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Radiographs of five juvenile fossil hominids from Koobi Fora, Kenya are described and presented together with measurements and observations made on the original speciments. Data are also presented for a single specimen from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Four of these specimens are attributed to Paranthropus boisei (KNM ER 812, 1477 1820 and OH 30), and are all of remarkably similar dental developmental status. Conventional age estimates for these specimens of Paranthropus based on the first permanent molar, indicate an age at death of around 2·2 to 3 years. Perikymata counts on permanent lower central incisors of these specimens also indicate an age at death between 2·5 and 3 years. Two specimens attributed to early Homo (KNM ER 820 and 1507), are dentally more mature than specimens of Paranthropus boisei described here being closer to 5 years of age. Differences between the spacing and distribution of perikymata on the surfaces of incisor teeth are now apparent between Homo, Australopithecus. Paranthropus boisei and Paranthropus robustus: these are described in this paper. Details of the dental developmental patterns of these hominids are also discussed in the light of recent publications that have presented data about hominid eruption sequences and fossil hominid growth periods.  相似文献   

The teeth of nearly all non-mammalian vertebrates are replaced in waves which sweep through alternate tooth positions. It is argued that tooth replacement in these animals represents growth of the dentition. It is shown that the pattern of tooth replacement could be described by the exponential equation t(n)r, = k ear+bn when t(n)r is the time at which the rth replacement erupts in the nth position and k, a and b are constants. The length of a replacement wave (w) which is visible in the mouth, can be calculated from the equation w = 2(a?b)/a?2b for forward travelling waves. The effect of different ratios, ab, on wavelength is described. The model can be interpreted as describing the effect of a zone of inhibition which (it is argued) temporarily surrounds any newly initiated tooth. The increasing time required to dissipate the inhibition around successive replacement teeth is related to the age of the animal. This increasing time permits successive teeth to grow for longer periods than their predecessors and can account for a gradual increase in the size of successive teeth. A similar mechanism could account for the phasic nature of bone growth. It is indicated that the model could be difficult to test.  相似文献   

We surveyed body temperature (Tb) fluctuations of 23 species of thermoregulating lizards (9 families, 305 individuals) for pattern similarities. Here we report that the Tb time-series patterns of all species and almost all individuals met both qualitative criteria and quantitative criteria (positive Lyapunov exponent and capacity and/or correlation dimensions less than 5, and Hurst exponent not equal to 0.5) for deterministic chaos. Chaotic thermoregulation appears controlled, but at unpredictable times becomes disturbed and exhibits nonlinear behaviors before returning to control. This chaotic pattern of regulation is common to sufficiently diverse species to suggest that it is likely a primitive lacertilian, and perhaps reptilian, physiological characteristic.  相似文献   

Background: A recent decline in breast cancer incidence rates has been reported in the United States and in Europe. This decrease has been partly attributed to the reduced use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). No study in Europe has detailed recent breast cancer incidence trends both by hormonal receptor status and mode of detection at an individual level. Methods: We examined trends in breast cancer incidence rates in the French administrative area of Loire-Atlantique between 1991 and 2007, by age, mode of detection, histological subtype, estrogen/progesterone receptor (ER/PR) status and grade. Annual age-standardized breast cancer incidence rates were estimated using the Loire-Atlantique and Vendée Cancer Registry data. Annual percentage changes (APCs) were estimated using an age-adjusted Poisson regression model. Results: Incidence rates of breast cancer increased 3.5% per year in 1991–2003, dropped ?4.3% per year in 2003–2006 and increased in 2007 (9.1%). Stratified analyses by age groups showed that the decrease concerned predominantly women aged 50–64 years, whereas an increasing proportion of cancers detected by organized screening was observed in this age group. Among these women, the decline of incidence particularly concerned positive estrogen and progesterone receptor tumors, lobular subtype tumors, and low-grade tumors. Conclusion: The drop in breast cancer incidence rates observed between 2003 and 2006 in women 50–64 years old was greater for ER+PR+ tumors. During the same period, the incidence of breast cancers diagnosed by organized screening increased. These patterns appear consistent with an impact of the reduced use of HRT.  相似文献   

An intrinsic property of human motor behavior is a trade-off between speed and accuracy. This is classically described by Fitts’ law, a model derived by assuming that the human body has a limited capacity to transmit information in organizing motor behavior. However, Fitts’ law can also be realized as an emergent property of movements generated by delayed feedback. In this article, we describe the relationship between the Fitts’ law coefficients and the physiological parameters of the underlying delayed feedback circuit: the relaxation rate or time constant, and the psychomotor delay of the feedback process. This relationship is then used to estimate the motor circuit delay of several tasks for which Fitts’ law data are available in the literature. We consistently estimate the delay to be between 0 and 112 ms. A further consequence of this model is that not all combinations of slope and Y-intercept in Fitts’ law are possible when movements are generated by delayed feedback. In fact, it is only possible for an observed speed–accuracy trade-off to be generated by delayed feedback if the Fitts’ law coefficients satisfy ?0.482 ≤ a/b ≤ 3.343 [bits] where b represents the slope in bits per second and a represents the Y-intercept in seconds. If we assume human movement is generated by delayed feedback, then the Fitts’ law coefficients should always be restricted to this range of values.  相似文献   

Introduction While testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) are the most common malignancy in young men, germ cell tumors in women are uncommon. Familial clustering, epidemiologic evidence of increased risk with family or personal history of TGCT, and associations with genitourinary tract anomalies suggest an underlying genetic predisposition to TGCT, but traditional linkage studies have yet to identify a highly penetrant TGCT cancer susceptibility gene. In this paper, we investigate the familial occurrence of testicular and ovarian germ cell tumors. Methods We report a family in which a TGCT and an ovarian germ cell tumor (OGCT) occurred in two siblings, summarize the existing literature on familial occurrences of OGCT, either alone or in combination with extragonadal or TGCTs, and compare the incidence of familial and sporadic testicular and ovarian GCTs. Sporadic GCT data were obtained from the US Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) registry. Results We identified 16 reports of OGCT occurring in conjunction with either ovarian, testicular or extragonadal GCT. In these familial cases, the mean age at onset of female dysgerminoma was younger than that noted in the general population (age 17 vs. age 24, p = 0.01). In SEER, the incidence of TGCT was 15 times higher than that of OGCT. Histologic distributions in males and females showed distinctly different patterns. Discussion Although the incidence of OGCTs in the general population is quite low, its occurrence in multiple members of the same family and in families with TGCT suggests that a gene conferring susceptibility to GCTs may exist in some families.  相似文献   

Here, we describe the characterization of the [2Fe-2S] clusters of arsenite oxidases from Rhizobium sp. NT-26 and Ralstonia sp. 22. Both reduced Rieske proteins feature EPR signals similar to their homologs from Rieske-cyt b complexes, with g values at 2.027, 1.88, and 1.77. Redox titrations in a range of pH values showed that both [2Fe-2S] centers have constant Em values up to pH 8 at ∼+210 mV. Above this pH value, the Em values of both centers are pH-dependent, similar to what is observed for the Rieske-cyt b complexes. The redox properties of these two proteins, together with the low Em value (+160 mV) of the Alcaligenes faecalis arsenite oxidase Rieske (confirmed herein), are in line with the structural determinants observed in the primary sequences, which have previously been deduced from the study of Rieske-cyt b complexes. Since the published Em value of the Chloroflexus aurantiacus Rieske (+100 mV) is in conflict with this sequence analysis, we re-analyzed membrane samples of this organism and obtain a new value (+200 mV). Arsenite oxidase activity was affected by quinols and quinol analogs, which is similar to what is found with the Rieske-cyt b complexes. Together, these results show that the Rieske protein of arsenite oxidase shares numerous properties with its counterpart in the Rieske-cyt b complex. However, two cysteine residues, strictly conserved in the Rieske-cyt b-Rieske and considered to be crucial for its function, are not conserved in the arsenite oxidase counterpart. We discuss the role of these residues.  相似文献   

An analysis has been made of the electrical responses recorded on the surface and within the substance of the first sacral spinal segment when the contained motoneurons are excited by single and repeated antidromic ventral root volleys. A succession of negative deflections, designated in order of increasing latency m, i, b, d, has been found. Each of those deflections possesses some physiological property or properties to distinguish it from the remainder. Indicated by that fact is the conclusion that the successive deflections represent impulse conduction through successive parts of the motoneurons that differ in behavior, each from the others. Since the spinal cord constitutes a volume conductor the negative deflections are anteceded by a positive deflection at all points except that at which the axonal impulses first enter from the ventral root into the spinal cord. Frequently two or more negative deflections are recorded together in overlapping sequence, but for each deflection a region can be found in which the onset of that deflection marks the transition from prodromal positivity to negativity. Deflection m is characteristic of axonal spikes. Latent period is in keeping with known axonal conduction velocity. Refractory period is brief. The response represented by m is highly resistant to asphyxia. Maximal along the line of ventral root attachment and attenuating sharply therefrom, deflection m can be attributed only to axonal impulse conduction. Deflection i is encountered only within the cord, and is always associated with a deflection b. The i,b complex is recordable at loci immediately dorsal to regions from which m is recorded, and immediately ventral to points from which b is recorded in isolation from i. Except for its great sensitivity to asphyxia, deflection i has properties in common with those of m, but very different from those of b or d. To judge by properties i represents continuing axonal impulse conduction into a region, however, that is readily depolarized by asphyxia. Deflection b possesses a unique configuration in that the ascending limb is sloped progressively to the right indicating a sharp decrease in velocity of the antidromic impulses penetrating the b segment. A second antidromic volley will not conduct from i segment to b segment of the motoneurons unless separated from the first by nearly 1 msec. longer than is necessary for restimulation of axons. This value accords with somatic refractoriness determined by other means. Together with spatial considerations, the fact suggests that b represents antidromic invasion of cell bodies. Deflection d is ubiquitous, but in recordings from regions dorsal and lateral to the ventral horn, wherein an electrode is close to dendrites, but remote from other segments of motoneurons, d is the initial negative deflection. In latency d is variable to a degree that demands that it represent slow conduction through rather elongated structures. When associated with deflection b, deflection d may arise from the peak of b with the only notable discontinuity provided by the characteristically sloped rising phase of b. Deflection d records the occupation by antidromic impulses of the dendrites. Once dendrites have conducted a volley they will not again do so fully for some 120 msec. Embracing the several deflections, recorded impulse negativity in the motoneurons may endure for nearly 5 msec. When the axonal deflection m is recorded with minimal interference from somatic currents, it is followed by a reversal of sign to positivity that endures as long as impulse negativity can be traced elsewhere, demonstrating the existence of current flow from axons to somata as the latter are occupied by impulses. Note is taken of the fact that impulse conduction through motoneurons is followed by an interval, measurable to some 120 msec., during which after-currents flow. These currents denote the existence in parts of the intramedullary motoneurons of after-potentials the courses of which must differ in different parts of the neurons, otherwise nothing would be recorded. The location of sources and sinks is such as to indicate that a major fraction of the current flows between axons and somata. For approximately 45 msec. the direction of flow is from dendrites to axons. Thereafter, and for the remaining measurable duration, flow is from axons to dendrites.  相似文献   

Breast cancers that are “triple-negative” for the clinical markers ESR1, PGR, and HER2 typically belong to the Basal-like molecular subtype. Defective Rb, p53, and Brca1 pathways are each associated with triple-negative and Basal-like subtypes. Our mouse genetic studies demonstrate that the combined inactivation of Rb and p53 pathways is sufficient to suppress the physiological cell death of mammary involution. Furthermore, concomitant inactivation of all three pathways in mammary epithelium has an additive effect on tumor latency and predisposes highly penetrant, metastatic adenocarcinomas. The tumors are poorly differentiated and have histologic features that are common among human Brca1-mutated tumors, including heterogeneous morphology, metaplasia, and necrosis. Gene expression analyses demonstrate that the tumors share attributes of both Basal-like and Claudin-low signatures, two molecular subtypes encompassed by the broader, triple-negative class defined by clinical markers.  相似文献   

A common modelling approach in public health and epidemiology divides the population under study into compartments containing persons that share the same status. Here we consider a three-state model with the compartments: A, B and Dead. States A and B may be the states of any dichotomous variable, for example, Healthy and Ill, respectively. The transitions between the states are described by change rates, which depend on calendar time and on age. So far, a rigorous mathematical calculation of the prevalence of property B has been difficult, which has limited the use of the model in epidemiology and public health. We develop a partial differential equation (PDE) that simplifies the use of the three-state model. To demonstrate the validity of the PDE, it is applied to two simulation studies, one about a hypothetical chronic disease and one about dementia in Germany. In two further applications, the PDE may provide insights into smoking behaviour of males in Germany and the knowledge about the ovulatory cycle in Egyptian women.  相似文献   

The "cytochrome b5 fold": structure of a novel protein superfamily   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Selective proteolysis allows the isolation of a heme-binding fragment spectrally similar to microsomal cytochrome b5 from both baker's yeast flavocytochrome b2 (a flavohemoprotein) and liver sulfite oxidase (a molybdoprotein). The amino acid sequences of these two fragments have been published separately (Guiard &; Lederer, 1976,1979). We present in this paper an alignment of those sequences with that of microsomal cytochrome b5. The structural consequences of the similarity between the three primary structures are discussed in the light of the cytochrome b5 three-dimensional model (Mathews et al., 1971,1972,1975; Mathews &; Czerwinski, 1976).It is concluded that the three heme-binding proteins are in all probability the products of a divergent evolution from a common ancestor and that they must present a basically similar backbone with some surface alterations. We propose to name this backbone the “cytochrome b5 fold”. The comparison of the three proteins suggests hypotheses concerning the molecular surface areas involved in the recognition of cytochrome c (the common acceptor) and of the respective reductase (flavo- or molybdoprotein).In addition, our results suggest that at some point in evolution, several copies of an initial hemoprotein gene were formed in the cellular genome. Subsequently, one copy was fused with the gene for another function: a flavoreductase in yeast cells or a molybdoreductase in hepatic cells.  相似文献   

Peter R. Rich  Derek S. Bendall 《BBA》1980,591(1):153-161
1. In fresh chloroplasts, three b-type cytochromes exist. These are b-559HP (λmax, 559 nm; Em at pH 7, +370 mV; pH-independent Em), b-559LP (λmax, 559 nm; Em at pH 7, +20 mV; pH-independent Em) and b-563 (λmax, 563 nm; Em at pH 7, ?110 mV; pH-independent Em). b-559HP may be converted to a lower potential form (λmax, 559 nm; Em at pH 7, +110 mV; pH-independent Em).2. In catalytically active b-f particle preparations, three cytochromes exist. These are cytochrome f (λmax, 554 nm; Em at pH 7, +375 mV, pK on oxidised cytochrome at pH 9), b-563 (λmax, 563 nm; Em at pH 7, ?90 mV, small pH-dependence of Em) and a b-559 species (λmax, 559 nm, Em at pH 7, +85 mV; pH-independent Em).3. A positive method of demonstration and estimation of b-559LP in fresh chloroplasts is described which involves the use of menadiol as a selective reductant of b-559LP.  相似文献   

Photoreceptor Pigment for Blue Light in Neurospora crassa   总被引:22,自引:15,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Irradiating the mycelium of Neurospora crassa with moderate intensities of blue light causes a reversible photoreduction of a b-type cytochrome. The action spectrum for the photoreduction of cytochrome b is very similar to the absorption spectrum of flavin pigments. Prolonged irradiation of the mycelium with strong blue light irreversibly bleaches flavin-like pigments and as these pigments are bleached the photoresponse of cytochrome b is lost. We conclude from these and other data that a flavin is the photoreceptor pigment for the photoreduction of cytochrome b. The close similarity between the action spectrum for the photoreduction of cytochrome b and action spectra for a number of physiological photoresponses suggests that this photoreceptor pigment controls a wide variety of photobiological processes in a wide diversity of organisms.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2003,6(2):193-199
Fitness associated with pesticide resistance was assessed in twospotted spider mites, Tetranychus urticae Koch, using life table analysis. Two strains resistant to fenpyroximate (FR) and pyridaben (PR), and one susceptible strain (S) were included in this study. Two reciprocal crosses (FR♂xS♀ and PR♂xS♀) were established by conventional crossing procedure. Intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) was used as a comparative parameter of reproductive fitness among 3 parent strains (FR, PR, and S) and two reciprocal crosses. Sensitivity analysis was performed to evaluate significances of biological factors contributing to rm. The rm values were not significantly different from each other, with an exception of FR♂xS♀ cross and ranged from 0.250 to 0.274 per day. Sensitivity analysis revealed that birth rate (b) and mortality (μ) effects could account for the effect on rm in the two resistant strains. Contributions of b and μ to rm was markedly different in two resistant strains; high contribution in b and low in μ. Age at the first reproduction (t) and age at the last reproduction (tω) made roughly equal contributions to rm between the strains and the crosses. This study clearly showed that how rm was affected by various biological factors and provided a basic analytical tool for pesticide resistant management.  相似文献   

Ni BR  Bradford KJ 《Plant physiology》1992,98(3):1057-1068
Mathematical models were developed to characterize the physiological bases of the responses of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv T5) seed germination to water potential (ψ) and abscisic acid (ABA). Using probit analysis, three parameters were derived that can describe the germination time courses of a seed population at different ψ or ABA levels. For the response of seed germination to reduced ψ, these parameters are the mean base water potential (¯ψb, MPa), the standard deviation of the base water potential among seeds in the population (σψb, MPa), and the “hydrotime constant” (θH, MPa·h). For the response to ABA, they are the log of the mean base ABA concentration ([unk]ABAb, m), the standard deviation of the base ABA concentration among seeds in the population (σABAb, log[m]), and the “ABA-time constant” (θABA, log[m]·h). The values of ¯ψb and [unk]ABAb provide quantitative estimates of the mean sensitivity of germination rate to ψ or ABA, whereas σψb and σABAb account for the variation in sensitivity among seeds in the population. The time constants, θH and θABA, indicate the extent to which germination rate will be affected by a given change in ψ or ABA. Using only these parameters, germination time courses can be predicted with reasonable accuracy at any medium ψ according to the equation probit(g) = [ψ - (θH/tg) - ¯ψb]/σψb, or at any ABA concentration according to the equation probit(g) = [log[ABA] - (θABA/tg) - log[[unk]ABAb]]/σABAb, where tg is the time to radicle emergence of percentage g, and ABA is the ABA concentration (m) in the incubation solution. In the presence of both ABA and reduced ψ, the same parameters can be used to predict seed germination time courses based upon strictly additive effects of ψ and ABA in delaying the time of radicle emergence. Further analysis indicates that ABA and ψ can act both independently and interactively to influence physiological processes preparatory for radicle growth, such as the accumulation of osmotic solutes in the embryo. The models provide quantitative values for the sensitivity of germination to ABA or ψ, allow evaluation of independent and interactive effects of the two factors, and have implications for understanding how ABA and ψ may regulate growth and development.  相似文献   

Bcl11b is a haploinsufficient tumor suppressor gene and expressed in many tissues such as thymus, brain and skin. Irradiated Bcl11b+/− heterozygous mice mostly develop thymic lymphomas, but the preference of Bcl11b inactivation for thymic lymphomas remains to be addressed. We produced Bcl11b+/− heterozygous and Bcl11b wild-type mice of p53+/− background and compared their incidence of γ-ray induced thymic lymphomas. Majority of the tumors in p53+/− mice were skin tumors, and only 5 (36%) of the 14 tumors were thymic lymphomas. In contrast, Bcl11b+/−p53+/− doubly heterozygous mice developed thymic lymphomas at the frequency of 27 (79%) of the 34 tumors developed (P = 0.008). This indicates the preference of Bcl11b impairment for thymic lymphoma development. We also analyzed loss of the wild-type alleles in the 27 lymphomas, a predicted consequence given by γ-irradiation. However, the loss frequency was low, only six (22%) for Bcl11b and five (19%) for p53. The frequencies did not differ from those of spontaneously developed thymic lymphomas in the doubly heterozygous mice, though the latency of lymphoma development markedly differed between them. This suggests that the main contribution of irradiation at least in those mice is not for the tumor initiation by inducing allelic losses but probably for the promotion of thymic lymphoma development.  相似文献   

A method is described for relating the age of a cereal leaf cell to its distance from the leaf base. The rates of chlorophyll synthesis per plastid in the first leaf of light-grown and of greening etiolated seedlings of wheat (Triticum aestivum, var. Maris Dove) increase with cell age. Normally developing plastids of light-grown wheat take over 24 hours to reach the chlorophyll a/b ratio characteristic of mature wheat chloroplasts (4.5), but mature etioplasts need only 8 hours light to achieve this a/b ratio. Plastid greening potential depends only on cell age, whereas the chlorophyll a/b ratio is influenced both by cell age and by light.  相似文献   

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