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Delay discounting describes the decline in the value of a reinforcer as the delay to that reinforcer increases. A review of the available studies revealed that steep delay discounting is positively correlated with problem or pathological gambling. One hypothesis regarding this correlation derives from the discounting equation proposed by Mazur (1989). According to the equation, steeper discounting renders the difference between fixed-delayed rewards and gambling-like variable-delayed rewards larger; with the latter being more valuable. The present study was designed to test this prediction by first assessing rats’ impulsive choices across four delays to a larger-later reinforcer. A second condition quantified strength of preference for mixed- over fixed-delays, with the duration of the latter adjusted between sessions to achieve indifference. Strength of preference for the mixed-delay alternative is given by the fixed delay at indifference (lower fixed-delay values reflect stronger preferences). Percent impulsive choice was not correlated with the value of the fixed delay at indifference and, therefore, the prediction of the hyperbolic model of gambling was not supported. A follow-up assessment revealed a significant decrease in impulsive choice after the second condition. This shift in impulsive choice could underlie the failure to observe the predicted correlation between impulsive choice and degree of preference for mixed- over fixed delays.  相似文献   

Decision making is one of the principal cognitive processes underlying goal-directed behaviour and thus there is justifiably strong interest in modeling it. However, many of these models have yet to be tested outside of the laboratory. At the same time, field work would benefit from the use of experimental methods developed in the laboratory to determine the causal relationships between environmental variables and behaviour. We therefore adapted a laboratory-derived experimental paradigm to test decision making in the wild. The experiment used an indifference-point procedure to determine the influence of both the amount and distance of food on choice behaviour. Free-ranging rhesus monkeys were given the choice between a smaller amount of food at a closer distance and a larger amount farther away. In four conditions, we held the closer amount constant across trials and varied the farther amount to determine the point at which the monkeys were indifferent to the choice alternatives. For example, in condition one, we used one piece of food at the closer location, and determined how many pieces would be equivalent in the farther location. Four different closer amounts were tested to obtain an indifference point curve, with the indifference amounts at the farther location plotted against the closer amounts. The slope of the obtained linear indifference curve was surprisingly high, suggesting that rhesus monkeys significantly discount food that is farther away. Possible reasons for this steep spatial discounting are discussed.  相似文献   

Surveys of the distribution and some ecological characteristics of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and Assamese monkeys (M. assamensis) in Nepal were conducted during 234 days in 1976, 1978, and 1984. Rhesus monkeys dominated in the tropical, subtropical, and temperate forests below 3,000 m a.s.l. all over Nepal. Assamese monkeys were patchily distributed along rivers in the tropical and subtropical areas. Both species principally utilized forests parapatrically. The mean troop size of rhesus monkeys (29.5) was significantly larger than that of Assamese monkeys (19.1). Discontinuous distribution of Assamese monkeys probably appeared as a result of the expansion of rhesus monkey distribution in the mid- and late-Pleistocene. Because of small distribution areas and small numbers of monkeys, urgent conservation policy must be pursued.  相似文献   

Fifteen female rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatto), ranging in age from 8 to 34 years, were studied for one year to characterize the endocrine and menstrual changes associated with menopause in this species. Five monkeys were premenopausal; these younger monkeys, ages 8–11 years, menstruated and showed cyclic ovarian activity during the 12–month study period, as evidenced by menses and periodic elevations of serum estradiol (E2) and luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations. Four females, ages 24–26 years, were in transition to menopause. Two of these perimenopausal females menstruated and secreted E2 and LH in a periodic fashion; the other two females showed elevated LH concentrations, consistently low E2 levels, and no evidence of menstruation. Six females, ages 27–34 years, were clearly postmenopausal; LH concentrations were high, whereas E2 concentrations were uniformly low. There was a significant inverse correlation between basal E2 concentrations and age, and a significant positive correlation between age and LH concentrations across all 15 animals. Hormonal changes indicative of ovulation, when they occurred, were generally restricted to the winter and early spring months. Histological analysis of ovaries from four postmenopausal females revealed little or no evidence of active folliculogenesis. These data indicate that menopause in female rhesus monkeys does not occur until the second half of thethird decade of life. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Behavioral and physiological data were collected over a three-year period on a colony of compound-housed rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) to examine endocrine influences on sexual behavior. The reproductive performance of the experimental animals was compared to controls which were not routinely handled. The groups did not differ significantly with regard to the percentage of conceptions or other parameters of reproductive biology. The demonstration that manipulations attendant to data collection did not jeopardize reproductive success has important implications for research on primate colonies which are maintained primarily for breeding purposes. Additionally, female copulatory behavior was found to be a reliable indicator of ovulation which allows for an accurate prediction of the parturition date.  相似文献   

Synthetic ovine corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) administered intraventricularly (ICV) to rhesus monkeys resulted in endocrine and behavioral changes. At doses of 20 and 180 micrograms, CRF stimulated the pituitary-adrenal axis in four chair-restrained monkeys. These monkeys showed concomitant increases in arousal. To study these animals in a less restrictive setting, three of the monkeys later received CRF ICV (20 and 180 micrograms) in their home cages. At the 180-micrograms dose the monkeys exhibited a combination of huddling and lying down behavior. These behavioral effects did not seem to be due to alterations in blood pressure.  相似文献   

多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)是临床上常见的一种内分泌失调性疾病,也是造成无排卵性不孕的重要原因。对多囊卵巢综合征动物模型的研究有10余年,迄今尚未建立起较为理想的模型动物。该研究的目的在于构建猕猴多囊卵巢综合征动物模型,并分析该模型动物的一些主要生殖特性。将6只成年雌性猕猴(6~10a)平均分成2组:PCOS模型组和对照组。模型组动物的建立方法是:在月经周期的第1、3、5天,分别皮下注射丙酸睾丸酮一次,剂量为3.5mg/kg体重;接着在第7、9、11天,分别肌注人绒毛膜促性腺激素一次,剂量是350IU/kg体重;连续注射2个月经周期。对照组动物注射生理盐水。结果显示:PCOS模型组动物呈现出高血清LH和T,分别为(5.35±0.17)IU/L和(7.58±0.14)ng/mL,而且血清LH/FSH值(5.35/1.30=4.12);模型组动物血清FSH、E2和P的含量与对照组无显著差异。腹部B超扫描结果提示,模型组动物卵巢多囊化。对两组动物进行超排处理后,模型组动物卵巢呈明显的过刺激现象,模型组动物胚胎体外培养的囊胚率为23.53%,显著低于对照组(66.67%)(P<0.05),即用丙酸睾丸酮联合人绒毛膜促性腺激素,能够建立PCOS猕猴模型,该模型动物的一些主要生殖特性与人类PCOS相似。  相似文献   

Background Streptococcus pneumoniae can cause a wide variety of illnesses. Primate animals can be infected by the pneumococcus. A disease occurred among rhesus monkeys in winter 2006. Methods Routine clinical observation, necropsies, bacteriological examinations were conducted, and PCR, pathogenicity to BALB/c mice and antibiotic susceptibility test were examined additionally. Results We conclude that the agent is S. pneumoniae. Based on the antibiotic susceptibility test, a dose of 20 mg/kg body weight daily of Erythromycin was given intramuscular injection for 5 days, resulting in the disappearance of clinical signs, and no newly case reappear be observed till today. Conclusions Therefore, it is suggested that the outbreak of respiratory disease in the rhesus monkeys was because of transmission of S. pneumoniae among rhesus monkeys. The antibiotic therapy finding underscores the utility of Erythromycin to cure the infected rhesus monkeys without causing side effects and without contributing to the further development of antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   

There are 19 species in genusMacaca and some of them are living in sympatry (Fooden, 1980). Although inter-specific hybrids are relatively easy to produce under artificial conditions, hybridization does not occur naturally. What is preventing that among the species of genusMacaca? Three rhesus monkeys acquired a discrimination between pictures with rhesus monkeys and without rhesus monkeys. All subjects showed positive transfer of this discrimination to new pictures with rhesus monkeys and without rhesus monkeys. A further test showed that these monkeys could discriminate between pictures of rhesus monkeys and pictures of Japanese monkeys. The results suggest that rhesus monkeys recognize rhesus monkeys as a class, independent of the actual stimuli such as a picture or an individual monkey. The ability to recognize members of their own species and the opportunities for such learning may be an important factor preventing hybridization among the species of genusMacaca.  相似文献   

目的观察人工饲养条件下实验恒河猴肝脏病理改变,探讨肝脏疾病分布规律和病理改变特点,丰富实验猴自发病变基本研究资料。方法对1998~2008年云南地区饲养的自然死亡的155只恒河猴(年龄2~20岁)的肝脏进行病理检查,按年龄分为幼年组、成年组、老年组,并对观察结果进行统计学分析。结果 155例恒河猴中88例检出肝脏病变,有肝细胞变性、肝细胞坏死、炎细胞浸润、吞噬细胞增生、肝淤血、纤维组织增生、肝脓肿、寄生虫共八种主要病变,出现率最高的为肝细胞水样变性(34.19%)。除肝脓肿外,幼年组、成年组、老年组八种病变均有检出。卡方检验显示:肝细胞水样变性成年组病变率明显高于幼年组;肝细胞脂肪变性老年组明显高于成年组和幼年组;轻度炎细胞浸润病变老年组明显高于成年组;纤维组织增生老年组明显高于幼年组(P<0.05)。结论人工饲养条件下死亡实验猴肝脏病变检出率较高,实验猴肝脏病理改变随年龄增长而病变加重,提示在进行实验猴肝脏研究时,应注意对自发性病变的判别,药物安全性评价实验应避免选择老年猴做为研究对象。死亡实验猴肝脏病变谱研究,对实验猴的质量控制和相关动物实验有重要指导价值。  相似文献   

Social discounting assesses an individual's willingness to forgo an outcome for the self in lieu of a larger outcome for someone else. The purpose of the present research was to examine the effect of adding a common delay to outcomes in a binary choice, social discounting procedure. Based on the premise that both social and temporal distances are dimensions of psychological distance, we hypothesized that social discounting should decrease as a function of delay to the outcomes. Across two within-subject experiments, participants indicated preference between a hypothetical money reward for the self or for someone else. The outcomes were associated with no, short, and long delays. Both studies confirmed our hypothesis that adding any delay to the receipt of outcomes decreases social discounting, though no significant differences were observed between short and long delays. These results are discussed in the context of some existing literature on altruism.  相似文献   

During studies of the olfactory mucosa and its response to the different levels of circulating sex hormones, considerable numbers of mast cells have been observed in its epithelia and subepithelial regions. The number of these cells in the olfactory mucosa of male monkeys differs greatly from that found in females. The frequency of these cells in the olfactory mucosa of females fluctuates significantly during the menstrual cycle. These fluctations stimultaneously correspond to the well known changes in olfactory sensitivity: around ovulation, when the olfactory sensitivity for certain odorants is high, the number of mast cells in the olfactory mucosa also increases.  相似文献   

绝大部分灵长类动物存在与人类相似的ABO血型系统,该研究采用改良流式法(flow cytometry method,FCM)检测猕猴及食蟹猴血清中血型抗体水平的分布情况。以流式细胞术为基础,使用商品化人源红细胞为靶细胞,并通过加入特异性荧光标记的抗人IgM或IgG二抗,对收集的实验用猕猴及食蟹猴的血清样本进行检测,以人类健康受试者的血清样本为对照,比较两者血型抗体水平的差异。结果显示:预先用人O型浓缩红细胞吸附猴血清中所含种属间非特异性抗体后,FCM法能够准确检测其血型抗体水平及分型,并且发现猴血清中天然血型抗体的水平明显低于健康人(P<0.05)。由此得出:通过预处理清除非特异性抗体的干扰后,FCM法同样适用于灵长类动物血清中血型抗体的检测,也为构建灵长类动物模拟人ABO血型不合器官移植模型提供了技术保障和实验数据。  相似文献   

The hemizona assay (HZA) in Rhesus monkeys was employed to study the correlation of zona-binding ability with sperm motility or with naturally developing oocytes at various maturational stages. Oocytes from unstimulated ovaries were retrieved within 2 hr from monkeys sacrificed for vaccine production (in reproductive season, but with their menstrual cycles not determined). Oocytes were divided into four groups based on their morphological maturation: 1) Oocytes surrounded by more than one cumulus layer (MC); 2) Oocytes retaining intact germinal vesicle nuclei (GV); 3) Oocytes with germinal vesicle breakdown showing distinct perivitelline space (PVS); and 4) Oocytes extruding the first polar body (PBI). The mean numbers of sperm bound to hemizona for PB1, PVS, GV, and MC groups were 132.9 ± 12.0, 71.5 ± 10.1, 36.1 ± 4.0, and 20.1 ± 2.9 (Mean ± SE), respectively. The four groups showed significant differences from each other in sperm/egg binding ability (P < 0.01). The number of bound sperm significantly increased with oocyte maturation. The present study also showed that zona-binding ability was also affected by sperm motility. For sperm with 67.7% motility and sperm with 31.2% motility, the average numbers of bound sperm were 43.5 ± 2.2 and 25.3 ± 2.9 (Mean ± SE), respectively. There was significantly higher binding ability for sperm with higher motility (P < 0.01). The results suggest that: 1) The rhesus monkey model can serve as a very sensitive model for studying sperm/egg interaction by HZA; 2) Sperm motility positively correlated with sperm/egg binding; and 3) Sperm/egg binding ability increases with oocyte maturation. The binding ability is highest when oocytes matured to the PB1 stage, which is also the best opportunity for fertilization. This is strong evidence for the “zona maturation” hypothesis. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

To determine if changes in skin temperature known to accompany hot flushes in women also occur in monkeys, temperature recordings were made in three adult rhesus monkeys before and after ovariectomy and in one postmenopausal female. Increases occurred especially on the skin of the ear pinna, with greater frequency following ovariectomy. This animal model may be suitable to investigate the mechanism which causes hot flushes in women.  相似文献   

The objective was to study dynamic changes of ovaries in rhesus macaques stimulated by gonadotropins to identify an indicator for predicting ovarian response to stimulation. Twenty-one cycling monkeys were given 36 IU/d recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone (rhFSH) for 8 d. Animals (n = 17) with ≥5 follicles (≥3 mm) in their ovaries on Day 9 of ovarian stimulation were deemed good responders, whereas those with a lesser response were poor responders (n = 4). For these two groups, the mean (±SD) numbers of oocytes retrieved were 44.3 ± 21.4 and 11.0 ± 4.6, respectively. In retrospect, the mean diameters of the ovaries and of the largest follicles, the total number of detectable follicles (diameter >0.5 mm), and serum estradiol concentrations gradually increased during the stimulation period in the good responders but did not increase in the poor responders. Comparing good and poor responders, the number of ovarian follicles >0.5 mm already exhibited a difference (12.9 ± 6.5 vs. 2.9 ± 1.3, respectively, P < 0.05) on Day 1 of stimulation. However, for other end points, differences were not significant until at least Day 5. Moreover, good responders yielded a fivefold higher blastocyst development rate than that of poor responders (P < 0.01). In conclusion, the number of ovarian follicles detected with ultrasonography could be useful to predict the response to FSH stimulation in non-human primates.  相似文献   

本文在前期工作基础上,进一步对肠道病毒71型(EV71)从恒河婴猴的感染个体向其他未感染个体传播的可能性及相关生物学特性做了初步分析.通过喷雾形式经呼吸道感染1~2月龄恒河婴猴(A组);在观察临床症状同时,于感染后第7天,取该组动物粪便处理后,将上清液以喷雾形式经呼吸道感染新的婴猴个体(B组),随后对该次代感染个体进行...  相似文献   

Strain differences in delay discounting using inbred rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A heightened aversion to delayed rewards is associated with substance abuse and numerous other neuropsychiatric disorders. Many of these disorders are heritable, raising the possibility that delay aversion may also have a significant genetic or heritable component. To examine this possibility, we compared delay discounting in six inbred strains of rats (Brown Norway, Copenhagen, Lewis, Fischer, Noble and Wistar Furth) using the adjusting amount procedure, which provides a measure of the subjective value of delayed rewards. The subjective value of rewards decreased as the delay to receipt increased for all strains. However, a main effect of strain and a strain × delay interaction indicated that some strains were more sensitive to the imposition of delays than others. Fitting a hyperbolic discount equation showed significant strain differences in sensitivity to delay ( k ). These data indicate that there are significant strain differences in delay discounting. All strains strongly preferred the 10% sucrose solution (the reinforcer in the delay discounting task) over water and the amount of sucrose consumed was correlated with sensitivity to delay. Locomotor activity was not correlated with delay discounting behavior. Additional research will be required to disentangle genetic influences from maternal effects and to determine how these factors influence the underlying association between heightened delay discounting and neuropsychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

Although non-human primates are widely used models of human diseases, often studied for long periods of time, their dietary requirements are not well defined. Over a two—three-year time period, female rhesus macaques were fed either a marginally zinc-deprived diet or a comparable zinc replete purified diet. The purified diets were based on current NRC recommendations. Interestingly poor pregnancy outcome was noted in both the zinc-deprived as well as in the control group. Twenty-eight percent of controls (N=16) and 20% of zinc-deprived animals (N=15) failed to conceive after at least seven matings. Pregnancy loss was also high in both groups of animals including 31% of conceptions in controls (N=11) and 33% of conceptions in zinc deficient animals (N=12). The majority of pregnancy losses occurred after animals had been fed purified diet for over two years. In contrast, normal colony pregnancy loss is estimated at 11%. Furthermore, 3 of 18 live-born infants died prior to 7 months of age and one third of surviving offspring were growth-retarded during the 1st year of life compared to established colony norms. Our data demonstrate the difficulty of constructing adequate purified diets for long-term studies in primates even when based upon available and recommended nutritional information.  相似文献   

Two algorithms are commonly applied in computerized temporal discounting procedures (Decreasing Adjustment and Double-Limit Algorithms); however, the degree to which the two algorithms produce similar patterns of discounting is unknown. The present experiment compared the two common algorithms across sign (gains and losses) and magnitude ($10 and $1000) conditions. Twenty participants made choices between larger later and smaller sooner alternatives that were presented by each of the algorithms in separate conditions. Strong correlations were found between the two measures; however, the Decreasing Adjustment Algorithm tended to produce lower indifference points and higher rates of discounting than the Double-Limit Algorithm. Both algorithms found significant magnitude effects. Less consistent results were found when comparing the two algorithms across sign. The present results suggest that researchers should apply caution when making comparisons between outcomes of delay discounting studies that have used the two different algorithms. However, the interpretation of findings from individual studies is probably not strongly affected by the use of different computer algorithms.  相似文献   

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