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Plants of the C4 sedge Cyperus longus L. were grown at 10, 20and 30 °C. An asymptotic growth curve, the Richards function,was fitted to growth data for successive leaves. The mean rateof leaf appearance was a linear function of temperature with0.014 leaves appearing per day for every 1 °C increase intemperature. The instantaneous relative rate of leaf extensionshowed a marked ontogenetic drift which was most rapid at 30°C and slowest at 10 °C. The mean absolute extensionrate for foliage had a temperature coefficient of 0.16 cm d–1° C–1 in the range from 10 to 30 °C. The durationof leaf growth was independent of leaf number at 10 and 20 °Cbut increased linearly with leaf number at 30 °C. The smalldifferences in relative growth rate at the three temperaturesresulted in large differences in foliage area produced at theend of a 30 d growth period. The final foliage areas at 20 and10 °C were 51 and 9% respectively of that at 30 °C. Cyperus longus, temperature, leaf growth, Richards function, growth analysis  相似文献   

Young toads were exposed to a light regimen of 12L/12D at 21°C and fed meal-worms before hibernation in the autumn, when the toads reduce feeding and discontinue growth, and after hibernation in the spring, when feeding and growth is resumed. In the autumn treatment of the toads with bovine growth hormone maintained feeding and growth; in the spring the treatment protracted the period of feeding and growth. Thyroxin had no obvious effects on growth. It is concluded that the annual growth pattern of temperate zone toads is controlled by an internal rhythm in the secretion of growth hormone.  相似文献   

The frequency of occurrence and seasonal periodicity of aquatic hyphomycetes in a temperate freshwater stream of Central Himalaya were studied. The number of aquatic hyphomycetes species was found to vary inversely with temperature (r= −0.499; not significant), which explained 25 % of the variability. There were two maxima, one in spring and the other in autumn. On the basis of their occurrence, the species observed have been categorised into three groups. Constant species were Campylospora chaetocladia, Flagellospora penicilloides, Lemonniera aquatica and Tetracladium marchalianum.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide and water vapour exchanges for single attachedleaves of the temperate C4 grass Spartina townsendii were measuredunder controlled environment conditions in an open gas-exchangesystem. The responses of net photosynthesis, stomatal resistance,and residual resistance to leaf temperature and photon fluxdensity are described. The light and temperature responses ofnet photosynthesis in S. townsendii are compared to informationon these responses in both temperate C3 grasses and sub-tropicalC4 grasses. Adaptation of photosynthesis in this C4 speciesto a cool temperate climate is indicated both by the light andtemperature responses of net photo-synthesis. Unlike the C4grasses examined previously, significant rates of net photosynthesiscan be detected at leaf temperatures below 10?C. Rates of netphotosynthesis equal or exceed those reported for temperateC3 grasses at all of the temperature (5–40?C) and photonflax density (13–2500µmol m–2 s–1) conditionsexamined. Maximum rates of net photosynthesis in S. townsendiiare almost double those reported for C3 herbage grasses. Unliketemperate C3 grasses, the major limitation to net photosynthesisat low leaf temperatures (10?C and below) is the stomatal resistance,showing that the low residual resistance characteristic of C4species is maintained in S. townsendii even at low leaf temperatures.  相似文献   

Five temperate ruderal species, Epilobium glandulosum, Matricariamatricariodes, Melilotus alba, Sonchus asper and Taraxacum officinale,were grown under controlled conditions at both 10 °C and20 °C. Respiration was measured at 10 °C and 20 °C.Total dark respiration rates of plants grown at 10 °C wereconsistently higher than the rates of plants grown at 20 °C.This was due to greater respiratory activity along both thecytochrome (KCN-sensitive) and alternative (SHAM-sensitive)pathways in the cold grown plants. The capacity to use the alternativepathway was also greater in the 10 °C grown plants. Theincrease in the relative contribution of each pathway was speciesspecific. At a given growth temperature the activity of thealternative pathway varied little between measurements at 10°C and 20 °C. In contrast, the activity of the cytochromepathway was greater when measured at 20 °C than when itwas measured at 10 °C. The capacity of the alternative pathwaywas lower when measured at 10 °C. These results suggestthat the cytochrome pathway is more sensitive to temperaturestress than is the alternative pathway. Alternative pathway, cyanide resistance, cytochrome pathway, respiration, temperature  相似文献   

NADP malic enzyme (EC [EC] ) from leaves of two C4 speciesof Cyperus (C. rotundus and C. brevifolius var leiolepis) exihibiteda low level of activity in an assay mixture that contained lowconcentrations of Cl. This low level of activity wasmarkedly enhanced by increases in the concentration of NaClup to 200 mM. Since the activity of NADP malic enzyme was inhibitedby Na2SO4 and stimulated by relatively high concentration ofTris-HCl (50–100 mM, pH 7–8), the activation ofthe enzyme by NaCl appears to be due to Cl. Variationsin the concentration of Mg2+ affected the KA (the concentrationof activator giving half-maximal activation) for Cl,which decreased from 500 mM to 80 mM with increasing concentrationsof Mg2+ from 0.5 mM to 7 mM. The Km for Mg2+ was decreased from7.7 mM to 1.3 mM with increases in the concentration of NaClfrom zero to 200 mM, although the increase of Vmax was not remarkable.NADP malic enzyme from Cyperus, being similar to that from otherC4 species, was able to utilize Mn2+. The Km for Mn2+ was 5mM, a value similar to that for Mg2+. The addition of 91 mMNaCl markedly decreased the Km for Mn2+ to 20 +M. NADP malicenzyme from Setaria glauca, which contains rather less Clthan other C4 species, was inactivated by concentrations ofNaCl above 20 mM, although slight activation of the enzyme wasobserved at low concentrations of NaCl at pH7.6. (Received February 20, 1989; Accepted June 12, 1989)  相似文献   

Shifts in flowering phenology of plants are indicators of climate change. The great majority of existing phenological studies refer solely to gradual warming. However, knowledge on how flowering phenology responds to changes in seasonal variation of warming and precipitation regimes is missing. We report the onset of 22 early (flowering before/within May) and 23 late flowering (flowering after May) species in response to manipulated seasonal warming (equal to + 1.2°C; last 100-year summer/winter warming), additional winter rainfall, and modified precipitation variability (including a 1000-year extreme drought event followed by heavy rainfall) over the growing season in two consecutive years for a species-rich temperate grassland ecosystem. The average onset of flowering (over 2 years) was significantly advanced 3.1 days by winter warming and 1.5 days by summer warming compared to control. Early flowering species responded to seasonal warming in both years, while late-flowering species responded in only 1 year to summer warming. The average onset of early flowering species was significantly advanced, 4.9 days by winter warming and 2.3 days by summer warming. Species-specific analysis showed that even within the early flowering community there were divergences. A positive correlation between plant height and shift in flowering onset was detected under winter warming (R2 = 0.20, p = 0.005). The average onsets of early and late flowering community were affected by neither winter rain nor growing season precipitation variability. Seasonal differences in warming, and particularly winter warming, might alter community dynamics among early and late flowering species which can cause shifts in the seasonal performances of temperate ecosystems.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural aspects ofCyperus iria leaves showing the C4 syndrome and the typical C3 species,Carex siderosticta, in the Cyperaceae family were examined.C. iria exhibited the chlorocyperoid type, showing an unusual Kranz structure with vascular bundles completely surrounded by two bundle sheaths. The cellular components of the inner Kranz bundle sheath cells were similar to those found in the NADP-ME C4 subtype, having centrifugally arranged chloroplasts with greatly reduced grana and numerous starch grains. Their chloroplasts contained convoluted thyla-koids and a weakly-developed peripheral reticulum, although it was extensive mostly in mesophyll cell chloroplasts. The outer mestome bundle sheath layer was sclerenchymatous and generally devoid of organelles, but had unevenly thickened walls. Suberized lamellae were present on its cell walls, and they became polylamellate when traversed by plasmodesmata. Mesophyll cell chloroplasts showed well-stacked grana with small starch grains. InC. siderosticta, vascular bundles were surrounded by the inner mestome sheath and the outer parenchymatous bundle sheath with intercellular spaces. The mestome sheath cells degraded in their early development and remained in a collapsed state, although the suberized lamellae retained polylamellate features. Plastids with a crystalline structure, sometimes membrane-bounded, were found in the epidermal cells. The close interveinal distance was 35–50 μm inC. iria, whereas it was 157–218 μm inC. siderosticta. These ultrastructural characteristics were discussed in relation to their photosynthetic functions.  相似文献   

Abstract. Cyperus longus L. , which has a widespread but disjunct distribution throughout Europe and extends northwards into Britain, was found to be a C4 species based upon its Kranz leaf anatomy, low CO2 compensation point and the labelling of malate as an early product of 14CO2 fixation. The photosynthetic characteristics of C. longus are similar to many other C4 species with a high maximum rate of photosynthesis (> 1.5 mg CO2 m −2 s −1) and a relatively high temperature optimum (30–35°C), but unlike many C4 species the rate of photosynthesis does not decline rapidly below the optimum temperature and a substantial rate (0.6 mgCO2 m−2s−1)occursat 15°C. Leaf extension is very slow at 15°C and shows a curvilinear response to temperatures between 15 and 25°C. Leaves extend at a rate of almost 4 cm d−1 at 25°C.  相似文献   

Aboveground net primary production (ANPP) of grasslands varies spatially and temporally. Spectral information provided by remote sensors is a promising new tool that may be able to estimate ANPP in real time and at low cost. The objectives of this study were (a) to evaluate at a seasonal scale the relationship between ANPP and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), (b) to estimate seasonal variations in the coefficient of conversion of absorbed radiation into aboveground biomass (εa), and (c) to identify the environmental controls on such temporal changes. We used biomass-based field determinations of ANPP for two grassland sites in the Flooding Pampa, Argentina, and related them with NDVI data derived from the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellites using three different models. Results were compared with data obtained from the new Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor at an additional site. The first model was based solely on NDVI; the second was based on the amount of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by the green vegetation (APARg), which was derived from NDVI and incoming photosynthetically active radiation (PAR); the third was based on APARg and εa, which was in turn estimated from climatic variables. NDVI explained between 63 and 93% of ANPP variation, depending on the site considered. Estimates of ANPP were not improved by considering the variation in incoming PAR. At both sites, εa varied seasonally (from 0.2 to 1.2 g DM/MJ) and was significantly associated with combinations of precipitation and temperature. Combining εa variations with APARg increased our ability to account for seasonal ANPP variations at both sites. Our results indicate that NDVI produces good, direct estimates of ANPP only if NDVI, PAR, and εa are correlated throughout the seasons. Thus, in most cases, seasonal variations of εa associated with temperature and precipitation must be taken into account to generate seasonal ANPP estimates with acceptable accuracy.  相似文献   

Bioenergy crops have a secondary benefit if they increase soil organic C (SOC) stocks through capture and allocation below-ground. The effects of four genotypes of short-rotation coppice willow (Salix spp., ‘Terra Nova’ and ‘Tora’) and Miscanthus (M.?×?giganteus (‘Giganteus’) and M. sinensis (‘Sinensis’)) on roots, SOC and total nitrogen (TN) were quantified to test whether below-ground biomass controls SOC and TN dynamics. Soil cores were collected under (‘plant’) and between plants (‘gap’) in a field experiment on a temperate agricultural silty clay loam after 4 and 6 years’ management. Root density was greater under Miscanthus for plant (up to 15.5 kg m?3) compared with gap (up to 2.7 kg m?3), whereas willow had lower densities (up to 3.7 kg m?3). Over 2 years, SOC increased below 0.2 m depth from 7.1 to 8.5 kg m?3 and was greatest under Sinensis at 0–0.1 m depth (24.8 kg m?3). Miscanthus-derived SOC, based on stable isotope analysis, was greater under plant (11.6 kg m?3) than gap (3.1 kg m?3) for Sinensis. Estimated SOC stock change rates over the 2-year period to 1-m depth were 6.4 for Terra Nova, 7.4 for Tora, 3.1 for Giganteus and 8.8 Mg ha?1 year?1 for Sinensis. Rates of change of TN were much less. That SOC matched root mass down the profile, particularly under Miscanthus, indicated that perennial root systems are an important contributor. Willow and Miscanthus offer both biomass production and C sequestration when planted in arable soil.  相似文献   

Abstract The investigation of the bacterial community in the Kühw?rter Wasser, a macrophyte-dominated arm of the River Danube backwater system near Vienna, revealed that variation in microbial densities and biomass could be related to a characteristic sequence in morphotype composition over the seasons. Maximal bacterial cell numbers and biomass occured in early summer, with values of up to 9 × 109 cells l−1 and 122 μg C l−1, respectively, caused by a massive increase of vibrio-shaped cells. On the other hand, in early spring, filamentous bacteria were responsible for a marked increase in bacterial biomass, making up 40% of the total bacterial biomass. Over the year, rod-shaped cells were the dominating morphotype, while the biomass of cocci was rather negligible. In winter, cell numbers and biomass showed minimal values with 2.0 × 109 cells l−1 and 28 μg C l−1, respectively, and bacteria were considered to be substrate and temperature limited during this period. Saturation values of the incorporation of 3H-thymidine into DNA, for the estimation of bacterial secondary production, varied seasonally, ranging from 5 nm to 40 nm. Thus, saturation experiments needed to be conducted on a regular basis. Also, the amount of labeled thymidine in the DNA, as a percentage of labeled thymidine in the TCA precipitate, varied over the year. Minimum values of 45% were recorded during the cold season, while maximum values of 75–80% at the beginning of June coincided with high chlorophyll a values and minimal K m-values derived from saturation experiments. The potential role of the nitrogen-rich nucleoside thymidine as a readily utilizable substrate for bacteria during labeling experiments, under varying conditions of substrate availability, is discussed. Bacterial secondary production rates ranged from 0.3 μg C l−1 h−1 in winter to values of 10 μg C l−1 h−1 in August, where phytoplanktonic biomass reached the summer maximum, and bacterial biomass was calculated to be renewed 3 times per day. An estimation of the bacterial carbon demand showed that for the major part of the year, with the exception of early spring, the bacterioplankton community in the Kühw?rter Wasser was dependent on carbon sources other than phytoplanktonic primary production. Received: 22 March 1996; Revised: 1 August 1996  相似文献   

Amentotaxus formosana Li is a native, tolerant, and under-wood species in Taiwan. This particular species is only distributed around the Chachayalaishan and Dawushan areas. Because of its rarity, and the endangered and native properties of the species, we explored the regeneration process of the species in the native environment. This paper, therefore, aims to outline the age distribution and growth characteristics of A. formosana in the native stand using the techniques of tree ring analysis. An inventory was conducted in a site at the Chachayalaishan area from 2004 to 2006. According to the inventory, there are 67 trees in the sampling plot among which 16 individual A.formosana trees were counted. This is roughly 24% of the total population. This particular species is distributed around the understory space, while other species such as Litsea spp., Meliosma squamulata Hance, Schefflera octophylla Harms, Elaeocarpus japonicus Sieb et Zucc and Cleyera japonica Thunb are the major species whose canopy occupying the upperstory space of the stand. Results of tree-ring analysis suggest that the age of most of the trees in the sampling plot is between 31 and 90 years old with an average of 56. For the endangered species, A.formosana, age of the individuals varied from 14 and 126 years old and the average was 58 years old. Age distribution of the species was modeled using the Weibull probability density function and was statistically assessed using Sigmaplot statistical software. The estimate of shape parameter is 1.404 5 indicating a medium regeneration situation. The diameter growth rate of A. formosana is 0.32 cm and ranks 20th among the 26 species in the sampling plot. Using the age as a regressor variable, we can predict the diameter increment of A. formosana efficiently. The coefficient of determination, R2, is 0.832 2. The diameter growth among the trees of the upperstory and understory was competitive. Relationship between the growth change percentage of A. formosana and the surrounding hardwoods is negative.  相似文献   

In contrast to studies on aboveground processes, the effect of species diversity on belowground productivity and fine-root regrowth after disturbance is still poorly studied in forests. In 12 old-growth broad-leaved forest stands, we tested the hypotheses that (i) the productivity and recovery rate (regrowth per standing biomass) of the fine-root system (root diameter < 2 mm) increase with increasing tree species diversity, and that (ii) the seasonality of fine-root biomass and necromass is more pronounced in pure than in tree species-rich stands as a consequence of non-synchronous root biomass peaks of the different species. We investigated stands with 1, 3, and 5 dominant tree species growing under similar soil and climate conditions for changes in fine-root biomass and necromass during a 12-month period and estimated fine-root productivity with two independent approaches (ingrowth cores, sequential coring). According to the analysis of 360 ingrowth cores, fine-root growth into the root-free soil increased with tree species diversity from 72 g m−2 y−1 in the monospecific plots to 166 g m−2 y−1 in the 5-species plots, indicating an enhanced recovery rate of the root system after soil disturbance with increasing species diversity (0.26, 0.34, and 0.51 y−1 in 1-, 3-, and 5-species plots, respectively). Fine-root productivity as approximated by the sequential coring data also indicated a roughly threefold increase from the monospecific to the 5-species stand. We found no indication of a more pronounced seasonality of fine-root mass in species-poor as compared to species-rich stands. We conclude that species identification on the fine root level, as conducted here, may open new perspectives on tree species effects on root system dynamics. Our study produced first evidence in support of the hypothesis that the fine-root systems of more diverse forest stands are more productive and recover more rapidly after soil disturbance than that of species-poor forests.  相似文献   

As the initial part of a detailed study of photosynthetic CO2assimilation in the temperate C4 grass, Spartina townsendii,the responses of net photosynthesis to the leaf-air vapour pressuredeficit (VPD) and to CO2 concentration are examined. Water vapourand CO2 exchange for single attached leaves were measured undercontrolled-environment conditions in an open gas-exchange system.The responses of net photosynthesis, stomatal resistance (rs),and residual resistance (rr) to vapour pressure deficit(VPD)and CO2 concentration under a range of light and temperatureconditions are reported. Net photosynthesis was insensitiveto increase in the VPD up to 1.0 kPa, but beyond this valuenet photosynthesis decreased with further increase in VPD asa result of an increase in rs. The residual resistance was notaffected by VPD under any of the conditions examined. Net photosynthesisresponded linearly to increase in the CO2 concentration in theexternal air (Ca up to the normal atmospheric concentrationwhere there was a sharp change in the response, net photosynthesisbeing independent of any further increase in Ca. Differencesbetween the response curves observed here and in other studiesare discussed and the possible reasons for these differencesare considered.  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses of nuclear ribosomal DNA (ETS1f) and plastid DNA (rpl32‐trnL, trnH‐psbA) sequence data are presented for ‘C4 Cyperus’ (Cyperaceae). The term ‘C4 Cyperus’ encompasses all species of Cyperus s.l. that use C4 photosynthesis linked with chlorocyperoid vegetative anatomy. Sampling comprises 107 specimens of 104 different taxa, including many of the subdivisions of C4 Cyperus s.s. and all C4 segregate genera (Alinula, Ascolepis, Kyllinga, Lipocarpha, Pycreus, Queenslandiella, Remirea, Sphaerocyperus and Volkiella). According to our results, C4 Cyperus is a well‐supported monophyletic clade nested in C3 Cyperus. Despite the lack of resolution along the backbone of the C4 Cyperus clade and for some internal branches, several well‐supported clades can be distinguished. The first clade in C4 Cyperus is formed by Cyperus cuspidatus and C. waterloti. Other recognizable and well‐supported clades correspond to segregate genera, i.e. Ascolepis, Lipocarpha including Volkiella, and Kyllinga. Species of C4 Cyperus s.s. form a core grade in which the C4 segregate genera are embedded. Pycreus, the largest segregate genus composed of c. 120 species, is not monophyletic as it includes several C4 species of Cyperus s.s. This study establishes a phylogenetic framework for revising the classification and character evolution in Cyperus s.l. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   



The species diversity of aphids and seasonal timing of their flight activity can have significant impacts on crop production, as aphid species differ in their ability to transmit plant viruses and flight timing affects virus epidemiology. The aim of the study was to characterise the species composition and phenology of aphid fauna in Finland in one of the northernmost intensive crop production areas of the world (latitude 64°).

Methodology/Principal Findings

Flight activity was monitored in four growing seasons (2007–010) using yellow pan traps (YPTs) placed in 4–8 seed potato fields and a Rothamsted suction trap. A total of 58,528 winged aphids were obtained, identified to 83 taxa based on morphology, and 34 species were additionally characterised by DNA barcoding. Seasonal flight activity patterns analysed based on YPT catch fell into three main phenology clusters. Monoecious taxa showed early or middle-season flight activity and belonged to species living on shrubs/trees or herbaceous plants, respectively. Heteroecious taxa occurred over the entire potato growing season (ca. 90 days). Abundance of aphids followed a clear 3-year cycle based on suction trap data covering a decade. Rhopalosiphum padi occurring at the end of the potato growing season was the most abundant species. The flight activity of Aphis fabae, the main vector of Potato virus Y in the region, and Aphis gossypii peaked in the beginning of potato growing season.


Detailed information was obtained on phenology of a large number aphid species, of which many are agriculturally important pests acting as vectors of plant viruses. Aphis gossypii is known as a pest in greenhouses, but our study shows that it occurs also in the field, even far in the north. The novel information on aphid phenology and ecology has wide implications for prospective pest management, particularly in light of climate change.  相似文献   

Epron  Daniel  Mochidome  Takumi  Tanabe  Tomoko  Dannoura  Masako  Sakabe  Ayaka 《Ecosystems》2023,26(4):784-799
Ecosystems - The role of trees, in addition to that of the soil, must be considered in CH4 budget for forests. Although trees can emit CH4 through their stems, there are uncertainties about the...  相似文献   

The seasonal variations in diel production pattern, and egg hatching time of the copepod Centropages tenuiremis in Xiamen waters, China, were investigated between January and June of 2003. The results show that in the winter–spring (January to early May) the adult females tended to lay subitaneous eggs at night, while in the beginning of summer (late May–June) they tended to lay diapause eggs as well as subitaneous eggs during the daytime. The egg hatching time negatively correlated with water temperature. These results, combined with the fact that C. tenuiremis migrates vertically in Xiamen waters, may explain the reproductive strategy of this dominant species in winter–spring.  相似文献   

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