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Over the past century, the spread of the common reed (Phragmites australis) has had a dramatic impact on wetland communities across North America. Although native populations of Phragmites persist, introduced invasive populations have dominated many sites and it is not clear if the two types can interbreed. This study compares patterns of differentiation in 10 microsatellite loci among North American and European Phragmites individuals with results obtained from sequencing of noncoding chloroplast DNA. Three population lineages (native, introduced and Gulf Coast) were previously identified in North America from chloroplast DNA and similar structuring was found in the nuclear genome. Each lineage was distinguished by unique alleles and allele combinations and the introduced lineage was closely related to its hypothesized source population in Europe. Size homoplasy and diagnostic base substitutions distinguishing lineages were evident at several loci, further emphasizing that native, introduced and Gulf Coast North American Phragmites lineages are genetically distinct. Gene flow between lineages was low and invasive introduced populations do not represent a hybrid population type.  相似文献   

The presence of phytoplasmas in declining trees of European hackberry was demonstrated for the first time using polymerase chain reaction assays with primers amplifying phytoplasma 16S rDNA regions. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of these DNA fragments together with PCR, employing primers specific for particular phylogenetic groups of phytoplasmas, made it possible to detect the presence of aster yellows group (16SrI) related phytoplasmas. These were classified into two different subgroups (I-B and I-C) and were present in both symptomatic and asymptomatic hackberry plants. Aster yellows-related phytoplasmas were found in all the root samples collected during the winter. In addition, phytoplasmas from the peach X disease group (16SrIH) were found in four out of 10 root samples; in five root samples phytoplasmas of the elm yellows group (16SrV) were also present.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish the histological effects of exposure to microcystin-LR (MC-LR), a cyanotoxin, on axenic Phragmites australis plantlets. Plantlets were regenerated from embryogenic reed calli by tissue culture methods. Microcystin-LR inhibited the growth and development of embryogenic calli and the growth of reed plantlets. The 50% plantlet growth inhibitory concentration value (IC50) of MC-LR was 12 microg ml(-1) (12.07 microM) on mineral medium and 36 microg ml(-1) (36.22 microM) on Murashige-Skoog medium. In the case of roots, the IC50 value was 4.1 microg ml(-1) (4.12 microM) on both media. Microcystin-LR induced aerenchyma obturation, altered lignification of cell walls in the axial organs, root necrosis and the capture of lateral or adventitious roots in the tissues of axial organs of reed plantlets. Cyanotoxin induced the premature development of lateral roots, root coalescence and early aerenchyma formation. Our data suggest that microcystin-LR, a cyanotoxin, induced developmental and histological alterations leading to growth inhibition of reed, and the induced harms have an impact on understanding reed decay in eutrophic fresh waters.  相似文献   

The shoot growth during the vegetation period andshoot morphology at the end of the season wereinvestigated in four monoclonal aquatic reed stands(Phragmites australis) with differentproductivity in Berlin and Brandenburg. Investigationswere conducted over a period of six years (1991–96) toascertain the effects of differences in temperatures.All clones showed significant year-to-year variationin shoot morphology. The mean final shoot length ofthe two clones with highest variation ranged from252 cm (1991) to 388 cm (1993; Templiner See), andfrom 170 cm (1993) to 229 cm (1994; Parsteiner See).In spite of this considerable variation, morphologicalparameters measured at the end of the growing seasonshowed only a slight relation to the average airtemperature either during the main growth phase (Aprilto June) or during the period of bud formation (Augustto October of the previous year). Contrary to meanshoot length at the end of the growing season, shootelongation during the main growth phase (from April toJune) was clearly related to the sum of daily averagetemperatures. Thus, taking into account temperaturemay enhance the accuracy of studies on reed growthwhenever these studies are carried out at localitiesdiffering in temperature or in different years.  相似文献   

Polyploidization and hybridization are very common in natural plant species, and mixed-ploidy species provide a unique opportunity to study the effects of evolutionary history, local abundance, and ploidy level on the direction and extent of introgression between intraspecific lineages. First, we delimited two morphologically cryptic lineages of Phragmites australis Trin. ex Steud. in temperate China using 11 nuclear microsatellites and two chloroplast DNA fragments with 225 samples from China as well as 11 samples from Oceania and Europe. Our evidence supported that haplotype O and haplotype P were two relatively independent lineages with low and high ploidy levels, respectively; haplotype M might be ancient and could have undergone a complex evolutionary history. Then we examined the lineage divergence and compared the introgression patterns between two major lineages along geographical and abundance gradients with a large number of samples (n = 1067) collected from China. The sympatric coexistence of two lineages in north and northeast China implies an ongoing or potential introgression between them. Cline analysis showed that the level of genetic admixture were significantly correlated with longitude rather than latitude. Our results also suggested that ploidy level could deeply influence the introgression asymmetry, and the effect of the current local abundance on introgression might be covered by the past coexistence time driven by phylogeographic history. Our study draws a baseline for future research on the ecological and evolutionary consequences of migration and introgression of Chinese P. australis under global change.  相似文献   

1. We predicted that zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas), genetic structure in the Mississippi River would follow a model of invasive species genetics, which predicts low genetic structure among populations of recently established species. This prediction was upheld in our previous genetic study using allozymes, however, one locus yielded anomalous results. 2. We employed amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis as a neutral marker to assess the amount of genetic structure within and among populations, and as a test of expected population structure from both invasion genetic theory, and the results from our previous study. 3. There was greater spatial differentiation, as measured by Fst, observed using AFLP's than for allozymes (P < 0.001). There was no evidence that AFLP variation conformed to an isolation by distance model, and genetic relationships of populations, as measured by AFLP markers, were not similar to those detected in our allozyme survey. 4. The lack of concordance between these two genetic marker systems probably reflects their differential responses to drift, migration, and selection occurring during this rapid invasion. Strong population structure is counter to predictions that populations of invasive species will not be differentiated, as with observations based on allozyme markers. Therefore, newly established species may require genetic surveys using multiple marker systems to evaluate population structure.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to apply advanced analytical techniques and kinetic modelling to common reeds (Phragmites australis) to characterize its pyrolysis and torrefaction as possible environmental friendly and sustainable pathways of fuel upgrading. Simultaneous thermogravimetric and differential scanning calorimetry analysis have been carried out on common reeds. The evolved gases during the decomposition process have been analysed by a coupled infrared gas analyser and gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer. Different reed origins (China and Italy) and plant parts (stem and leaves) have been compared. The results have been used to calibrate a torrefaction kinetic model. The model has also been tested simulating a reed torrefaction run occurring in a bench‐scale apparatus, supplementing the chemical analysis with a thermal simulation of the reactor carried out through a finite elements approach. The results show that the proposed modelling approach allows the prediction of the reaction products with a satisfying degree of accuracy. Besides its phytodepuration potential, P. australis has proven to be an interesting natural biomass resource for thermochemical conversion processes and energy production both for its suitability and availability.  相似文献   


In this study, roots, stems and leaves of the worldwide distributed macrophyte Phragmites australis (common reed) were tested as potential removal and biomonitors of trace elements contamination in sediment. In particular, the concentrations (100, 200, and 500?mg/kg) of the following elements were analyzed: Zn, Cu, Pb, and Fe. Results showed that the amount of concentrations in plant tissues is significantly (p?≤?0.01) dependent on the kind of organ and element. Trace element concentrations decreased according to the pattern of Fea (Rootsa > Stemsb > Leavesb) > Znb (Roota > Leavesb > Stemsc) > Cuc (Rootsa > Leavesb > Stemsc) > Pbc (Rootsa > Stemsb > Leavesc), as well as the roots acted as the main centers of bioaccumulation for all elements studied, and stems as the transit organs for translocation from roots to leaves. The major mechanisms employed by the plant were probably phytostabilization on the basis of the calculated Biological Concentration Factor (BCF – metal concentration ratio of plant root to soil); and Translocation Factor (TF – metal concentration ratio of plants roots to above ground part). Finally, due to the low scavenger effect of the radical DPPH, we excluded the hypothesis of the use of antioxidant mechanism in the tolerance of metals.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine whether, and to what degree, the aqueous iron concentration in the growing medium affects the growth of, and Fe uptake by, Phragmites australis, and whether the presence of iron in the growing environment affects the uptake of the essential element phosphate. The wetland macrophyte P. australis was grown under laboratory conditions in nutrient solution (0.31 mg L(-1) phosphate) containing a range of iron concentrations (0-50 mg L(-1) Fe). A threshold of iron concentration (1 mg L(-1)) was found, above which growth of P. australis was significantly inhibited. No direct causal relationship between iron content in aerial tissues and growth inhibition was found, which strongly suggests that iron toxicity cannot explain these results. Phosphate concentrations in aerial tissues were consistently sufficient for growth and development (2-3 % d. wt) despite significant variation in concentration of phosphate associated with roots. External Fe concentration had a significant effect on the growth of P. australis and on both Fe and phosphate concentrations associated with roots. However, neither direct toxicity nor phosphate deficiency could explain the reduction in growth above 1 mg L(-1) external Fe concentration  相似文献   

Methanogenesis was measured during the summer of 1994, in sediment coresand bulk samples from a Phragmites australis wetland in northern Jutland,Denmark. We compared sediment from healthy reed and dying-back reed, andan open lagoon resulting from die-back. Cores revealed variability withdepth and between sites, with the highest rates coinciding with layers oforganic gyttja, and negligible methane production from the underlying sandbase. Methanogenesis rates in the lagoon and die back sites were higher(up to 100–150 nmol h-1 g-1dry wt. sediment) than in the healthy reed (50–80 nmolh-1 g-1), with the highest rates being recordedfrom May to July. At these times, methanogenesis was markedly temperature-limited; samples incubated at 30 °C anon-limiting temperature, gave rates as high as 200–400nmol h-1 g-1 for the lagoon and die-backareas and 150 nmol h-1 g-1 for the healthyarea. Addition of 8 mM acetate and H2/CO2headspace suggested that both acetate-fermenting andCO2-reducing bacteria were present. Acetate additions suggested some co-limitation by substrate availability, with acetate limitation occurring in the healthy site during July and in the die-back site during August. Lower rates during August, especially in the healthy area, were associated with low water levels which resulted in more oxidized sediments. The data reveal highly variable methanogenesis in the sediment which, when considered with sediment depths, indicates that sites of Phragmites die-back have significantly greater rates of anaerobic mineralization than surrounding healthy wetland, and may be intense sources of methane.  相似文献   

Populations of the Tour species of Chloriona commonly found in the Netherlands C dorsata, C. glaucescens, C. smaragdula and C. vasconica –were cultured in the laboratory on Phragmites australis, their exclusive host plant in the field. The low frequency substrate-transmitted signals produced during the calling phase of mating behaviour were digitally analysed for the males and females of each species. Variables selected to cover most aspects of the call were measured, and variation was quantified within species and statistically tested among species using univariate and multivariate techniques. The calls of the males were more complex in structure than those of the females, with two different phase patterns recognized, and were species-specific. C. glaucescens and C vasconica were also separated on variables of the female call, but C dorsata and C. smaragdula completely overlapped. No significant differences were found between the calls of the long-winged and.short-winged female morphs of C. smaragdula. A possible role for variation in calling signals, and responses to them, in the evolution and maintenance of reproductive isolation in Chlonona is discussed.  相似文献   

在黄河三角洲选取3种典型的芦苇湿地群落为对象,即:故道区(1996年改道的黄河故道河岸带芦苇群落)、新生区(现行黄河河岸带新生芦苇群落)和潮水区(远离新旧河道但受潮汐影响的潮滩芦苇群落),研究黄河改道对3种生境芦苇各器官(茎、叶、根状茎、须根)和土壤剖面碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量变化及化学计量特征的影响.结果 表...  相似文献   

Despite many studies on phytoremediation of soils contaminated with either heavy metals or organics, little information is available on the effectiveness of phytoremediation of co-occurring metal and organic pollutants especially by using wetland species. Phragmites australis is a common wetland plant and its potential for phytoremediation of cadmium pentachlorophenol (Cd-PCP) co-contaminated soil was investigated. A greenhouse study was executed to elucidate the effects of Cd (0, 10, and 20 mg kg?1) without or with PCP (0, 50, and 250 mg kg?1) on the growth of the wetland plant P. australis and its uptake, accumulation and removal of pollutant from soils. After 75 days, plant biomass was significantly influenced by interaction of Cd and PCP and the effect of Cd on plant growth being stronger than that of PCP. Coexistence of PCP at low level lessened Cd toxicity to plants, resulting in improved plant growth and increased Cd accumulation in plant tissues. The dissipation of PCP in soils was significantly influenced by interactions of Cd, PCP and plant presence or absence. As an evaluation of soil biological activities after remediation soil enzyme was measured.  相似文献   

Clonal propagation is important for the survival and maintenance of the common reed Phragmites australis. Pot culture experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of lead (Pb) concentration (0, 500, 1500, 3000, 4500 mg·kg?1) and water stress on the clonal reproductive ability of this species. The Pb concentration found in plant organs, in decreasing order, was roots >shoots >rhizomes. There was a negative relationship between the growth of clonal propagative modules (excluding axillary shoot buds) and Pb concentrations, which caused a decrease in biomass, rhizome growth and number of axillary and apical rhizome buds. Daughter axillary shoots exhibited a tolerance strategy, with no significant change in their number; the axillary and apical rhizome buds, daughter apical rhizome shoots and rhizomes exhibited compensatory growth during the late stage of Pb (excluding 4500 mg·kg?1) treatment in a wet environment. Pb applications above 500 mg·kg?1 reduced these parameters significantly in the drought treatment, except for the number of axillary shoot buds, which did not change. Our results indicate that clonal propagative resistance to Pb contamination can occur via tolerance strategies, compensatory growth and a Pb allocation strategy, enabling these reeds to maintain population stability in wet environments. However, clonal modular growth and reproductive ability were inhibited significantly by the interaction between drought and Pb, which would cause a decline in P. australis populations in a dry environment. Lead concentrations of 4500 and 500 mg·kg?1 in soils might meet or exceed the Pb tolerance threshold of clonally propagated reeds in wet and dry environments, respectively.  相似文献   

四种生态型芦苇叶中离子分布对生境的生理适应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用X射线微区分析技术 ,测定了 4种生态型芦苇 (Phragmitesaustralis (CaV .)Trin .exSteud .)叶的表皮泡状细胞、叶肉细胞和叶脉维管束鞘细胞离子的含量。结果表明 :沼泽芦苇的鞘细胞内 ,K 、Na 、Ca2 、Mg2 和Cl-分布均较叶肉细胞和泡状细胞高。沙丘芦苇的泡状细胞中Ca2 分布较叶肉细胞和鞘细胞高 ,而Mg2 在其叶肉细胞 ,以及K 、Na 和Cl- 在其鞘细胞内分布均较高。在轻度盐化草甸芦苇的叶肉细胞内分布较多的Na 和Mg2 ,而在鞘细胞内K 、Ca2 和Cl- 的分布均较叶肉细胞和泡状细胞为高。重度盐化草甸芦苇的泡状细胞内Na 和Mg2 的分布较多 ;同样 ,在叶肉细胞中K 、Ca2 和Cl- 的分布也较多。最后 ,讨论了上述各种离子在不同生态型芦苇叶内分布的状况 ,以及与其环境适应的生理意义。  相似文献   

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