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After a brief mention of the distinct features of human biometeorology as compared with the other fields of biometeorology methods of approach are reviewed. The main aim of research is to establish a ranking order for the impact of the factors of the atmospheric environment within general biometeorology and within ecology as a whole. Both deductive and inductive methods reveal that all ranking is relative and dependent on the particular purpose served and the special limitations introduced through control of the ecosystem. The application of meteorology in the medical sciences requires a basic understanding of human biometeorology. It can only be fruitful if the various specialists define their purpose clearly so that meteorologists can arrange their recording scheme and data evaluation accordingly.  相似文献   

Biometeorology in Austria has been shaped by concepts, personalities, and technology. In early times, the branches of biometeorology that are usual today were already evident: agricultural and forest meteorology, phenology, medical biometeorology and balneology, aerial biometeorology, urban housing and stabling meteorology all started to emerge several centuries ago. From the 1920 up to 1936, Wilhelm Schmidt at the Agricultural University of Austria laid the foundations of modern biometeorology. He was followed by Franz Sauberer, who headed a Department of Biometeorology at the National Weather Service and devoted his active life totally to biometeorology. Several years after his untimely death, the Department was dissolved. Not until 1981 was biometeorology taken up again at the Agricultural University, where the tradition of Schmidt and Sauberer now lives on in several courses within the area of applied biometeorology: Micro-and Topoclimatology, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology and Atmospheric Radiation. Biometeorology, being an experimental science, has also been influenced by new technological developments. The early period was exclusively observational. During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries mechanical and simple electric instruments were used with strip-chart recorders. These time consuming methods have now been replaced by electronic devices, including data loggers and portable computers along with many new electronic sensors, which provide additional insight into biometeorological problems. Since computers also make it possible to solve some of the complicated equations of biometeorology, the future of this science seems to be bright, not only in Austria but throughout the world.  相似文献   

计算机在昆虫分类中的新用途   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
计算机作为一种昆虫分类的工具 ,已广泛用于昆虫的数值分类和支序分类中。随着多媒体计算机以及计算机网络技术的迅速发展 ,它在昆虫分类中又有了新的用途。多媒体计算机的使用将使传统的形态分类产生质的飞跃 ,并能通过互联网核对模式标本和进行昆虫种类的共同鉴定 ,使传统分类充满新的活力。  相似文献   

社会性昆虫级型和行为分化机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张慧  刘倩  黄晓磊 《生物多样性》2021,29(4):507-4231
社会性的出现是生物演化过程中的重要革新, 理解社会性的演化和调控机制具有重要的理论和实际意义。社会性昆虫的个体间有着明显的级型分化和劳动分工, 这有利于它们适应复杂的环境变化。理解社会性昆虫如何产生不同的形态、行为和生活史特性, 一直是进化和发育生物学的重要目标。随着测序技术的不断更新及生物信息学的快速发展, 已经有众多关于社会性昆虫级型和行为分化机制的研究报道。本文通过整理社会性昆虫研究的已有成果, 从环境因素、生理调控和分子机制等方面对社会性昆虫级型和行为分化机制相关研究进展进行了综述, 并对未来的研究方向做出了展望。根据现有证据, 社会性昆虫所生活的生物环境(食物营养、信息素、表皮碳氢化合物)和非生物环境(温度、气候等)均能直接或间接影响社会性昆虫级型和行为的分化; 保幼激素、蜕皮激素、类胰岛素及生物胺等内分泌激素和神经激素对社会性昆虫的级型和行为分化也有重要的调控作用; 此外, 遗传因素、新基因等DNA序列或基因组结构上的变化以及表观遗传修饰、基因的差异表达等基因调控机制均能不同程度地影响社会性昆虫的行为分化。本文建议加强昆虫纲其他社会性类群如半翅目蚜虫和缨翅目蓟马等的社会性行为及其演化机制的研究, 以加深对社会性昆虫起源及其行为演化的理解和认识。  相似文献   

As the study of the human brain is complicated by its sheer scale, complexity, and impracticality of invasive experiments, neuroscience research has long relied on model organisms. The brains of macaque, mouse, zebrafish, fruit fly, nematode, and others have yielded many secrets that advanced our understanding of the human brain. Here, we propose that adding miniature insects to this collection would reduce the costs and accelerate brain research. The smallest insects occupy a special place among miniature animals: despite their body sizes, comparable to unicellular organisms, they retain complex brains that include thousands of neurons. Their brains possess the advantages of those in insects, such as neuronal identifiability and the connectome stereotypy, yet are smaller and hence easier to map and understand. Finally, the brains of miniature insects offer insights into the evolution of brain design.  相似文献   

Insects are associated with multiple microbes that have been reported to influence various aspects of their biology. Most studies in insects, including pest species, focus on the bacterial communities of the microbiome even though the microbiome consists of members of many more kingdoms, which can also have large influence on the life history of insects. In this review, we present some key examples of how the different members of the microbiome, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, archaea, and protozoa, affect the fitness and behavior of pest insects. Moreover, we argue that interactions within and among microbial groups are abundant and of great importance, necessitating the use of a community approach to study microbial–host interactions. We propose that the restricted focus on bacteria very likely hampers our understanding of the functioning and impact of the microbiome on the biology of pest insects. We close our review by highlighting a few open questions that can provide an in‐depth understanding of how other components of the microbiome, in addition to bacteria, might influence host performance, thus contributing to pest insect ecology.  相似文献   

Genomic insights into positive selection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The traditional way of identifying targets of adaptive evolution has been to study a few loci that one hypothesizes a priori to have been under selection. This approach is complicated because of the confounding effects that population demographic history and selection have on patterns of DNA sequence variation. In principle, multilocus analyses can facilitate robust inferences of selection at individual loci. The deluge of large-scale catalogs of genetic variation has stimulated many genome-wide scans for positive selection in several species. Here, we review some of the salient observations of these studies, identify important challenges ahead, consider the limitations of genome-wide scans for selection and discuss the potential significance of a comprehensive understanding of genomic patterns of selection for disease-related research.  相似文献   

Individuals within social groups often show consistent differences in behaviour across time and context. Such interindividual differences and the evolutionary challenge they present have recently generated considerable interest. Social insects provide some of the most familiar and spectacular examples of social groups with large interindividual differences. Investigating these within‐group differences has a long research tradition, and behavioural variability among the workers of a colony is increasingly regarded as fundamental for a key feature of social insects: division of labour. The goal of this review is to illustrate what we know about both the proximate mechanisms underlying behavioural variability among the workers of a colony and its ultimate consequences; and to highlight the many open questions in this research field. We begin by reviewing the literature on mechanisms that potentially introduce, maintain, and adjust the behavioural differentiation among workers. We highlight the fact that so far, most studies have focused on behavioural variability based on genetic variability, provided by e.g. multiple mating of the queen, while other mechanisms that may be responsible for the behavioural differentiation among workers have been largely neglected. These include maturational, nutritional and environmental influences. We further discuss how feedback provided by the social environment and learning and experience of adult workers provides potent and little‐explored sources of differentiation. In a second part, we address what is known about the potential benefits and costs of increased behavioural variability within the workers of a colony. We argue that all studies documenting a benefit of variability so far have done so by manipulating genetic variability, and that a direct test of the effect of behavioural variability on colony productivity has yet to be provided. We emphasize that the costs associated with interindividual variability have been largely overlooked, and that a better knowledge of the cost/benefit balance of behavioural variability is crucial for our understanding of the evolution of the mechanisms underlying the social organization of insect societies. We conclude by highlighting what we believe to be promising but little‐explored avenues for future research on how within‐colony variability has evolved and is maintained. We emphasize the need for comparative studies and point out that, so far, most studies on interindividual variability have focused on variability in individual response thresholds, while the significance of variability in other parameters of individual response, such as probability and intensity of the response, has been largely overlooked. We propose that these parameters have important consequences for the colony response. Much more research is needed to understand if and how interindividual variability is modulated in order to benefit division of labour, homeostasis and ultimately colony fitness in social insects.  相似文献   

Variation in learning and memory abilities among closely related species, or even among populations of the same species, has opened research into the relationship between cognition, ecological context and the fitness costs, and benefits of learning and memory. Such research programmes have long been dominated by vertebrate studies and by the assumption of a relationship between cognitive abilities, brain size and metabolic costs. Research on these 'large brained' organisms has provided important insights into the understanding of cognitive functions and their adaptive value. In the present review, we discuss some aspects of the fitness costs of learning and memory by focusing on 'mini-brain' studies. Research on learning and memory in insects has challenged some traditional positions and is pushing the boundaries of our understanding of the evolution of learning and memory.  相似文献   

Fungi and insects are closely associated in many terrestrial and some aquatic habitats. In addition to the pathogenic associations, many more interactions involve fungal spore dispersal. Recent advances in the study of insect-associated fungi have come from phylogenic analyses with increased taxon sampling and additional DNA loci. In addition to providing stable phylogenies, some molecular studies have begun to unravel problems of dating of evolutionary events, convergent evolution and host switching. These studies also enlighten our understanding of fungal ecology and the development of organismal interactions. Mycologists continue to rely heavily, however, on identified specimens based on morphology to incorporate more of the estimated 1.5 million species of fungi in phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

昆虫定向机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
高月波  翟保平 《昆虫知识》2010,47(6):1055-1065
许多昆虫具有定向运动的行为。对部分社会性昆虫和迁飞性昆虫定向行为的大量研究已经初步阐明太阳、地磁场、天体、风及地面标志物等都可能成为昆虫返巢和迁飞定向的线索。社会性昆虫具有对不同定向线索进行整合而实现精确导航的能力。日间迁飞性昆虫利用时间补偿太阳罗盘进行定向的机制亦已明确,但夜间迁飞昆虫的定向机制尚需深入研究。迁飞性害虫定向机制的明确将有助于判断害虫迁飞路径及降落区域,为迁飞害虫的准确预测提供科学依据。本文对昆虫的定向机制研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

The advent of simple and affordable tools for molecular identification of novel insect invaders and assessment of population diversity has changed the face of invasion biology in recent years. The widespread application of these tools has brought with it an emerging understanding that patterns in biogeography, introduction history and subsequent movement and spread of many invasive alien insects are far more complex than previously thought. We reviewed the literature and found that for a number of invasive insects, there is strong and growing evidence that multiple introductions, complex global movement, and population admixture in the invaded range are commonplace. Additionally, historical paradigms related to species and strain identities and origins of common invaders are in many cases being challenged. This has major consequences for our understanding of basic biology and ecology of invasive insects and impacts quarantine, management and biocontrol programs. In addition, we found that founder effects rarely limit fitness in invasive insects and may benefit populations (by purging harmful alleles or increasing additive genetic variance). Also, while phenotypic plasticity appears important post-establishment, genetic diversity in invasive insects is often higher than expected and increases over time via multiple introductions. Further, connectivity among disjunct regions of global invasive ranges is generally far higher than expected and is often asymmetric, with some populations contributing disproportionately to global spread. We argue that the role of connectivity in driving the ecology and evolution of introduced species with multiple invasive ranges has been historically underestimated and that such species are often best understood in a global context.  相似文献   

击倒抗性和钠离子通道   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综述了击倒抗性与钠离子通道关系的研究进展。毒理学和电生理学的研究表明,在许多拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂抗性昆虫中存在击倒抗性。分子遗传学研究进一步发现,击倒抗性与钠离子通道位点连锁。最近的研究表明,昆虫神经系统对拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂敏感性下降的击倒抗性机制是钠离子通道结构基因突变。但仍有一些问题,如突变的保守性和分布,需要进一步研究、阐明。  相似文献   

Life is a journey: a genetic look at neocortical development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although the basic principles of neocortical development have been known for quite some time, it is only recently that our understanding of the molecular mechanisms that are involved has improved. Such understanding has been facilitated by genetic approaches that have identified key proteins involved in neocortical development, which have been placed into signalling pathways by molecular and cell-biological studies. The challenge of current research is to understand the manner in which these various signalling pathways are interconnected to gain a more comprehensive picture of the molecular intricacies that govern neocortical development.  相似文献   

Computational fluid dynamics is a method for simulating fluid flows that has been widely used in engineering for decades, and which also has applications for studying function and ecology in fossil taxa. However, despite the possible benefits of this approach, computational fluid dynamics has been used only rarely in palaeontology to date. The theoretical basis underlying the technique is outlined and the main steps involved in carrying out computer simulations of fluid flows are detailed. I also describe previous studies that have applied the method to fossils and discuss their potential for informing future research directions in palaeontology. Computational fluid dynamics can enable large‐scale comparative analyses, as well as exacting tests of hypotheses related to the function and ecology of ancient organisms. In this way, it could transform our understanding of many extinct fossil groups.  相似文献   

The current state of knowledge regarding the effect of pesticides on insect immunity is reviewed here. A basic understanding of these interactions is needed for several reasons, including to improve methods for controlling pest insects in agricultural settings, for controlling insect vectors of human diseases, and for reducing mortality in beneficial insects. Bees are particularly vulnerable to sublethal pesticide exposures because they gather nectar and pollen, concentrating environmental toxins in their nests in the process. Pesticides do have effects on immunity. Organophosphates and some botanicals have been found to impact hemocyte number, differentiation, and thus affect phagocytosis. The phenoloxidase cascade and malanization have also been shown to be affected by several insecticides. Many synthetic insecticides increase oxidative stress, and this could have severe impacts on the production of some antimicrobial peptides in insects, but research is needed to determine the actual effects. Pesticides can also affect grooming behaviors, rendering insects more susceptible to disease. Despite laboratory data documenting pesticide/pathogen interactions, little field data is available at the population level.  相似文献   

The study of HIV dynamics is one of the most important developments in recent AIDS research. It greatly improves our understanding of the pathogenesis of HIV infection. Recently it has been proposed to use HIV dynamics to evaluate the efficacy of antiviral treatments. Currently a large number of AIDS clinical trials on HIV dynamics are in development worldwide. However, many design issues that arise from HIV dynamic studies have not been addressed. In this paper, we study these problems using intensive Monte Carlo simulations and analytic methods. We evaluate a finite number of feasible candidate designs, which are currently used and proposed in AIDS clinical trials from different perspectives. We compare the viral dynamic marker and classical viral load change markers in terms of power for identifying treatment difference, asymptotic relative efficiency, and sensitivity. Finally we propose some useful suggestions for practitioners based on our results.  相似文献   

Acta Biotheoretica - Radial growth has long been a subject of interest in tree biology research. Recent studies have brought a significant change in the understanding of some basic processes...  相似文献   

Japan is considered a global hot spot of biodiversity. With regard to species diversity, insects are no exception. To date, more than 32,000 insect species have been identified in Japan, while around 100,000 species of insects are estimated to inhabit this country. In this paper, we outline background factors having contributed to diversification of Japanese insects. Of course, the high degree of Japanese insect diversity is the result of many complex factors. In addition to the humid Asian monsoon climate and the extensive latitudinal gradient of habitats, the extremely complex geological history has contributed as an important factor to generate and maintain the high species diversity and endemism. In particular, the independent origins of northeastern and southwestern Japan from the Eurasian continent have greatly contributed to the diverse composition of Japanese insect fauna. To highlight the importance of this process, we introduce some case studies and previously published papers focusing on several insect groups with low dispersal ability. Those cases indicate that the geological history of Japan has played an important role in the differentiation of Japanese insect species. Besides such geological factors, climatic and ecological factors in combination have contributed to the formation of Japanese insect fauna in complicated ways and produced its particularly high degree of biodiversity. The knowledge compiled here will provide useful information for future studies aiming to understand more deeply the processes of speciation and faunal formation of Japanese insects.  相似文献   

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