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Results are presented from Z-pinch experiments performed in the S-300 facility (Kurchatov Institute) at a maximum current of 2 MA and current rise time of 100 ns. The Z-pinch load was a 1-cm-long 1-cmdiameter cylindrical array made of 40 tungsten wires with a total mass of 160 μg, at the axis of which a 100-μm-diameter (CD2) n deuterated fiber was installed. Hard X-ray and neutron signals were recorded using five scintillation detectors oriented in one radial and two axial directions. The maximum neutron yield from the DD reaction reached 3 × 109 neutrons per shot. The average neutron energy was determined from time-of-flight measurements and Monte Carlo simulations under the assumption that the neutron emission time was independent of the neutron energy. The average neutron energy in different experiments was found to vary within the range 2.5–2.7 MeV. The fact that the average neutron energy was higher than 2.45 MeV (the energy corresponding to the DD reaction) is attributed to the beam-target collisional mechanism for the acceleration of deuterons to 100–500 keV.  相似文献   

Results are presented from the studies of the magnetic implosion of a tungsten wire liner onto an aluminum wire at currents of 2.0–2.6 MA. The experiments were carried out in the S-300 high-power pulsed facility at the Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute. The liner is composed of 50 wires 6 μm in diameter and 1 cm in length, which are equally spaced on a circle 1 cm in diameter. An aluminum wire 120 μm in diameter is positioned at the array axis. The liner implosion was accompanied by the generation of VUV and soft X-ray emission. The parameters of the pinch plasma produced during the liner implosion onto the aluminum wire were determined from the time-resolved spectral measurements by a five-channel polychromator. The ion and electron densities turned out to be equal to n i≈4×1019 cm−3 and n e≈4×1020 cm−3, respectively, and the electron temperature was T e≈40 eV. The radiation energy measured in the range 50–600 eV was 2–10 kJ. The sources of soft X-ray emission in hydrogen-and helium-like aluminum lines were the bright spots and local objects (clouds) formed in the plasma corona at an electron temperature of 200–500 eV and electron density of 1021–1022 cm−3. The possibility of both the generation of an axial magnetic field during the liner implosion and the conversion of the energy of this field into soft X-ray emission is discussed. __________ Translated from Fizika Plazmy, Vol. 28, No. 6, 2002, pp. 514–521. Original Russian Text Copyright ? 2002 by Bakshaev, Blinov, Dan'ko, Ivanov, Klír, Korolev, Kravárik, Krása, Kubeš, Tumanov, Chernenko, Chesnokov, Shashkov, Juha.  相似文献   

Results of studies on fast ignition of inertial confinement fusion (ICF) targets are reviewed. The aspects of the fast ignition concept, which consists in the separation of the processes of target ignition and compression due to the synchronized action of different energy drivers, are considered. Criteria for the compression ratio and heating rate of a fast ignition target, the energy balance, and the thermonuclear gain are discussed. The results of experimental and theoretical studies of the heating of a compressed target by various types of igniting drivers, namely, beams of fast electrons and light ions produced under the action of a petawatt laser pulse on the target, a heavy-ion beam generated in the accelerator, an X-ray pulse, and a hydrodynamic flow of laser-accelerated matter, are analyzed. Requirements to the igniting-driver parameters that depend on the fast ignition criteria under the conditions of specific target heating mechanisms, as well as possibilities of practical implementation of these requirements, are discussed. The experimental programs of various laboratories and the prospects of practical implementation of fast ignition of ICF targets are reviewed. To date, fast ignition is the most promising method for decreasing the ignition energy and increasing the thermonuclear gain of an ICF plasma. A large number of publications have been devoted to investigations of this method and adjacent problems of the physics of igniting drivers and their interaction with plasma. This review presents results of only some of these studies that, in the author’s opinion, allow one to discuss in detail the main physical aspects of the fast ignition concept and understand the current state and prospects of studies in this direction.  相似文献   

Hollow (air-filled) microparticles, i.e., microbubbles, provide a promising novel vehicle for both local delivery of therapeutic agents and simultaneous diagnostic ultrasound echo investigations. In this paper, we describe the synthetic routes for decorating the polymeric shell of a poly(vinyl alcohol)-based microbubble with low and high molecular weight ligands with pharmacological relevance. Investigations on physical properties of microbubbles and surface chemical coupling with different cargo molecules such as L-cysteine, L-lysine, poly(L-lysine), chitosan, and beta-cyclodextrin were carried out by CD and NMR spectroscopies, confocal laser scanning microscopy, and microcalorimetry. The in vitro cytotoxicity and biocompatibility of the polymer microbubbles have been also determined toward different cell lines. The results are discussed in terms of the features shown by this device, i.e., injectability, long shelf life, ease of preparation, biocompatibility, loading and cargo capacities, and functional properties.  相似文献   

Fung and Tong have recently explained the sphering of red blood cells in hypotonic solution by showing that a thin-walled elastic membrane with the right extensional stiffness and surface tension distribution will swell into a sphere under internal pressure. In this report we investigate the stability of the spherical state of Fung and Tong's model by applying the static energy criterion, which requires a determination of the sign of the quadratic terms in the potential energy functional. It turns out that a spherical cell model with radius less than that of the equatorial radius of the original undeformed cell is indeed stable, if and only if the supposedly arbitrary elastic parameters in the model are restricted in their possble range of values.  相似文献   

The burning efficiency of a preliminarily compressed inertial confinement fusion (ICF) target with a solid noncryogenic fuel (deuterium-tritium beryllium hydride) upon fast central ignition by a fast ion beam is studied. The main aim of the study was to determine the extent to which the spatial temperature distribution formed under the heating of an ICF target by ion beams with different particle energy spectra affects the thermonuclear gain. The study is based on a complex numerical modeling including computer simulations of (i) the heating of a compressed target with a spatially nonuniform density and temperature distributions by a fast ion beam and (ii) the burning of the target with the initial spatial density distribution formed at the instant of maximum compression of the target and the initial spatial temperature distribution formed as a result of heating of the compressed target by the ion beam. The threshold energy of the igniting ion beam and the dependence of the thermonuclear gain on the energy deposited in the target are determined.  相似文献   

Thin films of cellulose are advantageous for analytical studies in aqueous environments to investigate various factors determining the performance of cellulose-based products. However, the weak fixation of cellulose layers on common carrier materials often limits this approach. To address this problem, we suggest a novel maleic anhydride copolymer precoating technique which allows for the covalent attachment of cellulose thin films through esterification. Maleic anhydride copolymers were deposited and covalently bound onto planar, aminosilane-modified glass or silicon oxide surfaces. Cellulose was subsequently immobilized on top of the copolymer precoatings by spin coating from N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide/dimethyl sulfoxide solutions. The resulting cellulose films were thoroughly characterized with respect to layer thickness, morphology, chemical constitution, and electrical charging. The stability of the layers against shear stress was demonstrated in aqueous solutions and the covalent attachment of the cellulose to the copolymer films was proven by means of dissolution experiments followed by ellipsometry and high-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The proteinaceous nature of the adhesives used by most fouling organisms to attach to surfaces suggests that coatings incorporating proteolytic enzymes may provide a technology for the control of biofouling. In the present article, the antifouling (AF) and fouling release potential of model coatings incorporating the surface-immobilized protease, Subtilisin A, have been investigated. The enzyme was covalently attached to maleic anhydride copolymer thin films; the characteristics of the bioactive coatings obtained were adjusted through variation of the type of copolymer and the concentration of the enzyme solution used for immobilization. The bioactive coatings were tested for their effect on the settlement and adhesion strength of two major fouling species: the green alga Ulva linza and the diatom Navicula perminuta. The results show that the immobilized enzyme effectively reduced the settlement and adhesion strength of zoospores of Ulva and the adhesion strength of Navicula cells. The AF efficacy of the bioactive coatings increased with increasing enzyme surface concentration and activity, and was found to be superior to the equivalent amount of enzyme in solution. The results provide a rigorous analysis of one approach to the use of immobilized proteases to reduce the adhesion of marine fouling organisms and are of interest to those investigating enzyme-containing coating technologies for practical biofouling control.  相似文献   

The adsorption behavior of azinphosmethyl on pyrolyzed Horseshoe Crab (Limulus polyphemus) outer shell, as a residue, from the Atlantic Ocean, collected along the Maine coast, USA, has been studied with regards to its kinetic and equilibrium conditions, taking into account adsorbate concentrations of 2 x 10(-3), 4 x 10(-3), 6 x 10(-3), and 8 x 10(-3), as well as temperatures of 30 degrees C, 40 degrees C, 50 degrees C, and 60 degrees C. The yield of adsorption of azinphosmethyl from aqueous solution ranged from 56.1% to 61% with temperature increasing. Kinetic studies showed that adsorption rate decreased as the initial azinphosmethyl concentration increased. It was found, that the adsorption reaction obeyed first-order kinetics. The overall rate constants were estimated for different temperatures. The activation energy for adsorption was about 1.52 kJmol(-1), which implies that azinphosmethyl mainly adsorbed physically onto Horseshoe Crab outer shell. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms were applied to the experimental data and isotherm constants were calculated. The thermodynamic parameters DeltaG0, DeltaH0 and DeltaS0 for the adsorption reaction were evaluated based on equilibrium data and in connection with this result the thermodynamic aspects of adsorption reaction were discussed. The adsorption was found to be endothermic in nature. The adsorbent used in this study proved highly efficient for the removal of azinphosmethyl.  相似文献   

Co–B/SiO2/NH2 magnetic nanoparticles (NPs) were prepared from a silica shell-coated Co–B core using the Stöber method and amine-modification on the surface. Glucose oxidase (GOD) was covalently immobilized on the surface of Co–B/SiO2/NH2 NPs using N-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-N′-ethylcarbodiimide (EDC) as an activating agent. The magnetic NPs characteristics, such as the synthesis of Co–B/SiO2/NH2 NPs, effect of pH, temperature, and concentration of buffer for enzyme immobilization, were investigated. The optimal reaction conditions for immobilization were determined to be 0.1 M of phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.0, and 5 °C. In the case of immobilized GOD without d-glucose and with 0.1 M of d-glucose for blocking, 22.98 U/g and 24.83 U/g of their original activity were retained after 7 reuses, respectively.  相似文献   

We have studied the nucleocytoplasmic transport of a specific messenger RNP (mRNP) particle, named Balbiani ring (BR) granule, and ribosomal RNP (rRNP) particles in the salivary glands of the dipteran Chironomus tentans. The passage of the RNPs through the nuclear pore complex (NPC) was inhibited with the nucleoporin-binding wheat germ agglutinin, and the effects were examined by electron microscopy. BR mRNPs bound to the nuclear basket increased in number, while BR mRNPs translocating through the central channel decreased, suggesting that the initiation of translocation proper had been inhibited. The rRNPs accumulated heavily in nucleoplasm, while no or very few rRNPs were recorded within nuclear baskets. Thus, the transport of rRNPs had been blocked prior to the entry into the baskets. Remarkably, the rRNPs had been excluded both from baskets and the space in between the baskets. We propose that normally basket fibrils move freely and repel RNPs from the exclusion zone unless the particles have affinity for and bind to nucleoporins within the baskets.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of the dynamics of large-diameter multishell gas puffs imploded by microsecond megampere current pulses. The experiments were conducted on the GIT-12 generator in the regime of microsecond implosion (t imp = 1.1–1.2 μs, I 0 = 3.4–3.7 MA). The influence of the load configuration on the dynamics of current losses and gas-puff radiative characteristics was studied. The correlation between the radial compression ratio (the ratio between the initial and final Z-pinch radii) and the magnitude of the current flowing at the plasma periphery was investigated. The experiments show that, in a multishell gas puff, large-scale instabilities insignificantly affect the gas-puff implosion even over microsecond time intervals and that a compact dense pinch with a relatively high average electron temperature (400–600 eV) forms at the Z-pinch axis. The diameter of the plasma column radiating in the K-shell lines of neon is about 3–4 mm, the K-shell radiation yield being 5–11 kJ/cm. In the final stage of implosion, only a small portion of the current flows through the high-temperature central region of the pinch plasma, whereas the major part of the generator current flows through the residual peripheral plasma.  相似文献   

Results of experiments on the compression of tungsten wire arrays by the plasma current sheath (PCS) of the PF-3 facility at currents of up to 2 MA are presented. The efficiency of current transportation to the wire array and switching-over of the discharge current to the array were studied. Information on the penetration of the magnetic field into the wire array obtained using microprobes made it possible to compare the obtained experimental data with the results of magnetic field measurements carried out at other high-power electrophysical devices. The intensity of plasma production from tungsten wires under the action of the plasma focus PCS is estimated. The experimental results are tested against the existing models of wire array implosion with prolonged plasma production.  相似文献   

The ignition dynamics of a CH4: O2: N2: Ar = 1: 4: 15: 80 mixture by a high-voltage nanosecond discharge is simulated numerically with allowance for experimental data on the dynamics of the discharge current and discharge electric field. The calculated induction time agrees well with experimental data. It is shown that active particles produced in the discharge at a relatively low deposited energy can reduce the induction time by two orders of magnitude. Comparison of simulation results for mixtures with and without nitrogen shows that addition of nitrogen to the mixture leads to a decrease in the average electron energy in the discharge and gives rise to new mechanisms for accumulation of oxygen atoms due to the excitation of nitrogen electronic states and their subsequent quenching in collisions with oxygen molecules. Acceleration of the discharge-initiated ignition is caused by a faster initiation of chain reactions due to the production of active particles, first of all oxygen atoms, in the discharge.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experiments on the implosion of simple and nested wire arrays of different mass and material composition (W and/or Al). The experiments were performed on the S-300 facility (a high-current pulsed power generator with a voltage pulse amplitude of 700 kV, current amplitude of 2.5–3.5 MA, and pulse duration of 100 ns) at the Kurchatov Institute (Moscow). The imploding arrays were recorded using five-frame laser shadowgraphy, three-frame image-tube photography, an optical streak camera, X-ray pinhole cameras with different filters, X-ray polychromator, and X-ray spectrometer on the basis of a convex mica crystal. Laser probing measurements indicate that the current-carrying structure undergoes a fast (over a time shorter than 10 ns) global rearrangement, which manifests itself as the emergence of transparent regions. This effect is presumably related to the grouping of the wires, which carry currents of a few tens of kiloamperes, or to the current filamentation in their common plasma corona. The radiation of liners of different chemical composition in the final compressed state has been investigated. Electric measurements performed in experiments with nested arrays (e.g., with an aluminum outer liner and a tungsten inner liner) indicate that the inner array, which is still at rest, intercepts the electric current from the outer array when the latter penetrates through it. The effect of the “fall” of the outer liner through the inner one in the course of magnetic implosion has been revealed for the first time by analyzing X-ray emission spectra.  相似文献   

The features are studied of plasma production in the initial stage of implosion of hollow cylindrical wire arrays at electric-field growth rates of 1012 V/(cm s). The results are presented from the analysis of both UV emission from the wire plasma and the discharge parameters in the initial stage of the formation of a Z-pinch discharge. It is found that, a few nanoseconds after applying voltage to a tungsten wire array, a plasma shell arises on the wire surface and the array becomes a heterogeneous system consisting of metal wire cores and a plasma surrounding each wire (a plasma corona). As a result, the current switches from the wires to the plasma. A further heating and ionization of the wire material are due primarily to heat transfer from the plasma corona. A model describing the primary breakdown along the wires is created with allowance for the presence of low-Z impurities on the wire surface.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experiments on studying the compactness of compression of imploding nested foam-wire loads at currents of up to 4 MA at the Angara-5-1 facility. The degree of pinch compression was estimated from the dynamics of the spatial distribution of the current (magnetic field) and the shape of the soft X-ray pulse. The load consisted of nested cascades, one of which being a wire array and the other being a hollow or solid low-density cylinder made of agar-agar foam with a wall thickness of 100?C200 ??m. In some experiments, one of the cascades was made of C20H17O6 solid-state organic acid foam. The radial distribution of the magnetic field inside the nested cascades of the imploding foam-wire load (both between the cascades and inside the inner cascade) was measured using tiny magnetic probes. The measured radial distributions of the magnetic field are compared with the magnetic field configuration calculated using a one-dimensional MHD code simulating the implosion of a nested foam-wire load. It is shown that the spatial structure of the current and magnetic field during the implosion of such a load is determined by the development of supersonic and subsonic magnetized plasma flows in its cascades. The specific features of pinch formation and methods for the compensation of the nonsimultaneous pinch compression between the anode and the cathode (the zipper effect) during the implosion of a nested foam-wire load are analyzed.  相似文献   

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