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Analysis by isopycnic and differential centrifuging of the intracellular distribution of radioactivity following uptake of 125I-labelled asialofetuin by isolated rat hepatocytes showed that during incubations up to 1 h, most of the radioactivity was associated with structures which had a subcellular distribution pattern different from both the lysosomes and the plasma membrane. The latter two organelles were followed by means of enzyme markers. Ca2+ is necessary for the binding of asialofetuin to the plasma membrane, and it was also possible to differentiate between asialofetuin bound to the plasma membrane and that contained in intracellular structures by removing Ca2+ from the medium (by EGTA). Such experiments showed that asialofetuin became rapidly internalized. Practically all the labelled protein was located intracellularly in cells that had been incubated with asialofetuin for more that 30 min. When incubations were carried out for more that 1 h a peak appeared in the radioactivity distribution in the same place as the peak of activity of lysosomal marker enzymes. However, degradation of asialofetuin takes place in the lysosomes and this starts before the labelled protein can be found in the lysosomal fractions. Our data suggest that the rate-determining step in the cellular handling of asialofetuin is the transport of endocytized protein from the endocytic vesicles to the lysosomes.  相似文献   

The effect of the protease inhibitor leupeptin on the intracellular distribution of [14C]-sucrose-asialofetuin in isolated rat hepatocytes was investigated. Leupeptin had no effect on the uptake but reduced the degradation of asialofetuin. Fractionation of hepatocytes by isopycnic centrifugation in sucrose gradients indicated that prolonged treatment with leupeptin inhibited the uptake of asialofetuin into the lysosomes. Therefore, leupeptin inhibits degradation of asialofetuin both by inhibiting intralysosomal proteolysis and transport of endocytosed asialofetuin to the lysosomes.  相似文献   

Summary The cytochemical localization of alkaline phosphatase activity in foetal rat hepatocytes was examined in relation to the pattern of cell to cell attachment during cell isolation and culture. In foetal hepatocytesin vivo, alkaline phosphatase was exclusively localized on the bile canalicular membrane. In freshly isolated foetal hepatocytes, however, the activity was present in the endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear envelope, Golgi apparatus, tubulo-vesicular organelles, and over the entire plasma membrane. In monolayer cells cultured for one or two days, the activity was localized on the reconstituted bile canalicular membrane, plasma membrane sites adjacent to neighbouring cells and on the bottom surface of the monolayer, but was detected in none of the intracellular organelles. Biochemical alkaline phosphatase activity did not change during isolation of the cells. These results suggest that, in foetal hepatocytes, loss of cell—cell contact may induce a temporal disturbance, or dedifferentiation, in their membrane system.  相似文献   

Degradation of the peroxisomal enzymes fatty acyl-CoA oxidase and catalase was studied in hepatocytes isolated from rats treated with clofibrate and from control rats. Hepatocytes were incubated in the absence of amino acids in order to ensure maximal flux through the autophagic pathway and in the presence of cycloheximide to inhibit protein synthesis. (1) Degradation of the two peroxisomal enzymes in hepatocytes from clofibrate-fed rats, but not in hepatocytes from control rats, was much faster than that of other intracellular enzymes. This increased degradation of the peroxisomal enzymes was almost completely prevented by 3-methyladenine, an inhibitor of macroautophagic sequestration. (2) The increased degradation of the peroxisomal enzymes was also inhibited by a long-chain (C16:0) and a very-long-chain (C26:0) fatty acid, but not by C12:0, a medium-chain fatty acid, or by C8:0, a short-chain fatty acid. These results provide direct evidence for the proposal that autophagic sequestration can be highly selective [(1987) Exp. Mol. Pathol. 46, 114-122]. It is concluded that preferential autophagy of peroxisomes is prevented when these organelles are supplied with their fatty acid substrates.  相似文献   

Transferrin bound by isolated rat hepatocytes is rapidly endocytosed and enters a compartment of low density. Little was found associated with the lysosomes, even though the protein was subsequently lost from the cells. Iron entering the cells on transferrin was subsequently found in a number of intracellular components: transferrin, haem, ferritin and a residual fraction. After 2 h incubation with 59Fe-transferrin almost 70% of the iron was in ferritin, and this proportion increased to 80% during a 'chase' experiment. Residual iron, because of its rapid increase at the start of the incubation and its decline during the 'chase', probably represents an intracellular transit pool, which at steady state was present at 23 pg/10(6) cells.  相似文献   

125I-labelled asialo-fetuin was taken up by isolated rat hepatocytes by a saturable process. Half maximum uptake was seen at about 3 . 10(-8) M asialo-fetuin. Rate of uptake of asialo-fetuin exceeded rate of degradation at all concentrations of asialo-fetuin tested. Degradation of asialo-fetuin, as indicated by release of acid-soluble radioactivity from the cells, was inhibited by NH4Cl and chloroquine. The intracellular distribution of labelled asialo-fetuin was studied by differential and density gradient centrifuging. The distribution curves for radioactivity indicated that asialo-fetuin was present in lysosomes about 1 h after the uptake had started. Chloroquine and ammonium ions seemed to inhibit the uptake of asialo-fetuin into the lysosomes, possibly by interfering with the fusion between phagosomes and lysosomes.  相似文献   

Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is attached to proteins in order to increase their half-life in the circulation and reduce their immunogenicity in vivo. For many applications involving "targeting" molecules, it is important to know how PEG modification of the molecule affects its interaction with a receptor and the subsequent internalization, intracellular transport, and lysosomal degradation. As a model system, we used asialofetuin, which binds to the galactose receptor of hepatocytes, because removal of sialic acid exposes galactose residues. We modified asialofetuin by attaching various amounts of PEG of molecular weight 1900 or 5000. The preparations were labeled with 125I so that endocytosis and degradation could be followed in suspended hepatocytes. Depending on the number of PEG molecules attached, receptor-mediated uptake was affected to varying degrees. If two-thirds of the exposed amino groups of the asialofetuin molecule were modified, the rate of uptake decreased to less than one-fourth of controls; degradation of endocytosed molecules was 12% of controls. The reduction in endocytic uptake was due to a reduced rate of formation of the receptor-ligand complex. Subcellular frationation in density gradients showed that PEG-modified asialofetuin is transported intracellularly and degraded in the same manner as the native protein, but the rate of proteolysis is reduced. This observation explains the paradoxical result of experiments with injection of modified asialofetuin into rats in vivo: even though the clearance of one preparation of PEG-asialofetuin was much slower than that of the native protein, accumulation of radioactivity in the liver from the modified protein was twice as high. The hepatocytes accounted for 85% of the hepatic accumulation of either PEG-modified or native asialofetuin in vivo.  相似文献   

Inhibition of protein degradation in isolated rat hepatocytes   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
1. Isolated parenchymal cells were prepared by collagenase perfusion of livers from fed rats that had been previously injected with [3H]leucine to label liver proteins. When these cells were incubated in a salts medium containing glucose, gelatin and EDTA, cellular integrity was maintained over a period of 6h. 2. Cells incubated in the presence of 2mm-leucine to minimize radioactive isotope reincorporation released [3H]leucine into the medium at a rate accounting for the degradation of 4.5% of the labelled cell protein per h. 3. Degradation of [3H]protein in these cells was inhibited by insulin and by certain amino acids, of which tryptophan and phenylalanine were the most effective. 4. Protein degradation was decreased by several proteinase inhibitors, particularly those that are known to inhibit lysosomal cathepsin B, and by inhibitors of cell-energy production. 5. Ammonia inhibited degradation, but only at concentrations above 1.8mm. Aliphatic analogues of ammonia were effective at lower concentrations than was ammonia. 6. High concentrations of ammonia inhibited degradation by 50%. The extent of this inhibition could not be increased further by the addition of the cathepsin B inhibitor leupeptin, which by itself inhibited degradation by approx. 30%. 7. The sensitivity of proteolysis in isolated hepatocytes to these various inhibitory agents is discussed in relation to their possible modes of action.  相似文献   

Vanadate inhibits protein degradation in isolated rat hepatocytes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Vanadate (10 mM) strongly inhibited endogenous protein degradation as well as the degradation of an exogenous, endocytosed protein (asialofetuin) in isolated rat hepatocytes. Protein synthesis and cellular viability were unaffected, but changes in cell morphology suggested some interference with cytoskeletal elements. The effect of vanadate was comparable to the effects of several other degradation inhibitors (lysosomotropic amines, leupeptin, vinblastine, amino acids, dimethylaminopurine riboside) known to inhibit the autophagic/lysosomal pathway of protein degradation. Vanadate inhibited proteolysis in a liver homogenate at pH 5, suggesting a direct effect upon the lysosomal proteinases.  相似文献   

125I-Labelled asialo-fetuin was taken up by isolated rat hepatocytes by a saturable process. Half maximum uptake was seen at about 3 - 10(-8) M asialo-fetuin. Non-parenchymal liver cells did not take up asialo-fetuin in vitro. Rate of uptake of asialo-fetuin exceeded rate of degradation at all concentrations of asialo-fetuin tested. Asialo-fetuin consequently accumulated in the cells until the extracellular supply was exhausted. Asialo-fetuin degradation could be studied without concurrent uptake by incubating cells, previously exposed to asialo-fetuin, in asialo-fetuin-free medium. Degradation, as evidenced by increase in acid-soluble radioactivity, was inhibited by NH4Cl and chloroquine. The change with time in the intracellular distribution pattern of radioactivity in cells that had been exposed to 125I-labelled asialo-fetuin for 10 min was examined by means of differential centrifugation. Initially, the radioactivity was found mostly in the microsomal fraction. 60 min after the exposure to labelled protein, the distribution pattern of radioactivity resembled that of the lysosomal enzyme beta-acetylglucosaminidase. The possibility that asialo-fetuin digestion takes place in lysosomes is discussed.  相似文献   

The role of amino acids in the regulation of RNA degradation was investigated in cultured hepatocytes from fed rats previously labeled in vivo with [6-14C]orotic acid. Rates of RNA degradation were determined between 42 and 48 h of culture from the release of radioactive cytidine in the presence of 0.5 mM unlabeled cytidine. The fractional rate was about 4.4 +/- 0.4%/h in the absence of amino acids (0x). The catabolism of RNA was decreased to basal level (1.5 +/- 0.3%/h) by the addition of amino acids at 10 times normal plasma concentration (10x). The inhibition of RNA degradation, expressed as percentage of maximal deprivation-induced response (0x minus 10x), averaged 60% at normal plasma levels of amino acids. The degree of responsiveness was greatly improved as compared to freshly isolated hepatocytes (20%) and was similar to the sensitivity previously observed with perfused livers. In cultured hepatocytes, the sensitivity of RNA degradation to amino acids was not affected by varying the volume of medium from 1 to 4 ml per dish. In freshly isolated hepatocytes, the inhibitory effect of amino acids was not modified by changing the cell density from 0.5 to 5 x 10(6) cells per ml. In the range of normal plasma concentration of amino acids, the low sensitivity of RNA degradation in isolated hepatocytes persisted with inhibition ranging from 10 to 20%. These findings suggest that the control of RNA degradation in both cultured and isolated hepatocytes is not affected by the total quantity of amino acids available in the medium, but their concentration is crucial. Electron microscopy observations and the inhibitory effect of 3-methyl-adenine in cultured rat hepatocytes partially confirmed the role of the lysosomal system in the increase of RNA degradation and its regulation by amino acids.  相似文献   

The rate constants for internalization of surface-bound asialo-orosomucoid by hepatocytes were 0.040 min-1 at 20 degrees C, 0.18 min-1 at 30 degrees C and 0.28 min-1 at 40 degrees C. At 40 degrees C, internalization accounted for most of the increase in cell-associated radioactivity. The activation energy over the temperature range 20 to 40 degrees C was 68 +/- 7 (S.D.) kJ/mol. At 10 degrees C, most of the cell-associated asialo-orosomucoid was bound to the cell surface in a reaction which followed ordinary chemical kinetics. Pre-incubation of hepatocytes with a large concentration of unlabelled asialo-orosomucoid did not influence the uptake of subsequently added 125I-asialofetuin; neither was degradation of 125I-asialo-fetuin affected in this experiment. The fractional rate of degradation (the fraction of cell-associated asialo-fetuin which was degraded per unit time) was constant over a twelve-fold range of intracellular asialo-fetuin concentrations. Increasing the temperature from 20 to 30 degrees C produced approximately a ten-fold increase in the rate of degradation of either asialo-fetuin or asialo-orosomucoid. The average activation energies of degradation over the range 20 to 40 degrees C were 125 kJ/mol for asialo-fetuin and 149 kJ/mol for asialo-orosomucoid; however, the Arrhenius plots were not straight lines over this temperature range.  相似文献   

The effect of small changes in intracellular ATP on autophagic flux was studied in isolated rat hepatocytes by using inhibitors of ATP production or by varying the metabolic conditions. The following observations were made. There was a linear relationship between endogenous protein degradation and intracellular ATP, the rate of proteolysis declining with decreasing ATP concentrations. 15% of the maximal proteolysis is either independent of ATP or has a very high affinity for this metabolite. There was a linear relationship between the autophagic sequestration of cytosolic [14C]sucrose and intracellular ATP, the sequestration rate decreasing with decreasing ATP concentrations. ATP depletion did not cause release of [14C]sucrose previously sequestered in autophagosomes and lysosomes at high ATP levels. Intracellular accumulation of chloroquine, used as an indicator of the pH inside lysosomes and other acidic cell compartments, diminished with decreasing cellular ATP content. Amino acids inhibited proteolysis without affecting ATP levels or chloroquine accumulation. We conclude from the high sensitivity of autophagy towards relatively small changes in the concentration of intracellular ATP that, besides amino acids, ATP is a very important factor in controlling the rate of autophagy in rat hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Simultaneous investigation of protein degradation and autophagy of isolated exocrine pancreatic cells is carried out here for the first time in a systematic way by a complex biochemical, morphological and morphometrical approach. Protein degradation proceeds with a decreasing rate of 4-1.5 per cent per h over a 4-h period indicating a comparatively low degradation capacity. Cells in freshly isolated acini do not contain autophagic vacuoles but the latter appear within an hour in vitro and their quantity remains close to a steady state during the subsequent 3 h. Both traditional inhibitors of the autophagic-lysosomal pathway, e.g. vinblastine, leupeptin, and lysosomotropic amines together with the recently introduced 3-methyladenine, inhibit degradation to a similar maximal extent, offering the possibility of the estimation of the ratio of lysosomal/non-lysosomal degradation. In pancreatic acinar cells autophagic sequestration is unaffected and protein degradation is inhibited inside secondary lysosomes by leupeptin and lysosomotropic amines, while 3-methyladenine prevents the formation of autophagosomes. Vinblastine seems to act by inhibiting the fusion of autophagosomes with lysosomes and there is no evidence for the stimulation of autophagic sequestration by vinblastine in the present system. The effect of inhibitors of protein breakdown on protein synthesis is variable and does not correlate with their influence on degradation. Amino acids strongly stimulate protein synthesis, but in contrast to what is found in liver cells, they do not seem to affect protein degradation or autophagy significantly, thus indicating major regulatory differences of these processes between pancreatic acinar cells and hepatocytes.  相似文献   

The effect of leupeptin on the intracellular distribution of asialofetuin, endocytosed by isolated rat hepatocytes, was studied. By means of sucrose gradient centrifugation it was found that leupeptin led to accumulation of undegraded 125I-labeled asialofetuin both in lysosomes and in an organelle of lower density (probably an endocytic vesicle). To decide whether the protease inhibitor interfered with the uptake of asialofetuin into lysosomes we studied its effect on the intracellular distribution of [14C]sucrose-asialofetuin. Acid-soluble radioactivity formed from [14C]sucrose-asialofetuin is trapped within the lysosomes and the rate of uptake of this ligand in the lysosomes can therefore be studied. Using [14C]sucrose-asialofetuin it was found that leupeptin, in addition to inhibiting proteolysis inside the lysosomes, retards the transport of asialofetuin into these organelles. Reduced uptake of asialofetuin into lysosomes was seen only after incubating the cells with leupeptin for more than about 30 min. The leupeptin effect on the transport of asialofetuin may therefore be secondary to accumulation of undegraded substrates inside the lysosomes.  相似文献   

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