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Genomic libraries from Streptococcus mutans OMZ175 were constructed in bacteriophage vectors. DNA fragments 1 to 2 kilobases in length were cloned in expression vector lambda gt11. S. mutans DNA fragments 15 to 20 kilobases in length were inserted in the BamHI site of phage EMBL3. Rabbit antiserum raised against an S. mutans saliva-interacting protein with a molecular weight of 74,000, designated 74K SR, was used to screen the lambda gt11 library. A recombinant phage carrying an S. mutans DNA sequence of 1.45 kilobases, lambda SmAD2, was detected and isolated. This fragment, named SmAD2, was used to construct the recombinant expression plasmid pSAD2-4 which encoded for the expression of a 60,000-molecular-weight protein controlled by the beta-galactosidase promoter from plasmid pUC8. The SmAD2 fragment and polyclonal anti-74K SR antibodies were used to screen the EMBL3 library. A total coincidence between the screening with antibodies and the DNA probe was observed, and two phages, lambda SmAD9 and lambda SmAD10, were isolated. They contained a common S. mutans DNA sequence of about 11.8 kilobases and coded for a protein with a molecular weight of about 195,000, which comigrated with a protein of an S. mutans cell wall extract. The expressed protein was purified, and a very strong relationship with the S. mutans 74K SR protein was found by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Thus, cloning of the 74K SR gene allowed us to demonstrate that the saliva receptor appears to be a part of an S. mutans precursor molecule with a molecular mass of 195,000 daltons.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans strain AHT (serotype g) secretes at least two glucosyltransferases with different pI values. A novel glucosyltransferase with a pI of 5.8 was purified 244-fold from the ammonium sulphate fraction by DEAE-cellulose chromatography, FPLC (Mono Q column, Pharmacia) and hydrophobic chromatography. The enzyme preparation gave a single protein band on analysis by both PAGE and SDS-PAGE, and did not form multiple protein bands detectable by IEF. The Mr was estimated to be about 130,000 by SDS-PAGE and about 135,000 by ultracentrifugal analysis. The apparent Km value and pH optimum of the enzyme were 3.9 +/- 0.2 mM (mean +/- SD) and about 4.7, respectively. The enzyme synthesized water-soluble glucan from sucrose, and the glucan consisted of over 90 mol% 1,6-alpha-D-glucosidic linkages. The enzyme activity was not stimulated by primer dextran. Anti-enzyme serum produced a single precipitin band with the purified enzyme preparation, whereas it did not react with either of the other two known glucosyltransferases.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans Ingbritt (serotype c) was found to secrete basic glucosyltransferase (sucrose: 1,6-alpha-D-glucan 3-alpha and 6-alpha-glucosyltransferase). The enzyme preparation obtained by ethanol fractionation, DEAE Bio-Gel A chromatography, chromatofocusing and preparative isoelectric focusing was composed of three isozymes with slightly different isoelectric points (pI 8.1-8.4). The molecular weight was estimated to be 151000 by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The specific activity of the enzyme was 9.8 IU per mg of protein and the optimum pH was 6.5. The enzyme was activated 2.4-fold by commercial dextran T10, and had Km values of 7.1 micro M for the dextran and 4.3 mM for sucrose. Glucan was de novo synthesized from sucrose by the enzyme and found to be 1,6-alpha-D-glucan with 17.7% of 1,3,6-branching structure by a gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy.  相似文献   

A proteinaceous antigen (PAg) was purified from the culture supernatant of Streptococcus mutans 6715 (serotype g) by ultrafiltration, ammonium sulfate precipitation, DEAE-Sephacel ion-exchange chromatography, Phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B hydrophobic chromatography, and subsequent Sephacryl S-300 gel filtration. A yield of 0.1 mg of PAg was obtained from a liter of culture supernatant. The isoelectric point and molecular weight of PAg were pH 4.6 and 210,000, respectively. It contained 35% sugar, which was identified as glucose by gas-liquid chromatography. Amino acid analysis revealed that PAg contains 28% acidic and 11% basic amino acid residues. PAg retained its antigenicity after heating at 80 C for 10 min in deionized water, or after treatment with 0.1 M HC1 or 0.1 M NaOH at 37 C for 1 hr. Immunodiffusion and immunoelectrophoresis analyses revealed that PAg is serologically distinct from other cell-surface antigens such as serotype-specific polysaccharide and lipoteichoic acid. A cross-reaction between PAg and a protein antigen similarly prepared from serotype c S. mutans was observed in immunodiffusion tests.  相似文献   

Extracellular glucosyltransferases (sucrose: 1,6-alpha-D-glucan 3-alpha- and 6-alpha-glucosyltransferase) of Streptococcus mutans HS6 (serotype a) were purified from the culture supernatant by DEAE-Sepharose chromatography, ConA-Sepharose chromatography and chromatofocusing. The enzymes I and II with specific activities of 6.20 and 5.86 i.u. mg-1, respectively, exhibited slightly different isoelectric points (pI 4.5 and 4.2) and the molecular weights were estimated to be 161000 and 174000, respectively, by SDS-PAGE. The enzymes had the same optimum pH of 5.5 and the same Km values of 1.3 mM for sucrose and of 83 microM-glucose equivalent for dextran T10. By double immunodiffusion test on agar, these enzymes were immunologically identical to each other. Analysis by GLC of the glucans synthesized de novo from sucrose by the enzymes (I and II) established that they were 1,6-alpha-D-glucans with 20 and 24.5 mol% 1,3,6-branch points, respectively. Both are therefore bifunctional enzymes.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans Ingbritt (serotype c) was shown to have a significant amount of cell-associated glucosyltransferase activity which synthesizes water-insoluble glucan from sucrose. The enzyme was extracted from the washed cells with SDS, renatured with Triton X-100, adsorbed to 1,3-alpha-D-glucan gel, and then eluted with SDS. The enzyme preparation was electrophoretically homogeneous, and the specific activity was 7.3 i.u. (mg protein)-1. The enzyme had an Mr of 158,000 as determined by SDS-PAGE, and was a strongly hydrophilic protein, as judged by its amino acid composition. The enzyme gradually aggregated in the absence of SDS. The enzyme had an optimum pH of 6.5 and a Km value of 16.3 mm for sucrose. Activity was stimulated 1.7-fold by dextran T10, but was not stimulated by high concentrations of ammonium sulphate. Below a sodium phosphate buffer concentration of 50 mm, activity was reduced by 75%. This enzyme synthesized an insoluble D-glucan consisting of 76 mol% 1,3-alpha-linked glucose and 24 mol% 1,6-alpha-linked glucose.  相似文献   

An extracellular glucosyltransferase (GT-S) synthesizing water-soluble glucan was purified from the culture supernatant of Streptococcus mutans BHT (serotype b, subsp. rattus) by DEAE-Sepharose chromatography and preparative isoelectric focusing. The Mr of the enzyme was 155,000 and the pI was 4.5. The GT-S had a specific activity of 10.2 i.u. (mg protein)-1, an optimum pH of 6.0 and a Km value of 0.8 mM for sucrose, and was activated twofold by dextran T10. The GT-S was immunologically partially identical with the corresponding enzymes in crude preparations from serotypes c, e and f. The glucan synthesized de novo from sucrose by the GT-S was water-soluble and consisted of 29 mol% of non-reducing terminal, 49 mol% of 1,6-alpha-linked, 11 mol% of 1,3-alpha-linked and 11 mol% of 1,3,6-alpha-branched glucose residues.  相似文献   

An immunoaffinity chromatography procedure for the isolation of bovine glial fibrillary acidic (GFA) protein is described. Degraded GFA protein isolated by hydroxyapatite chromatography from human spinal cord was used to prepare the antiserum. The immunoglogulin G fraction of the antiserum was covalently linked to CNBr-activated Sepharose, and columns of the immuno-affinity gel were used to adsorb bovine GFA protein from brain extracts. Elution was accomplished with a solution of 1 m acetic acid, 5 m urea, 0.8 m sodium chloride, pH 2.5. The yield of about 0.5 mg of highly purified protein/g of cerebral white matter could be increased to 1.5 mg/g of tissue by lowering the ionic strength of the extracting buffer from 50 mm to 1 mm sodium phosphate. Isolation in the presence of EDTA prevented the formation of an oxidation product migrating as a dimer of the monomeric species on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

The quality improvement of antigen (crude saline extract) of Spirometra mansoni pleroceroid (sparganum) was investigated by protein purification. The crude extract was fractionated by gel filtration through Sephacryl S-300 Superfine. Its third fraction was purified by affinity chromatography using a monoclonal antibody as ligand. When observed by SDS-PAGE, the purified protein was composed of 2 bands of 36 kDa and 29 kDa which were found already as the most sensitive components in the crude extract by immunoblots with patients sera. The quality of the purified antigen was evaluated in comparison with the crude extract by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the specific (IgG) antibody in sera of human sparganosis, other parasitic and neurologic diseases, and normal control. When the purified antigen was used, the sensitivity was not altered but remained high (96.4%) while the specificity was increased from 86.8% to 96.9%.  相似文献   

A water-soluble glucan-synthesizing glucosyltransferase (GTase-S) and a water-insoluble glucan-synthesizing glucosyltransferase (GTase-I) were purified from culture supernatant of Streptococcus mutans 6715 (serotype g) by ammonium sulphate precipitation, chromatofocusing on a Polybuffer exchanger PBE 94 column, and subsequent phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B or hydroxyapatite column chromatography. The GTase-S and GTase-I activities were purified 4019- and 4714-fold, respectively, and the molecular weights were calculated to be 160000 and 165000, respectively. GTase-S had a pH optimum of 5.0, a Km of 8.8 mM for sucrose in the presence of 20 microM-dextran T10, and an isoelectric point of pH 4.3. GTase-I had two pH optima of 5.0 and 7.0, Km values of 4.9 mM (at pH 5.0) and 7.0 mM (at pH 7.0), mM (at pH 7.0), and an isoelectric point of pH 4.9. Methylation analysis indicated that the water-soluble glucan produced by GTase-S was a highly branched 1,6-alpha-linked D-glucan with 1,3-linked glucose residues, and that the water-insoluble glucan synthesized by GTase-I was composed of 1,3-alpha-linked glucose units.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody to rat plasma kininogen, obtained after immunization of mice with the kininogen prepared by conventional methods, was purified from ascites fluid and coupled to CNBr-activated Sepharose-4B. Monoclonal-antibody affinity adsorbant thus prepared provided a rapid single-step method of purifying to homogeneity plasma kininogen. Purified rat plasma kininogen showed identical molecular weight and immunological cross-reactivity to rat plasma low molecular weight (LMW) kininogen purified by conventional procedures. Rat plasma kininogen differed from LMW kininogen from other species by virtue of its resistance to cleavage by either plasma or glandular kallikreins.  相似文献   

Extracellular 1,3-alpha-D-glucan synthase (sucrose: 1,3-alpha-D-glucan 3-alpha-D-glucosyltransferase, EC 2.4.1.-) of Streptococcus mutans HS6 (serotype a) was purified from culture supernatant by ultrafiltration, DEAE-Sepharose chromatography and preparative isoelectric focusing. The enzyme had a molecular weight of 158 000 by SDS-PAGE and an isoelectric point of pH 5.2. The specific activity of the enzyme was 48.3 i.u. (mg protein)-1. The Km for sucrose was 1.2 mM and the activity was optimal at pH 6.0. The enzyme activity was stimulated about 20-fold in the presence of dextran T10. Glucan was synthesized de novo from sucrose by the enzyme and characterized as a linear 1,3-alpha-D-glucan by GC-MS.  相似文献   

Abstract Two salivary components which specifically bind to Streptococcus mutans OMZ 175 (serotype f) 74K SR cell surface protein were purified from human whole saliva, free of immunoglobulins, by using affinity chromatography. Both components were eluted from the column in active monomeric forms having M r of 75 and 60 K. The two binding components were identified by WB analysis as free secretory component (SC) (75K) and as a 60K protein antigenically related to serum albumin (HSA).  相似文献   

Counter-current chromatography (CCC) using a cross-axis coil planet centrifuge (X-axis CPC) was applied to the purification of glucosyltransferase (GTF) from a cell-lysate of cariogenic bacteria. The purification was performed using an aqueous polymer two-phase system composed of 4.4% (w/w) polyethylene glycol (PEG) 8000-6% (w/w) dextran T500 containing 10mM phosphate buffer at pH 9.2 by eluting the upper phase (UP) at 1.0ml/min. The bacterial GTF in the cell-lysate of Streptococcus mutans was selectively retained in the dextran-rich lower stationary phase. The column contents were diluted and subjected to hydroxyapatite (HA) chromatography to remove the polymers from the GTF. Fractions eluted with 500mM potassium phosphate buffer were analyzed by GTF enzymatic activity as well as sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The GTF purity in the final product was increased about 87 times as that in the cell-lysate with a good recovery rate of about 79% through this purification process.  相似文献   

Structure of the serotype f polysaccharide antigen of Streptococcus mutans   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The structure of the serotype f polysaccharide antigen of Streptococcus mutans was determined by methylation analysis, periodate oxidation, and partial methanolysis, and the configuration of the anomeric linkages by 13C-n.m.r. spectroscopy, indicating the trisaccharide repeating unit----3)-alpha-L-Rhap-(1----2)-[alpha-D-Glcp-(1----3)]-alpha-L-+ ++Rhap- (1----. The structure of the backbone of the polysaccharide was confirmed by demonstrating immunological identity between the product of Smith degradation of the S. mutans serotype f antigen and the group A-variant streptococcal polysaccharide.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the gene for a cell-surface protein antigen (PAc) of Streptococcus mutans MT8148 (serotype c) was determined. The pac gene consisted of 4695 bp and coded for a 170773D protein. The pac gene product contained a putative 38 amino acid signal peptide, resulting in a 166817D mature protein. A potential promoter sequence and a putative Shine-Dalgarno sequence preceded the open reading frame. Two internal repeating amino acid sequences were present in the PAc. One repeating region located in the N-terminal region was rich in alanine, and the other located in the central region was rich in proline. Southern blot analysis under the less stringent condition (allowing up to 35% base mismatch) revealed that the probe covering the proline-rich region hybridized to DNA preparations from strains of Streptococcus cricetus, Streptococcus sobrinus and Streptococcus downei as well as Streptococcus mutans.  相似文献   

The receptor for human tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) was isolated from a subclone of the human histiocytic lymphoma cell line U937. These cells exhibit a single class of high affinity receptors (Kd = 0.51 +/- 0.25 nM) with an average density of 55,000 +/- 5,000 binding sites/cell. After solubilization with detergent, the receptor retained its ability to bind free TNF-alpha but failed to bind to TNF-alpha immobilized on various solid supports. For receptor purification, 125I-TNF-alpha was covalently attached to the receptor on intact cells by the bifunctional cross-linking reagents ethylene glycolbis(succinimidylsuccinate) or 3,3-dithiobis(sulfosuccinimidylpropionate). The cells were then solubilized with the nonionic detergent Triton X-100, and the supernatants, clarified by centrifugation, were passed over an IgG-Sepharose column prepared from TNF-alpha antiserum. The receptor-rich fraction from the antibody column was further purified by preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. These two steps together provided approximately 165,000-fold purification of the TNF-alpha receptor. The TNF-alpha receptor-ligand complex obtained by this method had a subunit molecular weight of 100,000 +/- 5,000 when examined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis but on gel filtration the complex migrated with an apparent molecular weight of 480,000 +/- 32,000. However, the receptor showed a molecular weight of 65,000 +/- 32,000 when gel filtration was performed in the absence of ligand. Additional characteristics of the receptor are discussed.  相似文献   

Monospecific (affinity-purified) anti-(yeast glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) IgG inhibits three different NADPH-requiring enzymes, chicken liver dihydrofolate reductase, pigeon liver fatty acid synthetase and chicken liver malic enzyme. The inhibition of all three enzymes was approx. 50% in a 2h incubation with 100 micrograms of IgG. Similarly, with several different NADH-requiring enzymes, an immunocrossreactivity was observed. Monospecific anti-(rabbit muscle glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase) IgG inhibited yeast alcohol dehydrogenase and pig heart malate dehydrogenase by 39% and 55% respectively. The cross-reactivity observed was tested by affinity chromatography. Immunoaffinity columns made with each monospecific IgG were able to bind each of the enzymes it immunotitrated. Enzymes were eluted with a nondenaturing solvent with little loss of activity. The immunoaffinity column with monospecific anti-(glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) IgG as the bound ligand was also used to purify partially (over 150-fold) both isocitrate dehydrogenase and dihydrofolate reductase from crude rat liver homogenate.  相似文献   

Rat liver beta-glucuronidase (EC, both from microsomal and lysosomal fractions, were purified about 9500-fold over the homogenate with high yield using affinity chromatography prepared by coupling purified specific immunoglobulin G against rat preputial gland beta-glucuronidase to Sepharose 2B and isoelectric focusing. The purified enzymes appeared homogeneous on electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel and had a molecular weight of approximately 310000. In dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the microsomal beta-glucuronidase showed a single band corresponding to a molecular weight of 79000, while the lysosomal beta-glucuronidase had three distinct bands which consisted of one major and two minor bands corresponding to molecular weight of 79000, 74000, and 70000, respectively. A broad pH activity curve with a single optimum at pH 4.4 was observed in both the microsomal and the lysosomal beta-glucuronidases. Immunological gel diffusion technique with rabbit antiserum against rat liver lysosomal beta-glucuronidase revealed that both enzymes had the same or quite similar antigenic determinants.  相似文献   

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