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The program of the deep upgrade of the GOL-3 multiple-mirror trap is presented. The upgrade is aimed at creating a new GOL-NB open trap located at the GOL-3 site and intended to directly demonstrate the efficiency of using multiple-mirror magnetic cells to improve longitudinal plasma confinement in a gasdynamic open trap. The GOL-NB device will consist of a new central trap, adjoint cells with a multiple-mirror magnetic field, and end tanks (magnetic flux expanders). Plasma in the central trap will be heated by neutral beam injection with a power of up to 1.5 MW and duration of 1 ms. At present, physical experiments directed at developing plasma technologies that are novel for this facility are being carried out using the 6-m-long autonomous part of the GOL-3 solenoid. The aim of this work was to develop a method for filling the central trap with a low-temperature start plasma. Transportation of a plasma stream from an arc source over a distance of 3 m in a uniform magnetic field with an induction of 0.5–4.5 T is demonstrated. In these experiments, the axial plasma density was (1–4) × 1020 m–3 and the mirror ratio varied from 5 to 60. In general, the experiments confirmed the correctness of the adopted decisions for the start plasma source of the GOL-NB device.  相似文献   

A multichannel Thomson scattering diagnostics for measuring the plasma parameters in the GOL-3 facility was designed and created at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The diagnostics operates at the fundamental harmonic of a neodymium laser (1.06 μm) and allows one to perform measurements over a wide range of electron temperatures and densities with high spatial and time resolutions. A special multipulse oscillator is developed that makes it possible to perform up to 20 measurements of the plasma temperature and density over a period of 300 μs during one shot. The laser used to generate probing radiation, the recording system, and the calibration procedure are described. Results from measurements of the temporal evolution of the plasma density in the GOL-3 in different stages of the discharge are presented to illustrate the system operation. Original Russian Text ? S.V. Polosatkin, A.V. Burdakov, M.V. Ivantsivskiĭ, V.S. Koĭdan, V.K. Ovchar, A.F. Rovenskikh, V.V. Semionov, M.G. Fedotov, 2006, published in Fizika Plazmy, 2006, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 128–133.  相似文献   

Results of spectral and magnetic diagnostics of plasma differential rotation in the GOL-3 multiplemirror trap are presented. It is shown that the maximum frequency of plasma rotation about the longitudinal axis reaches 0.5 MHz during the injection of a relativistic electron beam into the plasma. The data of two diagnostics agree if there is a region with a higher rotation frequency near the boundary of the electron beam. Plasma differential rotation can be an additional factor stabilizing interchange modes in the GOL-3 facility.  相似文献   

The design principles and construction of the subterahertz radiometric spectral systems developed for the GOL-3 facility are described. The spectral systems are designed according to the quasi-optical scheme and use multilayer filters based on frequency-selective surfaces. The design and manufacturing technology of such elements are discussed. The results of measuring subterahertz radiation of plasma at the frequency close to the double plasma frequency are presented.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of ion heating in the GOL-3 device. The experiments were carried out in a multimirror configuration with a local magnetic well. It was found that, during the injection of a relativistic electron beam, a decrease in the local density of the beam in a magnetic well, which is proportional to the decrease in the strength of the longitudinal magnetic field, results in the formation of a short plasma region with a low electron temperature. The measured longitudinal gradient of the plasma pressure corresponds to an electron temperature gradient of ~2–3 keV/m. Axially nonuniform heating of the plasma electrons gives rise to the macroscopic motion of the plasma along the magnetic field in each cell of the multimirror confinement system. The mixing of the counterpropagating plasma flows inside each cell leads to fast ion heating. Under the given experimental conditions, the efficiency of this heating mechanism is higher than that due to binary electron-ion collisions. The collision and mixing of the counterpropagating plasma flows is accompanied by a neutron and γ-ray burst. The measured ratio of the plasma pressure to the vacuum magnetic field pressure in these experiments reaches 0.2.  相似文献   

NeIX and NeX spectra emitted by the PF-3 high-current (2 MA) plasma focus facility are measured. A numerical model describing the spectral intensities of the emission of helium- and hydrogen-like neon ions from an optically thick plasma is proposed. The electron temperature T e and electron density n e in the plasma of the PF-3 facility are determined by comparing the calculated and measured emission spectra of neon.  相似文献   

In experiments on the plasma heating and confinement in the GOL-3 multimirror trap, a deuterium plasma with a density of ~1015 cm?3 and an ion temperature of 1–2 keV is confined for more than 1 ms. The plasma is heated by a relativistic electron beam. The ion temperature, which was measured by independent methods, reached 1.5–2 keV after the beginning of the beam injection. Since such a fast ion heating cannot be explained by the classical energy transfer from electrons to ions through binary collisions, a theoretical model of collective energy transfer was proposed. In order to verify this model, a new diagnostics was designed to study the dynamics of neutron emission from an individual mirror cell of the multimirror trap during electron beam injection. Intense neutron bursts predicted by this model were detected experimentally. Periodic neutron flux modulation caused by the macroscopic plasma flow along the solenoid was observed. The revealed mechanism of fast ion heating can be used to achieve fusion temperatures in the multimirror trap.  相似文献   

The spectroscopic technique used to measure the parameters of the plasma jets generated in the plasma focus discharge and those of the plasma of the immobile gas through which these jets propagate is described. The time evolution of the intensities and shapes of spectral lines in experiments carried out with helium at the PF-3 facility was studied by means of electron-optical streak cameras. The plasma electron temperature, T ≈ 4–5 eV, was determined from the intensity ratio of two spectral lines, one of which (λ1 = 5876 Å) belongs to neutral helium, while the other (λ2 = 4686 Å), to hydrogen-like helium ions. The plasma density at different time instants was determined from the Stark broadening of these lines in the electric fields of different nature. The plasma density is found to vary from 4 × 1014 to 2 × 1017 cm?3.  相似文献   

A method for the laser probing of an imploding plasma in the S-300 high-current generator (I=4 MA, Z=0.15 Ω, and τ=100 ns) with the use of a YAG: Nd laser is described. The first version of the method enables obtaining three-frame shadow and schlieren photographs of the plasma of the accelerator load with an exposure of 10 ns and an interval between frames of 25 ns. The second version enables the five-frame probing of the plasma with an exposure of 1 ns and an interval between frames of 10 ns. Stimulated Brillouin scattering in carbon tetrachloride is used to compress the probing laser pulse. A series of shadow and schlieren photographs of the plasma of different liners and Z-pinches are obtained. Mechanisms for the image formation are discussed. The magnitude and gradients of the plasma density are estimated.  相似文献   

The engineering characteristics of the KPF-4 Phoenix megajoule Mather-type plasma focus facility constructed at the Sukhumi Physicotechnical Institute are described. Results from preliminary studies of the plasma dynamics at a capacitive-storage energy of up to 700 kJ are discussed. Future experiments in KPF-4 will be oriented at technological applications and will complement the studies carried out in the 2.8-MJ Filippovtype PF-3 plasma focus facility at the Nuclear Fusion Institute of the Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute.  相似文献   

Results of experiments on the compression of tungsten wire arrays by the plasma current sheath (PCS) of the PF-3 facility at currents of up to 2 MA are presented. The efficiency of current transportation to the wire array and switching-over of the discharge current to the array were studied. Information on the penetration of the magnetic field into the wire array obtained using microprobes made it possible to compare the obtained experimental data with the results of magnetic field measurements carried out at other high-power electrophysical devices. The intensity of plasma production from tungsten wires under the action of the plasma focus PCS is estimated. The experimental results are tested against the existing models of wire array implosion with prolonged plasma production.  相似文献   

The effects of the centrifugal force and finite Larmor radius on plasma stability in the gas-dynamic trap are considered. Estimates show that the stability is governed by the strong effect of the finite Larmor radius of fast particles. If this stabilizing mechanism does not operate, then the instability ceases to be exponential when the sheared plasma rotation becomes sufficiently intense. In this case, the potential perturbation amplitude increases according to a power law, and the instability threshold remains unchanged. These effects do not influence the stability of the first azimuthal perturbation mode in a plasma with a free boundary. But when the plasma is in good electrical contact with the conducting wall of the device and when the plasma density profile is not too peaked at the axis, the first mode is stabilized by the finite Larmor radius effect because of the radial variation of the perturbed electric field.  相似文献   

Results from experimental studies of plasma storage in a Penning-Malmberg trap at the LEPTA facility are presented. The number of stored particles is found to increase substantially when using the so-called “rotating wall” method, in which a transverse rotating electric field generated by a cylindrical segmented electrode cut into four pairs is applied to the plasma storage region. The conditions of transverse compression of the plasma bunch under the action of the rotating field and buffer gas are studied. The optimal storage parameters are determined for these experimental conditions. Mechanisms of the action of the rotating field and buffer gas on the process of plasma storage are discussed.  相似文献   

A study is made of the relaxation of plasma rotation in nonaxisymmetric toroidal magnetic confinement systems, such as stellarators and rippled tokamaks. In this way, a solution to the drift kinetic equation is obtained that explicitly takes into account the time dependence of the distribution function, and expressions for the diffusive particle fluxes and longitudinal viscosity are derived that make it possible to write a closed set of equations describing the time evolution of the ambipolar electric field E and the longitudinal (with respect to the magnetic field) plasma velocity U0. Solutions found to the set of evolutionary equations imply that the relaxation of these two parameters to their steady-state values occurs in the form of damped oscillations whose frequency is about 2vT/R (where vT is the ion thermal velocity and R is the major plasma radius) and whose damping rate depends on the ion-ion collision frequency and on the magnetic field parameters. In particular, it is shown that, for tokamaks with a slightly rippled longitudinal magnetic field, the frequency of oscillations in the range q>2 (where q is the safety factor) is, as a rule, much higher than the damping rate. For stellarators, this turns out to be true only of the central plasma region, where the helical ripple amplitude ? of the magnetic field is much smaller than the toroidal ripple amplitude δ=r/R.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of the implosion of wire (tungsten, aluminum, and molybdenum) and fiber (kapron) arrays at the Angara 5-1 facility at currents of up to 4 MA. The radial distributions of the azimuthal magnetic field in the stage of plasma production in such arrays are measured in detail for the first time, and the radial profiles of the current density are evaluated. The data obtained using an optical streak camera are compared with the results of measurements of the current and voltage. Using the obtained experimental results, the rate of plasma production in the arrays made of different materials is estimated.  相似文献   

Rotation of magnetized plasma between two coaxial electrodes in crossed electric and magnetic fields was studied experimentally. Three regimes of plasma rotation were observed. In the first regime, the radial electric field is created by a beam?plasma discharge due to the charging of the inner axial electrode by electrons, the outer electrode being grounded. Plasma rotation in this case is accompanied by strong high-frequency current oscillations detected by a Mach probe. When a negative voltage was applied to the coaxial electrodes, the second regime was observed, in which weakly perturbed quasi-stationary plasma rotation occurred at a relatively low radial current. The third regime of plasma rotation was observed upon a spontaneous disruption of the second regime. It is characterized by high currents of ~1 kA, sheared plasma rotation, and excitation of high-frequency perturbations.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental and theoretical studies of a glowing plasma object emerging behind a shock front that propagates through the background gas at a pressure of p0 = 6 torr after laser irradiation of a hollow spherical target. The results of calculations are compared to the experimental results obtained in the MKV-4 device (a component of the Iskra-5 facility).  相似文献   

The velocities of the plasma jets formed from Ne, N2, Ar, and Xe gases in plasma focus facilities were determined by means of laser-optical shadowgraphy of the shock waves generated at the jet leading edge. In spite of the almost tenfold ratio between the atomic weights of these gases, the outflow velocities of the plasma jets formed in experiments with these gases differ by less than twice, in the range of (0.7–1.1) × 107 cm/s under similar discharge conditions. The energies of the jet ions were found to vary from 0.7 keV for nitrogen to 4 keV for xenon.  相似文献   

Results of measurements of magnetic fields in the plasma pinching region during the compression of the deuterium plasma current sheath (PCS) at the PF-1000 plasma focus facility are presented. The fine structure of the PCS (shock wave-magnetic piston) and its variations in the course of plasma compression toward the facility axis are studied using magnetic probes and laser interferometry. The radial distributions of the plasma density and current in the PCS are compared. It is shown that, in the shock wave region, the electron density of the compressed plasma is on the order of ~1018 cm?3, whereas the PCS current is almost entirely concentrated in the magnetic piston region—a plasma layer with an electron density of less than 1015 cm?3. Efficient transportation of the current by the PCS into the axial region of the facility in discharges with a high neutron yield (Y n > 1011 neutrons/shot) is detected. It is shown that the total neutron yield is well described by the dependence Y n ≈ (1.5–3) × 1010 I p 4 , where I p is the pinch current (in MA) flowing within the region r ≤ 13 mm.  相似文献   

Parasitic currents shunting up to one-half of the total discharge current were detected using magnetic probes on a Filippov-type plasma focus facility with a maximum total current of 1 MA and stored energy of 80 kJ. The measured time dependence of neutron emission from the discharge indicates that the parameters of the neutron pulse are closely related to those of the imploding current sheath.  相似文献   

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