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The aim of the study was to examine: 1/ allantochorial concentrations of nitrate/nitrite (NOx) and 2/ plasma concentration of NOx in pigs on days 25, 35, 40 and 60 of pregnancy as well as 3/ the influence of estradiol-17beta (E(2)) and/or progesterone (P(4)) on NOx production by porcine fetal membranes on the studied days of pregnancy. Total NOx concentration was determined using a microplate assay method based on the Griess reaction. Fetal membrane NOx content gradually increased from day 25 to day 60 of gestation. Blood plasma NOx concentration decreased from day 25 to 40, and then plasma NOx concentration significantly increased on day 60. In addition, the stimulatory effect of E(2), P(4) and E(2)+P(4) on NO in vitro production by porcine fetal membranes was demonstrated. The stimulatory effect of steroid hormones on NOx release depended on steroid dose and day of pregnancy. It is possible that the observed differences in the strength of the stimulatory action of E(2), P(4) and E(2)+P(4) on fetal membrane NOx production are associated with an activation of different isoforms of nitric oxide synthase.  相似文献   

矿质营养与其他生长物质对荷叶离褶伞菌丝生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1mg/mLKCl促进荷叶离褶伞菌丝生长;5或10mg/mLNaCl、5或10mg/mLMgSO4、5或10mg/mLKCl、10mg/mLH2PO4和1mg/mLCaSO4抑制菌丝生长;0.8mg/mL的MnSO4和CuSO4以及0.5mg/mLFeSO4、0.2或0.5mg/mLCoCl2和0.2、0.5或0.8mg/mLZnSO4促进菌丝生长;0.5或0.2mg/mLCuSO4、0.2或0.5mg/mLMnSO4及0.8或0.2mg/mLFeSO4对菌丝生长的影响不显著;维生素B6、维生素C、维生素PP和维生素B1可促进菌丝生长,在含有10μg/L维生素B6的培养基上菌丝生长速度最快,但维生素C试用浓度较低(50μg/L)时对菌丝生长的影响不显著;吲哚丁酸、吲哚乙酸、奈乙酸对菌丝生长具有促进作用,但0.1、0.5或1.0μg/L赤霉素对菌丝生长的影响不显著。  相似文献   

1mg/mL KCl促进荷叶离褶伞菌丝生长;5或10mg/mL NaCl、5或10mg/mL MgSO4、5或10mg/mL KCl、10mg/mL H2PO4和1mg/mL CaSO4抑制菌丝生长;0.8mg/mL的MnSO4和CuSO4以及 0.5mg/mL FeSO4、0.2或0.5mg/mL CoCl2和0.2、0.5或0.8mg/mL ZnSO4促进菌丝生长;0.5或0.2mg/mL CuSO4、0.2或0.5mg/mL MnSO4及0.8或0.2mg/mL FeSO4对菌丝生长的影响不显著;维  相似文献   

We reported previously that changes in crystallin expression in differentiating long-term primary cultures of lens cells from five different chick genotypes are similar to those which occur in vivo between hatching and the 8-week-old adult. These changes followed a similar program in all genotypes but occurred more rapidly in cells from the fast-growing than from the slow-growing genotypes. The present study examines ageing changes in lens cell populations from the same five genotypes, over a 4-6 month period, using long-term serial subcultures. The capacity for lentoid differentiation was progressively lost, but the rate of loss was inversely related to the intrinsic growth rate of the cells of these genotypes, occurring at the first passage in the slowest-growing strain, while fifth passage cells of the fastest-growing strain still retained some lentoid-forming capacity. The rate of loss of crystallin expression was also inversely related to the genetic growth rate, but the sequence of changes appears to be nonrandom, since it was broadly similar in all genotypes, starting with a preferential loss of delta-crystallin, as occurs in vivo; although alpha- and beta-crystallins were undetectable in late dedifferentiated cultures, the capacity of the cells for their synthesis was still present. Cultures from both fast-growing genotypes eventually showed senescence, but those from all three slow-growing genotypes underwent transformation. The major cell component in late cultures of all genotypes was actin.  相似文献   

白内障摘除联合人工晶状体植入术是目前治疗白内障的唯一有效措施。然而,人工晶状体作为替代材料,仍然存在一些如屈光调节力差以及术后眩光等未能克服的缺陷。寻找更理想的晶状体替代物及低等两栖类动物(如蝾螈)强大的晶状体再生能力,为晶状体再生的研究提供了原动力和依据。近年来,人们已探索出将胚胎干细胞/诱导的多能干细胞在体外诱导分化为类晶状体样结构的培养方法,为白内障的治疗开辟了新的思路。晶状体再生的研究为探索晶状体正常发育机制及晶状体疾病的发生和防治提供了新的平台。晶状体再生的成功也将为白内障的防治带来里程碑性的突破。本文拟总结晶状体正常发育过程及其调控机制,回顾国内外对晶状体体内再生能力的研究成果,并对目前人们探索利用胚胎干细胞和诱导的多能干细胞再造晶状体的研究进展作一概述,希望对干细胞与晶状体再生的后续相关研究提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland can stimulate lens regeneration from the dorsal iris in the newt Notophthalmus viridescens. We have studied the effect of pituitary hormone preparations on this process. Dorsal irises were cultured for 20 days in diluted Medium 199 supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum. Bovine thyrotropin TSH-B8 at concentrations of 30 to 3000 μg/ml significantly stimulated lens regeneration in these dorsal irises. Well-developed lenses, up to stage 9, were formed, in which γ-crystallin, a protein specific for lens fibers of young lenses, was detected by immunofluorescence. Additionally, the mitotic index was 5.5 times elevated in these explants when compared to their controls. Lutropin LH-B10 at concentrations of 30 to 3000 μg/ml, prolactin PRL-B4 at concentrations of 23 to 1600 μg/ml, and porcine adrenocorticotropin ACTH-6002 at concentrations of 3 to 300 μg/ml did not stimulate lens regeneration. A weak stimulation of lens formation was observed in iris cultures with 2700 μg/ml of follitropin FSH-B1 or 3000 μg/ml somatotropin GH-B18, but not at concentrations of 30 μg/ml. Our results suggest that the inherent ability of the dorsal iris to form lens can be activated by the bovine thyrotropin preparation TSH-B8.  相似文献   

Several red algae in axenic culture decline in artificial seawater after a period of cultivation. Nemalion helminthoides rapidly loses its brown-red colour and grows with longer and thinner threads. Extracts of contaminated red algae, or nutrient medium in which they have grown, as well as fresh seawater from the Fucus-Ascophyllum zone, enhance growth and restore the pigmentation of the cells. Addition of 40 mg Bacto-Casamino acids per litre of nutrient medium had the same effect. After fractional precipitation with ethyl alcohol and separation on a Sephadex column the activity was localised to a peptide fraction. Results from chromatography point to effects from a low molecular weight substance active alone or coupled to a peptide.  相似文献   

Anuran amphibians can regenerate the retina through differentiation of stem cells in the ciliary marginal zone and through transdifferentiation of the retinal pigmented epithelium. By contrast, the regeneration of the lens has been demonstrated only in larvae of species belonging to the Xenopus genus, where the lens regenerates through transdifferentiation of the outer cornea. Retinal pigmented epithelium to neural retina and outer cornea to lens transdifferentiation processes are triggered and sustained by signaling molecules belonging to the family of the fibroblast growth factor. Both during retina and lens regeneration there is a re-activation of many of the genes which are activated during development of the eye, even though the spatial and temporal pattern of gene expression is not a simple repetition of that found in development.  相似文献   

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