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在钝顶螺旋藻(Spirulina platensis)和极大螺旋藻(Spirulina maximum)接种的第5天至第10天添加不同浓度的亚碲酸钠,研究Te(Ⅳ)胁迫对两种螺旋藻的生长、抗氧化活性系统和脂质过氧化作用的影响。结果表明,通过调节添加碲的时间,可以有效地调节碲胁迫强度,随着加碲时间依次后移,碲胁迫强度逐渐减小,螺旋藻的最终生物量递增。碲对螺旋藻的生物效应与碲胁迫强度有关,也与添加碲时藻所处的生长期有关。实验组Ⅲ(分别在第7、8、第9天三天添加碲)的碲胁迫强度并不是最低的,两种螺旋藻的最终生物量也不是最大,但MDA的含量却是最低的,表明该实验组的生长状态是最佳的。各种抗氧化酶(SOD、GPX、CAT、APX和POD)的活性变化情况较复杂。其中,在碲胁迫下,GPX的活性显著提高。    相似文献   

以钝顶螺旋藻(Spirulina platensis)为实验对象,用H2O2构建氧化损伤模型,研究不同浓度硒对H2O2胁迫钝顶螺旋藻的生长、干重、水溶性蛋白、光合色素、抗氧化酶(SOD、POD、APX、CAT和GSH-PX)及丙二醛(MDA)含量的影响,探讨硒作为过氧化保护剂的可能性及其机制.结果显示:(1)在 0.25~2.5 mmol/L H2O2胁迫下,钝顶螺旋藻的藻密度、干重均显著降低,藻丝出现明显的断裂、破碎,藻体中MDA含量呈剂量性增加.(2)预添加一定浓度(2~1 000 μmol/L)的Na2SeO3可显著抑制1 mmol/L H2O2胁迫下的钝顶螺旋藻藻密度和干重的降低趋势,改善藻丝的断裂受损,诱导藻体中SOD、POD、APX、CAT和GSH-PX抗氧化酶系活性的提高,同时显著增加水溶性蛋白的含量,缓解脂溶性色素的降解,降低MDA的积累和羟自由基的相对含量,拮抗H2O2诱导的氧化损伤.研究表明,硒的预处理可以有效提高钝顶螺旋藻的抗氧化能力,对氧化胁迫引起的生理伤害起到明显的缓解作用,以达到较理想的保护效果.  相似文献   

钝顶螺旋藻富硒培养条件的优化   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
硒是人和动物必需的微量元素 ,补硒可以防治多种疾病。有机硒具有低毒、高生物利用度的优点 ,目前主要寄希望于生物转化的途径来获得有机硒[1 ] 。植物对硒的生物有机化作用已有综述[2 ] ,并开发有富硒酵母[3 ] 、富硒菇类[4] 、富硒大蒜、富硒黄芪、富硒西洋参、富硒麦芽、富硒茶以及富硒鸡蛋、富硒牛奶等[5] 。螺旋藻是一种很有开发利用前景的藻类 ,但其含硒量极微 ,实验报道富硒螺旋藻对60 Co γ射线胸部照射大鼠诱发肺炎和早期肺、肝纤维增生有防治作用[6] 。在培养液中添加亚硒酸钠可以实现藻类对硒的富集和转化 ,而且螺旋藻对无机硒…  相似文献   

两种螺旋藻在不同生长阶段的硒胁迫和生物有机化效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在极大螺旋藻(S.maxima)和钝顶螺旋藻(S.platensis)不同生长阶段进行硒胁迫处理,分别从接种后第1d至第5d开始添加硒,并不断增加硒含量,至第7d使硒的累计添加量为1000mg·L-1,形成5种不同硒胁迫(硒胁迫Ⅰ~Ⅴ),观察各种硒胁迫下螺旋藻的生物量及对无机硒的生物有机化的影响。结果表明:硒胁迫Ⅰ~Ⅳ对两种螺旋藻的生长影响不明显,而硒胁迫Ⅴ对螺旋藻生长有明显促进作用;藻体含硒总量和螺旋藻对无机硒的有机化率按硒胁迫Ⅰ~Ⅴ依次增加。首次提出硒胁迫强度概念,并用此较好地解释了有关实验结果。  相似文献   

富硒螺旋藻培养技术研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
采用富硒技术对印项螺旋藻培养进行强化,对硒(IV)浓度和亚硫酸盐的影响,以及硒的生物富集及其对藻细胞分子官能团结构的影响等进行了较为详细的研究,并对相关的可能机理进行了讨论。研究发现,硒对印顶螺旋藻生长具有刺激或抑制的双重作用。在0.02mg/L-411.00mg/L浓度范围内,硒不仅可以加快印顶螺旋藻的生长,而且还可以提高其生物量;同时,钝顶螺旋藻对硒的事集随着硒浓度的增加而增加,较为缓慢的生长利于钝顶螺旋藻对硒的富集。研究还证实,NaSO3会减轻高浓度Na2SeO3对印顶螺旋藻生长的毒性,富硒培养不会对藻细胞分子官能团结构产生损害。实验得出钝顶螺旋藻富硒培养较佳的硒处理浓度在10mg/L-40mg/L。  相似文献   

钝顶螺旋藻是一种丝状多细胞蓝藻。经透射电源观察证实,细胞的核区无核膜,核仁,细胞质内无线粒体、叶绿体、高尔基体等细胞器分化。  相似文献   

特定红外辐射对钝顶螺旋藻生长的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

将钝顶螺旋藻培养在含有不同NaCl浓度(0、0.4、0.8mol·L^-1)的培养基中,并置于室外全波段太阳辐射、阳光辐射滤除uvB以及光合有效辐射(PAR)三种辐射条件下,以探讨阳光uV辐射和盐胁迫对钝顶螺旋藻的耦合效应。结果表明,阳光uv辐射显著抑制钝顶螺旋藻的光化学效率,且随着盐浓度的提高,其受抑制程度加剧。D1蛋白含量在高水平PAR和uV辐射下都明显降低,而高盐浓度(0.8mol·L^-1NaCl)导致其含量进一步下降。此外,阳光uv辐射与盐胁迫的耦合作用使得藻丝发生明显断裂。  相似文献   

钝顶螺旋藻富集转化硒及硒在藻体中的分布   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:30  
钝顶螺旋藻在4℃、避光、隔离空气条件下,对硒的吸附量死体显著高于活体。藻体对硒的最大富集量为627.4μg.g^-1(DW),培养基中硒浓度在300μg.ml^-1以下时有机硒转化率大于80%。藻体中的硒主要分布在水溶性组化率大于80%。藻体中的硒主要分布在水溶性组分中,占总硒的65%以上,蛋白质硒占有机硒的71.9%,多糖、核酸也有一定量硒分布。  相似文献   

研究了不同碳酸盐碱度浓度条件下,钝顶螺旋藻OD560值、藻液pH值及碳酸盐碱度的变化。结果显示:培养4d后,4mg/L和8mg/L组生长缓慢且呈现下降趋势,OD560值均低于对照组,具有极显著差异(P<0.01),16mg/L和32mg/L组与对照组相比,无显著差异,而64mg/L组具有显著差异(P<0.05)。第6~12d,4mg/L、8mg/L组和16mg/LOD560值均低于对照组,具有极显著差异(P<0.01),32mg/L组无显著差异,而64mg/L组在6~8d,具有显著差异(P<0.05),且在第10~12d,与其它实验组和对照组相比,表现出极显著差异性(P<0.01)。NaHCO3与Na2CO3组成的缓冲体系,其pH值调节功能优于单一使用NaHCO3的对照组。在充气状态下,实验期间各组的碱度始终保持动态平衡。  相似文献   

富硒螺旋藻中硒别藻蓝蛋白的纯化及其特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从富硒螺旋藻(Se richSpirulina platensis,Se-SP)中分离纯化高纯度的含硒别藻蓝蛋白(Se-containingallophycocyanin,Se-APC)并观察其生化特性。羟基磷灰石和DEAE-52柱层析方法结合制备电泳技术纯化Se-APC;光谱扫描、Native-PAGE、SDS-PAGE和IEF方法鉴定Se-APC生化特性;2,3-DAN荧光光度法检测蛋白质中Se含量。结果发现3种高纯度Se-APC的光谱特征分别与APCI、APCII、APCIII吻合;电泳鉴定它们可能都是(αβ)3,α、β亚基分别为18.3和15.7 kDa,其pI值分别为:4.76、4.85和5.02;3种Se-APC中Se含量分别为316、273和408μg/g,Se-APC经0.5mol/L NaSCN解聚和β-巯基乙醇变性处理后,蛋白质中Se含量依次减低并趋于稳定。结果提示Se-SP中APC可结合Se,APC中Se含量与其分子聚态有关,亚基中含Se量稳定,可能是以共价键方式结合,Se-APC生物活性及硒在蛋白质中的结合位点值得深入研究。  相似文献   

螺旋藻对于环境的变化有很强的适应性.以钝顶螺旋藻为实验材料,测定螺旋藻在受到较强光照胁迫时藻体的电导率以及脯氨酸、丙二醛和过氧化氢酶系的含量.在3000 lx光照下,螺旋藻6个藻株的电导率以及脯氨酸、丙二醛和过氧化氢酶系的含量比在1000 lx光照下明显升高,螺旋藻的电导率最高上升了2~6倍;细胞内的脯氨酸含量最多增加5倍,最少增加13%;丙二醛的含量增加40%~100%;过氧化氢酶的含量上升范围在19%~80%,过氧化物酶的含量上升范围在20%~100%.说明螺旋藻在受到光胁迫时自身会启动相关保护机制,产生一定的抗逆性,以适应环境的变化.  相似文献   

钝顶螺旋藻突变株FBL细胞超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用透射电镜技术观察钝顶螺旋藻出发株和突变株FBL的细胞超微结构。观察结果表明L出发株和突变株均为多细胞丝状体,细胞间横隔膜清晰,细胞壁均由四层结构组成,细胞质膜内陷形成类囊体,类囊体由双层膜堆积而成,膜上附着藻胆体,类囊体与细胞壁呈垂直方向排列,细胞质内包含有充气液泡等细胞器。与出发株相比,突变株细胞壁表面较光滑,四层结构电子密度较深;类囊体膜增多、变发达;羧化体数量增多;横隔膜收缢明显。  相似文献   

Selenium accumulation and the growth of cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis (Nordst.) Geitl. were studied in a culture with sodium selenite-supplemented nutritional medium. Selenite concentrations below 20 mg/l did not inhibit the growth of S. platensis. The addition of 30 mg/l of this salt somewhat decreased the growth rate during the linear growth phase, induced the earlier suspension transition to the steady-state phase, and substantially lowered the highest optical density of the suspension. However, even at 170 mg/l Na2SeO3, the culture still demonstrated a capacity for growth. The content of selenium in the cells depended directly on its concentration in the medium, up to the lethal level. At high selenium concentrations (100–170 mg/l), S. platensis reduced Se(IV) up to Se(0). The latter was secreted onto the cell surface and into the cultural medium. The high concentrations of Na2SeO3 acidified the cytoplasmic pH as was measured by 31P-NMR spectroscopy. At the same time, the content of protein on a dry weight basis decreased and that of carbohydrates and lipids somewhat increased, just as was observed in S. platensis cells under other stress factors. In the presence of 20 mg/l Na2SeO3, the selenium content in the biomass increased by 20000 times as compared to that in the control cells, whereas the biochemical composition of biomass did not change. In this case, the selenium was incorporated almost completely in the protein fraction. The selenium concentration in this fraction increased more significantly when the sulfur content was lowered in the medium.  相似文献   

平板式光生物反应器培养液混合强度对螺旋藻生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨平板式光生物反应器内培养液混合对螺旋藻生长的影响规律。方法:在平板式光生物反应器中进行钝顶螺旋藻(Spirulina platensis)户内和户外培养,通过改变通入反应器内气体的流量来控制培养液的混合强度,测定藻细胞的面积产量和叶绿素含量。结果:在一定的混合强度范围内,藻细胞的面积产量随着混合强度的增加而增加;室内培养时,混合强度的改变不会影响藻细胞的光合反应特性,户外高密度培养时,培养液混合强度的改变会造成藻细胞光合反应特性的变化。结论:强化培养液的混合可以提高螺旋藻产量。  相似文献   

Dry biomass of Spirulina platensis re-hydrated for 48 h was employed as a biosorbent in tests of cadmium(II) removal from water. Various concentrations of biomass (from 1 to 4 g l−1) and metal (from 100 to 800 mg l−1) were tested. Low biomass levels (Xo  2 g l−1) ensured metal removal up to 98% only at Cd0= 100 and 200 mg l−1, while Xo  2.0 g l−1 were needed at Cd0 = 400 mg l−1 to achieve satisfactory results. Whereas Xo = 4.0 g l−1 was effective to remove up to Cd0 = 500 mg l−1, a further increase in metal concentration (Cd0 = 600 and 800 mg l−1) led to progressive worsening of the system performance. At a given biomass levels, the kinetics of the process was better at low Cd2+ concentrations, while, raising the adsorbent level from 1.0 to 2.0 g l−1 and then to 4.0 g l−1, the rate constant of biosorption increased by about one order of magnitude in both cases and the adsorption capacity of the system progressively decreased from 357 to 149 mg g−1.  相似文献   

Abstract Growth of the cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis is inhibited by low concentrations of valine. Spontaneous valine-resistant mutants were isolated from S. platensis and a preliminary characterization of three of them indicates that one (strains DR2) is defective in valine uptake and two (strains DR5 and DR9) carry alterations in a valine-mediated mechanism of synthesis of acetohydroxy acid synthase, the first common enzyme of the pathway.  相似文献   

Spirulina platensis exposed to various selenium (Se) concentrations (0, 10, 20, 40, 80, 150, 175, 200, 250 mg/L) accumulated high amounts of Se in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Under low Se concentrations (〈150 mg/L), Se induced increases in biomass concentration, content of photosynthetic pigments, and activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPX), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and Gua-dep peroxidases (POD), which indicates that antioxidant enzymes play an important role in protecting cells from Se stress. Higher Se concentrations (≥175 mg/L) led to higher Se accumulation and increases in activities of GPX, SOD, CAT and POD, but also induced lipid peroxidation (LPO) coupled with potassium leakage and decreases in biomass concentration and contents of photosynthetic pigment. The results indicate that increases in activities of the antioxidant enzymes were not sufficient to protect cell membranes against Se stress. Time-dependent variations in the activities of antioxidant enzymes, contents of chlorophyll a and carotenoid and the LPO level were also investigated under representative Se concentrations of 40 and 200mg/L. Opposite variation trends between SOD-CAT activities, and GPX-POD-APX activities were observed during the growth cycles. The results showed that the prevention of damage to cell membranes of S. platensis cells could be achieved by cooperative effects of SOD-CAT and GPX-POD-APX enzymes. This study concludes that S. platensis possessed tolerance to Se and could protect itself from phytotoxicity induced by Se by altering various metabolic processes.  相似文献   

Phycobilisomes (PBS) were isolated from blue-green alga Spirulina platensis. Scanning tunneling microscope was used to investigate the three-dimensional structure of PBS deposited on freshly cleaved highly oriented py-rolytic graphite (HOPG) in ambient condition at room temperature. The results showed that the rods of PBS radiated from the core to different directions in the space other than arrayed in one plane, which was different from the typical hemi-discoidal model structure. The diameter of PBS was up to 70 nm, and the rod was approximately 50 nm in length. Similar results were observed in Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) film of PBS. The dissociated PBS could reaggregate into rod-like structures and easily form two-dimensional membrane while being absorbed on HOPG, however, no intact PBS was observed. The filling-space model structure of PBS in Spirulina platensis with STM from three-dimensional real space at nanometer scale was found, which showed that this new structural model of PBS surely exists in blue  相似文献   

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