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In this work, we set out to identify and characterize the calcium occluded intermediate(s) of the plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase (PMCA) to study the mechanism of calcium transport. To this end, we developed a procedure for measuring the occlusion of Ca(2+) in microsomes containing PMCA. This involves a system for overexpression of the PMCA and the use of a rapid mixing device combined with a filtration chamber, allowing the isolation of the enzyme and quantification of retained calcium. Measurements of retained calcium as a function of the Ca(2+) concentration in steady state showed a hyperbolic dependence with an apparent dissociation constant of 12 ± 2.2 μM, which agrees with the value found through measurements of PMCA activity in the absence of calmodulin. When enzyme phosphorylation and the retained calcium were studied as a function of time in the presence of La(III) (inducing accumulation of phosphoenzyme in the E(1)P state), we obtained apparent rate constants not significantly different from each other. Quantification of EP and retained calcium in steady state yield a stoichiometry of one mole of occluded calcium per mole of phosphoenzyme. These results demonstrate for the first time that one calcium ion becomes occluded in the E(1)P-phosphorylated intermediate of the PMCA.  相似文献   

The presence of hypochlorite-modified lipoproteins in atherosclerotic lesions suggests that HOCl, a naturally occurring oxidant formed by the myeloperoxidase-catalyzed reaction of H2O2 and Cl-, is a candidate for generation of modified lipoproteins in vivo. We have previously demonstrated that Cu(2+)-oxidized LDL inhibits platelet plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase (PMCA) in isolated membranes and causes an increase in cytosolic Ca2+ in resting whole platelets. However, Cu(2+)-oxidized LDL may not be identical in structure and function to the physiologically modified lipoprotein. Since platelet function may be affected by native and modified lipoproteins, the effect of HOCl-modified LDL and HDL3 on platelet PMCA and on the free intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) of whole platelets has been investigated. We demonstrate that in contrast to Cu(2+)-oxidized LDL, HOCl-modified LDL and HDL3 stimulate platelet PMCA activity in isolated membranes and that this effect results in a decrease of [Ca2+]i in vivo. Thus, HOCl-oxidation produces modified lipoproteins with the potential for altering platelet function and with properties different from those of the Cu(2+)-oxidized counterparts.  相似文献   

Ca2+-ATPase of human erythrocyte membranes, after being washed to remove Ca2+ after incubation with the ion, was found to be activated. Stimulation of the ATPase was related neither to fluidity change nor to cytoskeletal degradation of the membranes mediated by Ca2+. Activation of the transport enzyme was also unaffected by detergent treatment of the membrane, but was suppressed when leupeptin was included during incubation of the membranes with Ca2+. Stimulation of the ATPase by a membrane-associated Ca2+-dependent proteinase was thus suggested. Much less 138 kDa Ca2+-ATPase protein could be harvested from a Triton extract of membranes incubated with Ca2+ than without Ca2+. Activity of the activated enzyme could not be further elevated by exogenous calpain, even after treatment of the membranes with glycodeoxycholate. There was also an overlap in the effect of calmodulin and the Ca2+-mediated stimulation of membrane Ca2+-ATPase. While Km(ATP) of the stimulated ATPase remained unchanged, a significant drop in the free-Ca2+ concentration for half-maximal activation of the enzyme was observed.  相似文献   

Thioridazine inhibits the activity of the synaptic plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase from pig brain and slightly decreases the rate of Ca(2+) accumulation by synaptic plasma membrane vesicles in the absence of phosphate. However, in the presence of phosphate, thioridazine increases the rate of Ca(2+) accumulation into synaptic plasma membrane vesicles. Phosphate anions diffuse through the membrane and form calcium phosphate crystals, reducing the free Ca(2+) concentration inside the vesicles and the rate of Ca(2+) leak. The higher levels of Ca(2+) accumulation obtained in the presence of thioridazine could be explained by a reduction of the rate of slippage on the plasma membrane ATPase.  相似文献   

Two tests were performed to assess the relationship between the Ca2+-activated K+ channel and the Ca2+-pumping ATPase in human erythrocytes. Antibodies against the purified ATPase inhibited the ATPase in resealed erythrocytes, but had no effect on the K+ channel (as assessed by Rb+ efflux). Reconstituted liposomes containing the purified active Ca2+-pumping ATPase showed no Ca2+-activated Rb+ influx. Both of these results suggest that some molecule other than the Ca2+-ATPase is responsible for the K+ channel.  相似文献   

Thermal analysis of the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase is a well known enzyme in eucaryotes able to extrude calcium to the extracellular space in order to restore intracellular calcium to very low levels. This ATPase needs plasma membrane lipids such as acidic phospholipids in order to maintain its activity. In this study, we investigated the role that calcium and cholesterol play on the thermal stability of the Ca2+-ATPase isolated from cardiac sarcolemma and erythrocyte membranes. Calcium showed a stabilizing and protective effect when the enzyme was exposed to high temperatures. This stabilizing effect showed by calcium was potentiated in the presence of cholesterol. These protection effects were reflected on several thermodynamic parameters such as T50, Hvh and apparent G, indicating that calcium might induce a conformational change stabilized in the presence of cholesterol that confers enzyme thermostability. The effect shown by cholesterol on Hvh and apparent H open the possibility that this lipid decreases cooperativity during the induced transition. Despite that a binding site for cholesterol has not been identified in the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase, our results supports the proposal that this lipid interacts with the enzyme in a direct fash  相似文献   

The properties of the Ca2+, Mg2+-ATPase of erythrocyte membranes from patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) were extensively compared to that of healthy controls. Following removal of an endogenous membrane inhibitor of the ATPase, activation of the enzyme by Ca2+, calmodulin, limited tryptic digestion or oleic acid, as well as inhibition by trifluoperazine, were studied. The only properties found to be significantly different (CF cells vs controls) were calmodulin-stimulated peak activity (90 vs 101, P less than 0.02) and trypsin-activated peak activity (92 vs 102, P less than 0.02). No significant difference could be measured in the steady-state Ca2+-dependent phosphorylation of CF and control erythrocyte membranes indicating similar numbers of enzyme molecules per cell. The functional state of Ca2+ homeostasis in intact erythrocytes was investigated by measuring the resting cytosolic free Ca2+ levels using quin-2. Both CF and control erythrocytes maintained cytosolic free Ca2+ between 20 to 30 nM. Addition of 50 uM trifluoperazine resulted in an increase in erythrocyte cytosolic free Ca2+ to about 50 nM in both CF and control cells. Estimates of erythrocyte membrane permeability using the steady-state uptake of 45Ca into intact erythrocytes revealed no differences between CF and control cells. These results confirm that there is a small decrease in the calmodulin-stimulated activity of the erythrocyte Ca2+, Mg2+-ATPase in CF. However, this deficit is apparently not large enough to impair the ability of the CF erythrocyte to maintain normal resting levels of cytosolic free Ca2+.  相似文献   

Recently, we reported indirect evidence that plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) can mediate B-type Ca2+ channels of cardiac myocytes. In the present study, in order to bring more direct evidence, purified PMCA from human red blood cells (RBC) was reconstituted into giant azolectin liposomes amenable to the patch-clamp technique. Purified RBC PMCA was used because it is available pure in larger quantity than cardiac PMCA. The presence of B-type Ca2+ channels was first investigated in native membranes of human RBC. They were detected and share the characteristics of cardiac myocytes. They spontaneously appeared in scarce short bursts of activity, they were activated by chlorpromazine (CPZ) with an EC50 of 149 mmole/l or 1 mmole/l vanadate, and then switched off by 10 mmole/l eosin or dose-dependently blocked by 1-5 mmole/l ATP. Independent of membrane potential, the channel gating exhibited complex patterns of many conductance levels, with three most often observed conductance levels of 22, 47 and 80 pS. The activation by vanadate suggests that these channels could play a role in the influx of extracellular Ca2+ involved in the vanadate-induced Gardos effect. In PMCA-reconstituted proteoliposomes, nearly half of the ATPase activity was retained and clear "channel-like" openings of Ba2+- or Ca2+-conducting channels were detected. Channel activity could be spontaneously present, lasting the patch lifetime or, when previously quiescent, activity could be induced by application of 50 mmole/l CPZ only in presence of 25 U/ml calmodulin (CaM), or by application of 1 mmole/l vanadate alone. Eosin (10 mmole/l) and ATP (5 mmole/l) significantly reduced spontaneous activity. Channel gating characteristics were similar to those of RBC, with main conductance levels of 21, 40 and 72 pS. The lack of direct activation by CPZ alone might be attributed to a purification-induced modification or absence of unidentified regulatory component(s) of PMCA. Despite a few differences in results between RBC and reincorporated PMCA, most probably attributable to the decrease in ATPase activity following the procedure of reincorporation, the present experimental conditions appear to reveal a channel-mode of the PMCA that shares many similarities with the B-type Ca2+ channel.  相似文献   

Specific polyclonal antibodies raised against purified human platelet Ca2+-ATPase were used with protein A-gold immunocytochemistry to localize this protein in human platelets. Immunolabeling specifically detected Ca2+-ATPase over the surface connected membrane system (SCS) in sections of paraformaldehyde-fixed, Lowicryl-embedded platelets. The maximum density of label, determined by quantitative morphometric techniques, was observed over electron-dense regions within the SCS which may represent specialized structures for uptake and release of Ca2+. Less intense immunolabeling was observed over cytosol and may represent localization over the dense tubular system (DTS) which was not readily visualized under the processing procedures employed.  相似文献   

The effect of phospholipids on the activity of the plasma membrane (PM) Ca2+-ATPase was evaluated in PM isolated from germinating radish ( Raphanus sativus L. cv. Tondo Rosso Quarantino) seeds after removal of endogenous calmodulin (CaM) by washing the PM vesicles with EDTA. Acidic phospholipids stimulated the basal Ca2+-ATPase activity in the following order of efficiency: phosphatidylinositol 4,5-diphosphate (PIP2)≈phosphatidylinositol 4-monophosphate>phosphatidylinositol≈phosphatidylserine≈phosphatidic acid. Neutral phospholipids as phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine were essentially ineffective. When the assays were performed in the presence of optimal free Ca2+ concentrations (10 μ M ) acidic phospholipids did not affect the Ca2+-ATPase activated by CaM or by a controlled trypsin treatment of the PM, which cleaved the CaM-binding domain of the enzyme. Analysis of the dependence of Ca2+-ATPase activity on free Ca2+ concentration showed that acidic phospholipids increased Vmax and lowered the apparent Km for free Ca2+ below the value measured upon tryptic cleavage of the CaM-binding domain; in particular, PIP2 was shown to lower the apparent Km for free Ca2+ of the Ca2+-ATPase also in trypsin-treated PM. These results indicate that acidic phospholipids activate the plant PM Ca2+-ATPase through a mechanism only partially overlapping that of CaM, and thus involving a phospholipid-binding site in the Ca2+-ATPase distinct from the CaM-binding domain. The physiological implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Heparin is related to several protein receptors that control Ca2+ homeostasis. Here, we studied the effects of heparin on the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase from erythrocytes. Both ATP hydrolysis and Ca2+ uptake were inhibited by heparin without modification of the steady-state level of phosphoenzyme formed by ATP. Calmodulin did neither modify the inhibition nor the binding of heparin. Inhibition by heparin was counteracted by K+ but not by Li+. This effect was extended to other sulfated polysaccharides with high number of sulfate residues. Hydrolysis of p-nitrophenylphosphate was equally inhibited by heparin. No evidence for enzyme uncoupling was observed: Ca2+ uptake and ATP hydrolysis remained tightly associated at any level of heparin, and heparin did not increase the passive Ca2+ efflux of inside-out vesicles. Vanadate blocked this efflux, indicating that the main point of Ca2+ escape from these vesicles was linked to the Ca2+ pump. It is discussed that sulfated polysaccharides may physiologically increase the steady-state level of Ca2+ in the cytosol by inhibiting the Ca2+ pumps in a K+ (and tissue) regulated way. It is suggested that heparin regulates the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase by binding to the E2 conformer.  相似文献   

Since its first characterization in the erythrocyte membrane the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase has been well-defined as a ubiquitous mechanism for the efflux of Ca2+ from eukaryotic cells. With 4 isoforms and potentially 30 splice variants, defining the absolute physiological role of plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase has been difficult and very limited due to the lack of effective blockers/antibodies and difficulties in measuring the activity of individual isoforms. This review highlights recent developments showing that specific plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase isoforms are subject to dynamic regulation by PSD-95/Dlg/Zo-1 scaffold proteins. Such interactions support a new paradigm, that by serving as key players in multifunctional protein complexes, transporters can regulate other signalling processes independent of their primary ion pumping function.  相似文献   

NMR-based assays for measuring the fluxes of Ca2+, H+, and ATP in liposomal systems are presented. The 19F NMR Ca2+-chelating molecule 5,5-difluoro-1,2-bis(o-amino-phenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid (5FBAPTA) was trapped inside large unilamellar vesicles and used to monitor passive and A23187-mediated Ca2+ transport into them. The data were analyzed using progress curves of the transport reaction. They demonstrated the general applicability of 5FBAPTA as a 19F NMR probe of active Ca2+ transport. 31P NMR time-courses were used to monitor simultaneously the ATP hydrolysing activity of the reconstituted human erythrocyte Ca2+-ATPase and the concomitant acidification of the reaction medium in a suspension of small unilamellar vesicles. Using an estimate of the extraliposomal buffering capacity, the H+/ATP coupling stoichiometry, in the presence of A23187, was estimated from the NMR-derived data at steady state; it amounted to 1.4±0.3. This result is discussed with respect to the issue of molecular `slip' in the context of a non-equilibrium thermodynamics model of the pump (accompanying paper in this issue). Importantly, NMR, in contrast to optical detection methods, can potentially register all fluxes and (electro)chemical gradients involved in the Ca2+-ATPase-mediated H+/Ca2+counterport, in a single experiment. Received: 19 June 1997 / Accepted: 3 December 1997  相似文献   

The membrane-bound form and a solubilized and purified form of the Ca2+-ATPase from human erythrocyte have been proteolyzed under controlled conditions by highly purified Ca2+-dependent neutral cysteine-protease, calpain I, in the absence and in the presence of the calmodulin-calcium complex. In the absence of calmodulin the 136-kDa enzyme was transformed into a group of fragments of 125-124 kDa, followed by the slower formation of a second group of fragments of 82-80 kDa. These heterogeneous fragments were capable of forming an acylphosphate intermediate. The 125- and 82-kDa minor components of each heterogeneous group of fragments (125-124 and 82-80 kDa) were capable of binding calmodulin, whereas the 124- and the 80-kDa major components did not. In the presence of calmodulin, however, the native enzyme was transformed into a 127-kDa fragment followed by the slower formation of an 85-kDa fragment. Both fragments (127 and 85 kDa) formed an acylphosphate intermediate and were capable of binding calmodulin. The presence of calmodulin during calpain action effectively protected the Ca2+-ATPase from proteolytic activation (K.K.W. Wang, A. Villalobo, and B.D. Roufogalis (1988) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 260, 696-704) and prevented the formation of the calmodulin-insensitive 124- and 80-kDa fragments. Smaller fragments not capable of forming the acylphosphate intermediate were also produced, in particular a 39-37 kDa doublet band retaining the capacity to bind calmodulin. In contrast to the membrane-bound form, the purified form of the Ca2+-ATPase was proteolyzed by calpain at a slower rate.  相似文献   

Structural and functional properties of a Ca2+-ATPase from human platelets   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An antibody prepared against highly purified rabbit muscle Ca2+-ATPase from sarcoplasmic reticulum has been observed to cross-react with proteins in human platelet membrane vesicles. The antibody specifically precipitated Ca2+-ATPase activity from solubilized human platelet membranes and recognized two platelet polypeptides denatured in sodium dodecyl sulfate with Mr = 107,000 and 101,000. Ca2+-ATPase activity from Brij 78-solubilized platelet membranes was purified up to 10-fold. The purified preparation consisted mainly of two polypeptides with Mr approximately 100,000, and 40,000. The lower molecular weight protein appeared unrelated to Ca2+-ATPase activity. The Ca2+-ATPase in human platelet membrane vesicles exhibited "negative cooperativity" with respect to the kinetics of ATP hydrolysis. The apparent Km for Ca2+ activation of ATPase activity was 0.1 microM. Ca2+-dependent phosphorylation of platelet vesicles by [gamma-32P]ATP at 0 degrees C yielded a maximum of 0.2-0.4 nmol of PO4/mg of protein that was labile at pH 7.0 and 20 degrees C. This result suggests that only about 2-4% of the total protein in platelet membrane vesicles is the Ca2+-ATPase, which agrees with an estimate based on the specific activity of the Ca2+-ATPase in platelet membranes (20-50 nmol of ATP hydrolyzed/min/mg of protein at 30 degrees C). Calmodulin resulted in only a 1.6-fold stimulation of Ca2+-ATPase activity even after extensive washing of membranes with a calcium chelator or chlorpromazine. It is concluded that human platelets contain a Ca2+-ATPase immunochemically related to the Ca2+ pump from rabbit sarcoplasmic reticulum and that the enzymatic characteristics and molecular weight of the platelet ATPase are quite similar to those of the muscle ATPase.  相似文献   

The factors regulating Ca2+ transport by isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) vesicles have been studied using the fluorescent indicator Fluo-3 to monitor extravesicular free [Ca2+]. ATP, in the presence of 5 mM oxalate, which clamps intravesicular [Ca2+] at approximately 10 microM, induced a rapid decline in Fluo-3 fluorescence to reach a limiting steady state level. This corresponds to a residual medium [Ca2+] of 100 to 200 nM, and has been defined as [Ca2+]lim, whilst thermodynamic considerations predict a level of less than 1 nM. This value is similar to that measured in intact muscle with Ca2+ fluophores, where it is presumed that sarcoplasmic free [Ca2+] is a balance between pump and leaks. Fluorescence of Fluo-3 at [Ca2+]lim was decreased 70% to 80% by histidine, imidazole and cysteine. The K0.5 value for histidine was 3 mM, suggesting that residual [Ca2+]lim fluorescence is due to Zn2+. The level of Zn2+ in preparations of SR vesicles, measured by atomic absorption, was 0.47+/-0.04 nmol/mg, corresponding to 0.1 mol per mol Ca-ATPase. This is in agreement with findings of Papp et al. (Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 243 (1985) 254-263). Histidine, 20 mM, included in the buffer, gave a corrected value for [Ca2+]lim of 49+/-1.8 nM, which is still higher than predicted on thermodynamic grounds. A possible 'pump/leak' mechanism was tested by the effects of varying active Ca2+ transport 1 to 2 orders with temperature and pH. [Ca2+]lim remained relatively constant under these conditions. Alternate substrates acetyl phosphate and p-NPP gave similar [Ca2+]lim levels even though the latter substrate supported transport 500-fold slower than with ATP. In fact, [Ca2+]lim was lower with 10 mM p-NPP than with 5 mM ATP. The magnitude of passive efflux from Ca-oxalate loaded SR during the steady state of [Ca2+]lim was estimated by the unidirectional flux of 45Ca2+, and directly, following depletion of ATP, by measuring release of 40Ca2+, and was 0.02% of Vmax. Constant infusion of CaCl2 at [Ca2+]lim resulted in a new steady state, in which active transport into SR vesicles balances the infusion rate. Varying infusion rates allows determination of [Ca2+]-dependence of transport in the absence of chelating agents. Parameters of non-linear regression were Vmax=853 nmol/min per mg, K0.5(Ca)=279 nM, and nH(Ca)=1.89. Since conditions employed in this study are similar to those in the sarcoplasm of relaxed muscle, it is suggested that histidine, added to media in studies of intracellular Ca2+ transients, and in the relaxed state, will minimise contribution of Zn2+ to fluophore fluorescence, since it occurs at levels predicted in this study to cause significant overestimation of cytoplasmic free [Ca2+] in the relaxed state. Similar precautions may apply to non-muscle cells as well. This study also suggests that [Ca2+]lim in the resting state is a characteristic feature of Ca2+ pump function, rather than a balance between active transport and passive leakage pathways.  相似文献   

Lipid composition and Ca(2+)-ATPase activity both change with age and disease in many tissues. We explored relationships between lipid composition/structure and plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase (PMCA) activity. PMCA was purified from human erythrocytes and was reconstituted into liposomes prepared from human ocular lens membrane lipids and synthetic lipids. Lens lipids were used in this study as a model for naturally ordered lipids, but the influence of lens lipids on PMCA function is especially relevant to the lens since calcium homeostasis is vital to lens clarity. Compared to fiber cell lipids, epithelial lipids exhibited an ordered to disordered phase transition temperature that was 12 degrees C lower. Reconstitution of PMCA into lipids was essential for maximal activity. PMCA activity was two to three times higher when the surrounding phosphatidylcholine molecules contained acyl chains that were ordered (stiff) compared to disordered (fluid) acyl chains. In a completely ordered lipid hydrocarbon chain environment, PMCA associates more strongly with the acidic lipid phosphatidylserine in comparison to phosphatidylcholine. PMCA associates much more strongly with phosphatidylcholine containing disordered hydrocarbon chains than ordered hydrocarbon chains. PMCA activity is influenced by membrane lipid composition and structure. The naturally high degree of lipid order in plasma membranes such as those found in the human lens may serve to support PMCA activity. The absence of PMCA activity in the cortical region of human lenses is apparently not due to a different lipid environment. Changes in lipid composition such as those observed with age or disease could potentially influence PMCA function.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of heparin, a glycosaminoglycan widely used in releasing tags from fusion proteins, on isoform 8 of Arabidopsis thaliana PM Ca(2+)-ATPase (ACA8) expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain K616. Heparin stimulates hydrolytic activity of ACA8 with an estimated K(0.5) value for the complex of 15 +/- 1 microg ml(-1), which is unaffected by free [Ca(2+)]. Heparin increases V(max) up to 3-fold while it does not significantly affect the apparent K(m) for free Ca(2+) and for the nucleoside triphosphate substrate. The heparin effect is not additive with that of exogenous calmodulin and heparin is ineffective on a mutant devoid of the N-terminal auto-inhibitory domain (Delta74-ACA8). Altogether, these results indicate that heparin activation is due to partial suppression of the auto-inhibitory function of ACA8 N-terminus. Pull-down assays using heparin-agarose gel show that heparin directly interacts with ACA8. Binding to the heparin-agarose gel occurs also with a peptide reproducing ACA8 sequence (1)M-I(116). Several single-point mutations within ACA8 sequence A56-T63 significantly alter the enzyme response to heparin, suggesting that heparin interaction with this site may be involved in ACA8 activation. These results highlight a new difference between the plant PM Ca(2+)-ATPase and its animal counterpart, which is inhibited by heparin.  相似文献   

A transient increase in intracellular Ca2+ is the universal signal for egg activation at fertilization. Eggs acquire the ability to mount the specialized fertilization-specific Ca2+ signal during oocyte maturation. The first Ca2+ transient following sperm entry in vertebrate eggs has a slow rising phase followed by a sustained plateau. The molecular determinants of the sustained plateau are poorly understood. We have recently shown that a critical determinant of Ca2+ signaling differentiation during oocyte maturation is internalization of the plasma membrane calcium ATPase (PMCA). PMCA internalization is representative of endocytosis of several integral membrane proteins during oocyte maturation, a requisite process for early embryogenesis. Here we investigate the mechanisms regulating PMCA internalization. To track PMCA trafficking in live cells we cloned a full-length cDNA of Xenopus PMCA1, and show that GFP-tagged PMCA traffics in a similar fashion to endogenous PMCA. Functional data show that MPF activation during oocyte maturation is required for full PMCA internalization. Pharmacological and co-localization studies argue that PMCA is internalized through a lipid raft endocytic pathway. Deletion analysis reveal a requirement for the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain for efficient internalization. Together these studies define the mechanistic requirements for PMCA internalization during oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

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