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A restoration genetics guide for coral reef conservation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Baums IB 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(12):2796-2811
Worldwide degradation of coral reef communities has prompted a surge in restoration efforts. They proceed largely without considering genetic factors because traditionally, coral populations have been regarded as open over large areas with little potential for local adaptation. Since, biophysical and molecular studies indicated that most populations are closed over shorter time and smaller spatial scales. Thus, it is justified to re-examine the potential for site adaptation in corals. There is ample evidence for differentiated populations, inbreeding, asexual reproduction and the occurrence of ecotypes, factors that may facilitate local adaptation. Discovery of widespread local adaptation would influence coral restoration projects mainly with regard to the physical and evolutionary distance from the source wild and/or captive bred propagules may be moved without causing a loss of fitness in the restored population. Proposed causes for loss of fitness as a result of (plant) restoration efforts include founder effects, genetic swamping, inbreeding and/or outbreeding depression. Direct evidence for any of these processes is scarce in reef corals due to a lack of model species that allow for testing over multiple generations and the separation of the relative contributions of algal symbionts and their coral hosts to the overall performance of the coral colony. This gap in our knowledge may be closed by employing novel population genetic and genomics approaches. The use of molecular tools may aid managers in the selection of appropriate propagule sources, guide spatial arrangement of transplants, and help in assessing the success of coral restoration projects by tracking the performance of transplants, thereby generating important data for future coral reef conservation and restoration projects.  相似文献   

Linking ecological theory with stream restoration   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. Faced with widespread degradation of riverine ecosystems, stream restoration has greatly increased. Such restoration is rarely planned and executed with inputs from ecological theory. In this paper, we seek to identify principles from ecological theory that have been, or could be, used to guide stream restoration. 2. In attempts to re‐establish populations, knowledge of the species’ life history, habitat template and spatio‐temporal scope is critical. In many cases dispersal will be a critical process in maintaining viable populations at the landscape scale, and special attention should be given to the unique geometry of stream systems 3. One way by which organisms survive natural disturbances is by the use of refugia, many forms of which may have been lost with degradation. Restoring refugia may therefore be critical to survival of target populations, particularly in facilitating resilience to ongoing anthropogenic disturbance regimes. 4. Restoring connectivity, especially longitudinal connectivity, has been a major restoration goal. In restoring lateral connectivity there has been an increasing awareness of the riparian zone as a critical transition zone between streams and their catchments. 5. Increased knowledge of food web structure – bottom‐up versus top‐down control, trophic cascades and subsidies – are yet to be applied to stream restoration efforts. 6. In restoration, species are drawn from the regional species pool. Having overcome dispersal and environmental constraints (filters), species persistence may be governed by local internal dynamics, which are referred to as assembly rules. 7. While restoration projects often define goals and endpoints, the succession pathways and mechanisms (e.g. facilitation) by which these may be achieved are rarely considered. This occurs in spite of a large of body of general theory on which to draw. 8. Stream restoration has neglected ecosystem processes. The concept that increasing biodiversity increases ecosystem functioning is very relevant to stream restoration. Whether biodiversity affects ecosystem processes, such as decomposition, in streams is equivocal. 9. Considering the spatial scale of restoration projects is critical to success. Success is more likely with large‐scale projects, but they will often be infeasible in terms of the available resources and conflicts of interest. Small‐scale restoration may remedy specific problems. In general, restoration should occur at the appropriate spatial scale such that restoration is not reversed by the prevailing disturbance regime. 10. The effectiveness and predictability of stream ecosystem restoration will improve with an increased understanding of the processes by which ecosystems develop and are maintained. Ideas from general ecological theory can clearly be better incorporated into stream restoration projects. This will provide a twofold benefit in providing an opportunity both to improve restoration outcomes and to test ecological theory.  相似文献   

Habitat restoration projects are often deemed successful based on the presence of the target species within the habitat; however, in some cases the restored habitat acts as an ecological trap and does not help to improve the reproductive success of the target species. Understanding wildlife–habitat relationships through precise measurements of animal behavior can identify critical resources that contribute to high quality habitat and improve habitat restoration practice. We evaluated the success of a restored piping plover (Charadrius melodus) breeding habitat in New Jersey, USA. We identified the major factors influencing foraging rates, compared foraging activity budgets over 3 yr at restored and natural habitats, and explored the potential of artificial tidal ponds as a viable restoration alternative. Adult foraging rates were higher in artificial pond and ephemeral pool habitats, during low tide, and after breeding activity ended. Adult foraging rates were impeded by the presence of people and vehicles within 50 m. Chick foraging rates were highest at artificial ponds and bay shores and lowest in dunes and on sand flats. Chick foraging rates were strongly hindered by the presence of corvids and the number of people within 50 m. In addition, at artificial tidal ponds, piping plovers spent more time foraging and less time engaged in defensive behaviors (vigilance, crouching, and fleeing) compared to other potential habitats. Our findings support the hypothesis that artificial tidal ponds are a valuable, perhaps superior, foraging habitat. Future beach restoration projects should include this feature to maximize habitat quality and restoration success. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

A hierarchical approach to restoration planning at the regional, catchment and local scales is proposed and examined. Restoration projects limited to a local scale and focused on habitat improvement for individual species ended in failure, which has led to the recognition that there is a need for ecosystem-based management at the landscape level. The first landscape-level restoration in Japan is under way in the Kushiro and Shibetsu River Basins, in northern Japan. However, public consensus on these large-scale restoration projects has not yet matured and there are very few projects that have progressed even as far as mapping to classify intact and disturbed ecosystems. Classification of habitat quality using physical and biological indicators appears to be the core element of analysis of ecological degradation at the regional scale (100–1,000 km2). This mass-screening process is critical to identify areas in potential need of restoration. The causes and mechanisms of ecosystem degradation are then examined at the catchment scale (10–100 km2) by linking material flows and habitat conditions. Direct environmental gradient analysis is useful to determine cause and effect relationships between species and habitat quality. Finally, we recommend implementation of field experiments with a clear hypothesis at the local scale (0.01–1 km2). At this stage, key variables causing degradation of the target ecosystem are manipulated to verify the hypothesis. Based on the results of local-scale analyses, the possibility of restoration success can be evaluated, which directs us to practical schemes for future restoration projects at larger scales.  相似文献   

Throughout the world, the condition of many riparian ecosystems has declined due to numerous factors, including encroachment of non‐native species. In the western United States, millions of dollars are spent annually to control invasions of Tamarix spp., introduced small trees or shrubs from Eurasia that have colonized bottomland ecosystems along many rivers. Resource managers seek to control Tamarix in attempts to meet various objectives, such as increasing water yield and improving wildlife habitat. Often, riparian restoration is an implicit goal, but there has been little emphasis on a process or principles to effectively plan restoration activities, and many Tamarix removal projects are unsuccessful at restoring native vegetation. We propose and summarize the key steps in a planning process aimed at developing effective restoration projects in Tamarix‐dominated areas. We discuss in greater detail the biotic and abiotic factors central to the evaluation of potential restoration sites and summarize information about plant communities likely to replace Tamarix under various conditions. Although many projects begin with implementation, which includes the actual removal of Tamarix, we stress the importance of pre‐project planning that includes: (1) clearly identifying project goals; (2) developing realistic project objectives based on a detailed evaluation of site conditions; (3) prioritizing and selecting Tamarix control sites with the best chance of ecological recovery; and (4) developing a detailed tactical plan before Tamarix is removed. After removal, monitoring and maintenance as part of an adaptive management approach are crucial for evaluating project success and determining the most effective methods for restoring these challenging sites.  相似文献   

1. Rivers in boreal forested areas were often dredged to facilitate the transport of timber resulting in channels with simplified bed structure and flow fields and reduced habitat suitability for stream organisms, especially lotic fishes. Currently, many streams are being restored to improve their physical habitat, by replacing boulders and gravel and removing constraining embankments. The most compelling justification behind stream restoration of former floatways has been the enhancement of native fish populations, specifically salmonids. 2. We examined the success of a stream management programme aimed at re‐building diminished brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations by monitoring densities of young‐of‐year and older trout in 18 managed and three reference streams during 2000–2005. Rehabilitation included in‐stream restoration combined with a 5‐year post‐restoration period of stocking young brown trout. Our space‐for‐time substitution design comprised four pre‐management, four under‐management, 10 post‐management and three reference streams. 3. Densities of young‐of‐year brown trout, indicating population establishment, were significantly higher in post‐ compared with pre‐management streams. However, density of young‐of‐year brown trout in post‐management streams was significantly lower compared with near‐pristine reference streams. Furthermore, success of managed brown trout population re‐building varied, indicating stream‐specific responses to management measures. Density of burbot (Lota lota), a native generalist predator, was associated with low recruitment of brown trout. 4. Stream‐specific responses imply that rehabilitation of brown trout populations cannot be precisely predicted thereby limiting application. Our findings support the importance of adaptive stream restoration and management, with focus on identifying factor(s) limiting the establishment of target fish populations.  相似文献   

Within the past several decades, seabird populations have been actively restored in locales where they were reduced or extirpated. Chick translocation, acoustic vocalization playbacks, and decoys are now used widely to lure breeding seabirds to restoration sites. In this first worldwide review of seabird restoration projects we evaluate the factors affecting project success or failure and recommend future directions for management. We identified 128 active restoration projects that were implemented to protect 47 seabird species in 100 locales spanning 14 countries since active restoration methods were pioneered in 1973. Active seabird restoration can achieve conservation goals for threatened and endangered species, and for species affected by anthropogenic impacts (e.g., oil spills, invasive species, fisheries). It also can be used to relocate populations from undesired breeding locales to more favorable locations, and to establish multiple breeding locations to reduce risks posed by catastrophic events. Active restoration can help to restore ecological processes, as large seabird colonies function to cycle marine nutrients to terrestrial ecosystems and create habitats for commensal species. Active restoration is especially appropriate where the original causes of decline are no longer working to suppress colony establishment and growth. Successful restoration efforts require careful planning and long-term commitments. We introduce the different forms of active seabird restoration techniques, review their utility for different seabird species, and use case studies to suggest how to optimize this technique to restore seabird species globally. Wildlife managers can use this review to guide their seabird restoration projects in the planning, implementation, and monitoring stages; tailor their restoration to seabird-specific life histories; and identify areas for further research to improve restoration utility in the future. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Pine barrens are open‐canopy ecological communities once prevalent on sandy soils across the northern Great Lakes Region of the United States and Canada, though fire suppression and plantation forestry have now reduced them to a few isolated areas. Efforts to restore pine barrens are underway on some public lands, but lack of knowledge on the social and ecological issues and challenges that affect these projects impedes fuller progress. As a precursor to designing a public preference survey for pine barrens restoration, we sought input from those with expert knowledge about pine barrens. Using a three‐round modified Delphi survey, forest land managers and researchers identified the key characteristics of pine barrens and important current and future management challenges. Key characteristics were related to fire, landscape structure, plant and animal species, soils, and social themes. Current and future challenges were related to landscape, invasive species, social, economic, climate change, and science themes. Four social issues (education, fire acceptance, fire risk, aesthetics) were rated among the top current challenges but none of them maintained prominence as future challenges. Potential explanations for this shift are that the experts felt these social concerns would be resolved in time or that other issues, such as development pressures and budgets for carrying out restoration, would become greater future challenges. Our approach can be used by managers and researchers to better understand the ecosystems they seek to restore and to communicate with public stakeholders about restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Productivity of temperate streams and lakes is often limited by availability of key nutrients, and nutrient‐poor habitats are termed oligotrophic. Oligotrophic streams and lakes occur naturally, but often are a product of human activities (cultural oligotrophication), such as the creation of dams. Cultural oligotrophication has resulted in declining productivity in streams and lakes, a condition that can manifest itself in collapsing salmonid fish stocks. To counteract lost productivity as part of restoration or compensation measures, managers often add nutrient via fertilizers to enhance fisheries production. However, these programs are not always successful, and this article reviews available literature to identify patterns that may influence success of nutrient enhancement programs. Overall fertilization of lakes and streams will almost certainly increase primary producer and invertebrate populations. While it is likely that fertilization will also increase fishery production, it is far from certain. The magnitude of this change is unpredictable, and the success of a fertilization program will vary greatly between years, habitat, and microhabitats. Regardless, if fertilization is coupled with holistic monitoring of the food web and ecosystem, then it is likely to be an effective technique to enhance fishery productivity in active restoration of compensation programs. However, the benefits of fertilization will not outlast the fertilization project, and care must be exercised when ceasing active fertilization. When compared to other restoration/compensation strategies such as fish ladders or trap and transport, fertilization may be a cost‐effective method to enhance fishery production. Finally, recommendations are discussed to increase the probability of fertilization success.  相似文献   

Stream restorations that increase geomorphic stability can improve habitat quality, which should benefit selected species and local aquatic ecosystems. This assumption is often used to define primary restoration goals; yet, biological responses to restoration are rarely monitored or evaluated methodically. Macroinvertebrate communities were inventoried at 6 study reaches within 5 Catskill Mountain streams between 2002 and 2006 to characterize their responses to natural‐channel‐design (NCD) restoration. Although bank stability increased significantly at most restored reaches, analyses of variation showed that NCD restorations had no significant effect on 15 of 16 macroinvertebrate community metrics. Multidimensional scaling ordination indicated that communities from all reach types within a stream were much more similar to each other within any given year than they were in the same reaches across years or within any type of reach across streams. These findings indicate that source populations and watershed‐scale factors were more important to macroinvertebrate community characteristics than were changes in channel geomorphology associated with NCD restoration. Furthermore, the response of macroinvertebrates to restoration cannot always be used to infer the response of other stream biota to restoration. Thus, a broad perspective is needed to characterize and evaluate the full range of effects that restoration can have on stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

Channel reconfiguration is one of the most common and costly stream restoration techniques, though its effectiveness is frequently questioned. Project monitoring often tracks changes in macroinvertebrate communities and other responses for a 5‐year period. However, channel reconfiguration is a documented disturbance to stream ecosystems, suggesting that this form of restoration initiates succession over longer time frames than monitoring typically captures. To address the role of succession in stream ecosystem recovery, we developed the Phased Recovery Framework (PRF) which proposes benchmarks represented by predictable habitat structure and community composition based on project age. The PRF was tested across nine stream restoration projects in western Montana, ranging in age from 1 to 18 years, each paired with an established reference system. We tested for differences in channel form, habitat character, and macroinvertebrate community composition. While restoration established desired channel form, most biotic variables had not recovered to reference condition even for the oldest projects. Across all sites, phases of the PRF were poor predictors of response. However, analyzing responses to reconfiguration independently for sites in watersheds with unimpaired water quality versus those experiencing excessive nutrient enrichment (i.e. impaired sites) indicated that biological variables converged on reference conditions at unimpaired sites, but diverged across impaired reaches. These large‐scale anthropogenic influences may play a stronger role in recovery than do changes to channel form and need to be incorporated into project design and success criteria. Assessment of the PRF suggests that short‐term monitoring is not likely to produce reliable indicators of effectiveness without incorporating locally appropriate change associated with watershed impairment and successional progression.  相似文献   

Inappropriate land use practices, pollutants, exploitation, and overpopulation have simplified stream habitats and degraded water quality worldwide. Management agencies are now being tasked to ameliorate impacts and restore stream “health,” yet there is a dearth of rigorous scientific methods and theory on which to base sound restoration design and monitoring. Despite this, many localized restoration projects are being constructed to stabilize erosion and enhance habitat heterogeneity in streams. Many restoration attempts adopt the paradigm that increasing habitat heterogeneity will lead to restoration of biotic diversity, yet there have been few studies that have manipulated variation of a physical parameter independent of the mean to isolate the effects of heterogeneity per se. We conducted a field experiment to mimic restoration of habitat heterogeneity in a shallow. stony stream. By using an experimental approach rather than a detailed assessment of existing restoration work, we were able to control the starting conditions of replicate riffles so that organism responses could be unambiguously attributed to the heterogeneity treatments. We successfully manipulated the variability of streambed particle sizes and consequently near‐bed flow characteristics of entire riffles. These factors define axes of habitat heterogeneity at scales relevant to the resident macroinvertebrate fauna. Despite this, we were unable to distinguish differences in community structure between high and low habitat heterogeneity treatments. Power analysis indicated that macroinvertebrate populations were more sensitive to individual site conditions at each riffle than to the heterogeneity treatments, suggesting that increasing habitat heterogeneity may be an ineffective technique if the restoration goals are to promote macroinvertebrate recovery in denuded streams. With extremely high variability between replicate riffles, monitoring programs for localized restoration projects or point source impacts are unlikely to detect gradual shifts in community structure until the differences between the reference and treatment sites are extreme. Innovative measurement of other parameters, such as ecosystem function variables (e.g., production, respiration, decomposition), may be more appropriate indicators of change at local scales.  相似文献   

Arthropods have been regarded as good indicators of habitat quality due to their sensitivity to changes in habitat state. However, there are many constraints to working with arthropods that make them inaccessible to land managers and most volunteer-driven initiatives. Our study examined a novel approach for detecting changes in web-building spider communities by focussing on the types of webs that spiders build rather than the spider itself. This method was cost-effective, easy-to-use, and importantly, we found a strong congruency between the diversity of web architecture and the diversity of web-building spider genera. The metrics derived from this method could distinguish differences in web-building communities among habitat types that represented a successional gradient, and thus we concluded that the method was useful for monitoring the progress of restoration. Many other applications for the method are possible such as environmental impact assessment and agricultural pest management, and we encourage development in these areas.  相似文献   

To investigate the effectiveness of a meadow restoration programme, we studied the relationships between population changes and environmental changes, return rates and hatching success in a population of Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus. The study was performed on mixed farmland (59 km2) in central Sweden, an area that underwent extensive meadow restoration between 1985 and 1994. The study included more than 2600 nests, supplemented with observations of 127 individually colour-ringed Northern Lapwings. The breeding population varied (2.7–5.3 pairs/km2), but showed no significant trend with time. The population increased in years with high spring flooding levels. Population size was unrelated to demographic factors (e.g. hatching success the previous year (14–50%), and return rate). Lapwings moved considerably between years and their nest site fidelity was unrelated to previous hatching success or other factors, suggesting that changes in habitat quality and migration between populations were important in regulating population size. Recent extensive meadow restoration did not seem to aid the Northern Lapwing population; birds continued nesting on tillage even though most nests were destroyed by farming activities. A relatively high relaying frequency improved hatching success, which was still lowest in the most preferred habitats (spring sown crops, total hatching success c. 30%). The few Northern Lapwings breeding in the least preferred habitats (meadows and cultivated grassland) had a better hatching success (> 70% total hatching success), suggesting that habitat selection was not determined by hatching success. From these results, recommendations are made for the management of Northern Lapwing (and associated species) populations on farmland.  相似文献   

Oyster reef restoration projects are increasing in number both to enhance oyster density and to retain valuable ecosystem services provided by oyster reefs. Although some oyster restoration projects have demonstrated success by increasing density and biomass of transient fish, it still remains a challenge to quantify the effects of oyster restoration on transient fish communities. We developed a bioenergetics model to assess the impact of selected oyster reef restoration scenarios on associated transient fish species. We used the model to analyze the impact of changes in (1) oyster population carrying capacity; (2) oyster population growth rate; and (3) diet preference of transient fish on oyster reef development and associated transient fish species. Our model results indicate that resident fish biomass is directly affected by oyster restoration and oyster biomass, and oyster restoration can have cascading impacts on transient fish biomass. Furthermore, the results highlight the importance of a favorable oyster population growth rate during early restoration years, as it can lead to rapid increases in mean oyster biomass and biomass of transient fish species. The model also revealed that a transient fish's diet solely dependent on oyster reef‐derived prey could limit the biomass of transient fish species, emphasizing the importance of habitat connectivity in estuarine areas to enhance transient fish species biomass. Simple bioenergetics models can be developed to understand the dynamics of a system and make qualitative predictions of management and restoration scenarios.  相似文献   

1. We evaluated restoration success on macrophyte species diversity and composition in lowland streams using communities in 30 naturally meandering stream reaches in the western part of Jutland, Denmark, as reference target communities. Fuzzy set clustering was used to examine the floristic and environmental similarity among reaches, whereas fuzzy set ordination was used to relate floristic patterns to environmental variables. 2. Two major groups of streams were identified based on their floristic composition. One group consisted of reference and restored reaches and the other of the majority of channelised reaches. We found that management exerted a strong influence on the macrophyte communities and that the identified groups were related to differences in management intensity. 3. Our results also indicate that bank morphology and bed level affected macrophyte communities in the streams, particularly the richness and abundance of terrestrial species. The analyses performed suggest that shallow and wide banks allow for a larger migration of species from the stream banks into the streams, thereby enhancing species diversity within the stream channel. 4. The results of this study suggest that macrophyte communities in channelised lowland streams can recover following restorative interventions given that stream management (i.e. weed cutting and dredging) is minimised and that stream banks are reprofiled to improve the lateral connectivity between the stream and its valley.  相似文献   

Mangrove Restoration: Do We Know Enough?   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Mangrove restoration projects have been attempted, with mixed results, throughout the world. In this paper, I first examine goals of existing mangrove restoration projects and determine whether these goals are clear and adequate, and whether or not they account for the full range of biological diversity and ecological processes of mangrove ecosystems. Many restored mangrove forests resemble forest plantations rather than truly integrated ecosystems, but mangrove plantations can be a first step toward mangrove rehabilitation. Mangrove restoration projects that involve associated aquaculture or mariculture operations tend to be more likely to approximate the biological diversity and ecological processes of undisturbed mangrove ecosystems than are projects that focus only on the trees. These integrated restoration projects also provide a higher economic return than do silvicultural projects alone. Second, I briefly assess whether existing ecological data are sufficient to undergird successful restoration of mangal and define criteria for determining whether or not a mangrove ecosystem has been restored successfully. These criteria include characteristics of vegetation (forest) structure, levels of primary production, composition of associated animal communities, and hydrology. Finally, I suggest ways to improve mangrove restoration projects and identify key research needs required to support these efforts. Ecological theories derived from other wetland and upland systems rarely have been applied to either “basic” or “applied” mangrove forest studies, to the detriment of restoration projects, whereas lessons from restoration of the relatively species‐poor mangrove ecosystems could be beneficially applied to restoration projects in other contexts. An international database of mangrove restoration projects would reduce the likelihood that unsuccessful restoration projects would be repeated elsewhere. Clear criteria for evaluating success, greater accessibility of information by managers in the developing world, intensified international cooperation, and application of relevant ecological theories will improve the success rate of mangrove restoration projects.  相似文献   

Many New Zealanders are planning and implementing riparian management, and riparian fencing and planting are now standard best practice tools for water quality and habitat restoration. New Zealand has a long history of action, with the first catchment riparian schemes and science dating back to the 1970s. As a result of this, there is now solid scientific evidence that demonstrates the value of a range of management actions including the following: riparian zones and buffers for livestock exclusion (fencing with or without planting), nutrient processing, shading small streams for temperature control, providing leaf and wood input to stream ecosystems, and enhancing fish and invertebrate habitat. In the last decade or so, on‐ground action has accelerated significantly with the introduction of dairy industry and government agreed targets. In 2015, 96% of dairy cows had been excluded from waterways >1 m wide and >30 cm deep on land that cows graze during the milking season providing impetus for on‐ground action to spread into other pastoral industries. Tools for planning, managing and implementing successful riparian restoration have proliferated, informed by on‐ground successes and failures. Despite this, there remain challenges for individuals or communities planning riparian restoration. Careful case‐by‐case assessment is recommended to ensure that plans match design to local landscape constraints and can realistically contribute to improved water quality or habitat outcomes.  相似文献   

Barriers to the recovery of aquatic insect communities in urban streams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Worldwide, increasing numbers of stream restoration projects are being initiated to rehabilitate waterways modified by urbanisation. However, many of these projects have limited success in restoring stream communities. Prompted by this, we investigated previously unrecognised barriers to aquatic insect colonisation in urban streams. 2. To investigate whether the availability of suitable substrata for oviposition limited the longitudinal distribution of caddisflies, large boulders were added to the upstream reaches of one stream. Prior to the addition, more egg masses were observed downstream and this longitudinal pattern persisted subsequently. 3. Malaise trapping revealed that adult caddisfly diversity and abundance was greater downstream than upstream. Furthermore, in a previous study the authors found larval caddisflies reflected the longitudinal distribution of adults. 4. The only obvious potential obstructions between reaches were roads beneath which the stream flowed through culverted crossings. Malaise trapping was used to examine the effect of road culverts and bridges on caddisfly dispersal. Numbers of caddisflies caught declined upstream and about 2.5 × more individuals were taken in traps immediately below than above five culverts. 4. Bridges, which had a more open structure than culverts, had no significant effect on the size of catches made above and below them. 5. Road culverts could act as partial barriers to upstream flight, with consequences for larval recruitment in urban streams. We recommend that urban planners and designers of restoration projects consider possible synergistic effects of poor oviposition habitat and barriers to aquatic insect dispersal, which may be critical for the colonisation of urban headwater streams and for the maintenance of stream insect populations.  相似文献   

Spiders (Araneae) play key roles in ecosystems, not only as common and abundant generalist predators, but also as major contributors to biodiversity in many areas. In addition, due to their short generation times and high mobility, spiders respond rapidly to small changes in their environment, potentially making them useful indicators for restoration monitoring. However, few studies have focused on spider responses to grassland restoration in the United States. We compared degraded, native, and restored grassland sites to examine how spider communities and habitat respond to arid grassland restoration. We also examined how responses varied with the age of the restoration project. Spider communities in native sites differed from those in restored and degraded sites in several ways: native sites had fewer spiders and a different community composition than degraded and restored sites. However, native and restored sites had more species than degraded sites. Chronosequence data showed trends for lower abundance, higher species richness, and changing community composition as restoration projects mature. Several habitat variables were closely linked to variation in spider communities including cover of invasive annual grasses, litter, and biological soil crusts. Our data suggest that spider and vegetation responses to grassland restoration efforts can be successful in the long term—with resulting communities becoming more similar to native ones—and that spiders are useful indictors of grassland restoration. Our results also suggest that restoration may involve balancing trade‐offs between ecosystem services, with potential losses in predatory control offset by increases in biodiversity with restoration effort.  相似文献   

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