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In this study, we describe the partial genomic organization of ribosomal protein S7 gene isolated from the mosquito Anopheles stephensi. Initially a 558 bp partial cDNA sequence was amplified as precursor mRNA sequence containing 223 bp long intron. 5' and 3' end sequences were recovered using end specific rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) polymerase chain reaction. The full-length cDNA sequence was 914 nucleotide long with an open reading frame capable of encoding 192 amino acid long protein with calculated molecular mass of 22174 Da and a pI point of 9.94. Protein homology search revealed 〉75% identity to other insect's S7 ribosomal proteins. Analysis of sequence alignment revealed several highly conserved domains, one of which is related to nuclear localization signal (NLS) region of human rpS7. Interestingly, intron nucleotide sequence comparison with A. gambiae showed a lesser degree of conservation as compared to coding and untranslated regions. Like this, early studies on the genomic organization and cDNA/ Expressed sequence tag analysis (EST) could help in genome annotation ofA. stephensi, and would be likely to be sequenced in the future.  相似文献   

Sporogonic development of Plasmodium berghei berghei is frequently ectopic, occurring deep within the tissue of the midgut with oocysts expelling sporozoites into its lumen. Inocula containing oocysts and sporozoites defecated with blood during the mosquito blood meal produced infections when introduced into mice. The fine structures and pellicle of luminal parasites appeared normal in all respects.  相似文献   

During its life cycle the malarial parasite Plasmodium forms three invasive stages which have to invade different and specific cells for replication to ensue. Invasion is vital to parasite survival and consequently proteins responsible for invasion are considered to be candidate vaccine/drug targets. Plasmodium perforin-like proteins (PPLPs) have been implicated in invasion because they contain a predicted pore-forming domain. Ookinetes express three PPLPs, and one of them (PPLP3) has previously been shown to be essential for mosquito midgut invasion. In this study we show through phenotypic analysis of loss-of-function mutants that PPLP5 is equally essential for mosquito infection. Deltapplp5 ookinetes cannot invade midgut epithelial cells, but subsequent parasite development is rescued if the midgut is bypassed by injection of ookinetes into the hemocoel. The indistinguishable phenotypes of Deltapplp5 and Deltapplp3 ookinetes strongly suggest that these two proteins contribute to a common process.  相似文献   

陈杨  凌尔军 《昆虫学报》2010,53(2):131-138
天生免疫系统是昆虫抵御外界病原入侵的主要方式。目前研究发现, Imd信号通路与按蚊感染柏氏疟原虫Plasmodium berghei的强度密切相关, 而PGRP-LC1是Imd信号通路最上游的受体之一。为了研究斯氏按蚊Anopheles stephensi肽聚糖识别蛋白PGRP-LC1, 采用RT-PCR并结合RACE技术克隆斯氏按蚊PGRP-LC1基因, 通过序列比较分析, 得到两条cDNA序列, 其开放阅读框分别为1 365 bp和1 290 bp, 3′非编码区为320 bp, 5′非编码区为240 bp。将两条cDNA分别命名为AsPGRP-LC1a(GenBank注册号 GU214232)和AsPGRP-LC1b(GenBank注册号GU214233)。AsPGRP-LC1a编码454个氨基酸, 分子量约为49.07 kDa;AsPGRP-LC1b编码429个氨基酸, 分子量约为46.3 kDa。AsPGRP-LC1b比AsPGRP-LC1a少一个长度为75 bp的外显子, 该外显子在冈比亚按蚊Anopheles gambiae PGRP-LC1基因的某些可变剪切形式中也有发现。分别将两个斯氏按蚊PGRP-LC1基因在冈比亚按蚊细胞系L3-5和斯氏按蚊细胞系MSQ43中过量表达, 通过双荧光素酶检测系统检测抗菌肽的表达情况, 结果显示克隆得到的PGRP-LC1基因在两种细胞系中均能够启动Imd信号通路, 为进一步研究斯氏按蚊的Imd信号通路提供了依据。  相似文献   

The subcellular localization of Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite protein and thrombospondin-related adhesive protein (PbCTRP) in the invasive stage ookinete of P. berghei was studied in the midgut of Anopheles stephensi by immuno-electron microscopic observations using polyclonal antibodies and immuno-gold labeling. PbCTRP was found to be associated with the micronemes of a mature ookinete throughout the movement from the endoperitrophic space to the basal lamina of the midgut epithelium. PbCTRP was also observed in the electron-dense area outside the ookinete, which might have been secreted from the apical pore. PbCTRP is found most abundantly at the site of contact between the apical end of an ookinete and the basal lamina of an epithelial cell. These results suggest that PbCTRP functions as an adhesion molecule for ookinete movement into the midgut lumen and epithelial cell and for ookinete association with the midgut basal lamina and transformation into an oocyst.  相似文献   

We have used confocal microscopy and an antibody against Anopheles gambiae beta integrin to study this protein's distribution in the mosquito midgut and its relationship to invading Plasmodium berghei parasites. An extensive reorganization of integrin is seen to take place in the midgut epithelial cells following the uptake of either non-infected or parasite-infected blood meal, probably reflecting the reshaping of the gut due to the presence of the food bolus and the peritrophic membrane that surrounds it. Furthermore, malaria parasites are coated with beta integrin immediately upon entry into the epithelium, independent of whether they develop intra- or extracellularly. Although this coat is shed a few days after the invasion, beta integrin remains concentrated in the cells surrounding the maturing oocyst for several days. Finally, the antibody detects a structural change in the midgut epithelial cells in the immediate vicinity of the invading ookinete, which is consistent with Plasmodium-induced apoptosis followed by wound healing. This intimate association suggests a specific role of beta integrin in the invasion process.  相似文献   

Two dietary resources - blood and sugar - were assessed for effects on the melanization immune response of the mosquito Anopheles stephensi Liston (Diptera: Culicidae) towards inoculated Sephadex beads (negatively charged C-25). This melanization is conferred by genetic factors capable of making the mosquito refractory to malaria parasites. If An. stephensi females had obtained a bloodmeal one day before inoculation with a bead, the efficacy of their immune response increased with the concentration of sugar ingested. At the highest sugar concentration (6%) tested, 38% of the mosquitoes completely melanized their bead, whereas at the lowest sugar concentration (2%), none of the mosquitoes were able to melanize their bead completely. Among mosquitoes not having a bloodmeal, the immuno-competence was low (c. 9% of the mosquitoes completely melanized their bead) and independent of sugar concentration. The observed interaction between these two resources indicates that both resources are required for the Anopheles female to develop an effective melanization immune response.  相似文献   

Chemosensory proteins (CSPs) are identifiable by four spatially conserved Cys-teine residues in their primary structure or by two disulfide bridges in their tertiary structure according to the previously identified olfactory specific-D related proteins. A genomics- and bioinformatics-based approach is taken in the present study to identify the putative CSPs in the malaria-carrying mosquito, Anopheles  相似文献   

A sensitive ELISA was developed to monitor the persistence of a specific antibody, rabbit anti-BSA, in the bloodmeal, haemolymph and tissues of the mosquito Anopheles stephensi Liston. Different concentrations of anti-BSA were fed to female mosquitoes in sheep blood, via a membrane-feeder, and it was found that antibody persisted in the gut as the bloodmeal was digested: concentrations present at 24 h were directly related to those fed. Homogenates of mosquito bodies, from which the intact guts had been removed, were always antibody-positive up to 9 days post-feeding, indicating that undigested antibody had passed through the gut wall into the haemocoele. Haemolymph was extracted from mosquitoes at different times post-feeding, using a microcapillary and manipulator, and antibody was detected in several of the assays. The level of antibodies in the haemolymph 24 h post-feeding was less than half of the level in mosquito heads, indicating removal of antibodies from the haemolymph, perhaps by binding onto haemocoelic tissues. The relevance of these results to the ingestion, survival and fate of antibody against malaria sporozoites is discussed.  相似文献   

Knowledge of parasite-mosquito interactions is essential to develop strategies that will reduce malaria transmission through the mosquito vector. In this study we investigated the development of two model malaria parasites, Plasmodium berghei and Plasmodium gallinaceum, in three mosquito species Anopheles stephensi, Anopheles gambiae and Aedes aegypti. New methods to study gamete production in vivo in combination with GFP-expressing ookinetes were employed to measure the large losses incurred by the parasites during infection of mosquitoes. All three mosquito species transmitted P. gallinaceum; P. berghei was only transmitted by Anopheles spp. Plasmodium gallinaceum initiates gamete production with high efficiency equally in the three mosquito species. By contrast P. berghei is less efficiently activated to produce gametes, and in Ae. aegypti microgamete formation is almost totally suppressed. In all parasite/vector combinations ookinete development is inefficient, 500-100,000-fold losses were encountered. Losses during ookinete-to-oocyst transformation range from fivefold in compatible vector parasite combinations (P. berghei/An. stephensi), through >100-fold in poor vector/parasite combinations (P. gallinaceum/An. stephensi), to complete blockade (>1,500 fold) in others (P. berghei/Ae. aegypti). Plasmodium berghei ookinetes survive poorly in the bloodmeal of Ae. aegypti and are unable to invade the midgut epithelium. Cultured mature ookinetes of P. berghei injected directly into the mosquito haemocoele produced salivary gland sporozoites in An. stephensi, but not in Ae. aegypti, suggesting that further species-specific incompatibilities occur downstream of the midgut epithelium in Ae. aegypti. These results show that in these parasite-mosquito combinations the susceptibility to malarial infection is regulated at multiple steps during the development of the parasites. Understanding these at the molecular level may contribute to the development of rational strategies to reduce the vector competence of malarial vectors.  相似文献   

Members of the peptidoglycan recognition protein (PGRP) family play essential roles in different manifestations of immune responses in insects. PGRP-LC, one of seven members of this family in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae produced several spliced variants. Here we show that PGRP-LC, and not other members of the PGRP family nor the six members of the Gram-negative binding protein families, is required for the expression of antimicrobial peptide genes (such as CEC1 and GAM1) under the control of the Imd-Rel2 pathway in an A. gambiae cell line, 4a3A. PGRP-LC produces many splice variants that can be classified into three sub-groups (LC1, LC2 and LC3), based on the carboxyl terminal sequences. RNA interference against one LC1 sub-group resulted in dramatic reduction of CEC1 and GAM1. Over-expression of LCla and to a lesser extent LC3a (a member of the LC1 and LC3 sub-group, respectively) in the 4a3A cell line enhances the expression of CEC1 and GAM1. These results demonstrate that the LC1-subgroup splice variants are essential for the expression of CEC1 and GAM1 in A. gambiae cell line.  相似文献   

Anopheles atroparvus (Diptera: Culicidae) is one of the main malaria vectors of the Maculipennis group in Europe. Cytogenetic analysis based on salivary gland chromosomes has been used in taxonomic and population genetic studies of mosquitoes from this group. However, a high‐resolution cytogenetic map that could be used in physical genome mapping in An. atroparvus is still lacking. In the present study, a high‐quality photomap of the polytene chromosomes from ovarian nurse cells of An. atroparvus was developed. Using fluorescent in situ hybridization, 10 genes from the five largest genomic supercontigs on the polytene chromosome were localized and 28% of the genome was anchored to the cytogenetic map. The study established chromosome arm homology between An. atroparvus and the major African malaria vector Anopheles gambiae, suggesting a whole‐arm translocation between autosomes of these two species. The standard photomap constructed for ovarian nurse cell chromosomes of An. atroparvus will be useful for routine physical mapping. This map will assist in the development of a fine‐scale chromosome‐based genome assembly for this species and will also facilitate comparative and evolutionary genomics studies in the genus Anopheles.  相似文献   

Malaria remains the most serious vector-borne disease, affecting some 300-500 million people annually, transmitted by many species of Anopheles mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). Monoclonal antibodies developed against specific circumsporozoite (CS) proteins of the main malaria parasites Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax have been used previously for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), widely employed for detection of malaria sporozoites in vector Anopheles for local risk assessment, epidemiological studies and targeting vector control. However, ELISA procedures are relatively slow and impractical for field use. To circumvent this, we developed rapid wicking assays that identify the presence or absence of specific peptide epitopes of CS protein of the most important P. falciparum and two strains (variants 210 and 247) of the more widespread P. vivax. The resulting assay is a rapid, one-step procedure using a 'dipstick' wicking test strip. In laboratory assessment, dipsticks identified 1 ng/ mL of any of these three CS protein antigens, with sensitivity nearly equal to the CS standard ELISA. We have developed and are evaluating a combined panel assay that will be both qualitative and quantitative. This quick and easy dipstick test (VecTest Malaria) offers practical advantages for field workers needing to make rapid surveys of malaria vectors.  相似文献   

Mice were protected against challenge with infective Sporozoites following immunization with X-ray irradiated Sporozoites. The immunity lasted at least 8 weeks. Mice immune against sporozoite challenge remained fully susceptible to challenge with erythrocytic stages. Immunization of mice with extracts of mosquito thorax failed to protect them, indicating that mosquito antigens were not directly responsible for the immunity observed in the basic experiments.  相似文献   

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  • •A predictive modelling framework has been established to analyze IgG antibody responses against a large panel of P. falciparum-specific antigens to identify a specific antigen signature of NAI.
  • •An individual's immune status can be accurately predicted by measuring IgG responses against a small set of 15 defined parasite antigens.
  • •Proteins identified in the 15-antigen signature represent potential candidates for next-generation malaria vaccines or biomarkers for monitoring the impact of malaria interventions.
  • •The developed predictive framework can be adapted for developing novel surveillance and intervention tools for other infectious diseases.

Population dynamics of the Anopheles gambiae complex of malaria vector mosquitoes were studied in four small hamlets in The Gambia. Bednets were used to reduce man/vector contact in two of the hamlets. High densities of An. gambiae, sensu lato, were present for only 3-8 weeks during the rainy season, depending on the position of the hamlet within the study area. The proportions of blood-fed mosquitoes caught indoors (83.0%) and existing from houses (11.6%) were lower in hamlets where bednets were used than in hamlets without (96.5% and 33.1% respectively). Fewer of the blood-fed mosquitoes had fed on man in houses where people slept under bednets (68.2%) than in those without (81.5%). However, the average number of infective bites received by children was still greater than one a year in hamlets where bednets were used. Consequently bednets are considered unlikely to be an effective malaria control measure so long as they are untreated with insecticide.  相似文献   

Apical membrane antigen 1 of the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum (Pf AMA1) is a merozoite antigen that is considered a strong candidate for inclusion in a malaria vaccine. Antibodies reacting with disulphide bond-dependent epitopes in AMA1 block invasion of host erythrocytes by P.falciparum merozoites, and we show here that epitopes involving sites of mutations in domain III are targets of inhibitory human antibodies. The solution structure of AMA1 domain III, a 14kDa protein, has been determined using NMR spectroscopy on uniformly 15N and 13C/15N-labelled samples. The structure has a well-defined disulphide-stabilised core region separated by a disordered loop, and both the N and C-terminal regions of the molecule are unstructured. Within the disulphide-stabilised core, residues 443-447 form a turn of helix and residues 495-498 and 503-506 an anti-parallel beta-sheet with a distorted type I beta-turn centred on residues 500-501, producing a beta-hairpin-type structure. The structured region of the molecule includes all three disulphide bonds. The previously unassigned connectivities for two of these bonds could not be established with certainty from the NMR data and structure calculations, but were determined to be C490-C507 and C492-C509 from an antigenic analysis of mutated forms of this domain expressed using phage display. Naturally occurring mutations in domain III that are located far apart in the primary sequence tend to cluster in the region of the disulphide core in the three-dimensional structure of the molecule. The structure shows that nearly all the polymorphic sites have a high level of solvent accessibility, consistent with their location in epitopes recognised by protective antibodies. Even though domain III in solution contains significant regions of disorder in the structure, the disulphide-stabilised core that is structured is clearly an important element of the antigenic surface of AMA1 recognised by protective antibodies.  相似文献   

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