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Summary High-resolution two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) was employed to reveal tumor-associated polypeptide changes, using the BALB/c C4 line mouse mammary model system, for which phenotypic and immunogenic alterations accompanying tumor progression are well defined. In the first set of experiments, polypeptide patterns from 20 µg whole tissue lysates of normal mammary gland, C4 preneoplastic hyperplatic alveolar nodule outgrowth (HAN) and spontaneous tumor from C4 HAN were compared. In order to normalize for differential cellularity and extracellular protein content in the whole tissues, our analysis included polypeptide patterns from serum, increased concentration of protein from whole normal mammary gland, and primary cultures of epithelial cells from normal gland, HAN and tumor. Using a computer-based image-analysis system, 90 polypeptides were identified in C4 tumor that were absent in C4 HAN, normal mammary gland and serum. None of the 90 polypeptides could be shown to represent a definite qualitative change in the protein composition of tumor epithelium as they were found to be either present in a higher concentration of protein from whole normal gland, or present in the primary epithelial culture from HAN, or absent in the primary epithelial culture from tumor.Conversely in the second set of experiments, when epithelial cultures were used as the starting point for comparisons to locate tumor-associated polypeptides, none of the 15 polypeptides that were present in cultures from three different tumors, and absent in the culture from normal mammary gland was specific to C4 tumor, as they were present in whole tissues of normal gland.Thus our experimental approach detected significant quantitative but no qualitative polypeptide changes in whole tumor tissue, or in tumor-derived epithelial cell cultures. This finding may reflect the limitations of the two-dimensional PAGE method, and warrants caution in the use of such gel analysis alone to identify tumor-associated proteins.Supported by NIH grant CA42522  相似文献   

We analyzed two experimental situations to assess the role of endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) DNA in the genesis of mammary carcinomas. (i) GR mice carry in their germ line one or more proviruses indistinguishable by limited restriction mapping from the proviruses introduced into cells by experimental infection with the highly tumorigenic virus isolated from GR mouse milk, MMTV(GR). Most tumors arising in GR mice contain one or more proviruses at various sites in tumor DNA in addition to those present endogenously. Detection of these new proviruses is possible as a consequence of the clonal or quasiclonal character of the tumors. (ii) C3H/He mice carry three units of endogenous viral DNA, none of which resembles the DNA of the commonly encountered strains of milk-borne MMTV. Nevertheless, MMTV-associated tumors arise late in life when these animals are removed from the influence of milk-borne virus; the responsible agent, MMTV(C3Hf), can also produce tumors in BALB/c mice. We found that tumors arising in both C3Hf/He mice and BALB/c mice infected with MMTV(C3Hf) were clonal or quasiclonal and contained one or more new copies of proviral DNA at various sites in the host genome. These new proviruses were readily distinguished from the proviruses of the common milk-borne virus strains and closely resembled unit II of endogenous MMTV DNA (Cohen et al., J. Virol., 32:483-496). Thus, in both experimental systems, we found evidence for new proviruses in mammary tumors, despite the preexistence of similar or identical proviruses in the germ line. The results suggest that the repositioning of MMTV proviruses may be required for the full expression of the oncogenic potential of endogenous MMTV DNA.  相似文献   

A novel gene, RTVP-1, which shows significant sequence identity to the mammalian testis-specific proteins, a family of plant pathogenesis-related proteins and the vespid venom allergen, antigen-5, has been isolated from a cDNA library of the human glioblastoma brain tumor cell line, U-251 MG. The highest degree of sequence identity was with the human testis-specific protein, TPX1 (38.7% over 119 amino acids). Northern hybridization analysis revealed that in fetal tissue RTVP-1 RNA was detected only in the kidney, but its expression was ubiquitous in adult tissues including brain. Multiple mRNAs encoded by RTVP-1 were highly expressed in a panel of cell lines from nervous system tumors arising from glia, although expression was low or absent in non-glial-derived nervous system tumour cell lines. The GenBank DNA database accession number for this sequence is X91911.  相似文献   

The pancreatic islets of Langerhans, and especially the insulin-producing beta cells, play a central role in the maintenance of glucose homeostasis. Alterations in the expression of multiple proteins in the islets that contribute to the maintenance of islet function are likely to underlie the pathogenesis of types 1 and 2 diabetes. To identify proteins that constitute the islet proteome, we provide the first comprehensive proteomic characterization of pancreatic islets for mouse, the most commonly used animal model in diabetes research. Using strong cation exchange fractionation coupled with reversed phase LC-MS/MS we report the confident identification of 17,350 different tryptic peptides covering 2612 proteins having at least two unique peptides per protein. The data set also identified approximately 60 post-translationally modified peptides including oxidative modifications and phosphorylation. While many of the identified phosphorylation sites corroborate those previously known, the oxidative modifications observed on cysteinyl residues reveal potentially novel information suggesting a role for oxidative stress in islet function. Comparative analysis with 15 available proteomic data sets from other mouse tissues and cells revealed a set of 133 proteins predominantly expressed in pancreatic islets. This unique set of proteins, in addition to those with known functions such as peptide hormones secreted from the islets, contains several proteins with as yet unknown functions. The mouse islet protein and peptide database accessible at (http://ncrr.pnl.gov), provides an important reference resource for the research community to facilitate research in the diabetes and metabolism fields.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin heavy chain mRNA was purified from immunoprecipitated polysomes derived from the mouse myeloma tumor, MOPC-31C. The purified mRNA migrated predominantly as a single band upon polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in 98% formamide and the molecular weight of this mRNA was calculated to be 700,000. This mRNA was as active as the purified light chain mRNA when it was employed as a template in a cell-free protein synthesizing system from wheat germ. The translation product had a molecular weight of 55,000 daltons, and migrated slightly faster than mature heavy chain upon polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecylsulfate. The protein synthesized by the direction of this mRNA was shown to yield tryptic peptides corresponding to those derived from the mature heavy chain protein except that one missing peptide was replaced by another additional peptide. DNA complementary to the mRNA was synthesized by RNA-dependent DNA polymerase from avian myeloblastosis virus. Hybridization kinetic analysis between the heavy chain mRNA and its complementary DNA indicated that the RNA was essentially homogenous with rabbit globin mRNA as a standard.  相似文献   



The availability of abundant sequence data from key model organisms has made large scale studies of molecular evolution an exciting possibility. Here we use full length cDNA alignments comprising more than 700,000 nucleotides from human, mouse, pig and the Japanese pufferfish Fugu rubrices in order to investigate 1) the relationships between three major lineages of mammals: rodents, artiodactyls and primates, and 2) the rate of evolution and the occurrence of positive Darwinian selection using codon based models of sequence evolution.  相似文献   

We describe the complete sequence of the gene encoding mouse NF-M, the middle-molecular-mass neurofilament protein. The coding sequence is interrupted by two intervening sequences which align perfectly with the first two intervening sequences in the gene encoding NF-L (the low-molecular-mass neurofilament protein); there is no intron in the gene encoding NF-M corresponding to the third intron in NF-L. Therefore, both the number of introns and their arrangement in the genes coding NF-L and NF-M contrast sharply with the number and arrangement of introns in the genes of known sequence, encoding other members of the intermediate filament multigene family (desmin, vimentin, glial fibrillary acidic protein and the acidic and basic keratins); with the exception of a single truncated keratin gene that lacks an encoded tailpiece, these genes all contain eight introns, of which at least six are placed at homologous locations. Assuming the existence of a primordial intermediate filament gene containing most (if not all) the introns found in contemporary non-neurofilament intermediate filament genes, it seems likely that an RNA-mediated transposition event was involved in the generation of an ancestral gene encoding the NF polypeptides. A combination of insertional transposition and gene-duplication events could then explain the anomalous number and placement of introns within these genes. Consistent with this notion, we show that the genes encoding NF-M and NF-L are linked.  相似文献   

Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) is a phenolic antioxidant which is widely used in foods and has been shown to inhibit chemical carcinogenesis in the mammary gland induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene. However, its mechanism of action as a tumor inhibitor is unclear. The purpose of this work was first to develop a method for extracting and quantitating BHT and then to determine the amounts that accumulate in the tissues and serum of rats as a starting point for looking at mechanistic possibilities in the inhibition of mammary carcinogenesis. Methodology of extracting BHT from rat tissues and serum was developed using a modified lipid extraction procedure. The sensitive nature of reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography proved useful in detecting and quantifying BHT after its extraction from biological tissues. All tissues were taken from animals consuming semipurified diets with and without 0.3% BHT for various periods of time (weeks). BHT was found in much higher levels in mammary tissue than in the liver and serum of rats. The lipid content in mammary tissue appears to be predictive of the amount of BHT found in this tissue, presumably because of the lipophilic character of the antioxidant.  相似文献   

目的采用活体成像技术比较三株荧光素酶标记的小鼠乳腺癌细胞在小鼠体内生长及转移情况,为研究肿瘤转移提供理想的动物模型以及活体分析方法。方法以荧光素酶(luciferase,Luc)作为报告基因导入小鼠乳腺癌细胞4T1、66c14和4TO7中,经G418筛选获得稳定表达荧光素酶的细胞克隆并扩大培养。标记细胞稀释成1×107cells/mL,取0.1 mL进行乳腺原位及尾静脉接种BALB/c小鼠,制作小鼠乳腺原位和尾静脉移植瘤模型,比较三株细胞在小鼠体内生长及转移情况。结果获得稳定表达荧光素酶基因的细胞克隆,将Luc标记的4T1、66c14、4TO7细胞对BALB/c小鼠乳腺原位接种后7 d,均有肿瘤生长,接种后28 d,4T1细胞乳腺原位移植瘤最大,66c14细胞瘤体次之,4TO7细胞瘤体最小;接种后35 d,三株细胞乳腺原位移植瘤大小较一致,但4T1和66c14原位移植瘤均发生转移,其中4T1细胞较66c14细胞转移严重,而4TO7细胞未见转移;接种后42 d,三株细胞乳腺原位移植瘤大小无明显差别,而4T1和66c14细胞随天数的增加,移植瘤转移程度逐渐严重,4T1较66c14细胞转移更严重,呈广泛性转移,4TO7细胞仍未见转移。将Luc标记的4T1、66c14、4TO7细胞对BALB/c小鼠尾静脉接种后7 d,小动物活体成像发现小鼠肺部均能检测到荧光,其中4T1细胞接种的小鼠肺部荧光信号最强,且小鼠陆续死亡;4TO7细胞接种小鼠肺部荧光信号次之;66c14细胞接种小鼠肺部荧光信号最弱。尾静脉接种后14 d,4TO7和66c14细胞随着观察天数的增加,转移程度逐渐严重,4TO7细胞接种小鼠肺部荧光信号较66c14细胞强且小鼠陆续死亡。结论乳腺原位自发转移模型较尾静脉转移模型更真实反应了肿瘤细胞在体的转移特性,且能完整地呈现肿瘤转移的全过程,可作为研究肿瘤转移的最理想模型。  相似文献   

Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) was purified to homogeneity from cerebellar tissue of three normal subjects and seven patients with four distinct types of degenerative neurological disorders. Nonequilibrium pH gradient gel electrophoresis showed that the purified enzyme consists of four major isoproteins designated GDH 1, 2, 3, and 4. With one exception, the relative abundance and isoelectric points of the GDH isoproteins decrease and the molecular weights increase progressively going from isoprotein 1 to isoprotein 4. The enzyme isolated from the brain of one patient with a variant form of multiple system atrophy displayed marked reduction of GDH isoprotein 1. The Km values of the patients' GDH for alpha-ketoglutarate, glutamate, NADH, and NADPH were significantly increased as compared to GDH obtained from normal and neurologic control subjects. In addition, glutamate levels were reduced markedly in the patient's cerebellum. Pulse-chase studies have shown that both the human hepatoma HepG2 and the human glioma U373 cell lines synthesize exclusively GDH isoprotein 2. The different GDH isoproteins do not have a precursor-product relationship and may represent products of different GDH mRNA species.  相似文献   

In the present study, four small RNA libraries were constructed from an M. salmoides population and sequenced using deep sequencing technology. A total of 9,888,822; 8,519,365; 20,566,198; and 15,762,254 raw reads representing 666,097; 755,711; 978,923; and 840,175 unique sequences were obtained from the spleen, liver, kidney, and muscle libraries, respectively. As a result, 509 known miRNAs belonging to 143 families and 1157 novel miRNAs were identified. The miRNAs displayed diverse expression levels among the four libraries, among which most of the known miRNAs were expressed at higher levels than the novel miRNAs. Furthermore, stem-loop qRT-PCR was applied to validate and profile the expression of the differentially expressed miRNAs in the four different tissues, which revealed that some miRNAs showed tissue specific expression. The identification of miRNAs in M. salmoides will provide new information and enhance our understanding of the functions of miRNAs in regulating biological processes.  相似文献   

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