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Pooled tissue samples are frequently used in biochemical studies involving parasites in order to ensure that there is sufficient material for experimentation. A pooled sample is considered to represent the overall phenotypic characteristics of the investigated population. However, this will not be the case if there is a significant degree of molecular polymorphism among individuals in the sampled population. Here we demonstrate marked differences in the protein profile of salivary glands among individuals from three species of ixodid tick (Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, Amblyomma variegatum, Ixodes ricinus), and show that pooling the tissue of several individuals masks substantial qualitative differences among the individuals. Our observations indicate that much greater caution is needed in general when using pooled samples if the molecular diversity within the population is not clearly defined.  相似文献   

Under normal circumstances, salivary glands of female ixodid ticks begin degenerating within hours of completing the blood meal. We have monitored cytological, functional and biochemical changes in the tissue which are diagnostic of the degenerative process. Although ultimately degeneration also befalls salivary glands of partially fed ticks removed prematurely from the host, the process is considerably delayed. When we transplanted salivary glands from partially fed ticks into the haemocoels of replete specimens, autolysis was induced in the donor tissue, whereas such was not the case when similar glands were transplanted to the haemocoels of other partially fed ticks. We thus suggest that a humoral factor is involved in postprandial resorption of the salivary glands. Succinate dehydrogenase activity decreases, and acid phosphatase activity increases in the salivary glands as a function of time post-engorgement. However, these enzyme assays are not sensitive enough to detect the earliest stages of autolysis.  相似文献   

Octopamine elicited a dose-related secretory response by salivary glands isolated from the feeding female tick Amblyomma americanum. Half-maximal stimulation occurred at about 60 μM. Phentolamine (10 μM) failed to inhibit the octopamine-mediated response; however, thioridazine (50 μM) inhibited both octopamine (1,000 μM) and dopamine-stimulated (0.1 μM) secretion. Maximal stimulation by dopamine (1.0 μM) showed no further increase in the rate of secretion after adding octopamine (1,000 or 0.1 μM). Glands responded to octopamine (100 μM) with rates significantly lower than controls following exposure to amphetamine (1,000 μM). Octopamine receptors do not appear to mediate the secretory response, and octopamine may stimulate secretion by releasing catecholamines from presynaptic neurons. These results support the hypothesis that dopamine is the natural transmitter mediating fluid secretion in the feeding tick salivary gland.  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA) content of the salivary glands in partially fed female and fed male ticks, Amblyomma hebraeum Koch (Acari: Ixodidae), was measured by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection or by a radioenzymatic assay for catecholamines following experimental treatment. Some glands were held in vitro for up to 3 days. Other preparations (backless explants) allowed one side to be surgically denervated, the contralateral side serving as control. Normal ticks were sampled for up to 4 days post-removal from the host (rabbits). In the backless explants, there was little if any difference in DA content between denervated and control sides, even after 4 days in vitro, indicating that unilateral denervation did not eliminate the major salivary gland pool of DA. High doses of reserpine (333 g per g body weight) and 6-hydroxydopamine (1000 g per g body weight) did not significantly reduce the DA content of the salivary gland, also suggesting that only a minor component of the DA pool is within axons innervating the salivary gland. A dispersed population of cells rich in tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity (an enzyme marker for catecholamine-synthesizing cells) was found in close association with the granular acini. This further suggests that the major DA pool in the salivary gland may be in cells other than the dopaminergic nerves arising from the central nervous system. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Methods currently used to control Ixodes scapularis ticks rely principally on acaricidal applications which suffer from a number of limitations. Recently, host vaccination against ticks has been shown to be a promising alternative tick control method. In tick salivary glands, numerous genes are induced during the feeding process. Many of these newly expressed proteins are secreted in tick saliva and may play a role in modulating host immune responses and pathogen transmission. We have performed suppression subtraction hybridization to identify unique I. scapularis salary gland proteins specifically expressed during engorgement. We have cloned and sequenced ten unique salivary gland-associated cDNAs that are up-regulated during feeding. The protein products of these genes represent potential vaccine candidates for use in the control of ticks and to prevent transmission of tick-borne diseases.  相似文献   



The regulation of programmed cell death is critical to developmental homeostasis and normal morphogenesis of embryonic tissues. Survivin, a member of the inhibitors of apoptosis protein (IAP) family primarily expressed in embryonic cells, is both an anti-apoptosis and a pro-survival factor. Since our previous studies have demonstrated the importance of apoptosis during embryonic submandibular salivary gland (SMG) development, we postulated that survivin is a likely mediator of SMG epithelial cell survival.  相似文献   

Random clones from a cDNA library made from mRNA purified from dissected salivary glands of feeding female Amblyomma variegatum ticks were subjected to single pass sequence analysis. A total of 3992 sequences with an average read length of 580 nucleotides have been used to construct a gene index called AvGI that consists of 2109 non-redundant sequences. A provisional gene identity has been assigned to 39% of the database entries by sequence similarity searches against a non-redundant amino acid database and a protein database that has been assigned gene ontology terms. Homologs of genes encoding basic cellular functions including previously characterised enzyme activities, such as stearoyl CoA saturase and protein phosphatase, of ixodid tick salivary glands were found. Several families of abundant cDNA sequences that may code for protein components of tick cement and A. variegatum proteins which may contribute to anti-haemostatic and anti-inflammatory responses, and, one with potential immunosuppressive activity, were also identified. Interference with the function of such proteins might disrupt the life cycle of A. variegatum and help to control this ectoparasite or to reduce its ability to transmit disease causing organisms. AvGI represents an electronic knowledge base, which can be used to launch investigations of the biology of the salivary glands of this tick species. The database may be accessed via the World Wide Web at http://www.tigr.org/tdb/tgi.shtml.  相似文献   

Catecholamine-stimulated salivary fluid secretion (in vitro) by ixodid ticks is reduced by deletion or lowering the concentration of exogenous bathing medium Ca++. The Ca++ antagonist, verapamil, reversibly inhibits dopamine-stimulated secretion. Ionophore A-23187 is unable to induce glands to secrete. Studies in which labeled and unlabeled Ca++ flux were measured indicate that catecholamines induce release of calcium from intracellular stores during secretion. Cyclic AMP/theophylline-stimulated secretion is inhibited by verapamil, and the exclusion of calcium from the support medium. It is concluded that the primary catecholamine stimulus induces cyclic AMP formation and mobilization of Ca++ (intra- and extracellular). Cyclic AMP and calcium are thought to interact to control secretion within the fluid transporting cells of types II and III alveoli.  相似文献   

Application of RNA interference in tick salivary gland research.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ticks are obligate ectoparasites that feed on a variety of hosts including mammals, birds and reptiles. Prolonged attachment on the host and an ability to transmit a wide variety of pathogens are the special features of tick feeding. Salivary glands are the major route for secretion of excess fluid, several proteins, and factors that counteract the host immune response and hence play a significant role in the success of tick feeding. RNA interference (RNAi) enables scientists to silence genes encoding proteins in an absolutely sequence specific manner at the mRNA level. This technique has already been successfully employed in analyzing roles of proteins of important functions or in assigning roles to several proteins of unknown functions in a variety of animals. In this review, we outline the process of RNAi and the applicability of RNAi in tick salivary gland research.  相似文献   

A study of the morphology and histochemistry of the salivary glands of the parasitic stages of Boophilus microplus has been made, glands of feeding females being studied in greatest detail. Of 9 granular cell types present in the female and 10 in the male, 3 probably secrete attachment cement and 4 others glycoproteins and enzymes, possible functions of which are discussed. Two cell types, c4 and g (the latter being present only in males) are of unknown function. The most likely functions of non-granular epithelial cells and those forming acinus I are in osmoregulation.  相似文献   

The mouth is confirmed as the site of water vapor uptake in the lone star tick, Amblyomma americanum. It was shown that the level of chloride (36Cl) increased in the mouthparts of desiccated ticks. The highest levels of 36Cl were found in the mouthparts, salivary glands, and gut tissue during rehydration. It is suggested that ions are secreted by the salivary glands into the mouth where water is picked up hygroscopically by the secretion. It is further suggested that the water and ions are then swallowed and absorbed from the lumen of the gut.  相似文献   

Salivary gland degeneration in the female tick, Amblyomma hebraeum Koch (Acari: Ixodidae) is controlled by an ecdysteroid hormone. In an earlier study (Mao, H., McBlain, W.A., Kaufman, W.R., 1995. Some properties of the ecdysteroid receptor in the salivary gland of the ixodid tick, Amblyomma hebraeum. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 99, 340–348), we demonstrated that a protein component of a salivary gland extract binds to ponasterone A (Pon A) with high affinity (Kd1 nM), suggesting a tick ecdysteroid receptor (EcR). In this study, the Pon A binding protein bound to calf thymus DNA; this binding could be dissociated by Drosophila hsp27 EcRE. The binding protein shifted the [32P]hsp27 EcRE band on a gel mobility shift assay; formation of the complex with hsp27 EcRE required KCl (optimal concentration was approximately 75 mM). A number of physiologically effective ecdysteroids enhanced the binding with the following order of potency: Pon A>Mur A>Mak A>20E>ecdysone, whereas vertebrate steroids (estradiol, cholesterol, corticosterone, progesterone, testosterone) had no such effect. Using monoclonal antibodies against Drosophila EcR and USP, we found that AG10.2 recognized three bands (90.5, 87.3 and 84 kDa for EcR) and AB11 recognized at least two major bands (50.3 and 47.1 kDa for USP) in the salivary gland extract by western blot analysis. In addition, AB11 supershifted the tick EcR-hsp27 EcRE band on a gel mobility shift assay, indicating that the tick EcR heterodimerized with a USP-like protein for DNA binding. Furthermore, selective mutations to the 15-basepair palindrome of hsp27 EcRE at positions −5, +2, or adding a base to the spacer, resulted in considerably reduced affinity to the tick EcR/USP. We thus propose a sequence similarity of EcREs between A. hebraeum and its insect counterpart.  相似文献   

An artificial feeding device was constructed with a Baudruche, membrane bearing olfactory and tactile stimuli, to induce voluntary attachment and feeding of the brown ear tick,Rhipicephalus appendiculatus. Preparation of the membrane and experimental conditions used are described. Unfed adults ofR. appendiculatus, 2–3 weeks after moulting, were confined on the membrane, which was treated with cattle ear-wash and other stimuli. They attached and commenced sucking blood within 12–48 h. Fully engorged ticks started detaching from the membrane on the 6th day. After a 5–6-day incubation period, they started laying eggs which hatched into normal larvae.  相似文献   

In the adult female tick, Amblyomma hebraeum Koch (Acari: Ixodidae), salivary gland degeneration is triggered by an ecdysteroid, provided the female is above a critical weight (approximately 300-400 mg). In mated females, salivary gland degeneration is virtually complete within 4 days of detachment from the host. In virgin females, salivary gland degeneration is delayed by 4 days. This delay can be reversed by the injection of a male reproductive tract homogenate directly into the hemocoel. In this study, we consider a possible mechanism of action for this "male factor." Once mated, male factor likely gains access to its target tissue(s) as a humoral factor. Male factor, however, appears not to act by sensitizing the salivary glands to the action of ecdysteroids. Instead, it appears to act by accelerating the appearance of ecdysteroids in the hemolymph.  相似文献   

In the infested skin of tick-resistant guinea pigs, indirect immunofluorescence techniques have revealed that antigens from the ticks' salivary glands are associated with discrete dendritic cells in the epidermis. Evidence is presented to support the suggestion that these antigen-retaining cells are Langerhans cells.  相似文献   

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