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拖网捕捞对东海渔业资源种群结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用收集到的近50年东海主要渔业企业和近7年来主要地区的拖网捕捞分品种渔获量数据,研究计算了双船拖网和单船网板拖网的渔获物食性指数与品种组成指数。结果表明,1974年前东海鱼类食性指数不断增大,之后开始迅速减小,呈现先升后降趋势,品种组成指数渔获物对数均值从20世纪70年代后期开始不断下降,标准差则缓慢增大,近7年单拖网渔获物的计算结果也表现出鱼类食性指数的下降趋势,长期拖网过度捕捞是造成东海海洋生态系中渔业资源种群结构变化的重要原因,渔业资源已经过度开发,种群结构稳定性减弱。  相似文献   

洞庭湖渔业资源现状及其变化   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
1990-1999年资源监测表明,洞庭湖鱼的种类与70年代基本相同,但其组成结构发生较大变化,明显以鲤,鲫,鲶,黄颡鱼等湖泊定居性鱼类为主,最高达86.1%,“四大家鱼”在渔获物中所占比较不足10%,刀鲚等洄游性鱼类已极为罕见;90年代渔获量平均为3.97万t,渔业产量增加,但多以1-2龄鱼为主,补充群体严重不足,水利工程的兴建,泥沙淤积,围垦,污染加剧以及过度捕捞是造成洞庭湖渔业资源衰退的主要原因。  相似文献   

目的:水体富营养化给渔业的发展造成严重的负面影响,成为全球瞩目的环境问题之一。方法:本研究利用泥鳅(Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)作为实验生物,选择氨氮(NH4+-N)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)和溶解氧(DO)含量作为富营养化水体的影响因素。研究富营养化水体中NH4+-N、TN、TP和DO含量对泥鳅抗氧化酶活性和脂质过氧化水平的影响,旨在阐明富营养化水体对鱼类的氧化损伤作用。结果:随着水体中NH4+-N、TN、TP和DO含量的增加,泥鳅的SOD活性显著降低(P0.05),MDA含量显著增加(P0.05)。与正常的DO水平相比,水中高浓度和低浓度的氧含量都会造成SOD活性的显著下降(P0.05)和MDA含量的显著上升(P0.05)。其中NH4+-N和DO的影响最大。结论:富营养化水体对鱼类的危害与其造成的鱼类氧化损伤有直接关系,实验的开展为富营养化水体的生物监测与评价具有一定指导作用。  相似文献   

基于持续高产的近海渔业双寡头捕捞策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋鱼类是人类一种重要的生活物质资料,当代人在进行渔业捕捞满足自身生活需求时,应合理确定捕捞努力量以实现渔业资源的可持续利用,不危及后代人的需求,假定存在两个捕捞主体,分别就Cournot模型和Stackelbeerg模型分析了两个主体为了自身获得最大持续产量而投入的捕捞努力量,研究表明,与只有一个捕捞主体相比,当存在两个捕捞主体时,每个捕捞主体都将投入更多的捕捞努力量,但最大持续产量不随之增加,甚至还会减少,产生这种后果的原因在于每个主体只考虑自己投入的捕捞 努力量对自己产出量的影响,而不考虑对对方或社会产生的负面影响,对渔业捕捞进行全面规划,综合管理是消除这种后果所必要的。  相似文献   

捕捞对长山群岛海域渔业生态系统的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了评价捕捞对渔业生态系统的综合影响程度,建立渔业生态系统保护管理决策支持系统,本文基于状态、压力和生物群落响应PSR模型、利用层次分析法构建了捕捞对渔业生态系统的影响评价模型,包含渔船数量、捕捞压力指数、渔获量、底层鱼类比重、营养级、优势种单体重量、经济鱼类渔获量、多样性指数、均匀度指数3个层次9个指标,并选择1987—1988年和2006—2007年长山群岛游泳生物调查数据对其进行了定量评价。结果表明:近20年来,在捕捞强度不断增加的压力下,渔业生态系统的结构和功能发生显著变化,长寿命、高营养级的肉食性鱼类生物量下降明显,系统以短寿命、小型鱼类占优势;鱼类资源量、底层鱼类比重、营养级、优势种单体重量、经济鱼类渔获量、多样性指数、均匀度指数年退化率分别为4.75%、3.64%、0.31%、4.28%、2.32%、0.39%、1.14%;通过模型评价,渔业生态系统健康指数为0.34,低于评价等级Ⅲ级,说明近20年捕捞导致长山群岛渔业生态系统处于不健康状态。  相似文献   

珠江水系鱼类群落多样性空间分布格局   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
珠江是我国南方第一大河,是我国重要淡水渔业生产基地和水生生物资源基因库。珠江鱼类在维持生物多样性、提供鱼类种质资源方面举足轻重。但是到目前为止,关于其鱼类空间分布格局的研究甚少。特别是近几十年来各种水工建设和过度捕捞使得渔业资源急剧衰退,鱼类空间分布的研究显得尤为重要。2015年对珠江全流域13个站位进行了全面调查,共采集渔获物10119尾,隶属于94种72属17科。鲤科鱼类占显著优势,其次种类较多的依次为鲿科、鳅科。采用非度量多维标度排序(NMDS)方法对鱼类群落空间分布特征进行了分析,结果表明珠江鱼类被划分为3个类群,即以餐、南方拟餐、黄颡鱼等小型鱼类为主的中上游类群、以赤眼鳟、鲮鱼、广东鲂等中型鱼类为主的中下游类群和以罗非鱼为主的重要支流类群。同时发现中下游物种多样性高,上游及河口江段多样性低的格局。采用冗余分析方法(RDA)分析了鱼类多样性与环境因子的关系,发现年均气温、降雨量、年均径流量、河流宽度与透明度是珠江水系河流鱼类群落结构差异的主要影响因子,其中年均气温是影响鱼类群落分布的最关键因子之一。与历史资料对比后发现,珠江鱼类种类明显减少、空间分布也发生了巨大改变。研究是珠江水系野生渔业资源长期调查的一部分,研究结果将对渔业资源的多样性保护和可持续利用具有指导意义。  相似文献   

长江中游渔业资源现状研究   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
长江流域鱼类资源十分丰富,产量约占全国淡水渔业产量的 60%,历史上最高产量达 4217万t1,是我国淡水鱼最主要的集中产区。多年来,由于水工建设、 环境污染、 酷鱼滥捕等诸多原因,长江渔业资源受到严重冲击2。为了摸清长江渔业资源状况,20世纪70年代,农业部组织沿江六省一市协作,进行了长江水系渔业资源调查,对长江主要经济鱼类种群生物学特性、 产卵场等进行了调查研究3。20世纪80年代中期,农业部和中国科学院分别对长江渔业进行了调查4,但近十余年来,未曾对长江渔业资源进行系统调查,作者根据 2001-2003 年的监测结果,对长江中游渔业资源现状进行了研究,以期为科学管理长江渔业资源提供依据。    相似文献   

<正>长江流域内共记录鱼类378种,其中纯淡水鱼类339种,占我国淡水鱼总数的1/3。长江中还栖息着149种珍稀的特有鱼类。长江流域渔产量约占全国淡水渔业产量的2/3。长江流域自然资源捕捞量1954年曾达到45万吨,到八十年代初下降到20余万吨,近几年捕捞量维持在6万吨左右;六十年代长江主要经济鱼类的产量约占总产量的28%,  相似文献   

我国淡水渔业历史悠久,具有发展生产的有利条件。全国有淡水水面2. 5亿亩(约占世界淡水水面的1/15) ,已用于养鱼水面4,100万南。有淡水鱼类800余种,常见经济鱼类40-50种,已作养殖对象的20多种。我国淡水渔业主要分两大部分:捕捞和养殖。解放初期以捕捞为主;1965年后养殖产量居多数,目前约占淡水渔业总产量的70%。  相似文献   

中国淡水渔业碳汇强度估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
【背景】碳汇是指从大气中消除二氧化碳的过程、活动或机制,我国最先提出碳汇渔业概念。【方法】捕捞鱼类的碳均来自天然饵料,故以其平均碳含量估算碳移出量。而养殖鱼类中,一般假定不考虑施肥养鱼的碳输入;鲢和鳙是滤食性鱼类,主要摄食浮游生物,鳜属鱼类以其他种鱼类为食物,而这些鱼类主要摄食天然饵料,故可以认为其碳均来自天然饵料。此外,假设草鱼、鲫和鲤等产量的20%来自天然饵料,而河蟹产量的50%来自天然饵料。基于渔业统计年鉴(2011—2015年),估算了我国近5年来淡水渔业碳汇强度。【结果】2010—2014年,全国淡水养殖碳移出量逐年稳步增长,分别为136.2万、140.5万、146.0万、153.0万和164.5万t,平均每年的碳移出量为148.0万t。2010—2014年全国淡水捕捞碳移出量分别为29.3万、28.7万、29.6万、29.7万和29.6万t,平均每年的碳移出量为29.4万t。【结论与意义】在自然资源日益减少的情况下,淡水养殖渔业碳汇的发展必然会成为淡水渔业经济发展的主体。  相似文献   

Most of Malawi's popular food-fish species are in decline. The fishers attribute this decline to overfishing, changes in climate, inadequate fishing technology and supernatural powers. Sedimentation of the lake and rivers due to poor agricultural practices, which can also be implicated in the demise of Malawi's fisheries, was not recognized by the fishers. This study tested and confirmed that the fishers would readily switch to exploiting ornamental fish (Mbuna) for subsistence and cash if the more favoured food-fish species continued to dwindle. However, as most of the Mbuna species are localized to specific rocky habitats and are endemic to certain parts of the lake, they may be vulnerable to overfishing. To safeguard Lake Malawi's rich fish species diversity: (i) alternative economic opportunities for the lakeshore people should be identified, evaluated and promoted to alleviate the fishing pressure, (ii) the Department of Fisheries should collaborate with local fishermen in promoting sustainable fish utilization, e.g., through public campaigns aimed at sensitizing fishermen on the status of the fisheries and the vulnerability of some fish communities to overfishing and environmental degradation, and (iii) the degree of Mbuna exploitation, now that the popular food fishes are in decline, should be monitored and, where necessary, regulated to promote sustainability.  相似文献   

 An understanding of the indirect effects of fishing on predator-prey relationships is required for the development of valid multispecies yield models for reef fisheries and for determining the factors governing fish community structure at larger scales. We used an underwater visual census technique to examine the indirect effects of fishing on the biomass and diversity (species richness) of reef fishes in a series of ten traditional Fijian fishing grounds (qoliqoli) subject to a range of fishing intensities. All members of the families Chaetodontidae (butterflyfishes), Labridae (wrasses), Lutjanidae (snappers), Mullidae (goatfishes), Scaridae (parrotfishes) and the sub-family Epinephelinae (groupers and coral trout) which could be reliably identified were censused. Each species censused was assigned to one of three trophic groups: herbivore, invertebrate feeder or piscivore. The biomass of all piscivorous fishes and of large (>30 cm) piscivorous fishes differed significantly between qoliqoli and was significantly correlated with fishing intensity. However, the biomass of piscivorous fishes was not correlated with the biomass or diversity of their potential prey (which were not targeted by the fishery). This suggested that the indirect effects of fishing did not have an important bearing on fish diversity or biomass and that predation by the target species did not play an important role in structuring these Fijian reef fish communities. The results contrast with those from a number of studies at smaller scales and provided further indications that the structure of reef fish communities is not governed by a single dominant process, but by a range of processes which operate on different scales in different circumstances. Accepted: 29 July 1996  相似文献   

Trophic indicators were used to compare two Malian freshwater reservoirs whose main differences are based on their different fishing pressures. Data were collected from a scientific survey of small-scale fishery landings conducted in 2002/2003. The trophic levels of fish species caught by artisanal fisheries are estimated from observations of scientific fishing or from the metabase Fishbase. Important differences exist in the trophic structure of both reservoirs. In Selingue (with high fishing pressure), very few top predators are found in the catches while the low trophic level fishes increase in total catches. In Manantali (with low fishing pressure), the top predators contribute twice as much to catches compared to Selingue. Hence, the mean trophic level of catches in Selingue (2.80) is lower than in Manantali (2.97). When comparing these results with those of study made in 1994/1995, it clearly appears that the effects of the fishing pressure in Selingue are obvious through a decrease of 0.12 in the mean trophic level while in Manantali this mean level has increased by 0.33 due to a recent strategic targeting of top predators. Trophic spectra seem to be relevant tools to characterize exploited fish communities from multi-specific and multi-gear small-scale fisheries catch data.  相似文献   

Inland fishery ecosystems in Africa are characterized by patterns of overexploitation, environmental degradation and exotic species introductions. Ecological complexity and diversity of aquatic habitats dictate that fishes in general are not evenly distributed in a water body. However, fisheries management regimes tend to ignore this basic principle, assume generalized conditions in a water body, and focus more on ‘desired’ objectives such as maximizing catch. The result is to disregard fish habitat boundaries and anthropogenic influences from the catchment that influence fish production. Overexploitation and environmental degradation disrupt sustainable socioeconomic benefits from the fisheries, create uncertainty among investors, but leave some managers calling for more information with the expectation that the fisheries will recover with time. Open access to the fisheries and full control of fishing effort remain challenges for managers. Exotic species introductions and fish farming can increase production, but such interventions require firm commitment to sound ecological principles and strict enforcement of recommended conservation and co‐management measures in capture fisheries. The general tendency to downplay fishing effort issues, other ecosystem values and functions or rely on temperate fisheries models until a new cycle of overexploitation emerges, characterizes many management patterns in inland fisheries. Aquaculture is not an option to challenges in capture fisheries management. Aquaculture should be developed to increase fish production but even this practice may have negative environmental impacts depending on practice and scale. Decades of information on Lake Victoria fisheries trends and aquaculture development did not stop the collapse of native fisheries. The successfully introduced Nile perch (Lates niloticus) has shown signs of overexploitation and aquaculture has again been considered as the option. By reviewing significant trends associated with Nile perch and its feasibility in aquaculture this paper uses Lake Victoria to illustrate ‘special interest management’ targeting selected species of fish rather than the fisheries.  相似文献   

Fishermen’s local knowledge of fishing resources may be an important source of information to improve artisanal tropical fisheries management, such as those found in Brazil, where most data on fish biology is lacking. We aim to study the local ecological knowledge that Brazilian coastal fishers have about reproductive aspects (season, places and migration) of 13 coastal fish species of commercial importance. We selected fishermen with more than 30 years of fishing practice and we interviewed a total of 67 fishermen: 29 from the southeastern coast, from the communities of Puruba, Almada, Picinguaba and Bertioga, and 38 from the northeastern coast, from the communities of Valença, Arembepe and Porto Sauípe. In the interviews, we used standardized questionnaires and showed photos of fish species. Our results indicate some general patterns in fishes’ reproduction according to fishermen knowledge: fish species spawn in open ocean, near reefs or in coastal rivers (estuaries); some fishes reproduce during the summer and others in winter, while some have more defined spawning months. The main fish migratory patterns mentioned by interviewees were: long migrations along the coast, usually in the South to North direction, short migrations among reefs, fishes that do not migrate, migrations between the shore and open ocean and migrations between the sea and coastal rivers. Fishermen’s knowledge differed among fish species: most fishermen did not know spawning places or seasons of large pelagic fishes, which raised concerns of their possible depletion. We compared such ethnoichthyological information with available scientific data, indicating promising insights about reproduction and migration of Brazilian coastal fishes. Data gathered from local fishermen may provide inexpensive and prompt information, potentially applicable to fisheries management. Our approach might be useful to several other small-scale fisheries, especially the tropical ones, where there is a high diversity of target species and a low biological and ecological knowledge about these species.  相似文献   

Fujiwara M 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e34556
Fish species are diverse. For example, some exhibit early maturation while others delay maturation, some adopt semelparous reproductive strategies while others are iteroparous, and some are long-lived and others short-lived. The diversity is likely to have profound effects on fish population dynamics, which in turn has implications for fisheries management. In this study, a simple density-dependent stage-structured population model was used to investigate the effect of life history traits on sustainable yield, population resilience, and the coefficient of variation (CV) of the adult abundance. The study showed that semelparous fish can produce very high sustainable yields, near or above 50% of the carrying capacity, whereas long-lived iteroparous fish can produce very low sustainable yields, which are often much less than 10% of the carrying capacity. The difference is not because of different levels of sustainable fishing mortality rate, but because of difference in the sensitivity of the equilibrium abundance to fishing mortality. On the other hand, the resilience of fish stocks increases from delayed maturation to early maturation strategies but remains almost unchanged from semelparous to long-lived iteroparous. The CV of the adult abundance increases with increased fishing mortality, not because more individuals are recruited into the adult stage (as previous speculated), but because the mean abundance is more sensitive to fishing mortality than its standard deviation. The magnitudes of these effects vary depending on the life history strategies of the fish species involved. It is evident that any past high yield of long-lived iteroparous fish is a transient yield level, and future commercial fisheries should focus more on fish that are short-lived (including semelparous species) with high compensatory capacity.  相似文献   

In this study we compare the dynamics of artisanal fishery in two adjacent reserves located in the Brazilian Amazon, Mamirauá (being managed for more than 12 years) and Amanã (initiating a management process), through the record of 485 fish landings in one fishing community in each reserve during high and low water seasons in 2003. Our goals were, first, to make a rapid and comparative assessment of some main aspects of fisheries in these two communities (fish species caught, CPUE, fishing gear and habitats exploited). Second, we used such data to evaluate if management strategies already in place in Mamirauá would be also valid for Amanã. Third, we compared fishing CPUE between the two communities, in order to check if co-management measures have contributed, at least partially, to preclude over-fishing, maintaining a higher fishing reward in Mamirauá reserve. We analyzed fisheries directed to the two most important marketable fishes in the region: the pirarucu (Arapaimas gigas) and the tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), besides those fisheries aimed to subsistence and lower valued fishes. Our results indicated that the tambaqui was intensively fished year-round in Mamirauá, while Amanã fishers caught a higher variety of fishes, including catfishes and migratory scale fishes. Such differences might reflect differences in gear used and habitat exploited by fishers during the high water season. Mamirauá fishers caught a higher fish biomass considering both marketable and all fishes. Differences in gear used, habitats exploited and fishes caught during high water season indicate that distinct management initiatives might apply for each reserve. Notwithstanding their differences, both communities exploited the commercial fishes (tambaqui and pirarucu) in a similar way during the low water season. Therefore, the higher mean fishing yield (CPUE) observed in Mamirauá may be partially attributable to co-management measures, considering that Mamirauá has possibly been experiencing a higher fishing intensity than Amanã. Fishing related data are seldom available in Brazil and other tropical developing countries. We thus provided a framework of fast assessment of fishing dynamics, which may represent a first and useful step for management initiatives in the absence of more detailed data.  相似文献   

Large predatory fishes have long played an important role in marine ecosystems and fisheries. Overexploitation, however, is gradually diminishing this role. Recent estimates indicate that exploitation has depleted large predatory fish communities worldwide by at least 90% over the past 50-100 years. We demonstrate that these declines are general, independent of methodology, and even higher for sensitive species such as sharks. We also attempt to predict the future prospects of large predatory fishes. (i) An analysis of maximum reproductive rates predicts the collapse and extinction of sensitive species under current levels of fishing mortality. Sensitive species occur in marine habitats worldwide and have to be considered in most management situations. (ii) We show that to ensure the survival of sensitive species in the northwest Atlantic fishing mortality has to be reduced by 40-80%. (iii) We show that rapid recovery of community biomass and diversity usually occurs when fishing mortality is reduced. However, recovery is more variable for single species, often because of the influence of species interactions. We conclude that management of multi-species fisheries needs to be tailored to the most sensitive, rather than the more robust species. This requires reductions in fishing effort, reduction in bycatch mortality and protection of key areas to initiate recovery of severely depleted communities.  相似文献   

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研究于2010年秋季和2011年夏季对南水北调东线工程最大调蓄湖泊洪泽湖的鱼类资源进行了调查,结合历史资料分析该湖鱼类资源变动情况,以期为渔业管理和生物多样性保护提供依据。自20世纪60年代以来,洪泽湖累计记录鱼类88种,本研究发现63种,其中新记录6种,分别为:点纹银 、彩副 、方氏鳑鲏、鲻、大眼鳜和波氏吻虾虎鱼;与历史记录比较,湖泊定居性鱼类所占比例由59%上升78%,而喜流水性鱼类和河海洄游性鱼类分别由22%和7%下降到3%和3%;未采集到的25种鱼类中,流水性鱼类计17种,占68%。网簖和丝网的渔获物分析表明,鲫、黄颡鱼、刀鲚和红鳍原鲌等小型鱼类具有较高的IRI值(相对重要性指数,Index of Relative Importance),是鱼类群落的优势种,大型鱼类除鲤外,IRI值均不高,在群落中不占优势。20102011年洪泽湖渔业年产量为2200104 kg,以刀鲚和鲫为主的小型鱼类产量达1967104 kg,占89.4%;四大家鱼产量96104 kg,占4.4%;鳜、翘嘴鲌、乌鳢和鲇等大型食鱼性鱼类合计仅占0.89%。文章分析江湖阻隔、过度捕捞和生境破坏对洪泽湖鱼类资源的影响,提出相应的渔业管理策略,并初步预测南水北调东线工程对该湖鱼类和渔业的潜在影响。    相似文献   

为更好地保护和管理西沙永兴岛附近海域珊瑚礁鱼类,于2020—2021年对永兴岛上岸渔获物进行了调查研究,分析了鱼类群落结构组成及其变化和演替特征。结果表明:调查共发现永兴岛附近海域珊瑚礁鱼类101种,隶属于5目21科,以鲈形目鱼类最多,占总种类的84.16%,生物量超总渔获物的90%;科级水平鹦嘴鱼科鱼类最多,达21种,生物量超总渔获物的45%。28种珊瑚礁鱼类是永兴岛附近海域主要捕捞对象,占总渔获物的80%以上。永兴岛附近海域珊瑚礁鱼类呈现过度捕捞,一是主要渔获物中的中大型鱼类均重偏小;二是本海域个体体型最大的鱼类出现较多消亡;三是肉食性鱼类大量消亡;四是植食性鱼类生物量占比超过了肉食性鱼类。永兴岛附近海域珊瑚礁鱼类已经演替到以植食性鱼类为主导的生态系统;大量海胆的出现,表明了这一珊瑚礁生态系统在进一步衰退,向以海胆为主导的生态系统演变。保护西沙永兴岛附近海域珊瑚礁鱼类已经刻不容缓,需要严格地控制本海域的捕捞强度。  相似文献   

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