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Resistance to thyroid hormones (RTH) is a syndrome characterized by a variable tissue hyposensitivity to thyroid hormones and is linked to mutations in the thyroid hormone receptor-beta (TRbeta) gene. We report here for the first time in vivo the mutation R429W (CCG-->TCG) located in the exon 10. The artificial mutant obtained in vitro displayed a normal T(3)-binding affinity and transactivation function. Therefore, it was thought to produce little, if any, clinical effect and to escape to clinical detection. The present report is at least in part discordant with this prediction since the propositus and his grandmother had an authentic hyperthyroidism with high FT(4) plasma level in the presence of inappropriate TSH. On the other hand, spontaneous variations of clinical features and - interestingly - of plasma FT(4) concentrations with time in the propositus, and the phenotype observed in his mother who never complained with thyrotoxic symptoms, confirmed the in vitro binding and functional predictions. The most intriguing is the clinical course of the grandmother as she first presented with predominant pituitary RTH and a diffuse goiter and finally with a toxic multinodular goiter with normal T(3) and T(4) plasma concentrations and suppressed TSH. In conclusion, we report a novel mutation in the gene encoding the thyroid hormone receptor responsible for predominant pituitary RTH already described in vitro but not in vivo. The fluctuant phenotype of the propositus suggests that other factors modulate the degree of tissue resistance that is under genetic control. Toxic multinodular goiter, possibly due to chronic TSH stimulation during RTH, in addition to the phenotype variability, increases the difficulty to diagnose this thyroid disorder.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent K(+) channels (Kv) are involved in the proliferation of many types of cells, but the mechanisms by which their activity is related to cell growth remain unclear. Kv antagonists inhibit the proliferation of mammalian cells, which is of physiological relevance in skeletal muscle. Although myofibres are terminally differentiated, some resident myoblasts may re-enter the cell cycle and proliferate. Here we report that the expression of Kv1.5 is cell-cycle dependent during myoblast proliferation. In addition to Kv1.5 other Kv, such as Kv1.3, are also up-regulated. However, pharmacological evidence mainly implicates Kv1.5 in myoblast growth. Thus, the presence of S0100176, a Kv antagonist, but not margatoxin and dendrotoxin, led to cell cycle arrest during the G(1)-phase. The use of selective cell cycle blockers showed that Kv1.5 was transiently accumulated during the early G(1)-phase. Furthermore, while myoblasts treated with S0100176 expressed low levels of cyclin A and D(1), the expression of p21(cip-1) and p27(kip1), two cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, increased. Our results indicate that the cell cycle-dependent expression of Kv1.5 is involved in skeletal muscle cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormones, T4 and T3, regulate their own production by feedback inhibition of TSH and TRH synthesis in the pituitary and hypothalamus when T3 binds to thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) that interact with the promoters of the genes for the TSH subunit and TRH. All TR isoforms are believed to be involved in the regulation of this endocrine axis, as evidenced by the massive dysregulation of TSH production in mice lacking all TR isoforms. However, the relative contributions of TR isoforms in the pituitary vs. the hypothalamus remain to be completely elucidated. Thus, to determine the relative contribution of pituitary expression of TR-alpha in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis, we selectively impaired TR-alpha function in TR-beta null mice (TR-beta-/-) by pituitary restricted expression of a dominant negative TR-beta transgene harboring a delta337T mutation. These animals exhibited 10-fold and 32-fold increase in T4 and TSH concentrations, respectively. Moreover, the negative regulation of TSH by exogenous T3 was completely absent and a paradoxical increase in TSH concentrations and TSH-beta mRNA was observed. In contrast, prepro-TRH expression levels in T3-treated TR-beta-/- were similar to levels observed in the delta337/TR-beta-/- mice, and ligand-independent activation of TSH in hypothyroid mice was equivalently impaired. Thus, isolated TR-beta deficiency in TRH paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus neurons and impaired function of all TRs in the pituitary recapitulate the baseline hormonal disturbances that characterize mice with complete absence of all TRs.  相似文献   

In Tetrahymena, besides apparent cell polarity generated by specialized cortical structures, several proteins display a specific asymmetric distribution suggesting their involvement in the generation and the maintenance of cell polarization. One of these proteins, a membrane skeleton protein called fenestrin, forms an antero-posterior gradient, and is accepted as a marker of cell polarity during different cellular processes, such as cell division or oral replacement. In conjugating cells, fenestrin forms an intracytoplasmic net which participates in pronuclear exchange. The function of fenestrin is still unknown. To better understand the role of fenestrin we characterized this protein in an amicronuclear Tetrahymena pyriformis. We show that in this ciliate not only does fenestrin localization change in a cell division-dependent manner, but its mRNA and protein level is also cell cycle-regulated. We determine that the two available anti-fenestrin antibodies, 3A7 and 9A7, recognize different pools of fenestrin isoforms, and that 9A7 is the more general. In addition, our results indicate that fenestrin is a phosphoprotein. We also show that the level of fenestrin in the amicronuclear T. pyriformis and the amicronuclear BI3840 strain of T. thermophila is several times lower than in micronuclear T. thermophila.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation is to determine whether the levels of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression are cell cycle dependent. We used a serum-starved human foreskin fibroblast model to determine changes in COX-2 mRNA, protein, and promoter activity in response to stimulation with interleukin-1b (IL-1b) and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) at G0, G1, S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle. IL-1b (1 ng/ml) and PMA (100 nM) induced robust COX-2 expression in the G0 cells, and the level of COX-2 expression declined progressively after the cells had entered the cell cycle. The COX-2 mRNA level at G1, S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle was 76%, 46%, and 30% of that at G0, respectively. A 5-flanking promoter fragment of COX-2 constructed into a luciferase expression vector was transfected into cells. The promoter activity in response to PMA stimulation was significantly higher in G0 than in S phase cells. These results imply that G0 cells are the key players in inflammation and other COX-2-dependent pathophysiological processes. When the cells are in the proliferative phase, COX-2 inducibility becomes restrained probably by an endogenous control mechanism to avoid COX-2 mediated oxidative DNA damage.  相似文献   

Recently a gluconeogenic enzyme was discovered—fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase)—that localizes in the nucleus of a proliferating cell, but its physiological role in this compartment remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate the link between nuclear localization of FBPase and the cell cycle progression. Results of our studies indicate that in human and mouse squamous cell lung cancer, as well as in the HL-1 cardiomyocytes, FBPase nuclear localization correlates with nuclear localization of S and G2 phase cyclins. Additionally, activity and expression of the enzyme depends on cell cycle stages. Identification of FBPase interacting partners with mass spectrometry reveals a set of nuclear proteins involved in cell cycle regulation, mRNA processing and in stabilization of genomic DNA structure. To our knowledge, this is the first experimental evidence that muscle FBPase is involved in cell cycle events.  相似文献   

The recently identified centrosome protein Nlp (ninein-like protein) is a key regulator in centrosome maturation, which contributes to chromosome segregation and cytokinesis. However, the mechanism(s) controlling Nlp expression remains largely unknown. Here we have shown that Nlp expression is cell cycle-dependent with a peak at G(2)/M transition in human cells. Nlp is a short-lived protein and degraded by the proteasome via the anaphase-promoting cyclosome complex (APC/c) pathway. It interacts with the APC/c through the APC2 or Cdc27 subunits and is ubiquitinated. Following treatment with proteasome inhibitors, its protein level is elevated. Nlp binds in vivo to the degradation-targeting proteins Cdh1 and Cdc20, and overexpression of Cdh1 and Cdc20 enhances Nlp degradation. Using point mutations of the two putative degradation signals in Nlp, we have found that its degradation requires intact KEN-box and D-box. Interestingly, the Lys-Glu-Asn-D-box-mutated Nlp exhibits a much stronger capability of inducing anchorage-independent growth and multinuclearity compared with the wild type Nlp. Taken together, these findings indicate that Nlp expression is cell cycle-dependent and regulated by APC-mediated protein degradation.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanism of thyroid hormone action   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Patch-clamping and cell imageanalysis techniques were used to study the expression of thevolume-activated Cl current,ICl(vol), and regulatory volume decrease (RVD)capacity in the cell cycle in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells (CNE-2Z). Hypotonic challenge caused CNE-2Z cells to swell and activated aCl current with a linear conductance, negligibletime-dependent inactivation, and a reversal potential close to theCl equilibrium potential. The sequence of anionpermeability was I > Br > Cl > gluconate. The Cl channelblockers tamoxifen, 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)benzoic acid (NPPB),and ATP inhibited ICl(vol). Synchronous cultures of cells were obtained by the mitotic shake-off technique and by adouble chemical-block (thymidine and hydroxyurea) technique. Theexpression of ICl(vol) was cell cycle dependent,being high in G1 phase, downregulated in S phase, butincreasing again in M phase. Hypotonic solution activated RVD, whichwas cell cycle dependent and inhibited by the Cl channelblockers NPPB, tamoxifen, and ATP. The expression of ICl(vol) was closely correlated with the RVDcapacity in the cell cycle, suggesting a functional relationship.Inhibition of ICl(vol) by NPPB (100 µM)arrested cells in G0/G1. The data also suggest that expression of ICl(vol) and RVD capacity areactively modulated during the cell cycle. The volume-activatedCl current associated with RVD may therefore play animportant role during the cell cycle progress.


Non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) plays a major role in the repair of ionizing radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), especially during the G1-phase of the cell cycle. Using a flow cytometric cell sorter, we fractionated G1- and S/G2-phase cells based on size to assess the DSB-repair activity in NHEJ factor-deficient DT40 and Nalm-6 cell lines. Colony formation assays revealed that the X-ray sensitivities of the G1-enriched populations correctly reflected the DSB-repair activities of both the DT40 and Nalm-6 cell lines. Furthermore, as assessed by γ-H2AX foci formation, the sorted cells exhibited less DNA damage than chemically synchronized cells. Given that it does not use fluorescent labeling or chemical agents, this method of cell sorting is simpler and less toxic than other methods, making it applicable to a variety of cell lines, including those that cannot be synchronized by standard chemical treatments.  相似文献   

Intracellular microbes have evolved efficient strategies for transitioning from one cell to another in a process termed intercellular transmission. Here we show that host cell transmission of the obligate intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii is closely tied to specific cell cycle distributions, with egress and reinvasion occurring most proficiently by parasites in the G1 phase. We also reveal that Toxoplasma undergoes marked changes in mRNA expression when transitioning from the extracellular environment to its intracellular niche. These mRNA level changes reflect a modal switch from expression of proteins involved in invasion, motility and signal transduction in extracellular parasites to expression of metabolic and DNA replication proteins in intracellular parasites. Host cell binding and signalling associated with the discharge of parasite secretory proteins was not sufficient to induce this switch in gene expression, suggesting that the regulatory mechanisms responsible are tied to the establishment of the intracellular environment. The genes whose expression increased after parasite invasion belong to a progressive cascade known to underlie the parasite division cycle indicating that the unique relationship between the G1 phase and invasion effectively synchronizes short-term population growth. This work provides new insight into how this highly successful parasite competently transits from cell to cell.  相似文献   

We recentlydemonstrated expression of a novel, glioma-specificCl current in glial-derivedtumor cells (gliomas), including stable cell lines such as STTG1,derived from a human anaplastic astrocytoma. We used STTG1 cells tostudy whether glioma Clchannel (GCC) activity is regulated during cell cycle progression. Cells were arrested in defined stages of cell cycle(G0,G1,G1/S, S, and M phases) using serumstarvation, mevastatin, hydroxyurea, demecolcine, and cytosine-D-arabinofuranoside. Cellcycle arrest was confirmed by measuring[3H]thymidineincorporation and by DNA flow cytometry. Using whole cell patch-clamprecordings, we demonstrate differential changes in GCC activity aftercell proliferation and cell cycle progression was selectively altered;specifically, channel expression was low in serum-starved,G0-arrested cells, increasedsignificantly in early G1,decreased during S phase, and increased after arrest in M phase.Although the link between the cell cycle and GCC activity is not yetclear, we speculate that GCCs are linked to the cytoskeleton and thatcytoskeletal rearrangements associated with cell division lead to theobserved changes in channel activity. Consistent with this hypothesis,we demonstrate the activation of GCC by disruption of F-actin usingcytochalasin D or osmotic cell swelling.




Six known steps are required for the circulating thyroid hormone (TH) to exert its action on target tissues. For three of these steps, human mutations and distinct phenotypes have been identified.

Scope of review

The clinical, laboratory, genetic and molecular characteristics of these three defects of TH action are the subject of this review. The first defect, recognized 45 years ago, produces resistance to TH and carries the acronym, RTH. In the majority of cases it is caused by TH receptor β gene mutations. It has been found in over 3000 individuals belonging to approximately 1000 families. Two relatively novel syndromes presenting reduced sensitivity to TH involve membrane transport and metabolism of TH. One of them, caused by mutations in the TH cell-membrane transporter MCT8, produces severe psychomotor defects. It has been identified in more than 170 males from 90 families. A defect of the intracellular metabolism of TH in 10 individuals from 8 families is caused by mutations in the SECISBP2 gene required for the synthesis of selenoproteins, including TH deiodinases.

Major conclusions

Defects at different steps along the pathway leading to TH action at cellular level can manifest as reduced sensitivity to TH.

General significance

Knowledge of the molecular mechanisms involved in TH action allows the recognition of the phenotypes caused by defects of TH action. Once previously known defects have been ruled out, new molecular defects could be sought, thus opening the avenue for novel insights in thyroid physiology. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Thyroid hormone signaling.  相似文献   

Cell cycle-dependent activation of Ras   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Background Ras proteins play an essential role in the transduction of signals from a wide range of cell-surface receptors to the nucleus. These signals may promote cellular proliferation or differentiation, depending on the cell background. It is well established that Ras plays an important role in the transduction of mitogenic signals from activated growth-factor receptors, leading to cell-cycle entry. However, important questions remain as to whether Ras controls signalling events during cell-cycle progression and, if so, at which point in the cell-cycle it is activated.Results To address these questions we have developed a novel, functional assay for the detection of cellular activated Ras. Using this assay, we found that Ras was activated in HeLa cells, following release from mitosis, and in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts, following serum-stimulated cell-cycle entry. In each case, peak Ras activation occurred in mid-G1 phase. Ras activation in HeLa cells at mid-G1 phase was dependent on RNA and protein synthesis and was not associated with tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc proteins and their binding to Grb2. Significantly, activation of Ras and the extracellular-signal regulated (ERK) subgroup of mitogen-activated protein kinases were not temporally correlated during G1-phase progression.Conclusions Activation of Ras during mid-G1 phase appears to differ in many respects from its rapid activation by growth factors, suggesting a novel mechanism of regulation that may be intrinsic to cell-cycle progression. Furthermore, the temporal dissociation between Ras and ERK activation suggests that Ras targets alternate effector pathways during G1-phase progression.  相似文献   

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