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Summary By homogenizing rice leaves in liquid nitrogen, it was possible to isolate intact chloroplasts and, subsequently, pure rice chloroplast DNA from the purified chloroplasts. The DNA was digested by several restriction enzymes and fragments were fractionated by agarose gel electrophoresis. The sum of the fragment sizes generated by the restriction enzymes showed that the total length of the DNA is 130 kb. A circular physical map of fragments, generated by digestion with SalI, PstI, and PvuII, has been constructed. The circular DNA contains two inverted repeats of about 20 kb separated by a large, single copy region of about 75 kb and a short, single copy region of about 15 kb. The location of the gene for the large subunit of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Fraction I protein) and the 32 KD photosystem II reaction center gene were determined by using as probes tobacco chloroplast DNAs containing these genes. Rice chloroplast DNA differs from chloroplast DNAs of wheat and corn as well as from dicot chloroplast DNAs by having the 32 KD gene located 20 kb removed from the end of an inverted repeat instead of close to the end, as in other plants.  相似文献   

The large subunit (L) of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco) from Synechococcus PCC 6301 was expressed in Escherichia coli, purified as the octamer L8, and analyzed for its ability to tightly bind the transition state analog, 2-carboxyarabinitol 1,5-bisphosphate (CABP). [14C]CABP remained tightly bound to L8 after challenging with [12C]CABP and gel filtration, indicating that L8 alone without the small subunit (S) could tightly bind CABP. Binding of CABP to L8 induced a shift in the gel filtration profile due to apparent aggregation of L8. Aggregation did not occur with the L8S8-CABP complex nor with L8-CABP in the presence of 150 mM MgCl2. If ionic strength was increased with either KCl or MgCl2 during or after the binding of [14C]CABP to L8, [14C]CABP in the complex exchanged with [12C]CABP and was lost from the protein. Ionic strength strongly affected the rate constant (k4) for [14C]CABP dissociation from the L8-[14C]CABP complex, but had little effect on k4 for the L8S8-CABP complex. The differences in CABP binding characteristics between the L8-CABP and L8S8-CABP complexes demonstrate that S is intimately involved in maintaining the stability of the tight binding of CABP to the active site. These are the same interactions stabilizing the intermediate, 3-keto-2-carboxyarabinitol 1,5-bisphosphate, to native rubisco during CO2 fixation.  相似文献   

The surface properties of pure RuBisCo transit peptide (RTP) and its interaction with zwitterionic, anionic phospholipids and chloroplast lipids were studied by using the Langmuir monolayer technique. Pure RTP is able to form insoluble films and the observed surface parameters are compatible with an alpha-helix perpendicular to the interface. The alpha-helix structure tendency was also observed by using transmission FT-IR spectroscopy in bulk system of a membrane mimicking environment (SDS). On the other hand, RTP adopts an unordered structure in either aqueous free interface or in the presence of vesicles composed of a zwitterionic phospholipid (POPC). Monolayer studies show that in peptide/lipid mixed monolayers, RTP shows no interaction with zwitterionic phospholipids, regardless of their physical state. Also, with the anionic POPG at high peptide ratios RTP retains its individual surface properties and behaves as an immiscible component of the peptide/lipid mixed interface. This behaviour was also observed when the mixed films were composed by RTP and the typical chloroplast lipids MGDG or DGDG (mono- and di-galactosyldiacylglycerol). Conversely, RTP establishes a particular interaction with phosphatidylglycerol and cardiolipin at low peptide to lipid area covered relation. This interaction takes place with an increase in surface stability and a reduction in peptide molecular area (intermolecular interaction). Data suggest a dynamic membrane modulation by which the peptide fine-tunes its membrane orientation and its lateral stability, depending on the quality (lipid composition) of the interface.  相似文献   

Summary Isoelectric focusing of subunits of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase of Medicago, Spinacia and Nicotiana were investigated, using a rapid isolation technique, without S-carboxymethylation. RuBPC-ase and its subunits were isolated by gel electrophoresis. Isoelectric focusing of RuBPC-ase of M. sativa and M. falcata showed that this enzyme consists of one large subunit (LSU) polypeptide and two or three small subunits (SSU), depending on the genotype. The pl of the LSU's was identical, but the pl of SSU's of the two genotypes was different. Amino acid composition and tryptic peptide maps further supported the concept of a conserved nature of LSU and heterogeneity of SSU polypeptides in Medicago. It was also found that S. oleracea, N. tabacum, N. glutinosa and N. excelsior have a single LSU polypeptide, but they differ in respect of pl values. The SSU polypeptides appeared to be variable. S-carboxymethylation affected the number as well as the pl values of LSU and SSU polypeptides. It is suggested that one LSU polypeptide is probably the general rule in higher plants, rather than the three LSU polypeptides demonstrated by Chen et al. (1977) and Wildman (1979).  相似文献   

The intra-chloroplastic distribution of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) between thylakoid membranes and stroma was studied by determining the enzyme activities in the two fractions, obtained by the rapid centrifugation of hypotonically disrupted chloroplast preparations of spinach and pea leaf tissues. The membrane-associated form of RuBisCO was found to increase in proportion to the concentration of MgCl2 in the disrupting medium; with 20 mM MgCl2 approximately 20% of the total RuBisCO of spinach chloroplasts and 10% of that of pea chloroplasts became associated with thylakoid membranes. Once released from membranes in the absence of MgCl2, addition of MgCl2 did not cause reassociation of the enzyme. The inclusion of KCl in the hypotonic disruption buffer also caused the association of RuBisCO with membranes; however, up to 30 mM KCl, only minimal enzyme activities could be detected in the membranes, whereas above 40 mM KCl there was a sharp increase in the membrane-associated form of the enzyme.Higher concentrations of chloroplasts during the hypotonic disruption, as well as addition of purified preparations of RuBisCO to the hypotonic buffer, resulted in an increase of membrane-associated activity. Therefore, the association of the enzyme with thylakoid membranes appears to be dependent on the concentration of RuBisCO. P-glycerate kinase and aldolase also associated to the thylakoid membranes but NADP-linked glyceraldehyde-3-P dehydrogenase did not. The optimal conditions for enzyme association with the thylakoid membranes were examined; maximal association occurred at pH 8.0. The association was temperature-insensitive in the range of 4° to 25° C. RuBisCO associated with the thylakoid membranes could be gradually liberated to the soluble form upon shaking in a Vortex mixer at maximal speed, indicating that the association is loose.Abbreviations DTT dithiothreitol - RuBP ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate - RuBisCO ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - MES 2-(N-morpholino) ethane sulfonic acid  相似文献   

Polyribosomes from greening wheat seedlings (Triticum vulgaris) were allowed to incorporate [3H]leucine into proteins in the presence of a wheat germ supernatant fraction under conditions permitting the completion and release of polypeptides by cytoplasmic polyribosomes. The released proteins were analyzed by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Discrete proteins, as well as a variety of poorly resolved proteins, were observed to have been labeled. The molecular weight distribution of the labeled proteins correlated well with the distribution of polyribosome size classes present in the samples. Neither the large nor the small subunit of ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase were detected as labeled peaks by this procedure.Immune precipitates formed by the addition of carrier small subunit, detergent, and anti-small subunit serum to the released proteins contained a substantial proportion of nonspecifically precipitated material resembling the population of released proteins, but they also contained two discrete peaks not resolved previously, one having mobility slightly faster than the light chain of immunoglobulin (20,000 daltons) and the other having mobility identical to that of small subunit carrier (ca. 12,000 daltons). Samples containing the latter material were shown to contain labeled tryptic peptides corresponding to those of the small subunit carrier. The results establish that the small subunit of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase is the product of a small proportion of cytoplasmic polyribosomes during greening of etiolated wheat seedlings.  相似文献   

The review considers the phylogeny and evolution of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO), which is the key enzyme of the autotrophic Calvin-Benson cycle and the most abundant protein on Earth. RuBisCO occurs in several structural and functional forms, including fully functional forms I, II, and III, which catalyze carboxylation/oxygenation of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate, and RuBisCO-like form IV, which lacks carboxylating activity. The genomic localization, operon structure, and copy number of the RuBisCO genes vary among different autotrophic organisms. The RuBisCO gene phylogeny substantially differs from the phylogeny of other conserved genes, including the 16S rRNA gene. The difference is due to duplication/deletion and horizontal gene transfer events that were common in the evolution of autotrophic organisms.  相似文献   

Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (EC has been purified to homogeneity from glutamate-CO2-thiosulfate-grown Thiobacillus intermedius by pelleting the protein from the 93,000 X g supernatant fluid followed by ammonium sulfate fractionation and sedimentation into a discontinuous sucrose density gradient. The molecular weight of the native protein approximated that of the higher plant enzyme (550,000) based on its relative electrophoretic mobility in polyacrylamide disc gels compared with that of standards of known molecular weight, including crystalline tobacco ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase. Sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoresis in 12% polyacrylamide disc gels and Sephadex G-100 chromatography in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate indicated that the purified Thiobacillus protein, like the tobacco enzyme, consisted of two types of nonidentical subunits. The molecular weights of the large and small subunits were estimated to be about 55,000 and 13,000, respectively, by means of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The carboxylase activity of the protein purified from spinach leaves and T. intermedius responded similarly to the effectors reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate and 6-phosphogluconate. Contrary to a previous report (K. Purohit, B. A. McFadden, and A. L. Cohen, J. Bacteriol. 127:505-515, 1976), these results indicate that ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase purified from Thiobacillus intermedius closely resembles the higher plant enzyme with respect to quaternary structure, molecular weight, and regulatory properties.  相似文献   

The gene for the large subunit (LS) of ribulose-1,5,-bisphosphate carboxylase of Euglena gracilis Z chloroplast DNA has been mapped by heterologous hybridization with DNA restriction fragments containing internal sequences from the Zea mays and Chlamydomonas reinhardii LS genes. The Euglena LS gene which has the same polarity as the Euglena rRNA genes has been located with respect to Pst I, Pvu I, and HindIII sites within the Eco RI fragment Eco A. The region of Euglena chloroplast DNA complementary to an 887 bp internal fragment from the Chlamydomonas chloroplast LS gene is interrupted by a 0.5-1.1 kbp non-complementary sequence. This is the first chloroplast protein gene located on the Euglena genome, and the first evidence for an intervening sequence within any chloroplast protein gene.  相似文献   

Previous work has demonstrated that the large subunit (rbcL) of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCo) from wheat is cleaved at Gly-329 by the Fe(2+)/ascorbate/H(2)O(2) system (Ishida, H., Makino, A., and Mae, T. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 5222-5226). In this study, we found that the rbcL could also be cleaved into several other fragments by increasing the incubation time or the Fe(2+) concentration. By combining immunoblotting with N-terminal amino acid sequencing, cleavage sites were identified at Gly-404, Gly-380, Gly-329, Ala-296, Asp-203, and Gly-122. Conformational analysis demonstrated that five of them are located in the alpha/beta-barrel, whereas Gly-122 is in the N-terminal domain but near the bound metal in the adjacent rbcL. All of these residues are at or very close to the active site and are just around the metal-binding site within a radius of 12 A. Furthermore, their C(alpha)H groups are completely or partially exposed to the bound metal. A radical scavenger, activation of RuBisCo, or binding of a reaction-intermediate analogue to the activated RuBisCo, inhibited the fragmentation. These results strongly suggest that the rbcL is cleaved by reactive oxygen species generated at the metal-binding site and that proximity and favorable orientation are probably the most important parameters in determining the cleavage sites.  相似文献   

The genes encoding for the large (rbcL) and small (rbcS) subunits of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBisCO) were cloned from the obligate autotroph Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, a bacterium involved in the bioleaching of minerals. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the cloned DNA showed that the two coding regions are separated by a 30-bp intergenic region, the smallest described for the RuBisCO genes. The rbcL and rbcS genes encode polypeptides of 473 and 118 amino acids, respectively. Comparison of the nucleotide and amino acid sequences with those of the genes for rbcL and rbcS found in other species demonstrated that the T. ferrooxidans genes have the closest degree of identity with those of Chromatium vinosum and of Alvinoconcha hessleri endosymbiont. Both T. ferrooxidans enzyme subunits contain all the conserved amino acids that are known to participate in the catalytic process or in holoenzyme assembly.  相似文献   

In photosynthetic eukaryotes, the enzyme ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) is composed of eight large and eight small subunits. Chloroplast-coded large subunits are found in association with chaperonins (binding proteins) of 60-61 kd to form a high mol. wt pre-assembly complex (B-complex). We have isolated a heterotrophic, maternally-inherited mutant from Nicotiana tabacum var. Xanthi which accumulates the B-complex but contains no Rubisco holoenzyme. The B-complex of the mutant dissociates in the presence of ATP, as does that of the wild-type. Processing of the nuclear-coded small subunit takes place in the mutant and neither large nor small subunits accumulate. The large subunit gene from mutant and wild-type plants was cloned and sequenced. A single nucleotide difference was found between them predicting an amino acid change of serine to phenylalanine at position 112 in the mutant. Based on the resolved structure of N.tabacum Rubisco, it is argued that the alteration at position 112 prevents holoenzyme assembly by interfering with large subunit assembly.  相似文献   

Immunological tests with monospecific antisera to ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase (EC and to its large and small subunits indicated the presence of a protein with antigenic properties of the small subunit in the absence of the large subunit in the leaves of young rye plants (Secale cereale L.) with a high-temperature-induced (32 °C) deficiency of 70 S plastid ribosomes. The small subunit-like protein was isolated from crude extracts of plastid ribosome-deficient 32 °C-grown leaf tissue by the use of columns with immobilized antibody. The main polypeptide retained by the immobilized antibodies had the same mobility after electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels as the small subunit of ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase and was also immunologically identical to the small subunit. The small subunit-like protein was present in the supernatant as well as in the membrane fraction of isolated 70 S ribosome-deficient plastids. At very young stages of normal leaves grown at a permissive temperature (22 °C) an excess of small subunit was observed that was also not integrated into the complete ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase molecule. From the results, we conclude that the synthesis of the small subunit occurs on cytoplasmic ribosomes and is not strictly coordinated with the translation of the large subunit in the chloroplast. During early leaf development, the formation of the large subunit seems to be the ratelimiting step in the synthesis of ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase.  相似文献   

Further evidence for time-dependent interconversions between active and inactive states of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase is presented. It was found that ribulose bisphosphate oxygenase and ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase could be totally inactivated by excluding CO2 and Mg2+ during dialysis of the enzyme at 4 degrees C. When initially inactive enzyme was assayed, the rate of reaction continually increased with time, and the rate was inversely related to the ribulose bisphosphare concentration. The initial rate of fully activated enzyme showed normal Michaelis-Menten kinetics with respect to ribulose bisphosphate (Km = 10muM). Activation was shown to depend on both CO2 and Mg2+ concentrations, with equilibrium constants for activation of about 100muM and 1 mM respectively. In contrast with activation, catalysis appeared to be independent of Mg2+ concentration, but dependent on CO2 concentration, with a Km(CO2) of about 10muM. By studying activation and de-activation of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase as a function of CO2 and Mg2+ concentrations, the values of the kinetic constants for these actions have been determined. We propose a model for activation and catalysis of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase: (see book) where E represents free inactive enzyme; complex in parentheses, activated enzyme; R, ribulose bisphosphate; M, Mg2+; C, CO2; P, the product. We propose that ribulose bisphosphate can bind to both the active and inactive forms of the enzyme, and slow inter-conversion between the two states occurs.  相似文献   

In an attempt to produce chloroplast extracts containing ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase in its fully activated state, MgCl2 and NaHCO3 were included in the medium used to osmotically shock chloroplasts. Extracts prepared in this manner contained lower levels of the enzyme than those prepared in the absence of MgCl2 and NaHCO3. The difference in enzyme levels was found to be attributable to an association in the presence of Mg2+, between RuBP carboxylase and the thylakoids removed from the extract during its preparation. Some monovalent cations caused a similar association, although to a lesser extent. The trivalent cation Tris(ethylenediamine) cobalt(III) was more effective in causing this association, but was highly inhibitory to the enzyme. The results suggest that the attraction between thylakoids and RuBP carboxylase in the presence of certain ions is likely to be electrical in nature. The results are discussed in terms of the media used to isolate RuBP carboxylase.  相似文献   

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