.  相似文献   

We have investigated the pattern of cell-cell communication in embryos of the free-living soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. For this, we have established a method for microinjection of tracer dyes into individual blastomeres. After iontophoresis of fluorescent dyes of different molecular weights (Lucifer yellow, LY, M(r) 457; rhodamine-labeled dextran, RD, M(r) 4000), we can visualize intercellular communication pathways. The dye-spread of LY, indicating communication via gap junctions, becomes first visible in the late 2-cell stage. From the 4-cell stage onward all cells appear to be well coupled by communication channels, which allow the free diffusion of LY. In contrast, RD remains restricted to the injected cell and its descendants. After the primordial germcell P4 has been generated in the 24-cell stage, dye-spread of LY into this cell and its somatic sister D is delayed. However, the restricted dye-coupling of D is only temporary. After a brief period it joins the somatic compartment. With the beginning of the morphogenesis phase the two existing germline cells (the daughters of P4) are completely uncoupled from the soma, while the latter still forms a single dye-coupling compartment. Only during the second half of embryogenesis different separate somatic communication compartments are established. We followed the pattern of intercellular communication in the alimentary tract and found a progressive restriction into smaller dye-coupling units. Our data are compared to those found in other systems and discussed with respect to cellular determination and differentiation.  相似文献   

Proteome maps and differences of protein patterns of the synchronized larval stage L4 of the temperature-sensitive Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) glp-1 mutant (e2144ts) were investigated after cultivation at 15 degrees C (developing a normal phenotype) or 25 degrees C (developing a mutated phenotype) by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI)-mass spectrometry. From the 183 identified protein spots six proteins were found differently expressed. The Vit-6 vitellogenin (CE28594), the hypothetical 17.2 protein (CE25224), the hypothetical 17.4 protein (CE16999), and the heat shock protein 16 kDa (CE14249) were more abundant when growing worm cultures at 25 degrees C. By contrast, the nucleoside diphosphate kinase (CE09650) was found increased at 15 degrees C. Most notably, the eukariotic initiation factor 5A-1 (CE00503), highly abundant at 15 degrees C, was not present in cultures grown at 25 degrees C. Its absence at 25 degrees C can not be attributed to lack of the enzymatic machinery that is necessary for hypusinylation. Instead, a direct downstream effect of the lack of functionality of GLP-1 may cause the expression of this protein. The yolk proteins 115 kDa and 88 kDa were attributed by mass spectrometric protein structure analysis as C-terminal and N-terminal fragments of the Vit-6 vitellogin protein (CE28594), respectively. The cleavage site between both derivatives was located between R764 and A768. A conflict in the database sequences at amino acid positions 1622 and 1623 of vitellogenin-6 was solved by mass spectrometric sequence analysis. The combination of 2-DE with mass spectrometry enabled the identification of mutation-associated differences on somatic gonadal cell and germ line cell development-associated proteins.  相似文献   

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