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Samples of liquid mycoplasma cultures were mixed with equal part of a 0.01% solution of acridine orange and placed on agar plates. The number of fluorescing organisms per field was counted in an epifluorescence microscope at an X 1,000 magnification. When the number of fluorescing organisms per field was related to the number of colony-forming units per milliliter during the growth cycle, highly significant correlation was found in cultures with greater than or equal to 10(6) colony-forming units per ml during the exponential growth phase. The counts were weakly correlated during the stationary phase and not correlated during the death phase. This technique provides a mean to enumerate mycoplasmas in liquid cultures.  相似文献   

Enumeration of mycoplasmas after acridine orange staining.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Samples of liquid mycoplasma cultures were mixed with equal part of a 0.01% solution of acridine orange and placed on agar plates. The number of fluorescing organisms per field was counted in an epifluorescence microscope at an X 1,000 magnification. When the number of fluorescing organisms per field was related to the number of colony-forming units per milliliter during the growth cycle, highly significant correlation was found in cultures with greater than or equal to 10(6) colony-forming units per ml during the exponential growth phase. The counts were weakly correlated during the stationary phase and not correlated during the death phase. This technique provides a mean to enumerate mycoplasmas in liquid cultures.  相似文献   

Ehrlich cancer cells and inflammatory cells in mouse ascitic fluid were hydrolyzed and stained with acridine orange (AO). The AO hydrolysis curves for G1/G2 + M phase cancer cells and inflammatory cells were differentially determined using flow cytometry by monitoring the metachromatic red-shifted fluorescence of the fluorochrome bound to the single-stranded DNA produced by acid hydrolysis. By computer fitting of the Bateman function to the hydrolysis curves, the kinetic parameters k1 (rate constant for the production of single-stranded DNA), k2 (rate constant for the degradation of the produced single-stranded DNA), and y0 (theoretical value of the single-stranded DNA present initially) were determined. It was found that the k2 value, which reflects the degree of DNA instability, was much higher for cancer cells in both the G1 and G2 + M phases than for inflammatory cells. This finding led us to develop a method for the differential AO staining of cancer cells and non-cancerous cells utilizing the different degree of DNA instability at acid hydrolysis. AO staining after hydrolysis with 2N HCl at 30 degrees C for 8.5 min was found to be the optimal method. In the 60 cases of human malignant epithelial and nonepithelial tumors tested, all of the malignant tumor cells emitted metachromatic red fluorescence, while all of the nonmalignant tumor cells (5 cases of benign tumor) and normal cells emitted orthochromatic green fluorescence when observed with a violet excitation light under a fluorescence microscope. This new technique can be a useful tool for the screening of malignancy in exfoliative cytology and also for basic cancer research.  相似文献   

Summary Ehrlich cancer cells and inflammatory cells in mouse ascitic fluid were hydrolyzed and stained with acridine orange (AO). The AO hydrolysis curves for G1/G2+M phase cancer cells and inflammatory cells were differentially determined using flow cytometry by monitoring the metachromatic red-shifted fluorescence of the fluorochrome bound to the single-stranded DNA produced by acid hydrolysis. By computer fitting of the Bateman function to the hydrolysis curves, the kinetic parameters k 1 (rate constant for the degradation of the produced single-stranded DNA), and y 0 (theoretical value of the single-stranded DNA present initially) were determined. It was found that the k 2 value, which reflects the degree of DNA instability, was much higher for cancer cells in both the G1 and G2+M phases than for inflammatory cells. This finding led us to develop a method for the differential AO staining of cancer cells and non-cancerous cells utilizing the different degree of DNA instability at acid hydrolysis. AO staining after hydrolysis with 2N HCl at 30°C for 8.5 min was found to be the optimal method. In the 60 cases of human malignant epithelial and nonepithelial tumors tested, all of the malignant tumor cells emitted metachromatic red fluorescence, while all of the nonmalignant tumor cells (5 cases of benign tumor) and normal cells emitted orthochromatic green fluorescence when observed with a violet excitation light under a fluorescence microscope. This new technique can be a useful tool for the screening of malignancy in exfoliative cytology and also for basic cancer research.In honour of Prof. P. van Duijn  相似文献   

An electronmicroscopical mapping of a number of regions of the polytene chromosomes of Ch. thummi salivary glands (3rd chromosome, right arm of the 1st chromosome, centromere regions, puffs 1-A2e, 1-A3ij, III-A5c and others) was done by the method of oriented ultrastructural sections of the unsquashed polytene chromosomes. The banding pattern on the electron micrograph was similar to the observed with the light microscope. The difference was that some doublets appeared as single cavity-containing bands with the double structure only in short regions under the electron microscope. It was also difficult to distinguish single bands in those regions where heavy adjacent bands were connected by dens, protrusions and anastomoses. These connections were most pronounced in the regions of the centromerers which had "spongy" appearance on the electron micrographs. These pictures may be connected with small interbands between heavy bands. Thin bands and some broad bands were frequently dotted. The puffs examined contained mainly RNP granules 200-400 A in diameter and RNP fibrils; BR-1 and BR-2 contained granules 500 A, RNP fibrils and smaller granules (200-400 A). BR and puffs were characterized by loop-like structures composed of granules arranged along the central DNP fibril. Only fibrils were presented in small interbands (0.05 mk), while larger interbands could include a small number of granules similar to those observed in puffs. It was found that centromere, telomeres and some heavy bands formed characteristic contacts with the nuclear membrane.  相似文献   

The molecules of the fluorescent dye acridine orange (AO) bind to DNA in such a way that the absorption and emission dipoles lie on a plane perpendicular to the DNA axis. For this reason, definite fluorescence polarization should correspond to each mode of spatial DNA packing. A chromosome, considered as an axially symmetrical ensemble of DNA, was characterized by two experimental parameters, P and P , i.e., by polarizations of fluorescence excited by light polarized parallel and perpendicular to the symmetry axis. In view of the sequential order in the packing levels of DNA fiber in a chromosome, it was suggested that, under mechanical stretching, the highest level is disrupted first, then the others, in the order of their sequence.Isolated chromosomes of Chironomus thummi were stained with AO and stretched with needles of a micromanipulator. From the changes of P and P measured during stretching it was concluded the polytene chromosome bands have three, at least, DNA packing levels, tentatively described as 100 å fiber, 250 å coil and chromomere.  相似文献   

The method of ultrathin sections of unsquashed salivary gland polytene chromosomes of Ch. thummi was applied to their ultrastructural mapping. There was a good agreement between electron micrographs and Hägele's light microscopic map (1970) with respect to the pattern and number of bands. 94% of bands were identified in larval and prepupal chromosomes. In Ch. thummi, band thickness varied from 0.05–0.5 m. Most characteristic were 0.2–0.3 m bands. Morphologically, bands were classified as: continuous (frequently with holes and gaps), discrete, dotted and continuous-discrete, discrete-dotted.Band morphology is related to band size, such that smaller bands, as a rule, were also dotted. Bands beginning to puff likewise became dotted. Interbands in unsquashed chromosome sections were from 0.05–0.15 m. The smallest interbands contained only fibrils, in the larger interbands few granules could be observed. This makes interbands distinguishable from a typical puff with many such granules.  相似文献   

A novel phenomenon of unusual selective acridine orange (AO) staining of pericentromeric heterochromatin regions (HRs) in chromosomal preparations from tissue with known spontaneous mitotic activity (chorionic villi, placenta, embryonic tissues, bone marrow, and testes), as well as embryonic stem cells, is described. Staining with 0.01% AO in a citric-phosphate (pH 5.5) or sodium phosphate (pH 7.0) buffer solution allows the HRs of human chromosomes (1q12, 9q12, 13p11.2, 14p11.2, 15p11.2, 16q11.2, 21p11.2, 22p11.2, and Yq12) and pericentromeric HRs of mouse chromosomes to be reliably detected by the red fluorescence of AO. This method of AO staining does not require any pretreatment. Explanations for metachromatic AO staining of polymorphic pericentromeric HRs in chromosomes of spontaneously dividing cells are suggested. A high reproducibility of the specific AO staining makes it possible to suggest its using as a reliable quick method for detection of polymorphic HRs of human chromosomes in cytogenetic prenatal diagnosis and oncohematology.  相似文献   

Metaphase chromosomes stained with acridine orange exhibit uniform yellow-green fluorescence. Chromosome preparations treated with the non-fluorescent A-T specific antibiotic distamycin A prior to acridine orange staining exhibit longitudinal fluorescent banding patterns similar to those produced by a number of fluorescent R-band techniques. Similarly, chromosome preparations treated with the non-fluorescent G-C specific antibiotic actinomycin D followed by acridine orange staining exhibit Hoechst-type banding patterns. Interactions of various ligand-DNA combinations in solution indicate that the base pair specific antibiotics induce banding patterns by selectively altering acridine orange binding sites in chromosomal regions rich in the particular base pair for which the antibiotic exhibits specificity.  相似文献   

Differentiation of preferentially staining heterochromatic segments was achieved in somatic chromosomes of five monocotyledoneous species, when acetic-ethanol fixed meristems were subjected to 0.1 or 0.2 N HCl at temperatures between 60° and 80 °C, and stained with aceto-carmine. Suitable incubation time was temperature dependent and afforded 30 to 5 minutes. Several variations of the procedure were tested. The following plants were investigated:Allium cepa, A. flavum, A. carinatum, Scilla Sibirica, Fritillaria meleagris. InAllium carinatum besides heavily staining bands there appearently exist also bands even more labile against the HCl-treatment than euchromatin. The banding patterns do not reveal in all the species mentioned the total heterochromatin present in the form of chromocenters in the interphase nuclei, and do not always coincide with preferentially Giemsastaining segments as found by previous authors. The technique presented here and its variations seem to be a valuable and simple instrument for recognition and discrimination of heterochromatin. With the aid of these methods a high degree of structural heterozygosity was stated inAllium carinatum, A. flavum, andScilla sibirica. For the resp. heavily and weakly staining bands the abbreviations Hy+bands and Hy–bands are suggested.  相似文献   

R S Verma  H A Lubs 《Humangenetik》1975,30(3):225-235
Twenty-five normal subjects were studied by acridine orange reverse (RFA) banding in order to obtain a preliminary estimate of the type and frequency of variations in color and length. Color variations were classified into 1 of 6 colors and size variations into 1 of 5 levels. The same cells were also studied by Q banding. Acridine orange reverse banding was found to be more useful than Q banding for characterizing variations in chromosomes 14, 15, 21 and 22. In addition, it was found that there was no consistent relationship between pale or bright Q banding and the various colors observed with RFA banding. For the optimal characterization of a chromosomal variation, multiple banding technics, including RFA banding, are necessary.  相似文献   

A novel phenomenon of unusual selective acridine orange (AO) staining ofpericentromeric heterochromatin regions (HRs) in chromosomal preparations from tissue with known spontaneous mitotic activity (chorionic villi, placenta, embryonic tissues, bone marrow, and testes), as well as embryonic stem cells, is described. Staining with 0.01% AO in a citric-phosphate (pH 5.5) or sodium phosphate (pH 7.0) buffer solution allows the HRs of human chromosomes (1q12, 9q12, 13p11.2, 14p11.2, 15p11.2, 16q11.2, 21p11.2, 22p11.2, and Yq12) and pericentromeric HRs of mouse chromosomes to be reliably detected by the red fluorescence of AO. This method of AO staining does not require any pretreatment. Explanations for metachromatic AO staining of polymorphic pericentromeric HRs in chromosomes of spontaneously dividing cells are suggested. A high reproducibility of the specific AO staining makes it possible to suggest its use as a reliable quick method for detection of polymorphic HRs of human chromosomes in cytogenetic prenatal diagnosis and oncohematology.  相似文献   

Differential staining of plant chromosomes with Giemsa   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Simple Giemsa staining techniques for revealing banding patterns in somatic chromosomes of plants are described. The value of the methods in the recognition of heterochromatin was demonstrated using five monocotyledonous and two dicotyledonous species. In Trillium grandiflorum the stronger Giemsa stained chromosome segments were shown to be identical with the heterochromatic regions (H-segments) revealed by cold treatment. Preferential staining of H-segments was also observed in chromosomes from three species of Fritillaria and in Scilla sibirica. Under suitable conditions the chromosomes of Vicia faba displayed a characteristic banding pattern and the bands were identified as heterochromatin. The Giemsa techniques proved to be more sensitive than Quinacrine fluorescence in revealing a longitudinal differentiation of the chromosomes of Crepis capillaris, where plants with and without B-chromosomes were examined. Again all chromosome types had their characteristic bands but there was no difference in Giemsa staining properties between the B-chromosomes and those of the standard complement.  相似文献   

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