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Myocyte enhancer factor 2A is transcriptionally autoregulated   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The angiotensin II type 2 (AT2) receptor is upregulated in the left ventricle in heart failure, but its pathophysiological roles in vivo are not understood. In the present study, AT2 receptors were expressed in transgenic (TG) mice using the ventricular-specific myosin light-chain (MLC-2v) promoter. In TG compared with nontransgenic (NTG) mice, in vivo left ventricular (LV) systolic pressure and peak +dP/dt were depressed while LV diastolic pressure was elevated (P < 0.05). Echocardiography showed severely depressed LV fractional shortening, increased systolic and diastolic dimensions, and wall thinning (P < 0.05). Confocal and electron microscopy studies revealed an increase in the size of myocytes and interstitial spaces as well as an increase in interstitial collagen, disruption of the Z-band, and changes in cytochrome c localization. The changes were most prominent in the highest-expressing TG line, which implies a dose-response relationship. AT2 overexpression was also directly associated with the increase of phosphorylated protein levels of PKC-alpha, PKC-beta, and p70S6 kinase. These data demonstrate that ventricular myocyte-specific expression of AT2 receptors promotes the development of dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure in vivo.  相似文献   

Myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

目的对cTnTR141W扩张型心肌病转基因模型小鼠左、右心室进行对比分析,研究cTnTR141W转基因小鼠作为右心室心肌病的动物模型的可行性。方法利用7.0 T高场强磁共振成像(MRI)技术,定量分析了2、4、6和8月龄对照组及cTnTR141W转基因模型小鼠左、右心室的舒张末容积(EDV)、收缩末容积(ESV)和射血分数(EF)的变化情况,同时对6月龄对照组cTnTR141W转基因模型小鼠心肌组织进行组织学分析。结果转基因阴性对照小鼠相比,cTnTR141W转基因小鼠左、右心室的容积在2月龄时已有增大趋势,而射血分数有减小趋势。右心室射血分数减小出现最早也最显著(P<0.05)。随年龄增加,cTnTR141W转基因小鼠与转基因阴性对照小鼠相比,右心室的结构和功能的病理生理变化与左心室同时趋于严重。该小鼠左、右心室在4月龄后表现典型的扩张型心肌病表型。结论 cTnTR141W转基因模型小鼠左心室和右心室的扩张性心肌病表型同时出现,该小鼠可作为右室性心肌病等右心室功能下降相关疾病研究的动物模型。  相似文献   

Cardiomyopathy is a progressive disease of the myocardium leading to impaired contractility. Genotoxic cancer therapies are known to be potent drivers of cardiomyopathy, whereas causes of spontaneous disease remain unclear. To test the hypothesis that endogenous genotoxic stress contributes to cardiomyopathy, we deleted the DNA repair gene Ercc1 specifically in striated muscle using a floxed allele of Ercc1 and mice expressing Cre under control of the muscle-specific creatinine kinase (Ckmm) promoter or depleted systemically (Ercc1−/D mice). Ckmm-Cre+/−;Ercc1−/fl mice expired suddenly of heart disease by 7 months of age. As young adults, the hearts of Ckmm-Cre+/−;Ercc1−/fl mice were structurally and functionally normal, but by 6-months-of-age, there was significant ventricular dilation, wall thinning, interstitial fibrosis, and systolic dysfunction indicative of dilated cardiomyopathy. Cardiac tissue from the tissue-specific or systemic model showed increased apoptosis and cardiac myocytes from Ckmm-Cre+/-;Ercc1−/fl mice were hypersensitive to genotoxins, resulting in apoptosis. p53 levels and target gene expression, including several antioxidants, were increased in cardiac tissue from Ckmm-Cre+/−;Ercc1−/fl and Ercc1−/D mice. Despite this, cardiac tissue from older mutant mice showed evidence of increased oxidative stress. Genetic or pharmacologic inhibition of p53 attenuated apoptosis and improved disease markers. Similarly, overexpression of mitochondrial-targeted catalase improved disease markers. Together, these data support the conclusion that DNA damage produced endogenously can drive cardiac disease and does so mechanistically via chronic activation of p53 and increased oxidative stress, driving cardiac myocyte apoptosis, dilated cardiomyopathy, and sudden death.  相似文献   

Calsequestrin is a high capacity Ca(2+)-binding protein in the junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum that forms a quaternary complex with junctin, triadin, and the ryanodine receptor. Transgenic mice with cardiac-targeted calsequestrin overexpression show marked suppression of Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release, myocyte hypertrophy, and premature death by 16 weeks of age (Jones, L. R., Suzuki, Y. J., Wang, W., Kobayashi, Y. M., Ramesh, V., Franzini-Armstrong, C., Cleemann, L., and Morad, M. (1998) J. Clin. Invest. 101, 1385-1393). To investigate whether alterations in intracellular Ca(2+) trigger changes in the beta-adrenergic receptor pathway, we studied calsequestrin overexpressing transgenic mice at 7 and 14 weeks of age. As assessed by echocardiography, calsequestrin mice at 7 weeks showed mild left ventricular enlargement, mild decreased fractional shortening with increased wall thickness. By 14 weeks, the phenotype progressed to marked left ventricular enlargement and severely depressed systolic function. Cardiac catheterization in calsequestrin mice revealed markedly impaired beta-adrenergic receptor responsiveness in both 7- and 14- week mice. Biochemical analysis in 7- and 14-week mice showed a significant decrease in total beta-adrenergic receptor density, adenylyl cyclase activity, and the percent high affinity agonist binding, which was associated with increased beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1 levels. Taken together, these data indicate that alterations in beta-adrenergic receptor signaling precede the development of overt heart failure in this mouse model of progressive cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   

The protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) holoenzyme consists of a catalytic subunit, C, and two regulatory subunits, A and B. The PP2A core enzyme is composed of subunits A and C. Both the holoenzyme and the core enzyme are similarly abundant in heart tissue. Transgenic mice were generated expressing high levels of a dominant negative mutant of the A subunit (A delta 5) in the heart, skeletal muscle, and smooth muscle that competes with the endogenous A subunit for binding the C subunit but does not bind B subunits. We found that the ratio of core enzyme to holoenzyme was increased in A delta 5-expressing hearts. Importantly, already at day 1 after birth, A delta 5-transgenic mice had an increased heart weight-to-body weight ratio that persisted throughout life. Echocardiographic analysis of A delta 5-transgenic hearts revealed increased end-diastolic and end-systolic dimensions and decreased fractional shortening. In addition, the thickness of the septum and of the left ventricular posterior wall was significantly reduced. On the basis of these findings, we consider the heart phenotype of A delta 5-transgenic mice to be a form of dilated cardiomyopathy that frequently leads to premature death.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms are approximate 24-h oscillations in physiology and behavior. Circadian rhythm disruption has been associated with increased incidence of hypertension, coronary artery disease, dyslipidemia, and other cardiovascular pathologies in both humans and animal models. Mice lacking the core circadian clock gene, brain and muscle aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator (ARNT)-like protein (Bmal1), are behaviorally arrhythmic, die prematurely, and display a wide range of organ pathologies. However, data are lacking on the role of Bmal1 on the structural and functional integrity of cardiac muscle. In the present study, we demonstrate that Bmal1(-/-) mice develop dilated cardiomyopathy with age, characterized by thinning of the myocardial walls, dilation of the left ventricle, and decreased cardiac performance. Shortly after birth the Bmal1(-/-) mice exhibit a transient increase in myocardial weight, followed by regression and later onset of dilation and failure. Ex vivo working heart preparations revealed systolic ventricular dysfunction at the onset of dilation and failure, preceded by downregulation of both myosin heavy chain isoform mRNAs. We observed structural disorganization at the level of the sarcomere with a shift in titin isoform composition toward the stiffer N2B isoform. However, passive tension generation in single cardiomyocytes was not increased. Collectively, these findings suggest that the loss of the circadian clock gene, Bmal1, gives rise to the development of an age-associated dilated cardiomyopathy, which is associated with shifts in titin isoform composition, altered myosin heavy chain gene expression, and disruption of sarcomere structure.  相似文献   

The cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 gene encodes an inducible prostaglandin synthase enzyme that is overexpressed in adenocarcinomas and other tumors. Deletion of the murine Cox-2 gene in Min mice reduced the incidence of intestinal tumors, suggesting that it is required for tumorigenesis. However, it is not known if overexpression of Cox-2 is sufficient to induce tumorigenic transformation. We have derived transgenic mice that overexpress the human COX-2 gene in the mammary glands using the murine mammary tumor virus promoter. The human Cox-2 mRNA and protein are expressed in mammary glands of female transgenic mice and were strongly induced during pregnancy and lactation. Female virgin Cox-2 transgenic mice showed precocious lobuloalveolar differentiation and enhanced expression of the beta-casein gene, which was inhibited by the Cox inhibitor indomethacin. Mammary gland involution was delayed in Cox-2 transgenic mice with a decrease in apoptotic index of mammary epithelial cells. Multiparous but not virgin females exhibited a greatly exaggerated incidence of focal mammary gland hyperplasia, dysplasia, and transformation into metastatic tumors. Cox-2-induced tumor tissue expressed reduced levels of the proapoptotic proteins Bax and Bcl-x(L) and an increase in the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2, suggesting that decreased apoptosis of mammary epithelial cells contributes to tumorigenesis. These data indicate that enhanced Cox-2 expression is sufficient to induce mammary gland tumorigenesis. Therefore, inhibition of Cox-2 may represent a mechanism-based chemopreventive approach for carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Here, we demonstrate the application of the proteomic approach to the study of a transgenic mouse model of heart failure and provide an example of a disease-associated protein alteration that can be observed using this approach. Specifically, we applied the proteomic approach to the analysis of a mouse model of dilated cardiomyopathy in which the small GTPase, Rac1, was constitutively expressed specifically in the myocardium. We utilized the methods of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) for protein separation, silver-staining for protein visualization and mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF and MS/MS) for protein spot identification. Computer-generated composite images were created which represent a normalized average of four 2-DE gel images derived from analysis of either Rac1 transgenic (n = 4) or non-transgenic (n = 4) mice. Analysis of composite images derived from NTG and Rac1 experimental groups revealed numerous statistically significant differences in mean protein spot intensities. Here, we report a statistically significant increase, of approximately 1.6-fold, in the mean protein spot intensity for creatine kinase M-chain in the composite image of Rac1 transgenic mice compared to control. This protein alteration may be consistent with an end-stage heart failure phenotype in which maximal myocardial reserve is employed to sustain survival.  相似文献   

Mutation in collagen gene induces cardiomyopathy in transgenic mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In many remodeling tissues, such as the heart, collagen degradation to provide new integrin-binding sites is required for survival. However, complete loss of integrin signaling due to disconnection from extracellular matrix (ECM) leads to apoptosis and dilatation. To test the hypothesis that a mutation in type I collagen gene induces cardiomyopathy, we employed a metalloproteinase-resistant collagen mutant homozygous transgenic male (B6,129-Colla-1) and compared with age-sex matched wildtype C57BL/J6 control mice. At the age of 38-42 weeks, aortic and left ventricle (LV) pressure were measured. The LV wall thickness and diameter were measured by a digital micrometer. The levels of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) activity and cardiospecific tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-4 (TIMP-4) were measured by zymography and Western blot analyses, respectively. The levels of collagenolysis were measured by Western blot using anti-collagen antibody. In transgenic and wildtype mice, end-diastolic pressure (EDP) was 8.3 +/- 1.7 and 6.5 +/- 1.1 mmHg; LV diameter was 3.43 +/- 0.07 and 2.94 +/- 0.05 mm; wall thickness was 1.18 +/- 0.03 and 1.28 +/- 0.04 mm; end-diastolic wall stress was 600 +/- 158 and 347 +/- 49 dynes/cm(2), respectively. The increase in LV wall stress was associated with increased MMP-2 activity, increased collagenolysis, and decreased levels of TIMP-4. This leads to reduced elastic compliance in collagen mutant transgenic mice. The occurrence of cardiomyopathy in adult Colla-1 mice may be a significant confounding factor as it may be indicative of increased basal levels of ECM disruption. This phenotype is what would be expected if collagen degradation normally supplies integrin ligands during cardiac muscle remodeling.  相似文献   

Severe experimental autoimmune myocarditis and subsequent dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) were successfully produced in Lewis rats by immunization with recombinant cardiac C protein. Seventy-five percent of immunized rats died between days 15 and 49 postimmunization, and all of the survived rats showed typical DCM characterized by the presence of ventricular dilatation and extensive fibrosis. Immunopathological and chemokine analysis during the acute phase revealed that there were marked macrophage infiltration with myocyte necrosis and up-regulation of MCP-1 and IFN-gamma-inducible protein-10 (IP-10). Based on these findings, we prepared plasmid DNAs encoding the binding site of CCR2 and CXCR3, which are receptors for MCP-1 and IP-10, respectively. The culture supernatant of cells transfected with these DNAs inhibited the migration of T cells and macrophages induced by MCP-1 and IP-10. Remarkably, administration of the DNAs to C protein-immunized rats prevented the disease progression and rescued animals from death. The present study has demonstrated for the first time that gene therapy targeting the chemokine receptor could be a powerful tool for the control of experimental autoimmune myocarditis and DCM.  相似文献   

Tessier SN  Storey KB 《Gene》2012,496(1):8-16
Long non-coding RNA urothelial carcinoma associated 1 (UCA1) promotes human bladder cancer cell proliferation, but the underlying mechanism remains unknown. After knocking down of UCA1 in BLZ-211 cells, several cell cycle-related genes (CDKN2B, EP300 and TGFβ-2) were screened by microarray assay and validated by real-time PCR. Interestingly, in western blot analysis, p300 (encoded by EP300) and its coactivator cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) level were significantly down-regulated. Both suppression of UCA1 expression by shRNA in BLZ-211 cells and ectopic expression of UCA1 in UMUC-2 cells showed that UCA1 alteration paralleled to the expression and phosphorylation of CREB, and UCA1 obviously influenced AKT expression and activity. Furthermore, in BLZ-211 cells, cell cycle progression was greatly reduced after PI3-K pathway was blocked by LY294002, indicating that UCA1 affected cell cycle progression through CREB. Taken together, we concluded that UCA1 regulated cell cycle through CREB via PI3K-AKT dependent pathway in bladder cancer.  相似文献   

2C T cell receptor (TCR) transgenic mice have been long used to study the molecular basis of TCR binding to peptide/major compatibility complexes and the cytotoxicity mechanism of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). To study the role of variable gene promoters in allelic exclusion, we previously constructed mutant mice in which the Vβ13 promoter was deleted (P13 mice). Introduction of 2C transgene into P13 mice accelerated the onset of systemic CD8 T cell lymphoma between 14 and 27 weeks of age, although parental P13 mice appeared to be normal. This observation suggests that the lymphoma development may be linked to features of 2C transgene. To identify the integration site of 2C transgene, Southern blotting identified a 2C-specific DNA fragment by 3′ region probe of 2C TCR α transgene, and digestion-circularization-polymerase chain reaction (DC-PCR) amplified the 2C-specific DNA fragment with inverse primers specific to the southern probe. Sequence analysis revealed that DC-PCR product contained the probe sequences and the junction sequences of integration site, indicating that 2C TCR α transgene is integrated into chromosome 1. Further genomic analysis revealed cytosolic phospholipase A2 group IVA (cPLA2) as the nearest gene to the integration site. cPLA2 expression was upregulated in the normal thymi and T cell lymphomas from 2C transgenic mice, although it was not altered in the lymph nodes of 2C transgenic mice. The result is the first report demonstrating the integration site of 2C TCR transgene, and will facilitate the proper use of 2C transgenic mice in studies of CTLs.  相似文献   

Alpha-lipoic acid (alpha-LA) mimics the hypothalamic actions of leptin on food intake, energy expenditure, and activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). To determine if, like leptin, alpha-LA protects against cardiac lipotoxicity, alpha-LA was fed to transgenic mice with cardiomyocyte-specific overexpression of the acyl CoA synthase (ACS) gene. Untreated ACS-transgenic mice died prematurely with increased triacylglycerol content and dilated cardiomyopathy, impaired systolic function and myofiber disorganization, apoptosis, and interstitial fibrosis on microscopy. In alpha-LA-treated ACS-transgenic mice heart size, echocardiogram and TG content were normal. Plasma TG fell 50%, hepatic-activated phospho-AMPK rose 6-fold, sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1c declined 50%, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma cofactor-1alpha mRNA rose 4-fold. Since food restriction did not prevent lipotoxicity, we conclude that alpha-LA treatment, like hyperleptinemia, protects the heart of ACS-transgenic mice from lipotoxicity.  相似文献   

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